The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 07, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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1 1
Have Bid in for ; Big Steamer
now Rebuilt After Being
Wrecked. , ..'
Alameda la Fine Steamer and Run
1 i ' ning Her Alternately With theCo-
' , v lumbia Would Give Excellent Ser-T-vice.
Between Portland and 'Frisco,
't Bids for'the purchase or the steam
hip Alameda,, wrecked a couple of
months ago at San Francisco Heads, will
be opened today at San Franclaco and
-- there la a strong- probability that she
will be bought by the Harrlman peo
ple and- placed in operation between
. Portland and the California metropolis.
': The Ilarriman Interests have a bid In tor
the steamer, and It is understood that It
' la In the neighborhood of 1300,000.
The Alameda belonged to John D.
Bpreckles and was running between 8an
Franclaco and Honolulu at tba time ahe
. met wKh . tbe accident. , .'Then she be-
- came the property of' the underwriters,
- who succeeded In floating her, and took
' the vessel to the- Union ' Iron - works,
where she has been repaired and made aa
" good aa new.' A representative otUhe
San Francisco A. Portland Steamship
company made a thorough examination
of the ateamer a few daya ago and sub
, ml t ted a most favorable report. N On the
"" strength of hla f Indinga the company de-
elded to try to buy her. ' :
Few steamers on the' coast are au
v perlor to the Alameda. She has' a carry
ing capacity of 2,000 tone and her speed
.". Is placed at IT knots an hour. . She can
take care of about 700 passengers and
- the accommodations are of the best. If
' she Is secured by the San- Francisco A
Portland Steamship company she will be
" placed In service at once, alternating
' . with the Columbia between here and the
- Bay City. It ia possible for her to make
the trip one way in St hours, but it Is
supposed that 48 hours will be about the
" service that the ownera will attempt to
- maintain with her. It - takea the Co
lumbia all the way from S to it hours
to complete the passage, .. "
""With the Alameda and Columbia' on
this route It le said that a more Tegular
" and better steamship service will be
maintained between Portland' and San
Francisco than ever before. - In addition,
; there will be the usual number of other
- craft operated by the outside lines..
Of These One Kay Die as meenU of Ao
f elden on Board Oosta ios
.By the breaking of a platform on
: which a roll of wire rope weighing one
.ton had been placed after Its removal
-from, the- hold of -The -steamer i'c-eta
Rica, six longshoremen fell between the
shlp and the dock last night. "A. K.
Ahern. one of the men, who wee Injured
-. internally, may din. He is lying at
fit Vincent's hospital and It Is- be
lieved that hla chances of recovery are
elfaht ' '" .
OtheTa'r'nurrtn''fhe' sarne"acldenTafe
I- B. Abbott, O. H. Blgley, William flnr-H
nett-James-Taylor" andTMnJomlnga
The two former are also at the- hos-.
-. pltal, but It is thought, that they es-
raped with nothing more serious than
a few bruises.
-The Costa ' Rica arrived last evening
from San Francisco and the work of
discharging her cargo from. the forward
hatch .was in operation when the acci
dent occurred. Officers of the Costa
Rica say that 111 luck appeared to pur
sue them all the way from San Fran
cisco. When ' Off the California coast
the fltWfctiay out they ran Into a north
wester Which was howling along at the
rate of 7e miles an hour. Seas swept
the deck and canie almoat carrying the
house away. 'It waa torn slightly from
its. foundation and the-port side was
partly caved In. Frequently ahe waa
In the troughs of seas which rose to
a greater height than her smokestack.
The storm abated In the latitude of
Cape Blanco,- but the ateamer arrived
24 hours behind her regular schedule.
Coming of ' Captain
Borohard . of the
Captain Burthard, master of the Brit
ish bark Oweenee, which has been char
tered by Kerr. Gifford Co., to tran
sport grain to the United Kingdom, wart
In the city yesterday ' from Astoria.
' where hla vessel arrived a few days
go from Durban. South Africa. The
bark Is expected to reach port tomor
row and will begin loading for the out
ward trip aa soon ss her ballast has
-been removed. Like all true Britons the
. skipper is very much pleased that his
next voyage will be home Instead of te
the bleak ahorra-of the dark continent
With the return of the Oweenee',
captain to Portland, the waterfront con
tingent again has begun to talk about
arranging for an international boat race
In the harbor. Captain Barchard was
one of th principal movers Jn AeUlnn
up the last race of this sort which took
pleee during the holidays a year ago.
Afo You Staying Up - :
Right with thm DapyT
Res It eoaie ehrtr.wlns stria sffetVmt He
sees et It, Hoete ef kppr aotlwi eslly sse
Harflna Soap
la Mby's loth. KIDS Steles aarsiltea,
tpmiif alUrs Irrlutloa ef srslp ae4 skis.
lo1tH-M rmiftil elwB. Kmm b.)r sweet ssa
b.allhr. Far rubd, eh.flnf, mmi, erofnU,
to truly ! rfttJ. Kbit It does far ttj It
will oe far yes. It's the nm esoihlng sad
tlsrrlne ef toilet. Iialk . tul mracrr aoera.
Ne enlmel fata. MMllratxi Antlmtl. Da.
dorialas. RetreaklBS, Ueallng, rrafraat. .
A Rnata af Plea sultan rftnriii.s
Try It. Tne'll ke tnaviarl tmrtm SSS.
takM. Hoi, s rak, fw. Irnirf-U"'.
i1"''" t riuix jtAf spwttt.
TTTJI CO.. KKWANR. K. J. iefiise ssrtslsg
effarea witboet tkls aliaatarat
ryt rj seeatsMe
WOODaas, OUia m CO,
The craft used in the contest were the
small lifeboats carried by the ships,
English, i French, German and Italian
tailors , competed for the-prise, which
was won by the crew of the Italian ship
8. Celeste. In a later race, which was
pulled oft by practically the same men,
(he men, of tlia British ship Dumfries
shire came out Victorious. . . , ...... ,
Team Overt nxaa Wagon and Man Valla
. en Soatfeonse, .
Drlvlng a team sttaclied to a farm
wagon while sound 'u Bleep, an unknown
man wandered down to the foot of Oak
street near midnight and narrowly, es
caped death. When the horses saw that
the river blocked 'their way they at
tempted to . .turn around. (The wagon
waa backed over- the -elde of the -dock
and the aft running gear struck on the
roof of a scow, where the vehicle
lodged. After falling on the roof of
the boathouse the sleepy driver rolled
down the incline of the structure and
landed in shoal water and a lot of rub
blah. By this time he waa wide awake,
but bleeding from his topmast to his
The watchman was roused by the
stranger's yells for help. He finally suc
ceeded In scrambling back on the dock
and made arrangements to save the
wreck' of his wagon. The Wakeman
Morris Transfer company was called
up by phone and soon sent an outfit
to the scene to pull the wreck ashore.
When the work had been accomplished
the bleeding 'ranchman paid the bill and
took his team to a livery barn. The
wagon Is still at the dock, but v the
owner has not been seen since late lest
night. .
British Steamship Oape Aatlbes CW-
. tared for Japan."-:.;
Tramp steamers for the orient ire
still In demand. The Portland tt Asiatic
company chartered the - British steam
ship Cape Antlbes yesterday afternoon' to'
transport a cargo of grain and flour te
Japan. She is of only Ml tons net
register, but her actual carrying capac
ity will run close to S.000 tons.
The Cape Antlbes is expected to reach
here the latter- part of neit month and
probably will be ready to sail for the fsr
eeat before the first of the year. She la
en route from Newcastle, New South
Wales, to San Francisco with a cargo
of coal. ' As soon as tba fuel has been
discharged at the Bay City the steamer
will sail for Portland. - James Laldlaw
dc Co. are local agents for the vessel.
This makes the second tramp which 1
under charter to the same company
to load for Japan, the other being the
Croydon, which reached. Ban Franclaco
more than n week ago from Ocean island
with ; a shipment of sulphur. She is
expected to sail for the Columbia .rivet
almoat any day. At the time ahe was
engaged the Croydon was expected to
reach here In time to be fitted out with
a, cargo In October. ;
Oemuui and British Ship la Speed Oosv
to. Xurope. -
As both skippers have a drop, of sport
ing blood, in their veins' it is declared
that there undoubtedly will be a face
German ship-Oregon, which left the Co
lumbia river only a few hours apart for
Europe with grain cargoes. . The Ore
gon, Captain Schwrtlng. crossed the
bar, Sunday erontng and the Carradale,
Captain Gil!, followed close to her heels
the. next, morning. . Each-of them has a
number of frne passages, to her -credit
and it ts. "said -that the captalnSwtir
make every effort to sustain their repu
tations as men who know how , to get
speed out of square-riggers. "...
Carrying a portion of her freight on
the hurricane deck, the steamer Ore
gona arrived this morning from Salem.
It was Impossible to put all of the ship
ments In the hold and It was decided to
utilize the space ' on., the upper-deck.
Among the freight was a consignment
or 400 Dales of hone.
. On account of ahoal water the steamer
Mascot Is high and dry on a sandbar in
the Lewis river. It Is also - resorted
that the Leona is aground In the same
vicinity. The river is at a lower stage
man it nas neen tnis seaaon and the
steamboat men are hoping for rain. "
Four steamers the Northland, Roan
oke, Redondo and Daisy Mitchell will
reach port this afternoon and tonight.
They arrived at Astoria this morning
from tne soutn, bound for - Portland.
Ths Redondo Is Just oft a drydock at
Han FTanclsco, where she was given a
thorough overhauling.' She was also
provided with ' a :;: hydraulic steering
" In tow of the Harvest Queen and
ocklahama : the ships Oweenee and
Heche are en route up' the liver front
The oriental liner Nlcrtfriedla shifted
this morning from the; flour mills to
Montgomery dock No. 1 to take on a
shipment of grain. - She Is scheduled
to sail on November IK .
In a day or two the tender Heather la
expected to complete the work of chang
ing me nuoya on tne Columbia river bar.
The British ship Kuphroeyne, which
reached Astoria yesterday after a long
passage rrom San Francisco, is ex
pected to leave up for Portland the lat
ter part of the-week.' ; Mrs. Thompson,
the wife of the captain, went to Aatorla
this morning to loin herMiusband. The
veaeet is under charter to Taylor. Toung
It Co. to transport a cargo of grain to
the united Kingdom. Bhe had been It-
nssrcszs .
ta Ycat&ut Color.
"Had baea tmnhW wltk Aaeitraff a tneg t'"
after aetns ae kettle ef Hatrtieeltbl toaai rh
e.ndraS snae SB Say kalr, whtrk was twe-tbirrk
srer U em M eara olrtt rretwsa te Ha satnrat
snbnra eolor-A. EiCHllAN, La ttoaae. Wis." -
Ualrbealth ealakly krlnse Wk yoatbral eoks
te sray baJr. Be aaattar kow hxif It br.a graf
er wblta. Pnettlnly rtnowa SaBdniff, kills tke
gera asdatopa kalr rallies. Dees sot stals akls
er Uaae. AWtoa ky RAKKINA 1IOAP bb Sklo
bealtb. It anotbrt sod beals the sralp, stnpe llb
hS end praantea Sbs katr e-rewtb. Larae Boa.
o0. emraiMi'. Take setalag without algaa
tare rblle Raj 0.
Frcj S::p Offer tattajptftir.
. ir ibis fwavna, tate te say er tbe TnnoWlas
drasstata ssS f-t a )!. bnttla B.fa Balrbealih
sue l . eaka Rarflns Mmiretee Suae, bMt for
fc . I kalk .All-. k. k . . . . . . nL.
7, ----- . . 1 " fw ' n, rati
Hay Spertaltlve Oe.. Newark, N. J., axpraas an
paid, ea leaetpt ei SOa. aa4 tale a4v. .
AedrMS.... ......,...,......
Fnllewlnc Srassiats sepply Bar's
sad UafSae Soap la thaw abess ealyi
remrU and Wesaiagtoa Bta.
JPri:!Dss Delists;
. 303 Washington St..
-Corner of Fifth St. Opp.PerkJng
Hotel. :
: ''-'-
Didn't Hurt a Bit
N" We are giving special prices
on all work for the next 30 days.
Remember the Chicago Dental
Parlors have offices in all large
cities throughout the . country.
Remember our practice is limit,
ed to high-grade work only.-:
Fine Set Teeth, war
v ranted to fit or no
pay: ..u $5.00.
22k Gold Crowns $3.50
22 k BridgeWork $3.50
Porcelain Crown $3.50
Fillings ;.-v;,,L.50c
A 12-year protective guaran
tee with -all work. Come and
take advantage of . our Fall re
ductions. Save your teeth and
your .money. Open- evenings
and Sundays. '
Dental Parlors
Corner of Fifth.
lng tdle at the Bay ' City for almost
three years waiting for a charter.
nn the " outride Is a FrenchDi"rlt,
supposed to be the Europe, which'
due from .Hobart, Tasmania. . ,,
Astoria, Nov. 7. Arrived at 7:10 and
left up at 1:40 a. m.Bt earner Daisy
Mitchell, from San Franclaco. Arrived
at 7:30 a. m. and left up at ' a. m.
Steamer - Roanoke, "from Port Los
Angeles and way ports. Arrived st 7:10
and left up at 1:10 . m. Steamers
Northland and Redondo, from San Fran
Cisco. Arrived down at le:6e a. m.
British steamer Volga. Left up at 10:tv
a. m. British bark Oweenee and French
ship Hocl. Outside at 10:J0 a. nv A
four masted French bark.
San Pedro, Nov. I. Balled Schooner
Manila, for Portland. .
Astoria, Nov. S. Arrived at 4 p. tn.
British ship Euphroryne, from San
Francisco. .
. Astasia, Nov, 7. Condition of the bar
at I a. m.. smooth; light east wind
weather dear.
Kaay -Hew Xoates..
Bulldlnjr permits have been Issued to
Brerfn Telegisin. dwelling1 curnerof
Borthwlck and Preacott atreeta, 11,000
John Dtiscoll,' dwelling corner Everett
and Twenty-second streets, $3.100 ; Rus
sell eV Blyth, alteration Snell, Heltshu
A Wondard building, between Bumslde,
Ankeny and Sixth streets, 111,000; 3.
Hutchinson, dwelling , In Bast Tsylor
streets, between Baat Twenty-eighth
and Kast Twenty-ninth streets, SI.S00;
W. M. Smith, dwelUng In . Mallory
street - between Alberta, and Maegly
streets. $500; A. R. Harrington, dwellfhg
at Rr-at Eighteenth and Going streets.
I1.J00; .Jerk King, bath house corner
Second and Washington streets, f-3,000;
A. E. Lyndon, - dwelling in . Clackamas
street between East Fifteenth and East
Seventeenth streets,. 1500; W. H. Brltts,
dwelling at Eaat - Sixteenth and East
Kverett streets, iz.iou;-Mrs. oeorge
Jeffrey, dwelling In Eaat Seventh street
between East Oak and East Pine-streets,
I1.SS0; Wr S. Armstrong, shed on Sell-
wood street bet weeir-Borthwlck and Al-
blna streets. !t; R, W. Wilbur, dwelling
In East Nineteenth street between
Thompson snd Tillamook streets, $2,600;
Sullvan A Consldlne, alteration theatre
corner Washington and .Park streets.
$600; E. -A. Rankin, dwelling in Eeat
Morrison Street between East Thirty
fifth and East Thirty-seventh" Streets.
$1,800; E.' 8. Brown, dwelling. In East
Couch street between Hast Twenty.
ninth and Enst Thirtieth atreeta, $1.000
M. Kenny, dwelling In King street neer
Main street. $.00.
Repair permits "have been Issued to
Mr. Brooks, store at 107 Russell street,
$104; Mrs. Peterson, dwelling In Pres.
rott street between East Sixth and East
Seventh streets; Mrs. Wallace, dwelling
Iff" First street between Wood and Port
tee streets, $100; Mrs. M. M. Oesrln,
dwelling corner Sixth and Stark streets,
The Champion Off toe Solder.
E. W. Sweeley, a justice of the peace
In Loyalaock, . Lycoming county, Penn
sylvania, claims the record for office
holding tn that . state. .. Altogether he
haa held various township snd county.
offices whose terms aggregate 10 years
during hla life of f. years, and he Is
still adding to his record. Mr. Sweeley
Is a Democrat, and that he is popular
a shewn by his record, as follows:
Justice of the peaca, II years; asaeseor.
$4 years; supervisor, eight years; school
director, 1$ years; overseer of the poor.
sis year: township auditor. 12 years;
connty auditor four years; jury commis
sioner, three years, - : t
The Chicago
Consistent CampaI&rn of Pro-
emotion Soon to Bo Started
'',. In the Suburb.
Later Large Tract of Land Will Be
Placed on Market, and Efforts of
Business Men and Board of Trade
Enlisted in Publicity Work.
Tha eaat alda efflM of Tba Inarm. I Is ta tba
store el J, U. 0. Miller, 880 Eaat ktortsua
(treat. TaUpbaae Eaat tit.
Montavllla. which - for the last few
yeara haa been held back by lack of
water, factional fights and absence of
consistent advertising by real estate
promoters, will move ahead next year If
the plana of several agencies for the
booming --of -ther ptace succeed. A - plat
of (0 acres haa been laid out in North
Montavllla, - streets have been opened
through It and brought to grade, side
walks laid out and the land cleared. Id
the spring the tract will be placed on
the market by the Hart Land company
and a consistent campaign of promotion
will be carried on along the same line
that has resulted In ths rapid growth
of Sellwood, University Park, and St
Johns. ' . . - '
I- la this work the Montavllla board of
trade will join and the J, 000 people of
the place will be united In a central or
ganisation affiliated with the Eaat Side
Improvement association, for the pur
pose . of .securing factories on the line
of the OR. AN. and getting better
streets, fire protection and an adequate
water service. ;. . r - .
, Tbe work of the Hart Land company
haa especially Interested the residents
of the suburb, because sn adequate w
ter supply will be secured through its
agency. The (0 acres will not be placed
on the market until there la water on
every lot In abundance, and this in all
likelihood will mean a new plant of con-
slderable- proportions. - The- Montavllla
Water company at present Is unable to
supply the demand of Its own patrons
and unless some unexpected supply Is
secured It will not be sbls to pips a
supply to ths new tract In North Monta
vllla. - It - Is thought, -therefore, thet
there will be another' well sunk to a
sufficient depth to Insure an adequate
supply, which, while primarily for the
needs of the new tract, -will be suffi
cient to meet the needs of the villa at
Ur. . . - " .. . . .-'
investigation recently mane or loose
Interested has showed that there la ap
parently an abundant supply , of water
all through the villa. If wells are sunk
deep enough.-Besides, there Is a limit
less supply to be had by going : two
miles north to the Columbia and dig
ging a pit in the . gravel.- rThe water
of the Columbia at that point la said to
be pure, and with a flltrstlon plant and
the natural filtration that occurs when
the water Is forced through half a mile
of clean gravel, would be aa exbaustless
as the river Itself.
Tonight Bast Side Association Cos-
wanes .Important Business.
Tonight the Eaat Side Improvement
ssociation will meet at o'clock In the
east- aids - justice - court. The - various
projects favor ed by the organisation
will be considered, committees will re
port pro greaa and a definite solution to
the depot question will be presented.
Altogether It, will be one of the most
Important meetings of the association
so-far held and a general attendance
ef cttlxens Interested In the east side
Is desired, especially of those appointed
on the various standing committees.
Recent conferences between . tbe
Southern Pacific officials and the depot
committee have resulted In the definite
promise that a passenger station will
be established on - East Washington
street, where all traina will stop, tick
ets will be sold, baggage transferred
and trunks checked. On the freight
depot queation a further parley will be
held, the figures of the committee not
appealing to the officials as final, and
several other Issues being involved. One
of the chief-difficulties is the delay east
side freight would experience sfter be.
IhsToededTJlTthe" east sIde.aantwouId
have to be transferred across to - the
west side yards.
t, Johas Woolen Flaat Being BnlargeA
Xvsry ICoath to Meet Demaad.
"We are Improving our big plant
every week and expect to Increase con
stsntly our foros until we havs at St.
Johns one of ths Isrgest mills In the
country," said E. L. Thompson, head' of
the Portland Woolen Mills company,
"We are making a reputation at pres
ent and are slowly working into ths beat
markets of the east-with.. cloth that
cannot oe excaura oy any , new .. h.rg
land rectory, ana ror tne presert we
are content to reinvest every cent of
profit In order to establish a .lnnt
that, will be theWoolen Institution of the
Pacific' coast. Ws slready have . met
with an unexpected demand and now
that- the various department are in
good working order we are getting re
suits that never , were possible under
the old conditions at Sellwood. Mate
terlal Improvements In the St. Johns
factory are being made every month
and several are In -contemplation that
will greatly Increase the scope of the
mills and demand a - considerable ; In
crease. In the number . of employes." "
tt. Joans Council Boss Hot Consider
Ordinance Creating That . Body.
The St, Johns council Isst night did
not consider ' the ordinance creatine a
board ef publlo works, noa,s of the city
men . Interested were present and ' the
Issue which - it was expected would be
raised waa allowed to rest quietly. The
council, however, did transact a large
amount of business thst had been held
1 .. i - J
Bared by Byaamita, - '
Sometimes, a flaming city Is saved bv
dynamiting a apace that the Are can't
cross. Sometimes, a rough' hanga on so
long you feel ss If nothing but dyna
mite wouUWure It. Z. T. Gray of Cal
houn. (In., wrttesr "Mr wife had a verv
aserravated cough, which kept V her
tke nights. Two physicians could
not help her, so she took lr. Kins s
New IHscovery for Consumption, roughs
and, Colds which eased her rough, gve
her sleep snd finally cored her."
Strictly sclentlfio cure for bronchitis
and La Grippe. , At Hkldmore'a drug
store, Itl Third street, price o snd
1.00: guaranteed. TrlaJ bottle frea. .
cQ'0 CO'"
0 - (7i- (7iQi
tIfmn rrmr rftyf i I
Wa ir i j.i "hi i.ff.-f',,"'i -1 i
praarT r ujafqi'ri iiaai; 'i-'it-if
I n
Mail This Coupon
By eliminating the middleman's profits and reducing the selling expense
we are able to pass the work on
price. . When the sets It our command are disposed of, the price will
be advanced. We advise you to
you are thinking about it and let
remarkable book bargain. Upon receipt of the coupon
we will forward beautifully illustrated sample pages
and full particulars of our offer, by means of which
you can save more than half the cost of the
books and pay in easy monthly payments. "
up while things of mors' Interest were
discussed, and street ' improvements
costing severs! thoussnd dollars were
ordered. ' The "city engineer advised
Ihat-Jeraejt-alreet he rolled at oncabe-.1.
fore the loose grsvel with which the
thoroughfare la surfaced la entirely
keVtothe ' curb. The council
thought the strwritiwihl ha ssllsd hill 1
did not know where a roller could be
borrowed, and waa confident that there
was no money to purchase such a ma
chine, so no action was taken.
Midway aVssoeUtloB Decides to Start
Ooastruette of rnblls SalL
Having raised sufficient funds by the
sale of stock, ttye Midway Improvement
association at its meeting" last night
decided to proceed with the building of a
lira, nouae, puDiie nan ana nose tower.
A special .committee waa appointed to
determine the , cost of such a building,
and to report a detailed estimate to the
association, after which bids will be
called for and work started.- The asso
ciation already has purchased- a lot on
Mllwaukle avenue and a volunteer fire
company has been organised.. The city
also has promised enough apparatua to
maka the work of ths eompany effective.
The growth f the suburb snd the dis
tance fm city fire protection caused
the organisation of a stock company of
cttlselns, who subscribed money to pur
chase la site sad build a hall, the city
being 'asked only for enough apparatus
to make the volunteer , organisation
worth while.
'. Where) Orsmtaa Towns Bxoel. -
" From the Spectator , -Towns
which half a century ago were
famous only for their galleries or their
picturesque . mediaeval survivals ars
now great blves of artisans. 'This
chsnge did not come to Germany, as It
cams to England, when municipal science
wss tn Its Infancy; and so tn Germany
i see . Industry developing from the
start under -the most scientific condi
tions. I- . " o "
Mr. Low la chiefly struck -by the ef
forts of German authorities to . make
all parts of their cities ggreeabls to lire
In, snd he thinks their municipal gov
ernment the most efficient to be found
anywhere. Our own public health sys
tem la better and our method of paving
greatly superior, but the level of ap
parent - comfort In Germany -la fsrv
higher. ' There is .no such contrasts ss
between Plrtidllly snd Poplsr.
The lot of the German worklngman
may be really a harder one, what with
the high price of fod .and exorbitant
rents, hut at least ha has an environ
ment free from ths -worst kind of
saualor. . .
i . ! ! ' ; .. ..
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