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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY VVTZimtU. -VOVZll-S 7. 1"! I. CHIEF'S DAUGHTER AH ACTRESS .1 Princess Chinquilla; Full-Blooded Cheysnna J7 Indian, - -Sing, Dances and Plays Banjo. " . v.. BEGAN HER CAREER A& - ; .' 'A CIRCUS PERFORMER . Now In Vgudevffle7 Chinquilla Saya 1 v She Dislikes to Smile for the Public .' Just Because They Pay Ten Cents k to' See Her.-1 T.'T-t 1 Down at the Liberty theatre there Is a 'little Indlsn'woman who is charming aodlencee dally under the title of Prln : ce Chtnuullla." Sbe sings and dances and alars the banjo, moat of her-musle being of that sort whichnlhTrae3 TIerT forefathers even before the whites ap peared end spoiled it alL 1 Chlnquil)a Is of rial parentage. 8he - fteyer wryv.yjf - awerJ J! I -7-r r . I ''" - I - V 1 '-! : ' i...! U ; . i ' ' . i i j, it i . ' v. . r ;4 H A A T ' , Princess Chinquilla. 1 ' ' j Is the daughter of thiet JLone Star. fuIT blooded Cheyenne, and was born at Camp : Supply, iw Indian Territory, jsemewbere between 29 and 30 years ago. The chief and hie f emlly-were moved te South- Da4 kota when Oklahoma waa opened, while Uvlngher they once attended eld John Robinson a ctrcua Robinson wss at . traceedVby .the unique appearance of the . Indian girl and she had but one ambt ' flon in life to ride the elephant So a contract wss drawn up, the circus man depositing- a )l.eee--kne with he gov ernment for Chlnqulllas safe-keeping, and the girl became a side-show curl' oslty. For several years ah remained with the circus, attending the Carlisle Indian school in ths winter. - There shs ', received a good education and she ' ' speaks English today with much fluency. The son of the Indian agent, Edward ' Newell, aaw the possibilities Oi . vaude . ' rllle turn with Chlnqutlla, and taught . her music, both Instrumental and vocaL He la now not only' her partner In the Piles Quickly . Cured at Home Instant Relief, Permanent Cure Trial H Package Mailed Free to All V:' - in Plain Wrapper. . Piles ia a fearful disease, but easy to ;eure if you, go t it right v An operation with the knife is dsn- ireroua, cruel, numuiaiing ana unneo - ifoeary. ' - 4 . I '! n-M I There Is Juirt one other sure way te be cured palaleae, aafa and In the " privacy of your own home it le Pyra ' mlf Pile Cure. We- mail. trial package free to all who write. ' 4t will give you Instant 'relief, show you- the harmless, ..painless, nature jot this great remedy and start you well on the way toward a perfect cure. Then you can get a full-slsed box from-any-'druggMs for . 0 cents, and , orien me nox cures. If the druealat ' tries - to Sell' 'rou something Just .as good, . It la benausa ne Biaaea more money on the aubsu tute. . 'v. ; . ' Insist on-hsvlng what you call for. The cure bee-Ins at once. and contln .. lies rapidly until It la complete and permanent. - Tea can- go right ahead with your worn ana oa easy ana eomrorteoie all the time. - ' -, It is well worth trying. ' Just send your name and addreae to Pvrarnld Itrug Co, 7S Pyramid Build ing. Marshall, ffttca., ana. receive free toy return mall the trial package rn a pia'm wraprer. ' Thousands have been cured In thla easy, painless .and Inexpensive way, fn ' the privacy of the home. - ... . No knife and Its torture. ' - ' ' No doctor and hie Mils,-- vmi s cents. Write toaar , kt m (tee . package. 1 . i eet. but her guardian, for Chinquilla la still a government ward. Whea asked If she Intended to follow the etage for the remainder of her life, the princes smiled demurely and decided that she would. .''"'- . "Of course." said she. "J here a lot of pride I like the money I make In thla bualnaea. but I de bats to smile for i- itiallka the Idea that IWH r j I must perform for any efld body who rira ten eenU for a ticket. Borne day may become wealthy enough toretlre. I hope ao." " ' -'-"-' - The prineeea has Just returned, from tour ef Australia, wherehe waa enthus iastically received. - She has rislted the Islands of tha Psolflo snd baa a char lahad gift from the king of the Mauris In ths form of a table-cloth woven from eocoanut fiver. - ' BELT LINE IS PROPOSED (Continued Fro J One) munlty la common ahould be canefully coneerved to the end that we. who are merely trustees for future generations, ' will, while having use of the trust ( property, paaa it on 'unimpaired to outJ successors. TO be explicit: I First I believe that the elty should! acquire, own and operate as much of the waterfront as possible on ootn sides l of the river. Under any circumstances. enough should be acquired to make a highway from South Portland to the ter minal facilities in North Portland. - On thla ahould be constructed, owned and operated by the city a belt line of rail way with switches and ether conven lencea, which should be open to all pub- lie carriers alike on reasonable term amTeeMltlona, - "Second Guild's lake should be ac quired by the city. V ' Te Compel Vse ef Boada. Third As a corollary, laws should be enacted compelling ezchsnge of traf fic and use of terminal grounds to ths extent It might be found neceaaary to make properly such exchange. "I will not go into the matter at length, but give some reasona for ths acquiring ef. these facilities that nay appeal to you sufficiently to cause you to take' enough interest In It to Investi gate it' I presume the flret question to be determined la the power of the city to eoqulre the property. 'nder section I of the -charter, the power to purchase or acquire property by the exercise of the right of eminent domain la expressly granted. Subdivis ion of section 71 grants this power sgaln In speclfle terms. Subdivision 7$ of the same section grants the power to the city te construct, maintain, " wharvee, docks and levees ss may be required for the accommodation of commerce; - to control and regulate the use thereof and to provide tor the ao. quisltion by condemnation' or Otherwise of all such work or works by ths city snd for -the construction., maintenance and ownership of the same by the city. Charter PtotIsIob Adequate. , "Section 74 declarea that the enumera tion of the particular powers shall not impair any general grant of power or limit 'ths "general grant to the class or clssses enumerated. "Sections 71 td St. inclusive, prescribe the method to be pureucdrln "acquiring any publlo utilities sad the course to be followed to provide the necessary funds, - "It would appear, therefore, that the city has ths power snd authority to pro reed.. Will it do so or will it wait until the eatraneee to the elty are all closed nd In the hands ot those'' who will use them only for their Own benefit and thel difficulties end cost of . reacquiring the same tncreesed enormously ..before any action, la taken? , If . It Ja auggeated that ths corporate rights and Interests will be affected.' the answer ts suffi cient that Ths same law they invoke to eondemn the property of others because neceeesry-te a -publlo -use will - be in voked sgalnst them. i '. ' ',-.',. Oommom Weal as krtake. - "The creature cannofbe greater than the creator, and when the common weal la at stake corporate as -well as indl vidual Interests must bojc,,to the au preme law of the publlo welfare., The condition of the city In respect to this particular question. Is critical. You are. ef course, aware of the fact that certain railway systems - now ' control practi cally every advantageous entrance to the city on the west side except the one ' open way -down the river front The acquiring and closing. to othere of all entrances to a city Is the favorite strategic move of rallwsys, and Is the one thing above all othere commercial cities should guard against I there fore favor the acquiring of the water front -by the city to the extent above Indicated, and if that be deemed Imprac ticable, certainly enough to provide room for a belt line and switches be tween we wnarves ana tne Duiiaings. ,::J:.--L.:.r Scheme Would y posttl0nltLlainy Judgment that the entire achemet would pay. If the wharves - are profitable now, their value, certainly would be Increased by bringing rail and water together. The oonatructloa of a. unl form harbor wall would, vastly Improve the-water front and as (he city now paya ror the dredging, the .material oould be used In filling Its own prop erty snd thus sdd further to Its value. Such a highway would furnish smplt faelUtlee to all desiring to use them. It would unite the northern snd south- sen ends of the city and thus extend the manufacturing' and warehouse areas and make a very large- amount of x. cellent property -for this purpose avail able In , the aouthsm end of the city. Many other reasons squally cogent might be ariraed, but it seems there should be sufficient in what . I have stated to Justify the consideration of the project, As to the cost it may be stated that never again can the prop erty be gotten aa cheaply as today, and that if extortionate .prices are . aaked the law can be Invoked and condemna tion proceedings instituted. Moreover, If the project Is-confined to obtaining- enough - property, for right-of-way for railway purposes,'' the benefit to the property, may- offset all damages, nr- vlded. of course, switching privileges are granted. - .- . 0uiM's"ike7ecesuer7.""T Imagine this a city of half a million or more people with the commerce that will Inevitably center here with a 40 foot ' channel to the sea. What Is to be done with Itt The river is from 10 to MOO feet In width, and In the near, future will be no more or less than . a great water street , not. anchor-. age grounds. Even today the anchorage queation is getting serious. , The river then Will have to be used' as is highway. Imaglns if you can the Thames er the Clyde or the Elbe or any other river with large commerce with -their docks la ths river, not off the river, and the streams being used for anchorage pur poses. Soms place off the river adapted to the purpose will have to be provided or else the shipping will be strung out for miles and miles. Imagine if you can the benefits that would follow making use of a natural harbor Ilka Guild's lake, . with great warehouses surround ing It and a belt line of railway bring ing ship and rail together aa could be done?- Thla need not be done today or tomorrow, . but the property -ahould be acquired. , Big Beveaae fog CTty. "The . revenue to the elty .fee lease holdings would' be enormous. As you are aware. In many of our great cities either the city or the stats owns, , con If ire. Si 150 Wium Size ftl X i) . TW- ebK. .. .1 V to mt; Wolibacl. ' i i Dea't buy iabbooa. V torn oV I i J!'aJ3 ff I? se jaeuft.; I j i on ugm in vm pajur- iuv r i V The Shield of QyiAy it oa the J f laoei of ine geainoe riotn upa "j sad Mantlet guarantee ot the : best and cheapeit Uht in the 1 S world. '';' ; r I laaitanotM are Worthless f p . f Bad Cjctravaflant :- -r V ' ' '' ) Sale by "rn- y Dealers C sapttcssaa kVpatr. ssSulaH FRE8 trols and operates ths waterfront ,but unfortunately for Us our waterfront was sold and passed Into private hands Instead of being reserved for the city. It 'would seem that If the ' city could spend hundreds ot thousands of dollare fot.parksand. property; of that nature that for such a great publlo work aa thla with a revenua attached, -It ought to be able 'to meet the occasion also. There will be several aerlous problems to. meet and aolve. such aa the .bridge crossings, etc. "While I do not" pretend to have the technical or engineering knowledge to aay how this work should be done, it can be done because much more difficult things have been done and here la mighty little that is impos slbls to a willing and determined people. A study of the eondttloas at Glasgow and at Hamburg a number of years ago and today will throw a flood of light upon what can and. haa been done under the. moat adverse, circumstances. City Ownership Vet a "Problem. "It may be. said that such a movement will lead to municipal, ownership.- It suggested in 'this connection that with ua municipal ownership Is ne longer So academic queation. ..We have applied it in -every direction. -- We have dry docks, dredges, 'water systems, fer ries, bridges auid .scores of other enter prfsesOwheaT-exsritroned -and operated by the city and I may aay that so far aa. mir observation goea operated very well, even aa compared to any privately owned -enterprises. ' How many votes do you think coold be mustered to abolish our river woravt qo away . wltn our dredges and Art docks, to sell our watef system, our bridges, ferries,, eta, and turn' them" Over to private' ownership? Ths question Is not will you havs mu nlotpal - ownership? but how fsr will It be extended? As a matter ef principle there Is no one who would not say that these publlo rights snd Interests should bs conserved, but when it comes to ths application ef the doctrine some hole back.j...i . V ... . . ;. . . -J . look to Future Aayway. . ' "Finally, let me say that if none-of my ideas meet with the approval orjpe thought practicable at the present time, and it la concluded beat to grant fran chises of the character referred to down the water front pending the examina tion or the larger questions, under any circumstances let - such franchises be granted only with the possibility and probability of" thsse plans being car ried out in view. It should always be borne In mind that thess franchisee are granted to an individual or a corpora tion and hie -or He assigns, and the final ownership la always an indater- mlnlte quantity. Even though there be a provision against assigning with out the consent of ths council, that would not prevent a corporation or In' dividual from acquiring the stock of the company 8wnlng"the franchise, and thua Indirectly doing what the city le trying to guard against In other words. the granting of a monopoly' of the en trance to this city on either sids of ths river should bs avoided. City Should Besarvs Bight. "Therefore, not only should the conv pensatlon Increase ss the value of the franchise incrcasee, but the right should also be reserved to control charges ami regulate traffic; also that othsrs could use the privilege in common oh paying fair compensation and under reasonable regulations, and the right ahould be reserved to the city to acquire the road at any time during the life of the grant. I aay thla in no spirit of antagonism toward any person or corporation, but only aa a condition of this city, In which I take a profound interest It must be remembered that other roada are seek' lng the only water level route to the sea.- other railroad builders know of Portland and have heard of Oregon, and the greatest good . this administration can do -the -city will be to provide A common entrance-ever which all roads can come and- share In the great com merce which Is certain- -eventually tt find Its lodgment here. PRATTLING BABY PUTS END TO DIVORCE SUIT . -Mesnial Special Berries.) ' Bt. Louis, Nor. 7. Reinhardt H. Frle mann, who le seeking a divorce from Millie Frlemann, saw his year-old boy for tha first tme when he went Into court to prosecute the- suit. The sight or t& cmid, wnicn n Had never before been permitted to see, softened Frle mann s heart and he agreed to a dis missal of the suit and became reconciled te bis wlfs, snd left the courtroom car rying the child, in his arms. . - . - Tbs pleadings of ths Judge and the at taches of the court added to the prat tling ef the baby in the task of bringing lather and mother together. The Vrle manns wars married December 10, It 01, and separated on April 10, 1004, 'when Mrs." Frlemann went to live with - her mother. - While - In her mother's home the baby waa born. - Tbs husband filed suit slleglng desertion. Injured la Collision. - ' ' (Jaernal Special Service.) Syracuse, N. T-, Nov,.?. In a collision between s psssenger snd freight train on -the Rome; Watertown A Ogdenaburg ran road at Liverpool thle morning four trainmen and several passengers- were ESTACADA TO JIM RURAL ROUTES Notice Received That ' Three 77" Lines Are Soon to Be Es : 7 4 tablished. v -' NEW.VOTING PRECINCT. MADE BY COUNTY COURT State Treasurer Petitioned to Make Provision for Issuing School Bonds That Were Voted at Special Elec tioiv Bettering Water Facilities. 4 (Special Dispatch te The Jeeraal.) Eatacada, Nov. I. Postmaster Have land was notified yesterday by the. post office department that . three rural routes - would at once -. be - established from Eatacada. : Thls'bas been a need and baa been periodically asked fof durlnr the last several months. Tha three routes if Judicially arranged will serve the greater part of the cltlsens in the territory tributary to Eatacada. A man: from the department Is expected to arrive here in a few days to look over the field snd to make up the Itineraries. A greater portion of the rest or Clacka mas county already enjoys rural free delivery. . A new voting precinct was eetsb lished at Eatacada at the recent session of tha county court In making this precinct the old precinct at Oarfleld waa abolished and the cltlsens of that district thrown Into the nswly formed precinct' Thle formed no hardship on the cltlsens of Garfield, aa it la Just aa convenient for most of thsm to come to Entacada as it waa for them to go ttf Garfield. - . To Build Sohoolhonse. Ths state treasurer has "already bees petitioned to make provision for Eata cada to Issue the $5,000 in school bonds that were voted at the special -'school election a few days ago. . A splendid sits consisting of a city block haa al ready . been., contributed to t the school district by the- townslte management and as soon ss the bonds are floated the contract will be let for the erection of a large two-story four-roomed . school house.1 All of the 15,000 will be used in building and furnishing tha house;. Arrangements are being made for the bette-ment of - tha water facilities of Eatacada. The O. W. P. Ry. company will in a -few days extend the watef malna to the new factory of the Est. cada Brick Jk Tile company and In the other direction will run them up on the hill to bring into tha fire limits all of ths newcottBgea recently built It is the purpose of the company, as well as of the city authorities, to extend the mains as fast the limits of the'towp expand in order there may always be ample protection in case or fire, - r - he Fatting In IMpmg. . " The O. W. P. sV Ry. company are this week putting In some lmmrtnse iron -piping la the ranaJ-ertendrng" front the dam across tha Clackaraaa to the site of the power-house. The piping is eight feet In diameter and In places where the canal runs near to tha . river bank the water Will be carried through four pieces of piping. . During this favorable weather as many men aa can be advan tageously used are at work on the dam, the -canal and the power plant The water wbeela for- the power plant are already on the grounds and other ma chinery Is arriving every day. T. Tokum of the Eatacada State bank haa purchased an Interest In theJJowell sawmlU and that Industry hasagaln begun operationa. ? - Work Is being rapidly puahed on the Eatacada- Brick A Tile -company's plant and within less than two weeka the concern will be making pressed brick. The new houae of Rev. Mr. Weltnet of the Methodist church is about com pleted. Many of the farmers In the neighbor hood of Eagl Creek are plowing. East ern visitors made many comments ou this fact yesterday. : Among the visitors at the. Eatacada yesterday were W. H.. Hurlburt and family. F. I. Fuller and family and E. J Sheridan of Portland. THINK WAITER MET DEATH (Continued from Page One) , Toung Schmidt son of the proprietor, Informed Patrolman Roberts .that the hnrty will tnnhH K tn,r,A tf ffr northwest comer of the structure. It is known that Johnson's dog waa burned, aa It waa in the room with htm and haa not made Its appearance since the night of the fire. VASSAR GIRL DROWNED SUICIDE OR FOUL PLAY (Josrnal Special terries.) Poughkeepsle. N. T. Nov. 7. Miss Emily Ensign, aged It, living at Tounge town, Ohio, a freshman at Vaasar, waa drowned early thla morning In tha lake on the college grounds. Shs waa de-' spondent and is supposed to have com' mitted suicide. ' The coroner Is Inves tigating a rumor of probable foul play. 7' ' Manga Slmaelf U Jail. ' Cleveland.. C. Nov. 7. Adam . Boyer, accused of murdering his wife, commit ted suicide by hanging himself to a steam pipe In the Jail here this morning. For curing an, attack of Heartburn,. B 1 o a t i n e or Vomiting after each meal ., there is nothing so effective as the Bitters. That's why so many homes are never without it.:, . For Over 50 Years it has given complete satisfaction in cases of Poor Appetite, Sleeplessness, Dys pepsia, Indigestion and Coi iveness. r 7WTEMnS a, - 1 b ry . . v b. ,, to; Vr .7 : - Y -'J j. It is not n Uttle thing." It's deadly thing. It Will not " get wsll by itself " il you let it alone, Whiskey 7ahct quinine and such things brace you up for the time, but they don't cure you. ' - - Ask any , intelligent doctor why you catch cold so easily. He .will say, "Because you are a bit run" "down." He means that the force which nature placed in your body to keep out disease germsthe resistive force is weak "ened. The door is open a little way toward disease. . ' There is not a gravestone in any cemetery in the world caused by consumption or pneumonia or any lung trouble whatever, which did not start with what you call "Noth- iing put a eold."-77 7? p 1 Sill 'iLZirSl. 77; '' A cold should not be beaten back or drugged over it should be cured and the general health should be ' buildup. '',- "- -' ' "7:- ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY should be taken at the first symptoms of cold. It is a tonic : for tha whole body, a specific for sudden colds, coughs or sore throats. It doesn't matter where the cold is or how it got there, we kriow that Acker's jEngUah Remedy will reach it and cure it It is sold on a positive guarantee. 7 KO CURE K3 PAY. " y -cojd-n 7 matter how slight it means something. Take Acker's r EnsUsh Remedy at once.- Keep it in the house. If it does not relive you almost instantly, wo will refund you the price paid. - . - - - . .,'..--.-'. - Acne's EuotJas Knnnv saved my lite. A eongh, alight at first, , grew eonstsntly worse and I finally bad to giva up my work ia tha Kails Factory at Walden. I bad frequent bleeding spells. Was examined by local doctors, prominent physicians in Nsw York and at a Medical Col ? lege. They ail pronounced my case hopeless, I began using Acni'i . 'Enolibh RaataDT and a (ew bottles cured me. I am today a perfectly , trail man. . - (Signed) A. H. SIMPSON Walden, N.Y. 7 v Acker'ts Knf;Ush Remedy is sold on si posi tive guarantee that tLe purchase money will be refunded ia case of tauora. soc, 60&,jtna SOLD T AND. LEWISTONITYBONDS: "ARE DECLARED VALID (Special Dweateh M The loenul.) Bolae. Ida,. Nov. 7. The state su preme court handed down an opinion to Fit. . Finish and Fabric guaranteed. , 'Ths price will suit .anf . The salt will fit. ' Ws handle no Ready--Mds Clothing, but msks ATS V ;.7 .' '7 ' 7. ' " - : -. -'. ,, ;,,.-.;". , : -' -i ..;..,;-, r-. y ."'.''-. " . - :, .: , .v 7. '-x 7- .7-;:,.: ,.-.- . 7 7.- -vr . A f' , .. ' ' "" ' "' " ',''-'" ' : ''' ) '''''.';' '""'' "" ."'' your Clothes to your order , at from $20.00 to 145.00 the suit Elly Bltl( ;.7 ' . ... - M - - j j.pu per ootu GUARANTEED BYl S. today' In the case of C H. Butler versus the Clty or xwlwton' et si., invoivln the validity of the city's tC00 bond issue, affirming the decision " of the lower courte In favor of the city. The bonds were voted to refund out standing Indebtedness and their sale to a Chicago firm waa arranged. ' An east olar Plexus Hitfli Prices V Many people have been in the habit of buying "hand-me- , 'down clothes because they were afraid of Tailor-Made Prices.' ' . That was before the advent of the Columbia Woolen Mills Co. . There are hundreds of men who have bought ready-to-wear clothes year after year; who have been dissatisfied all that time but have feared the "made-to-order" price mark." 7 ;" We have administered a solar plexus to high prices that has . aroused the admiration of the good clothes wearing world. ,'':'"'' " ' ' ' , For $35 we will make to your order a suit which cannot be ' duplicated in Portland for less than $50, , The cloth Is imported Australian long wool worsteds and' cheviots no finer cloth ever -woven the woof and warp are firm and the texture, is as soft as silk. The best imported linings only will be used and every seam will be hand-sewed with silk. Hand padded. The lapels and collar will set perfectly. 7 Every -detail of these suits is finished by an expert by a specialist. ; ::i;':i: ;S ' CVTiTfcrTi n 1 K , m - I s : :. V i . a ill f-vr - - i S r is.. i- . . ; ' ' a. 8KIDM0RE o CO.r ern attorney gave the opinion that the,. g Issue waa Illegafand the caae. was brought to have the Question- paased on by tha supreme court,, which holds ths lasua regular snd In all respects In ac cordance with the law. -- Climate delightful at Seas'Ide.T.Q ow m mr. - 7 lJtrU '. .:7,t '( T5T JD1 I M, I. ' V '. i. . ... . - ;r t "