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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1905)
t:: or.rcou . daily jcu. iial, Portland. , tuz:day evening, novemezh .7, iecj. t FO Sl OF .: TAX LAVJS Commission Appointed by Gov pernor Busy , Collecting Data; From All Parts of State. Will dpart from : . general tax idea Frederick W. Mulkey Telia of Meth i da Used for Making Public Ser vict Corporations Pay Their Share . Toward the Sute Expenses, t j " '.. The state Aax commission appointed by Governor Chamberlain to devise a yetem of thorough revision of the tax ation laws or Oregon la collecting data from all parta of the state, Having sent letters "of inquiry to county officials and others, end especially to public ervlee corporations, asking for Inform ation and suggestions. . . - Frederick W.. Mulkey, president of tbe commission. today explained soma of the fundamental principles which in his opinion, should govern In the work til hand. He aald: . ' . 'The principal aim of the commis sion will be to depart aa much as pos sible from the general property tax now in UN In moat of the states. - By the general property tax la meana the tax on realty and personalty,-aa -dis tinguished from the income tax on tha one hand and the tax on realty for lo cal purposes and the tax on personalty, public service corporations, franchises anil inheritances -on- the other. - - Methods found Una Tailing. - "The departure from the general property tax in the United Btatea has been first by franchise taxation, tax on corporations. Inheritances and per sonal property for state purposes. - But In moat instances this lias real relief to the taxation of -real property for. state' purposes, but only baa re duced tha burden somewhat. . 'All writers agree that the---only proper method -of -getting away' from the general property tax In tha United States la by the taxation of realty for local purposes, and deriving , state rev enues from other sources. , The best writers on taxation approve of tha unit aytem of taxing corporations engaged tn publlo service, where tha business k and property axtenda through more than one county or state. .. "Tha favorite method of taxing pub llo service corporations now .is by aha excise tax, either on tha capital stock, the capital stock plus tha bonded ln debtedness, or tha earnings either gross r net Those stales that endeavor to tax publlo service corporations doing business in more than one state on gros earnings generally tax on the -gross earnings - per mile within .the state, and have found it necessary to 1 classify tha various public service cor Pom t Ions v per mile. .... Bxolse Tax Sfot Always rays. ."- "For Instance, when the gross earn , Inga are $3,000 a mile, the tax may be 1 ,,54 of 1 per sent; when 14.000 a mile, : r V of 1 per cent; when $.000 a mile. 1 "per cent. '.Of course, these figure re ' purely arbitrary. 1 "Michigan and Wisconsin have found that. the excise tax on gross earnings per mile under their classification ' brought lesa revenue than under the Ald - general property-tax -system, - and . those .states abandoned the, tax. - ' - "The beat method yet auggested to tax corporations such aa railways, tele phone, telegraph, Pullman car and car loaning companies la to tax them at a - valuation arrived at by comparison of ; ; their capital atock, plus their bonded Indebted nees. r T " Mileage Basts Better. ' "The proper legal method under thla ; aytem la to determine the ratio of the ' entire capital atock and bonded Indebt edness at tha market value to tha cap ital atock and bonded Indebtednesa em ployed "within the state at Its market ' value, tha ratio of the entire mileage to - the mileage in the -state, and tha gross receipts to tha entire receipts. . Qrosa .receipts In the state, however, have to be limited to business that baa orlgl- nated and terminated within tha atate. v NEW, LIODERII METHODS OF "CURING THE SICK AND AFFLICTED :ns!':: 10 n n m n n I.JSSt li ' n n n iT-i mm rr.a A . r ,'.- n n a I VLvUllUULwBB& Vfl III, f UCVO INDORSED BY THE MOST PROMINENT PHYSICIANS AND : SURGEONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD" The " Elixir cf Life" Hov Rcfc2l!!c-js end Chronic Disccscs Heretofore Proncjr.ccd Ihcurablelsthg Hew end Successful Trcctinsnt th.2 X-C:d!urn Ddiccl Institute and. Sanitarium, the Largest and Most Co mplete Private Institute in the Northwest . '7nEW YORK PRESS DISPATCHES, dated June 15, '05, speaking of this famous treatment, say' "Liquid Sunshine, aslised. at the X-Radium Medical Institute, of Portland, Or la reported as being productive of almost miraculous cures." . -, "' . i ; J'r;,'- .:' . 1 r . ' "; -,r' '-V-A V CHICAGO PRESS DISPATCHES,, dated September 2, 05, say: ULiquid Sunshine Is bordering dose upon the miraculous, and Oregon la being prominently identified with the scentifc world in producing such remarkable cures as have been made of late at the Portland" X-Radium Medical Institute." - r ' . ST. PAUL-PRESS DISPATCHES, dated September iu, "00, say: Liquid Sunshine effected a complete cure in. the case of Darius F. Simms. Many invalids here are preparing to leave for the Portland X-Radium Institute.' Press Dispatches, dated New York. June 15, 05,' tinder Tele graphic Newt, sayi ' " ' - ' Remarkable Can- :7TceCure::; Liquid Sunshine Remedial Agent NEVV YORK, June IS. A re markable case of cancer cure has just come" to light, and is cred ited to Portland, Of.; physicians. Mra. Edgar BabittWest Forty-fifth- street, haa recently .re turned from Portland, where ahe has received treatment at the X-Radium Medical Institute, in that-eitjrrduring'-the-pait- three months. Previous to her jour neying . Westward, she was ad vised by eminent specialists here to have the breast removed in or der that her life rnight-bcjaied. This ahe refused absolutely, pre ferring death an operation. Mrs, Babitt'a case -is Attracting wide attention among the medi cal fraternity,' and the . cure is pronounced a remarkable one by the specialists with whom she consulted previous to her depart ure. The treatment employed by the ' doctors at - the X-Radium Medical Institute, in the case of Mrs. Babitt, was that which is known as the new elixir of life, "Liquid - Sunshine." Though practically in - its- infancy, this drugless mode of prescribing is superseding all other methods of treating the sick and is reported as being productive of almost miraculous cures. . . ; . . ; Press Dispatches, dated St Paul, October 1, '05, under. Tele graphic Newt, tayt New Rheumatism . Cure After Eighteen Years' Chronic Sickness liquid Sun- - , thin Qurea. iff'' : : ' .. ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept 30. Darius F, Simms, a cripple, for 18 -yearspattr-tuffering from chronic 'rheumatism, J who left here nine , weeks , since td visit the Portland Fair, accompanied by"anurse"and crutches, re turned here last evening With the nnr. hut minus crutches. He is full of enthusiasm at remarkable recovery. Eighte'en years ago he was taken down with inflammatory rheumatism, which left him a cripple, his con dition getting worse each year. On his arrival at Portland, Of4 hp says, he placed himself in the care of the X-Radium Medical Institute . physicians, and' was treated for seven weeks.with the new elixir of life; "Liquid Siuv shine," which has effected a com plete' cure.4 The local physicians who have treated.Mr. Simms for the' past 15 years are themselves astonished at .his marvelous cure. Other invalids here ire. prepar ing to leave for the Portland X-Radium Medical Institute. By this new and superiortntthod of ! treatment at the X-Radium Institute, this elixir of life, jttst discovered, gives ' vigor to the whole system, creates new energy, strengthens the nerves, makes new blood," bright eyes, a clear brain, 4 restores the healthy complexions' of youth, and makes life worth living." 7 " Ladies will find boon in Liquid ' - Sunshine. t -fills out hollow cheeks, j restores-the curves of beauty to the scrawny neck and shrunken bust.' It makes women healthy, beautiful and able to be a wife and mother as well as the joy of her family. ; ; - v - , Puny Girls and Sick Children are Given Hew Life x : and Growth :' FOR OVERWORKED MEN, suf fering ' from iiervotisprostrationor . people approaching old age, there . is nothing that will benefit them so sure ly, so quickly, or so, permanently as Liquid Sunshine. . . f . f - it ir f 4 v X C fS.' ":'" ". ''2 JZ -LIQUID SUNSHINE." As a Tonic, Stimulator and Invigoratdr It lias Ho Equal - ' The X-Radium Medical Institute is indorsed, patronized and the only in- stitute recognized by the. medical pro- fession and hospital clinics throughout : the Pacific Northwest for the treat-- - ment and cure of CANCER, TU MORS, CONSUMPTION, STOM-. ACH, LIVER, BLOOD POISON ING, RHEUMATISM, PARALYSIS; FEMALE TROUBLES, CATARRH, ULCERS, LUMPS, DEAFNESS, ASTHMA, LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA. NERVOUS-DISORDERS. RUP- TURETTILESrFISTULA, RECTAU DISEASES, BLADDER, KIDNEY. AND KINDRED DISORDERS. No Mistakes Are Made in Diagnos-. ine Your Case, and drugging you for months without knowing . whatails you. The' LiquidSunshine Ray looks-- ciear inrougn your ooay ana ai once locates the cause, - y ' '. '.' American, " German,. French and . Scandinavian T Specialists in "attend ance. Consultation free;', treatment within the reach of all. Correspondence solicited. Strictly confidential.' Send; - for symptom blank covering our home' treatment. . - THE X-RADIUM MEDICAL INSTITUTE! ANDSANITARIUMj IS NOW LOCATED IN ITS- MAGNIFICENT NEW BUILDING It Offers to Those Seeking the Hlgbest-CIass Medical er Surgical Attendance an Elegant and Refined Home for Sick or Convalescent. ;; - ' Maternity Cases Qivcn Special Attention. Professional Lady Nurses in Attendance. , ' ; . : . HUNDREDS OF TESTIMONIALS AND GILTEDGlCITYJFERENCPajV'ILOEFICli- ... - -- - Offios Xenrst t a. aa. to IS aa.laM to S p. aa. Svnlnt:s, T to I . m. eaatoya, . : v.- 11 a. aa. to a p- a.. . X-Radium Building, Third and Alder Streets, Entrance 253 Alder, Portland, Oregon Telephone Main 2796 so that probably mllesr ta tha barter basis for taxation. . "The unit system of tazaUon of pub lic servlca corporations angared In In- tersUta business necessitates a board of state- tax -commissioners. ' Such board should have Jurisdiction, and en. tire Jurisdiction, too, to assesa tha value of tha coadbed and should certify to eaoh county the value of tha roadbed In that county. - ' .. - Tor tha purposes of ' taxation. tha roadbed should be taxed for local pur poses at thelocal rate; for purposes of state taxation tha capital stock, plua the bonded Indebtedness at tha market value employed within tha atate, ahould be taxed at tha average rata of. tha year before. " ' . '.. . ' Stata Bate Varies. ; 1 -aa the averace ataU rata be cause at tha preaent time the atata rata Is not tha same in each county. Tha legislature haying apportioned tha tax rata for a period of years, it certifies to each county the state budget, lnaa much aa each county must bear a fixed BUILT IN OREGON LOGGINOANnHOTSTTNflP.Nr.mTrS . ' MARINE AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY v r ELECTRIC HOISTS' ' '"' l' HEAVY SAWMILL SPECIALTIES - . POWER TRANSMITTING MACHINERY Guaranteed heavier, stronger and ofbetter design than sim ilar machinery built elsewhere. r We believe what we say and . stand .... 1V.,V. u-U -..!'. -; .;4..- . Villamette It PORTLAND, OREGON, U. S. A. proportion; "for ad." Instance. ' under tha present law, Multnomah county pay a. roughly apeaklng, one third of tha state tax, -I , ,.-- "It ta necessary, then, to take an av erage. Br tbia method. In taxlna nub- JTio service "corporations. In order to avoid . double tax. stocks, bonds and other personal property belonging to tha corporations ahould be exempt from taxation." ,i. . Mr. Mulkey will bring out later other phases of the work in which ba la en gaged," taking up- queatlona of specific character growing ont from tha appli cation or ine general princlplea which na naa explained. UR. TAYLOR'S WIDOWS FIBHT FOR m m ESTATE Woman He Twice Married 'and Twice Divorced Would Shut . ;Out Later Spouse. Cor. Stark and fWh Streets , Phone Ualn C499 ' ; . TUB QUALITY STORR : ' National Wine Go. ' OPtN tVtMNGS ' " Multnomah Rye and : Hillvood Bourbon , i Are whiskies that are absolutely turearid especially adapted, for family use and medicinal purposes. Con noisseurs pronounce them to be of fine flavor, rich and v-,7 ,. mellow. ,v;;., v. Kullnoraah; Rye, fall qt. ;3Ulcs, $1.25 : Hilhvccd Dourton, fall qt fcoUles, $1.25 PHONE-US. YOUR ORDERS. FREE DELIVERY. (Jooraal SmeUT Serrlee.) ' Ban Francisco. Cal., Nov. T. The battle for I8I8.000 left by the late Horace B. Taylor haa begun In tha probata court here. Taylor was to years of ago when he died la July last He was a prosper ous merchant. Ha had matrimonial troubles and was twice divorced from his first wife, Mrs. Abbla E. Taylor. She and her son, George B. Taylor, of Boston. are trying to break the will which be queaths one third of the fortune to Mra. Etta Taylor, tha second wife, and two thirds to Henry W. Taylor, of Berkeley, California, aon of the first Mrs. Taylor. Tbe former merchsnt got a divorce de cree at Fort Wayne. Indiana, many years ago, and remarried his first wife In Maine, ua 117 and again secured a divorce. This second decree, tha first Mrs. Taylor aaya, la invalid. His aecond wife, an attractive woman, and his Cali fornia aon and his wife were in court, . PORTLANDERS SPEAK TO : BUSINESS MEN OF KELSO 8pedr Dispatch to The Jonasl.) Kelso.- Wash., Nov. 7. Mr sonic hall was crowded laat night tha occasion being the meeting held under the auspices of tha Kelso ' business men's dub at whteh HMr-Cake-and Tom Richardson, of the Portland Commercial Club, and F. H. Fogarty, assistant gen eral-freight agentrof tha Northern Pa cific, were the principal speakers.-. The' object of the meeting was for the pur pose of securing tha cooperation of Kelso business men In evij -movement that will be of benefit to their town and the northwest. 'Tha Kelso Business Men's club haa a membership of Tt. A. E. Cagwln Is president. F. M. Ca rot hers vlce-pn-ald.nt and Amoa A. Bunker, sec retary and treasurer. A reception to the visitors followed the close of tha speak ing, in the rooms of the club. - COMING- TO STAY WITH US NOW Visitors at Chamber of - Com merce Exhibit Homeseekers, . Say Colonel Miller. GOOD EFFECT OF FAIR ADVERTISING IS SHOWN People . Come From Iowa With , Money to Buy Land Eastern era Have Plan for Making Turpentine From Pine Stumpage. - TEACHER FINED FOR THRASHING A PUPIL ' (Bperlal DUeatcb te Tbe lesrsaLt Montesano, Wash., Nov. 7.-Mls Jn S. Ireland. In chsrga af a achool at Oak villa, in thla county, was yesterday fined tie snd costaon a charge preferred Of Chsrlea AlfredKouthat she had beaten his boy until he wss blark-and blue. 8h haa appealed bar ess. to tha auperior I court . ; v . . r ' Colonel Miller, who Is in charge of tha exhibit In tha rooms of tha cham ber of commerce, aald today that since the exposition closed visitors are nearly aa numerous aa they were during tha summer, and that those who are com ing now are all homeseekers. .' "The persona who visit ua nowadays," said he, "coma prepared to bay homes; they aeem aa a class to bava abundant meana to buy what they want and they are taking plenty of time to select their locations. One cannot talk with them aa I do every day and not ba Impressed with tha Idea that tha exposition Is already bringing-results. Numbers of those who visit ua aay that they cama after others from their neighborhoods had returned home from tha fair, bring ing good reports of what they saw. -. - "Today a party cams from -Iowa, and they will remain. They are waiting un til they find Just what they want, and then they will buy. . "We talk with many persons . who want to establish industries. . For In stance, a party of easterners came Jo ua few aaya ago and wanted -to obtain Information concerning tha localltlea where they could get plenty of yellow and augar pine atumpage. Now, whit ay you think they wanted to do with It? it waa I or me manuracture of turpen tine. They said that they could main- ralB "an extensive establishment for tha manufacture of that useful commodity from - stumps alone; that they did not need the trees. . "J-eople do not appreciate what auch an industry would mean to this state. XL would usa what otherwise would bs or no vaiue,bana at tbe same time clear large areas of stump land for tha use of SYMculture. These persons had plenty ofmoney ta build a plant and carry on tha business. - - "I tell you' the tide of travel to Oregon aa tha result of tha fair, al ready haa begun, and it la going ta con tinue until wa will ba aurpriaed at tha Influx." ' ' "'' - Was on Exhibition at Lewis and Clark Fair A Splendid Lot of Singer, Wheeler ft Wilson, Domestic, White and - '' ''.- Others -Slightly Pemaged ..;'.;',; ,:,. . ,. This Sale .for This Week Only S. S. SIGEL, 335 Morilson SI - ' siLink If -vl ' KAMMtjU I t ' ' .MesssMaaaassssssssssW ' 7 sJJfmttxAinrttitw m jm w mm MMnr a w w Bxeammmmmmmmr DALLAS WOODMEN WELCOME HEAD CONSUL BOAK New Hall to Be Dedicated and Exhlbitl6iTDrms-WnrBe t- . ' Feature: ThU ta a better ecwrrtrjr to nre-tn," because Schilliag'a Best Is ia k. '"j Tewi (RpeHal Dtepatca te Tbe JoorsiL) ' Dallas. Or.. Nov. 7. Dallas Woodman of the; Wui Id iisva -completed - arar rangementa for the reception of. Hand Consul L I. Boak this evening, at which time tha 'new Woodmen hall that haa Just been completed will be dedicated. Large delegations af-visitors are ar riving from neighboring campa and sev eral drill teama are expected to be In attendance.- Tha meeting-will be open to tha public, and a general Invitation haa been extended for all to attend. E. C. Klrkpatrlck will be chairman Irvine's Buchu Wafers Cure Hcaldlng ITrlne, Darkache. Rheu matism, MervoueneeN, Lous of Flextv, Redlment In the L'rlne. Renal Calculi, Diabetes and all Kidney 'troubles, in cluding Brlxht'a Disease. They are Surely a vegetable compound mid art Irertly on the weekenvd . tlseuoH nmi blood veseels of the kidneys and U' lnry organs. Hold at WOo a box by SV, O. Bkldasora tt Co ,Dmr'U j-j tair aU sola aa-este f e rork. . c .. of tha evening. The following eommit- teea have been appointed:' Reception V. P. Fiske,' J. E. Sibley, Frank Keralake, E. C Klrkpatrlck, W. A. Ayera. Proaram B. M. Ouy. H. t- Toney. W. (3. Vassall. . 'i . . The program aa at present outlined will ba aa follows: iscthmroreneatr J TBHefTiistory of Dallas Woodmen . Camp." Hon. O. 'L. Hawkins; selection, orchestra; address, Hon. 1. L Boak; solo, Mra. J. C Uglow; selection, orchestra; "Woodcraft la Dire and - Death," Oscar Hayter; dedication ceremony; selection, orchestra: exhlbl-Uea'-driU by Monnwwtby Kowhera and McMlnnvllle teama wilt ba Intermingled with tha above' program.- - Tomorrow evening tha : ball- will ne formally -opened with ' tha.oowea)x -A Texas steer," presented by Bume tal- ent. at rhlch the Woodmen orchestra will f umlah tha muslo. - -I. Ftaa Ooaaaalka eatoiaa. CRlwctsI rlTtrk Tbe JohmI.I Astoria. Or., Nov. 1. The body ef Danlet Jtlekkerl, a native" of- Finland. paged about It years, was found here last night. A revolver was clutched In one hand and a bullet had been fired through the back of his head. . Worr DOSE TEE STClUCa Xyemel . Oarae Catarrh - by Breataimg ' , Axomatia XeaUnf Al. Ton cannot afford to risk permanent loss of health by taking strong drugs into tha stomach in the vain hope of curing cauurh-of. -Mte- nose and-thirst,- The only true way of curing catarrh -troublea la by the use of Hyomel, whli-tt Is breathed through a neat ixx ket in haler that comes with every outfit. Hyomel ta not secret remedy, snd Its formula ia given to all reputable physicians. Its base Is the fsmous eu calyptus oil. This Is combined with other healing, aromatic a-uma snd bl Bfima, so that when nsing Hrwnef. the -air you breathe i -.Blled with 'germ kllltng, health-giving curative powers. It kllla all catarrhal germ" and restores the mucous membrane of the n. throat Ind lungs to a perfectly healthy condition. The complete Hvomel ewtflt, eml- Hng of a neat porhet inhaler, a medlrlne dropper and a, Dot tie el iiyoro, rom hut kl 00. and extra bnttlea ran he i- I tallied for 0 rente, mHklng It the m"l . . . L. . . . 4 . . k ... i.,,h. economitei m,inm wi as well aa the m""t reltul.lo. If you cannot nhlsltl Hvomel of vnuf denier, it will he fur r.-. by n-.l, pneteae paid, on r'"i "f t"1"" r.i tolay for n fre ' ' "" ' "" nli;i'l.n til. ink ti,,.t . i t ' - ' ' srvlf-es . ( "'ii ' ' ' without " ' Shysiouuia to Change. ..p-ti rtr"ii to n jowmi.t Tndepentlenoe, Or., Nov. 7. lr. O. J Miles of Inrtpnnnf,e will on lx-i In lirvt. I r. hliter, formpilv of th , .lace, but now of tiorvale, 1 s 1" i v : 7.