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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1905)
: - - . I v - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 7, 1C3. ..ami i uj m J u-J.-.J. -c. js 'xm j BRISK VOTING 10 AX' ! THE CONTEST '. 'oodlark'40 Sate MUSIC Afternoon end , V Evening 14 Wednesday and Thursday November 8 and 9 MUSIC Afternoon and Evening .... (-:.-. Wo will enumerate below a list of items for this sale which will net you a saving of 40 per cent. True, there may be a few articles on which you save but 15 or 20 per cent--on the other hand the prices of some of these specials have been cut as much as 80 or 60 per. cent, so that the. average amount saved by patrons of this sale will be fully 40 per centin other words, 60 cents will purchase the same amount of drugs here as $1.00 does elsewhere. .''., A : v Our corps of trained and courteous clerks make shopping a pleasure no waiting for change and packages if yoti are too busy to come down phone your order no matter how little or how big to Private Exchange-11 we will do the rest. MICRO MAKES THE HAIR -CROW ' AND CURES DANDRUFF.. MlCRO MAKESTHETHAIR GROW AND CURES DANDRUFF. Wines and Liquors .V Stationery Yellowstone "Whisky, full quarts, (bottled in bond). S1.S0 , CrwckeVCck Whisky, 1.T.....V ,;;,... ''" ..." '. i...; , (bottled in bond) . . . .... . . . . .V. . $1.1 5 " , ..3fV Old Bourbon Whisky. 1 T7..T.r,t.l O0 : TTf Old Cabinet Blend Whisky, per gal. .$3.00 . ?a.3 Cloverdale Claret, per gallon...,... 75c : 5TeV Old London Dock Jamaica Rum.. I.. $1.25 974 -WoodlaTkkwaJ-wy-.rl75c ' : 53Y Regular. SpeciaL . Regular. Special. . . - -r , Eaton Hurlburt Duchesse Linen.:... 45c - 3Te "Flemish Bond, blue and Cray.. 35c 2T 91.25 . Girard Wovegray and cream .... . 25c - 0 ' - Fine Wri t i n er " Tablet . .7. "V J . ' " 1 5c " : 5e) VSiilWii a. ............ ' P.ev E. Nrwromh'i Finest Stationery. - put up in Gibson boxea.rr.rr;,40c,-50c 324' Commercial Note, 125 sheets for..... r.- - &4 MICRO MAKES. THE HAIR GROW AND CURES DANDRUFF. ' MICRO MAKES THE HAIR GROW . AND CURES DANDRUFF. , Perfumes Bulk Swiss Lilac, ounce. : Regular, Special. .. 50c " 30f Au Kadsura ......$1.00 jvioiet Dew.v..;...::.;;;..v:75c77 Arborea . . '.. 50c Forest Pansyi...., .r.50c'" Russian JViol et ....... ......... 50c . Jockey Club ........ j 50c, 3e 30 .6e- 30 Leather and Manicure All our new Pocket Flasks, with safety top, nickel cup, 25 per cent off. Regular price -t- from . . . , . . , :v. .V.1. . . . . . .. , . fl.OO , to f 6.00 Damty-JapanegfLetter-Cases. with inside-pocket.--- j- Keguiar price i.uu ana s.dU Special , - , - - ' '' ' ; i . j--. ? ' Regular. SpeciaL : Natural Baby. Calf Skin Purse, with v!; " inside pocket $100. 59' -New Buckskin Coin Purse, inside -: - - ; pocker..;..;, ....... 50c af ' Fine Steel Nail Clip, pearl top....... 50c ' 35 - Fine Steel Ribbon File...... 35c 19f - Twenty-five per cent discount on alt" our Manicure Scissors with sterling silver handles guaranteed .steel regular, price from 50c to $1.50. MICRO MAKES THE HAIR GROW AND CURES DANDRUFF. V MICRO MAKES THE HAIR GROW AND CURES DANDRUFF. Soap V 'V ' : . Regular1-.' Special. IIoubiRant's Ideal, cake. 1.. 7: $2.50 1.66" 4nrWvorita ...... ....::........25c . ,15t LeBeau Monde Glycerine.....,...,,. 15c : . Velvet Skin 25c 15e Juvenile .i.....V..' 19c llf "EnglishiHoneyrper boxr.r. r.TTlvr' ISc ' 94 Dairy Maid .......... 25c r"16 V,.'. i Brushes 9-Row Solid Ebony Back Hair Brush. $2.00 11-Row Solid Ebony Back . Hair ' . Brsh .$1.50 - 11-Row Willis Hair Brush, short un- bleached bristles-.'.... .$1.25 - 4-Rbw'Imported- Todtlt'Brush .T..Tf7r35c 4-Row" ImportedlToothjMuli-. 50c Regular Special, 19 X9'4 MICRO MAKES THE HAIR GROW AND CURES DANDRUFF. Bone Handle ,'Nail Brush, with or ' , Swithout side bristles.. . . . . 35c Solid Wood Back Hand Brush....... 40c " 7 . Toilets -MICRO-MAKES THE HAllTUKOW" AND CURES DANDRUFF. Regutafn?; Sargent's Liquid GlycerineSoap.... 50c Chris' Imported Rose Water, 6 ot... 25c Le Tr?fJe Toilet Water, per bottle. ..$1.50 Bell's Manaline Cuticle Softener, ' . per bottle 35c B. & P. Wrinkle Eradicator, per box. "50c . Swans Down Powder, extra, per box, ,. 9c : Vmaigre Rouge, per bottle......;... 15c ,35f ; . ' ai.ns t -.'. . .... ubber 20f 30f . YOU CAN SAVE enough by purchasing your necessities during -.this sile to buy all your CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ' If you don't believe it, TRY IT 1- v . Regular. Special. 2-Quart Hot Water Bottle $1.30 89 2-Quart' Ft. Syringe, red rubber... i. $2.50 , f 1.83 5-Quart Ft. Syringe..v.'.. $1.95 fl.48 2-Quart Ft. Syringe, white..... i,".X $1.65 - fl.O .Turkish Bath, Sponge, : ; . . " . " - unbleached...... ....30c to 50c , 23 Bulb Syringe 65c ' 42f Drugs IN OUR PHOTO1 DEPARTMENT we , have just installed a PRINTING MA CHINE which produces 550 PRINTS J of the. finest work IN ONE HOUR. .,TV . .-; - . Regular. -" Cream Tartar, pound .... v....' 40c - ' Epsom Salts, poand..... ...... ...... 10c Bicarbonate Soda..V."..;.V...:.,..i.r 10c- Borax , Alum Boracic Acid .................. v. I. . Sugar of Milk..;.....,.........,... Bay Rum, 6 ounces.. ....a... ....... Wood Alcohol, pint.,...;.;.....;.:. 25c ' Wood Alcohol, y gallon............1 75c Ammonia Water ...................,10c Spts. .Camphor, 6 ounces ..'.... 25c 15c 10c. 40c 35c 25c Special, 2t V ' 30 264 ; 13 51 ; 94 -- 14 Sundries . Regular. .SpeciaL Saginaw Hard Wood Tooth Picks... 5c 3 for 10: Friction Bath Hits, pair...,.,....,$15, - fl5 10-Inch Whisk Brooms............. 20c Frost King & Queen Chest . Protectors .... ........ 7i . . . '.$2.75 The Wildbad Loofah Bath Glove, per pair. ...... .....i Metal Folding-Cup, sole leather case. Dutch Pictures, plaid frame... ....... Dutch. Pictures, 6lixSy,r- in glass covered passe partout binding.... 25c-40c ; f 2.23 174 274 19c 2 for 25 25c 174 WE DO DEVELOPING AND PRINT- it ' INO AND DO IT RIGHT. CANADIAN MONEY TAKEN ' : AT PAR Woodard, Clarke WCo. : ' "' Modern Druggists ". I; "' v-; , Fourth and Washington Streets . Free Trip to Hawaii Offered by The Journal Continues to At ' ' tract New Candidates. MISS EVA L. TODD . GETS ASTORIA'S SUPPORT Newly Nominated Polls Heavy Vote i Contest In First and Second Dis tricts Brings Out Immense Vote- Other Parts of- State. - - 'r - In The Journl's Hawallaa trip contest Astoria continues to assert itself and It Is urging- Its candidates to the front As an illustration of what Astoria is doln In the fifth district It is only nee. essarjv.tQ mention ' miss ava i Todd, a popular young lady of that city, who was recently nominated, has ' now 8.400 votes to her credit.. The leader ship of the fifth district Is -still held - " ' v j . .... ..-,..,, .. j , .. .. ; . - r ' ' r. 1"- N " ' -n a7 b" - ' 1 tissEva'L. Tofldr by Silsa Florenc Heavren of Vancou ver, who ,ha 11.774 votes. Miss Kath arine Oore of Kalama la second, bavins l,04 votes. . .-' - i. v - - . ! 'The battle In r the first district row tinues to be. lively and althouji the leader of the second district for a few days had a greater vote than the leader of the first district. Miss Bailie Itidlgan, now JtheTlf a.der of lha JxUer. has jumped far Into the advance ana nas s.T7 votes to her credit Mies' Minnie & Phillips continues to be a strong me ond with (4.74 votes. The vote - for these two candidate during the past two days demonstrates how Taat the vote In the first district is rolling In. Miss Sadie Wlntermantl Is third In the first district with ' 10,037 votes. Miss Lura Baty fourth, with 44,27$ votes, and Mies Kretchen Kurth fifth with l,470 votes. ' ' ' ' .'. ' ' ' In the second district Miss Katie Nasb continues as leader, having 63,168 votes. thus showing that her - friends- around La, qrande are still actively working for her success. Miss Agnea Fletcher of Pendleton Is second with BS.381 ,vote and Miaa Molly Proebstel of La Grande third with 43.843 votes. The voting In this district continues to be very active and the friends of all the, candidates are working hard for their favorite. Miss Kmllle Crossen of The xaltes Is still the leader , In . the third -district. She has 32,841 votes, and Miss Luclle Crate la second with 2S.S42 votes. In the fourth district Miss Kffle May King of OnUrlo l-the leader with 2,16 votes and Miss Hattle Barton of Baker Citr I necond wltln-24,608 votes.TMis nrtrude Tire has third place with 20. 843 votes, . Eugene continues to occupy the head of the sixth district and Miss Madge Battee-of.. that place now has 24,081 votes. Miss Blanche Brown of BalenxJa In the : seventh district Miss Berths Courtemanche is the leader, having 21,. 785 votes and Miss Hasel Kennedy 'of Lafayette Is second with. 14,412 votes. Miss Cora Spangle has third nlace , with 1Z.Z74 votes. The eighth district Is - getting .very lively and Mias Edna, Parsley is - the leader with 81,722 votes to her credit Miss Dal Harmon Is second with 28.(48 votes-and Mies Louise T., Jones third with 13.742 votes ''Tho voting In. the contest is growing heavier with each ' mall.- Some idea, of the magnitude xtt the vote can be gained from the fact that so far 1,19.0(1 votea have been deposited. The vot forfait the candidates Is published In The Jour nal, this evening. TRIPPER SERVICE FOR -. SELLWOOD CAR LINE ' Streetcar patrons along the 8ellwood line of the Oregon Water Power Jk Railway company - f of several weeks have been requesting . additional car service ' for . the morning and evening hours, when large numbers , of people have been standing In the cars because of lack of seats.' The company has been experimenting with plans, to meet the need of Ha growing business, and today Inaugurated a tripper service) running the 7:20 a. m. car aa a double-header. ' The new Montgomery streetcar line of the Portland Railway company starts tomorrow, and tho U cars hereafter will go around the loop- at Alder street In stead of, running out Morrison street. The Montgomery street line will operate to Third street, and will give an eight minute service. . Other changes are be ing planned on the lines of the Portland Railway company, to suit the volame of travel elnce. .tjaa closing of the expo sition. .... ,- ''.'' -; - - T . . - A VOLUNTEERS TO FEED S : - : ; POOR THANKSGIVING Volunteers of America ' have begun preparations for their annual Thanks giving contribatldns to the worthy poor. There are said to be large numbers of families in Portland this year who need assistance and it Is the purpose of the Volunteers to assist a many as pos sible. ' The Portland chamber of commerce ha a given Us ofTH-lul sanction to theif. p-Tr"T ma mm. L . BLUE, STE.M r-Altrtf j Tri dmles c:i . VJ Nb . Th bread mxde' from Whita Rirer ' Flour is not only more appetizing and deli- ' ' cately flavored more- toothsome more 'satisfying,- ' . T- ' But By reason of every minute particle of the flour having been treated by "ionized' or electrified air, it is more easily assimilated . s by the stomach and more nutritious. - - WHITE RIVE Allen & Lewis II Selllag VXOU8UI SKOCSmg . POBTXuUrD, OB, V. The guarantea which goes with every '. tack inaures not only your satiafaction. but ' " your prefcrcnea for Whita, River Flour over . any other flour you hava ever usad or tha 1 chaarful return of your money. r y WMSe , JUver riom wea . a 4VOX.B lfDAIi ul special aaeatioa by Jury ef Awaxda at lAwls asd Clark Bxposltlos. "WHITE RIVER FLOUR MAKES LIGHTER, WHITER DREAD Teeth-NoPain Marvelous is what all the dentiata sav about "the wonderful system ot Alveolar Dentistry,, originated and practiced ex clusively In Portland by Boston Dentists, 2S1H Morrison street. We save teeth If only a good root remains. : We restore old deeayed - teeth , to usefulness and beauty. We replace lost or absent teeth" withy out piatea. . . - We extract teeth without pain free of charge. - ' . " . We trt-end tighten, looie teeth," and soft or bleeding gums are made sound and healthy. . t-. We guarantea our plates to flt We give you the best dental work for the lowest cost - consistent with first class work. Come and have free- exami nation and consultation and learn for yourself what we can do for you.' Boston Painless Dentists tsiH Korrutea -, Opv Meier lt.rraak and roatoffloa. ..-: . , . oiT2taao . n. to if. au day, ao a. aa. to laao p. sa. . . efforts by the following indorsement: '"To " Whom V It ' May 'Concern: This , la . to certify" that the.' Volun teers of America, who are soliciting contributions 'for- their, Thanksgiving celebration,, are entitled to the. utmoat consideration, as their object la a most worthy ona." , c " ' Those whn desire to contribute to ths Volunteers should communicate with Captain F. 8. Crawford, 883 Oak street, who is in charge. . His telephone number la Pacific 788. - -v. ' STealoa Ooes to JMttsbnrg Oowul Special BerTtea. WtUbuig. Pa.i Mov. The PIHsburg baseball club, has signed Nea Ion of San Francisco. . X r It ia first-class footwear, .too. 1 It ia a Shoe of style a well at dura bility, and every bit equal to the kind that sell for 4.00. . We Sell Men's Shoes Only X And this one la, a specialty with ua which w lova to continually x -. v ' , command. . Wa likewiae sail tha NetOeton $5 and 8S Slice - T Tha kind society gentlemen wear at their ithoat select society func- tiona. ' We carry a fine selection of men's most, fashionable hoaiery. VANDUYN D, WALTON m. moon t. " sro WAsmwaTosr ai, mar. vmtma An tovmvm. i NEGRO STUDENTS BARRED ! FROM KANSAS SCHOOL .'v ,-' ' " " '. 1 '' J ' (Joeraal 'Special CWrvlee,) ' ' i ; Topeka.. Kari.,'. Nov. T.--The race ques tion in this state is coming, to an Issue here today before" the ' state,' supreme eeurt, whesj - mendansus , Issued against the board "of education of Kan sas City, Kansas, reqxiirlnk that board : :'. -' v ., ,. to snow cause why colored pupils are v not aJlowed-o attend school at the same time .aadt In.- the same building' aa the,? - V white pupils 'will come op' for a hear ' ing.i The last session, of. the leglslv tur . paased a bin-providing for sepa rate High' school buildings for while and colored pupils. , Tha, building for . the colored children Is now in course of set apart half of each day at the white school for tha use ef tha negroesr ' t f .... j ,v-:'--, - V'-'i'. " i ' ;. r.-'?r -'- :'C 1 ': ' , V-- . . .. . . . , r - i, - - , 3- f: f. -r- u t.i : ' . AT : YOUR GROCER'S t .". . fT . . i r .. V,.. . ;. . ;. . ; '