The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 07, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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1 j e j ri
1 t e ft!
Knlered St the noetorflce at Portland, laraavai.
f trai,iw lathea liuuuah lb mall a McuiHt-
I'M OMUfff. - . - -
I'oatax fur mcl ronie: Tor u g. ltt w 13-
- page paper. I ceut; 14 tu 30 pegea, imU 32
u 4 page, S oeuia. , . v
K.llt.a-lal Rooms
.Main mo
itUBUlSas Office
.Mala hot)
.Vmld Bnlinki Sneelal Advertwlng Agency,
IJt ,nii (Uwt. w Votk: Xribua UuiiuV
lug, Cbkagu.
. euBscmrpnoM bates?
- Terms ar Cemer.
Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 year.. .$7.50
Ilia Dally Journal. 1 year O.UO
lbs Dally Journal, with Dnadu, 6 months. 3.. 6
Ilia Dally Journal, months. ; 9 00
The Dally Journal, aril a Sunday, 3 aienlha. IM
The Dally JoumaL 8 montlia 1-SO
Tb Dally Journal, with Huoday. 1 asoath..' .00
The Ttellv. im nak ,Llvr.t Sunday 19)"
tiouvd ..-...... ja
Ttie Itairv. rw week, ritllwad. HiiariaT ex
cepted .
- Tama W Mail.
That Daily Journal, with Hands. 1 year... .$7.00
TIM bally Journal, year. i. ...... 6.00
Tim Daily Journal, wllh Sunday, months. 8.75
The Dally Journal, montlia . 2 J4
Tbe Dally Journal, with Hunday, S atontUa. 1.40
Tbe Dslly Journal, 3 ni-elhe 1.40
To Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 Brtmlh. -B.1
The Dally Journal. 1 month r .60
lb Sunday Journal. 1 year 2.00
Tlaa HuiMla Jimrnal. month 1.W
Tk laml-Waakly Journal.
!Hie8ml-Weekly Journal, 8 to 12 pagan
tafh iaaua. Ulaatratad. full - asarkat re
part. 1 yeer 1.50
Keuilttanreo enould ha mad by draft, postal
Bute, express orders and smsll saaonnla ara
.Acceptable la 1 and 3-oaot poatage atampa.
- P. O. Box 131. Portland.. Ore-is).
ymax the journal mat be found.
The Journal ai (t taal at alt at tha
. Tonowlng; places:
Mil KB. IDAHO H. Seller Co.; W. B. Me-
lntyra. -
CHH AUO Poatoffka) News eompanir; 17S Dear
, born atraot.
iDK.N'VEIt, COLORADO J. .Black. WiUenta and
Curt la strwts. ......
KANKA8 CITX Van Nor Naws romnanr. '
AIIN.VKAPULIS M. J. &aTanauii, bO South
mm atrrai.
VKVf YOHK crTY Brcntano'a. Union sowar.
OMAHA Millard Hotel newa aland;-. Magaatk
Htatlooery company. 30H rarnum atraec.
. B.M.T I.AKR ;iTY Krayrni Hotel news aland;
Barrow Hroa., as Waat aVacond atraet, rVwth.
6T. lAM'lH Philip Roedrr, fll Locust Stmt;
K. T. Jett. mm Ollv atreot.
BAN FRANCISCO W. B. Ardlnf, Palaea Hotel
newa stand and 100 Market street; Uolil
smith Broa.. 20 8utter atraet and Haint
vJaaHa hotel; Poster Orear, Ferry build
in; N. Wbeatley. 'snorabla hears stand, "cor
ner Market and Kearney aire La.
6KATTI.K RariiKT iirand newa atand; W. V.
pnanaa, tsrei rieame news atana. .
TACOMA, WA8HINOTON Oratrst News- eom-
pan: Hotel Tacnma newa stand.
Book aV Stationary company.
Tlw area of biira preasur wblrh has canaed
tha pleaaant weather In thia olatrlrt durlug
th but seTeral daya I adTanring alowly east
ward and the Indications this morning point to
th approach of a dint urbane from th oreaa
lthin the next 34 hours. Three ronditlons
will Must r Inrreaelng rlnudlnesa Wedneaday lu
WMtern Oregoa and wratsra Washington, with
rain along tha Immedlat roaat and a general
riae la temperature over the en lira dlatrtrt.
Th storm central, yeaterday over the lower
lake contlune to eaua nnaettled and rainy
weather in that section and In tha middle At-
lantic and tha ' Kaxland atatea. Bala -haa
also occurred skxia; th west gulf otiapt and
lu extreme aootherB California.
It la warmer thia morning In tha middle
wee tern states and correspondingly cooler ia
. the atatea -east of the Miaatulppl rlrer, except
along the South Atlantic eoeat.
1VE0KK8OAX. Norember . at 10 a. m., at XX
., Mm at.; nirnitur eotnpiet ol a roo
Abrama. proprietor. O'Connor, auctioneer.
.-rVEDNKSDAY and PrMay at 10 a- m. tack day
at a tearoom, IM Plrat st.
Rttgen J. Canty. 21: Dot lie Alexander. IS.
Thomaa Tbompaon. 24: Delia Began. 33.
Alniak A. Wilder, Boseburg, Oregoa, 38;
piihy A. Kenron, 21.
Maaoa P. Bailor. 441; Bffl O. Bander. 40.
John Bkroadah. 33; Man4 M. Sowlett, 32.
' Wedding Cards. W. 0. Smith Co.. Waah-
ingtoa blag., or. roarm and waahluctaa ata.
Mies Bertha Martin, room 813 Allsky Mdg.
Stamping and Ana needlework; leaaona gtrsa.
rrl.AHCNT Norember 8. U DeUhaat, 3S
Kaat Fifteenth atreet. scarlet fever.
THOMPSON Norember 8. Frank Thompson, tit
siaanai atreet, typhoid ferer. -BKV
KB Norember 8. Sinclair Berar, 838 East
t-Wtcn arreet, scarlet terer.
Ilrill Koremher , to Mr. and Mrs. James
rinh. 43 Flore oce street, a daughter.
BKODIB October 27. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert
A. Rrodte. ai Tillamook street, a daughter.
BKAKKN October 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis U,
braaen. 81 Hnraoer street, a. daughter, t '
DA NT IFF October 8, to Mr? and VI re. Prank
Dantlff. . T:iS Fourth street, a son.
GORDON' October lt. t Mr. and Mrs. Frank
II. Gordon, IK) Orant atreet, a son.
R A Z October 3. to Mr, aad Mm. Michael Baa
of Hillsdale. Oregoa, a daughter.
HIXM AN November ft, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
I. Hinman, 10K4 Macadam street, a danghter.
CARIJMIN Korember B, Joeenh N.- Carlson,
. aged 48 years, 3x114 North Hlxteenth street;
esieae. aatheule perl tool tla. Burial at Blvsr-
vtew cemetery.
K A Y H R R November 4. Magdallna K a raer. sged
02 years, 842 Fifth street; causa, hemlphlegla.
, Hurlal at Loa Fir cemetery.
DA I, Y Norember T, Thomas A. Dsly, aged 78
years, 4.14 Kaat Seventh street.
GAKRADB November 4. Ida Gertrude Garbade,
. aged 34 years, at Good Samaritan hospital;
, rauar, aapUcamla. Burial at Bivarrlew cam.
BfiLDKRNERB November 8. Lad) Holderneas,
w rears, ai nu ineent s Bospttsi;
meningitis. Crematorium.
Single grave ,. Family lots tTO to 81.006.
Tbs only . cemetery la Portland which oer.
petaally malntalna and rare, for lots. For full
Information -apply- to W. B. Maekeaat War.
V B e1,.,. a. I
- iwi m igsnai mraetsra sad
ambalmera. eorner TWr and Madleoa atreet.
. Ofllc. of . tonim aoranar.i.- Talashaaw - Mate- 6V
Dannlng. . McBntea Gllbaagb. undertaker
fend etnbalmera; asodera la every detail. Bmntk
Bad PI a. Mala tao. Lady, ssalatant.
Funeral wraaths and rat flower a specialty
at aViaa City Greenhouse, T ntr aawmd aad
Kaat Morrlaoa, stppoalU srasatarp
Tb Edward Hnlraaa rndertaklnf eompaay,
laeral direct era aad ambalmera. 330 Third
st. 'HBaa ftOT.
Claras Bros, for flow era 36 Morrlsoa atreet.
CARIXiN Tli funeral serrlees of Jnaenh, N
. 4 arlaisi will le held st Pinter's chsiel, at
" - : J p. m, Wednesday. K ere m tier g. Frb-nds
Invited. Internient Rlrcrrlew
F. S-blcge et Si. In X Ia R bodes, lot ,
Ki UrM-hmutr "ai Oatnua'a Little
Hnanea. aulMllvlaJon Ko. 3 ...... . . . .$ 608
C. '. awe and wife to B. H. Prance, ?'
h-t 8. Muck 4. Pleasant View addltioa. '
J Tube a nd wl fa to Krneat Card. Ma .
I and 3. block a, Uneola Park Annex. B08
Arista Land CiMnnanv to A.. F. Tare.
lot 6. M-k 3, Arlcta park. No. 3.. . I
2. H. Arlington and huehand to n. R.
tl C.rl,-r anil ulfe UH 1. block 66.
' aitunvabte 1 bird addition 1,70
' U vlllns in M. Collins, kit
l M 4. t enter addition 100
M KiiiiBi.-rortb and wife to atella
tluu, avt , tUl A W alat i'aik 900
Real Batata Investor' aaaoclatlon to A.
- orUae-k, Via 1. 1 Id, IT and la.
block let. Sell wood got
U. H, Alien sad wire to c. w.. Comlltia,
lota 8 aad A block 124. Couch 'a addl.
tlva 13,000
ai. t . tieorg ana wira ts o. u. Doitoa,
parcel land 3.4Ti41.3Kx6.Oox4S feet,
beginning lnterei!tlon waat Una lot aX
bkiik M. I arlar'a addition . ta
4. m. ricteuger ana wirs to o. M.
Norostrom snd wire, lot a. block a.
Williams Avenue addlthm 1 AT!
I. Htark and wife to A. nelmbucnaar.
lota 104 a ud luS. Axle la Park , 1.000
m. au Mmr,rfa anu nuaoanu to A. at.
Sweeney aad haabaad. lot s. block 8.
U 1 1 1..-'. .1 1 . 1 V .
av riarc ana nuaugna to r, B. Smith;
mta 11 and 12. block 12. Kaat Port
land ... j. . am
m. - Miller, truate. to Victor Laind com-
AaMW In. O 1 k . a; 1 1 1 1 . I I. . . .
c. uiudlaun to M. White, lot 8. block
l. Heacua Helahta addition ...... T 42S
Alna worth Katlunal bauk to C. A. Beyer.
lot 8. bluet 11. Orchard Home 32S
t A, Thayer nd wir t J.- Aleck, lots
ft to 12. Mabletllla lfl
B. 11.. 1 ranee lu A. t. Carter, west 34
lot 14. block 2M4. Couch addition
O- Bleb and wife to O. Hubert and wife.
nits ana in, aorta u lot o. block
32. Prninaular Addltioa No. 3.. -IBS
a., sacnriaaoa and wife to 1 Lawla. lot
. block a itAwitt . in
4. at. atria to a. ituber. lot at and m.
block XI. Pen naa ar Addition Na. I.i
W. M. Ladd and wife to J. J. Rawkea?
BOxlM feet block 8. Jobnaon's addl.
tlon .v... ,-t.fiOo
at i rammer ana wire to li. u. n.enner.
eaat mi raer north mjo feet nioca
Caruthera' addition i .... 1.B50
4k n einnara ei ai. to l. 'ATummer, box
100 fret beginning south line Hooker
street It extended AO feet west of aortb
waat aarasr- Mock 87, Carutaara' addi
tion :
W. C. Walker to J. Cloaaet at al.. parrel
mod oeginning aootawast corner niocg
107. Couch 'a addition
1. J. Armatrona and wife to H. jobnaon.
lota li and 11. block a. Willamette.. auo
L. Break and r. Break to J. C. Alna-
wurth. west 40 feet lot ft, block law,
clt., snd other property
W.-Wilson and wife to B. F. BuaselL
lot 3. Hamilton 350
a H. Ousett and wife to J.' U. Hart'
an. lot 3. block X Bralnard Tract. 800
A. Naylor et al. to A. Oraa, north. -lot
3. block 88, Caruthera' addltioa.. 1
A. raa et aL to-A. Kaylor, aouth A
lot 1L block SS. Caruthera' addltioa... 1
0. Church to B. L. Thompson. 3d acres . '
neginalQg sauthweat eorner u. wiuia.
donation land claim, eectloae 23, 28,
townahlp 1 south, range 1 eaat 1
Sunnyald laud A Improvement company
I K. ri. Jonas, . lot la, Dwcc oa, -Sunnrelde
L. M. Uammons and buaband to H. Jegsr. ' .
lot lx, biocg a, uncoin t'arx - zio
A. Merrill to H. Stranee, lot 1. block -4.
eitr 50.000
German Ravings liOaa aoclety to L L
uaonetter, aiaixiiaj reet . Beginning
northwest eorner block Tl. dtj , 87.600
J. B. Balnea aad wlf to M. A. Tyw,
1.003 crea aectloa I, - townahlp .1 -
oath, rang 3 eaat 4T5
. G. Eaton and wlf to E. Nalana,
I acre aectloa I, townebjp 1 aoutb,
rsnce S esst 1
i. K. Pearcy and wife to i. N. Pean-y
lots 1 ud 3. south 18 feat lot 8. . ..
south 14 set lota 8 snd 3. noath M
feet Into 1 to 3. section 24, township
3 north, rang 1 west., 1
B. Ioverldg e aad wlf to C. B. j
Lnvertdxe. lot 10. block 1. Maaallloo.- I
A. Hchneliler et al. to J. Terras st si.,
lot bloc 11. WTItlams Arena idol- " '
tlon 1JM0
F. W. Ttrbbesiog and wife to J. Varna
et sL, lot 3, block 11. William Avw -nua
addltioa 678
Title Guarantee A Trust company to F.
K. carter and wire, wast ix reet mt
8. block 6b, Bannyald Third addl-
lion -
C 0. Strnbe snd wlf to B. F. Dlller,
1.1 acres aectloa 1. township 1 souta.
ranga 1 oast, .beginning Intersection
north Una Unn a-lllttou .......... 1,300
. Parrlna and wife to- B. Lewis. .- -
lot 3. block 64. Couch's addition.... 1,800
. If. Bp parly aad buaband to M. B.
Gavnnr. eaat W lots L and 3. block
78. Stephens' addltioa 1,100
. W. Cornelius to I. Flabar. lot 10,
block ft.; lot 8, block 6; lot 4. block in;
lot 3. block 14: Lot ft. block 3a Lincoln
Park.. Lota 3T and an. block 1: lota
14 to 18, block . Multnomah Park.. 1000
Get roar tnsorsnea snd a ball acta to real
est at from tk 1111 Guarantee a Traat Soaa-
pany. 140 Waahlngtoa atreat. eorner econc w
Saving's Bank
The Title Guarantee
& Trust Co.
Pays 4 per cent on Certificates of
fays per cent on cr
Deposit Pays 3 per cent
daily balances of deposi
subject to check
cent interest on
sit Bocounta.
Banking : hours 9 a, m. to 4 p. m.
Satucdays 9 a. rn. to 1 p. m.
Saturday CTeninga.. .. ...S to S o'clock
W. M. Ladd. J. Thorburn Ross.
'. T. Burkhart. Frank M. Warren.
' Georte H. HilL
240 Washington Street
Corner Second.
or acrxwAtrxzai, wis,
This company's aaents did ever
IJ.OOO.OOO.OO mora naw buainesa In
October this year than In October,
. - aaOAvn ., - -
OTTaT, -
Ooaeord Bull dins;, rortlano, OrafOB.
EXECUTRIX NOTICE. It la hereby Intimated
thst tbe aaderalgned haa duly qnallned In
tb county court ef Oregoa. tot Multnomah
-county, as executrix of tks Isst will of
: R. H. Schwab, deeeaaed. All person having
claims sgalnat the u ceased or hi aetata era
hereby notlued to present the asm to tha
amlerutgned at tbs law ofne ef James
Gleaenn. room 3 and 8 Mulkey building.
Portland, Oregon, wlib tba proper voucher
and duly mined wlthia all month from the
date of thia notice.
Dated and drat publication had the serea
tsenth day of October, lid. .
Executrix of the Laat will al LX. Sckwah.
'Xove and a Red Nose
Can Hidden"
Bnt ntoet everything else may b. The roods
In a alore mat are never aurert isee are pretty
SlIvAluaii iimhssb uss , pavsyewuve uf ara.
.county man or us staia et ursgou. for
Multnumsb County, In the matter of th
avarat of weaivy r. asm, Ieceaae4.
Notice la hereby given that the anal ac
count of John f. Emmet, admlnlatrstor of
the aststs ol wesiey . ammel, aeoaaaed,
kaa see a rendered to ssld court for- ttl
ment and tbsl Monday, tbs thirteenth day
f November. lBuo. at 6:84) o'clock s. m.,
ka been duly appointed by th said court
for tbs 6nsl bearing and settlement of tbs
said account, ' at . which ' time sny person
interested may appear aua bio aw sxaepuoua
vu aaiu accvuui auu an"i iaa whom.
JimM I'uurr
Admlnlatrstor of tha BsUto of Waaler K.
KubmL Deceaaed.
li'Bea A Scbuebel, gtrorneya ..fog .adjniar
istrntor, uregoa uty, uregon.
IN tba circuit court of Mm aula at Oregon, for
Muttnoman county,
la tba nutter of tba raratrurahtp et August
To tha creditor: Tba underetrned baa filed
with tb clerk of tb above entitled court bis
report of th bids received for tha assets of
August Krats, and tba court baa set Norember
in, ima, st tb hour of 10 o'clock a. m., a
the ttm for hearing onjeciiona to tba con
flrmallou of aale of aald assets. - '
All persona interested ara notified accord.
. Ingly. K. u. "AKIN, Heeeirer.
- BKACH A SIMON, Attorney for Becetrer.
MEETING NOTICB Tb annual meeting of tltar
stockholders ot the Koaaiand Deer Park
At In lug company will be held at the of fir of
the company, ruoma 44 and 48 Waehlngt'ie
Mag., suothesst cor. or rourtn and vi aaunij
toa ata.. Portland, Oregon, on Friday, No-
ve tuner it, iiea, st iu o rioca a, m.
... la. miAH COHEN, President. -
Attest: S. W. KING, secretarr. -Portland.
Oregon, November 7, 1W0S.
BIDS will be received until 4" a, m. Thursday,
Normher 8. lwtm. and then opened, for haul
Ing out asd launching tha dredge Portland
and for tbs ass of the ways while tba dratlg
I being repaired. Particulars may b ob
tained by applying st tbe office of th
Of rortlana, city nan, city.
i DAN 1. MAHEK, Clerk.
LOST Leatber.bound bonk (Journal) Bsrardar
evening, a Is pair aciaaora. fleaaa rstora
to Journal office.
FOUND Near Handy road, eorker spaniel dog.
c. o. oal lander, car of coopey at son, tsuora.
aH Third st.
RELIABLE represents tires wanted In Portland
and nrtnlty for aubscrlptloa wora on- oar
liecsats-a-year magsxlns; averyone sauacruiea
for It: aok-ndid oooortunltr: -110 to 320
weekly easllr. Write Jordan Publlahlug
Company, Pittsburg, I'enuaylvsnla.
W aaelst compatant of flea men, bookkeeper.
etenoarra poera. eaanierg, collector. Bill elerxa,
general clerical, tarhnlcal commercial men.
Business Man a caMrina; House, no paean a.
MEN and boya wanted to ears $s day. after
z moatna matructioa, poainon gusraatasa;
special tuition half pries, few dsya only.
fyna Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools. Nw York,
SALESMEN wanted; rash advanced ' weekly;
rood territory onn; eatflt rr; aom ara man
na 8100 to 1150 oae Mouth i Wkr uot rout
Adarea WsabingtoB Nursery Co., ToppculaU,
Waahlngten. - -
WANTED Clerk and wlndow-draawra te study
show-card writing . at . Y. . M. V. -A. nlghl
school: parsoaal lnstructloa. Apply for par-
ucuiara,.. xr;. t: .. , ....
WANTED eVtllcHora. 84 to CI per day; aalary
sr commniaion. uau ar wnta w. at. xayior
A Co.. room A Lahbe bldg., Portland.
WANTED ri rat -clam tolesmen rn Portland
and country ; big wages, aos Jtcsay bide.
BXPBBIENCBD flnlaher for kltrpea furultura;
also macBUMmaa. lua Eievrnta at., aorta.
WANTED Aa errand boy with a wheel. Apply
se w ashing ton at., cor. west rarg ac
WANTED Good newspaper circulation maa.
capital journal, naiem. Oregon.
SEVERAL good aollcltora for city and country.
i" 4, journal. -
TBrsTWOBTHT. energetic wobmb te trarat
aad argaala rot Vlaal eoanpaay. Call sal
addraaa room 33. Lewis bldg.'
toa at., ear. Se renth. upstairs, rboaa Mala
stvx rsmskt help wanted.
LADT ollcltnr for tb ten nnd coffee trad.
Hawthorn Tea Co., 870 Hawthorne era.
WANTED A girl to do general housework.
Apply sue n. zwaaty-iourtB at.
WOMAN for general housework. 461 Bouaejr
avs.. Bear n.ugn n.
TI1K detnand tor aompotewt bonk keeper
' anr?
Irirnici Ibsn tb supplrr f ron
August 1. 1904. to August 1. 1006. ws Disced
307 In good positions; bad calls for mof tba
600: our graduates ar ALL employed; w
will assist yoa to a position when competent;
enroll bow; ' day or night. Bebnka-Walker
Bualnee College, Sixth aad Morrlaoa its.
WANTED At Once, a bright, energetic, prs-
sen table maa or, woman, a gooa taiaer, te
take up aa attractive proposition.- - Inquire
733 ensmber 01 lomnaerca, s a. aa.
HELP wanted and tnpplled, mala ar female. R.
u, prati, aun waaningtoa uiaca iwa.
WANTED Immediately. 3 mea or women to do
canvaaalng. Call ap Eaat 837 ; good proposition.
WANTED Position by an experienced bonk.
keepers can come any time after November
10; logging iirm pretvrreu. jauurauu w. s . ,
In care of Coroellua Wsrssous, OortMlloa,
oregoa, .
JAPANESH young gentleman wants a nicely
furnished room or en suite witn noara in
respectable) private family where there are
no other roomers or boarders. Address M
66, ear JournaL
PARTY who took hat and overcoat from Wood
men pau, eaat side, Monday even log, uy
oiietats. gmaiy paooe essi itu.
WANTED Situation TBr aU. klnda of laborer.
B. 8. Sllngerland, enpcrlntoodcnt v Beacon
Light mlealon. 808 Davie St.
WANTED Position by flrst-claas meatcnttor.
Phone Mam 4b2,
SITT'ATlOIf wanrM, respectable nn Incumbered
widow ss Doneekseriar widower family; rirr
prererred. 3x014 YamhUl. I'how Mala 8413.
ELDERLY lady wilt bonerkeep for widower,
working couple or small rsmuy) food 000c,
Address P 60, rare of JournaL .
Nl:RNR dlaengaged. maternity or medical; terms
mmierste. AUdreaa Burse, vast aso. eiltk
Hawthorne are.
POSITION wanted by a trained nurse. Call
814 JeffenOB et., or pnone alaia essz,
WOMAN wants small family washing to da at
bom. Address N 48, care Journal.
TOI'NO lady dealres day work. Phone Eaat
nam. e
36 N. Second st. ' Phone Mela 1526.
Henry Tsbara, 367 Everett at. Pboo Pa
cific 640. v - ,
fnmlabed ft. 388 Burnslda nt. Phaaaa
- 6437. .
PACIFIC Cosst Emn. Co. Reliable smnlnrBMBt
agests 12 N. 3d at. phoa Mala 6S10.
UH kelo Ire te empwftrs. 318 Morrlaoa.
ACMB EMPLOYMENT CO. ill Morrlaoa t-l
sunnliea maa for all klnda of work.
BIG FOUR BMP. AGENCY Help u polled rraa.
NATIONAL EmptoyaMnt aad Labor .Agency,
3J3 Plna at, raoun aua ioca. . '
Morrison at. rnona riniw o.
AGENTS wanted to sell aarsery etoek; new
SBd complet OUIIil aumisoeu arsat, ewssj
weekly, wpuai nmeaa-y s.Miiyiv
Salem. Oregon. :
( HAVE buyers watting to hear of small boms
la or aesr rortisno. any direction; tw you urv
ready to sell addraaa r a. care journal.
WANTED New bouse, about 6 rooms, larg
ground, bargain, part Caen; give Mcauua
and particulars. r ai , cure aouruai.
WANTED To buy or leas a building lot clous
. la. McPharaoB, Gllmaa botaLFIrat and Alder.
WANTED Lot or fraction tnald city UmlU;
giro partlcnlara. A n. journal.
WB want desirable bounce and nark. .all part
of tbs city; bar high-class clients walling)
rests collected. proeriy cared roc.,
343 Stark at. Phone Mala 1876.
WANTED To rent farm. 18 or 30 acres. Bear
city;, honee. and bam. M. fl. Morgan. 870
Miiwauai t.
BOABD and room,, gentleman, walking distance;
etate price and cxmraaleecaa. Address H bT,
SEE tb Lewi and Clark fab? at bnme: send
4oe la atampa far handsome pboto book,
nearly 300 pboto of fair, THtftVx Inches.
Western View Book Co.. Portland. Box SAM,
PAINTING,, spraying and wbltrwaablng trace.
basements, barns, docks, src. ; largest gssoune
spraying out at on tha coast. M. O. Morgan
A Co., 870 Mllwaukls at. Phone East So IT.
WANTED Household, reatsursnt and hotel fnr-
nltur tor a pot raah. blgbeat prices psld:
also stocks la trade of all deecrlritloaa. Call
up Main 004, ask for Mr. Oka.
0RCHE8TBA, 3 pieces, wests engagements
evenings. Sundays: musle for all occasions very
resooab;e. 48 Lucretla at. Tel. Mam ooos.
HIGHEST cash price peld for Bottle and Junk
or every aeacnptisn. rortlana not tie ennpiy
CO., BB1 North Bightenu, ruse Main xasa.
WB will etore that piano for you free, care
for it ana pa th Insurance. . Address .At,
EIGHT tea ma to baal lumber and ties. Proc
tor A Drees. CottralL rte Orient, Oregoei.
WANTED Lady's bicycle; most be la At eoo-
Oitloa; cash. Address ots Hiiwauxiaai.
BOOKS bought.' sold and exchanged' at tb
Old Book Store, K Yamhill st,
MAN and wife want transportation te Ui
ait. Address P 43, Journal.
. J. RYDBO. printer. Second aad W asking tos
ata. Phyee Usln 6836. . -
LARGE mlltop 6s aad office cuatrs..Pbons
liooa soo., . .
THE Hl'R. SS Eleventh et.. car. Stark New
rnomlng-bons. newly rarmsBea. ateara aeac,
fas light and batba; rloee to business sse
loa. 1 block from eurllne; all the comforts
of a horn; everything ap to date. . Mr, p.
A. Clancy, prop. '
THB KINO 806 Jefferson St.. new building.
bandsomsly rnrnianed. wttB every modern
sxnvenlencei all oatalde room, with beat.
Kor electric light, porcelain be tha; rate
, T8e aad $1 special rataa by the weak
or month. . ,
THE BELLEVCE. 318H Fourth St. Neatly
rurnishad rooms for gentlemen; all entsio
rooms: electric lights, porcslsla batba; rata,
BOe. TBe, $1: very low rate bj week ar
Bmntk. Hood T0L
TWO large, light, finely furnlahed room: sea.
rumue best, porcelain oatn. teiepnong;
everything neat aad clean;- rates very reaaoa.
able: walking diataaca. 140 H BUtk at. Phoae
Mala 6o4. .
Centrally located at the corner of Alder and
Park its.; steam hast, hot and cold water.
free porcelain bataa; rooms ouc, xoe snd f l;
special weekly rate.
THB HAMANN. 138 N. 18th.. ear. Hort Heurty
fnrauibed reoma, 31. BO ap; eoavenlent loeatioa,
16 minute' walk to fair groaad: Morrlaoa
ear at aaloa depot direct to boaae. Phoae 8470.
BEACnFTL front nulta and 3 ether desirable
furnlahed rooms in auodera home of private
family; pbone, bath, furnace beet, walking
Qiaaaaaa. Bau-xourta st. 1 000s racinc uiu.
KING'S HEIGHTS Dsstrsbl nelaborhood,
near BL Ualen's Hall; nicely furnished moot
for asm or two, with private fa at 11; petma-
- aeat preferred. - T86 Maht at.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished noma la brick bull!
Ing; bstb, electric light aad phona; $3 per
week and ap. Tbe Maw Belmont, 188 y
Flrat at.
THB OSROBN HOTEL, 31 Grand are.; rooms
from 86 up; reetsorant eonnecttoa. Get
off at the eaat aloe oepot asd take An
keny ear.
UNDELL HOTEU 4th and Market; new man
are ment; furnlahed new throughout; no dark
I comfortable Borne. Mr, b. McLean.
MABQHAM HOUSB, 14BH 6th Booma en enlte
- or atnglel hoasekeeptng rooane; ga atovaa,
bath, sWtrie Ughtsi traneteuts aolldtod.
THB WILBUR, 345 East Oak Furnished
housekeeping noma, 81.78 per week end ap;
lodging 1 and ap. Phone. Bast 48SS.
FURNISHED reoma, single or en cult. 38 par
month ana up. notei riirmaejnt, xweaty.
Ixth aad Cpahnr aad Vaugha sts.
NICELY furnlahed room at uoderate price for
rent m Urg ptlvat bona, dose la. , Call
at 147 xentn at., near Aiaer.
8 ROOMS, first floor; bath, phone; furnlahed
ar unfurnlabed; near Sd and Oregoa; $15 per
Biontn. 11a n. 'inure . --
HAWTHORNE HOTEL. 373 Hawthorne are.:
the beat place to atop for res id en ta In sur
section ox in city.
168 17TH and Morrlsoa sts. -Moat desirable
. rooms; hot snd cold water, bath, eteam halt,
g aad phone.'
. hot and cold water; rate reasonable. S3 1-8
. North sixth at. .
SLEGANTLY. furnlahed room for one or fwe
Kentlemen; private lamny; neat, gasr oau.
51 Taylor. .-; . . .
FBONT partor for gentresass ef nflnerneat frbe
- irtabea room sear the cent mt slty. 881
Everett st.
NEWLY furnUhed reoma. with stove, jMtn.
telephone, uitaul for 3 adults, (heap. 333
Mill at.
NICELY furnlahed front ikaiWa rawer, trlttil
. for tvee-ur our; ooa aulubi for two, 108
Park. . . . i '
WELL'fnrnlsbed room, hoard; good loretinni
ear aerrlce, 401 lenta at. , a-nooe raciue
668.: . . : V. -
CHEAPEST snd best Ineetod room la Portland,
61 week aaa up. 'uiiaaae. rirsa aaa A mar at.
Th Hendereoa. SftlH Alder Elegantly furnished
reoma for permanent aaa transient roomers.
HOTEL MONABCH, Stilt Stark at.; transient so
licited; prices reasonable, fbeme factnc aw.
The Pcoijl
Wbe don't read alore ii and thne rentlaaally
ml bnylng eppoftnnllle r tb siiaa peopl
who fall to read tbe-time table snd trina alias
trains. In one ran Ihey know where tlw
store, la, la tba other the know here the
depot at, . . . ; , - ;
NICKLT - foraUbtMl rocni. all iwMlar eota-
THB GRAND Nawlr fnrnlabcrj tvom b tb
WSBsra W BBisiu, avoaj Taj isWalU. SI ff ,
KICELT runilahed room la priTatai Mldeic,
rruuaiOei, oow jvaiat: imjtor u
BOOM la prirat famtlr (or notWoiaMa. 110
iL tUll Will aA
Ml IflU st.
FURNISHED room, 378 East Sixth aad Har
FOB BENT Furnished housekeeping rooms la
neat ones sraca oa east sioe: gas rasgea,
bath. tc.t bo traualenla; prices moderate.
Log a Ilk., lofttt Lntoa ave enraar Baal
Aitiar. I'uon sast aex.
NEW furnished or anfurntobed housekeeping
ana sMepiiigtMOax, i wsa,, aov wrtk
Twenty-alith. car. Savior. Waahlngtoa ear
to .wauty-aixin. turn te aril luu I set.
NEATLY furnlahed bonackaeplng snd slssp-
iiig-rooma, cioae' in; oatn. no -xentn, uear
mark: a tao at ao norta iweuty-wxtu, cor.
navler, l week. .
NK'B turn la had kouaekeeptng rooms, fin Urge
MM, In, .InlM rK...,A IT...,
4138. B. C. Barter, It. Tabtjf..,. . '
1.7S PER WEEK Large clean furnlahed
Bhermas, South Portland, tc-'
T1E MITCHELL. Flandera aad Seventh Boom.
nvuseusvutuai sum areussvu., imu . suiwil , uncus
rsssonsbls. ...
THB GLADSTONE 613 Sartor at.. furaMaed
rooms; anuar new nuaag assent price ra.
HOUSEKEEPING setts ef 3 rooms; saw 3
single rooms; very rseaoBsbla. 181 Tbtrtaeata.
FURNISHED housekeeping room, alngi or ea
suit, reasonable. . ill and 11B North Ninth.
LARGE new elegantly furnished housekeeping
aa ka -...1 hm asm . -
67 N. 11TH ST. Suit of hoojetkeeplng rooaia,
xumisoeu: uieu on aingi room.
NICK, pleasant room with board for two young
men witn private family; naa gas, bath snd
phone; within wsifcing distance: ready, for
oven nation th loth; fJO per asuath each. Ad
dress P 46, Journal. .
THE COMMERCIAL Blct . family hotel;
nicely furnished; single or en suite; tsbls
Bis. . immm , irw u, u.. , hmhii .i.sipae,
6 rate reasonable. '488 WsabingtoB at. .
F1R8T-CLABS roe nw and hoard for permanent
rple, 323.00 and 62& per month; Uble board
per wsek. Astor kouaa. TU aad Madiaoa
ts. TsL Mala 6381.
364 TWELFTH Newly furnUhed front
with cloeet; ska - bright side -room; gas,
pbone. bath, furnace heat; private family;
reasonable terms.
WELL-Fl'BNISHED connecting rooms wltk
board, suitable for 3 or 4 young men; price
reanoable. . 80S Sixth, cor. liarrlaoa. Phoa
Mala 64U0. -
BLEGAto rooms snd" board for maa and wife;
furnace beat. bath, phone, gas and electric
llrht; elose tu,. private borne. Pbone Mala
1047. . '
THB HAWTHORNE, 231 Thrrtawath Rooms
with good board; walking; distance, reasonable
false By tbe luuullr,
BOOMS with ' boar- foi
reaeoaabiai nnt-claaa
Sixth at.
boms enoklng. 331
BOOM and board for -two men; bath, phone.
JHUi uoiumbla at., between Third end Fourth.
BOOM AND BOABD tor two gcntlemea; pri
vet family. 30TH Lerrakee at.
830 FOB room aad board., aae- or two; refer
ac. es Eaat wmth at H. .
WANTED Children te board; alee home. Phone
HOOd it'll.
Berth Twenty -sixth
at., treat I'Dsknr te
Boons furelahsd aad unfurnlabed, stngla
gad ea salt. 61 per week ana up.
A permanent modern ' building, plastered
and with bathrooms and asodera plumbing.
FOB BENT House and data, all parts ad
the city. Keutal department
343 Stark at.
STUABT etsrloB, Mount Scott ar 4 lane
rooms, aatbalidlaga, Baoderaj partlea wlthoat
cblldren; rural tur for aal. Call th BsUe
vu. Foarth aad SalBMO.
8-BOOM bous for rent; moat desirable lore.
tlo for roomlng-bou. Inonlr Mag O,
Cohen. 400 Columbia bldg., 866 Waahlngtoa at,
Phoae Mala 784.
NEW 6-room sou a and quarter block. Hancock
aaa Eaet Twenty-emu ata, bt.oo. b. at
tsnaoard. Bit Chamber et ii
FOB BENT New n-room bouae, pantry and
oatn, two blocks front two carllnea, rent 910.
Phoae Scott 1041
HOUSB for rent. Sooth Seventh St., Great, ap
rsiioe roau, no. uu; an per aaontn. .
8-ROOM bouse, modern conveniences; teat 33i.
tor. -rnirtaentB ana weiaier eta.
FOR BENT A 6 room cottage. . Cora Graad
a.v. am nivi at. su. ve.
FOB BENT New, modern cot tags. - Phou
asst zni n.
FOR RENT 4 -room cottage. 1ST North Twenty
nrux c. I-. ,.
6-ROOMliftas for rent. 7r Eaat Ankeny at.
FOB bos results ea
Whether to buy ar aril, ring ap Main
311 Flrat at.
THREB trnom bouses for rent, furniture for
sale; 3 6-mnm flats for rent snd furniture
far sale; these are ana ye. See H. 11. Hlgley.
No. 373 Taykw at.
e-BOOM house for rept,nd furnltur for aal
. with of without piano; complete and neatly
furnlahed. 6S? East . Morrlsoa aL Phone
But 46M,
THB enter furnltnr ef Outside Inn- at entrance
to fair ground for aale cheap; B4 room. 11,
B. Noble, 813 Commercial blk. -
HOUSEHOLD furniture for aale. 637 Jsffer.
son st. V
MODERN 3 aad 8-room flats, furnished com-
Plete: hatha, gaa range and all couvenlences.
all JvWV, Fourteenth. -
STOREROOM for rent-on Union ve., very cheap
. to rlsht party. Inquire 86 Union are. t.
store fog rtat at 4W, Washington tt., or any
. parte ' . . . . .. ;.. :
FOR BENT Doakreoa and everything fur.
staked. B. S. Jackaoa A uo., u Btara at.
FOR BENT Dairy farm, 130 see) 80 tons hsy
on place tor sale. J. u. a-inn, t-urriusriiw,
Or.: O. W. P. esrllns.
FOR RENT About January 1, t-story brick
-"htirtdlng 100100,northeaafcor. Third and
aisuison; will ramonri aou "
part to deairabls parties.- Apply to B.
' Cox, Bo. T rirst St., room 10.
FOR RENT A atnrv wsrehous. 100x100. OB
k trsrkage, nortbwsst cor. Feonn ana itoyi.
Apply . , , 11 -V. uwu.
Main Pill.- - .
STORE at 301 mark for rent; mnat more te
I..,. nu..,.es
BLACKSMITH -SHOP doing good amines past
13 year, full auppiy or toou, quantity or
iroa ana coat, awsiiing-aouae. oeanng rruit
trees, chirkeu-bouse, 3 paesenger-boats, ear
service each dev. 3 minutes' wslk to sack
place; all for 200 If taken soon. Apply to
'IBompsoa raster, Kiugsosia, nssnington.
RvjGM. ran be had at low rent by a
desirable nartrl location oa east aids onoo.
site tbe Alblna echonl house. Particulars, call
off Ice, 817 Commercial block.
FOB SALE On account of alcknua. alee, alee a.
Booy-mskbg baatnea o esst slds; sale
from 616 to 638 per day: price 31.400, a will
Invoice! aa agent waated. G 86, The Journal.
CONTINUED lllneao compel me to aell or ex
change furnishings and business ef beet &.V
room hotel In Portland; central locution, good
less. M.. Gllmaa hotel. Flrat and Alder..,.
BUT, a reataurant on block from Sixth and
w aaniiajrtoo sts. smith Bros.. It. E. cor. sixth
aad Waahlngtoa sts. Phone Main 4010.
. ' 8000
WH.Ii hup -re5B lodging bona en Sixth st.
bet. wsshtngton snd Mnrrtann sts., rent 6A
month. Kralin Bros., 12s rjlxth st.
-33M '
WILL buy 11-ronra honee on Sixth St., W taken
at once. Smith Brae.. H. E. cor. sixth end
Wssblngtoa ata. Phooe Mala 4080.
MILLINERY (tore doing a good bualnee; wlak
to retire: price o00 If taken be December -1.
Address Mra. G. B. Nichols, 243 Wsst Second
St., Albany, Oregon.
BARGAIN Buainesa centrally located, clearing
mj aiontn; aatio required: must sell. Kooia
616 Commercial ablk. Phone Mafa - eu4.
pevens. .. Z .', , -H
FOR SALE Blckm!tt-shnp In good town:
I esubllabed buslneea: price - gwo. Aadreas
. E. Story, Oregoa City. Oregon.. .
FOR SALE Bakery, doing good bualnee; 8
bone and 3 delivery wagon; aleknesa tbs
causa . Inquire 363 Fesirrp-g -' '
NICE, clean 30-room boa, full ef steady room
er: awner muu wave town; prie gwo. IB
autre SOUS Madiaoa St.
RESTAURANT fnrnttare for eel. W. FI.
Lattln. Hotel Fatrmouat, Twenty -sixth aad
Upshur at. . .
B PORTING (oods .business at invoice price.
.anont juo. Addreas Box vn, Eugnjprgva.
FINE epportantty la eetabllsned bualneae! need
Bip aaa capital. Aaarssa u o. rare J eat aal.
FOR SALB Flnt-rla business cheap; party
esBvaag rtij. - ouuruan a ow, journal. .
INVESTIGATE For a amall amount of can.
vmi, aargu revurus. saw aacaway DM
31, ROOM lodging house. 700. - lease; good
reaaoa ror aeiiiag. juo rim t.
LA ROB rooming-house for sal, 17 Toom. 432
atara at.
-V i m.
600 EASY term, lot 6, block t. Fultoa Park;
double let, fenced, facing ea 8 gtrerta, on
block from electric esrllne. '- , .
800 Easy terms, 100x100 feet, lot 6 and T,
, block, H. Faltoa Park; half block from lee
" trie eerllne; 6 a vlw. .
100 Eaiy terms, lot 1, block 0, Fnltoe
' Park ea electric earlla aad Taylor's Ferry
; tead. . . ; ;-' ,
. M. LOMBARD. ' "
, -. (14 Chamber of Commerce.
Fall-sised streets, water te'
Jfoa ge to tbeee acre en tbe name ear,
pay the nam 8 far tha lot maa pare. The
lot ma your alghbor. bnt a la re
stricted la majority ef (eat area that Beaks
a tree aaburban bom.
110 Beeoad at.. .
-., 3S0 i
y '. ,- Acre Lota
Oa Car Lin -
' 6 Fan. . ' ' , .
Water to Every Acre.
Termat Term! I Term!!) ;J r
,;' ' ' " flO IJewa. '
-' 810 a Month.
110 Second Street.
INCOME would be at least 13 per cent pet
i annum. JO per cent net. af tr paring taiea
and Inenranc on two modern donble boose
snl a full quarter block on west side, la
. uoou resiiicuru uisirici , ine nouses occupy
ant uuxKsi reeac- leaving ettaiia test. Bnee
copied which might be old off for good
um to .reduce to the Investor tbe coat of
the balance of tbe quarter block en wblrh
the houses sr Iocs ted; thee house ara
, In a good condition and In a desirable loca
tion, aurronndiDg good. - Price 16,6o0; half
CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce. '
TWO acre Just eaat of city llmlu and Bear
Monlavlll canine; no gravel,- all cleared, old
house, many nice fruit tree; ll.arxi. Also
m acres similarly situated, no building, 60
fruit tree; $o&o. Several house snd Iota,
Eaat Portland, of rood rslu snd style, cen
trally bvatsd; easy terms. Also f) room mod.
ern bones-, pew, Sunnyald, 12.2KO; lot Is
60x100 feet. Also 6-ronm boner, atrlctly mod
era and corner lot NVx70; term. ay I1.2.V)
to 81.600 cash and balance to suit; centrally
located. East Portland. CSlrar, 623 Chamber
ef Commerce.-- . .
NEW It-mom bouse' en Esst Taylor it., lot
60x100; a good buy nt 7. room bona
on Jobnaon at., west side, 82.000. Tyson Km
Bell. 603 Commercial blk. Mala 8823,
rOR SAI-E Choicest bslf block In Portland.
fains left. Inonlr Ma'x G. Cohen, 400 Ce
nmbla bldg.. 8Ui Washington at.
If You Have
Beat estate for sale, don't try to nisks ao
polntment with time and tide, which wsit
for no maa, but break Into th market UirdU6fc
6 Journal clxaatlUtd adrertlssmCBt,
Juat watch be ll
" Act lota
On car line, tic far.
--r 5 Water on every acre -""
110 dowa esch' month: 10
Buslneea Men's Clearing House
110 Second St.
C , .
R : .
INCOME would be at least IB per cent per -
yrr t" per cent Bet, arter paying aaxeu
and Insurance on two modern double house
and a fnll quarter block on weat side, iu
6"d residence district; the houses occupy
but SOxloo feet, leaving 40x100 feet anoc- '
cuplsd. which might be sold off tor a good ;
sum to reduce to tbs investor tbe cost of
the balanca of th quarter block on which I .
th bouae are locrted; theee honee are '
In a good condition and In a desirable loca
tion. aurraUBdlngs good. Price f 16,600; half
CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce.
Tracts 62 front toot, 818 feet deep; can
J" many front feet yon want from
60 feet up; all la cultivation, nil level and
nightly. 8 minute to good 10-room school.
grades, near stores, noatofflee. church and
ear station at Lenta; S-cent fare to any part
of Portland. Thia I 1-8 price; term If
waated. O. R. Addltoa. Lent. Oregon.
r. Take Mt. Scott ear. S cents.
40 acres, all la coltlratlon. fruit aad bar.,
rlee, good bulldlufra. close to Portland on Sec'
tlon Line road: 3206 per acre, or will divide
tract to suit. If yon want a farm Investigate
thia place. 1 ... -
404 Esst Morrison st. ...
NEARLY 8 acre. 6H mile from enter of city.
an in cw 11 its i ion , nuoa noun, inrg Bam,
chlcken-boneea, bit of fruit, good water, -B
finest road In Oregon, 1 mile from electrie
line; price 82.400; very easy term. If yoa
ar frrm "Mlaaonrl" I wllVabew yen: If front
ny other stale, will aell yon If yea aaa It.
T 60, ear Journal.
8 arrea ef good, rich land, nil In fruit sad
names 1 o-room Bouse, nsra, cbleken-hona, '
on Villa are., near car Una; price M.OOO,- B. -i.
Uetwr, 221 H Morrleoa at. Phone Ta
clfle 644. j . .
A BARGAIN 1 3-room house, well built and
piumned; grounds aoxias; commands fin view .
-of city, and harbor; rest awr taas ll tr
run ue naa 11 rasen now tor eo.suu; mtsay
cash, balance ran run fur 8 yea re at 6 Per '
rent. Don't pay $15,000 for your swell home
when thl can be had at cheap. Peery, jWS
Bussell t.
A BARGAIN 12 room bouae. well built and
Plnmbed: ground 80x136-. commanda fine rlee
ef city and harbor; coat more than Ill.Ono;
can b naa it tasen now tor B3.800: fs.sjnq
cash, balance run run for S years at 6 per
cent. Don't per 115.000 for your awell aom
when thl can be had a cheap. . Peary. 363
Bussell at. ..
Besutlfully situated thia side of Bnlrersltr
OB aarllael- leva Je etch: 20' csah and .V
Fpr montn. American investment CO., za
ailing bldg.. sr Zygowskl, branch offlre, -Willamette
11.600 10 ACRE8. west side. 6 miles from.
center ef city; an cultivated: young orchard.
86.5006 acre, east aid, adjoining 8. P.
csrsnoDS. goon ror ractorr or to mar. -
- U it. LATOURETTB. 418 Fslllng bMg.-
BAST 8IDB HOMES Tfi res T-eoom end ene-
8-reom house en E. Third and Multnomah
sts.; nsw, beautifully flashed; flee Incatkob;
eoavenlent to 8 carllnea; easy term. Parish
A Goorlay, owners, 348 Multnomah at. s,
FOR SALE o-room cottage. 6 Jots, sll kind of
fruit, berries, fine soil, rood Water: 20 min-
atea- walk to ear tin. 10 to southern Pacific,
12 miles front Portland. See owner, "A. 8.
Draper. 333 Washington St.. city. .
NEW modern T-room reeldenee en Mount Scott
canine. a minutes- rids from Portland; lot
63x100, flh law and fruit tree, for II.",
at your own term, or may trade, for laad
Address M 48. car JonrnaL
BKiHT-ROOM reeldeace on . Broadway rarlnto.
liousosy s aaaiiiua. Mat roriaana, vxceiienc
neighborhood, beautiful location; bargain s
an Invaatment; must aelL Phone Eaat 1081,
or addraaa Box 58. Portland.
SUBURBAN ACBBACaVnear earllne. between
, Portland snd Oregon i tity; very rick Im
proved land; 33"0 per1 si-re.
223 FsiUng Bldg. . . .
5-BOOM nwdern hone, good pantry, bath, ete :
nrlck Basement . unaer entire nonsr: gooa rruit
en plsce: will sell with ar without furniture;
a year s supply of coal and wood la cellar.
Inquire 74 talon se Vr ', .' ,
FOR SALE 78x100-foot lot en Eaat Seventeenth
and Couch; will aril for 31.380 If aold la aext
few daysi faces esst; well worth 81.400; will
sell part ef lot If desired. Addreas K 48,
care Journal. . . - ' --'f-'
A MODERN T-room boo en Thlrtyoeroed
and Division, only 83.350; can give very ea?
term; bona ka been built T smooths. Ad
dr. ss B 86, cars Journal.
BARGAINS. In.liouaea .and-km from nu-4e-
.is. at uenta, uregoa; e cent tar 10 sny part
of Portland. O.-R. Addl ton. Leu la, Oregon.
Take Mount Scott car, .....
3-STORY brtok building, 100x100, en Beit
elds; will pay S per Bent net en BKI.000; -
Klos 626,000; eaa sire terms. Addraaa B
, ear JournaL
160 EACH 3 lota la buaTnees location! Ms .
aimlls-ly locsted sold 'for 3400. Inqnlr
Brubsker. Esst Thlrtr-thlrd. bet. UnColn and
' Gr t ata, . . ,.
HERB Is a bargain Owner leaving city, will
sen my. sunurnsn norne ot urge Kits, plenty
ef trait; 7 room modern bouse, hare. etc.;
terms; ao sgests wanted. Address M 5,1,
FOB aale, cheap, 3 lota, 6-room bouse fur.
nlshed, on Mt. Brett car line near Ariel a,
mo: must aell, sickness. Address P 40,
FOR SALB Snbstantlsl bargsln m cottage.
eunurne; owner nnt sen; sjw esse, time u
balance. Se owner todsy Addreas P 41.
Journal. t '.
LOOK at this: 8 acres, no better noil in Ore
gon, ine tare, nearly an near, amau none,
oaiy 1800; very aay term. T 86.. Joarnat.
FOB BALB at a bargain, modern T-room house
ea Kaat Taylor, cioee ia 1 wrm 1 ean
purchaaae Apply F 43. car JournaL -
FOB SALE Modern suburban cottage, clsa
to ear. line, ane location, grouno iwvn
O. W. P. Townalts Do.. 18 First St.
S ACBES. 4 mlto from 0, W. P. electric Une;
1 tlo gravel and ssay to Vlesr; $08; veryeaay
terms.. Addraaa u BL care joarnaa, -
WAGNER A PETTY, 303 Commercial blk., have
Bnme of tha best Buys as tns cur. nee went
before buying and be convinced. -
LARGE 6-ronm honee, all modern conveniences. -
on very ey terms. Khoa East eoso. 33
Pearl st., Meataellla.
A T-ROOM bous. 100x100 lot, tree, ahmhhere.
etc: price Sl.aoo; trm to auit. Addrcsa
!P 41, csre Journal. , .
SELL WOOD lata, 16' down and 36 a moathi
from 8TB to gsuu. . neuweoa .ewamt va.
Phoa Esst 470.
MODERN 6-mnai house,
Eaat Ankeny
Pbone Union
eerllne, amall para, ny
LOTS, arrea re and residence nn Portland
Height. J. u, onomer, soo xamniu, eor. rsrk
3 ACRES en St. John Unci cultivated, level, ,
sightly, tiwner, -ai v-aamner ot L'onrmcrce.
C00 CASH 12.000 In Inatallmenta for good
nom in jaioioa.. ,uin ss box mss, city.
MOUNT TABOR T noma, bath, bare. 100x106,
en canine; mi rruit. . uwnerc'iw Third.
$1,750 M0DEBN 6-ronm bouse, fnll- lot, la Sum"
nyaine; nan rasa, van llli intra.
THREB new hooeea, rent or Matt snap, 10514
s......a. . .m aa .' ' - .
SMALL cottage and bra, tars fat, $700 for
a lew aara. mu ivia iniru. ' ' .
6- ROOM plaerrrad bouse, 2 corner lots, goon.
umI, ai 11 ..m 1
NEW boos nd lot n rarllne, 1b rulto. cbeap.
arxa,Aasvas, IL'aak GOtM
aawarav wi W"B m'WV , . - V