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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1905)
' V THE '-OREGON.... DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING,- NOVEMBER 7., 1805. 13 ,' ! I TO DAY' CITY FLOUR IS 20 CENTS HIGHER . ".Quotations to Be Raised Tomor- - row on Account of Former Advances In Wheat. EGGS ARE VERY FIRM . 7 t WITH A SCARCITY , ' Poultry Continue! Very Dull Reeling Fancy Apples ' Sell Higher Dressed "t Hogs Firm but VesJ ' :' Comes Too Fast for Demand.. Front RUwt.,No. t. T prlnclpt feature am rvruanu wwiHti .Bukeb today are City Bllla - advance fleur. - -- Wheat- la dull bft anrbanged. - - California ateamer stuff arrive. ;' " Kgg -are very Arm gad "ecaree,. ".I o Poultry market; haa dull (kUu. " . Oregon tomato , out ( mark. 1 lot bourn lettuce in food ahap. .. 'ancy apple selling hlgherr- s- t rrr" Htuall upplle of temer grape. ' Hug ar rai; teal rather duH. City BUla Advaao Tloar. A baa been predicted br Th JournsL th . v rltgr Bill la hare advanced their quotations e ...local hranda at .Hoar. Tbe advance rang. , xrom joe to cue per Barrel and la a trine evei ..the price named br tbe outtd. mills about ,1 wee age." Tbe new prices., which do not - go Into effect nntll tomorrow, place Boo o ... j- a aomewbat better . baa la wlthi tbe wheat ..., glue tbe nr( . figure were' Bamef . ... u local bout inie eeaonTa price ot wheat baa made bear advance and mlllere found . it miicoBUble . te do . bualneei et the old nguree tor any length of time. ' There la nl sicuh doing at tbe moment In tbe way ot -an. rieniai acmaad.- Berne .time aga export Bout rrwlrrd a big booet and tbla aomewbat Mopped - -the eelHng ' (or , tbat direction. Miller aa a - rule try to obtain aa good 8 rural on tbeit ' oriental tHuioeee aa poeelbi. tbua allowing than "r-to- keep the- Inral valaee from luctnatlng toe 1.-4 w ildly. Aa long. -aa tbe call from Japan was jwtavy miller made ne pretenae of aaklng rot : more money oa their Iocs hranda. but aa tbli ' movement la now nominal tbe advance made to day waa forced. .. . '-'$ -" Wheat- Xg DoU Vat Uaohaaged. ' ' Election la tbe principal trading eentere , er tne eeat and tbe general abeence of quota. . i tie ay of wheat from there be earned addl- etloaal dullneea la tbla market- On account of . tbe late name roue dectlnee In tbe wheat market . In the Pacific nortbweat mlllere and exporter ere ending it earrtae to obtain auppllea. There : te some little buying reported around present figures, but the volume la amalL No change jatn value tods- i. T Oat. Market la Booming. . "A" better ton "to th oata market" In tbe , eaat and higher., price there have added t the strength I tbla market and price now . quoted are very arm at tbe top. . .- -. There la IlkewUe a' very arm tone to the . barky market, auppllea being aomewbat emallet ., thaa expneted.' It le new eetlmated tbat fully (three quarter of the crop 'of barley of 'the -i Padnc anrthweet baa already janaad, eat ot , , the banUa of tbe producer. . AJi KUlatuffp Ar rtna. ...,' .. . Although there baa been a heavy Increaet In the aupplli of mlllatnf fa of late tbe tone ot vhe Wiaar. eedld- Aardrye Mtter.'' Tbe general acarcltr of range hae left the atopk - wien-aotbtiir to ot teed tbebr etorka.' The . principal demand for ml U feed eoatlnuo froni , t'allfornla polpta, but local bualneae la pof amalL frle ar anber with ne change to- L.-Jay. -v '.-"' ' ' 1 Tbe bay market I not very excited, bat better toaet -la enllr . noticeable for the earn reaeona aa the atrecfth in tnllLatutf. Price , '' th ... ! ' ' V?Vf - . rg . Ar T inner and Soaroe. ' Egg are very ecarce today. . Local anppltee bv never? "bee ao alow . la coming at tbe precast avsaMut, . Pealerd are almoat Sgbttnt . for aupplle t eve at the very high prima bow ruling. 1 Tbe egg market I already ui 40 - the btgb levrle. La eeaeon - It . barely touched toe, but . few aale were made at that ngur. Today tbe egg market to exceeding!) tra at Sx32He for local freeh, tbe blgheet ..ngur being about aa dally '.'obtained aa the 'lower on. Tbe trad (Imply, want th gg. 1 roultrf Markat la . Vary Dull. A "very doll ban continue to rule la tb ebickba market.'- A yet there are ao eigne Indic-ating" dlmlnlahing auppliee, today' ar rival being Itty trrf. '' The trade doe, not neem to 'Want to 'boy aat 10c l the tiptop ft or mired - roop. Only exceptional Jot l , . , fancy bene bring a fraction higher. Turkryei .' r arriving' man freely. Live bird are com dng fast nr. while demand I 'beet for dreaeed stork. The Utter moat, however, be fancy. . , Duck aad gee ar .neiiing t printed value. ".' goat AT Thaaa to a . f airly etrona ton rellnar along the street for dveeeed ho. Kecelpt uf these ar fust fair. Veal baa been arriving a trlBe Xno freely and that haa hurt tbe ton to ant extent. No change la prices, however. " Beef la nuller thaa ever with i) dotations but noml- Baiaoa rupplle froa' tn Columbia ar eery " 'small. Other Bah are plentiful. Th following quotation are being paid along ' Proet atreet by Ui rrelll trad for choice (jultry k round lota. Producsrs' price at. 1 specuVdA . ' : . .' wrsia, rtamr aad Teed. . ' WHEAT New elnb, TV; red Russian, TOel ' blneetem, T6c; vaUey, T3WT4e. BARLET reed. $21 6nt22 00j rolled. 82. 8 028.001 brewing, $22.50 28.00. ; , CORN Whole. $27.0u erscked. 't $21-00 per ton. ,-.'',"",. f . RYE $158 per cwt. . OATS Prodncer1 price N. 1 white, $Jo.00 . grhy. $24.502S.OO. ' . PLOI'R New Mater n Oregoa patents, $4.40; ' straights, $3.70; export, $8.40iai .48; valley i.'.ao; graham, 14. $3 50; rye, 60s, $3.00; bales. i 'idlLLanTrPB Braa. 1.0O per roa; mld . dllngs. $23.00; eberta, eouotry.- $20.00; elty. llS.flO; crop. ,J1 8,00. ' . . HAT Produce ra price Tlmorby, Willamette valley, fancy, $11.00J18.flO; ordlnery, $7 ona .00; eaatara Oregon. $I4.00JIB00; mixed. ts B04JO.OO; clover. t 0n 10.00; grata. $8,600 .001 cheat. 55 00es.6a , . . Butter, Egg sad- Vealtry. . BUTTKR TAT r. . b. Portland Iweet ereaTh, 2ue; our, 6He. BUTTER City creamery. 80c: outside fancy, STMic: : ordinary. 2Rc: ator. 16ffll7c. . EriOS 'o. I fresh Oregop, candled, S3Q $2Hc; cold torav and eastern. tntfJUt, v CHEESE New Pull eream. twin, t4He; Tonng America, 16jCr cbeddsrt 14H. ' . . GAME Jackrabbtta. $8 pee do. - . - PH!I.TRVi-4M1iLchlchcne. 10c; fancy ben, 0V4c per Ibt rooetere, old. Be per Ibi fry era. . loIOWc pee rb: broilers, 1010Uo perlb; dncka. 14eIlBe per lb: geese. Be per (h; turker. '. lamine per lb; dressed, $0 per lb; eosbs. $2.50J$.00 per dnsen.. t ' Hop. Wsol sal Eld.. '. JPS 1505 Oreron, choice. SQllo; ' prime, TQKVtc; poor - grades, BttO He; Waablngtno, ', $VfalOc: 1004 crop. 697 for ebole. 'AMERICAN MARKETS CLOSE FOR ELECTION ' , ... ,-..-. . Today; is election day m New Tork giid Other eastern centers: 4 hence . the a,hence of . outside 4 quoutlon today. There - la holiday Ukewlae In Ban - Fran , claco oni account of erection and : ine. excnng or that city . Is closed. The closing com at a 4 . time when both the grata and stock markets are in an uproar and aome exceedingly lively do- velopment are expected at the a opening of the various exchanges 4 tomorrow. . , . . ' ''"..'"- S MARKETS JOURNAL'S DAILY , TIPS TO SHIPPERS '. j Th creamery altiuiUoit i a d trlflo lmoroved lno the recent d decline" In local values'.' 8uppll e are )ut aa liberal a previously, but there la a .tendency among th retail trade to buy In more ' q liberal lot. Since the . decline ,tbla market tiaa been put more on ; a parity with outuide places. There is a very heavy call now for., country store product, but receipts are nominal. . : WOOL 1905 dip. valley, eoeree to siedlnaa, Htllci , an. 0Wct aaater tlregoa, UU2c. . v MOHAIR Nominal. gOOll. r r -,t BHb'KPHKINS SUtarlD. 15)930 each) abort wool. 2.14140c each; medium Waul. (0T eacbl long wool, TVatl JXI each. TALLOtv Prlia. nr lb. 8HO! Ho. 9 and grcaar. i4IVte. . . CHITTIal BARK SH3e pel1 lb HIDES Dry. No. t, 1 lba end up. I6HO I'He per lb: dry kip.' No. t. to lb lba. 14e; dry calf. No. I, under 6 tbe. the: aaltad hide, ateere. sound, go lb and over. KIQIIc: eowe, Hflt; atag and bulla, euund, eaTei kip, W to 80 lbs. Pes calf, sound. undr 15 lb, lie, green, nnaalted, la lea; culls, le per lb tee! nreehltiee. sailed, each, $1 2rl.TB; dry, each. ll.uuOI.AO: colt bldv; utwt goat eklns. common, each, 10(i16es Angora. ach, Xae $1.00. 4 .',.-. - . . i . . fruit- aad TegsUbHe. .'- - P0TATOKS Bt Oregon, tmiit0Oe sack J ' car lota. 65t70e aaek; ordinary, OO-iy; ear lot. SUarnnc: awceta. II. ba aack: Iiin(a2.2a crate. - O.NIONH Mew Oregon yellow lanver. 1.33 - 5; car lot, 1.00Q1.05; garlic, PBEBH rnniTa Apple. Oregoa. l.O0O150: fancy, f I.TAQ2: rrnhapplea. ll.Cn; orangee, new navel, S.60j lata Vsleuclaa,. 4.7nia 3.i(0i-e-ana., be Ib4 Wmooa.'.c'. jlce. fS.SOo.TS box; fancy. $(1.00 hox: I lines. Mexican. 1.2S per Ion; pineapple. 4.00 do: grapes, Oregon. 1.00 1.60: Ooncorda. anfr-lftv- nra.' 1 1.50 nor box: Winter Nellie, 1.88 per box; pomegranates, 81.23 per box: tangerlnea. 1175, . . suiiiDLEs lurulp. iiew. fl.oo per ac; earrote, $1.00 - per sack; -beets, $1.00a 1.8ft Der aackL AeMron earilatiea. ftA ne dna: cabbaee. Oreaon. 1 lO ner cwt: ereen pepper. Te lb: local tomatoes, 40c; California, SOr: panmlpa. 81.00ftM.25: atrlns beans. 8 !): IIAowvr. 78c't$1.00 dot; rhubarb. per lb; aevedlab. lOr ' aer Ih arflfhoke. 401 5)c par doa,; botbous lettnee. $1.31.T8 per pax; green corn, ichi per aack; cocuiuiiera, lae per a-k; celery, local, 50 7 He per doa; gg. plant. 8I.&0 nee erata: namnklna. 4Ub: aonaau. eranherries. Cap Cod. $0.80: Jersey. $ll per bbl: IVkw bay and Tillamook. $8 IH). ' DRIED FRUITS Add lee. ' evaporated. SflPc per Ibi aprlcota. lie per lb; aacka. He per lb leas; peachea, 10$lle per lb; prune. 80 to 40, $Uct vc drop- on each eliteenrb manr slae; flea, California black, Hi6c nev lb; California white. Re per lb; dates, golden, 6c per lb; farde. $1J13 per 15-lb bos.. . Orosrle, Bta. Eta. ' BfJOAIl Sack baalarnha. .. M BOi $8.08 fruit granulated. $9-86;' dry granulated. 5Ri1 Conf. A. $5.80; beet yrsnnlated. extra C. .(8.08; goldra C, $4.86; D yellow. $4.88: bbla. 10c; H bble, S8e boaeaj. 80 advance en aack baala, lesa 25c per cwt for easa. 15 dare; maple. 144) IV per lb. , , HONEY ga per crate. . COPPEE Package brand. $18 Tn. - HIT (Yim II. K arnanif IMa m table, dairy. BOa. $11.00: 100a. $10.78: In. Krted Liverpool. - 50. $17.00; 100. $18.50; . $18.00: extra fine, bbl aa. Is, toa, $4.5078 n;: bulk. Sao lba, $4.005.0Ol sacka. o. ene sflc. . . . . , . 8ALT Coarse Half gmund, ICOe. . per ton. rr.00; 6cm. pee ton. $7.60; Liverpool. Jnmp rock, I R AA ft tnmt a).IK mI SV OO, IfW. UH iAbov. price - apply to sales of 'leee tbaHrdrd ear wra car lot at special prices subject to Burtnatlons. ) - -. . - - . uk 1 11 barb Calcutta, Tf,e. . .. RIOE Imnerial lieu. K. 1 Bet Mm 445V(C: New Orleans baa. Tc Ala it,.i Creole. RHe. -.- . brans small whit. gs.TB: Hrg white, $8.00: pink. $2 78; bayeo. $4J)0l Lima. $8.00: Heetcan rrl. Btae. " NfTS Peannte. fnmhAn. RU, m. ik, Ttrrtirl. Tble per Th! routed. act enenannla. aRefoor per doa; walnnt. IRSrlBtAe per lb; pine nnis. i i sr pr id; nicaory nor. Ilie per lb: cb'etmita. eeateru, IB "Idc- nee lb Wraall note, 14c per Ihi-ftlnevt. 14rtV per lb r fascv peeaa. aimonna. tneiiTe ner.Tb. ' ramva,' dobi on, xr. ROP Tar -afnliae 44ci atandard. - me al eel. oaet Hale brand alaaL a. . COAb OIL Pearl or-Astrat-aaea. MUi m gaii warer waue. iron oois, loc per gelt woown, isv par gai: neauiigot, i(o-oeg., eaaaa. 22Hr per gL . OAROLIXE ede. Cases. MUS nar ami: Iron l.hls. 18e per gal: BENZINE 3-dea. eaaaa. fBe Bar rait ana bbla. tatty per gaL TURPENTINE In eaaaa. lea a salt noh. bWa. Mr per gaL WRITE LEAD To let. Tle nor Ibr Soo-lh lot. 8r prr lb; leaa Iota, 8Vte per lb. WIRUJ NAILS Preeot MM at 51.70. LINSEED OIL Pur raw. In B-hhl Iota. lhl lot.' 8Be; caaee. OOr per gab; renal n kettle boiled, ease, 82e per gal; g-bbl lot. Me: 1 hhl lot. 67e par gal; ground eake. ear .lot. $20.00 per torn Ve than ear lota, $10.00 per to. atMta. risk aad PrevUlona. ,1 . FRESH MKAT8 Pront atreet Beef ataaea. ovjoc per - in; orocav itrw per in, paca era. 7fi7H Per lb: bulla. 4fi5c ner Bt: a 5HQAC per lb; veal, extra. ,Ke per lb: ordl. narr, ec per in; poor, e per id; mnttoa. fancy. letTne per in. -- -HAMS. BACON. ETCe-Portland Bark floe 1 1 ham. 10 to 14 lba. 13Vc per In; 14 to 16 Ihe, I, "V aa-weew" .-ii-, luwi.wg OCT ID; picnic Be pey lb; regular abort clean, an mekd He- per- Ibi amoke, - lse "per lb; clear becke, unmoki 10e pee Ih: smoked. 114 par tt; L'ulon butt. 10 to 15 lbs, aa smoked. 8e per lb; smoked, ve par lb: dear belli, anamoked, tie per lb; amoeed. 12e per lb: shoulders. Sc per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a, 11U per lb; 6s, 11 per lb; 50-lb tm. 104c per V; toam rendered, lOe, 10H par lb 5s, 10S per lb; compound, 10a, ,e. camnku iiuiuii-joiumm nver. l-lb telle. $1.80; l-lb tails. $2 75; fancy l-lb lata, $l.Bo; it-lb-fancy Bala, $1.18; fancy Mb, $2.75; Alaska tafia, pink, S6lB0e; rad. $L50 aomlaal X, tall, sz.uu. , . rtSH Rock cod. Tc per. lb; founders. Se per lb; halibut, oc per lb; crab. $1.60 per doa; atrlped bam. 12H per Ihi catfish, Be per lb; aaimn. allversldee. 6 per lb; bluebacka. Be per lb; herring. 5c per lb; soles. 0c per lb; ehrlmp. 10c per lb; perch, 6c per lb; black cod, Te per lb; allver smelt. Te Per lb; kihslera, 16c; fresh mackerel, be per lb; craw Bab, xa per do. OYSTERS bolwtr bay, per gaL $X26; per aaek. $8.76. - CLAMS ilard-sheU. , per bos. $2.00; raaor sisms, a.w aer box; ) INDEPENDENCE HOPS -AT TEN AND A HALF (Special Dlapatcb to Tbe Journal.) Independence, Or., Nov. T The. largest bop sal yet mad la tbla diatrlet tbla year was chwed today, when Walker Bros, sold to Klabr, Wolf A Wetter 51T bales at 10 lie. Other late alee mad were: W. W. Perclval. 10S bales, to Charlee Pilchard at lie, and Fraaer, Rice ft Jonee eold tbelr Interest of what waa known ih Hnhbanl ft Jnrve crop at 10c. Tbla crop coneUled of 174 hale, bnt Hubbard refuacd lOe for bis holding of OA bale. CKOPg ur . MAjtcHtrmiAi . ' ,. Consnl-Oeneral Bammona, of Nlnchwang. r. porta that the crope In Manchuria ar fairly normal. Relating to lb kind of crop grow la Manchuria, h eaya: Millet, Indian corn and wheat ar among the chief farm product of Manchuria. - Applea and grape do well, althougn tbe a live apple la soft and lark flavor. Toiuatoee grow in great abundance, particularly In ami them Man churia, where aaparagaWsn- fjosrlshe. - All vegetablee, aa a rule, can be grown In abund ance. A larg quantity of th e.rly fruit, eene elallv peara and grape, coneumed by foreign era la Klttawwaiig ootnee. however, from Cbefoo. Later these will be. received her aTrom the Llanyang aectlon of Manchuria. w '. - With a. continuation of th InfTiix ol Chines from the other part wt Ih eoipir It la possi ble more vlroroa efforts will be made tn change the policy ot the Chine gevernment protilbltlng the export of gr.ln Mancbnrla I rapahl of producing an linmena qnentlty of millet aeed. corn aud wheat tor export, but although tlx Ruealane allowed eome grain to be aent out of tbe country thmagn-- tlil port when they wove la eharre, the well ealibllal xl rule of preventing grain and fooltoffa from being exported I rlildly observed and en forced.' It waa only ftr much effort that the exportatloa of bean pmdnrt waa secured. Still, with a growing demand for foodstuff Ut pnrt to Japan, the Bear future may wllneaa a relax ation of apparent Chines inflexibility la this fm porta nt respect. The thcorv of prohibiting the" exoortatLsi of yemltjffa aee-m to vhv been the guarding against foasibM famine period' , - '...'.:'' '-I . e POTATO SUPPLY IS 1.500 CARS : Productiort pi Oregon Practically . V Double That of the Pre- - ' - ; "Vidut Season." . T. I.'i ; TRAIN . WOULD TAKE 'U t SIXTY HUGE ENGINES . .' ,t-... .: i . ,. '. : ' .: i . -. . .' . .. .. ' '"' ' 1 ' " , '' If Put io-'dne Continuous Line Crop Would ' Measure ' About' Sixteen Miles in Lenrw-Eastern ; Yield .; Cold Snap.' vV; " ' !,fOATCBOP 6yOREaON , . . . c. . ..Care. Eaat side -,,.. -.-..',.... d"0 Weat aide l..'..:,,,',,.,,,,,,;.;...,..,' W Eaat Multnomah 40 Tributary aectluus' 3u0 Total thl- territory i. Last year ...... ..i.... .1.500 rf,.l.,ii...).. 760 According to reliable data gathered by Tbe Journal. Oregon pruilured l.3) car of potatoes ine present eason. 'iner were wu-riri grown In the country tributary to tbla city, which likewise enter this market, making the total production ot note toe In tbla territory during the season of lWO 1 600 cars. ' Tbl would make t olld train Of care 18 mile in ""length. ' ft aplit up In tbe usual length of trtlna running out or tni city over tne mountain .it wouto take fully 00' hug locomotive to haul tb proniict. . The nroductlou of not a toe In tbla urn terrl tory a year ago amounted, all told, to prac tically 750 car, tbla year'a yield being aa lucre of about the amount raised a year ago.. . - Notwithstanding the kcavjrpmductloa thU seaaoa potatoes, are Boding" a- very good sale. Tber le a very heavy demand for fancy atorki finm California , point and good price are named. Tbe cheaper grade are being called fur by Texaa and Arlaona and many' Imiulrlea are brlug received (rum that territory cost of the Rocky mountains. Louisiana wants Oregon potatoes badly, hut dealer are not eaterlij very much to " tbla "trade oa - account or un aattafartorv relatione a few veere ago. when a number of car war rejected Just because tbe market tber waa everloadea at tne unai, ' ' Iw XalN Also Buying. New Mexlc 4 also a heavy purchaser of Ore gon potatoes at tbe moment; likewise several section ot Colorado. There la. however, a verr great abort In car auppllea ana tnis la keeping tbe movement within a mailer bounds than it would otherwise be. To tbe trade tbe present altnatlon in tn potato market I satleraitory. lirowera eem dlapoeed to sell part of tbelr holdings at least, although aome ot them look for . materially advanced quotation later. The mwnt atrenath In th msrket Is due not to. anv ehortaee In tbe crop ot tbe United Statee. but to unfavorable weatber later In the aeaaon. , A never . frost throughout tbe principal potato-grovajng section of tbe coun try haa ruined a large per cent -of the crop. Even tbe heavy -yield of Colorado waa cut iufh hiow th averare -by tbe eold onan and part of that state' territory has been In aaded by th Oregon dralera. Tbe Pacific enact waa tbe only aectlon to b unmolested by cMmatle conditions, although -for a time eerly In the aeaaon It waa generally believed tbat th Oregon yield bad been damaged and cut by a sever frost. Onlea Ore a Vetmal On. Th eron of ' onion la Oregon waa a normal on th jH-eeent eaeon. . Th Brat of. th neason li waa zeareu idri om uaui uu wru done, as la pot toe, but the report proved groundless. caurorni' ana vtaaniugtou uae ml bad heavy cropa of onions. In tbe aest and tbe Rocky mountain auppllea war cur tailed by cold weather aad there la now a amaV am.iMt Cenm thee tor th Oreron atocka. California, however, I Becurlng most of th orders, pecanae ox - tne wwrr prit-w imwm California onlone do not have the keeprnafl qualities or tbe Oregon prnnuci aau growera cannot Bold a ao tne growers nere. xnfirn they are dumped on the market at. whatever price la ruling. Tbe same la tra, to a great extent of tbe Washington onions. - TONE OF CATTLE IS VERY WEAK IN YARDS Hogs Are Coming Too Freely Sheep Retain Their Former Strength Calves Comeir Portland Tnloa Stockyard, Nov. T Llve- tnrh receipt i Bog Cattl- Abssp ...SX5 ... ...1114 5 lWt ... tn -... 112 Today Week ago. Previous week.......... Month, lea. . . . . . . . .151 . 11J 23 The bog market h very weak anoer nsavy arrival and alow demand from packera. Price (till range from $.1.80 to $0 00 for beat eaatern Oregon atuff to $2.25 for cowe. Cattl ar extremely -dull with no arrivaia tooay.. inn ne ton of th market la 3V.C. but It take exceptionally good atock to bring this flgui-e. Sheep are very firm with price unchanged. Small veal calve MIL Today 150 carve came In. , Official price for livestock: . Reel eaatern Oreron. 85 SOfiS.OO: block. era and Chin fata, $5.0U4j5.2&; Blockers and feeder. $4.25. I'attU net stern Oreron teer. $3.001 8.25; light and medium steer. $2.u0i't2.25; llgut cow a, $2.25; stocker and feedere, $2.25; bull, ''sueep Wethers, 4S44'i mixed heep. 44J 4ic; alrslitht ewes, 4SU44c; Ismha, BtoBVic. ..Calves Oood veal, IM to 200 pounds, 6l5e; rough heayyAeSc- DALLAS HOPS ARE ; ABOUT CLEANED UP " (Special Dispatch t The Jourml.) ""-' ' " Dallas, Or., Nov. 7. Mnet all of the bop crop to thl vicinity, ,J bale. - naa Devu sold. ' 'mere are very lew rvinainwg a.ns In tti market here now. ' Moat of the grower were anxlou to sell thl year, they were afraid they would, fall lower. They aoM at the average price of 12c. Home-sold for lKaJlnc, hut tber were contract hope. The quality and the amount were both better thl year than last. Klaber. Wolf ft Wetter ot Portlsnd were th heaviest buyer, buying almost 2,000 bales In thla vicinity, - - . t Liverpool Oral. Liverpool, Nov. T. Wheat 14 to Vi higher; 9TB to H up. . : ; . ELLIRG NOGERO EY ; ,. ' waaXssaBBBBBBBaaa . A HeadlaaT Hard to Boad But BaaUy Th above caption Is not printed In a foreign language, but by reading back ward, in good plBtTrtngllsh your, at tention la again called to "Ta Oregon Grille,'''-whir enyoys-hedtalnlr -f being the only dining place In the city that Is true to Its name. Here day after day gather tho very best peorfle of the city to enjoy the midday luncheon, or at the idlnner hour, seek- to. aatlsfy the wants M the Innes man, and at the same time enjoy the social hour. In a beauti fully decorated and brilliantly Illumi nated Rathekr lie,, the only real Raths keller In the elty. A delightful musical program Is rendered each- evening after :S0 by the Chicago Symphony orches tra. Opposite puhllo library, corner Seventh and Stark. .Xfyafeiied sHook Oaaaod eooda. Alien k Lewis' Best Brand. Local Quotations on Flour Are Twenty Cent$ Higher,- Following the lead of ttheVOutside , Milter Dealers Would Breatf Hop Men SQUEEZE GROVJERS . FOR-HEVEIIGE "- Bear Hop Operator Would Make Them Suffer for. Former . ' Y'7 High' Prices.' ' ' J....... ;J V.,,-.. -.,. , . . . WE HAVElTHEM BY "'V' THROAT, IS THE CRY 'Here'i Wnere.We Get Even,"! Ex. . presslon ot Heavy Short ' Seller '.Too .Wide , Range Between This ' City and the'ast,- .,1;.'. ',','" ."W have the boparowera Twhere w want tnem by ; too throat and w don't Jut" noi until, they. arecnoja. This wis th declaration of a prominent hP eealer of thla elty a few-days-age.' It indi cate the " teudeney of the dralera to nerae 'fry possible drop of blood out of tbe gruwere. We hare had to dance to. the tune of the grower mualc. for three year,", eaye anoUier f nthualaatk bujer, ."and - bar' wh we f We mlaa .no ebauee like tble.1' - It la the avowed purpose, of tbe kopdeeler of this stste to put th growers oot of busi ness bsukrnpt them. In other words If eome thlug doae aot tueu up to-change the atroarton. Horia are not weak; they are not dull: there ar plenty of order la from tbe eat at preeent valuae sat sValers are loath : to admit it. They would have tb- grower' Ufeblood Just because short crop throughout the world during tbe pat three rear a , bare enabled the pro ducer to aak a favorable value for-their crop, Tbe sale of bop of lata hav beea enormoue, despite the puddings. ,( the .bcr thst. there waa nothing doing. 8 lea in Oregoa and Waahlngtou thla aeaaon have broken all prevl eus recorda, but tbey were 'ell made at low prices. Dealers look surprised when aaked why hope are not higher In tut market when vaatly advanced quotation are ruling for In ftrlor New York atocka. "Why should we pay more thaa loc when w can readily buy at tbat figure?" That' the neorwMlrlnn lie lor seem Inclined to sell whenever an opportunity la given them and. dealer, while buying, aay there I absolutely no drnaettd-tu sight. The larg crop of hope throughout the world ha caused lower prices to rule In the bop msrket, but uvea the worst of th "bear" are" willing to admit tbat price should not be ao low a at present. . Then they make the same statement, "Why abould w pay more when growers wake ua up at algbt to coat out and kk at tbelr hops?'' During tbe past few days om of tbe aborts have become a. trie scared aud have bought heavier than ever. Some ealea have been re corded a high a loe. although dealer aa they can parch all they waat at 10c. ' Th New tyrk market today remain at 20022c per polled fur prime to choice bona, while (ire rose are quoted ' here at loc. Even tbow doalcra who have order, ts BU se willing- te admit tbey could pay a trine more for tbelr bone, but, aa one dealer remark. -'What' the eT" -4 ,' -Jr4a SheuLl Be High.. . On baala of New Tork prlcetT and ftct deducting freight charges and -cwnnnHaioii at both ends, strictly choice Oregon nop Ihe best In the world tbla aeaaon should be quoted t not- less than -Tic per' pound In the Portland market, Brcwera are fiarced to pay 22c for choice hops, but who gets the difference be tween thst t 18c I - Grower would like to anow. . - 0 rowers Badly Frightened. Grower have become so frightened by the bear dealeva that they -are now very wilting to consign tbelr bop without single cent of advance money. Tbat In Itself abowe bow badly tbey are scared, and dealer ar not un willing to take advantage of It. There are a few dealers who have the Intereat of tbe gruweia at aeart and are trying to still their iwrv, out me? era greariy in tne minority. Reliable dealer know tbat .when tbe pro ducer secures a good pel re . for his product tbat money remain In the tata. He le willing to buy hop t whatever price be can, but ta iso wining to auow toe grower -to continue in ouaineoe. There ere. however, gome larg bear operator In tbe market who own considerable bop acreage wnica iney wouia nae to make very profltalile. Tbey figure tbla- way: If we cen lower the price to aucb figure that tbe grower ssnuM be bankrupt apd their yarda plowed, un we will be able In few year to dictate to tbe nrewer wnat price be ahall pay for hla aup pllea. W will then be I full control of the ituatMB. It will not take many seaaoa aucb aa thla to bankrupt tbe bopgrower. Again The Journal makes the atatement tbat It neither adrlaea th grower to . bold tbelr product or sell. It merely give them tbe information iney pay ror. with tbem. . The ret ramaln OREGONIAN MAY HAVE MADE (Continued From page One.) Portland marble and granite firm. "Mr. Scott issued an official statement In H MOri" ITs com mltte dealt with H. O. Wright aaa be cause be' was a man of high commercial responsibility, and closed the statement with the words: --j,r "As It Is, tbe committee feel that they hava done the right thing and In vindicating themselves they vindicate Mr. Wright, both In his own character and In their dealings with him. "The position of -the committee at that time virtually was -to Intimate tbat Portland houses could not handle a con tract auch aa they desired to let, and there waa a hint that our local firms were not able to swing such a deaL ' mow the Contraetos nnnked. "Now we are told that the contractor utterly failed to carry out his promises. Five years have elapsed since the money waa subscribed. Three years paused be fore the contract was let; - One year went by before the money waa deposited to draw interest, during which year Treasurer Scott had the money In his possession. Two years ago the con tract waa let to H. O. Wright, without permitting local firms to bid for 'the work, notwithstanding promises that all Portland houses would be notified be fore the contract was let. . This action waa claimed to be taken for the pufnoee of hastening tba erection of the monu ment. ''..-',,- .... This list of features of tha transac tion should be engraver! on the granite shaft to remain there-aa a monument to tree business ability and the fidelity to public duty on the part -of the few men on the general committee who were rewponslblefor the manner in which the matter waa handled." ' Xardea thaa Snppoed. ... From the St.. Louis a lobe-Democrat. The late Mayor Patrick Collins of Bos ton told a atory about ascertain home missionary movement. ., - ."In this movement every participant waa to contribute a dollar that ahe had earned herself by hard- work. t "The night of the dollar s collection came, and various and droll were the stories of the money's earning. On woman' had shampooed tier hair, another had baked doughnuta, another had got newspaper subscriptions, and so on. . "Th chairman turned to a handsome woman In the front row. 'Ndw. madam. It Is your turn," vJi said, "How did your earn your dollar" " 1 got . It .from -my husband.' . ahe answered. - " "Oho!" said he. 'From your hus band T There wss no hard work about that.' "Tb woman smiled faintly. ifttly. - - T fj buvband' ahe I " Toa don t know my said.-' LI 18 SEIZED BY i SAVAGE LIOII., Oakland Expressman . Grabbed " by. Man-Killer While Moving : v Cage From Theatre, v FLESH TORINI FR0M-THIGH 1 FOR STRIP A FOOT LOISjG .ij i. Scent of Human ' Blood Enrag$ Animal and Only After a Moat Ex- citlnif Contest Is He Subdued " Killed Two Former Attendants. . . - l - ' (Journal Specials Service.) - Oakland, Cal., Nor.' 7. Ed Rupert, an xpreasman, was seised by a -savage Hon named Naro which was being shown in the. animal, act at Bell theatre, and but for tbe prompt work 'of. attendants, might have met a horrible death. As It Is, Rupert's thigh Is horribly, lacerated. The accident occurred .while the... lions were being removed from the car cages to the large Iron cage when Nero, which has the deaths of. two men to his credit, suddenly reached' a' paw. . through the oars of the cage, and with, or roar aunk his claws Into Rupert's leg. ' - Rupert, with a cry . of , pain., sprang paokr-t he-movement ten-rtng --the Tlesri from his thigh for twelve Inches. ' The scent of human blood enraged Nero, and only .after the most exciting scene was he subdued.- Nero . killed an attendant while In the act 'of being shown In Cuba and another In Bt, LomIb.- . v.. AT THE' THEATRES The Lady 6f Lyong." . ". Whit Whittlesey and the Bejasce company are presenting the, moat beautiful production of "Th lAj ot Lyon" - ver wltneeaed la Port land. Moth th -star and f tea Lawrence ecored hit laat night on the occaalon - of the flrat performance, turtaln call were Innumerable. Th t Irrlng romance from Rulwer'a pen will aeem new to- playgoer who attend tb ttelaaco tble week. - .- 1 j Last Performance "Arisona" Tonight Th laat performance ef America' greatest drama, 'Arlaona." will b glvea t the Mar quam Grand theatre tonight at SrlS o'clock. If you have never area thl beautiful play do not let th opportunity go by; If you hav cen it, you will se twice tb beauty la it on a second vlalt. "Arlaona"' 1 without a doubt Ut most Interesting dram ever written. - ' rAHumanglaVjSe! Mum Dorothy Grey, the accompliahed leading woman of "Tbe Human Slave" company, at tb Empire, la considered on of th moat beautiful and talented actresses of th day. Aa Mildred Stockton In "A Human Slav" Mia Grer baa a role which fits ber tike a glov. Th cbar- acler I a aplenilUl leading role. ; "Tiger Lilies." The Tiger Lille mad an rnatantaneona hit at tbe Baker thla week. Tbe farce and vaude vlll olio ar great and the chore unusually strong. - Th finale te sumptuous musical s trsvagansa called "Tbe King f the Ooffe rienda." In which Alex Carr ta given full ecope for the exercise of hi mirth-creating abili ties,. Bargain matinee tomorrow at 3:19 o'clock. Advance Sale Tomorrow. Tonmrrow (Wednesday) morning at 10 o'clock th advaqc eale of seat will opea for tbe beautiful' actree Itoaell Knott, who eome to th Marquam Grand theatre next Friday and Saturday nights, November 10 and 11, with a special price matinee Saturday.- in tb charm lug drama. "When Knighthood We In flower," with It gorgeous scenery, magnificent cost urn ad a eaat . which Include aome of tb best actors and actresses of th day, "The Marriage of Kitty." 'An altogether delightful play." at' tb uni versal aentlment of tbe Immense audience which hav wltneeaed tb International comedy uc eeee. "The Marriage of Kitty." wbfch will be p reseated at tbe Marquam Grand 7 t beet re to morrow (Wednesday) end Thursday night a. November S and 9. by th Julee Murry Corned company, headed by Miss Alice Johnson. This plsy was b Instant hit laat seaaoa and Is ex tending It territory this year with a like ult. Beet ar - bow . selling tor nota per- formanees. . VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK.' -A- PrincewTrt7rttrLibertyr" Pr in cess Chtaaullla.' la whoa vela course the most aristocratic Indian blood ta America, Is one af the all-atar attract lone at the Liberty tble week. - She 1 the favurtt daughter of tbe greatest chief of the Cheyenne, and a girl of remarkable beauty and talent. Another great feature at tb Liberty tbla week I tb boxing kangaroo. ' Italian Band at Grand. Oregon's Italian Bands Uoaaa ta s complete concert la th extraordinary attraction at tbe Grand thla week. Tbla 1 the largeet muatral erganlsailoa tbat haa vr pperd la a locsl vaudeville theatre, aa It aunibere 14 talented and skilled muslctsna, Tb thro Toggling Bar rett r contributing an entertaining feature, and Manvro, the Ion Hottentot, baa a ap elalty tbat la a novelty. Brnmage and- Claris preeent a military sketch, and the Qiilnu trio are young and clever children. Th Illustrated ballad and tb . Grandlacop picture are th latest. ' Fun at the ..Star.' 7; ' ' Tb new vaudeville bill which opened renter. day at tb Star 'will rank aa the beet entertain ment ever given at this old eatabllabed amuse meat bouse. Henderson and Rosa ar the top liner fa) a ktch called "Pun at Gregg' Corner." Ilelaalrt la doing a novelty Juggling act, and th Gladstone children carried the boos by storm. Stephen y Itspatiirk and com pany preeent f A Welcome Guest." In thl Abraham Lincoln la Introduced aa th trading character, Hutchinson and Lusby are tb com edian of th bill. The Illustrated song tat sew and th Staroacop picture hi eiceedingly citing. - . ; . - . Ltfe for Life.- - The plsy t th Lyric theatre la "Life for Lit." one of the etrongest melodrsmss ever presented oa the Lyric etege, Tbe Lyrlwop present Bew moving picture and Mr. Joseph a In a a new pictured ballad during tb biter- mission. Same Bin an weoa. Oot Ah tad of Pa. Irate Father I'll teach you to klsa fay daughter! ' .-x- Toung Jlaa Not necessary, air; I hava Juet learned. TTfTTd - nrtock - Oaaned - tVooda."" Allen Lewis' " Best Brand. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Gapsolss A POSITIVE CURE for Tnllsmmatloa evUatarrb ef tbe BlnHdersnd DIsesMd Eld. aer. SSCOklBOr!. Cure IquUkly aad nermaasotiy the worst rases 01 errii and llee. a maitsr et bow long ataadlna. Abaolatele barmleaa. Bold by druggiata. Price l.n. or by mall. Bos. paid, tlM, 1 boies, gl.J. k,THFmTii.ppwm m X--e gw- ma fin 1 rW- m fafira Visit . "-7W-'' - IWIIetswtsiBM, Okie. law Bale a Waeaard, ITiaaka a. ana, f - . - a The vSlug'g'ish Life : Pj you know . what it s ? The tired, achey, spiritless existence-of those who '' arc not in perfect Kealth. ' ; i f 7- All due to Constipation. ' ; j : .Do you take the daily dope to relieve Constipation ? :- ,--,;,;:riv. : . " i;'.Just' as easy" to cure it. v , - v - Chase's . : : Relieve immediately' V r-'r''.': .':. i'V'.-'Cure quickly and surely w . . ' .. '. 1 t J , r '; "" ":'; ' ' ,V T- ..7,.. WATCH-SHAPE BOTTLE ' " ' ! V: CHASE MPtf.'Ca. ' FITS VEST POCKET.':YOUR - 91 ri NEWBUROH -t "QRUOOIST, OR ' . i ' . VwJe . N. Y. -. FOR. SALE' BY W00DARPCLARKE & CO. . IN'A:'WEEK , ' Wa treat sneeeasfully all private ner vous and chronle 'diseases of men; ale ' blood, stomach, heart liver, kidney and throat troubleav We euro BYPHJLIS (without mercury) to stay cured forJ aver. We remove STRICTURE, with out operation' or pain. In' If days. v - We stop , dralna. night' losses and spermatorrhea by a new method In a week. We can reatore the sexual vigor of any man under SO by means of local treatment pecui W Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week ,'. The' doctor af this Institute era alt regular graduates, nave naa many years' experience, have been known in Portland for IB years, have a refutation -to maintain, and will undertake no eaaefvi . v poles certain cure can be effected. vS. 4'J We guaranroe a cur in every caae v andartak or no fee. - Consult! tlon free. Letter onfldentlaL Inatruo iis7ncirir n-nn UEN nallal free, la Plain wrapDer. We euro the worst eases af piles la tion. cure guarantewa. If tou onnnot call at afllca. write for eessfuL ; - '-.,' . .' OfTlce hours. ta and T to t.- flundays and holidays. 1 to 11 ... DR. W. NORTON DAVIS .5: CO. - Offloe In Van Nor Hotel. i2V Third Street. Corner Pine. Portias. Or. IFo Portland PORTLAND, ORKOON- . KUROPKAN PLAN ONLY ' KEAEXjfA RTCT9-POW-HfRlT JklSLl ttJ.M HtKUXAU . . TRAVELERS. - Everything to eat and drink, and It costs im more In the Portlanf Hotel Rathakeflar than elsewhere In -the city. - Every weekday .night from l:S0 to 12.' at. O. IOW1II, Manager. Hotel Eaton , Corner Karrlsoa aad West Park Btraata, . -NEW Handsomely furnished, elegant! r equipped reproof. See mlnotee' walk frota heart ef abopplng end business district all large. try, outside room, s tea si bested, eleetrle light, telephone In each spartmeo. ete. Large office, kieaglng. smoking, writing, ladlos' reeeptfo parlors. Bosas laaanid by mall ar telephone, , Irreat seanlba meet tralaa aad itaemeta Rooms fl.OO to fS.OO a Dai 7 tpeelal . Batee t Commercial Mea. MSS. MAX XAT0V. (rormerly ef Betel Badpata. . Bpokaae.) Every Woman I Interested and abould know anoai the wondsrrui MaSVTL Whrrttnci Spray new vagisai srrsar. Aiyer- aa. Ilea Sal. f he ea nnot aur ol tha ea aa an, aoapt no otlisr. out sand alaais foe llluatrsled book elea. ft i full nartleulars and direct wu lu. valuable to ladle, wtnvr.1, rft, aa n. aaa sr., aeiv iurk. FOB BALK BT W00DABB. CLAKKI CO. JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS BOWamo, moFKruB co, , IKsUbllshed-11(1.) . WJlT AMD STOCK BBOXXBS. .. Boon 4, arottad TToor, CWAwraBW CT COMMBKCB, V .rl3.v I noaen .iom Ik -JX'' eet-Moat ronrenient Xj' . aewW1 l'(l bayiii. aaksweuestalhrM.W' " ,. , , -f" If he cannot ur ol tha Iffl J'ffi,.'. Jt '. - ' .' .Ve er M . 1 - av HiSjT OVERBECK, STARR & COOICU CO ... Y . Members tAlcago Board of Trade, 7 wBAZBT, PBOTXSXOVaV OOfTtJIt. STOCKS AW B0KDS. '-J-;-. 101 Third Street. McKaw Building. iMrtlsnd. Or. - WB BO A STBXCTIT COKMISSIOK BUSHrrfci. "-41auoua Markets by Privste Wire, vulrk Hervlce. ith.M JtKrTgL.4 ft . ... TUton, banhera, and United Btatea aUona Bank at J-oriUnJ, . ' " 'v . . ' 1. I . i . K - f y Vr;..;V .. - c. -.- 1 . i t. -,' r? SI f---T-y iVSSiiS .. . . aS"' tare of three treatments, without 'anaatlnai blank.' ' Horn treatment sua The Multaomah Business Institute .'"''- '" N XZTaT '. : - Special School of Oregg Shorthand and Touch, Typewriting, Bookkeeping nd Business Methods, Business Pen manship by the Palmer Method. , ,oo or TtmiOaT, ' Just one third less -than lg ngualiy required. Evening or day sessions. Call Main 4(0 for particulars. $1.00 Turkish Bath aad good baa fne tbe Bight, aa far n, Clng's Baths sUveoth aad Waaav lngtoa Sta. ' rtBaet and largeet Bath) a the att. r. " ; For modern dental - wovst .World-re aowned specialist Lowest prlcea conaistant with Srgt-alaaa work. . , '-. Oa te the : NEVVXYORK dentists , r-OTTBTK AaTD BtOBaUSOaT STS. Opea day and night, from. .., until te sv CrvetlnsUat Irllrl rad tbaetntrly tare I Catarrh, Celd la Ih Be, La trlppr, veaiacw ana ruajiieg mi mm w. e CwMS.smei.ei sis - lrneiiiwt IrmtL I Sold liattirnttittfttymnilPffii. F. C KEITH. Proo. Ory Uhle. ! 3 CEO. 1 STRONG. 163 Wes! Park SI. IXOLTJBIgaVOOMslIBCIAl. X0TOSBAPBIB DIIflTft C0PtlG AND ENLARGING I flll U A SPECIALTY Beeienee Tlews. Psasral Work. nh. $1.00 '''.'.''.' r u