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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1905)
TIIS OREGON ' DAILY JCU .IAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7, 190J., (iOfllllQSl SOLID FOR CAUSE f Willamette Valley," Inland Empire f' and Neighbor States to Aid Columbia Improvement; pt:t frcn C-r C::'.:.::.7 tO - fevee Caa'-ora' f " "la v r-reveata KJ " -a. tm IlEAD TZj CmEFUU FC RECIPROCATION CRY OF VALLEY PEOPLE Will Help Portland - In Expectation That-Portland WiU In Turn Giva '': Aid to Willamette River and Cooa and Yaquina Bay Improvementa. Expression 5frpm resident of the ' -Willamette valley and the Inland empire ? jnaicaie mac me movement for tha fur ther Improvement of tha Columbia river " will have tha hearty cooperation of tha entire northwest end California, with senators and representative la co acres Of OthftlV states rMllv'tA abmIm fiAMtn W.-FuTAV tB-4ha-ff ort Ineuoe the : appropriation of sufficient moner keep tha work going for tha coming .summer. . ... ,"1 judge , from my observation at home and In other towna south from - here,? said J. a Cooper, mayor, of In ""depejtfence (Polk county), today, "that there- will be hearty cooperation between Portland,.. Astoria. The Dalles, Pendl. j ton and ail the. towns In tha .Inland -empire In the movement to induce con Kress : to provide . for tha further , ,. Improvement . ' of - the Columbia. . We people v realise . that In the -Improvement of rivers and' i - bora Ilea lit large part the assurance of propraevelopmintTrTh!sTorthweBTj - it is a question that concerns tha entire . northwest.- ',-. Mast Btand Together. - "Furthermore, the necessity ' of all -western states standing together doubt Jes will make senators and repreeenta :. tivea of neighboring ' commonwealths Join with Senator Pulton and the delega tion that ts to go to ) Washington to runner tne appropriation. "We must engender a spirit -of loyal cooperation; must handle these thlnis on a nonpartisan basis, and remember j.that.'tjie. Issue goes ta the Interests of an perauns irrespective Ol psrcy align- .-' ment. . --., -..-' ,.. "Another thing, the residents of the "Columbia river valjey should remember - that reciprocation Is the soundest foun datlon for all such ' enternrlaea. ". and that. -If the' people south from here In - t n state-of Oregon- help -t hem.-1 her In turn should help tha western and south- ' western Oregoniana, to procure appro priations -from congress for the Im provement of tha Willamette .river and Cooa and Taqulna baye. v x, , e- aheald Ooneeatrate roroes.' 1 '"We are hot making the mistake of fOTHIIn. tint " mf.H-L K- taken up one at a time and that we should not ' scatter our ' forces among several federal enterprises so as to lose ' them all. ' Hence, we are disposed to help the Columbia valley to gat Its ae- 7proprlajm- for tha deepening of the bar l at Asiftrla and, the removal .of -obstruo- tlons- at Celllo.'. We believe that the people of tha Columbia valley will not - forget 'the assistance w 'render them - now a)-there fere will aid us la proeur- ,: mg needed' improvementa." .j- The meeting' of the Oregon Develop ment league that Is to be held In Pen- eton In a few da vs to forward the Co lumbia river enterprises Is expected to add much force to the movement. The -plan 'la to assemble there prominent men from Oregon, Idaho and Washing ton, and unite them In presenting- to congress the demands of this northwest country. .Assurances have been received from many aenatora and representative in congress, that they will help In in ducing oongresa to provide for continu . Ing tha work at Celllo and -Astoria. .. Senator Sam Piles of Seattle has been quoted aa saying' that while he coul l hardly be' expected to divide his effort in a way to endanger the projects of hia own state, he sees no reason Why he should ' not lend his Influence to Oregon at this time In getting the-ap propriation for tha Columbia's Improve ment. " ' Tha well, known cordiality that exists between Senator Piles and Senator Levi . Ankeny of Wa'ia Walla, and the under standing that they will work In har mony in Washington this winter during the session of congress, leads business men here to believe that they will ftnl Senator Piles la line for the .movement that haa been started,' for Senator An keny strongly favors the Improvemen TTTThat slron" reprsaeiitatton-win ba sent to Washington to support tha at- forts of T. B. Wilcox la a .certainty. The enthusiasm that has' been mani fested - here and in all towna of the northwest appears 40 Insure that all po tential WeTgywtlt be ipendert an that success will aUendrThe efforts. UNCLE SAM TO BUY BIG AMOUNT, OF TOBACCO ' ' ' ' (Josraal ImcUI rvle.t .'"..''" "Washington, V. C, Nov. 7. Tha time j for submitting bids for supplying the navy department with 150,000 pound of ;, tobacco to the paymaster-general of the navy department expired, at noon today - and the btda will be opened this after- -noon. The' time, of delivery Will riot . begin until next year, but It is conaid- ered advisable to nave tne Dm sent in 1 earlv enouirh to give" the successful -Kidder or-1 Judders 'ample time to make tha necessary selections in the market. The next lot of tobacco to be furnished to the government for the use of the . navy will have to go through much the same test as that wnicn nas previously - been bought and will be given a thor ough Inspection by sampling and other wise at the Brooklyn navy yard. fly:r: Baliiiiir Ponder -;. ...... O .,.r. . 4 ..'il.-il--ju-v-r-,' ft.fc.i',:'",: GUARAriTEED vPurocnd Healthful f mm wwuwumm , uj enuncm snnium mm phytielaaa. aso -taatlfy thai food prepared with it la absolutely free front roohali sella, llma'araa and amoioola. j. - . J : . -.-.(. ' v . . '- - ' 25 Ounces f:r 25 c:nis Bans m the abate HI ehls la s W eesle tnt, mi s eutlu to rtew contents. TrythewMew key. Mm yesr sector tet It Ifyos dent and It all right and surert ing but wMtkey yes ever torted, ehl It back to at ear eiMN and year BMney elH be eramptly rehnded. Vae ess km either Rye of Bourbon, Remember, we say tie exprtu or Mght eharfe. VoesavosieMy by ertertet 20 essrtt by freight If yes cast te sisck yetimlt, gettlrMndbiJoleyos. - - - , C-Cm ; f-Vjt V fe5 'i4m i 1 , rDisrtUs i BATKKR WHISKBT. goes direct to yoa from onr distillery, one of tba Urges! and best equipped in. the world, tba asearing yoa of perfect parity and. saving yoa tha dealers' big profits, h "- ' It I prescribed by doctors sad ased ta hospitals and by half a mflUoa sstiifled ooato mrs, because It la good and pure and yet so cheap. ,'.: - wtniooimimornci. , TK KAYKER C.STILL1S3 CO. BT LOUIS, MO. ATLAKTA. OA. , BT. SAUL. MINN. DAYTON, 0. ; DtBTOAaav, Taov, O. Bstabusbbd UBS so caonat tsoaooaoo m 1 tm 1 . TAX DELINQUENTS WILL BE FEW Deputy' Sheriff Ferguson . Pre- paring List jjfJThose WhoIi: nave Not raia. J... PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION BY SHERIFF All but-Thirty-Fiva Thoosand Dol- If ore Than Four Thousand Dollars Dim far Poll Taxaa. " ' -TputyTBherlfrJorin W. Ferguson. chief In the tax department, la hard at work preparing the list -of delinquent taxes,,. TWa llat wllV-b ready-for pub lication an November J The property that Is listed will, be advertised - for four, weeks., then sold at auction bv onerirr word. The following la the re port of the condition of tha 1904 taxea at tha eloae of business on October Z . -'-i.- ' rehlt Tax roll . . .i.. .V. . . .. . . . , 3,202, l.T Sheriff's assessments 6J5.JH j-enauy . . 5.744.1J Interest . y .......... f o;-- 1,4(9.40 -i-Total , . ,V: . . ,'v.v. . . . . Paid treasurer ..;Tt-.... . .,$2,074. Sas.dl Rebate . t. . s.tninTii Rrrors. and double ass mts. . 6,299.09 Unpaid; 77.892.07 Total . Since tha above report waa made about 110.000 on taxes has been paid, and Mr. Ferguson thinks that before the sheriffs sales begin at least S26.O00 mora will be paid In to tha treasury. Taxes are delinquent If one half the amount la not paid on or before April 1 The total 1904 property tax aasesaed waa 1,M8,X5S; all but 135,144 was col looted by October. The 1904 . personal tax asssssed amounted to $514,074,. of which I43Z.OZC was collected at the time tha report was made lnat month. A rebate of 1 per cent waa allowed on 11. 1 1 Ijiia, tha. amo March' 16, 1905. The total amount col lected on or before April 1 was 11.(82.- 082. The delinquent list ! divided 1ito the following subdivisions: Poll taxea, 14,2(7; state and county, 124,953: school, 19,482; road, 14,814; li brary, 79; Port ,0f Portland. .tl5,07; cltjr of Bt. Johns, 154; the remainder ta . divided among me . several aoxen school districts of the county, TO PACIFIC SLOPE 'roject for Colonizing .Twenty- Five Thousand on Banks of Columbia River. - ...'' .: ' ' I IJonmtl gpeclal gerflee.) Chicago, Nov, 7. A great, aectlon .of Chicago's Lithuanian population will 'tm transported, bodily toheFaclfte coast In accordance with plan already chang- ingvtaeaatuall.tles. 25.000 people will' un dertake tha migration- to the fertile Paclflo slope. Tha orlalnal deilm con templated the settlemsht of '10,000, but the' enthusiasm whfJt'h fha - project aroused caused the "founders to believe that tha number will run-far In excess of this. Whll the-membership is maje up rrom- all sections of the country, Chicago, as the great Lithuania ranter, will furnish far mora recruits than any other locality, perhapa as many a 3 11 others put together.. The membership fee la 1100. With 10.000 members at this) figure the society , will have a capi tal of 11,000,000 to work on. If 25.000 members art secured. 12.600.000 will he available for the enterprise. With even a smaller amount, orlglnatora say that vast areas along the Columbia river can be purchased, transportation secured an1 the colony put on a prosperous footing . " Chicago Flower Nhow. -'-''." " (Jeerael Bpeetel arvtee. Chicago. III.. Nov. 7. Ths annual flower show uhder tha auspices of the Horticultural society of Chios so opened atthe Coliseum this noon. Chicago Is the greatest flower tnarket In the world and Its 28 wholesala. markets hsndla over 15.000.000 worth of cut flowers alone every year, The tremendous popularity of the Portland Journal Graphophone Offer has necessitated another immense shipment of graphophones and records for Jbur- nal , subscribers, and . The Journal is now prepared to ? supply all of those who 7 were too late to secure one on our last offer. We have renewed our contract with the: Col one year will secure ( by paying the express charges and buying one 25c record ) teoLimvIFim The only perfect. Talking Machine fn the world playing gold-molded Co .lumbia 25c Records. Never sold for less, than $7.50 and given absolutely FREHFM To Journal - Readers ' ' ! . ! i - .WITH A YEAR'S , , SUBSCRIPTION The ; Columbia Phono-' graph company, the larg est talking machine com-. pany in. the world, will give - you $5.00 for this machine on larger one, ; This is proof of its worth. ir ... X " w j "V-xsv; s-mw"- w-rnvtrnr rf r ! i ..... ?;.-'. f ' . ":t .:''..-'.. , . .. '- - C . ii;tii 45 i Mi., x I '; V r i i . The long evenings at f home are on the way. ' Do you want a little diversion? '- f You can have , ' The Minstrels - ; ; : 7Z The Vaudeville - - -- The Comic Opera P- The Latest Song Hits ' The Latest' March' f ; 'The Grand Opera ' - Anything r your heart desires.- All ifor. 25c if you . take advantage of - this great and final offer to become a --t. ; WR1E And secure a $7.50 . Co lumbia Graphophone ab solutely free." - .'-.-: BY SPECIAL, ARRANGEMENT WITH :" ' At 365-371 Washington Street, Portland THE JOURNAL IS ENABLED TO RENEW THIS OFFER Mail this coupon at once to the Circulation Department and we will send a representative to your address:.. - ,. . IINQUIRV COUPON " Pleaae have your solicitor call to demonstrate the Great free Grapho phone proposition. . v - NAME..... .... address .v. ; GIRL FACES FEDERAL JURY FOR ABUSE DF-HAILS Miss Dixie Tuttle Must Answer ' for Sending Slanderous Let- ters to Neighbors. i . (Joeraal Special rvle. St Louis. Mo.r Nov. 7. Tha federal grand jury which convened In St. Louis today will take up the cane of Mis pixie Tuttle. the Audrain countr young woman whose arrest for aendlng ob scene letters through the malle has at tracted widespread attention. - Miss Tuttle, who is tha reapected daughter of a prominent farmer, was .arrested In September, on - a chijree, of aendlng "anonymous slanderous lattersLlhrough the malls." Tha missives were aald to attack venomously ' the. characters of many prominent people of the town and After investigation had caused sus picion against Miss Tuttle, a postofflce Inspector called at her horn and ques tioned her. She vehemently, denied any part In the writing of the letters. ' The case wss soon after placed In the hands of ITnlted Statea District Attorney Dyer of St- Louis. The most careful sur veillance failed to locate tha sender of the letter. - Mailboxes were watched without avail and decoy lettera produced no direct evidence. Eventually, however, suspicion was narrowed to a few young women, one of whom was Mlns Tuttle. Tha postmaster, was called on to help, to the extent of selling these suspected young women - sucn stamps as were car fully, but inconaPleuoustyT'inarkei with different designs. Stamps bearing one of these marks were sold to Miss Tuttle. and when the next complaint of objectionable lettera was made, the stamps were examined. It waa declared that they were the ones sold to Miss Tuttle, the charge against her waa made and the arrest followed. - rr- ta - Creole J Olafe : iBpedal totopetc to The JraaaL) Dallas, Or., Nov. 7. La Creole club of this city, composed ef the local busi ness end prof esslonal men, has changed Its quarters Into the. lower story of th new W. O. W. hall. o nuuurs -ars-aold ana air gambling la prohibited. ' Preferred Stock Ceased. Oooda. Allen Lewis' Beat Brand. . MHRMnM MICCinMARIPC iiiwiiuiwii miwwiwiiniiibw IN BUSINESS PURSUIT Chlcaa-o, Nov. 7. -Tha Mormon church haa made application to the Central Pan- -senger association for recognition for its missionaries- by tha clergy bureau. Mormons claim that their missionaries are entitled to half rates, a they sr, engaged In evangelical work. Rallroa-1 ' agentahowaver. . r. lalm slonarlea proselyte on commission, an I , that their salaries depend upon th- number of converts aecured. The worle ' la regarded rather In tha light of busi ness than of Christian endeavor. mm I (C0(BA0 v : ...... .... . , ... I . " . ' . ' ' .-. ... . . , ., ....-' -- -:-e . ; -.-(''' '- . , I BUY ONE - IF NOT THE BEST ON THE MARKET AT 2XB Your cTVIoney Back s a Old Fashioned Hand c7rlade ALLEN LEWIS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS PORTL'' sssEzzszzzxzzxszzzzzzsEszzrzzzzzzzzzxiixxzzaizzszrzxszsxzxiiiiiatzxxzxzzzirrzrrr-