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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1905)
THE OREG.0II DAILY, JOU..;AL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 6. 18C3. TODAY-S: MARKETS Are Dig Financier Trying to, Rob Oregon Hop - Growers Out of "Their Hard-Earned, Money The Situation It Printed Here. A CONSPIRACY TO ROD HOP LIEU Present Situation Looks Like : r Financiers Are Trying to -Drive Growers Out. I JOURNAL'S DAILY " MIPS TD SHIPPERS SELL CROP BEFORE , IT IS HARVESTED Too Wide a Range Shown Between Inferior New "York Hope and the Choice Article of This State Big Bean Would Raise All the Product front Street, Kov. . Tf principal foaturss f fit Portland whole! mark! today fue: Whml ta weak toil unchanged, (lame arrirele hurt poultry. - ,-'...''. r".gs very firm at recent rise,, Potatoee coutinue activity. hliort cover rapidly In bop. " Drat car aew -or a use ttila week. . Three cara awact potatoes in. " j . . .Second oar Jersey cranberries. ) ,- ' Ksstera rbeatuuts eoojlnf mora freely, v .; No excitement la meat market. -Supplies of Columbia aaltuun nominal. r.. V4 O.aaplraoy 4a Bob Xopmaa. . la there a ronalreey ta rob ths hop-producer ' I Oregon T That a tba war thliisa look. Ttw waeaut sUnstfcnv in the hop market kf tar .Von, sstlsfsctnry ta the growers. Never has ton of the niarbet enow each degree of weakness aa at tba present moment.- Tba eeord -break ing vrop lu every hop-producing tloa of tba world haa added Uj tba general weakness. . - - Tlas sltusJio -ta -weaker ;thsa it srtHnsrlly would be on account of tba financier vb are back of Hm bear atda. There la Armour, wha never haa bees known to bull any product, -cunt perhaps when- be absolutely w - la eon -troi of tba supplies. Mr.. Armour a aeeoeta- tloa wltb another autad bear operator. Hurst, Shr Baaa Hsvs Taat Aorssg. . . -.. ruder the control of tbaee operator la a -vent amount of hop acreage. A large par cent of tiila acreage waa out in during the paat yer r a ' ae. to tbe ordinary person 4 be -snnlnf of tula acre- by such financiers aa Arutour and Jloret wonM mean that there, la A great Ileal of money In the business. There la. Aa mi viewed, tba situs.saa ta this: There ie In tli la eontitry a great deal too many ncraa -ii of none to allow high pricee to -rale. - W4U a hesvy of tbe aoldan clusters ' " tt la a very ey aaatter to arnre the amail , . frown and tone ranee price to break below the actual eeat of nredorttah. That ta way tlie hop d)arket la tending at the preernt moment. The prha now ralliui In tbe Portland market mean an actual toae to The roof re M they arU at tbeae qootatkma. ' It they don't aan. othera will. That's the altnattna m not. ao.II and the f tuanrler gtoaiera fcaow It. - Tbe groneia will break their nerka. ao tecanaa other grow era era doing; ft- ; . Wide Rang in "Box runufu-turera liave algnl-' d flad their wUllngn-aa to rlntln( d the words -"Orriron - Apples'' In ' .very large Jetteri od tlm nlrld ft0 every box they make fur- 1 1 1 1 pufpoae If the Juhhflrn and (raw era aak for It. Thla would be a - big; artvertiaemnt for tha atu.'a d bttet-known product and fur the e atate Itself. It'a now up to the frowera and dealera. MEM DROP 1(1 L llEJIPOOL. ratuaeT- - The qneet part ef the present altoatlon In the - bop market at the wide ranae la prtra that rale la thla rttr and In Kew York. IVlroe te atrang thmich dnll In the New York market today- at aix2r a-nonnd.- -There are no ehohw hope In Kew York thla aeaaon, hens tht -aheem-e ef anotalkma on that crade. Hirlrtly rboloa hop are n noted la tbe Partlan) market toiler 10c a ponnd and ther can bt " readily pun-baaed at fust Bgnre. Thereto- eharse of Re between thla rttr and Kew York. M ar fregrhl and "4c at earn nd far omailaatoa marge, un a ttaaia or Kew lor a nmea itea m hope earn Id he quoted In the Portland mar ket today at not leea than ITe a poand, juat. tanr than tha present ouoted valne. Bat this la hot to be. If present tlsas of tba hear eonnt for anrthliig. , It la knows positively that at Wat half of the present crop of Orsgoa waa aold even before tha prertons crop had bees hanrwted. . Male were mad by the short st price ranglnaT from J&e to tm a pound. If . thee anea raa seears their boos at 10c they Jar not going to par mors. That's the sltssttoa. '."-"Waul aUakrant erawsm.'; It Is the plan of the larger hears thla seeana to raa tba price of hope to each a agar that most of tbe grower will n bankrupt, and thea the price wiU go aky high fi the major part of tha supplies will st that tlm be ha the pos seaeioa of tbeae operator, if they aa dries the small grower out of tl.a hoetne, that't baalneaa, and money m their porketa. It la not The Journal's policy to say to pro ducer' whether they ahoojd sell or hold ttrrtr product. Their wa Joocutent ahoahj ha need hare. The Journal can but err them th aitaa tarn aa it really la. Oam Arrivals Hart Psultiy. The very heavy ariivsls of wild gam la thla City of 1st bar hurt th poultry demand con- eMerably. BWery hunter arings m a nig ma oi (ruck a which be proceed to d la tribute to hie innli"" Tin j n it tr - 'T i "-t n-kal TOSUjct porn- grail ea. fl2Vc: Waahlngtan, sjantioc; 1WK crop., oifcic lor etioico. WOOL-aiKoo clip, valley, aoara to medium. It4t2uac; flu. S0WZ7C1 aaatora Oregon. twtticte. - MOHAIR Nominal. aoCSlc. BHKCrNKIMI Hhtarlug. li cl: short wool, aaatoc earu; nietiium wuui, aungiBs aca Ions wouT. TKcilt.du aarh. TALLOtr prima, par lb, M4e; He, t sod grraae. ltlIH& . CHITT1AI BARKSU3c Bar Oij HIDK8 Dry. No. I. 1 Iba aad dV 1HJ u1 per lb; dry kip. No. 1. s to is lbs. lc; dry alt. Ko. 1. under s lb, lac; aalted bide, terra, aouud. 00 Iba and svar. loajillci am. kttWHe; ataga and bulla, sound. -w let-kip. " to au Iba. ci calf, aouad. udar Ik Iba. lla green, anaaltrd. to leae: rulla. lc ner lb lea boreebhlea, salted, each, II lr 31.70; dry,-each tl.Ooei.AO: eult hldea. 2&t&uc: goat skins cotnmuo, each. J0() lac . Angura, each. l&cQ ' ' Fruit and Vaewtafelea. POTATOKa Best Urecou. woe1 sack: lota. fl&stTbe aack: orilluarr. nr7Ar: car lota, WI1IS.V: sweets. Il.WO sack: 2.1f,lHHi crate. UhiUKH-rNew Oregon yellow Uanasra, i.; raa tots, il.oooi.oo; garuc, ii! per jo. fRKSH rRriTS Apples, Oregon. 1.00J1.dO: fancy, si.7r) crahapplea.; oraugea. new naael. 5JK; into Valenclaa, f4.1X,u-i.; ba Sanaa, be Ibl lemon, rl aire. ln.NKuS.75 Don fancy, fa 00 hoi; llmaa. Mexlcaa. 125 per UK); pineapples, fa .00 dna: grapes, Oreyon. 1.0O(; rmmrili, aoj.S.V: peara, l.2tl.b0 per oox: winter he; II. gl.xs per box; Bumegranataa, per vox; tangerine, VEGKIABLEa Xurulua. now. 11.00 ner aaek carrot. (l.Ott - per aack ; beets, fl.00J i. per sacs oragoa radishes, K&e par ami ralibaya, Oregon, $1.00 per cwt; geeea prppera, le lb; local tomatoea. eoc; calirornta. woe; parsnips, f 1.001 jgii atrliis bean. KrlOi-: eauUttower. Tt-il.a dos: rhuherh. nor lb; horseeadleb. ie - Ut, artlchokea. 0i 00 per doa ; bothosa lettuce, 1.2S1.T6 ner box; green corn. 76c per eack: cueuiutaMn. " par sack : eelerr. loeaL 50ai 7Se ner Ou: ore plsnt, $1.90 par crate; pampklna, ic, aqsaah. crannerriea, tap um. su.ou; jeraeya, til. 00 per trtil: Coos bar and Tillamook. t8.Wi. IlKIRP f-Rriio Apples, eispore'sd, 8B per lb; apricots, lie per R . aacka, He per lb lem; Deachea, 1011 per R): pro me. SO ts 0, OHc; H drop an each sixteenth smaller lse; figs, California black, mtjuc ner lb; California white.- he -per 4h; dalaa,- gold. c per lb; lard. fUS par 16 lb box. ersoarlaa. Vuta. Cto. -' " IT'OAR sac baslf -47a b. fa HO; powdered. fi.iw; rurc ganuiateo. sa.oo: ary granuiatoa. 5 .56; Cnf. A. S 0; Vet granulated, $.V.1.'.; extra C. ( coMea' C. UK: U yellow. et-86; bbls. 10c; H hhls, Sc; boxes. Sue sdrsnc os sack basis, lees the per wt for cashv it w.pir. imiur per lu. HONEY tS per crate. COFFEE I'ackage brands, 1B TS. HALT Coarse Half ground, 100s. per 1 table, dairy. Ms, tll.OO; 100s. to.TSr Im ported U'erpool. o. I17.0O. loo. tlt.SO; R4s, l.O0; extra flne. bbla. aa. aa, to. sa.nuirin on; DUiK. no ids, M.Wfta.oo; sacks, aua. fiwie. SALT Coarse Half rroand. leSa, per ton. 17.00: Bar. ner ton. tT.50: I.trernnnL lnmn eork. $1.! per tun: BO-lb rock, t'.OO; loo, ttt-75. -( Above prices apply to ealea of less than ear lota. .Car lota, at apedal arte aabtost-t .(IBIlimBLI Lorain BAtja-Catrwtta, ttt. ------'- I - im a imperial Japan. ro. 1. err Fa. S, 4fmte: New Orlean had.Tef ' Alat, 4c; Creole. RUc. BEANS mn -whit; $3. TV, larsa whit. i.ii; piua, 2 ta; bay on, 4jo; unu, u.oo Mexican reds. SUc. .'".-- Nl'TS rvsnuta. yumhes, Uc nor th; Ttnrtrrta, tHa per th: rooated. be; eorossnris. Marsae per doa; eesmnt. metiBUe per In; pine nats. ItistTtttg per ttt; 'hV'li''. potor 70r par Ih; cbestonts. eaetera. 16 Jler net Ih TJraall aata. 14c per Ih; fllherte. 1 4 42 le per Ih; faacr iavrit sunonos, l an lit per Dx Price th aasx today. Kgg are very firm with price ranging today between BZtliUH a Suae. - Becelpta -euatinu Ihjhtr- - '''" ""t ' 7T ' First Oar Vsw Oraags TUa Wash. The flrat full car of thla aeaaoa'a oranges la due to arrlr la this city cither Theraday ' or 'FrRTayr " . ... Three ear of sweet potatoes cam darlnf th axTirtng aad foaad a good denteod at for ' aaer values. - - Th second car of Jersey crasberrte alas Ar rived. ' . Esatera" ebeatnnta ar coming mor freely, but the prio Is firmly held at 20c. . rotator continue their activity and price vm fancy are firmly held. , Onions sr firmer but amrhaaged. v---Tb following fjuotatlona ar being paid along Front street by th retail trade for rhoh' ajnallty ta round lots., Irodncers' prices ar a specified:: ... . . rata, Fleur sad Feed. ' ' WHEAT New elnb, TSe: red Boaslaa, TOe; blneatem, 7Sc: valVr. 7Hj74c. ' ' BAR LET Feed. t?1 hn$22 00; rolled, $2J. -SttxiM; beewlns. t23.t0ailU.0a. -- ' ' CORK Wkels, , 127.00; cracked. 12V 00 Faints. Coal Oils. Eta. ROPE Tar Manluv 14c; stsadaHU Umei star I. 10c; Hal brand , steal. c COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Csaea. SOH a gai; water wane, aroa snnv. lse par gal; wooden, lse per gal: headlight. ITO-deg cases. (2e per gal OABOUXB fltdeg. eases, t4 par sal; Iroa tls. It pet fa-'-. - . . BEJsElNB S-deg. cases, Be por jali Jna vai. Je per fib , TURPENTINE-la fang, Ce par gal; able. Me ner raL WRITE LEAP Toa lota. TV Par Th; SOO-lb lots. Or per Ih; leea lota, He per rh. WIRBj MAIl.iw.r'reseat Base at sz.70. I.INSEEn OIL Pare rsw. Is b-bhl lota. B4c; I-hbl lot, OSc; eesss. 00c per gal; gesain kertle boiled. aaea, OX per gal; 0-bbl lot. bc; l-hbl lot. tT per gal; gmond cake, ear lots, f 30.00 per ton; lens taaa car mm. per con. aleata. Flah aad Frevlalens. FREBB MEATS Front street Beef steers tctdr tier lb: block. TttftKe por Ih, pace era, TtjTVt per lb; balls, eSe per M: owa. tVaCJac per lb; veal, extra. 7Ve per Ih: ordi nary, dc per lb; poor, Ac par Ih; mattoa, faacy. I S) I r per ro. HAM8. BACOW. BTr, Port toad Back flora II hama. 10 to 14 I ha. 13 Vc par Hi: 14 to 16 am. lac per lb; breakfast bacon. IsciOVie par Ih; pimie. ii ii " gy"- anra-t riaara, ai amoseff, - ii per ro: amosea, uc per lb; clear barfca, aoamoked. 10 per ih: saxfced. 11 He per Ibl lislon butts. 10 to It iba, aa amidiad. Be per lb: smoked, ae per : clear belli, aosmofced, lie per lb; amoaad, lis par Local laru Ktti leaf. lo. nu- a lb: to, HHe pec lb; to lb tins. tot per lb; steam Pandered. 10a, .10 Hie par lb; 0. 10 Vc per js; comvouna, tun. nihe. CANNED SALMOH-Olorobls rlr. 1-lh tolls. 11.80; -lb talla. tlT5; fancy l ib aata. fl Oo; ta-lh fancy Bala, J.l: fancy 1-Hi era la. fg.7: Alaaka Ulla. pink, aoeUc; rod, 11. SO; aomlaal , tall. 12.00. FI8H Rock aod. fc Bar tht Bounder. Be nee R; halibut, e per lb: crane. 01.60 ner dox: atrlped bam, 124 per Rl cat (US, Be par ; oa, aueoraidaa. ae pec IS; hlnebacka. 0e Per Ih: berrlnc. be ae lb: sole, de mar lb: atrial pa. hue per Ih; perch, to per le; black ud, I pec lb; silver smelt, Te por lb; htanr, IOci fresh mackerel. Be par lb; arawflie, the per dna. VieTKnBetboel water bay,' Bar gal, fZ.ZS; ir aack. 41.74. CLAbls Hard-ahalL nor box. 13 U0: fUma, tHO par- boa. nv ai RR eoe eel. 0ATB Pmdncers prlea He. t White, $30.00: fray. t24.0O0. , s ri&LH New eaatern Orecna pateats, 14.30 ?4 M; atralgbta. f.1 n0JJX: export. f3 H ta, vsller, : rrabsm, tM; riehfla. iVIO; hales, 2.7S. . sfHXBTI'FFB Braa, 100 r Jon: mid dlloga, $20.00; ahorta. country. 0.00; city. . 110.00: crop, 110.00. - HAT Prodoeers" price Timothy. WTIUmette vslley. fancy. BILOoeyiroO; ordlnsry. ft.OOsl Oft; eaetera Oregon. tHOOl00; mixed. ts.60QB.oo; rlovrr. to 0QI0.00i (Taia, H.MI0 .00l cheat. tS.00et.80. :,. -.r Battor, Egsa aad Fsultry. HI'TTER FAT. . b. Portland Sweet "T,'CTeatn. S": Bnsws !-" " - -- - fit TTai n I Ity cresmery. oue; "iw isary, fSn erdlnnry. B.V: atoe. loJ17e. El 10 B No, 1 fresh Oregoa, candled,. ttJt B24e: en Id stofssv snd sealers. BnniKc. . CIIEEHR New Full cream, twin. Vtt Young America. Im; eheddar. 14til4Td. OA MB Jarkrabblte. t aer dna. -POULTRY Mixed chlckena. 10c: fancy hhns, IIS- per Ih; mnaters. eld. Be per Ri; fryera, ' lofiov per Ih: ' broilers. IH 10e see ihj dork. 1 1 tt 1 5c per Ih: gees. Be per lb; lartejn, I,jl0e per lb; dressed. BOe per Ibl sqaabs, I2.00vta.6o per dnsen. w ' ' Hep. W aad Hldav-,..,..i y ?, -.OP loria Oregoa. choice, DOllr; ' prime, SCOTTON IS FIFTEEN - TO SEVENTEEN HIGHER MONDAY PRICES IN : " THE WHEAT MARKET e) Doc. , May. ,: Chicago f .S!B t .54A d Mlnneapolle ... . .MViA e , Mllwstiliee) .MiA . ..Ni rrk,.,..( B. ftt. f,oula.t.... .M4 I.lverpool tsrOVd tiUHd ica rises t-T 4 , ,7H l.H 8nn Francisco,' 1.40 Kew York, Nor. t. Cotton futures closed ! n ii point nigneri OffH-htl quotatwas by Ovarheek, Btarr Cooke eomnany w : Oneu. TTIa-h ' Iyw. Clnee. ' January ii.i 1144 February 1 1 411 lltrl March , '...1100 111.1 Airll ....... ...., llltl May :..1I70 117S' Jim ......... .j..w.ll3 11 till inly : .1170 I mi November IMS. 111.1 December I12T li:t0 II 114 IIM ll.-e lldl- 1IIIS. 1170 1110 11 It 1 trot at 114t.lf I Ml U 1 lei7i 11724171 H7.t5; I17NWN0 IIIJll 1123 b Vsw Orlsaae Csttea, New Or lean. Nov. . Bint cotton strong; middlings. Hoc ap at 11 n-lc . IWY0 COFFEE VAXJEET. . J New York. Nov. .Coffee, futures closed t pt'lnta louer. - . orrxtal ajuotstlonst Rid. Aak 1 - ; Rid. Aak. farmery ...fowl OA 7)!aty - ,r..,,.f7 Ii 7 -Jn kf fehraary Mercs ., AorM .., My BU. ,., 0 70 0.7.1; A USUI t ... 71 , O.lfl 0 M Heptemher .. f " wo o .i October T.aa T HI 7 li.-.iVnrewber 0 40 T. T.loilVeember . . T.2.1 T.HA T 4 Ml M Forelea Ooff, Marksts. -, Harre, Nov. 0. Coffee advanced HHamhnrz adranced . Rl receipt la.iaio bare, market aleedr. price unchanged;' Santtai 40,000 bag, market quart, 00 down.- Raw Yark Oaab Coffe. ' ' New York, Nov. t'eatf coffee r N. T Bio, tt-IOr; No. 4 Bsatoa. 0HSSc. VORTLAkTO -SANK ITATUfEXXv- rVa tines Bale nee tl.lOI .V.t M 0H.24 2referr4 Stock Oaaaedl Oooda. Alien m Uwli' Beat Brand. Bearish Sentiment Too Much for Chicago Wheat Market and . ' - Prices Recede. A HALF TO THREE EIGHTHS OFF July Option Closes Unchanged From 'Saturday Cash Prices Heavy Slight Attempt Made to -Support Market at Times.. . MONDAY'S WHEAT MARKET. feeembef . May f . , , , , Julr.,.,.. ' Close ' Close Txaa Clos Mnti, hat. Won. Year Ago 7. .W"4B .(tn4B .0O4 1.1B .. .rHA .KB -1h r i-ll'i ,. .h .14, .00 J7 . I'hlcago, Nov. Be Logan A Brysa say: There seemed to 'he mora bearlah sentiment among the traders, with the result thst lbs market Is slightly off pom that of Rsturdsy. The world's slilimienta were rather liberal and tbe primary recelpta were also liberal, but still under times of a year sso. . Th cash prices were henry, innktiig a widening tendency in that department. There seemed to be some sttetnit te supnn-t ths aiarket at times, bat tbe crowd seems prominently henrlah. Tb continued large sell Ing has had a dlaeimraglng effect oa tbe mar ket, and baa a tendency te Increase tbe bear lah feeling. Th aiarket acta very much Ilka a trading affair. , . . . , ,c . Bmall Asia la Cera. Tb corn market again ahowa some little gala for tbe day, and it ruled strong throngbont be -entias aeaaloa. The volume at has In taw waa at its best shoot tbe Boon hour. A In corn, oa ta were strung and wer well held, but tbe see ton waa dull. ' - vjaroTlalos trade st no tlm save much If any inclination of getting out f 4ts dull rut. - . Official qantatltuta by Overback. Btarr Ceuk eompany: vTrfKAT. KecH Old' See. May....,, July.,. - One. Hlrh. .f ' JtM ,".'JW ' . . .MO - .njtl . JtZ, .H4I4 -CORN- .441 4 t .441 U . -4i i : .4'i .40 Vk ' Jhl . .214" Jll . 0ATB. Pee,..-... Jh -.soh May...... .S2 JI21, Julji.,.,. , ,.31'i -Jilt j MKHB PORK. Jan...... 12.(10 12.87 12 0 ' May...... 12.7B i 11.11 - 12.73 .. - . LARD. , Pee.,,.., .'. . .B3 . Can . isn.....i ;. : ----- O.M-J 0.77 - Msy .W5 CWT ' 0 3 8H0RT RV1BR, Jan...... e.fM) . -.41.55 B.50 -.T5- IW'i( " " faTsrl. ' - .Buef'" .WIViA MSk -"4S - 4!Ht - ..4dH ' .K'i .4(tHB 7JSS 12.SH ' 12.75' .".B5 .KSTk B.T . " filETllOPOLITHO JS 3 POIflTS UP i" Belief In Defeat of Hearst Sends ; Traction Issues Up in the ' New York Market ' BROOKLYN HAS RISE " - -OF THE SAME AMOUNT Reading Common Cannot Bo Held ' Down and Gains Two and a Half PointBv-Locomotive and Railway - Springs Rise 'v - ADVANCES. ' Amalgamated Illulsrlo A Western. Kmelter. pfd 1 ) peunsylvsnls ,. Car Foandry.... IHIPreaeed Bteel Car.'j Hrooklya .ir,mn-l Rdlng . . . BaltlnMiee V Republic Bleel.,... Colorado Fuel do preferred..... ; mmtuera ity . .2 HI 7 1 .! m1 Bt. Paul a i. w...j!. Cbeasneaks . ,. . Iienver F.rle. 1st pfd... Orest Weatern. Illinois Centrnl, Manhattan . ... Metropolitan , . Missouri PeelBe N. V. Ceutral. . Ruck Inland do pref erred . , . . . Texas Pad Be... Vi i;. a. Bteel. Pfd... Hootheru Pacllle.. V, Tens. Coal ........ t 1'nlon Pacific...... ISs Locomotive 1 Railway Bptinga... 1 LOKKEBK. " . '' Sugar w V Pacific MaU....... V, Canadian .......... People's Uas ...... to 1'reeeed Bteel. pfd. silt'. B. Btael.. ...... Wall Btrsat, New Yark. Nov. Thar waa much of Interest la today' stock market. Tomorrow's . election waa th greatest factor and' the heavy advances in Brooklyn Rapid Transit and Metropolitan signify that ansaclsl area believe Hearst will be defeated. Belief la his electlos would demoralise these . eecarl tles. . 9bt close showed a act advenes of S points ia Brooklyn and ttt in Metropolltaa. Yeaaeasee Cesl waa a gals a feature, with a rto of Xs polnta. Kesdlng ecu Id net D kept down aad gained 2V, poiats. Car A Foundry waa active with a good gain. Money rate were erratic, call going aa high aa S per eeat and as low as 4 per cent , iriucisi auoiaikons ny ewnrnsca, . 01 err at iTjoa compssy : - a DESCRIPTION. txTxaroox. orain bulrxxt. Llverpoi:Kirr,e.ose: " Wheat. Dacembnr. 0 l(Sd. lWd wwerr March.. Oa lllkd. Id knrar; May. da ll4d, t lower. fr to Skd. d tower: Mar. 4s 4L 4 lower. M - - AafXlMCAW oraui BtrpwT.Y.y - O.-.tirshT -wlaiW--aunnli-r -A Today - Year Age Increase Rush. , Rueh. . Unas.. ..lhi.MMS.ona sti.H2.nno i.rwti.mio .. 2.K17.WS), i.m sjao.ouo - . CKICAOO CASH WHEAT. CUcsgoT Nov. C Cash wheat: - ,- Rid. Aak. Ko. a red f .Ml f ill No. a red .m .an No. t hard .7i : .mm nm. a naro. r,-.-.-;i-r-.m,r,1 .eaa No. 1 northern -Ml .01 Ne. S aorthera J7 .SO No. t sprlnav j, . , M Wheat Corn ,. Osta .. . CKICA00 0K Ala CAB. LOTS. ' Chicago. K sr. C Ore la car lota: - . ... ' ,'- tin. Urada. Sia. lBTU Wheat ...2K1 T ;14 :M Cora :t .. IT Bet, , l-'St Oata .. list M III lb Wheat cars todsr: Mlnnesnolls TK7. Dnlntb Us. leap ag: u tune polls kwo, Ihiluta 173, PRICE 25- CENTS OFF ON OVERFED-I.IARKET Cattle More Plentiful Than De mand Sheep Very Strong a at the Ruling Value. Port laud Unloa Stockyarda. Nov. . Livestock tocetpts: . ;i ' - . - , ".'";".:" . Ilora ' Catt le Rbeen Today ; 170 l.' XM vleek ago. Mi lift rrevkms week...... ,,..1.10 : 1 Mouth ago .....41 101 M "The cattle market le overfed." Sara Manager Daus-htrey. "Tbe receipts are toe htoey for Hie .demand and price sr e lower." , The ton ia exceedingly weak -This msy elan je srrlbe tlx eowllt km ta hoc, but prices tlier re uncnensred- ribeep very rirrn: small calves. pm: large one week. Tnnsy ui aarais cesae m. firriclai price. lor, trrestock:. Hogs Res! esaTerii IVreroff? .lB0eT.00; block er and China fata. f.'.-OOUJ-ZS: storkera snd feeders. ft.S-l. a (atlle Beet eaatern Oregoa steers. S3.mT .n: lhrht and medium ateers. f2.tr2 : Ihrlit cows. $1.23. stockcre asst. feeders, i.2J; bulla. fl .Ml. Hheen Welliera. 4e: mixed sheen. 4 4Vc: atrslght ewes, 4,i4taet hi Bin. r.ttUHc Cslves Uood veal. 1K5 to 'JM pounds, 4'c, rough heavy. I3Wc . EASTIBsT HOPS STEADY. ; Chic go,- Nov. .Livestock receipt: lines. tattle. Sheep. Chicago T.T,.V'..T.."'.",.X,ii0 .i 4Ml hinass City- e.wat iei i.ntsi Omaha x 8. .MO io 2B.tai Hos-s Opened ateadr. rnees: Mixed, f I Mti t.; good aad hesvy. ft.B5ttS.20; roach, $ 4.7i; light, ft 73W0.1ZV,. .. Cattle steady to 10c lower. Sheep fttrady. WALL STREET OOUlP. New York. Nov. .The Wall Street Innmal Sara: It is believed Bur ling ton raa la. Kaly v nee ever It needs It. Blocks srs pleullfnl ta the loan crowd, with the exception ef hair. Th newonaoer forecast of th elect hat lessee tbe remit verv much la donbt. with moat c li tre 'Vdstlng to Mrt'lciisn try . s email J plurality. - Kigbt roads tw tne lourta week of October ibov aa average gnat Increase of It no. T"e hanks lost I the enhtressurr on Frldar aWMIHal. Resorted l'nlted mates Bleel net earnings for October exceeded Antnraciie tnei traoe active a sa preniieiHg tra sU points el slew, V CHIOABO LOCAL STOCKS. Chicago. " Nov. B Loral stocks: Hid. I Rid. Rlsenlt CSrhna ..... ;. 04 Ho, board ........ lldniaymd Match. .,141 ran inttiftubnsy 14S Salft Co.-. r... lo4 V. I .. . .. . IXW YORK CTTRB. New York. Nov. a. Curb close: .... Bid. I Rid. Can ...... ,..... 10 t Interhornngh ? Subway .......... 4 (Tens. Copper .... 3.11 Orecse Copper ... Fi karkay torn pan. eVS, UU Matlue .... ls Anaconda Muilnn Co, Amsl. Copper 4Je. Atchtooo. com. le preferred..,....,.. Am. Car a Foundry, e. a prrrei 1 eu rrrr-. 1. Am. Bugar, com..,'.,. , Am. Smelts com....... taat pitf MTtd . - as Baltlmer Ohio, com. do preferred.......... Brook Its Rapid Transit. Csnsdlsa Pacific, com.. Chicago aV Alton, ansa.. 1 40 ptt HT9sl , rtU.T. com .:. Chi.. Mil Bt. F CAN Chicago Terminal Ry... Cheoaneak Ohio. Cole. Fori Iran. ; Com Hit R2s 7 iooh no xirsT. prererren . . 4. Delaware A lindaon. . D. B. earn.... fcne, com.... do second preferred., do first preferred-. . Illinois Central Lonlerllis Nashville.. Met.- BC- Ry: Manhattaa Ry Mexlcaa Central Ry.... MtonBt, P. A St. U da preferred. ........ Mteeotui Pacific M. K. T. com....... -de preferred New York Central...... Northers Pacific Ata. Locomotive, .,. . .. 1 d preferred....,..-,-,. Norfolk a Westers, Com do preferred ... .. North Aaierlcaa.... N-. T Ont. A Westers Pennsylvania Ry P.O. L. dt C tie Preemd Steel Car. cess . 49 JSI( f rii 1 .' as . . v Pacific MaU S. S. Of... Reading. Com , de second preferred. . de flrat preferred. . . . Bap laua k ileal 120 Kf 41. 1004,1 117 Vlis, ran B7T4 inH 41 . rO0l4Km KIT TV. WlhiiMI. 140i14H lKO 124H 111 BSJ 173 M, i.e. TT 21 H' 17Si BS 140 13miUH 126 I2X ia 112 T 174 21 s 170 1011 s 4-44J4f 41 02 4 a 40 TS BIU 17B 1501111114 121 1123V IM 106 31. Z31 SU Bth 40 T Rl ITIHt, do preferred Rock Island, com..... do preferred ... ....... Bos there Ry., com...... preferred ......... . Southern Pacific do preferred.. , St. L. 4 I. f. M pfd do first preferred-..,. Texas Pacific Tennessee Coal Iroa... Toledo. Bt. L. A W.. cost do prsfened. ......... Coins V. a. Rubber, com do IsTpf vyTw . s V. B.-atoel Ce, com.... do preferred ...a...... Wlseonsm CentraL com . do preferred. ......... W abash, com..,.,,,.,,. do preferred Ra flway Kprtng. ,x. . . . . Rahber Goode... S 13B -104 102 B!i fH 1M 201 114 BS '7 64 141 10 4014 4 IM! 24 13S 14K loait v ir.i 20a - T0 1143h 04 2 T3 va ST. 4 0 J7 64 142 104 B0 P Lift! sw 20 Tl i 3 7 111 t 17t Jti" Sl 17(1 220 aosT 44 BT 2 rai 4 88 4 nt ITS 10 120 !. 23 l.lfl .. MM nw tno 2110 7 114 60 7 141 10 0H 4S 1SS14 72 & BB 4 00 ST iaii2tii ii ir i. 11 7 104 21 41 4 111 7 105 11 41 to 111 B7 104 21 41 M PS T7 174 a TS - 170 mo il 64 4k SI 44 at 2.10 SB 40 X I no lo lan 1H,1 2S l.W lnS 101 u ae 1.104 201 110 eT B7V, 04 141 10.1 au 48 137 SOU p CHIDE DOES COT PAY DODIVELL Expert Lock-flicker Comet From Penftehtiary to Serve Jail Term and Warns Young Men, BEST CRIMINALS ARE .; CAUGHT IN THE END No' Man Cut Enough to Go Long Unpunished Is His Theory Learns ' Trade and Expects to Settle ' Down and Conquer Whiskey. '. ' Frank Bod well returned thla morning from Doer Aodse, Montana, where ho had served a year in the penitentiary, and will servo IS months of aa unex pired one' roar's aententee for larceny In tho county JaiL Th prisoner was brought back by Deputy Sheriff Joha Cordano. ' . "I am solas to bo rood now," said Bodwetl thla inorntnc, aa ha picked ur. th Oregon boot that ha Is to wear dur ing tub nosr-few months. "1 m sure 1 ould muke aomethlng out of myself If I let whlakey alone, There is one thing I wish to tell th young men of this country, and that la to stay clear of trouble. 80 many of them read of fellows dolnf things and then getting caught. The readers think, Oh, he did not do tt right; Juat watch mo and I'll show you bow It can bo done.' There la where that fellow makes a, mistake. Tho men that are being caught are not fools; they are Juat as slick as can bo found, but tho officers get them. Just the samav Tho slickest I ever srot fooled waa by a woman reporter. She was a wise one. - I was in trouble, but did not want stay ne to know about It- - "he cams to my cell to ewe mo: great tears were In her eyes and oho presented me with a alee Bible. She said that aha was a home missionary, and wished to Id me. - She sans; mo little childhood ones,: snd sy I simply told her htngr That - -evening - - paper came out with the whole story herald ed In big headline and tha stuff was all off.Thomlss.onarywas a re porter." . While at Deer Lodjp Bodwelf be came an expert horsehair weaver and brought back - with him a bandaome bridle, besides numerous other example of bis handiwork. ' ,, , 20 72 SO es ij sth TS 4i 02 37 57 132 01 111 - 37 iosi 01 21 M 41 HA 7 Chesapeake A Ohio, ci-dlvMendl per cent. 'Call money per rent. Total sales for day. 003.400 share. -. . comstocx annBo stock. Baa rrancwro, NeV. f. OfacUl close. Ing ai aalou: - t . - 1 r mo. 1 ' Rnlllnn ........t .:IT IB vac Belcher. ....... .24 Ipotosi CaL-Va..;. 1.0S ICnlMB Con .. Ofblr .......... Sail (Yellow Jacket Caledonia' ..... .40 .IRxeheower ... Mexlcaa .'..... 1.40 (Hale Ni ........ .2S IHcorpioa Bid. I -3d .If .2 .22 .sU 1.20 .It ,.r x.-.') .-. , TONOPAJt MININ0 STOCKS. - fan rraaclsco. Nov. a. ToeoMh storks, ef Srisl ciose: x . . ! - Rid. t Bid. Mnrrtsna ......ff.ta rHtle ..t .isi Minwsr ....... i.eo menesii McNamsra 32 IColamhi ht:;:. Belmont ....... l.A2 Jiimhs ......... .Kt .73 .13 2 North Star .... Reacae (told Monatala. Jim Rutler ... hevsda ...... Red Top Ton. K 1 tension. iiA Ihddfl.ld '.Ml Bsndsrorm tondetorm Ex... .oT Adams .....aua ..00 Mohswk .IS 4. .33 .17 '.7S .IS .13 .K2 47 .'SI IBIack Butte. Ooldea Ai milrer Pie - .) Ray a O Brie a., .o Ohio Tnnopak... .23 rtnll I roc... .11 IMamondAeld ... .21 laone Btsr s;s.a-. .OT - Home Cssh Boy ...... .11 ' BOSTON COFFia STOCKS. Boat, Not. Official rkoae: Rid. I f n.ial oid nomlaloa. 2.7KHcnle ., I'srrot Advent are Atlantic . Allonea Bingham .... Calumet Coupee Rang. Centennial ... Italy Weat ... rim 34.12 B7n ibi TS Mi 20tO .14 l"l S 23 Phoenll ...4., Qnlscy ....... Mhsniton ..... Tsmsrsck .,M Trinity I oiled ., Ilranhy . . . , . S JJH Vlrtorl. , . . . . , t.reeee topper. 2.VH7 P. Iness ....... flreene Oold, Mohen , Mlchlgaa Maaa Koyel 4 7 Wolv.rln hn 2h 137 V, 0.30 24 Ml Nertb BctU., hO 00 ) tea Teun. Cisiper. , r. s. Mining., Kevade Ca.., Bid. I 20. SO llll.l.) 20 1.30 ion ii 72 ,13 (a 1 M 50 S3 an l SJO 2e)lll1 4H.I2 33 en 37 on tvs- baker CITY ANNUAL ELECTION IS QUIET - -(Bpclal Dispatch to Tbe Waal.V - Baker City, Or.. Nov. t. Tho annual city electloa ie being bold today. It la one of tho quietest In the history of the. city and -11 tU Interest ia-sing taken In the reeulC The tynry candi dates to bo chooen at-this time ar four city councllmen, a, city treaaurer and a city" auditor. At th tint r kiutred by law for tho nomination to be In none except the present- Incum bents of tho offices filed their -petitions with the cut clerk, and aa a result, there being no contest for any of the efSoea. the election ia meroly nomtnaj ne in vote xircsroeuy Th present offloa-itolder who have filed tbelr petitions and will be cboaea for another term are: Harry Bowen, first ward councilman: I. H. MoCord, second ward councilman; H, H. Corey, third ward councilman; W, H. Ellla, fourth ward councilman; O. H. Footer, city treasurer; W. B. Letvlna, . city auditor. OSCAR H. KISER IS STRANGELY MISSING . Since Saturday night Oooar H. Xlser, formerly employed by Kieer Brosv, pho-tof-rsphera, haa been missing and fears of accidental drowning are entertained. He waa employed as caretaker of the launchoa and boats of Cbarlea E. Lsvdd at Riverside. The river near Supple' boatyard Is being dragged , today In the hope that the body may be recovered if the young man met'THa death by drowning. At o'clock Saturday evening be left Supple's boathoua in m launch for Riverside and haa not been seen since that tlmo. -Ht la eald to haua b by a boy. but the Identity of his com panion , has not been ascertained. The launch, was found In Its place at t O'clock Saturday night. Kiaer occupied roams in an adjoining boathouso which .were shared by Mr. Ooaaett, his roommate. Mr. Oosaett went to the boathouee at 11 o'clock Sat- aruay Rixat, pt-x vm g lu iimx sjaw there, laanterns were found lighted and Klaer's satchel was found In the launch, but not s. trace of the young man has been discovered. , IN'A WEB" ' C 1 We -treat eoeewsofuny all prtvat n voua and ehrenio dleasea of mea: alee blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat trouble. Wo ours BTPHIUJS 'without tnsroury) etay eared for ovor. Wo remove STRICTURE, wltk- - out onentioa or pain. -In la days. . We. stop drains, night loaaea sad FTMrmatorrhea by a new method In a week. . We can restore tho sexual visor of any man under by means of loeal .treatment peculiar to oureelvea. v Wi Cure Oonorrhotuir Jn a Week ; ' The doctor ef this Inst! trite sr oil " regular gradustea, have had . many rears' exoorlenoe. have bean known -rortland for It years, have a reputatloa 10 tnalDtaln. and will underiaae ne e ualesa oartala euro can bo affected. We sruarantaa a ruse in every caa andertake or chrge no fee. Consul ta 1 Hon free. Letter cotAdentlaL Instruc tive BOOK FOB UM.N mailed treo la plain wranner. - W cure tbe wnrtrt eases of piles to fay as? three tree.Ua eats, wlthowt won. vjur vuarantseo. If yon cannot call at efllc. write for frseartlen blajsh. Hems t3watxasnt a eeasful. Offloo houTa. I ta I and f to S. Sand aye and holidays. It te It. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. " Offioe In Van Nor Hotel. S3 Third StraeC Corner line. Fertlna., t)a . t '1 DR.VIIG LEE The Great Chinese Dcctcr LOCATED jV .' SINCE PORTLAND It to r Ro ta called great because he core nil . chaeaaaea without roaoetinc to the knife. - Call and have a free examination. He will -tell you the exact nature of your trouble. He treats a u cooes fully every form of fe male complaint- all orlvate and blood die - ass, canuer. paralysis, tamoia, rheumattam and nil dlmtrdere of the stomach, liver and kidneys. He has had great sunoees In carina; eon - sumption when tho victim Is not . too e.uch . run down by the dlsoaae. and will stop hemorrhases In aa Incredibly short time. He brews Ms wn medicines from Chlneee roots, herbs, bud a, barks and va its table teas, all of which are entirely harmlena, and whose medicinal properties re unknown to American doctor He usee In hi practice) ever tot dif ferent Oriental remsdl. Hundreds of testimonials from grateful par- - ueats. -.- . DR.WINQ L,EE 11 aTOmTH VOtTBTX RUaT. : -- OMMQQm. i 4 e :K0 STjcH0icE r-lEAf vuirtvr arn t tnsifkti " TWELVE MILLION I PACKAGES LAST ilAR'.SOMl ONE WAS SATISFIED. itPK tli-SOCLE CONPAraX - SYBaasClTS t NEW VORK IN 2-PIE 10c PACKAGES. 0 0 a 0 VETERAN ACTOR PASSES TO THE GREAT 6EY0:.D , Williarn J. Lemoyns, Who Played ": Leading Rolas In - Many - Dramaa, Is Daad. Fellows - flseraal Bsecial B-reics.1 New Tork. Nov. .William J. Le- moyno, tho veteran actor, died thlo morning, aged 74 years. - Ho was bora In Boston in 121 and In 1st! made his first professional appearance In Port land. Maine, In the "Lady of Lyons.' He played with -numerous noted actors until tho -civil war began, when ba en listed, entering company B, Twenty eighth alaaaachuaetta volunteer ' in fantry, as lieutenant and was sdvsnoed ta captain. . After being wounded he left tho service and returned to the stage, since which time he had played many leading roles in dramas, notably old man parts. Bash Week oa Kin. (Special IHapetfB ta Th J eternal) Dallas. Or Nov. . Work on the new mill that Mr. Cone of Portland is erect ing In Dallas la being, pushed to the utmost on account of arrtting it aa near completion aa possible before tho winter rains start In. a arsNirnptnlsaJ IhajrUtlJ"tri.''ee. public gave Cone fx.uuw oonu to I'K-aie nere. $1.00 ALL FOR SERIES OF REVIVALS TO BEHELD AT ALBANY (Special Dispatch Tbe Jeomal ) Albany, Or. Nov. C The churches of this city, having In mind tho great succees of the union revival meetings held her, last winter, have decided to repeat tbera this year, and will begin a series of meetings next Sunday even ing la tho Christian church. . S. N. Steele, leaner of tho choir In the First Preabyterlan church, will conduct the singing and a largo chorua choir has been organised. FROM WATERVILLE TO ... WENATCHEE BY TROLLEY (Knecta! Ph. pet eh t tW JeerBal ) Wenatcheo. Wash.. Nov. f Last sum mer an electric road was surveyed from Watervllle. tho heart of tho Big Bend wheat district, snd tho capital of Doug las county, to Wenatcheo, a distance of 40 mllee. This road Is backed by t. D. Atkinson, tbe attorney-general . of the state, and eastern capitalists. J. J. Hill la not Interested. The power, for the line will be secured at Shelaa falls. ;7 ; aaT tnavaca iocix sroexs. Baa rrancisco, Nov. OfacUl lag eeaahjo: - Onntra Tosta Water.....,,..., Bprlnf Valley WatefX Mutual r.ieetrer San -ranelsr tie A Electric. tllent Powder Hawallaa I'oroaaerrtal ire, Hnnnke Bar.., Makawell Mufr flnomea Buar psankaa Suar Alaaka Packer' Oceanic Bteamahtp Pacific Stave Telephone..... California . WIm ,,, Paeise 4et Borax California rrultranners'...... ekass, asera Bid. ' Ask. 4.1 H ' 47 ..... 4H4 41 H I3i I . MS Tt '. TS - ..... 12 lt'4 ..... Hat, Bt ..... 31V, ft ..., 0S ( !.'.".'i'4 I04U, ... K34 04 .....l44 14S . so so Start lnf mat. Sw York. Nov. -Star lis rate: 40t.7 W day, 41(3.3. PaSBd, $1.00 Turkish' Bath King's Baths SeveaU aad WasaV lagtoa Bts. and' largaat For modern dental wot.' " World-res aowaed epeclallata taowest prices eouateteat slit flrf t-olaaa NEW YORK 'DENTISTS roTjmTX Airo scwBmzsos its. ; Opea day and night, from tils v ss . aatu f s at. . : , There May Be A "want" ad la today's Journal '-hantlnf a job" tor a asaa wb eacht to have been working for you fur year, it will pay to read Journal "want" ads very day. sowinaro, homctbts ft ' co, w iKatabllahed IMS.) "- BanBBBBBBl a AT AJTS STOCat UOUM, stoem 4, Oreaad rioes, rwanrnvenj or cosriw-rw r. ir-."SViel" . "X- 7 The Popular Grocer and Market Man, where all the ihrewd buy-' ert go for, their provisions. - Our motto:- , .. ' LIVE AND LET LIVE ' 23 -..-V'-, t pounds Soodleaa Kalstna. . ' '"Pound Washed Currants. Pound 1 Citron. Lemon or Orsngo Pedu Gallon Furs Apple Cider. . sfl.OO 11 Iba Dry Granulated Sugar. ' :;:'i:- 5 ::; Can Star Condensed Cream; rsg. prlca - tbe per doaen. . 23o ' - : et..rai (fygtera, Oold 7 35 yrrTrrx:: Dust Waahtng Powder. " pkgs. - I pounds Good Broksa Rica. Fellows 374 WASHINGTON STREET; C. GEE WO The Great Chinese Dcctcr: .J IS racsserly loested BBS aider Bt, earnest Third. j Mas, Moved . T the fcrf brtcB bulldlnf at B, B. aorne ef rust aad atartlaaa ta. . , Entrartca 163 fVrst Strsst . a Os Ws, the oVrest Chrsoss Paster. I wsll known snd famous throushout ths t. B. hecanai hi woaderful aad Mrvelea re bv bee hsralned hmadceet thranxkaet tlx leuktb sad breadth of this country. He traai ay ad all 4lses with powerfnl Chinas rests, barbs, beds, barkt and vecateolee thai sr entirely anksewa ts evadlesl aeveac Is Im seaatry aad tbroash th use of three baraiUe remedle he fusranteee to sr e terra, aatkma. rang sronhlee, rhesntatism. narnaussees, ateaaaea. liver, kidney, female troslikss s4 U pdvai iJhnvBJ fVetee core wtrVsat ths et-fhe kalfs. without nts pnleeea r TtnndTede of testlnteutahl on t " efsves. Call sad ee Mr rhsrees vsaeist. eovsviTAnos rBis. Patients est ef tbe ettf writ f" b1.- 4 elccnlsr. Iscios de stsoi. lrsee , 0. We Cklaaee atadtclas 0w ls 11 esc, Minima. urtiaa4. Or. Pte.M ane,,tl..s t' r" OVERBEC1C, STARR C2 CCO.'IU CO " ' Members Chicago Hoard ef Trail. CaVALaT, pmonSIOaTS, COTTC1T, f 103 Third Hireeh. McKay Huill WS t0 A ITBlCTtT C" Contlnuoiis Market by Private Wipe. - i" ' ailton, bankers, snd Vnlted ' ..'Is,',--. "."V