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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1905)
t::s ohi:gc:j daily jcuziial. Portland. Liomday evening. November . iscj. MAIL ORDZHS A LITTLE BETTER MERCHANDISE ft the habit of ordering V tnail if oti , , . Than at Other Stores ; ... ' - ' - - ' A LITTLE LOWER PRICE Than at Other Stores'; ------; ; A LITTLE LATER STYLES can't get to the store. .Our expert shoppers ' will execute your order with the same care ' and attention you would eive them oer$on- 1tv and nin timM nnt nf tra at atifaf torily. - Money back or goods exchanged at Than at Other Stores ...your request. . ' - - ' " - ' - THE DIFFERENT STORE" . . ' , , . , ;" ' "cTOIUS OPENS AT 8 A. M." ' r , . v- STORE CXOSESAT6:FCM.l - " H , '. : : . . . . . -. , . - - Bfest News in 1 oday siGut THE SEASON'S MOST DISTINCTIVE Styles in Trimmed Hats ; In "Bijou Millinery Salons Second Floor Annex. : Not in any previous season has the versatility of our own corps . of artists been so splendidly dem onstrated as the 'showing we are now making of the strictly new. and original designs. Hats that " are smart and practical hats that wiil go with a severe tailor-made suit hat$" of elaborate elegance for wear on the dressiest occa sions, with every nossible in-be- - tween style to meet all tastes and requirements. -v. The ; success of our trimmers in the reproduction and adapta- - - v-j . tion of the elegant models received by us from the leading milliners of Paris and New York enables our patrons to obtain exclusive effects in millinery hat that are individual and beautiful in style, tasteful and correct in every way at the popular low prices for which this department has gained a fame that's country-wide. . l This week our corps of artiste milliners have prepared a host of clever creations try Trimmed Hats in hlocked models, English walking styles. With these are combined " some handsome . French Suit Hats and American tailored conceptions from lead ing European arid New, York .makers. Every new shape and color effect is represented, every face and figure has. been con sidered in the gathering. Every hat is exclusive with this house and but one hat of a style. - Grand choosing $ 5.00 to $20.00. A new Shipment of Fur Hats came in late Saturday on sale Monday morning and through the week until closed. Paper Is 1 T nisrage a A on i Great Values, crowded off yesterday's full page of good store news, come romping in today. Monday's supple ment to the Sunday store bulletin is always of import-ance-andiintcres mind , for the home or for personal use or wear. Add today's items to those printed on the Sunday page and .(;v you have an umatchable ready r RefCTenc Great Sale of Fashionable Footwear For Men and Women Started Today. Skirts andOutingGowns UNDERPRICED Second Floor Annex LADIES OUTING FLANNEL SKIRTS; WORTH ' r ..: HOC fUK tSC Ladies' Outing. Flannel Short Skirts, in pink or blucpUuior. stripedJwithJiemstitchedor scalloped edges ; our 65c . value. Special sale price, each . ............. . 49? LADIES' 75c OUTING GOWNS FOR 57c -V Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns, in striped, pink and white jor blue and white, made with plain turnover, collar and - , cuffs; our 75c value. Special sale price, each. .57? T LADIES' $3.00 OUTING GOWNS FOR $2.29. Ladies' Fine Outing Flannel Gowns, trimmed with silk stitched dots and with plain outing flannel collar and cuffs ; our $3.00 value. Special sale price, each. ,...?24i9 ttvTe lry Novelties :RARE-BARGAINSIfr we First Floor. :: 50c BEAUTY PINS FOR 85c ; wr- vn trwlav a larc assortment in Beauty Pins, in many different designs, in bright polished, Roman pr rose i jt- . .1.-- tU K.ef liof con fill mad in'l-lf) gold stock; all have one-piece joint and catch and strongf durable pins; tome one on a card;jur 60c value. Special sale 'price, each. . : . 35f x BEAUTY PIrjS AT 10c Another line of Beauty Pins, in good quality rolled gold plate, polished gold, made in one piece; come one dozen on - card. Special sale price, the-card. 10 I......:;:. ssc beads for i9c Amethyst and Alice Blue Beads, very pretty ; values up to 35c. Special sale price, the string lf , bk rnt T AR SUPPORTERS FOR S9c. " f larttpportersrmade-of ine-gold-fid-wtf, with fancy ' jeweled knobs ; our regular ooc vaiue. opcv.i jh.-m 35c COLLAR SUPPORTERS FOR 25c Collar Supporters, made of finest quality of motheM(-. , pearl J good value at 35c Special sale price 25f . 25c COLLAR SUPPORTERS FOR 19c Collar Supporters in assorted colors of knobs; our re?ulal'ft good 25c value. Special sale price. .lPf Bargains in Man's Shop Sixth Street Annex First Floor. .. MEN'S 35c AND 50c TIES FOR 19c Men's Silk Neckwear, in four-in-hands, leeks and shield tecks, in a large variety of patterns; our 35c and 50c values.- "Special sale price, each..... .,...,,.19 MEN'S $1.50 SWEATERS FOR $1.15. A line of men's All-Wool Sweaters in navy, cardinal and blacky at the present prices of wool they are well worth $2.00, but our regular price is $1.50. , Special sale price. . . .. MEN'S fiOc SOX FOR 2 PAIRS FOR 25c Men's Merino Sox, in black, oxford and camel's hair; medium weight ; a good wearer and our 20c value. Spegal sale - price, two pairs for. . . ... ................. .35?. - MEN'S 75c OUTING NIGHTSHIRTS FOR 49c ' -Men's good heavy weight Outing Flannel Nightshirts, in striped effects; the best 75c gowns on the market. , Special sale price, each ' 40e ' We've quite $20,000 worth more shoes than we have need of in1 our stocks today. We've made ,; up our minds to sacrifice profits and a good slice off costs to reduce footwear stocks to the normal tnr "Tnvmfir fith."This means a sale from our 1. regular stocks' and'some. lines- we. shall discon- -tinue for the reason' of having two of more lines so near alike that one will fill the bill-with Jess- . confusion to both' salesfolk and patrons. The shoes in the sale are all 4iew, smart styles, made for Olds, Wortman-& King, and unquestionably hevogue r1n fashionable-shoe-eircleSr-Tlswill- . be a sale for. people who like style; not merely for those who must eke out a. thin purse.. Any man nr wnman can be suited exactly and have a dollar or two of the usual shoe allowante'for- something else. Why not? - The sale will be held in the regular shoe store, Sixth-street side, in the annex, first floor. Every comfort is as sured, expert service with good nature. We want every purchaser, to be fitted and suitedexactlyt imi? thre hall be no nurrvine. no crowdin g. - We can serve mote people in our shoe- store .than any otner ronjana siore ever naa at any one time, and do it comfortably and well. A .-nrt unit (it- all ladies' and rhiMrrn's shoes for those who prefer. Sale started this morning at 8 o'clock THANKSGIVING SALE OF FINE Glass and Lamp ...... . . 'ILH.,i" 'U'J ' V ''"-" "1 '' ' v . , .... y l ' I- 4k A The Boote Shoppe," Sixth Street .We inaugurate a sale today of handsome Cut Glass in choice , pieces. 1 ne prices named, will .prove more as ion i stung wnen vi.1. n!M.a tn urfilrTi ihrv irr affixed. .To the unini- tiated we may explain that the factors to be considered in fixing - hanrilinir AimntfAk and nrecious stones. In order thev are firtt tSe rnlrir- sfrnnH the shane. and third, the CUt. Our assortment we guarantee absolutely to be of perfect white eolorr deeply and beautifully cut. All the facts in the above statement wich tr imnrM aa ftillv a rMt(cihIe nnon all whom we ask in conhection therewith to ponder over the prices which fellow. - w . . . i . i . : i . ine Lamps ana neaters are aiso wonny,oi spcti lrn .f frintm tr. in vrv rcnrt tim1 V and worth V. Read of a few.-selected at random from nearly half an acrejofequalj -LIBERTY CUT-GLASS.- - Thousands of articles to select from. Our grand holiday itcnrtmnif nnw Tfadv. window disolav .. Table Tumblers; regular value $12.00. , Special doxen...f9.50 .Nappies; regular value 3z.zo. special, eacn. ...... Bowls ; regular value $8.00Speciat , each. . .;;T.v.$3i5 lar valu SAM' Snrrial. each.. ........... .C05 Water Bottles ; regular value $5.50. Special, each..... .$4.45 Annex, First Floor Names of -Leading Ten Contestants In the American Manual Training School Voting Contest. With Standing 01 uacn m w n. n. oaay. 7 George Slater, Ladd. . . . . . ... T.:.'. ... Tames Winston, Harrison . . . . . . v Wright Brown, Clinton Kelly....................... Truman Cook, Failing.. .." ............. Robert Holmes, Failing. Sidney Crumm, North Central............... Marion Ogden, Ockley, Green. . Roland Malm, Sunnyside.. ............,... John Wilhelm, Coflth. . Henry Hawkins, avis. ... ..... . t ' Scattering .v.. 158,445 106,391 92,590 63,105 62,774 24,101 20,541 19,911 10,133 8,909 38,006 Total 604,906 Men's Specials MEN'S $6.00 SHOES $3.98. A line we shall discontinue of men's best patent colt Shoes in Blucher lace style and . Florsheim make; their best $6 value. Special for three days only, at. . .. . . . '. . . . . , . .?3.08 r ' , MEN'S $5.00 SHOES $30. Men's patent colt Bluchers, in the famous "Pingree" make, with kangaroo tops, very dressy and dependable; regular $5 values. Special for three days only..............$3.50 MEN'S $3.00 SHOES $3.89. Mens patent colt Shoes In the Blucher "straight last" and Pingree's best make, with seal tops, sewed by hand process; the last is the one so much affected-of late by men of dressy pro clivities who look carefully to footwear appearance ; a splendjd $5 value Special eQp ; for three days only at.. 'M-l5i!..i ...f3.8 MEN'S $3.50 "ATLAS" SHOES $2.89. 1 rtA t AlurtxJ TtLf enlid rntnr in shaded tints, pold decoration I shade" ' "'"" " a a aa ' t " " r IVb and base to matcn ; regular vaiue i.uvi. wen ....... . . . S.L-..Z..-- , $155 LAMPS 98c . CAi;l-n1n in aecnrtrH tintv floral decorations, base and r shade to match; regular value $1.25. -Special, each...... 08 $10 LAMPS $158. , : - A shade to match, assorted U ft jj aw . tmtsj regular value 51.0O. special, eacn ........ . . . . .o $2.75 LAMPS $2.15. - Rra foot hase' 9-inch elobe to match -assorted colors and tr-draft burner. 60-candle oower. de- - ' - - . . - Htuauic vii iuu"n vt mv. y-.. ( . . . - A.large assortment otjdecorated lamps and shades at special -reaacea prices. - TTi.i". anA f.ii Parlincr IjmM. with shade and globes. . Special values, each, from. ...... .f2wS5 to $65.00 Ulfl ATR.TTGHT HEATERS 13.75. Air-Tight "Comfort" Heaters for wood, machine made; every piece and every part tits perfect, making a neat, wen- . " finished stove; regular value $4.50. ; Special......... f 3.75 OAK HEATERS $5.50. Trrlnn Oatr Hatr fnr wnod or coal, nicelv finished. tieht-fitting doors:" Special atreach. ; . . ..... 5.50 ' ' . tSS OO STEEL RANGE 128.50. "Quick Baker" Steel Range, with -high closet, polished steel wri ie.;nrh nvn rcnilar value S35.00. SoeciaL ' A line of 'these famous Shoes in box calf stock, vici kid and velour calf, an extremeTy uresy shoe and. one-possessing remarkable wearing qualities; the regular $3.50 value. ' Special for three days on ly a(, pair ... . s . t .?2.8 w , MEN'S $100 AND $5.00 SHOES $3.49. Men's handsomerdurable box calf Shoes, with double-oak tanned soles, lined throughout -with buckskin or; heavy drill, Balmoral style and the famous Pingree" make; two of the finest lines ever sent out from the Detroit factory; we shalllace them on sale for ' . .A three days only. Grand values at $4 and $5, at a choice for..... .............. ...f39 ' .,:"r$:,' .. THE FAMOUS "O. W. ft K. "KUSTOM" SHOES AT $4. The equal of any $5.00 Shoe on the -American market outside this store. All widths "A" to "E" and sizes 5 to 12. Single or double soles and every one guaranteed solid oak tanned. - Not a "special," but at all times the best $4.00 value for 400 cents on this grand old earth. ' Wonderful Values in Women's Footwear ' . WOMEN'S $3.50 AND $4 BOOTS tFOR $2.77. ' . Several discontinued lines of women's fine Shoes, manufactured by the best makers in the country; many different styles from which to se lect, in kid or calf, button .or lace, low or high heels, light or heavy m weieni soics ; one 01 inc grcsiicaL " bargains m snoes mis nouse p? ever offered ; our regular $3.50 and $4.00 values. Special sale price, the pair .$2.77 MEN'S $3.50 SHOES FOR $2.98. v The celebrated ."Atlas" Shoes for men, ; Goodyear sewed, solid- throughout, - in three - tkfwn-to-date styles ; our . $3.50 value, Special sale , price, the pair. ............. $ 2.08 WOMEN'S$1.50 'SLIPPERS for $1.19 Wbmeo'a patent cplt" one-strap" Slippers ; our' $1.50 value. Special sale price, the pair. .$1.19 STIRRING SPECIALS IN The Small Wares Shops -Shell First Floor. 25c HAIR PINS 15c dozen in box ; regular 25c. Special, the box. ; . T. ". . . .15 1 SAFETY PINS 5c v - ranch, i htarlr nr nic Irel-nlated SafetV PinS. all Sizes. 1 a l.j..'. v. t , ' ' , dozen on card. Special at, card... .............. ' - 7 SPOOT THREAD 25c Best American Spool Cotton, 200 yards on spool, for hand or ' Mrtiin htarlr and white! all numbers.. Special. . 7 spools ...U:.. , HAT PINS 5c. Tnitni'tihl. Pearl Tod Hat Pins, assorted shapes. Spe- - cial. each ......'. .'..rvi'.j..........'...i......5 . BLACK SILK FINISH THREAD 9c nurb cnif Finish Thread, best substitute for machine silk, sizes O or A, 300 yards oft spool. Special, each......O 50c COLD CREAM 30c f , ' CI.! T7-,l A.tA ...rlilt frt A rl1r. 13ft -voia urcam ur ok.hi i duu, uuis ihuw, j---. - regular value 50c. Special, each..... .....t... ...... ..30t 25c TOOTH BRUSHES 15c T,nw4A Fntrlich Tnrth Rrtishes. assorted Stvles: regular value 25c. Special, each , ............ T j 50c BATH BRUSHES 35c. ,'etU . P.ah Rmsh. with lone detachable handle: . regular value 50c. Special, each. ... ...a .'.35 25c PETROLEUM JELLY 12c.J ICE WOOL SHAWLS WORTH $1.75 FOR $M9. j. .; Second. Floor Annex. " ' Ice VVool : Shawls,- square shape, in plain . Kiarlt nr white :.our reeular $lt75 - value. Special sale price, each. ...,?1.10 75c CUSHION COVERS FOR 53c 1 Art Shop Annex Second Floor. v . . . ' , Cushion Covers, made pf veIouranTembroidered in ecru braids all ready to put onto the pillow ; 22 inches in size ; our 75c value, special sale price, each. i .......53?. t Hriri a.lK lir mir. Ptfnlcum Tellv nr Vaseline: regular 6- i"' r - 1 j j - - o value 25c, Special, each. i .... . . . . . . .12? 10c GLYCERINE SOAP c T Tfr. Innc bar clear, transparent Glvcerine Toilet Soap: reeular value 10c. Special, each . . "i t ??. 5c INK 3c - -Knttl '(Tartar ht Black Writinc Ink: reeular T value. 5c. Special, each.. .7; ... . . ; . . .... . v?. . 25c WRITING PAPER 19c. ; T Japanese Twilled Linen Writing Paper, in Mb. packets, ' plain white cloth finish; reg. value 25c. Special, eaeh. . ,.10f - 10c ENVELOPES 7c . Japanese -Twilled Linen Envelopes to match, in Mb - packets; regular value 10c. Special, each. '7f 25c WRITING PAPER 7c. About 500 boxes Writing Taper, in cream color," rulr.1, J. - smooth finish; rrfr. value 25c. Splendid .pia! at, cch 7? - - ' ZZc DAY LrDGIin r TViv Lclcr or Counter DvXik, linen c' -"- - ; ; r- -.: :r value 3."c f lajjajajBjiiaMBiiBBSSMiSMaiBMi