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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1905)
THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL.' PORTLAND. MONDAY. EVENING.- NOVEMCEH C, 1SC3. FAfCOLlLjISSIOn VERY BUSY REFUSES MWM OF UNEMPLOYED : CHIEF OF POLICE Jill FIGHT SHY OF FOR JAUNT JURY SERVICE IS GOMIfflTPlYS asiKCEfliiacE SOL UURDER CAPTAIN 111 IS AT THE HELL1 New Senior PoFice Captain and detective ChierBegine His- REBUFFED Cause ' Arrest, -Then " Tells Gritzmacher She Doesn't Require Any. Help From Him. ACCUSED SET FREE r ' ... AFTER THIS REMARK Later Complainant Scores ' Official ; for' Lcttinf " Culprit Escape and Says Valuable Diamond Ring Jias Been' Stolen! l..CLjl,, ii Throush ' the nnrlM of a " woman whoat conduct caused Chief of Police Orttiroacher ,to conclude thatsne,wss " irresponsible considerable trouble i was caused this morning for Perry Goodman. For half hour ha waa In police cus tody, but waa released when tha pollca arrived at the. conclusion that hla ae cum waa irresponsible. ' ' 1 Goodman want to tha Oregon Savings bank with a check drawn by.Mra. !. Cavanaugh of 211 Tenth street, which he wanted cashed.; iSThM ha waa wait ing for the check to be caahed the bank oOlclala wera telephoned by Mra. Cav anaugh not to honor any check pre sented by him and purporting to be signed by her. Bhe aald that he had atolen her diamond ring and asked that ha be held at the bank untU-she could communicate with them . further. .. .When. Chief Gritsmacher.; telephoned Mra Cavanaugh about tha matter aha told him that tt waa -non of hla bual ' nesa" , - . -you are talking to tba chief of p-( . lice, madam," aald Chief Grltamacher. ) -I don't care a rmp-who you are. j torted tha woman. "When I want you to help ma In anything I wlir aend word ,to you." ' . . ' ; ' ?Tou .. may go,. Mr. Goodman, aald the chief, hanging up tha telephone. . A half hour afterward Mra. Cava 7naugh called at police headquartera and . demanded her ring. She waa told Oood ,man had been releaaed from custody, a aha had refused toeuthorlse ;the ' chief to take any action. . y ... GEKERAL tlECTHIC UAY BUILD SKYSCRAPER ; ...... , . "Offices Moved to. Seventh Street ; . During Construction of V Improvement. !The. Portland General Electric com pany haa moved tta of flcea from Its building a't the corner of "Seventh and; Alder to the rooms formerly occupied by the Oregon Mercantile company on Seventh atreet. - between.. Morriaon and Alder streets. The offlcea will remain there -for some time and meanWhlle tt . will be decided by the directors what, sort of aVtulldlng shall be erected In improving the one now occupied at . Seventh and Alder streets, - , At the present time, two sets of plans n helna- considered, one calling for an eight-story structure and tha other for four stories. Whatever ne me neigni, . the structure will ba modern in con struction, terra cotta and ateel being need to make It as near, fireproof aa possible.: , .t. . ,.-.,'. . MRS." ROGERS' FINAL " y ; APPEAL IS ARGUED . Journal ftoechJ fVrrlre.) Washington.. D. C Nov. . The ap peal in the case of Mrs. Mary MrRogers. convicted of the murder or ner nusDana, Marcus Rogers, and sentenced to death . by tha Vermont court, waa taken up by tha United States supreme court today. to decide the queatlon whether the con' -stttutlonal rights of Mrs. Rogers were violated during, her trial In Vermont as Is contended by her counsel. Upon er appeal to tha United States supreme court Mra- Rogers was . reprieved until . December t. and tha caae was set for today upon the requeat of the Vermont state government, eo aa to give -ample ' time to paas upon the questions In , volved In the habeas corpus before the expiration of the reprieve. , y . " RIVER THIEVES STEAL - LAUNCH AND ROWBOAT ... , - Rive -thieves again are showing'- eo tivlty, a gasoline launch atid rowboat . having been atolen last night. ' The . laflnch waa . owned by John Millan of It Front atreet, while the rowboat ' the property of Thomas River of ' 484 Division street, who had it tied ' near Inman Poulsen's milh. .Reports , were made to the police this morning. " Two months ago the launch Hello BUI waa atolen and taken down the elver to an Island, where It practically was demolished In a vain effort to remove tha machinery. TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND FOR FRONT STREET LOT V. Goldsmith Co. sold this morning a. lot with a two-story brick building m Front street, between Washington and Stark streets, which Is occupied by "Levy sV Spelgl and another whole-' sals commission merchnnt. The con sideration waa $22,000. K. B 'Lam son - was the former owner. No announce ment has been ' made " regarding the plans of the purchaser, whose name Is ;' not given, but It Is understood that the ' property was taken aa an Investment ' Charged With Attacking Woman, ' Edward' Morrlsey, charged with at tacking Miss L Wllsey st - the Drew house, 1(2 Second street, .was , placed under a bond of $7S0 by Pollca Judge C,merdn this morning and his prelim- nary examination set iot nosy, a romplslnt against him was drawn up this morning by leputy uistnct Attar nsy llaney and subscribed to by Miss Wilsey. - r i - - (raw Trass Company.' '" ; Articles of Incorporation,, were filed In the county clerk's offlcs this., morn ing' for the Western Oregon Trust company. The incorporators are u. . Hegardt. N. P..8orenaen and- R. V, Jones. , The capital stock Is $30,000, N, SaaswJSsisiMaBBSssMaMssaMBjawaswaas r ' Waa 2doaey e Bad Cash. " C W. Tis U. C Weir, owners of ths river stesmer Cash, are suing the Port nf Portland commission Jar Il.i0 asm ages for Injuries alleged to have been sustained by their Craft last Mafeh while Woman. It a being docked. ;,, , . ,1 .-, Of Fifty Subpoenaed," All but , Twenty-TWo. Have Excuses - - That Let Them Off. COURT WANTS pOOD JURIES, SAYS FRAZER Mad Rush Ensues When Judge Asks Those With Excuses to Come, For wardOne Not a Citizen, Another Deaf, a Third Sick. . ; ; y Steady Jurymen ara wanted . to aerve during the term of the local circuit court. This-morning opened the No vember term -of -the circuit court, and the hair of Justice waa filled With men who bad been aubpoenaed to ail in Judgment on (heir peers. V -r .- ..... r JutBe. Fraser ordered all Jurymen who wished to be excused to come for ward and give their reason for mak ing the requests. A mighty rush for the bench ensued. . 'Hold on T. Hold on a minute!" came the err from the Jurist "Before yoo come forward I have aomethlng to Bay. We have found that It la a very , nam thins to hold Juries, aa at least nine tentha of the Jurors subpoenaed apply for discharges. We want good men for Juries In these courts, and not - men who can bo picked up arouna aaioons or the plasnr blocks. This -court wants good Juries.'. - " . . . ; - Tha first man up to do exousea w Felix rinley. "I am not a cltisen," wss his excuse. -Well, you ought to aa." came tne quick reply. "Excused." Another man lived in . wans. but owned property In thla county and happened to be vlsitfng cere wnen nis name was drawn. 1 One was so deaf that ' COtlld Hot ilBl ft Word tlftlOTIfl OR" spoke directly Into a- long speaking trumpet.. Only one cltisen presented a doctor's certificate to ahow that ha waa not able to do Jury service. . Of tha 60 men subpoenaed by Bhenri Ward, - only -12 - failed , to glva excuses strong enough to release them. HEAVIER FINE FOR V; MAN WHO APPEALS Appealed city cases occupied several minutes- of Presiding Judge - Fraser s time this morning and a deal of bual ness wss 'transacted. - - - - t- ! Al Wohlera was fined for having kept his saloon, the Capital, at the cor ner of Fifth and Stark aires ts. open after hoursr He- hedlwetr fined TiS by Municipal Judge Cameron, but thought that too much. . Deputy City Attorney FlUgerald, In explaining tha case, aald that three cltlsens had been found In tha saloon at I o'clock In ihe morning with three empty beer glasses on the bar Just three feet In front of them. Ben Chandler, a negro saloon-Keeper, at the -corner '-of Park- and - Flanders streets, waa fined fXI for having sold beer to a minor. LlxaU Da veaportMaml Parker and Grace Howard, negroes, ware fined thla morning, although It was shown that they had left tha city. Tha first was fined 160. tha second $19 and Grace Howard f- 'y. - J. M. RIEG STOPS TEAM r : WHILE RACING MADLY fJ? M. Rleg of t1 Cherry street dis played greet presence or mind intop plng a i runaway team of tha Portland Delivery company which dashed down Washington street shortly before noon todsy. , Rleg was standing In 'front Of the Merchants' National, bank when ha saw tha team drawing a heavy delivery wagon dashing down tha street. As tha runaway reached Second and Washington atreeta Rleg sprang Into the atreet, graaped the reins of tha horses sad -succeeded In turning tha horses "down- Second street He then Jumped Into tha rear of the wagon, gathered up the relna and stopped tba frightened horses befojre they reached Biars street. TO-C0NSIDER-ANNUA LIVESTOCK SHOW Questions of extraordinary Importance will be, taken up at the regular monthly meeting of the Portland chamber of com merce tomorrow. -It la proposed to estab lish a permanent annual livestock show and an annual Industrial and mechanical exposition In Portlsnd. . The livestock show project has the cordlsl indorsement of the leading livestock breeders of - ths states ' of Washington - Idaho -and .Oregon, and many In California. They concede that Portland Is the city best located for the Institution, It Is said two or three states ara wllllns to contribute their stats buildings at the Lewis and Clark fair for he bousing or the snow. POLICE AFTER PETTY PENNY ARCADE FAKERS '- . - . Police sre . commencing a crusade avalnst the penny arcade establish ments of the city, c Four warrants hsVe h.n issued, the charge being for run nin them vesterdsy. Sundsy. J. J. Russell Is charged -with running a knife rsck in the penny arcade at tit wasn- Ington. J, O. Turner is cnargea wun conducting a shooting gallery at S0 Wsshlnstdn street. Mitchell unica s rer charged with Ttthnlng a knlfs rsck. K. Tslyl. a Jspaneser-iscnargea wun running a ping-pong game at I0 Wash- Ington . - FINE FUNERAL FOR : - SUPPOSED PAUPER The body of M. Johansen, who died Friday night according to the prophecy of a gypsy medium and clairvoyant, will not be burled In the Potter's field today, as wasplanned. Instead there will be a funeral tomorrow with carriages and cortege. . ' . ; End re M. Cederbergh, Swedish vice consul, found that Johansen had left 1211 with N. P. Folln, the proprietor, who had not ToirnedT Of Tfis death. The money waa promptly turned over, and a portion of It will be spent In defraying the expenses of a funeral. . , . . i .. - . Oweeaee Okarterea. ;--The British bark Oweenea has been rhsrtered by Kerr, Olfford Co. to carry wheat for the United Kingdom. The vessel Is now -af-Astoria and will leave up for .Portland tomorrow. She was In Portland, a year ago end bag Just returned, from South Africa.' - ' Work of Supervision. VERY WIDE POWER IS 1 PLACED IN HIS HANDS Has Had Much Experience as Sol "dier. Patrolman, Sleuth and Leader and Stood Far Above Competitors in Civil Service Examination. As Inspector of police and captain of detectives Patrick Bruin, who -assumed hla official duties yesterday, will have wide', latitude. Ha la empowered to exercise supervision over the whole po lice force snd see that each man doea his duty. . -- r '- . . ; . j . Inapector Bruin will have no regular hours. He win visit any part or tne city at any hour of the day or night and see that the laws are strictly, en forced. With .the consent of tha chief ba will have authority to- change the hours of work of any man,' raise him to the grade of detective or make a patrol man out-of a plain clothea man. His authority over tha other pollca captains, however, la limited to delivering orders to them coming to him from the chief. For three yeara Inspector Bruin served on the. police force of Staff ord shlre, England, the first year as patrolman-and the last two as a, detective. .For eight months ha served on the metropolitan police force under the first civil regime at Manila. He was patrol man for a roontbt then waa raised to roundsmen and later to sergeant. He officiated as sergeant until commis sioned In tha constabulary aa second lieutenant. l,eaa than a month after ward bewas-promoted to a first lieu-I tenancy and four months later to a cap taincy. ; . .. . ' 'I have no definite plans.- said Mr. Bruin. 'There may ba need of changes and there may not. ' I am not familiar enough with my duties yet to say Just what will be done. As l think tney are needed I shall make recommendations to -tha chief."-- Bruin's appointment is attacked as Illegal on the .ground that he haa not resided In Portland one year preceding the time he took his examination and also becanse the charter provides for promotions In a department, . ' Tha only employes who have-. to. be residents of the city for a period of one year before they file their eppltcatiope are laborers and mechanics. . TRAIN DYNAMITED AN EIGHTY-FIVE . ' (Journal Special SMrvlea. - ' . I Santa Barbara, Cal., Nov. I. First section No-, stf the overland passangsr on the Southern' Pacino had a miracu lous escaoe from a wreck at 11 o'clock last - nlghrr- seven - miles from - Burf. - t While making 40 miles an hour over a trestle spanning a chasm .80 reet deep. the head engine atruck a atlck of dyna mite In the middle of the trestle. Tha force of the explosion cut out a section of rail two feet long and demolished the pilot on the first engine and damaged the woodwork or tne trestle, dux tne great velocity,", gent the train over In safety. W1TTE ORDERS TROOPS TO END BLOODY MASSACRES OF JEWS (Journal Special Hervtee.) Btl. Petersburg. Nov. . I. The . flow of blood haa sobered the masses. Revo lutionists are now ready to grant an armistice to the government. The Jews pray for protection. Things generally have taken a turn for the better. Tha government, declares Wltte, has .taken ateps to stop the aritl-Bemltlc outrages and Instructed . the police and troops to shoot down rioters. The procurator of the hoiy synod has ordered the clergy BANDITS KILL TWO OF ATTACKING MILITARY Jooroal Special Srrlee.t Louisville, Ky Nov. . Two men were killed In a fight between militia and a 'sheriffs posse on one side and a lawless gang on the other, four miles from here, yesterday afternoon. The authorities . attscked a " place called Ball's "Blind Tiger" In an effort to cspture Frank Ball and some of his followers, who are charged with mur der. It Is estimated that Ball has at least-two score followers with him and a bloody, feud la feared. The attacking party was forced to retreat. Both sides sre suppressing' all news. Shelby Ball Is thought to have been shot. TILLAMOOK COUNTY SHOWS SLIGHT INCREASE ' (SpecUl DUpateh to Tba Joora.l.) . ' Tillamook, Or., Nov. . From the county assessor' returns Just made the following particulars are gathered: Population of Tillamook county. 4. Hi; males.' 1,461; females, 2.0(6; subject to military duty, 7IS. Of the two In corporated cities In the county the population Is: Tillamook City, SOC; Nehalem. 0. This .shows an increase of only SS In ths county over the previous census five years ago and of 70 in tne population ox Tillamook City. , ' Sf re. A. 9. Orlggl JUes. ISseclal Dlapatrh te The JonrnaL) Albany. Or., Nov. S. Mra. A. B. Griggs, a resident of this city, who had been 111 for several weeks-dled Sunday morning, aged 5 yeara. The runerar will be held this afternoon and Inter ment will be had In the city cemetery. Mra Griggs leaves several .daughters, all grown. . ' " u i . nit A gala st O. It St. . :- (SpaoUl Dtopatrh Ut The Joursal.) Corvallls. Or4 Nov. (.A salt was filed thla morning In the cli-ult court of Benton county, by Catliotlna Boehr Inger against the Oregon A California Railroad company to enforce the con tract ssle of lands In the Willamette precinct of Benton county. Has Disposed of Most of the Fur- TtitureT Fixtures-, Exhibits and , Booths Which It Possessed. BUILDINGS ARE CHIEF v CHARGE NOW REMAINING Bids for These Will Be Received Sat- urday and as Soon After aa It Can the Body Will Close Up AU Other tk .tta commission of the Lewis and Clark fair haa practically concluded the business of disposing of the furni ture, fixtures and almllar property that waa used during the exposition. The re mslnlng duties of the commission con sist Isrgely of disposing of ths build ings and attending to a maea. of corre spondence. . . . The commission haa ehlpped to the aocretary of stste property Of the value of 17.44 J. Including the furniture ana fixtures that were used 'in xne vnriuq building. It hks delivered to tne state agricultural soclsty fixtures and prop erty of tha value of $6,000. Membtra of tha state board of agri culture are In the city today deciding on the articles .that ara wanted. Those who are In tha city' are: President Downing of Salem; Mayor Matlock of Pendleton, and Frank Lea of thla city. They have selected a number of county booths that will be. installed at tne state fair a ud used permanently by tha va rious counties In displaying their ex hibits. - .. Tha state commission haa In th For estry building exhibits and fixtures of the value of 11.000, which will be turned over to the city of Portland. It Is also -deliver the bulldlngj valued atl 135.000, to the city. The commission lias sold In damaged and broken articles sufficient quantities to realise f 200. It has sold two buna incs for 11.800 and has delivered to tha state the plumbing and fire apparatus of "the rslue of $10,000. . It haa yet for sale the Oregon Btate building, the Oriental, bulldtng. Foreign Exhibits, Agricultural, Machinery,' Audi torium. . police and fire station and colonnade entrance, which cost $241,000. rThe commission hss released all em ployes with tha exception of a watchman and a stenogrspher. A meeting of the commission will be held next Saturday. when tt la expected a number of-bid 1 for the remaining buildings will be re ceived, iv ' . . WHILE UPON FOOT TRESTLE A wrecking' crew was sent to the scene, accompanied by the aherift nlHoche will leave up the river, tomorrow - ill vuuuwi j ivi XjUag- rni eawa as. . uoiw U no clue to th miscreants. - - The train tefe-Loe-Aageies early in the evening and was so crowded that It was sent , in two sections, , After the first section had escaped the second waa held until - repairs . made the - trestle safe. Many attempts to wreck Southern Pa cific trains have been made recently, but each, time the perpetrators have es caped, although large rewards are of fered . .- : - to appeal ''to all Christians to end the butchery, . It is believed thst Poland will pacify itself, aa only one fifth of the population are poles, the others Jews, Germans and ,lon. . w-Jj1''' rturn1 f rom NwPrt- r It Is expected that In a day or two therevrillbe compleJULJiruer. At Tomsk, Siberia, a mob pillaging Jews was attacked by troops today and several killed by bayonets and many wounded. Half . the . houses In town were sacked. . " i FIVE GENERATIONS -AT LEBANON REUNION (Special Dlspatrk to The loarnal.) Lebanon, Or., Nay. . A family re union waa held here Saturday, In which Ave generations met In the family there were Mrs. J. Johnson, her daugh ter. Mra. Charles Levis; the daughter of the latter, Mra1 C. L. Morris, and her daughter, Mra Kran Holt, and little baby daughter. Mra Morris Is the wife of the postmaster of Harrlsburg, and Mra- Holt Is the wife of a prosperous business man of Harrlsburg. The Ave generations were photographed in a group. -;"' ' .- . - ' ; DR. A.LRADER PRESIDES . jrCORVALLIS CHURCH (8pMat ninpatrta to"Tli Jnaraal.) Corvallls, Or, Nov. I. The . sum of 13,100- was subscribed last night to pay for Improvements ,on the ' Methodist church. Dr. A. L. Rader-of Portland presided and declares the plan when compltP wnt make the edifice one: of the finest In the valley. - To ntertaln Xxourslon. - . :f f4pecll Dlapatck to The oorn.1.1 -Dallas, Or., Nov.- 6. The excursion of Portland business men will be given a reception by the Dallas people,,, com posed of the city council, board of trade and business men The excursion will stop In this city 26 minutes. bye Arrest to Spite. , ..Charles H. Csdwell, arrested last nfght byTlVTectlves Snow and Kerrlgsn, by request of Chief of Police Woods of The Delles, waa- taken to The Dalles this morning by Woods. He is accused of embessllng lit from a saloon man by whom he was smployed as barkseper at 8hanlka "I have ttAO on deposit In bank," said Csdwell, "snd don't need to stesl rem anybody. My; arrest Is. the result of spite." . ' -- ' lgmt Soar ivaw Tphsid. tJosTBel hpfdal 8Tlce.l Wsshlngtonr-Nov. . Missouri's eight hour lsw was held constitutions! by the United States supreme court todsy. French Bark Spends On Hun "dred Seventy pays Coming ' From Liverpool. CHEAPER TO SAIL LIGHT 1 y THAN TO CARRY FREIGHT French Nation Reimburses Its Ves sels for Losses Sustained in Sailing; Without Cargo While Looking for , Charter Will Carry Orairu-r After a passage of 17S days , from Liverpool the French bark' Cambronne, Captain Richard, reaotied port thla morning In ballast and dropped anchot In the stream bolow the Alblna ferry line. Aa aoon as a berth haa been made vacant for her she will go to the Star Band company'e dock, where her ballast will be discharged. The vessel Is un der charted to the Portland Flouring Mills company to load grain for the United Kingdom. -.,:. Although the passage was rather long Captain Richard says that tt was un eventful. The cemDronne was nsrs last year and took out a cargo of grain foi Europe. When It had been delivered she took on ballast and started out - In search of other business. ' . Balls were set and the vessel headed for Ban Francisco. , It Is said that no other ahip but a bounty-fed Frenchman could have afforded to wnnder around In this manner looking for a charter. But every mile that she traversed means that the ownara would be recompensed by the government and accordingly the craft was kspt on the move. It Is de clared that a subsidised Frenchman can make greater earnings by sailing light. It Is not neoessary for her to atop to bother with taking on and discharging freight. , ' - - -T" -J ANOTHER MILLION. ?: Tolga Carries Bis aThlpment ef lambes r--- .Talngtain,. China, .. Almoat 1.O00.000 feet of lumber was placed on board the British ateamahlp Volga arter ana ciearea at tne custom house Saturday afternoon, the cargo now comprising 1, 641. 051 feet, which Is valued at $30,000. Bhe left down thla morning bound for Telngtau, China. The shipment Is being made by the Pacific Export Lumber company. In the cargo are .440 coras or bibd wood, which will be used In the mines near Talrfgtau for blocking out ore; A lot of rough lumber wsa alao atowed on deck for the asms purpose. - PIC IRON AND CEMENT. ThTwr-WtadJaaunsre Are STow Fully - Ss sst Other- BapeeteeV - With a cargo of 1.000 tons of pig Iron and 10,800 barrels of cement, con signed to Meyer., Wilson, ft Co., brought from Rotterdam, tne rrencn Darar morning Irom Aatoria. From now . on' windjammere are-' ex pected to be putting 1 an appearance arrfeaueftrTntrvaic. "Three- are-now fully due the Blythswood. Eskssonl and Euphroeyne. A three-masted ship, which wss sighted off ths mouth of tho Columbia laat week, and then disap peared, showed up again thla morning, hut tha lnnlrnut mt North Head WSS Un able to make out her Identity?11 She Is supposed to be one of the three referred to. Ae the bar la smooth she will probably cross In this sftermMHV The Hoche is chartered to transport a-rsln cargo to the United Kingdom and the work of discharging her will be completed aa quickly as possible. She will moor at Columbia dock No; I.' TO COOS BAY NEXT." Xnspeotors Find le d"OreUle Steamers tat Ooed Condition. ITnlted 8tatea Inspectors Edwards and Fuller will leave tomorrow for. Cooe Bay to' relnspect all of the vessels in that fart of ths district The Inspectors son. where they relnspected elx steamers yhlch-gre. plying-Jn tne rsn .jwp -much thst they determined . ... river. Csptsln Edwards says mat tne vessels were found to be in good snaps. ..c . MARINE NOTES. Astoria Nov. . Arrived at :1S m steamer Costa Rica, from San Fran cisco. Outside at 7 a m., a three masted ship. .-Sailed at S a. m.. Ameri can ship Charles E. Moody, for San Francisco. , Left up at :S0 a. m., steamer Costa Rica Astoria, Nov. . Arrived down at S and sstled at a m., steamer South Bav. for 8sn Francisco, Balled at S:10 a. m., German steamer Arsgonts, for Honskons and wsy porta Balled at 8:lt a. m.. barkentlne Chehalls, for Chill. Arrived at S:40 and left up at S a. m:, steamer Despatch; '' from Ban Francisco. Arrived down at noon. British ship Carradale. -- Sailed at noon today, steamer Dublin, Left up at noon. French bark Cambronne. ' Arrived at 11:15 p. m., steamer Elmore, from Tills mook. Sailed it 1:11 p, m.. stesmer Homer, for San Francisco. Arrived at 1:11 p. ra.. French ship Hoche, from Rotterdam. Sailed at p. ra., German ship Oregon, - f or Queenetown or . Fal month. . Astoria, Nov. I. Condition of the bar at S a. m., smooth; wind light, north; weather clear. - St Johns, Nov. . Psssed et 7:11 a m.. French bark -Cambronne. - San' Francisco. Nov. i. Arrived at 11 a. ra.r'steamet Whlttler. from. Portland. Sailed, British ship Kynanoe, for Port land. - ALONQ THE WATERFRONT. In a day or two -the tugboat Wallula again will ba In service at the mouth of the Columbia For the pest two months she haa been at Portland being con verted Into en oil-burner. Her' first liquid - fuelywaa placed on jboard ..this morning. This Is wash day fori the Ballsy Gstsert and Telegraph, the greyhounds of the Willamette and Columbia, and their boilers sre being given a clesnslng. They will go out on their respective routes tomorrow. - Steamer Northland Is due tomorrow with a cargo of general jnrohandse from San Francisco. It Is the first shipment she hss brought on the up trip for the compeny operating her, although Bhe has carried freight for other1 lines. With a small cargo of freight the steamar Despatch arrived yesterday from Ban Frsnclsco. After It had ieen dis charged at the Couch street dock the stesmer went pver'to Vancouver to load lumber for the return trip. Captain P. Byrnes, former master of Premier Balfour Will Not Call a f SpeojaJ Session of Par liament, as Asked. v . SIX: THOUSAND WOMEN : . ; MARCH LONDON STREETS Million Unemployed .Seek Work and Are Denied t Female' , Orators Advocate Following the Example of Rusians-rTU Cor HI Continue Agitation. iioeroal Spaclal Srrlca.) London, Nov. tilx thousand women from the slums - marched through the city : today and preaented a demand to tha Balfour sovernment to take action in their, behalf. The- premier and his brother, . Gerald Balfour, received a deputation of IS woman, two of whom carried babtee iathelr arms, i ; Ths premier, didn't promise a special aeaslon of parliament. The women are greatly dissatisfied with the stsnd ot the government, because they were told their demand waa practical. .Leaving Balfour the women listened to violent speeches' from some of their number. The speakers were Interrupted wltnl cries of e .. ; .. "-. "We must follow .the example of the Russians!" and - adopted resolutions U continue the agitation until every un employed man willing to work has se cured a position - - The delegation represented ljgOlftloS unemployed men and women of" Great Britain and aought to urge the neces sity of heme meaaures to s'ert the terrors of a workless wln'er. The spokesman said: "Ws ask that a special aeaslon of parliament be called to vote money for national public works, such as the reclamation of waste lands, forest reservation and road-building. ' These are useful works that will give employment to hundreds of thou sands. - . . - , r; "The pathos and urgency of the sit uation cannot be exaggerated. The organs of the aristocracy are assailing our demonstration aa - socialistic,.: but Great Britain Is confronted with a con dition, not -a- theory. The time haa passed for controversy. What la needed Is action. The unprecedentedly large numbed) of Idle persona is not confined to any particular trade or section. It Is the general result growing out. of tha Introduction of labor-saving machinery and of the consolidation principle that is epidemic among capitalists." ths tender Mansanlta, says Jt.wlU-.take slmost a week longer for ths contractor to raise the vessel. He arrived last night from the scene of operations and says tho work Is progressing but slowly. On sccount of low water on the upper Columbia and ' Snake rivers It was thought to be doubtful If .the steamer J. M. Hannaf ord would be placed In com mission . up - there . today as . had - been planned. The vessel will be operated by the Northern Pacific carrying materiel to the contractors who are building the north bank road. David B. Ogden. assistant- unitea State's engineer, returned this morning Ifrpm Jheaatjrhere-haapenklhrea ki on a leave of absence. The greater part of the time was spent at New York and Washington. District of Columbia Gates will be erected at the head of the driveways leading by the Alnsworth and Alaska docka . . SCHOOL MA'AMS GIVE JUPi BOOKS. FOR , B1SGUITS Come to Coast for Health, Ex- fiaust Means, arid Try Res- tauranx worn ior nnm. Two Michlgsn young women school teachers are "seeing the Pselflo coast" In a manner decidedly unusual. Thsy came to Portlsnd early lsst summsr. In poor health, to stay a month and see the fall, ThetrhyaicaLXQadmojl-lAfeJ i wiles Ian, . A v a ay f t ass'se iisnw. w- to remain longer ana oxiena ineir rout to other coast cities. . But there was' a limit to their financial resources. They determined to stay and hunt work. The only thing they could find to do was waiting on table In the Adminis tration restaurant at . ths exposition grounds. They accepted positions, and during tha fair were two of the favorite waitresses. Their health, continued to Improve, one having gained 10 pounds in weight, and tne otner is. At tha close ef tho fair thsy were out of a Job, and so were severel hun dred othera Falling to get work, and not desiring to return to the school room, thsy went to The Dallea There one succeeded In getting a position, In a restaurant, but no similar plsce wss open to ths other, i Determined to re main in the same town wttn ner cnum, she finally accepted a place ee a do mestic, but quit ths eeoond day. 'That position waa a step' too far for ma I could do the work, but I could not bear the Blights and small Indignities, knowing all the time that I was better educsted and in nearly every way the aupertor of the woman I wae , serving." she said. "I resigned after one day's work, and aa there wss nothing fol me to do at The Dalies l bade my chum good-bye and returned to Portland. The voung women have planned to continue -at restaurant work until spring, then go to California -and seek experiences in the canning factories and see that part of the country be . . 1 . 1, t-WI-a . . sore returning iv niviiau. ABERDEEN MAY ADVANCE rTO THE SECOND CLASS t RDelaI Dispatch to The looms!.. " ' Aberdeen, Wash., Nov. The ques tion of advancing the city ot Aberdeen from the third to the' second class has been brought up before theVehamber of commerce and haa been received with fa von ' A petition la to be stsrtsd and if 100 ' freeholders elgn It the question for and against will be submitted te the voters et the coming election, it carried it will necessitate the election ef IS eounetlmen Instead of-slx, ss heretofore, besides Other changee of minor Importance. - . "v. i - Portwood-Hoover. .Snaui DVniatfh ta The Joiirsal.l Condon. Or- Nov. . At Fosslt, Ore gon, October tl, the msrrlsgs of Miss Mauds Hoover of Fossil and C. O: Port wood of Condon took place. Ths brlds la a daushter of Mrs. L. J. Hoover of Fossil. Mr. Port wood Is saehler ef the Gilliam County bank hers. , Three Prominent Business Men of Lewiston , Lodged in 'Jail. . : ' . ARRESTED THROUGH EFFORTS OF PINKERTON Accused of Killing Samuel Studiinskt, Who Was; Presumably Murdered . " for His Valuablesln Small Store He Occupied. .. . " - -.' ": ' (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Helena,- Mont., Nov. . A profound sensation has been created at Lewis ton, Fergue county, through the arrest by Plnkerton detectives' of three promi nent business men of the place charged with ths murder on August It, lsst, of Sairiuel Btudslnskl, formerly of Ben Francisco, and who waa conducting a " small Jewelry store In Lewiston: - On Studslnskl's body and on. a stove In hie room were found cards of warning ' of revenge, which had been penned In the blood of the murdered man. Stud alnskl was known to be possessed of' many valuable diamonds, while the in strument of death waa a wespon taken rrom his own stock. j ... Plnkerton .detectives have been work" Ing on the caae for some time and their action Lto4T they ' assert Is based on evidence which cannot be doubted. The men arrested era H. Ray Long, E. W. Taylor and A. J. Helnlcke. The cltlsens of Lewiston are not dis posed to believe their guilt untn shown something more tangible than the ritere statement - of the detectives. The er rests were quietly made, not even mem bers of the families being aware until the men were In Jsll.- SUPPOSED INSANE MAN y SHOOTS TWO STRANGERS tfoaraal Special SwvtotJ '" "JJ. , Helena. Mont, . No v. (.-..Two - tele- . graph operators, J. C. Dollve of Orlando' Florida, and J. K. Arpln of Salt Lake City, while walking In the woods nesr here yesterday evening were shot and wounded by a supposedly Insane man. who Imagined someone waa trying to ' Jump hla mining claim.". The assailant then fled, and so far has .not been ap prehended. Arpln waa struck In the . thigh and Dolive In the-, groin. The .'. wounds are not considered fatal. . A man aald to be Insane has been around this TtclnTty for several daya and offi cers are searching for him. - VENEZUELA MODIFIES i PROPOSAL TO FRANCE ; "' (Joemsl Spectsl Bfrvlee.t-- . . Caracas. , Nov. - . Ths Venesuslsn government has signified ite willingness to withdraw Its note - concerning M Talgny. French chsrge d'affalre at Ca- J racas,, if the French will do likewise. The note making -thla proposition wrss - handed American Minister Russell and " I contains ths further 1 InfOi mailuii . tlllU ' " ths French cable company will be per mitted to transmit messages from Ca racas and - coast offlcea if the French - , government will try to make satlafac tory arrangsmsnts with, the "Veneiuelsn government inaide of 0 daya If not the government will close the offices of Lthe company. . . - : , , , . THREE DEATHS RESULT : ; FROM GAS EXPLOSION ' (Jeerast SoeeUI Sernea't . Ishpemlng, Mich-, Nov. . As ths re sult of a tsrriflo explosion caused by leaking gas In - tha basement of tha Miners' National bank, fhree children were killed and IS persons Injured Tha bank building waa completely destroyed. The dead and Injured were ell return ing home from church when the acci dent occurred.1- Plumbers - repairing a leak struck a match and the explosion -followed. . : t ' Boat Companies Consolidate. (a 1-1 TW. tMM.i i -jpenstolice-Wash.. Wuvr t. Tne"Ts steamboat companies of Wsnatchee the Columbia Navigation company and the Columbia Okanogan Steamboat companyhave consolidated end wilt hereafter be operated under one man agement. The new-company, known as the Columbia St Okanogan Steamboat company,' took possession of the bust-, ness today. . We cover the " whole sub ject of Trousers. J xt Exact to the letter in style, fit, qualify and price. A regular leg carnival Look at our window. , - Economy and comfort de mand that every man should have one or two pair of ex tra Trousers. " . i . .. Step in. and see how well' we can please youjc.4-1- 'f f We've the Portlandagen cjufoi' the celebrated Dutclv,; ess Trousers, $2.00 to $6.00. Every pair guaranteed. ' IfioiiCiiOTHinGQ t Qua XufmPrQi OatSMers for Kea and Boya SS and lse Third Street, 1 Seat acorrtMa. . ! - -7