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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1905)
TIIC OREGON DAILY .JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY. EVENING, 'NOVEMBER 6, 1803 y il TOVfJ TOPICS 1' 1 tobwhts imtmnti. Marqnare Grand.,,.. "Artaona "Tke Lady o( Lrona' Ife-laac Ka-r Kmplre.,.,. Lyric. . . i... . Urand Star - I-lbarty... .. tfciualral Hurlu ,.- iiuman but' "Ula fur Lira Vaudevtllt .uYaudaIIU . . . : Vaivine Uembri of th. Methodlat.Eptscopal cnurcn erreciea an organisation a Woodstock yesterday, when the follow In nimed persona signed tha roll of membership: . Mra. Mary E. Kerr, Mica Carrie MoCsbe, the Mlaaes Jennie, Ethel and Bessie Smith, Mlas Hattle Beaton, Mr. and airs. Jonn Mare, Fred c. Duo lap. Mrs. Harriot i Smith, Mra. Marjr liouister, Miss Etta. Molllster. John M. Tuttle, Mra. Eva JB. Tuttle, Bradford Bmttn, Mra. Ellen D. Smith and Mrs. Krancls A- RepPr -Charlee H. Smith and John R. Wears . became probationary mem bora. , Rev. W. T. Kerr la pastor of the chapel owned by the church; and the organisation begins Its career with out indebtedness of -any kind. . . i When the case of tha aute egalnat ' A. Anderson, charged with asaault and battery, was 'called by Presiding Judge - Fraaer at the ripening of the November term or the circuit court this morning Attorney John F. -"Logan sDDeared on behalf of the defendant and aald that Ma client was 111 with tvohold fever. In proof of his statement tha attorney produced a doctors certificate. The case was postponed until the December - term. Anderson has been 111 with fever ' for six weeks andlt la averred that It will be aa many more before he will recover. He was fined f 21 last June by' Municipal Judge Cameron for having nesaulted Samuel Qustafson on June 3, The caae waa appealed. ... , . . Two hundred' people gathered at the tnka- hall In the Marquam building laat t ight and listened to a discussion of tha question, "What Is Socialism V This discussion was held at tha regular tnert . lug of tha People's Forum, which was presided over by Dr. Chapman. The apeaker waa of the opinion that socialism waa the sign of grit and pluck; he also held that there are two aorta of social- Ifm the European and the American the former of a rabid kind, the latter - pure and righteous. Dr. Chapman at tacked .the action of the Oregon City council . In Its laauance -of a franchise to a street railway company. "r- No longer" will the sign of l Paxton, Beam eimon greet the eyes or the . seeking legal aid. The well-known I firm of that name haa dissolved, O. , Paxton" having been appointed general counsel for the Portland Railway com pany. S. V. Beach and N. Simon will I. continue the firm, .Mr. Paxton and hla recent associates have practiced in thla ftty together during the past 11 years. Dr. John Baptist, an Armenian who I aa been In thla country for some time. preached on "The Meanest Man In the World-' laat night at the-First Christian church. According to the preacher the rneaneit jut l the saltan of Turkey. Dr. Baptist drew some comparinons be tween the United States and Turkey and found therein proof that tha- Christian religion la salutary for man. ' Msny ladies are discovering that Her tnan Qpodman's general store, 147 Front street, now aelllng Carlson Currier silk . thread at f cents .the spool and other 'goods in proportion, la an advantageous r-lace at which to buy many of their household necessities, , . Mr. "Goodman ,ias been in business here for li years and Is well known, for low prices and honest dealing. , Dr. C. R, Nash, field secretary of the general' tTnlveraallat conference, will speak at the Universalis! church Tuesdsy evening at o clock instead nf Wednes day as before announced. Dr. Nssh is making a flying trip to the eoast from Boston and will be here a day sooner than at first expected. . While D. M. Donaugh, an attorney In the Washington building, waa out to din ner Saturday evening be left the door of hla office, open and a thief entered the place and atole his overcoat Mr. Edward Holman, tha well-known undertaker, . haa received from ' the New York factory four very handsome ve hicles an ambulance, two wagons and -a hearse. " , - i . Baker's "delicious Caracas eating choc olate with booklet In beautiful carton 1 cents, 'and 'vanilla chocolate with whipped cream, at J 27 Seventh street. Watches and dlamonde-lld' lOo per week. Goods delivered on first payment. Xmas Is coming, Metxgar Co.. jewelers, opticians, ill sixth. The paint fire sale and good painting weather are both with us now. Remem ber the address, 146 First street, near Alder. Tel. Main lezi. - Any watches cleaned, tl. Ml main spring, It. 00; all work guaranteed one year. Metiger 4c Co., Ill Sixth street Pfunder rthe florist ' has removed to new store at 14S Sixth street, between Alder and Morrison, , - . , , A good time to plant The Slbson Rose Nurseries, 1180 Mllwaukle avenua, headquarters for fine roses. Take Sell wood car. Phone East HI. Catalogue free. . Portland's best dancing school," sot Alder, Prof. Rlngler, Miss Buckenmeyer. Christianity la gaining ground, accord ing to JUr. William a Gilbert, pastor of the Calvary Presbyterian church. In A GREAT VARIETY OF coiocs - And how to combine them to look beet on your house, can be had at our store. Our pa In ta- are laatlng, and will not fade aa many cheaper Iialnts do. When you want rich and aatlng colore try Fleher, Thorsen Co.'s paints. ' . . fisher, Thorsen Co. rmovr Airs mob.b.tsobt sts. PIPE IluE uEil GOOD STEP .. 1 " ' Councilman Rushlight; -Favors Laying of Big Mains From River to Business District FIREBOAT. WOULD BE : MUCH GREATER HELP Slow Laying of Hom . Would Bo - Avoided . and Sphert of Craft's Utility Would Be Extended and Ef fectiveneta Would Be Increased. A movement haa been started among ths city councllmen to lay pipelines from the waterfront for a distance of several blocks In the principal business streets on both sides of the river for the pur pose of fire protection. In ease of Are in the districts covered by these mains the Are boat could make an attachment and pump a powerful stream of water through them. This would do away witn the necessity of laying a long stretch of hose from the fire boat and would be far more effective. A much larger dis trict could also be protected by the flre- loat by this method. . The plan has been suggested by coun cilman Rushlight who haa been making a special stuay or me pent meinous oi protection of the east side districts In which he Is especially Interested., lie believes that although the system pro posed Is expensive It will pay. the city. Such a system Is In operation in many large cities. , , . Said the councilman yesterday: "Our people should have outgrown the Idea that we can conduct the affairs of a metropolis as they do a village. They cannot expect the city to grow and their property to increase In value unless they expend money In publlo improvements. Money spent .judiciously in public Im provements often will double the value of property. This pipeline will enhance the value of property over the entire city, 'What we need more than anything else. Is better fire protection. In add! tlon to the Improvements recommended by Chief Campbell, I am of the opinion that pipelines should be laid from the waterfront through . the business dis trict on both sides of ths river, to which the fl re boat can attach, and In. case of fire pump a powerful stream of water on the flames. A larger district could be covered Ay" the flreboat " by " this method. It would cost money, but It should be done. -1 ant a property-owner ana 1 would be willing to nave the tax little higher on my property, for would know that such sn Improvement would increase Jts. value." Nearly every member of the city council favors the installation trr W"a Whew Are apparatus , In- dlatrlcts which are now unprotected, and provision will be made the eatlmatea of exoensea for next year for the addition of several new, com panics. . ' sermon before his congregation laat night he quoted statistics to bear our hla contentions. In S6I colleges in the Jnlted States SI per "cent, he said, were professed Christ tans. . Ladles gymnasium class, tha Rlngler Physical Culture school.- 11 per month, Try a meal without meat at tha Vege tarian cafe, 10 Sixth street. . - Dr. Q. M. Wells, residence. Hobart- Curtis. Phone Main 6112. , Frlta's tamalea are tha best. Diphtheria relieved in twenty mlnutea Almost miraculous. Dr. Thomas' Ucleo- trio cm. At any drug store. , , l i i ii i m i i . i i i CANE-HEAD OF CHARTER . OAK IS GIVEN CITY A cane head made from a piece oftthe famous ."Charter oak", in the hollow of which -waa hidden the charter of the colony of Connecticut from 1687 to lt.has been presented lo he Oregon Historical society by William Pi- Par- aona of Ella, Oregon. The historic eurlo was received by Oeorge H. Hlmes, cure tor of the museum. Saturday. Ths cane head waa turned in 186, by the father of the donor, who waa a turner In the alclty nf Harfoa, Camisetkiuti Tha Charter oak-waa a tree with a halo" of legend around It which formerly stood in Hartford. When Sir Edmund Andros marched to Hartford In 1(17 as an emissary of King James II and de manded the charter of the colony with a view to its revocation. It Is said that the charter was concealed In a hollow of this oak by Captain James Wada Worth. It remained there far two years. During a gale on August tl, 1M6, the tree waa blown down. A plow brought to Oregon In lit! by Dr. ' John McLoughlln of the Hudson Bay company haa been presented to the museum of the Historical society by Exra Meeker'- of Seattle, who came ' to the exposition laat summer with hla ox J team and prairie achooner. Meeker, on hla way to , Portland, drove through Cowllts county, Washington, where the old -Hudson Bay company's farm waa located 'and discovered the old plow among a lot of other heirlooms. ..The share of the plow Is handmade. . Tire Implement waa uaed tocultlvate the field for the first crop of grain grown In Oregon territory-v Makes Christmas Purchases., 8. J. MrCormlck, vice-president of the Ellera Piano House, returned to Portland last evening, after an extended trip throughout the east. Mr. MpCormlck went east ' to .personally --select the Christmas stock for the Ellera Piano House. - - In sn Interview with a Journal-re porter, be appeared to be very enthusl- stlc over the many beautiful new atylea of pianos which he purchased, and .prom Ises some pleasant surprises to the peo ple ' in this vicinity. He also Seems pleased to be back In the City of Roses, Instead of facing the snowstorms in the east. -. The flrat lot of six cars Is due to ar rive In Portland In a few days, and In order to secure floor space to exhibit these beautiful new Chlckeiings. Web- ers, Kimball s. Pianola Pianos, Pfanolaa. etc.. It haa become necessary to inaugu rate a sale to close out all -exposition, slightly used, tented and sari pie styles of pianos. Pianola Planoa, Pianolas, eto. Exceptional values are offered to Insure quick sales, a partial list of which may be found in the advertisement of Ellera PJano House on page t. ; ' .'Milvaukfe Country Club. Eastern and Sesttle raeea. Tike Sell- wood 'and Oregon "City care at Flrat and Aider. Herat rod Stock Oaaaed Oooda, Alien Lewie. Best Brand, " PREAGIIER-1 SCORES II. n. SCOTT I - 1 t Or Lapham Calls Oregonlan Ed " Itorlal on Bible Cowardly and ' Contemptible. M6RALS LIKE THOSE ' OF TINHORN GAMBLER Who Haa Made H. W. Scott Spokes man for Any Sane Man on Gam' bling aa Compared With Christian Life, Aaka iniater. Rev. 8.. C Laphara of the Second Baptist church made a spirited reply from the nulntt last night to the at tack in an - Oreaonian . editorial laat week' against Bible class students. Mr, Lapham termed the article an attack on the" Chriatian. young men of Port land. . . In cart he aald: ":- -- "I consider the Oregonlsn editorlsl attack aa a personal Insult, a ridiculing of the work and faith of every minister and Bible teacher and Bible student and believer in the religion and ethics of the Bible and of Christianity. i "One of the cowardly and contempt! ble things about thla editorial, as In tha hols policy of the Oregonlsn towaro things Christian, la the dirty slap In the face which It administers over the shoulders of another. - This great dally, forsooth; does not come out in the open to proclaim Its own faith. If It haa any (and afteis- SO years of reading it we know that it has not we wish, it did have) but proceeds to tear down, and belittle and ridicule. - It enfolds some oblect in its slimy colls and hiases and strikes and bites, ever withdrawing and hiding behind the object it has reared its destructive body upon, and at this time its attack Is upon the young men who atudy the Bible. Beoras - SV-W. Soot. - - - "The gulf that la fixed between' the character and princlplea which domi nate the editor of the Oregonlan and ours Is so wide that it is difficult U make hlm understand CT see anything of life as ws view It. Who haa mads H. W. Scott the spokesman for any aane man on the subject or gamming as compared with the Cbrtatlan UfeT We are not altogether surprised mat the morale of the editor ha-ise degener ated o the level of a tinhout gambler' that in the "meahy mass lie calls his mind,' . the plugger and plunger of the racecourse, the pitiable tlend of tne gaming-table who 'loses house and home and remi ta Hon on a noker hand is st lesst sensible and rational while the feeble-minded dupe disponed to re llgioua llfe-and to-TBlble class habitli to be derided. Isughed .at as a root. areas Mem Bible SwidamW. "Practically all the great benefactors of "humanity In modern times were Bible students, or those whoseojaox" and aelf-sacrincfng lives have been In harmony with the Bible. No man has ever blessed the world whose life has not kept step with, the spirit and truth of the Rltala. . ' . . . Tompare xor a . moment me opinion and Uvea of great men on the.queatloa of Bible study and the Bible with the unwarranted attack of the editor of the Oregonlan on the Chriatian young men of the city and the value of Bible study." . . ,. WILL WOLF Ksrefeaat Who Im Srohem All 'Bankrupt Salsa Beoords. Will Wolf, who Is conducting the J. P. Kelly bankrupt sale at 121 Morrison street, haa been In business In" Portland for 17 years and la recognised as one of the successful men of this city. The stock which he Is now closing out he was forced to take over to protect him' self, as he was one' of the heavy creditors. He, of course, secured the other Interests for a song and the pub llo Is now getting the benefit. It . Is one of the greatest picnics for the bar gain hunter that ever came to town. The sale will. continue all this week. Watch The Journal for further announcements. NOT A JUNK SALE. i ... At Chamber of Oosameree Auction Only Japan's Beet Waiee Age Offered. - It ahould be understood by the Port' land public that at the auction sale of Japanese art goods in progress at the Chamber of Commerce building only the exhibit of Jnpan at tha Lewis and Clark exposition is offered-.- All . of these goods came direct from the shops 'and factories of Japan and represent the best In Japan's Industrial and art at tainments. ' Nothing offered the publuj at these sales hag been knocking around souvenir , stores In this country for years, and purchasers know exactly what they get. The salss will probably conclude this week, as everjr-day makes considerable of a hole In the stock. Discriminating buyers know 'where to go. The houra of ssle will continue from rll to o'clock dally and from T to le o'clock evenings until the entire exhibit ie closed out SPOKANE AND INLAND . TO EXTEND SYSTEM (Special Plapatck Tke'JowaaLI ' Spokane, Wash Nov, i.-The direc tors of the Spokane Inland electric railroad have" "granted authority-for en Immediate extenalon of the company's system from Waverly to Rosalia, a dla. tance of 14 mile. Terminal grounds have already beeri secured at Rosalia. Twenty N (la tears for the road, loaded with steel rails, are on the way i v fJ REFUSE CAUSE OF AN EPIDEMIC Investigation Shows That Drain age System of Peninsula Was All : Right . 7X BACK YARD RUBBISH WAS WHAT GERMS FED UPON University Park Haa Natural Sewer System Which So Pleases the Resi dents There That They Will Fight Any Attempt to Install Conduits. " The tatt alii erBce ef The Joe mat Is la the store ef J. af. O. Miller, SWO Kaat Mocrlaos street. Ttltpbone East lift. , - An Inspection of University Park, Portamouth and the suburbs adjoining that have been afflicted with several cases of diphtheria brings to light a new and unsuspected reason for tha con tagion. . .It now appears - that careless throwing of kitchen refuse about fear doors and the decay of this waa the chief. If not the only cause. . Univeralty Park has a natural drain age system that will probably be main tained for years. The majority of the cltlsens staud ready to fight the Insti tution of costly sewers which they eon tend are not needed. -- University Park la founded on a gravel bed that runs to an Undetermined depth. Through the porous gravel bed flows the Columbia whenever a rise oc curs. All ths tanks and vaults Of Uni versity Park go down deep Into this gravel bed and they are drained rapidly. Were there numerous wells Id the pe- r Insula a real source of danger would exist, but so far as known every, family secures -Its supply from the city mains or from cement cisterns, and no general contagion ever has been traced to the water of the suburb. ' - t. At the time of the diphtheria, scare aa Investigation was msde and it was found that untidy back yards were somewhst abundant and probably the cauae of the contagion. The yards were cleaned up and no new caaea of conta. gloua diseases . have developed. ' SMALL FILL A BIG HELP. Worth Vnloa Avenue Vow a Continuous Boulevard Without Bridges. ' Union avenue Is one of the few east side streets that has neither elevated roadways, bridges or plank pavement to mar Its length of several miles. The recently completed fill ' at Broadway street and. Union avenue has made tne thoroughfare a continuous "boulevard north of Sullivan's gulch, end consider ing the slight cost Involved no east side fill has been' more beneficial. The old bridge JwaJbeen. lorn out,: . . IMPROVING TOWN STREETS. V 7ohas Ooaaou Keeps Bngiaeev Busy 1 ; Bettlas: Orade Stakes. A general system of street - improve ment has been adopted by the St. Johns council. A great amount of street work has been done In the town this season and considerable more soon will be started. The council has authorised the mprovement of Catlln street, from Lively street to Jersey street, the Im provement of Lively street from Thomp son to Catlln, and that of Thompson street from Myers to Lively. In every ease the improvement will conalst of bringing the street to a light grade similar to ths established grades on the county roads, and property within- 10 feet of the Improved streets will be as sessed to pay the cost of the grading. Ths total cost will be about f 1,400. PLAN NEW EDIFICE. St. rraaois Ooejiefatlos Starts Su- . serlptloa tot Xaadsome Kome. The congregation of the St Francis church,-East Oak and Eleventh streets, under the leadership of Father Black, la preparing to build a church home that will accommodate the 1,200 who are en rolled on the church record a. The prev ent building will not seat more than half oiheinembera Nearly 1 10,000 has been raised for the work end enough has been promised to Insure the completion of a ttO.000 building. It Is the desire of the priest in charge and the lending members to build a large stone and brick edifice and to finish the Interior in a style that will mark the church aa one of the most superbly furnished on the coast. Pledges of art windows, costly fitting snd fine statuary have been numerous. and an organ coating 19,000 could be In stalled tomorrow IX the building were ready for it. California Prune Wafers Purely vegetable, they are nature's roduct and ahould' be In every house old. They cure constipation and - alt disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. 1 00 Wafers 25 Cents U. O. Ski Into re . Sj Co., Drag-gists, 1S1 Third st sole agsnte lot Portland, or. Marquam Grand Theatre .'.-U, TONIGHT AT 8:1S OTIXJCK, Asterles's Oreateat Drama, "Arizona" 4. taat Parfornaar. Tomorrow Night. PRICKS c. STie. 60e, TBc, II. 11.50 SKATS NOW SKIXINO. Marquam Grand Theatre Wednradar and Thnraday Nlf ht, "Not" -. . TITS IIAHMINU ALTKKHS, AUCUOHNSoN ' la the Brilliant Corned r. , - , , "The Mrrgs of Kitty" PRICKS. .".Tr..."....c. Me. aOc, T5e, 1 SKATS NOW SELLING. - - Bclasco Theatre Ul.u bilasoo m: tmors. IVmrtemth and Wanlilnrfna Streeta., X. D. rrioa, aa. Mgr. I. L. Saokatt, sVm. atgr. TONIGHT AT t:16. White Whittlesey guptwrtad br the Belaaee Stock Coatpasr. Seaele Revival of Lord Lrttoa'a Bosiaiiea ' THE LADY OF LYONS KTsa.3Be to' TV) Mata, Rat Sua., Ue ta one. Nrt Week WHITK W(IITT1.KSKT la "TilK riUSX VIOLIN" Ma naAr hi Succcas. mm The -Best $3;DAT in .the World Means the best HAT VALUE paying more for Mm Leading H: Liebes & Company RELIABLE FURS .) ... ... . Isabella Marten Scarf Satin lined, trimmed with corded nnxsxsxmMMXxxxi THO USANDS 5AVED AT AUCTION OP Japanese Art Goods Chamber or CommefeBuI!dfng These Are Not Shop-Worn Junk ! . r Only Japan's Best Products Exhibited at Fsir SALES DAILY II a. m. to - CHAS. H. OXonnor Auctioneer AirosxiaisTTS. THE Q RAND ftieeary'S Sevsl Itallaa Baada Miaaa. , Tke Tarae Jasallaf Barretts. --.h. rasiae aaS Clark. Maavre. TW aulas' Trls. ' Mr, FraS Parlatea, Oimadlaeape, Oaneral adatlsalna 10c; raln(4, Foodart and HolKtaya, rarvaj arata on lower Sme Sue; daily matinees, entire lower floor lot; bos Mata 30e. - Psooe Mars-lOOT. HATimCXS WaSseasar aaa, SatarSar. TlerrUIies Burlesque Company ALEX CARR." A meriea's Greatest Character OisiMltaa. Graeatal i braottrnl (Irla; atroas, hararnnl. eos vnteea; (nrfenua eoataiDM and a great w ' Uun ef Vaadrrllle Entertainera: - -r -PRICES Erenlnfa. SBe. Vy HOe, TV: Matl new. 15e. Mr. e. 60e. NOTK Wettseadar Matinee, Barsala Par. loe to anr eeau NKXT WKKK "TUB .UTOPIANS," Liberty Theatre I . tills KaaaceSMst ef Beatles Si tleea. GREAT OPEMUVG WEEK Bewe aa4 Kawarea. Lee Waits, Jass Wise, OarSaU aa4 Saiaasa. The Blerrasa, ' ' Olevet Waker TimUf, Perfnrwiaeees 4llr at . 1 n, T SO aaS a. Theatre baadaumeet and aanat eoaifwtahia TaWUI- knnas ea faelSc Cvaat. Adwiaaloa, 10 and SO cents. for The Best- $3 DAT: in-the "World -no need any hat re m j 2 Hatter 288 Morrison Street: Near Seal Jackets - Lined -with -Skinner' guaran teed satin, full leg-a'-mutton seeves and large reveres ' Special $30.00 Isabella Mar- ten Stole Satin lined. 45 inches -loner. trimmed with 6 large bushy fox- tails and girdle LL-ii::!: - Special $12.50 fringe and ornaments $5.00 :iiainz: 6 p. tn., 7 p. m. to 10 p. m. y. KUSHIBIKI, . Commissioner-General. Y. HASHIMOTO, Commissioner. . ..I . I . Y. YAMAJI, t . Manager. ; . ' "j" AMvmawvB. Empire Theatre 12ta aad Monieoa. Pbone Main 11T. MILTON W. SEAMAN. Maaame. AH-Thte-We, - Matlne Saturday. TUB GRBAT SENSATIONAL MELODRAMA, A- HUMAN SLAVE- A Stiipendnna Senle Prodnrttos tr a Strang Com pan of I'layrre. SKK TUB BIO STRIKK m KNR. v El Til It nr. ai-wn -- Dramatle and Tfirllllna-. Oever Snertalt'r tnrl- eentaia. Matin Saturday and Snndar. PRICKS Bvenlnc. IV, 2.V. KW, Mie. Mail aeea, Itle, IV. SV. KtXT WBEK "UOOUOAN'S TROUBLES." THE STAR Handera, aad Bsae. . . ritanatoioR Si Oe., . Slaaateae Chlldraa. Balaaka. : Hatoelneoa aad Laakv Mr. J-ae B. PaMr. : Staraaeme. General Admleeloa luc; vealase, Snndija noimarn, rear van aeats oa lower anr .an maiiaa. entire lower Boor luc; bos seats . , , LYRICTHEATRE WIIX STABTIVS M0BDAT. BOTXMBIS , Life for Life A TaHlllai ataladrama la Tree Bote. A da Into. lAri Rrard atare. possible Cl:c taiic:.: GOUTER C0AT3 Y OU will be surprised at the exclusiveness of our ' tailored suits and coats. Almost every express brings us something' nvr andpritfnal.m,this . line. Every woman, can find here just the style that - suits her particular figure. The show ings"variedslrc6l6rs and fabric, and "consists of many styles, and not many of .. one . , style. Oar credit ylaa enables ya te wear tke sarwiests wbile sayias'. Hew eaa we afford te sail at srioaa leww than aa aallad asek staraal It's aaay. W. knj direst f Baaaiaetnrar te .uantl tiaa for lee aterae. Our laaeaa from bad debts amount te aim oat atkiae. We always kad fatth la kumaaity, aad eiaee we've beaa allin ea Ibm little, at-time eaay sayaseate we've baaoma star, eptimlatie. Truly, aa all eat uateaiars any, it's a piaaevre e ay. Tea are lavitad te eeaa aa aeeauat aad see far yoaxaalf. Aim will Btrr TOUB CXOTBtKS OUTHTIING CO Tke Stare Wbare Tear Credit Is Sees WASHINGTON AND TENTH STREETS Be Care And do your trading, at a legitimate store. You are bound to get value for your money if you look for bar gains. We have them just as well and of real good qualities. Complete line or 'Men's and Boys' Suits," Overcoats, Pants, Hats, Shoes, Overshirts and Un derwear. Fine line of La dies' and Misses' Shoes and warm Slippers ; also a full line of Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets . and Comforters. We save you money on price, John Cellar First and Yamhill and Third '- - . and Davis. ". Why Pay More V i-.- . - - - What la the uaa of your paylne; IIR0 or $400 for a piano you prob . ably never heard -of,- either from - Its not being popular or some new -production (which haa never been ' tested); which some try to sell you just because they make larr profits on that class of a-nodnf Asaln wa say why pay more tnr an unpopular and inferior make -of piano than you can set some old standsrd Snd reliable make for from uaT ; , . . Dundorc Piano Co Stelaway aad Other Klyklrade Ptaaos.- -'83 WASBTXJfOTOir ST. HAVE YOU EVE 1 1 j NOTICED That ewt m la ! 1 a ' In Ti- ' tir.-. an lllr-llT ) a inl i- i M -X .... ' ' -- ".