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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1905)
TIIE OREGON DAILY JOUHIIAL'. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 6. 1005. LOED SUBJECT OF fUY jokes:; . Elected Head of the Loeb League of Rabbit Fighters by Wash IngtonJPost. r;: i V. SECRETARY TO PUBLISH . AN OFFICIAL GAZETTE Prttident Modifies the Order Regard ing Giving Out of News Matter ; Canal Scheme a Little Government in Itself Making Its Own Laws. (Washington Bunas of Tfc Journal,) Washington, D. C, Nov. . News come that Secretary Loeb, elected head cf the Loeb league of Rabbit Fighters br the intrepid Washington Post, and keeper of the official cabinet guga, biffed- a detective who tried" to set near the president Contact with the ferocious rabbit has made Mr. Loeb bloodthirsty. The first thing we know he will be Jlu-Jltsulng the president. Am official gasett containing all the --. latest court news will appear dally from the press of the government printing office shortly. It has not been decided, ' when the first number will be issued.' 'but Secretary .Loeb. who. will be man ; . aging editor and reporter all in one, will arrange the details ss" soon as he can find time to return to his desk. - ' Modlflee the Order! v- - When President Roosevelt received at Atlanta a 2,000-word dispatch sent by ; the faithful Root, secretary of state, " describing the adverse criticism In the ' newspapers of the -letter - which Loeb forwarded members of tire cabinet or 1 derlng them henceforth to hold no con versation with special newspaper cor- respondents, the president decided, a compromise must be reached. Those - who know aay that this famous man date was urged art the urgent solicits- "tlon of Mr. Root himself.- The asset reasons for It are vaguely stated, but ' the most potent concerns the manage ment of affairs of state of the 'Panama canal and the conferences which relate to the great economic.: questions now agitating the. nation.- Some of the cab ' inet men have found themselves em- ; ' barrassed by the comment following their confidences. The president's pol icy has been attacked in advance of its operation nrt"many proposed measures " rendered futile. ,r-nr . Change for the Won. Nathaniel 8. Faucett is one man who has reason to doubt the' sincerity of the authorities of the Panama; canaL T He thought he was bettering his finan cial condition by leaving the navy d '." partment as chief clerk of the bureau of supplies and accounts, at $1,000 a year, ta atrallarly-paying position on the Isthmian canal, and so did all hla friends. ' Mr. Faucett Is a most excel- ' lent man, whose, executive capacity . made htm chief o'f the bureau in the navy department. He resigned his po- eltion to accept this 13.000 Job, He had .. partment cut oft almost to per cent of - hla salary, and now he is worse elf than evhsn In the navy department, whore he " rtad a Ufa position. "An appointment by " the government Is' a sort of guarantee that one will not be disturbed In the on ; Joyment of one's place.' But the canal scheme Is a little government In Itself, where the race Is not always to the swift, nor the contract to the lowest , bidder. INSANE MAN ELUDES PURSUERS IN MONTANA ' (Speefal fHspatrh te The JoeraaM Helena, Mont., Nov. (.Despite vigor ous efforts on the part of' two posses, one mounted and the other afoot, no ; trace has been found of the man who assaulted Telegraphers Arpin and Do : live here yesterday afternoon. Both ""men have been operated on. and it is i believed they will recover, though both . are dangerously wounded In the groin. The man Who did the shooting Is be- lleved to be Insane, :- ---i- - ; INSURANCE DIRECTORS1 PLEAD. NOT. GUILTY (Joarasl Speetel Serrlee.! Minneapolis, Nov. . W. A. Been tel. former president of the 'Northwestern National ,IJfe Insurance company, and ralgned today. Bechtel, Campbell, Kerr and Sackett were charged with grand larceny. -All pleaded not guilty. . White House COOK BOOK ' The recognised I authority.: We have just received a shipment of 1,000 of these. They occupy considerable space. For a few days we will sell them at . Postage 25 cents. THE J. K. GILL jCO. Booksellers and Stationers. THIRD AND ALDER Great Things at Utile Prices 7.9c GMG .D05SES FACE DEFEAT (Continued From Page One.) Issue of graft and anti-graft, which haa been the keynote in the remarkable canvass made by the two elements in the community. As fusion candidate of Democrats and Republicans. John 8. Partridge, a young lawyer, haa made a brilliant and stirring sppeal for reform In all aepsrimems 01 Oie-eUy government in ipoUIn o-th Union Labor candidate. Eugene K. Schmlts, now serving his second term. Interest In the campaign la unpre cedented, registration reaching a total of 10.000. as against TO.000 in previous elections. . . .. - , Lined up for Behmlts are 1,100 saloons, X thirds of the employes of the city rtments and organised labor, all un der v the leaderaulD of Abraham Kuer, former Republican boss, and now cham- Slon of the Schmlts forces. Agslnst luef as boss, the reform fight haa been directed. -' " . - Fusion managers today claim the elec tion of Patrldge by from t.000 to s.000, basing the figures on the high registra tion and - aroused publlo sentiment against bosslsm and municipal corrup tlon. , , y . . v GRAFT ISSUE IN OHIO." Corruption and Cos State as Well as Xioeal Option Tlg-nr la Campaign. ' ' (Jesraai Special Service.! -7- Coram bun, Oho Nr. The 'polit ical campaign which closed today has been one of the most , interesting and exciting the - Buckeye State haa - wit nessed In years. The election tomorrow Is for a governor and other state offi cers. - While the issue Involved may beJ said to be almost wholly local in char acter. the fight haa attracted attention throughout the" country for .the chief reason that those taking part In the fight are mostly men of national promt pence. A--'-; ' John Vf. Pattlson. the Democratic candidate for governor, has been crowd' Ing Governor Myron T. Herrlck, who la up for reelection, ever Since the first gun of the campaign was flrei With their plurality of ISS.OOO for Roosevelt last', year and 111. 000 for Herrlck two years ago, the Republicans were not looking for much of a fight this year. But this feeling of confidence and abso lute certainty In the reaultr haa been somewhat shaken by the fierce on slaughts of the Democrats during' the last sis weeks. Not that the Repub licans admit the possibility of defeat, but they realised that they must get up and hustle or Herrlck's plurality would be cut down to figures that would virtu ally amount to a Democ ratio victory. Herrlck's troubles have been due mainly to the faot-, has offended moet of - the temperance forcea and other organisations In Ohio that are In terested In the moral uplift of things. The principal Issue raised In the fight against the governor was his action on the Brannock law. temperancewi'eas- ure. providing for local option In rest dentlal districts In cities. - Ohio now has a township local option law, under which 1.000 out of nearly 1.400 town- ships-bava-Voted "dry."- TTis stAte has a city meal option law, and under Its' provisions many of the smaller cities of the state have voted out the -open saloon.' Under the Brannock' UtwUhe residence portion of cities can now drive-out .the ' saloonr The- bill wag originally orawn Dy in uiuo Anii- Baloorv. league, an organisation of Isrge membership and muni influence. Gov- ernor Herrlck declined . to ' . sign . the measure until several suggested changes had been msde In It. The changes ap parently were not of vital character, but the temperance organisations limned! ately turned upon the governor for his alleged unlawful Interference in legis lation and the fight agatrmt him haa been kept up without cessation. . On the other hand, the liquor element, which under normal conditions -in Ohio la al lied . with the Democratic party, has turned Its' support to Herrlck and the Republican ticket, and thus the align ment of the two forcea haa . become cleArly defined. ,- Another Issue the Democrats have urged thla year with all the force pos alble Is the charge of graft, corruption and bosslsm. The charge' of bosslsm la directed seTftlnst George B. Cox of Cincinnati and the cry of graft and cor ruption i directed to the same quarter. Well-posted politicians declare their .ellef today that Herrlck will be re elected, but by a 'greatly reduced ma jority. The election of the remainder of the Republican ticket appears as sured, as the fight against Herrlck has not extended to the candidates for the minor office a. , .. ; TARIFF REFORM ISSUE. MaUoaal ftssnss Oorara Sfassaahnsetta .JTotarsi.iPsuiocrstio Ttekst . W - (Jnarnal Spertl Servlee.) " Boston. Mass., Nov. . The Massachu setts rsmpalgn closes tonight with speaking In nearly every town of any Importance In the. state. As the Mss sachusetts election is the only - one to be held tomorrow In which anything like- national issues are Involved,, th result la naturally awaited with much Interest. '-.,.,..-.. .1. 1 ' Unless all Sighs' are misleading, the old Bay State will undoubtedly swing back to a Republican governor. There was not much hope-for the Democrats after Governor ' Douglas had refused t accept the nomination, j. The Republican ticket is headed by Curtis Guild. Jr.. a clesn, wide-awake man with ah abund ance of financial ' means. ' He la now serving his third ' term as lieutenant governor. General Charles W. Bartlett, the Democratic standard-bearer, has a clean record, but la not regarded as. a man of any unusual strength. On account qf the prominence of the tariff revision Issue and the publlo dis cussion of this subject, there Is unusual Interest In the contest! for lieutenant governor. - Eben 8. Draper, the RepublN can nominee, was nominated In a con vention which declared for a revision of the tariff when representatives of the party In congress deem it advisable! Henry M. Whitney, leader of the reci procity and tariff revision sentiment In Msssachusetts, was nominated for lieutenant-governor on a plank In the Dem oc ratio platform which declares spe cifically for free hides, coal, iron ore lumber and wood pulp and for speed tarirr legislation. The llnea. therefore. are sharply drawn. - . HENEY'S CRAFT CHARGES. Freeeeate Is oaumoaed Before Brand - Jary a Make Oood Boef Oensnre,u (Special Dlapatefc to The Joarml.) - Ran- Francisco, Nov. . The utter ances of Frsncle t. Heney, who as agent of the government, praaecuted Oregon land frauds, has Injected a sensational feature ' Into the' campaign. Heney made speclfio chargea-of graft against the present administration and aald that Ruef waa the man who was respon sible. He said that Ruef was a grafter and he could prove It The attention of the grand Jury was called to Heney'a ststement. end the foremen announced that he probably would, call a meeting of the Jury to investigate the chsrges. Heney this morning refused to discuss what ths grand Jury will probably do, but added: 1 " "if I ever start after Busf, I'll land him In the penitentiary." m "Its up to Heney to make good his statement by producing oerore grand Jury proofs and evidence he says he hss in his possession - which will send Ruef to the penitentiary,'' said District Attorney Bylngton-hls morn- lnt 'Thrand -Jury-wilt -meet at o'clock this afternoon and I shall call their attention to the alleged atatement by Heney and ask that he appear before that body with his proof." , TO DOWN THE GANG. Ti ,' rhnadalphiaBav Drop' Partisanship to Onst O rafters From Control. , ' (Joeraal special service.) A Philadelphia, Nov. .Of the munici pal elections to be held In various ettlea throughout the country tomorrow that In Philadelphia atands out moat prom inently. The election is only for coun ty officers and ordinarily would be aq event of only paaalng notice.' But In reality it Is the culmination of the sen sational "runin" which Mayor Weaver had with the Republican machine this summer snd in fsct It la an actual test of the strength of the elements de manding decency and honesty In the ad ministration of the city government, as against the power of Intrenched corrup tion, , 1 , r All party llnea have been ef faoed in the contest, though ths Durham ma chine which has looted the city for years la hiding behind the name , of "Regular Republicans." The official name of the anti-gang organisation, headed by Mayor Weaver, la the -City party. . Both forcea have their nominees In tho field. They are running for the offices of sheriff, coroner and two coun ty oommlsslonershlps. The gang realises It la a fight for ex istence and It haa poured money Into the campaign In a way that haa surprised even best acquainted with the powerful resources and methods of ob taining revenue. ' The opposition, on the other handr has likewise waged a fierce right and has been backed up by all 'the better element of the city. It haa also benefited by the fsct that the Republi cans of other states.- Including cabinet officers and senators, havs steadfastly declined to come . to Philadelphia to speak in favor of the organisation in this city. President Roosevelt hss come out In open . denunciation of tha Re publican boea rule and his stand- haa been followed y the prominent party leaders throughout the country. TAINTED MONEY ISSUE. Millions Olvem by BrookefeUe to State r ... . ytawtnj tha Qaestloa. (Jooraal SpecUF Servlee.) Lincoln, Neb., Nov.- . One 'supreme Judge and two state university regents are in. aiaie omcera 10 oe voiea ror in Nebraska tomorrow. , Early In the cam paign the acceptance of railroad paases by state officials waa one of-the para mount Issues, but this haa "been over shadowed by the "tainted money" Issue raised by the Democrats. John D. Rock efeller and Chancellor K. Benjamin An drew of th state university have be come tne paramount issue. galnwt the oil magnate and his one- time political enemy. Andrews, are ar rayed all the Bryan forces of the state. as well as those Repubjicans who be lieve the acceptance of any of th Rock- tellers -money la a detriment and a harm to the University of Nebraska and they are trying to force the return to Rockefeller of the $6.000 which he last aummer donated to the university. The Democ ratio candidates for regent or tne state university have Issued a signed statement, saying that. If elect ed, they will us all their influence to force the return of Rockefeller's dona tion as well as to -force Chancellor An drew to leave the onlveralty or to re sign from th educational boardfwhlch is distributing th 110.000.000 which Rockefeller gave to the educational in atltutlons of th country. IN OLD DOMINION. BepnbUoaas for Tint Tim Try o Carry . . Tirglala With White Totee- (Joaraal Special Bervke.lN Richmond. Va., Nov. . In Vlralnla tomorrow, all state officers and half the senate and all the members of th lower Drancn or in general assembly are to be voted for. There are four tickets In the field Democratic. Republican, Soeiallet anoBoclalrt-Lbor.-Th latter two are formal nominations and are ex pected to poll less than (,000-rotes for ine two. Tne right ss ususl 1 between the Democrats and Republicans and all sign point to th ususl Democratic sufc impaigrmas been Interesting chiefly from the -fact that the Republi cans are noi reiving upon the negro vote, but for the first time are endeavoring to carry th Old Dominion aa a white man's party. The Democratic candidate for governor - is Claude A.' Swanson, former member of congress, snd the Republican candidate, Judge Lunsford L. Lewis of Richmond, who for 11 years wss.-presldent of the court of appeals. Tne negro question having been elimi nated. Industrial and educational Issues are paramount In the campaign. The free school took question Is the principal , Clarke & Co. Tell Why They Endorsed Vinol So Highly. First: -Vinol contains in a concen trated form -all of the medicinal cura tive elements of cod liver oil, aotually taken from fresh cods' livers, but with out a drop of ell to-fHraeet-n4 npsst th stomach, and retard Its work, there for where old-fashioned cod liver oil or emulsions Will do good, Vinol will do far mora good. Second: Because Vinol Is not a pat ent or secret medicine; It contains no Injurious drugs to react upon' the sys tem, and you know Just what you ara taking, as everything It- contains is printed on the back label of every bottle. Third: Because vinol acta nrst upon tha stomach, creates a healthy appetite, tones up tha digestive organs puriiles and enriches the blood, and In a nat ural, manner health . la restored, andr strength Is created. ' Fourth: Mine w first put., Vinol on th market our admiration -for It hss steadily ilncreasedi becans It rarely dis appoints a custodier. In fact we can truthfully aay we- never sold a medi cine more satisfactory to create strength for old people, weak, sickly women snd children, nursing mothers and to build up strength sfter a sever sickness. Again Vinol la -endorsed Dy eminent physicians ad guaranteed by over two thousand of the leading druggists of this country. .Thsse are some of the reasons why we believe In Vinol. Wood ard,' Clark ft Co., Druggists. . , Woodard ;:;i:-"J,.;:V--" : See Ovr Fine Line o! Ywth'i Suit and Overcoats issue, other Important questions being good roada. honest elections, equitable taxation and honesty and fJ, .PjiftjT; i - - BOSS COX THE ISSUE. TUtH of Attack Sa CHuur of Baling- City of OlnotnnaU. -- (Joaraal gpactal gerrles.) . Cincinnati. Nov. . Today wound up on of th hottest political campaigns Cincinnati has ever witnessed. The fight here, aa in numerous other cities this -year, is against boss rule. The target of attack in Cincinnati la George B. Cox, the Republican boss who has been -tn-ondtsputed control of he-party In this city for many years. - But the Cox machine haa a herd fight - on Its hsnda this year and It la regarded aa at leaat possible that tomorrow " It may meet Its Waterloo. Vice-Mayor Gor don, -tho- Republican-nominee- for-mayor, is opposed by Judge Jamea Dempsey, who, after th nomination, wreated con trol of the Democratic organization from John R. McLean'e lieutenant, Lewis Bernard, -amd la maulng his- light on an anti-graft - platform. Th Cox machine received a hard . blow when Secretary Ta ft, who Is a " resident of this city, declared that he would bolt th Republican ticket here Ifjie were to yote'thla yearr The Republican managera do not conceal their fear that thousands of their party may be influ enced by Secretary Taft'a denunciation and feel free to follow hla example. NEGRO VQTE THt ISSUE. G- .- Maryland Stag Host Bitter reofht Com test ta Star SOstory. ' Jaoraal gMrlal fervtoa.t " Baltimore, Nov. --. Though Mary land does not elect a governor this year. tomorrow's election will be the most bitterly fought In the political history of ths state and probably the most Im portant in lta effect upon both parties thst will be held in any of tha atatea thla year. A few minor state offloers are to be elected, but the only Issue Is th proposed Poe amendment to the constitution disfranchising th colored voters In th state. Senator Gorman la the father of the 'amendment and la making the fight of his life In its be half. The amendment' requires all cltl sens who ' were not voters themselves prior to January, list, snd are not de scended from voters of that period, to pas an examination on the constitution of Maryland before election official Charles J. Bonaparte, secretary of the navy, who Is now at the head of th Republican party in ftiaryiana. is oppos ing the amendment with all- hla. re sources ..and- It seems altogether prob able that th amendment may nave close call. . " IN KEYSTONE STATE. rattle Interest Manifested Ontsld of th City of Philadelphia. " (Jnarael Special Kerrfre.) Hsrrisbura-. Pa.. Nov. . Not a area t deal of Interest Is manifested 1n tomor row's election in Pennsylvania. The of-, flcea to be filled are those of state treaa- nrer and two Judges of the supreme court. There is no' contest In regard to the candidates for the supreme bench. Thla has left the "fight solely between the candldatea for state treasurer. The Republican candidate is J. Lee Plummer snd the Democratic candidate William H. Berry. Republican Stat Chairman Andrewa In a statement issued today declared that Mr. Plummer would be elected by th usual Republican off year majority. Democratic State Chalrmnn HalL on the other hand, appeara oonfl- dent that the fight against the Republi can machine In Philadelphia Is not ex- pec tea to out any ngure. in th result of th state electloii. If this Is true a Indicated the Republicans, will carry the staa by about tho usual figures. . Ji IN RHObE ISLAND. ; State XssW JCawlved ta Contest Oar- tn fcead Semoeratla'XoBts. (Jnwsal HpeelaltServie.) -Providence, R. I., Nov. . Rhode Island tomorrow electa a full state ticket from governor to state treasurer. The contest for governor Is of some general Interest, because It Is a repeti tion of the fight of lsst year when George H. Utter defeated. Governor Lu cius F. Garvin for reelection by MSI votes. The two tickets thla year are again headed by the same two leadera Garvin, the Democratic-nomine, la -. a prominent advocate of reform, and Is estremaly popular with the people. Only stat issues are Involved In the contest, one of th most prominent being s pro posal to revise th stat constitution. '- OVATION TO JEROME. 1 AH Wall Street atop Work to Lists to ' s Dlstrtot Attorney. r-.. I Journal Special Service.) ' New York, Nov. 1 All Wall street stopped work at noon. Brokers, bank ers and all went to the -meeting1 In fa vor of Jerome. A great throng listened to a Tattling, speeek- for Jerome by Ev . .. HEADEST PERFECTIOll- Boys' Suits and Overcoats : JUST THE SAME AS IN OUR MEN'S CLOTHING- SUPERIOR IN, STYLES. SUPERIOR IN FIT AND SUPERIOR IN QUALITY. We buy only the reliable sort and expect to give nothing but : COMPLETE SATISFACTION. Our two great departments offer an endless variety of new ' models for school or for dress. -,S V' Boys' Suits from Boys' Overcoats The Greatest Clothing blouse in the Northwest. erett Colby. Colby urged his hearers to give the grafters a knockout blow. Jerome spoke and was forced to climb through th window on account of th crowd. He was very hoars and only snok a few minutes. He was forced by th crowd to speak again outdoors. -J . INDIANA ELECTIONS. Olty U State Votes Tom ox row lenters 1st Indianapolis. ' (Josraal Special ' Berries.) , Indianapolis, Nov. . In every In corporated city In Indiana th first lection under th new municipal code will be held tomorrow. Local issues are paramount,, but the party Teaders on both aides ar alive to the im portance of winning, as th new officers will serve for four years...-. Under the present cod th term Is two years. The next set of officials will be In of fice' during two state campaigns and on national . campaign, hence th im portance of the result In th eyes of the far-seeing party leadera. As a matter of course, the chief Inter est centers In th contest in this city, Charles A. Bookwaltsr, for th fourth tlm within six years. Is the--Republican candidate for mayor. With a record of-twe defeats and on victory at th polls, he is ssklng for a vindication ot hla administration, which was: refused In ltot. Msyor John W. Holtsman. who defeated him tben is -again leading th -aemoeratlo- party, ' with George I Hits, - an Independent, completing th trio of candldatea, as h did two years ago. Msyor Holtsman la eonrronted with a small revolt in his own party and ther la no telling what tha result will be until after th votes ar polled and counted. ANTI-MORMON i PARTY. ' n.BSBX.sawssM ' ' ' i Salt ivaka SUa sranr American Party te right th Xlerarohy. '" ;',. (Joarasl B&erlal Berrlce.) " Salt Lake City. Utah; J4ov. . The municipal campaign which closed today has been chiefly Interesting because, ot the activity of - the American party, organised to oppose th Mormon church In city and slat politics. - Th part has In nomination , lta first . municipal ticket, with Esra Thompson aa Its can didate for mayor. ,- Mr. Thompson Is a mining 'man and capitalist and -was formerly mayor of tha city, being elected as a Republican.--The platform of the American party charges "that the Mormon hierarchy owns both the Republican and Democratic machlnea." Both the-Republicans -snd Democrats have complete city "tickets. Ton Johnson a Victor. ' (Joarnal SpecUlSeryc.JL Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. I. An unbiased canvass of th situation on tha closs of th local campaign today leads to th belief that tomorrow's election will re sult In the choice of Mayor Tom I Johnson for a third term. - . " PREACHERS DECIDE (Continued from Pegs One ) To this remark Dr. Hous replied dramatically.. vTha opponents of this question knew that It was to b discussed here. he said, with emphasis.' "Why are they not here? There was an open call for speakers on th other side and no re sponse. This is the time, her and f-now. to pass on this-question. Let us meet the Issue squarely) To put It off would be manifestly unfair to these women!" There was a storm of ap plause and It was evident that a Ma jority of those - present were for ln- Dr. Wilson retaliated with this: "It Dr. Hous thinks sny minister Is afraid to talk on thla subject, I will gladly present ' th other side of the question In on week a time, or In on month. But I. certainly would feel ashsmed to go from a meeting of clergymen strrh as thla believing that speech was cut off' because of a- demeg6gio speech. 'Stand by then women? .i., v Mor Firs and Brimstone. At this point Rev. Henry - Maroott put In a vehement objection that nothing In the entire meeting had been orderly. Thla brought th moderator to his feet. .. 1 ' i "I will leave that question to sny real Judge of parliamentary law," he de clared. . There waa mor argument as to what should be dons and finally Dr. Brougher moved that Inaamuch as one side had not been heard there be arranged a Joint debste, the program commute of th alliance to select three speakers; to rep- CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Till fki Yoa Hati Alxajx Eiit BaarS ths Slgnstars f $2.15 Upwards $3.50 Upwards ON EASY NOW IS THE TIME to select - your . holiday presents don't wait until the. Christmas rush is on.. Now you can do it more conveniently, besides you find a larger selection to choos from. . - - DIAMONDS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY are the most acceptable of all holiday gifts. Nowhere in the city can you find a more complete stock than here, and at prices far SEE OUR DISPLAY WINDOW. GET OUR PRICES: 74 THIRD ST IT DIDIN'T HURT , A BIT la sraat tkey say ef ear sMtseds ef emi iMhi mfe. Wa a work tor aeaels freat at ef the city eeleklr aml ear aeUr. BvefTtalag a Sate. aaaoara. WISE BROS., Dentists the ralllBg, est. B.'T. . JwTgS. No Matter : Hew badly yoa want "toa,- soawr en ta ouallr aa eut to stake it to roe -If roar seeurltr Is ample. Jnat watc. Tne Joarnal'a" 'Tloanclal" """inoner to "Idea ass. suffragists to select three whom they may please. This will take plae about on month from now and probably will be open to all. While no definite arrangements have been made, doubtless Dr. Hill, who wss and Dr. Allen will be two of th speakers for th opposition. i At this morning's session It wss' sp parent thst the suffragists had a major ity. Many, however, -r In th earn position as-th secretary. Rv W. - G Hayes, who declares that while he Is personally a suffragist he believes that question has nothing to do wun eitner morality or Christianity and h objects to lta IntroduottDn. s SAYS PLAN WAS WOODMENS (Contlnued'rrohi Page On.) r a year without accruing any interest. So general was th feeling that It was reflected In the "Woodmen papers; nu merous artlrtlea-havw-been printed, cen suring th treasure?, Open statement have been made In the public prints by officers of thst order, expressing dls satlafactlon with the . disposition oi funds, of so sacred chsrscter. . Contract Ve Oateld Tlrm. It Is understood, too, 'thst th Wood men were displeased with th failure ef the hub-committee on selection, of the monument to permit Portland marble, workers to bid for the contract. It Is said by members of all four -local marble and granite Arms that, they were assured time and again that they would be notified when-th sub-committee waa ready to accept bide, but, that, -die- regarding Its promises, the committee let th contract to H. O. Wright. "In these days of so general a shaking np of publlo affslrs and Investigations.1 said th Woodman heretofore .quoted, It is in my opinion pertinent to sir th transactions In connection with this monumant that never came and th dedl. cation of a testimonial that never waa dedicated." - , '.-'.. Stoasa tHvea ZJf Job. , (Joaraal Special Service.) Nw Tork. Nov. . O' Donovan Rosea haa accepted the secretaryship ft the Cork county eounrll.-a life position, ana will sail for Ireland nest Saturday ssswswmssajsm asssnanssessssaassw i it s i r r Misses' Man-Tailored . Suits- and Coats DIAMONDS WATCHES PAYMENTS - - - - - 'v- -- - NEAR OAK. tab aad Waaklastea. SB. W. A. WTBS. lOSBSr -1OB0B WATST. - -" Pacaera Mo. SsML - . -' 1 AS Usems AAowed. -' Th waist her dcaoce4 Is that wlU be Hked by every salsa. It sj i st light bin China sSk. wtrh a dainty combination of all-over aaee. Tory pretty affects as obtainable from stain or Baay. y taffeta, pongee, wool gasaev vesl aad ttararnsk - .. .. . ' Th pattern la h i else XI t IT years. ' Tor a mass ot B ysawa, tb waist a rap resentad requlrea SH yards) of CBataetsl S) Inches wide, with eo yard of alt-over goods IS tnobea wide; or of on material, VSt yards inches wide, t yard It Inches wtd. SH yards iocha wide, t r yard 4 Inches wtd. Prte. it easts. nra omaoow dailt joxrsurAX wtl San ABOYS VATTXSOr ronT- rtxo wtot macsxrr o Ne las. Name ........... Address s) t atr Stats 1 -.- .