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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND. . MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER C. 1S03. ol. CHOUGIIER ADVISES YOUIlG fJEO T0GII00SE CIIRISTIANiVIFE ; Decries theCiddy Butterfly of Society Life as Imprac . ticable Helpmate. CHRISTIAN HOME IS ; , - NEAREST TO HEAVEN Beauty Should Not Count Much, Says Preacher Han and ..Woman J of Sharply Different Creeda Cannot Be Congenial. . , ViV , ''.. Dr. J. Wbltcomb Brougher last night i the White Tempi gave the Initial errtioo la 'the series on "How to Bt Happy Though Married." the subject be ing1 "Choosing a. We." The subject ' proved attractive aa. was evidenced by the large attendance. Long before the opening of the service the large double auditorium was completely filled. Sev eral hundred people were standing, while crowds were turned away, unable to sain entrance. 1 ;--; There was a bright program of mu- ' ale, -and three young women were bap tised. The popular subject met with tne approval ot the congregation In the way - it ' was handled, nd appreciation frequently expressed by applause. Dr. Brougher swayed the vast audience sit will from laughter to solemn ooosld-; . eratlon of life's weighty decisions.. , Hj ; spoke as follows; . - " -. , ; Chrlstiaa Some Important. "There la nothing so important Ln..this world as a Christian home. These tw words 'Christian' and 'home.' represent the most vital forces In human destiny. Tne home wis founded before any other Institution. I'pon it rest the churcn, "trm Trotf Tund-'ttTe- natloni Whatever the liome is, tnese others will soon become. It is the most potent factor for good and evil la the -world', today,- - The model . nrlatian home, wlth-sll that It mean, la the nearest type of heaven that we ill find on earth. The Chrlatless home, with all that means. Is the nearest typ of hell to be found on earth. Between these two types every home will take Its place. ' .Y. ' "it Is in behalf of the Christian home that I preach, this series of sermons. The old type of home Is fast pausing sway. With It the family altar Is going. Boarding house life and the necessity of living in flats nave made It Impossi ble In many . Instances to have the old type of ' home, with the family around the table at night, reading good books, enjoying healthful amusements, and closing the day with family prayer, and ha going -out on-the morrow with re newed strength to meet life's duties and responsibilities. j - - . . . Mot Boost for a Bog. "In many of our. modern flats there Is hardly room to raise .a dog. .let alone aTamtiy. If yuu' aeep a- dograa Mar shall P. Wilder says. It will have- to be a flat dog a dog that wags his tall up and down, for he hasn't room to wag It otherwise.1 But in face of all the adverse circumstances, we ought to make an earnest and conscientious eX true home. - What the home Is will depend entirely upon the Individuals who com pose It.. --- - -. .... "Tonight we consider the question ef choosing a wife. This Is ths first great - tp -in making or marring the home. 1' h. nilrful in Anr Ihouvhtl OB this subject by the servsnt of Abraham, as he goes to choose a wife frf Isaac Parents' Advlos rateable. ' ! JFlrst, he sought the advice of Father Abraham, ' As "Abraham drew near to the end ofilfe he saw the desirability of tsaae's having a wife. , He called a trusted servsnt to him and made him swear that he would under no clrcura- . stances select a woman from among the Canaanites. This advice ' was 4n harmony . with what God had taught Abraham' years before. Hsppy Is that young man who has a truly godly father and mother to advise him In the choice of a .young woman for a wife. However, about the last person a young man wilt - consult is his father or mother. He is ant altogether to blame Tor this. Many parents are not inter ested enough In the future, success of their children to watch careful the character of the companions wlthwhom .they go. Many parents would not -be capable of giving proper advice, even If they "were consulted. They are either inatrrerent or cise iney are lniiueucrro by Improper motives. " Cant Sway Xaa la iKrve. v "If parents are eo negligent ef their - sons' deetlny that they will. wait until they are In love before they give -their ' advice then they - might as well keep their mouths shut. After a young man .Is once In. love there Is -no power In - -heaven or on earth, or In hell, that will turn him. -If a young man waits until he Is In love before he seeks advice he might as wsll not1 auk for It. He would never change his mind anyway. . Abra- considering 'do not take a woman from Great China . , and i Crockery Sale r It -'will ; save - y ou . lots .of money Valuable -A 'Coupons given v : w i t If e very -purchase-. Don't miss this sale, Great .'; ..1. American Importing Tea Co. tM First Wt. - . stoftlaaa. al Wasalng-toa pi. f """( Our 100 stores help us to help yon union the Canaanites,' Let there be no Intermarriage between the godly and the ,ungodly.Xltwen people . with dia metrically opposed-arinclpleg and ideals. Here Is one of the chief causes 01 un happlneas -In the home today. God taught In the Old Testament, and re iterated It la the New.' that Deuevers are not to be unequally 'yoked together with unbelievers.' The Bible knows what it Is talking about. Where there is a fundamental difference In principle between Individuals there can never t the fullest happiness. 1 -. .- Must Xavs Sans Creed ' The old prophet was light when he said,- Two cannot walk together except they be agreed.' Roman Catholics and Protestants can never .realise the high est happiness In thT(,home unless one or the other is . .ling to surrender jits convictions. This -la speolally true if children are to be trained In that home. You cannot mix oil and water without putting In lye and then It becomes soft soap. We neve a lot of soft-soap mar riages that soon dissolve In the hot waters- of matrimonial difficulties. A marriage in which this ' fundamental principle Is Ignored 1s almost certain to end In unhspplneae.' . , mirM Woman Sseestlal. - "Second, he followed the guidance of Clod. He asked God to give htm good speed, and direct htm In the choice of a proper young woman. 'About the last thing a young man thinks of doing Is to go t the Lord for direction In his love affairs. A young man was advised by his grandmother to depend- upon the .Lord for his wife. - He replied In consternation:' Has it come to that? Whether a man shall be made or marred by marriage depends almost -entirely upon the choice he makes of . a wife. Nothing is better than a good woman. f she is the right woman for you. Noth ing is worse than a bad- woman, or even the wrong woman for you. -Better ask direct you In this matter, wo other book has spoken with ilk au thority, as the. Bible on this subject. God crested man and gave him a help meet - He has declared that It la not good for :. man "to-be alone.' - He, whtr created us and knows alt about us. can surely direct ua so as to realise the hap piness of the Ideal home, - Before you stsnd beneath the orange blossoms, ask God about It, and. let him lead you. . Boat Advertise for a Wife. - "The- young man who believes In the direction of Ood. will not advertise for a wife. Such- a plan la absolutely dis gusting. A yoUng man advertised un der an assumed name for a wife, and his slstsr answered the advertisement un der an assumed name. . When they met. you can imagine their surprise and dis gust. -They both went home sorry they had two fools In the same family. Too many of our young men are blinded by passion, and moved by unholy de sire,- when they come, to 4a chotoe ot a wife. No young man who realises the tremendous Importance of this mat ter will look upon marriage as a lot tent. In which be is just as liable to draw : a blank asa : prise. . Sir. John Moore-compared -the selecting of awlfe to the getting of an eel out of a bag et snakes. The man who puts his band in ths bag to catch an eel Is more than liable to be stung by a snake. The man who looks upon marriage In that light, ought to be stung. Ood never jnnrfwi it to be so. Bachelor Oaiy Xalf a "Man and woman are the complement or each other. What one lacka the other baa, and if properly mated, they make a full rounded life. A bachelor is only half a man. Let's not make fun of him. Let's pity him. Hs can't help It Tou know the small boy said: 'A bache lor Is a man who ain't got no wife, and donn 'went no wife, and who can't get no wife.' By the very nature of things. mon and women love each others' com pany. It Is In accordance with, the decree of Ood and the fundamental na ture of man. ' "Ood meant when he made thla world - - cheerful and bright. And looked It all over and aald 'twas au right. Then stole Adam's rib while be lay fast ' asleep, And whon he awoke gave It to him to ,:, aeep. , . , . . JHe meant that this world as he gased on 11 mere,. Should blossom with homes, rich, ra- .linn u . fci, . - That his chain of love .gold '. flung from neaven s - gHttering dome. lffnouid be forged Into Hi link .a home.' ' Okaraeter Oouata. Thira, he chose a young woman of cnaracter., it Is character that counts here. There were four characteristics mentioned by "ehe servsnt concerning He- urnuu. jney are wortn noticing. nrst. she was fair to look ypon. She had beautiful features. - It was not the complexion that can, be bought at 2( cents a box. There Wie--no deception of paint and powder, pencil and primp ing. She was naturally beautiful and attractive, tsne was not a giddy butter fly of society, so fixed up that you could not-tell where the .humbug ended and the woman began. She was neat and careful in her dress. land would at. tract the attention of eny sensible young man. . neiecc a young woman -wrho - 1s neat and modest In her dress,' and do not select her simply for her beauty. If she has It, all well and good, but there .- la something deeped snd more lasting ' than' merely the external ap pearance. A young woman maybe ex ceedingly homely, and . yet be worth 1.000 times more to a. young man io make him a hsppy home then some beautiful creature who. Is lacking In the fundamentals of true womanhood. . . .. 5 - rersonallty Counts. .' "It Is said that Madame de Btae! was anything but beautiful, but the beauty of her life-and character gave her such a hold upon the minds , of men thst Napoleon fesred her Influence, destroyed her writings and banished her from France. A besutlful personality and character will make up for alt-other failures. " - . "' -v,.; , "Second, she vwss true-hearted and loyal. She wss pure In heart and Ideals. She wss not one of your simpering, silly, flirting, hungry-eyed young women. Of, course, there are only a few soft young women In -the .world. - No young men sver thinks of marrying them. Ho may go wMththem. and make foole of them, but when he come to choose a young woman for..a .wife,the. sensible young man will at least choose. a sensible young woman, who can be serious and sober, ss well as bright and cheerful. No true-hearted young man will ever think about tying hlmef up to a silly flirt, who smiles st him without an In troduction, .and flits from beau to beau, as the butterfly from, flower to flower. Bhe msy think that she Is .popular. In a way. she Is. but she will never be the one that sensible young man will choose for his -wife. - , Xadastrloai Oirt Oood Cboloe. ' "Again.- she was' industrious. Re beksh was helping In the household af fairs. ' Bhe cams Out to draw water COAL FOR WORLD ALASKA Reports : Show Fields Unlimited " in Quantity and of Highest ." ' , Quality Known. TOCO'S COUSIN CALLS IT EQUAL TO CARDIFF George A. Moomaw Declares Steam- ahlp Line Between Portland and North la Imperative and Only a KU.tterJ-.wTime-TPlenty of Trade, "The future coal supply of the world is" destined to be found in Alaska," said Oeorge A. Moomaw. special agent of the Alaska Petroleum Coal company, who recently has arrived from Seattle, where he . met officials of ths company just returned from Alaska. . ' "Government reports and private In vestigations show that the Alaska coun try has unlimited quantities," he said. And a remarkable feature . of Alaska coal la that it burna without araoke and leaves absolutely no cinders." The Alaska Petroleum Coal com pany owns- six miles of waterfront in Alaska. It is located In the famoua Kayak district On the company's prop erty Is located the townsite of Catalla, which Is today a thriving village of be tween 800 and 400 Inhabitants. Two years ago there was a log hut on the site. Tha United 8tatecommlssloner's office and the office of the government recorder are located at present at Ca talla. . The property la situated on a harbor that, because of the Jspanese current. Is never closed, and the climate Is about the same as at Portland. "If Portland men take up the matter properly, there must be a line of steam ers running from this port to Alaska. ' said Mrv Moomaw. There is at present plenty of trade. The Seattle line or steamers '. Is taxed alwaya, and If . th.) people of thla city would go after It in- the right way Portland certainly might get a good share of the Alaska business." - - - r - A cousin , of the Japanese admiral. Togo, visited the. coal fields ot Alaska recently for tne purpose - or - in vesu gatlng them officially for his govern ment. . He declared that the coal was superior in all respects to any that could be procured elsewhere on the Pacific. He also stated that It was Identical with the coal produced at the mines at Cardiff,- Wales, which was used by the Japs In wiping out the Russian fleet. . Investigations have been wade1 of the ooal fields by Professor Crosby of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He insists that the future coal supply of the world must be found In Alaska and declares that the quality Is superior to that of any coat except that pro duced In the mines of West Virginia. VPortland-is so deeply- Interested Jn Alaska' and everything that pertains to that section." said Mr.. Moomaw, "that I believe it . is only- a. matter bf . time when a regular steamship traffic will be maintained between this port ' and that country." " - - , from the well, when the servant met her. She was bearing her part of the household .duties. She was not spend ing her time In idleness. A young lady who has nothing to do but reed novels, play. the.plano a- little, sing a Utile, paint a - little pictures, I mean and knows nothing about cooking or house keeping, would never make a suitable wife for the ordinary young man."-The ordinary young man wants a helpmeet not merely a help to eat meat. It is trus that a young man should not be looking for a sertntnt. . But a young woman who is-going to know how to direct household affairs, take care of the servants, administer the finances of the house with economy, and proper ly train the children that may come under her care, must be an Industrious, Intelligent 'young woman,. . Beneroelty Oood Quality. "Last of all, she! was hospitable, un selfish, kind and generous. Rebekah gave the servant a drink, gave his camels a drink find showed a generous and kindly--disposition. - Down beneath the attractions of her beautiful- face, there was ' a beauty fchsracter that Influenced .the whole life. A woman with a, sweet disposition, with a kind and generous heart, who knows how to cTmrroteTemrjrnaTSeronaue. married' toThe" right kind of a man, will make a happy home wherever she msy be. Robert Hall was asked on one occasion. If he were going to marry a certain young lady. Knowing her fiery temper, and the lack of harmony-In the home, he replied: 'Marry Miss So and So! I would Just ss 3lef marry the devil's daughter, and go home to live with the old folks.' Only the young woman with the Chrlstllke character can form the basis of a home that shall be the Introduction of heaven on earth. Musbaad Mast Bs Jure. "But, young. man. you have no right to the heart ana hand of a Christian young woman until you are a Christian yourself. You are asking a. young woman to leave everything and give an to you. xou Did her leave for your saks the paternal name;- you bid her cut nerseir awsy from old associations! you call her to risk her entire self in a devotion sacredly and awfully meas ureless and come to you. .. You have no right ts ask a young woman thua to give herself unreservedly to you, un less you have a true, pure, noble man. hood to offer her in return. - You would not marry a girl that you knew to be fast What right have you to ask her to do what you would not dot You want a pure,- upright.--noble - young woman. inen you snouid be a true,' noble, upright. Christian .young maa Be true yourself, and then seek a true yoang women for a wife, and- tinder the guidance of Ood you msy begin a home that shall be filled with ioy and hannlneaa . - . REV. A. L BLACK DENIES LITERAL HELL OF FIRE y - Rev. A Lawrence Black, pastor of the Cavalry Baptist church, does not toe. lieve In a literal hell lake of fire and brimstone where the wicked sings and frr forever. In a sermon last night on "Heaven r Hell the Destiny of Every Men,", he ssld: " -"I wish we were rid of that -ancient and heathenish Idea of hell that picture Batan -with a fork casting men Into seething flames. . Hell It simply wick edness left to Its course. What Is the fruit of evil In this life? When you have seen it and when you have sepa rated evil from all good and when you have multiplied all the evil of this world and Hs attendant results by Infinity and extended Its existence' to eternity, then you have hell. .There Is where yon art goiuf 11 you refuse to go to heaven.' i - v; . c ..... -. .. " EVERYTHING f.IUST GO QUICK Monster Closing-Out Sale of Ex . position, Slightly Used, Rented and I Sample, Styles of Pianos, : Pianola Pianos, Pianolas, jStc, . at Enormous . Reductions ; at Eilers Piano House, -'.' Just received word that our ChH.r. mas stock or beautlrul new Chlckerlngs, Webers, Klmballs, Pianola Pianos, Pia nolas, etc., will arrive In a few days. A little earlier than we expected, but we must make room quick. We must have all the floor space In our salearoome now occupied by Exposition, slightly used, rented snd sample styles of Pia nos, Pianola Pianosr-Pianolas, etc. Msny Instruments were rented to ho tels and rooming-houses for the term of the Exposition. ' All have been . thor. oushly gone over In our repair shop, and now are In our retail department, good as new. , - In adoltlon, we are going to close out during thla sale slightly used pianos, some being taken as purt payment on the Pianola Piano, or Chlckerlngs, Web ers or Klmballs. Many of them have only been in homes for a short time. A few eampte pianos also included. Every thing must go. Not a question of profit; we must get rid ox them in double-quick time, and we have marked them down to practically cost price. , ' ,-. - , i . v i- ' :r - V ' Look These Over. - Two dainty LagondasJ $325 style, now im each.. Fine Marshall Wendell, oak case, now 1318.- Besutlful Hobart M. Cable, largest slse Cabinet Orand, Slightly marred, $460 style, now $260. Beuutlful Bailey, largest slse. Colonial style, $192. - A fine new Lester, beauti ful walnut case, slightly damaged In transit, '- $8$. Largest-slsed Singer, fanciest ease, $156; another Singer, not quite so large. $148. Fine Gilbert U Co. upright, reliable old Boston make, good as new, $187. Beautiful Stuyvesant, taken as part payment on Pianola Pi ano, now $2ftii. Fanciest style Weser Bros. Orchestral Orand, $218. Fine Hlnse .mahogany caaeJ178. Beautiful Jacob Doll mahogany, $210. Largeat stsed Whitney, beuutlful oak case, good as new, $218. Klegant Omaha Exposition-style Kimball. $318. Another fine Marshall Wendell, mahogany case, $236. "Largest-slsed Wing A Son Or chestral Orand. $128. Mugnlflcent wal nut case Brlnkerhoir, $200. Largestr slsed Baus, $210. lOtegant walnut case $600 styls Schiller, now $246. Beauti ful Hardraan, large else, only slightly used. $266. Fine Wesley, oak ease, $U8. Beautiful Victor,' Colonial style, largest slse, $276. Two fine new Pease, discon- tlnnJ t vlM tlita Wh. . W , - - Will Go Quick. . - Remember, there Is no time to lose. Every Instrument will go quick at these low figures. Don't delay. Come, write or telephone at once. Payments to-suit your convenience. Buy now. pay later. Please do not forget that Eilers Piano House guarantee accompanies each in strument sold, and if not found after delivery exactly eatieractory or as rep resented, your "money back." Eilers Piano House, Retail Department, 161 Washington street,- corner-Park. ' - Alaskan Says City Is Better and Bigger Market Seattle. Than TRANSPORTATION LINE - -: ALL THAT IS NEEDED Slaveys Being- Made for Railroads - Into Copper and Coal Districts and Development of Country . Is Pro- T greasing Wonderfully! . ' ' S. Blum, a merchant and banker at Valdes, accompanied by his wife. Is in Portland for a few days- on business. At the Portland hotel,- talking of yhe opportunities for business men of this city In merchandising slong the coast between Kyak and Valdes, Mr. Blum said: . - ' (- ' WhUeiJPort1snd wholesale mwrchanta. already do some business In our coun try, they could do a great deaTTnor If there were- transportation facilities direct ; between this city and Alaskan porta. Portland Is a larger and better market. than Seattle. Its wholesale In terests are heavier. - Naturally, the mer chanta of Alaska prefer to trade with the best market In buying their goods. But all the vessels operate to Seattle, and they buy there aa a matter of con venience." . Mr. Blum anld thst the stretch of coast of 160 miles between Kyak and Valdes, i and 180 miles beyond Valdes to Sewa?d, this year showed a great Increase In volume of trade with the sound and San Francisco. The total tonnage received " at these three Alas kan ports he estimated at 75,000 tons, including the rails for the rsllrond thst Is being built 1 from Seward ljito the Interior, - ' -Tonnage WU1 Be Doubled. "tfext year this tonnage will be more than doubled. Surveys are being made for a railroad from Valdes into the great copper district tributary to it, and another from Kyak into the coal fields, : Valdes Is to become the trade center ot the .greatest copper district In the world. Men .Interested in de veloping these properties'-have begun construction of the Copper River & Northwestern railroad, from Valdes In land, and that city .Is the. key to the copper situation. The Havemeyers have Invested $7(0,000 In preliminary devel opment of the Bonansa copper mines. It is said they have $24,000,000 copper values In sight. 'There are other good properties under development. Including the copper mine of Hubbard "A Elliott, Crawford Amand and Henry Brate nober." . - The Copper River tk Northwestern railroad will be completed next season to the nearest copper mines,-snd will be extended far Into the Interior. In land 260 miles, on.ttie upper Tanana, What" two words mean most to your grocer? and what do they mean?, V Schilling;' t Best and they mean a good deal of business without, arty trouble. ;' WEALTH BECKONS rPORILAIID When You . . ","'' ? .,-....,... . , . - ' It I V I . i - , s.e. tare jr...... 'w - r. ... . FOOT I . .... Given away f with all : purchases of $5.00 or over in our BoyS- and YouthsV Department THE of Commerce . . Capital $8,700,000 - Reserve $3,500,000 , Portland .Branch. 141 "Washington. ..' ' E. A. -.WYU), Manager. - TravcJersT letters of CrcdiT Available Is all parts of the world US branches tn. Canada and the United Statea, Including: . - San ranolaoo, Besttla, Vlctorla.Yaa- couver. Nanalmo, New .Wtstmine- ter,, Dawson (Tukon). Drafts, Issued on" any Branch y : . Transfers of money to oil. from any part of Canada by letter cr 1 telegram.- A General Banking Business Transacted Henry Bratnober has uncovered a great deposit of-native copper. ' John Rosens of Seattle Is president of the road, and It Is being, built. by New Torlt and Se attle capital. ',', ' Oood Boad to Fairbanks. A good road, on which the United States government has spent 110.900 this season, extends . 325 miles' from Valdea to Fairbanks, , on the Tanana. There are rondhouses along . the ' way, and the .traveler no longer .need pack anything going In. The Alaska Central railway, building from Reward to Fair banker1 will be the sll-Amerlcsn route to interior Alaska. -It Is aald there Is a steady. decreeof ' business via . the White eii),' route, which has' beeiTthe: favorite Vine Tor Heattle - merchandise. The development of ports fanner west on the 'Alaskan 'coast all favor the nit- slde passage for steamship ; business. and on this route Portland would be on an. equality with the sound s to dls: tance and character of : voyage. The voyage from Seattle to Kyak, Valdes and Seward requires nine days, flvs of which are outside the chain of isl ands thst protects ships front rough weather between BeaUla and-Skugway. The trip from Portland to Kyalr, Val des and Seward would require but flvs days. - so that there would be no ad vantage In the Seattle run for passen ger or freight business to those points. A new boat,, the Oregon, Is to be start ed In November on the outside run from Seattle to Valdea, ; ' .j The United Statea government recog nising the; rapid growth of business, this season made mall contracts amounting to 196,000 for carrying the 12 malls every month from Valdes W Interior points, . . . .,.. Prominent Uaiversallst Oomlag. Rev. Dr. C Eltwood, national field secretsrv of the ITnlversalist chhrch of America, will be In Portland neat J See It In Our Ad. It's So i OVEiCCDAT At this store of No need of paying more 'elsewhere t$3 to $5 in a long way to Christmas" cheerful - save it by ' BALLS AND FOOT BALL PANTS S3 NEWCASTLE NUT, NEWCASTLE LUMP : AUSTRAUAN, ROSLYN, PEACOCK ROCK SPRINGS, FRANKLIN ---IlQwIpRICES ON OTHER COALS 1 r First Prize Gold Medal awarded by Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition THE PACIFIC COAST CO. CH AS. H. GLEIM, Agent V : 249 Wasliington St BagaKKMaaKsCaCMKI Teeth-NoPain Marvelous Is whst all -the dentists say about the wonderful system. of Alveolar Dentistry,- originated and practiced ex clusively In Portland by Boston Dentists, 89.1 hi Morrison street. We save teeth If only a good root remains. We restore old decayed teeth to - usefulness-and beauty. ' i. ,. ' We replace' lost or absent teeth with out plates. We extract teeth, without ; pain . free of charge. ' ' . , We treat and tighten loose teeth, and soft or-bleeding . gums. ttt. made sound and healtajr, , : : we-guiyanter our plates to (It We give you the best dental work for the lowest cost consistent with flrst clssg work. Come and hsve free exsml nation and 'consultation and learn for yourself what ws can do for you. Y j ... h. a MlalTV ea Boston Painless Dentists sm Jforrlaon st Opp. Meier ft nnk , aad PostofCoe. SOUKS e o a. m. io I p. aa.' Sua flay, SiSO a. jm. te It 30 p. m. week and will give an address at the I'nlversallst church. Bast Eighth snd East Couch streets, Wednesday evening. I.lttle Colds" neglected thousands of lives sscrlflced every year. tr. Wood's Norwsy Pine Ryrup cures little colds cures hlg colds, ion, down tov the very verge of consumption. GOOD VALUES. your pocket will; go help1 making next. nurcnasiner nere. - v ,. . ..... -; - ' ' & OAK The Coal to Buy How to Burn It " - .. --, . is the all absorbing economic question of the house owner. A trial of any of the following " brands will solve it speedily : and to your satisfaction. Telephones 229 and 237 aataacarjcastB-trJczansC O f SPICESo CCrreEeTEAv DAinr.opovDzn, acn:;:wiaTRAas eluNPuriry. flrmrFlivor, CrtStrtnh.Crawrkfricei . CL0SSET Ct DZYER5 ; PORTLAND, ORXfJ 9 N.- Till, SaTAPPT WZATXnaVO- aasTS OOA&. . - yit. ARC TtlC COAL BARONS Of this, msrket. We sell the products of sll the mines. There Is nothing small about as but our prices. Ring up " " MAIN 2776 , And let us tell you all about It Vulcan Coal Co. -as avairscDa araaaT. ,e ..I -V ' -- - - ...'-; -