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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1905)
THE OREGON -DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMEI 1C05. , c: -if ( - .' mh Im ii c m if m aatssa. vJes k sr if Wwa-Za- $ I I n Entered at the psitorrtra t Portland! Oregoa, i"r crMtM'intrtMtum through lu avail u eecouu- rlaae Muitlcr. Coat tor slual coiiles: I'm- aa 10 or J2-I-.K p-wer, 1 mm: ii u iid pag..' uts; 2 lu M page. I ctutl, - , IILEPHOMM-.'. !".::.':fbkr.trr K.lli.wla ltUIUM Rooma. i...... oific TOBIIGlf ABVZRTISINO REP ESEsITATTYB, tec land-Hei. jam In hieclal Adrerrlniiig Agency, .Vimii atreet, ,bew" lock', 4'rUnine alulluV UBSC1IFTI0V SATES. Tarsas ar Cerrter. The Deny Journal, with Nuudey. 1 year... $7. VI ll Dally Journal, I year. , S.HO t'lie lllr Journal, wltk Mumlay. 4 montbs. 3.73 Ilia Imllr-Jnurusl. months S.OO Tla Iiallr Journal, wllk Huielsy. S months. 1.W3 The Hallv Journal. S months.... l.ttl Hi INitlv Jiatraal. with NniMlay, I month.. .03 Imlly, per week, delivered. Bandey la- eluded .13 Tli 1 "a 1 1, per work, dJlvrd. Sunday 1- ceiited .30 Tana, by Mail. . TIM Daily Journal, with Honday, 1 year.... $7 .00 Tim lmlly Journal, I roar.. 5.1X1 The Dally Jmirnal, with Sunday.. nontba. S.73 Th I'Mly Journal, 0 monfha 2.T3 TInj Twitgr Journal, with Komla.v, $ month. 1.40 TIM lfelly Joaraal, 8 months. ...... , lu Iiallr Journal, with Sunday. Laauuth.. Tb Iiallr Journal. 1 .,r. ..w.v .60 Tli Sunday Jmirnal, 1 year ., 2.'l TIM Sunday Journal. S month ..'.., 1.00 The Swni-W.eahry .Journal To Semi-Weekly Journal, 8 IS pa i each .. Issue, lllnatratetL -full mark!, re port, 1 jrar . !. ' Kemlttanee should b mail by draft, postal oolt-a, express order and smsll aaaounf ark acceptable in 1 and 2-ceat reartage atsmp. THE JOUAKAL. P. O. Bex 121. Portland. Oregoa. WHIII TBI JOTTIVAL MAT E TOVMD. Tli jonrnal can ba foaad ea aakt at tba futhnriair plaoaa: -w ... IDAHO H. fcVIlar Co.; W. B. Ue- llltjrr. - rilli'AitO Peatofflr Keara company 178 Dear born vtrert. DKNVKK, (OI.OBADO-J. Black, Slxterath and t "art la arrwta. K.SNHAS I'lTV Tan Kojr Neira maipanr. - .MIWKAPOUSM. J. Karanangb, 60 Boatk Third trt. NK.W VOKK ITT BrMttano'a, In ton aqnar. OMAHA Millard Hot! new atand: lirtk Mtatkmerr romnaar. iiih Ptmia atret. HALT I.AKR tTTV Knrn Hotel nw etand Harrow Una. 44 Wat Bprond aft, Ronth. T. lol IH I'WIlp Rolr. U Locaat atraet; H. T. Jrtt. Hurt Ollra atrf. SAX FBAN(T8 W. K. Arrtlnc, Palar Hot! . nrwa atand. and 1(XW liarket atrert:. lild- miltb-Uroa., 2Mt 8uttr atrt and Katnt ' Fraucla hntl; Koatr v Orrnr. rVrry build ing; N. WhatlT. mo-hl nra atand, eor - uprMartrt and Ham arrta. FKATTT.E Ralnlr Rrand nw atand; If. I. Shank. Hntl Rattl new atand. ( . ril'tiKA.VB, WASIHMiTON-Wobn W. (irahani A Co. . -. TATOM.." TTASITINOTOS Ontral Nwa com pan: Tint!' Tooia new atand. - Vli'TORIA. BKITINH t'OM'MUIA Victoria - Book BtaUanery. coca pan.. . , T,r,.. WEATHER REPORT. A atom of mnalderabl Intrwtt la rntral thl morirtnf otcc tbft lower Inkca. It la eaaaln rmral rain In th middle Atlantic nnd th .New Enfianfi atatca and bin wind Lake Krlav nnd in aeetlonn ( the Interior i' Now lork and IVnnar Iranla. In Ibe mid illr went and tbe northwest fair weather pre vail, due to an Immenee area of blab prcanre. A Hrht dcprrwlon off the enuthern California - rraarr St -rtn- trwettled."" rainy wealhcr In wuthern California, Arlaona and New Mexico. ,t I xi Anttele over half an luck uf rain baa fallen nine yeaterday, while at flan Dlero I ON Incbea la -reported durlns lb lat 84 btmr. - - - . - - - . " Fair weather will ronttnn In tbla dlatrlet tinlrht and Tneaday. with blither temperature Toeade' afternoon- In the Interior ofweatra treron and .weatern Waahlnfton. AUCTION SALES. AITTHiS ail of Imnaebold fnrnltar Tnendar, Nnrember T, at 41.1 Washington at. M, U S. f;ilman. auctioneer. Tt KKIIAV. Nurember 1, A. Wi Waahlnctoa at., at 10 a. m.i nonaennld fnrnlmre. Anrama, proprietor. - O'Connor, auctioneer. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Joaeph F. Fellner. : Inea D. Turner, 23. - Weddlnc Card. W. O. "mlth A Co.. Waab. 1na;ton Wd.t cor. Fourth and Waablufton at. Mlaa Bertha Uartla. room 31S Allaky bide, ptumplnr ana flu needlework; leaaona rl"'". CONTAGIOUS DISEASE! Mt'HBAU Noremner 2. All.- Mckean. ! Mallory arenue. trpfaotd ferer, IA'KLV Nnrember I. Blaine Ackley. la Vernon, typbotd ferer. , - BIRTHS. VII.THHIKK October- 18. -to Mr. and Ura. llfred O. llt.hlr, Kle mat East Tenth atreet. a daochtar. JdKUK Actoher IS. to Mr. md Mr. Frederick J or re. ."2 Clereland areane. a ann. October 14, to Mr. and Mr. Earl Jeater. 747 MiaBlaalnpl arenue, a aua. f'IFUt'E October 21. to Mr. and Mra. . ayde 1L. rinrce. 38 North Tenth atreet. a eon. DEATHS. I'KIfR Noremoer t. Lerl W. Price, a red 70 year. 240 Front atreet: ran, heart dleraae. Knrial rorrallbi. Oregon. y" lri.I1RR!RWNoretnher . r.ncll RmiMe. i ne. aired w year, at . Vlnctnf boapluL BITIATIIir CEMETIBT. tin (trarea 10. really lot 170 'to $1,000. Tb only cemetery la Portland which per petually maintain and care (or Iota. For full Information apply to W. K. Mackenal. Wor t block, city.' W. U. ladd. president. J. P, Haley Bo, fonenl dlrortor and mhalmer. enrner Third and Madlaoa atreet. . Ofnce ot county corner. . Telephone Mala a. TMnntnf. ' MeEnte A ailbanaa. and retaken 4 embalmer: monera la avery detail. Berenth ad Pin. Mala 400. lady aasmtaa. rnneral , wreath and cut tower a specialty at Roe- nty Oreenhoaae. Twenty aaeuad and Kaet Morrtaoa. eppoalt cemetery. t Th Edward rTolrnnji rndertaklaa; company, fniwral director aad embalaicr. 220 Third at. Phone 007 ' FUNERAL NOTICES. CAItRArF Prlrnda - and, acquaintance ' ar reiectfnlly Inrltrd to 'attend ibe funeral err) re of Ida., wife . of T. A. Oarbade. which will he belI at the chapel t "f J. p. Flnley A Hon. Tneadar. November 7. at I :S0 p. m. Interment at Kirrrrlew 'cemetery. K rf'm.KT At'TTewT-nee. MmntTaher- . Jiotcinber 4. J?. P. Boiller. aad U pweav4 ; ruoerai win iae pia.e TMeartay. Nnrcniber 7. t 2 p. m.. from hi bite reel dene n F.aat Vb-w are.. Mcnmt Tabor. Friends In- Tliefl. i A HHAVK Friend and aenaamtane am re - i-rtfiillr kiTHed to attend the fnnernl eerr. Ice n id tlertrurte ttarbaile. which will h held at lb rhapet nf J. P. Flnler A Hnm. t Tneaday. November 7, at 1 :86 p. m. later -eit at Rtvervlew eemetery. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. K. Llndaley -Rne and hnvnend to M , M. Hlera. Iota 23 to W. block . I'enla V-eL aniar l.tnitlon K. THcariaa and wife to Mra. W. Oh. lander. iiarcl land 0 feet wide north si. I bit I, block 0. Tvt Hlajhland... A K. Iilfman and wife to Mra. W. b- l.iiil.-r. lota 1 and 2 block S, Pl k llirhland t . J. HuroVn and wife to C. K. Bterena. lot . bk-rk 2. Miriam 'It A. HotMard ct ak to It. B. Imeoa. lot a. 5. CoiKti ailOlllon ... A T Kate to ft. B. Mci'bsraon. aorta '' H li-t 4. block SO Cou.h s addltbm.. II K. Noble end Wife t A. II. (jerk, bt II. block 2T North AIMna i rtctulie. and hiialathd to F. Leahy ct al . tut ,a..,bkirfc 2. Btewart I'ark ail'IMh-n . . . . M J. l-HaMmt" and wife to M. B. . ril.e,. .re land Ul lli I7il.llx x fret M.k IOh, t'on.'h a.l.llllon r-itr Ineeatincnt oeailon to A, 1", Liev' ta l, bWia At, atllnwd.. ,300 ,500 too 200 ITS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. M. Kravft and hnaband to K. Xniltk and - wlf. aiMtk H bit 1, t and B, bkick , . HirarTlKW addition If. L. Palm to . II. Hammond, lota 1, 3, IN. block a. Hrllnood C at. taralma TO T. O." Touaiuc. IS , acrna aecKon la, ton nab I p 1 aonik. 42S 4J0 72 1750 Fldcllir Trnat cumpanr ta . F. I , pi rtlon lota ud t. block 6, Hlackl- alon adillllun B. M. Lonibar.l and wife to J. B. O'Mhea, kita I. 10. bk-k 1. Wild Koto adnltlua. F. each and husband to A. C. tirulier, bit 2. blutk It, Kcnworlhy'a addition. P. C bears aad wife to Investment cow-, pa nr. lot B. block aa. Piedmont ...... aVIIwuod Heal Katate company to N. rtlsalnaer. north loo feet bkick 4 1,000 1.000 1 1.250 8c II wood Real ICstat eompauy to U. L. Johnson, kit N. block 4.V He 1 1 wood 11a wt born evtal to Jutleon L. frsl, ' aoulneast bus t and Z, alot'k zuo, Hawthorne Park' 2.SO0 lira. Hratb-a and hustwad I M. II. v ' ' cob 1.400 25,000 1,800 awwteii. lot is. block 24. Manor-id ... B. Tweedlrr to I C. Cobb. 2U acre - northwest 1 ' section 20, township 2 ' aocth. ran 1 weet E. K. . Price. Jr., and wife to I. I. Iialton, bit , S, block 12, I'oncb' atlilltlo J. J.ihuson and wife to P. K. Johuaon, soma una ana T, siwb i, uo dlrUkm Blrervlvw addition ......... 0. W. Fore and wife to T. J. Ferkner, tot 17. block U Porta mouth Tills Kl- tended I Ktrand and wife to H. Pape. .4Hs ion a roet aectioa a, ui wa ab tn 1 north, ranee 1 east Sheriff to M. P. Hbart. tot la, block 1, ' Maeriy Hichland addition 81 SI l.BM N.t- 1,150 Cohimlila Real Katate comaaay to II. ' uicrera. uturk i'i. 1-eainaiuar At, z. m wi .1 lu nmn-u-frV M. K. Anderson and hue ha ad to J. J.' Tyroa, kiU J to 23, blvck 10. I'olut View D. Kern and wife to A. E. Barett. aonth 42 feet tut 2, block XM, Hawthorn Park Tcrwllllccr Land eompauy to I.. II. Free- land, hit l. block 14. Trwllll Home- - atrad . addltkin 278 F. O. Mt-Urew to P. II. Trial, lot and . 4. block 14. Woodstock 800 J. Bcbmeer et al to L. T. Elw'ell, lot 1 block 1, lot B bkK-k a,, tk-hmrer a ; addition .. ......t-T-. .-... ' J r. llulshle-r and wife to t. A. Smith.' lot 10. bkick 22. North Alblna W0 A. Root and husband to K. M. Mradea-. hell, lota 7 and a. bkick 2T. dty.... 2,00 Heilbora to American Trnst In-. Vestment company. Iota 2 and 9, ... ' K block 248. Coacb'a addition 1 A. Kraft and wife to II. Mors, bit 11. block 21. Alblua Homestead J,m W. M. Devi to Ameeeran Trnst A Invest- r ment company, eflst To feet Iota 1, 4. . fracttoual block A. Watson addition. - - 1 BVcurlty aavlnca A Treat enmuany to 6 I. A. Herdman, bit 1. eaat lot 2, ; block , Irvlnc'a Flret addlthia : 1.2M Security "srlngs A Trust company to - , J. A. Herdman, all except. north 00 . r feet lot, 1 and 2, east 41 feet kit T - 2, block 2, J. rrvli' Flnt addltton.., TOO W. Menial and wife to F. M. Herd mas. , fractional block lii. lloilaua i'atk Becond addition ........... '. 000 f. M. Hcrduisn to E. Wirman. kit 2j block 1 1. Irvlna' First sd.lltioa . . . v. . . Macleay Mtat comi-any to Portland I'aion Btorkyardn, parcel land belnnln( Intersection mirth line Witaon addl tbiw . WMt Una Haventnenth. 75.27x31 feet, and other property 7,810 Security Hsvlnm m Treat company to W. it. Ilerdmaa. bit 1. eaat 14 , lot 2. block . J. Irvine' First addllUa.. 7.2S0 Oct roar tnenrane and ahtrct to real etoto from th Tltl Oaaraato A Treat as pany. 240 Washington atraet. corner Bacond. . i J- LOANS W bav ample funds to loan in any amount on improved buaincaa and residence property in Portland and vicinity at lowest rates. ; ' TTTivaia rsrsTTrnKB. i ,. ABBTJUL0TB rTJX2TI8aCBl. . The Title Guarantee & Trust Co., ; - - ' 240 WABaTXa70TOa7 SJT. " , (Corner Bacond at) j ' PORTLAND, ORBQON THE PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY 0F0REC0N Removes Today To Itg Fine, New Building, Located at th Southeast Corner Third ;and Oak Street; .' ', And tin be, open for bualneas at th usual boura. ' , The public la . Invited to call this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon, from 2:20 to 1:20 o'clock, and Inspect the modern facilitlea provided for tbe pat ron of tbla company." The fflcera will extend a cordial wel come. . .. , -. ; 80-82 Third Street . Prlvat Exchance. 71. ' ,' ) NORTDiVESTERN MUTUAL LIFE OF InTLWATJaCM, Wla. 2rtTDBB lAn F0LICT-' s ioi . 190S 102 180- 4j.B77.li02 4.120.2AK 4.450.171 R.240,48Z , -, th In v, oum POLICYHOLDERS . ARK i, BATIHFIED. S.T.Lockvvood&Son . . - . . . aEaTXXAX. AOSaTTaj, ' - . Coaoord Building-, Iortlaad, Oregoa. SPOT CASH FURNITURE In Any Quantity We alao sell on enmmlnnlon. 'Ouarkrr. tee, brat rentilta. "PORTLAND AUC TION ROOMS, . til Flrat atreet A. flcbubacb, proprietor. Pbone Mala S(6I, NOTICE. IN tbe circuit court of tb atata of Ontga, for Multnomah county. la the matter of tba receivership of Ana-tut Krai - To th creditor!-Tha anderalaw) ha filed -wilh Ibe clerk of the ahuve entitled court hia report of Ibe bide received fur the eaaet of Aufuat Krats. and the court has eel No-re tuner 10. 1H0A, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. aa the time for bear In object kais 10 tb coa flrmalhin of sal of said eaaet a. , All person lotereeted sr notified scco.1 Initlv. ' B. U HABIN, Receiver.. BRACH A SIMON. Attorney for Receiver. BIOH will he received antll 4 p. nj. Thursday, Nurember u. llain. and tbea oponeo. tor asui In out and Isunrhlna- Ihe dredr Portland and for the e of th ws.ra while tb dretlre I belli rei-alred. Particulars may be ob tained by applying et tbe office of tbe Port f Portland, city hall. city. . DAN J. MAHEU, Clerk. ' I HEBTJBT war tke public that I will not he reepouslble for eny debt contracted by my wife, Uua Araaud. from this data. , T0NX . AKNAU0. October- 21. 100, LOST AND FOUND. LOHT A black overcoat, with velvet collar, on pocket burned: tost on ullweukle at., between lilvlskin and Mill ate. Return to 1. .Bum-kick. feoO Mllwaukle at.; reward. i HELP WANTED MALE. BBLIABLK representstlve wanted la Portland and vicinity for annscrlpt Ion work on our So-cente-a-year mag aslne; ' everyone subacrlbi-s for It; splendid oppnrtnnlty; I0 to -) weekly - really. Writ Jordan Pulillahlnf Vompaay, Plttaborf. Pennsylvania. BECtIRR A GOOD POSITION. We s sal at . competent of flee men. bookkeeper. aienoaTapnera. eaaiiiera. eoliectora. bill clerk, ceneral clerical, technical commercial men. business hi an a Clearing Honaa. 110 Second. MEN and hoy wanted to eern $5 day. after a month instruction, poeltloa fnaranteel; specie,! tuition balf price, few daya only. Coyne Bran. On. Plumbing Schools, Now York, Cincinnati. 0., St. Louta. Mo. Pre catamgo. SA1.BHMBN wanted: caah- advanced weekly; gooo t-mtory ooea; outfit rrea; noma are msk in 100 to lino per month. Why not yon t Andrea Washington Nursery Co.. Top pea la U. Waahlagtoa. v . . . . CAHHIEB for w boles 1 bona; most he aa ex perienced Dookkeeper with good reference: give ace, experience and salary cxDecteJ, 'Address 47, care Journal. - - t p WANTED Clerk and wtndow-drMaer to atndy snow-card writing at Y. M. C. A. night school: personal lnstrnctlotu Apply tor par ticulars. WANTED Solicitors. 24 to f ner dsy! salary or com mission, can ar writ w. aw Taywr m vo., room a. laboa nidg.. poruauo.- - WANTKIl Khomaker to rent repair ahop. tonU and machine: good kientkm. picnty work, cheap rent. . Call 2S5 Bumaide at. WANTED Klrst-ctisa salesmen la Portland and country; ..big wage. - 200 McKay bklg. WANTED A tutor la engineering mathematics Mvht good. Address N 43, cara-JonrnaL EXPERIENCED finisher fnr kitchen furniture; also mscblnemsn. 100 Eleventh St., nortk. A HOT wanted ta work la horaaehoelng-shop. . 7 Tsyh at., dty. HELP WANTED FEMALE. , and orgsnlns for Vlavt company. Call or " addree room 2.1, Lewbj tldg. HANSEN'S LAilIES' AOBNCY. 242H WasMnr tnn St.. cor. Seventh. aptalra Pbon Mala 2B02. rental hlp wasted. - WANTTIV-hlltrtnery arrnrentfrea. Apply t Iiowcngart A Co.. Hit front at. WOMAN tut gvneral houaework. -av.. near - Kngena-a. 401 Rodney MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THR demand fiv competent bookkeeper and tenngrapher la greater thaa tb supply. From Angust 1. 1004i to August 1. loud, w placed T la good position: bad call for morn thaa 600; enr graduate are ALL employed: wt ' will assist you to a nosltlun when competent ; ' enroll now: day or night. Behnke-Walker Business College, Sixth and Morrlsoa ata. WANTED At -enee, -a aright,- energetic. . pre sentable aiaa or woman, a good talker, to . Jtake np an attractive proposition.. Inquire 733 Chamber of Commerce, a. oo. HELP wanted and anppHed, male or femele. ' R. 0. Drake. 200 Vi Waabinatoa at. Black lOSl WASTED Immediately, 2 mra or women to do ranvaaalng. Call up Kaet 537; good frroposltloB. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. JAPANESE yonng gentleman want a nicely liirnmnen ran er w- aiui . iid nanm in respectable private family- where there are no other rouroera of burder, A'lUrraj 1 00. cam Jnnrnal. J WANTED Position by apholsterer and matriaa maker with uperleaca la fumltur packlag. Addrea 1 47, car JonrnaL BEMABI.B Oermga man want hoaaecleenlng. Mala 107. WANTED Position by Pbon Mst 4.Vo. ' - first-class meatrattar. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE A Tot' NO wlknr wishes position housekeeper for gentleman in city; csn furnish the beat of references. Address If 62. car Journal. NI'RSK dtsengsred. maternity or medical; term moderate. Aonrrss nurse, cast oou. xy Hawthorne v. - ... A LADT of 1 eipcrlence went honsework; . rotmtry preferred. Mr. 0111 Wright, Silver . ton.- Oregoa. BT yonng lady stenographer, work In office of ome kind. Address N 44, rare Journal. ' POSITION wanted by a trained nnrse. Call 511 Jefferson at., or phone Main 64:12. WOMAN want email family washing to do at . home. Addree N 4ft, care JonrnaL - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. v HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. FOB MEN. 20 If. Second st. Pbon Mala 16M. JAPANERB-CHINBSB EMPLOYMENT OPPICB. Henry Tabara, , 20T overall si. , raoo a clfle 240. . STANDARD EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Help rirnlehed, free. 2H0 Knrnslde at. Phona Mala 0437. . - . . PACIFIC Coa.t Fmn. Ca. Reliable employment vanra - 12 tat N. 2d .- Pbon Main OTrTO, - PIONEER tMPIXIYMENT CO. Labor contrac tor; help Ire ta emploprr. 215 Morrison. ACMB EMPLOYMENT CO. 211 Morrkma at.; npplle men for sll klnda of work. BIO POUR BMP. AOENCY Help (applied free. IS M. Second at. . Phoa Msla 1015. NATIONAL Employment and Labor Agency, 212 Pine L. Pbon Mala 1304. . THB PORTLAND EMPI.OYMBNT C0 205H Morrtaon at. rhon pacific m. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted to sell nursery stock 1 new and complete outfit fnrnlahed rree; cesa weekly. Capital City Nursery eompauy, Salem. Oregon, " WANTED TO RENT. WE want dealrable bona and lata, all parte of tbe city; hare hlsb-elass clients waiting; 1 rents collected, property cared for. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANY, US Stark et. Phone Mala 1072. WANTED Ta rent farm, IS ar 20 acre,' gear city; bone and .barn. M. O. Morgan. 070 Mllwaukle .at. -- WANTED Speee. In well-toratnd mesimarket - tut Ash aud paltr.t Addrw t 44, JvuruaU , WANTEDREAL ESTATE. I HATE buyer waiting to hear of small hoavea a or near I'orliaun. any direction; If yoa in reeoy w aeu auoreaa r 2, care JonrnaL t WANT to buy ose or two lots, anlmnrovad en he aai . or weat . aider etata prtca . and irm. n i, rare aouraat. LIST yonr property with na. Otr motto: (Julcg aaiee, snort uroota. Koyl Real Esut Co., idi n aira, si., room m, - WANTFO Te hay er lease a bnlldlng lot rlnee ia- ncrsmnB, unman aotei, first aua Aioer. WANTED l-ot ar fraction Inside city HmlU; aivw pnrricuisre. a eu. journal. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS BEE th Lewis aad Clark fair at horn: send 40e la stamp for handsome photo book, nearly t0 pbotos of fair, 7Hx4V Inches. Wester View Book Co.. Port lend. Box 204. PAI.NT1N0. spraying and whitewashing tree. baaa meats, barns. aVocks, etc. ; largrst gaaollll spraying ontOt o tb coat. M. O. Moras A Co., 070 Mllwaukle at Phone Eaat 2017. 0RCHE8TBA. 8 piece, wanta eniNgoment evenings, Hundsys: mtmle for all occaaluna very reasonable. .48 Lucretla at.. Tel. Mala 0002. 1IIOHKHT cash twice paid for bottler and Junk of every dmcrliitlon. Portland Hotti Hnppiy t'o. l North Eigfaterath. Phoa Mala 21XH. EKIHT teama to hanl lumber and ilea. Prae tor A Bees. Oottra!!. via Orient, uregva. WANTKD lady's bicycle: mnat be In Al con- dlllon; cash. Addrra ats aiiiwauni at. BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at th Old Book ntore, lew lamniu at. P. 1, BYDEB, printer, Second aad Waahlngtoa at. Pbon Main ftuofl. WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN A CO.T -r FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE IH'B, 05 Eleventh t., cor. Btrk Xetr roomlnc-hoaee, newly .rornienea, tem neat. faa light and hath: cloa to basin ec loa. 1 block from carllnei alt th cnmforla et a borne; everthing up to date. Mra. P. A. CUncy. prop. THB KINO 300 Jefferaoa at., aew bu tiding. handsoniery roralelied. with every moaera convenience: al! outside room, with beet, ana or electric lights, poreslala be thai rat 50c. 7llc and II; apeclal rata by the) week er month. THB BELLKvTTB. 212M Fourtk t Neatly fnrntehed room fny gentlemeu; all eutslda rnoai: electric llbt. porcelain bathe; rat. 50c, 75c, ft; very low rate by week or 'month. Hood T01. "" -' 'lr. TWO (large, light, finely furnished rooms; gas, furnace heat, porcelain hath; telephone; everything neat and clrgn: rate very reason able: walking diataacev B49H Sixth at. Pbon . Mam bm. ' HOTEL PaEmKB. Centrslly located at th corner af Alder and Park-ate. ; steam heat, hot and cold water, . free porcelain bathe: room 60c, 75c and gl; apeclal weekly rate. , THB HAMANN. 135 N. l'th.. cor. Hort Newty furnlehed room. $1.50 ap: convenient location. 15 rnlante walk to fair grounds: Morrisoa ear at aaloa depot direct to boo. Pboaa S47a BKACTirrL front an Its and 2 other dealrable fnrnlahed rooms In modern home of private Tamlly: phone, bstb, furnsce heat, walking ' distsnc. 5M0 Fourth at. Phone Pad 0c SIS. KINO'S "HEIGHTS Deatrabla nelyhborbood. .' near St. Helen' Hall; nicely furnished mom -for one or two, with prlvat family; perma--aeat preferred. 728 Mate at. - . - BEAUTIFl'LLY ftrrnlahed rooms la brick bollJ- Ing: batir. eleetne- llbt and pntme; 2 per week and . ap. Tb New Belmoot, in$ Plrat. U " ....... ; UNDBIX HOTF.U 4th and Market; aew bis. a re men t ; rurnianea new thronabooti aa dark room; camfortabl home. - sirs. K. 4cLea. If ABQOAM HOC SB. 1H Sth Booato en carta or single; honsekeeplng room; gss.stov, - hsth. electric lights; transient eollclMd. THE WILBCR. 245 Eaat Oak Fnrnlahed honsekeeplng rooms. gl.TB per week and ap; lodging $1 and ap. Pboaa Eaat 4355. FURNISHED rooms, single or ea cult. 22 per Bionth end ap- Hotel Fatrmount, Twenty sixth and Cpshar .and Ysngha ata. . , NICELY furnished room at moderste prices for . rent In large private hone, cloa la. Call " at 147 Tenth t near Alder." 2 BOOMS, first floor; hath, phone: furnished er unnirnianeo; near oa and uregoa; sio per month. -471 B. Third at.. N. 102 1TTH end Morrtaon st. Moat desirable . rooms; not and cold water, bath, atsaaa beat, g and pbon. ELEOANTI.Y furttlahed rooma; steam heated: not and cold water; rate reasonable. 22 14 North Sixth t. . ELEOANTLY Mrnlabed room fnr one or two gentlemen: prlvat family; beat, gaa, bau. 051 Tayhar. NBWLY ' furnished room, with tov. bath, telephone, aultabie for 2 adult, cheap. 223 Mill t. FOR RENT A pleasant room for a lady; eaa be need fog light housekeeping. 25 Lla- cola t. i PBONT parlor for"grntlmTiT Wftueuieut aw wlabae room nssr tb ntor af dty. 501 Everett at. WELL furulabed noma, board; good location; car eerrtc. 401 Tenth at. Phoa Pacific 6oH. . . r "" " CHEAPEST end beat located room la Portias. II week and up. Ollmaa. First and Aide ata. The Henderwn. 2K1 14 Alder Elegantly furnished room for permanent ana transient roomer. HOTEL MONARCH. 805 Stark it.; transient so licited: price reasonable. Pbon Pacific SOS. NICELY furnished room for light boaeekeep lug; saw alngle rooma. OliVi Hnaaell at. LA ROE. well fnrnlslied, snnny rooms; bstb. phone; 52 per week. 448 He vent n si. NICELY tarnished room, all modera ventenee.. reeaonsbl. 644 Slith It. . THB GRAND Newly furnished room by tbe week or month. SHStt Ura no av. NICELY furnished room la private rcsldenc. , reaaonabl. 000 East Taylor at. ROOM ' In private family for gentlcroaa. ' 1 10 per month. Sal Mill st. ri'RNlSHED room, 276 Eaat Sixth aad, Harr FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR BENT Farnlabed hoaaekeeplng room la best brick block oa eaat side: gaa range, bath, etc. bo transient; price moderat. Log a a Ilk., 10SH L'nloa are., corner last - Atoctv- fbon tiaat e24. ' - NEW furnished ar anfitrolshed home-keeping nd Blceplng-ronma, II .week. 3M North Twenty-sixth, cor. Savler. Washlngtoa cara ta Tweaty-alitb, torn to left 100 feet. NEATLY fnrnlahed boneekeenln and tng-rootns. close In; bath. M Tenth, near Klerk; also at SO North Twerrty slith, cor. Sarler. 1 wrek. 30S I3TII ST. Two nice housekeeping rooma, gronnd floor, with nse of piano; awe on sib gl room for housekeeping. 7 per month. .- NK'B famished honsekeeplng roorna, fin terra pi :ce, lew rent for winter. Phoa East 4125. B. C. Barter. ML Tabor. KICB, nrge completely fnrnlahed honnekarptng or alngle rooms; w lk Ing dlsiance; bsln, jaa. pbon; resaonable. 5 Cley at,"" 1 75 PER WEEK Large claaa fnralahed Boneeaeeping-iooina: launnry t rh obio. mrt Shrrmsa, South Portland. Sbtrmas, THE MITCHELL, riandera and Seventh Room, bneaakssnlng and tranalent; coafenleat: arte reasonable. I THE OLAPSTONE 612H Savler St.. firm Is bed rooms; Bade aew BMaageaMBt; pricae raa- HorSF.KEEPINO suit Af 2 rooms: also 2 single rooma; Tery resaonable. 181 Thirteenth. m'" r" ' 1 I'l KNIHIIKO boneekeenlng rooms, single or en suite, rcaauoabla. Ui aad 1U NvtUi Mala. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING LABtiK new elegantly furnished housekeeping Noma, ga.oo ana up. 'owm iuw 7 N. 1ITH HTa-Sulte of housekeeplug room. fnrnhibed; nleo amgie- run. - ROOMS AND BOARD. TUB " COMMERCIAL Select family aotej; nicely furulabed; single or en suitei una rat claaa; free hatha; walking distance; rstes reasonable. 4o Waahlugtoa at- riKBT-CLASS rooms and .board for praaat ' peopl. iai 50 aad 120 pr month; table board a per wees, astor potm. MS. TL Mla 0281. - 800 TWKI.rTU Newly fnrulahed front room with rleeet; also bright nine room! gmm, pbon. bs.h. furnace beat; private family; reasonable taenia. " - - t S WELL-FrRNISHED connecting rooms with board, aultabie rnr a or -youu i I" resaonable. SH Sixth, cor. Harrison.. I'hon Mala 54W0.-. - THB HAWTHORNE, 221 Thirteenth Rooms with good board; walking aiaiance, reaeonauie rates by the month. .- BOOMS with board for permanent tenants. reaaoaabl; nrat-cia Boat aooarag. . , SJl Slsth at, Boom and board for twa men; bath, phone. t Colurubls at., between Third ana rouriu. 220 FOB room and board, on ag two; refer . one. 42 Eaat Math .at., N. W A NTED Children t board; nice boat. Phoa Hood 1001. . UNFURNISHED ROOMS. HOTEL PAIRM0CNT. North Tweaty-alxth St.. froai ' TTpshar . vaogna. t . . - Boons furalshed and aafurAlahed, dngkt and a ull. SI per week aad as. A permaaent anodera building. - plastered and vjlth batbroome and modera plumblug. PIPB1 FOB -CAS -g-OB-COOaUKOJ.. ALL 0UT8IDB BOOMS. FOR RENT H0J7SES. FOR RENT Hoosee and aats, all parts of . th city. Rental denartmrat THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY. 242 Stork at. STUART eta t Ion, Moaat Scott car targ rooma, aatbulldlnga. mederai Battle wttboat - children, faraltura for sal. Call ta BU . vn. Fourth and Sslmon. LABOR 8-room, with, carpets, very dealrshl location and borne for - permanent tenant: rlnee In. rent ressonsble. Innutre Sixteenth ' and East Morrlaoa ata. . S-KOOM boon for rent: most desirable loca tion for roornin honae. -, inrmtre Max u. Cohen. 4i0 Cnlnmbla bklg., 805 Washlngtoa St. Pboaa Malay 784. , - n - - - NEW S-room houoa and qaartar block. Hancock and Eaat Twrnty-alxtB ata. gnr.oo. B. fa. Lombard. 614 Chamber oO Commerce. -- FOR BENT New S-room aoue, pantry and bath, two blocks from twa earllnea, rent a 10. Phona Scott lo42 - rOB .BENT A O-room eottsg. Corner OraaJ see. and Hoyt St.. - north. FOR BENT 4-room cottage. 187 North Twenty . Srat at. , i S-ROOM bones 'Tor rent. ' 780 East Ankeny at. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI J . " TURE FOR SALE.- FOR beat results oa FVRN7TCBB." Wbetber to bay or cell, ring op Msla 6085. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMA, 211 First St. 6-BOOM bens for rent and furniture for sale with or without piano; complete and neatly furnished. S52 East Morrlsoa at. Pbon ' East 4584. '. FTRNITrRE and piano of 7 room -for ssle; would trade pis no for vacant lots. 814 Madl aoa; rent 220. Phona Main 864S. ' THE entire furnltnr of Outside Inn at entrance - to fair gronnd for sale etiesp; a rooms. . a K. Noble. 212 Commercial blk. HOC8EIIOLD fnrnltar for sal. eon at. r - - - 027 Jef fer- FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN 2 and 2-room flats) fnrntsbed com- plete: baths, gee range and u coaveaieBcea. " "UtT aj' fl'NrflTt'e'f'll FOR RENT STORES. STORE for rent at 403 Waahlugtoa St.. or any part. ; - ' - FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. POR BBNT Deskroom and everything - fuj , Blaked. E. S. Jeckaoa A Co.. 240 Stark et. OF FIC B-ROOM S Ooodnoagh elevator, y bid. Apply FOR RENT FARMS.' Fori RENT Dairy farm, 130 acre; 20-ton hay on place for sale. J. O. Llna, CurHiisvllle, Or.: O. W. P. cerllne. . j' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS! rOR RENT About January 1. 2-atory brick bnlldlng inoiioo. northeast en.- Third and Madison; will remodel, and less whole of ' part to desirable parties, - Apply to M. T. Coa. No. 7 First t.. room Hi. . i . FOR RENT Strong 2-tnry building, near fslr mnnda. SOallln feet, with SOklllO feet Open gronnd sdjolnlng. ultble for mannfsctorln: warenonae or nvery-sisoie. :i n. a. " ' - Commercial bldg.. dty. 8TORAOE-ROOM. ahop and stsble-ronm; pc to let; downtown..; Phone East 40. .... STORE t. 201 BUrk-lor.rsati movi-to larger quarters. - . . BUSINESS CHANCES. 7 BLACKSMITH-SHOP doing good bnslnean Dt 12 yesrs, full supply of tools, quantity of Iron and coal, dwelllng honae. bearing fruit trees, chleken-house, 2 psenger-hoata, car 'service each dev. 2 mlnntee' - walk to each place: all for I2ii0 If tsken Bonn. Apply t Tbompena Foster. ItlclgeBeld. Wisblngton. IP yoa wnt a farm, dty or en bur ban property, a good bnalnea nf an kind, or bar any kind of property to aell er ejehsng. call oa or address Northwest Lend Co., 90.1 Morrl- . eon at.,-room 211. Pbon Mala S41S. d- CANIig STOBB, WELL LOCATED wrrH LIT- IN( RirOM.-ena be had st low rant by a dealrable party; Iocs t too oa eset elde oppo site tb Albln ehnnlbona. Pert leu Is rs, esu office. 517 Commercial block. FOR SALE On aeeonnt af sick nee, stce, eleae, aioney-maklng bab9a ea t 1d aelee from IIS to i-IB Jer dart price 11.400. or will ha voles; a eaS wasted. Q 5S. To Joarasl. CONTINUED nine compel me ta aell or ex change rnrnientng eno nnaine or near n-e room hotel In Portland: central locatbsi. good M-. Oilman hotel, first a no A liter. POR SALE Bleckamltb-shnf In good towni estsbltahed hnalneae; price t?f. "Address B. Slory. Oregon -city, Oregon. -r- BI'ORTINO goods ' hnal nee t Invoice price, about f tW, Aoures p ii, auguaw, vregua. trr1: BUSINESS CHANCES,. . FOR SALE line harueM-snop In good town; eatatiluibed bualne; atwk a III Invoice about gl.wm. Inquire of J. l. Winn, M Wcel ' Second t., AllMiny, Oregoa. MILLINERY store doing good huelne; wish to retire; prim I.HI If taken by Decemlier 1. . Address Mrs. . N. Mchole. 242 West haound St., Albany, Oregon. - ' . NICK, clean 20-rounr bouse, full of steady room , era: owner must leave town; price fimO. lu quire 2uoi Madlaoa St. , BB8TAUBANT furnltur for sale. W. H. Ijttlo. Hotel Fairmouat, Tweuty-elitb aad I'pabur ata. FINE opportunity ta established business; seed kelp and capltaL Address U 54. care Joarasl. FOR SALE Buttermilk mate, waron. home nd harness, cheep. Address K 4a. Journal. FOR RALE-Ftrat-rlaa business cheap; party leaving city. Address L 30, Journal. . INVESTIGATE For a small amount nf eapt-J 21-ttOOW lodging house. 1700. lease; good - reason If or selling. 2tfli First at. . LARUE room lug-son for sale, 17 room. Stark et. 432 WHO IS M.'O.-MOROAK A CO. 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 2500 EASY terms, lot 8. block 1, Fultoa Park; - double lot, - fenced, feeing ea S street, on block from electric cerllne. - -500 Eaay term. looxlOO feet, lots S aad 7, ; . block H, Fultoa Park; kal( block from elea. .."r trie carllne; Sne view. ."."' 150 Easy terms, lot I, block Q, Paitoa . : Park; electric earlln gad Tayor rrr read. B. M. LOMBARD, 614 Chamber of Commerce, .. - ACBB TBACTBI f - -OCBlaTEClAXl7ISACBBTBACTSl Fall-elasd streets, water to each eer. TERMS 10 PER ACRB CASH (10 PER ACRE PER MONTH. "Yoa go to tbea eeree ea tbe earn -ear, - pay the earn be far th lot maa par. Tb lot maa la your aaighhor. but be I re strict ed to majority of f eater that amke ' a true suburbs a home. , '-, A. CBTTRCHILL CO I ?. - HQ Becoad at. .. . - 8ELLWOOD HOMES. " , r - 2050 Nice 4-room cottage. --J -rT'"- , 21.000 S-room bouse, near carllne. "" l.2no S-room cottage, modern. 30t , S room cottage, near cerllne. We have balf a dosen other good bargains ; la nouses and w will make yoa easy terms. Fine lota at low price, -25 down and 25 monthly. - -- --; - SEIXWOOD T0WNSITB CO.. .1 , Tak Sellwond car, get off at Teaiae at. . Phoae- East 4704. INCOME would-b at least 12 pev cent per annua, or hi per cent act, after paying rave and Insnrance on two modrra dovible houses and a- full aanrter black o went aide, in good realdence district; the bonne occupy but OOtIuu (set. leaving 40iliai feet" nnvc cupled. which might he eold off for a good gum to rrduee to tbe Inveator the coot of the balance of the, quarter block on which th houses are located : these honaes - am In a good condition and In a dealrable loca tion, aurrouudinga good. Price 16,500; half caah. ,.' CULVER. S22 Chamber of Commerce. INCOME would be st least 12 per cent pet annum.' or 10 per eeut net. after paying taxes and loeiiranee ea two modera double beueee end a .'nil quarter block oa west side, la Rnod roldence district! th bona eeertpy nt 00x100 feet, leaving OxIOO feet nnoe eupled. which might be en Id eff for a good enm to reduce to tb Investor the cost of the balance of the quarter block on which - tbe house ar located: thane boneea are In a good condition and la a desirable lore, tloa. surroundings good. Price 1 15,600;. balf caah. CULVER. 823 Chamber af Commerce. . TWO acre joat eaat of dty limit, and Bear . Monlavllla car line; no gravel; all cleared; old bouse: many nice frntt tree; 21.2-V). Also IS acre almllarly situated;, no building; 00 J. fruit trees; luOfl. Several houses and lot. East Portland, ot good value and etyle; cen trally located: eaay forme. Also S-mom mod- , era bonae, new, Bnnnyslde. I2.2.VP: lot Is 60x100 feet. Also 8-room house, strictly mod ern, and corner lot 5o70; terms, say I1.2.V) ' to H.'iOO caah and balance to suit; centrally . located. East Portlaad.. Cnlrer. 833 Chamber of Commerce. -- NEARLY 8 eeree. 51 mile from center of dty. jll In. cultivation; gooq noose, large nam rhlckn-noueo.' lot gof ' ftalt. rrorat" water. f ' finest road In Oregoa. I mile from electric line;- price 12.400: very easy torm. If yoa ar from "Missouri" i will show yoa; If from any' other atate. will aell yoa If yoa see Ik T SO, care 'Journal. ' . 11.000 IS ACRES. west side, S mile from center -of dty; all cultivated: yonng orchard. 2fl.-V0 S acres, east able, adjoining , S. P. carsnon. goon tot Tsriory or in pisr. L. E. LATOl'RBTTE. 412 Falling bldg. FOR SALaV YflxlOO-root lot en East Seventeenth end Conch; will aell for 11.250 If sold In next few daya: facea eest; Well worth 11,400; will en pert of lot If desired. Addrea K 48, rare JoarnaL A BAROA1N 13 room house, well bnllt anil plumbed; ground 00x135; commands ftp view of city and harbor: cost more then $11. (KM: can be had If taken now for $3,000: ,$2,KXI at o I eent.- Imey. nay $15,000 for your awll bour-v when this "Can" be bad so cheap, vKnseell St. reery. just-. ton -SALE fxiL. In Snnnnlile. $250. 4-ronm coitsgf nnu mt on r.ssv Min. .uu, terms 4-room cottsge, good barn and 4 Iota oa Alberta ct., $!.". term 4 caah. Call and aee llat; we have lot of good buy. h Portland Real Estate Co., 2i',4 Morrison St. Pbme Pacific 218. A BARGAIN 12-room bona, well bnllt and plumbed; gronnd 00x135; command fin view of city and harbor: coat more then $11,000; can be bad If taken now fog -$5,800; $2,800 rash, balance ran run for 8 eara at 0 pet cent. Don't pay $15,000 for yont wU how j nuen Hit ran b bad o cheap. Peery, 208 ' Rneeell St. 1 WILLAMETTE. ' . Besntlfully ltnsted this aid nf unlrerslty en carllne; Iota 13 l each; $20 cash and $3 per month. Amerfcaa Investment Co., 22 Falling bldg., or Ergon a k I, branch OfSc. Wlliametre atatloa. ' . . EAST SIVR HOMES Thr T-ronm and en S-room bone on B. Third and Multnnmak ata. : new. beentlfnlly flushed; fine locstlnn; convenient to 2 carllne; r term. Pariah A Oonrlsy,' owners, SIB Multnomah at. rOR SALE .Vroeiir eriitoge. S ml, all kinds of fntlt, berries, fin soil, good weter: 20 inm ates' walk lo rsr line. 10 to Sombera Pacific. 12 miles from Portland. See owner, A. S. Draper. 233 Washington t dry. NEW modera 7 'room residence oa Mount Scott carllne, 25 minutes' ride from Portland; lot '88x100, One lawn aad fruit tree, for $ I. Will, t yonr own terms, or msy trad for lead Addree M 48. ear Joaraal. EIHT-TtoOM reeMenc oa -Tlmsdway carllne, llolleday'a addltbm. East Port Is ml: excellent neighborhood, besntlful locstlnn: bergsln s n Investment; must sell. Phone East 1201, er addree Box 60, Portland. . - , . . . 5-KiMiM modera bouse, good fwintry. hath, et I hrlrk beeenient nnder entire bouse: good fruit - on place: will sell with Or without fnrnltnr; a yesr' snpply of coal and wood la cellar. Inqnlre 704 l'nloa av., . NEW bonae and tot oa carllne, ta Fultoa. cheap. ah..M 1-mI eou. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SPECIAL 10 Vita near Wet av.. I block, from cars, 1113; trrnia. 1100 down, 110 month; An soil, er would make good rhlckeB-ranch. luqulre at 3bl Lust Washlngtua at. . FO It 8ALK Choicest half block la Portland,! close tu business center, en of the few bar gains left. Inquire Max O. Cohen, 400 Co luuibla blilg.. 1Mb Washlngtoa at. A MODERN 7-room-houe oa ."Thirty sacong nd Division, only 22.2oO: can glv vary easy term; bone, baa been bnllt T month. Ad drra - R so. car Journal. A 8-STORT brick bnlldlng. 100x100, en Eavt aide; will pay 8 per cent net en 230.000; rlc 120, ono; cbb glv torm. Adore B car Journal. . 2100 EACH 2 lot In buetnea location; lota aimiia-ly located sold for 400. Inquire Brubeker. East Thirty-third, beC Lincoln od Urant ata. LOOK at this: g ere, no better entl in Ore eon. 10c fare, nearly all deer. emaD bona, only IhOO; very eaay term. T 60. Journal. POR 8 A LB at a bargain, modera 7 -room boa ea Kaat Taylor, cine la; Urine to aalt pnrchaeer. Apply 42. car JonrnaL 200 FARMS, small tracts aad lota: bargains oa O. W. P. electric line. O. B, Addlton, Lenta, --. . ..av aaonur Bcotx car. BC- SALE Modern ' itihnrti.ii mm to car line. Una location, ground lOtalMA, 0. . P. Co., 124 First t ACRES.- mils from O. W. P. electric MneJ, no gravel and easy to dear: $05; very eaay terms. Address 0 61. rare Journal, WAONER PETTY. 202 Commercial blk., have eonie of the beat hnya la- .th city. Bee. them before buying aad be convinced. 5-ROOM house, full lot. plenty of fruit. $000; $100 down. $10 a month. Inuaiie at 800 Eaat Washlngtoa at. . - , LARGE 5-reora bonae, all modern eonvenleuccs, on very easy terms. . Phone East .408Q. , 22 Pearl at.. Montavllla. , ' SELLWOOD tot. II .dowa ssd $8 a month: from $75 t $200, Bellwaud Tewaalt Ce. Phoa East 4704. FOR SALE One of the finest 7-roora housee la Irvlngtnn: eaay term. Inquire owner. Phone - Kaat 2618. .- " . MODERN " S-room bouse.. Bear- East Aakewy carllne, email barn, by en ner. Phone Colon . 0712. LOTS, acreage and resilience en Portland . -Height. J. C Buotnee. 350 TamlillL cor. Park- 2 ACRES en Nr.-Johns nnet-enltlvatd. level, -sightly. Owner, 227 Chamber of ComBwrce. $500 CASH $2,000 In laatallmente fnr good a Aiuina. aaarea stoa sua, any. MOI'NT TABOR 7 room, batb, barn- lnOxtOO, on earlln; lota frolt. Owner. 120 Third. $1.750 -MODHRN room house, nil I lot, la Sun nyalde; halt caah. Call 07m Thb-d. THREE aew boneea. -rent or ssle; snap. - t5i -Fourth St.. room IS. Owner. SMALL cottage and born, lerg lot, $700 for e few dy. Call 107H Think . . S-RHIM plastered bonae, corner Jota, $on, - Addree N 41. care Journal. - - FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS! FARMS! FARMS!. - Select yonr location we bare- the - Farm, lo acre, all In cnltlvallon. Clackamas. 7 mile to Portland; house coaT $1,500. Only $2.5taJ. ' V IS acree. 3 mile from' Hlllabore; 13 acre In cultivation, all ' level, bouse' and barn, , good orchard. $1,000. ' - 05 seres near Purest Orove; 20 aires la cultivation, 8t acre In, besverdsm. 6 arms. good butie...good orchard.- good facie,.-a-JLBa. ; h-ronm house gud barn; a Sua place and cheap. , $2., - 107 acree. 10K In cultivation, nsr Albsnr. a good level laud, good bulldlHga. $4,500. ' . i (loud terms on suy of these. H. W. -GARLAND A CO.. l3t Fourth t. - THE BEST Bl'YS WE KNOW. 10 acres, $l.0i0; 7 acre choice fruit', fine ' stream th rough erchard, building; cloa te Vencourer. - 20 acres. $1.500 Convenient to O. W. P.' line, - 12 .miles Morrlsoa bridge: black, rick soil; 12 acres cnltlvaled. , SO acre, $2.500 Hnlldlnga. orchard, running' wstrr; 50 seres cultivated; 2 mile railroad eta Hon. SOS-acre highly Improved Yamhill county farm; eu of the heat; $55 cr. --- B. - S. COOK A CO.. 251 Alitor St. IMPROVED FABM HOME SACRIFICED. $85040 acre wllfa bona, modern bam. water piped from spring ta esch, 15 acree cultivated. 20 more easily cleared; all well fenced: 23 . tone hay. team, harness and wagon, cow, chickens and some household goude; T ml tee to rsilroad town and 30 mile Portland. Till place mnat be eold by Wednesday I don't k ' about It after Tuesday, and den t - take . tip oar time anleea yoa have the money to cloa the deal when yon aee H. We gimrsnlee this Al soil and everything lust aa advertknM. B. 8. COOK f CO.. 281 Alder gt.- FOR EARLY BERRIES AND FR1IT. ' 10 acre of the finest frntt and berry land, ?" practically level: th White Hahnan river' orme tbe west line; well sheltered; the soil Is rich and deep: 2 acre In peach trees, all fenced: a 3-ronm house, barn and frult cwlla': watered by a apring: aalr 14 mil from school: mall delivered: will make an excellent fruit and poultry ranch; price $1,200; term, $700 jtajtlilance to ault. Wlilt Salmon 'o!IW lilt SalmohT "WiiHT" . ; ' " 100-ACRE farm, IS mile east nf Portland on Sandy river. 40 acree ander cnltlvallon. rood Improvements. 10 acre on Powell Yalley -road. V. mil aoath of reservoir; - abort die- -tance from 2 car line. 17 acres good, level lend sdoljnlng Motor addttlea. W. B. Fech belmer, 227 Falling bldg. FARM rOR SALE 100 eeres.- good building. ' SO ers In cnltlvallon, frntt and berries, eplendld water, - near tow, dally mall, l.ono.000 feet of One pine aaw timber, lota wood, a lovely bom . In the most delightful climate on the, Pactne const. AddrIl. B. Bo 117, Woodvllle, Or. STATE LANDS FOR SALE ' . The atate of Oregon has for aale a limited . , , amount of base for Ilea neleetlona; price antll further notice $a.C0 per cre. For pr ' ticolar adirva Oawald Weet. Bute Laed Agent, Bairm, oregoa. - 210 AI RES of flrst-rlaaa land 21 mllee from Pertlantl. 10 acre rlear. 50 act alaahed ami burned: fine running water. 1 W-etory log bonae: tbla la one of tb very beat buy hi th ' aorthwsst: price $10 per sere. 47. Joaraal. $10.000 FARM of 400 acre. ' 220 ralttvgted. balance pasture 50 ere clover; house, tw barns: would aril In lot of 40 acre. An. drees' E. Belt. Bout 1, Rlc real. Oregon, ar 400 Eaat Twelfth t., Pnrfland. , S ACUBS tn Mllwaukle, 4 Moeka to carllm'1 all kind of apring' of watrr, room eiritsge: full ' Bssenient. good' wll on norrk: this nlscn Is ' a bargain; can make yott terms, 4t4 Eaat . . Morflaon ,. at. FOR SALE 57"-ere grain nd tock ranch In - heart of Willamette valley: fair Improve ment, cloa to R. R. atatlon; a big anap -L-at 125 peWbcre. Inquire J- D. Winn, 222 West Second t.. Albmiy. Oregon. 12.750 ACRES, highly Improred. Bear rat line: fine orchard. 5-rom hone, good hern, all entbulldlnga: one third cash, remainder long time aa deelred at S per cent. Call I07i, Third. - '' - $2,750 BTTYS a $4,600 fsrai f I8S aerea. S- I room Bona, warn, p"i - - 4- from wsrehomux. 114 mile to whsot: $1,000 ea.h. bslsnc yer- time. w. 4. aunoasy, "Tehoe. Waab. -. - r FOR SALE Stock, ranch of S.400 acre pear Oinnrg, S ml lea . northeaal ef Eugene. Lene county, Oregon: price low and term eaey, . P, ' I). Chamberlain. . Lab be , bldg., Portlaad. FBEB government farm land. Jut opened t eettlernenii kvl rIIey land, ne- ton or timber; water and will ftrnt-ciae. Room OS Labh bMg.. cor. . Second and Waabtngtoa, rBEE LAND IN ORE00N ander th Carey Irrigation Act. Deed direct fruej state. Writ today. Booklet and Bip fr, B. B. Cook A Co., 251 Alder St. Portland. Or. A S0-ACRE farm, all ta cultivation; $ mite from courthnue. t mile from O. W. P A Br. ' Co. 1 $3,0un; term to ault. , Jobs P. Sharkey, 701 Chamber ef Commerce. ACRES In high atate of cultivation, near ' car line and on good graveled road, S mllee not. , IJOO per acre; eaa terms. Call lot 'm , , XalfO. . - M . , - r -' """ ..j - . 1 ,. r '1 . .- r -I, rV 'I