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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY - HORNING' NOVEMBER, 5, 1005.; -Town topics I ' TODAT'S AXUSXXZim. BWaaro ,.i..."Ths Huisn" ..."A Human aila-s" Erjiplra. . . Bkr. ... ....... - LiT-le-.. Kur (irand .,.. Ubrt- ... Mualral Bnrkaqse ,.,..,"Tba Bauker's IaixbU'r" -auue-nie Yaurtaallls Vaudnlll. Thtv November Issue of the Chamber ' of Commerce Bulletin haa (or f rontls : pleo a page halftone view, of Mount Hood from Portland. Th issue con- tain an article by Secretary W. A. - ileara of the transportation committee . of the chamber on the work of that body. Juliua U Meier. In "The Land ot the a rant Southern." telle of the fertile territory through which that new rail road rune. In "Pertinent Comment" P. W. Col Una urges th Portlander to greater efforts. Much Information la contained in. J. N. Teal's "An Open ."River Prom Lew la ton to the Bea." "The Work of the Chamber" show that thla commercial organisation was buay ' during tb last , month.' ' There hae been aold thla week, the v three 'Story brick building at No. tl And 81 Front street, and aleo the three " '.j trry building, lit Oak street, between Vl FrohC and Flrst streets, , occupied "by Robertaon, Manning A Co, to Beno ft Ballls. This sale was made for W. B. Robertson. . There baa also been sold the quarter block ' on 'the northeast 'comer of Fifth and Cllaan streets, ad ' Joining the Union Meat eomapny's prop ' rty; to John Manning, District Attor , fieylnd H.'B. Adams, Deputy Attorney. .''-' Thla waa sold for Colonel - John Mo v Craksn. The Mies : were made . by ' Charles K, Henry. " - t- -, Through his attorneys, 'Whitney L. - Boise and John rT.-McKe, Walter Vt- - veil yesterday-filed a request for a new trial in the case of Conrad Bloemecke and Thomas Prieahoff, members of a - - St. Louis business firm, aaglnst VlvelL .. " The defendant was sued for $841 alleged -- tov be due for good delivered several . ,; years ago. . udge Cleland - oa October . 21 decided for the plaintiff a. Vlvells - defense was that he had paid for the goods by. giving the plaintiffs tips on the winners of numerous horse raoea : held In St. Louis. Judge Cleland held that racing tips were not legal tender. , .The New Era Paint and Varnish eora- - pany Is now selling Its celebrated ready mixed paints at per gallon, a re r ductien of 45 cents per gallon because the cans were smoked by the fir and the labels soiled. .. Th contents of th . . package were not In ... any wis damaged not . "so much ? as heated and painters are .buying In. large -quantities for : future use. Remember Jhts company has not moved away from '"the burned building. It la still at SOI . Front street, between Taylor and Sal . mon, v .. i ,-')-' '''. ; The Minneapolis Steel and Machin ery Company has begun a suit In th , circuit court for 11.117 against A. K Bentley, the Northern Paciflo Terminal ' Company .and O. E. Helnta. ' Th roln- v fiaapolla company alleges that tt fur , nlphed Bentley material for the building or tne sneas over in iracas or in ter mlnat company at"th Union depot. l:l Helnta was mad a defendant because " It Is alleged In the complaint that he r attempted to Til a Men of the strootur. . .. ".Narrowly Escapes Death. Let weak a prominent woman of Irvlngtoa narrow ly eaejiped' death, from f lr .caused by : toeing Ch grata without a. spark guard. After recovery from her fright ah at ' ' onoe started for th M. J.'' Walsh Co., J41 Washington and secured one of their . spark arresters, a complete aet or ana- Irons and fir set, fenders, etc, and now . : she haa a feeling of entire safety and 7 advlsos her friends to take the same .', ptP .. once. 1 48 Washington street, , 1 ' Edward Lister, manager f th tTnl- verslty of Oregon glee and "mandolin "club. Is in Portland arranging for a ' roneert to b given at the Marquam Orand on Thanksgiving evening. At the , aame time he la completing arrange ments for a tour by th clubs of east ern Oregon cities, . .-..i' .;,;..rSs' . -.Arthur M.' Hlgglne . of Klniel park, ' this city, died at Caaa. Grande, Arlaona. , October it of tuberculosis. Mr. Higgins - went to Arisona some time ago for his ' health, but th Chang did not prove . beneficial. Hla body waa burled in Case Grande, but will b remored to this . city ltr. . ' ; . 7 - ' An amended oxunplaint in th petition of O. W. Johnson waa filed in th cir cuit court yesterday. Th couple were married at Victoria, British Columbia, .on Kovem6er3iri00."' " Deaertlorrlgrthe alleged caus for th asking or legal I separation. ' ,. ' v . r: ... e v " '" " At the People's "Torum this evening there will be a general discussion of octal Ism, led by Dr. C H. Chapman, aft or which the dlacuaaton will be free and open to all Elks' hall, Marquam building. . l.iO p. m. ' ' - ..--j- - . ... i ' i . -'. . , 4 ' : ' " Baker's delicious Caracas eating choc olate with booklet in beautiful carton ' It cents.' .and .vanilla chocolate with whipped oreara, at 12T Seventh street. ' . Deputy District Attorney Robert Oal loway has been confined to bis home. Our Specially , Wmak A specialty f tw. Rings VMM tXAXOm SOXO TAXU -OAOIM-CT ! snd th najor sold wsDsnra , . mnro. - The former binds th bargml" and th latter tie th knot. If you ' have th girl, w bar the ring. 1 . .-- t; . ' The G. Deilkciapcr rivr .. .. Jewelers e4 SUversmlta -' 1 2S8 l.crrlsca Slrecl Our rialn Gold Rlntt are Ilk, iK and Hk fusllty. . - - -. The great, big successful bank of the country are the . peristent advertisers. They, are after business. So are we. Wevdo not consider it beneath our dignity and con servatism to suggest reasons why you can be benefited by doing business with a strong bank. y WE PAY : - . INTEREST GENERAL' BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Oregon Savings Bank " Sixth; and ' Morrison Streets." '', orrzoxu .'r , ' W. H. Moore. President. ' ' , B, E. Lytle, Vlce-Preeldent ' . W. Cooper Morrhi, Cashier. r; T 8. 'Logan Hays, Ass't Cashier. - BXUOTOBa W. H. Moore. , B. CL. Lytle, - Lo Fried. ' 'W. H. CopeIand 1 W. Cooper Morrla. , .. .. : MARGERY BROWN'S EYES WERE BLACKEST BLACK . Miss , Margery . Brown, '.j. aged J sir months,' was awarded, the prise at the Lewis and Clark " expoeltlon's ' baby show on September II for possessing the blackest eye of any of the tots fargery Brown. present" LlttI"Mls Brown "rstds with her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs.- Jesse Brown, at- ltt -Portland . Boulevard. Although there war many bablea at the show whose eyaa .wer of the raven hue. stern Judges pronounced thos of Margery's to- be Just as blac as black could be, and so sh waa awarded the prts. ' ; - -'- - 4!t William avenue, during th past week . with a eevere cold, Although he la much improved It will b soma time before he is abl ,to resum his dutlea Tonseth ' Bros., wholesal . florists of Mount Tabor ' Will open a retail , cut- flower store Saturday, November' IS, at 1 IS Sixth street,- near Washington, nnder th nam Tonseth A Co, v , ' ' - Henry Jennings and daughter Kathar ine will leav- Portland ahortly for a flv months trip to Honolulu, China 'and Japan. They expect' to spend at least two months In Honolulu. 1 ' What Is Sunday without a reod din ner? Take your family to Richard's. A full course French dinner with win, $1.00. . String orchestra muslo S to 1:10. Corner Park and Alder. ' A Berries of aong art First Congrega tion church Sunday evening, when th Cathedral aervlt-e will b used. ' Even- Ing nbjni "f House, preacher. ' liudger Bolr. Br... was yesterday ap pointed by County judge Lionel n. watt- ater guardian of Lodger Bolr, Jr., who has been judged Insane. A bond of 11,600 was given. - A - good tfrrve to paint Th Bibs on Rob Nurscf,aiso Miiwauki avenue, headquarters) for Fin Rosea. Take Sell wood ear. Phone East 1SS. Catalogue free. Watches and diamonds tl down and SOo per week. Goods delivered on first payment. Xmaa la coming. Metsgar Co., Jewelers, opticians 111 Sixth, , ' Paintings,' tchlng, paatels and othef pictures at cost at llltt Fourth street Buy now and sav money. Artlstlo framing dop. to prdar. . ., Th paint" fir sal and good painting weather are both with us now. Remem ber th address. Hi First street, near Alder. Tel. Main 10M. ; ' .; Wanted to rent,-a ator room or part of a room - in good locality. - Address, Armstrong th Tailor, No. lit Washing ton a tree t. . . ': . )..". . . " Pan-Co-Vesto club, $1 per month. Keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed. 171 West Park, Pacific 80. Open all night '. For' perfect fitting eyeglasses at rea sonable prices,- see Geo.- Rubenatsln, graduate optician, IIS Fourth street Why pay IS.SO to 110 for y glasses when w guarant a perfect (It for lit Metsger Co ill Sixth street Pfunder th florist has removed to new store at Its sixth atrt, between Alder and Morrison. Portland's boat dancing achooi, - let Aider. Prof. Rlngler, Miss Buokenmeyer. . , . tAdl gymnasium elaaa, the Ringler Physical Culture school. U per month, Th Marquam Program for llv adver- tisors. Why 1j ReeulU. .That's aJJI,, Th Marquam program a medium for high class advertisers. -.... .Frttss tamsles ar th beat'. . . . Milwaukie Country Club.-' EasVtrn. and Beettle raeaa. ' Tak Sen- wood and Oregon City ear at First and Aider. v, 1 I V " 1" t ' I S '1 '1 fit IliJ Miss Annld : Gabs Learns That the Saloon Business Does ; - Not Always Pay. ' HOTEL RUNNER GOOD MANAGE FOR SELF She Established Him in Business and He Waxed Prosperous, Then H ' Eloped With a Month's Receipts, Declares Fair Capiulist. . .'. ; A mortgagee's sal of, th stock and fixture of the Oxford saloon, Sixth and Oak ' streets, for th purpose of un tangling th confused buslnesa affairs of F. B. Hahn and Miss Annie Gab will b "held "Monday- morning. Th sale will mark th final of a romance that began- trior than a year ago -when -Miss Gab arrived in Port land. Sh had severs) thousand dollar and on her arrival met Hahn, who. though short on cash waa very long osj conversation. He was 'bus runner for the Scott hotel that paid him his board and lodging. : For wages he depended on tips. . . . . ,,r Mia Gabs had spent th greater part of her 40-odd year a In Missoula, Mon tana, where she conducted a boarding house, eh alwaya had thought that money waa made easily in the . aaloon business, she said; but . had never. In vested In that Hn. .. . When she sold her boarding house in Montana and came to Portland Miss Oabe seoured apartments at th Scott hotel, Seventh and Aaxkeny streets, and it soon became noised about among the employes of the place that ah, was pos sessed of means. .. Xibi Tans la' Zxve. . ' - -.' Hahn,. th hotel runner, fell desper ately in lav with her at once. To hint Mia Gab confided her convictions with reference to the money-making possi bilities of the saloon business. Hahn waa there with th experience. All he needed, he said, was the cash, and from Ote aaloon he would conduct enough money would be' realised to buy a few towns Ilk Portland. 80 the Oxford saloon. Sixth and Oak streets, was purchased by . Miss Gab. She is said to have paid between 4,00 and $5,000 for the buainess and fix tures. Hahn agreed to provide th stock and handle th cash. Th , deal was made immediately and It -waa only two or three days later that th former 'bu runner appeared on the atreeta of Port land attired in th moat costly fashion. Diamonds - flashed from - bis fingers and shirt front. H spent money with princely prodigality. The saloon was In his ham and it waa accordingly easy to purchase a stock of goods on credit The business flourished ujitll the ore eight months - ago. Th - losses fully covered tpr Jnsurance. Angal Xaa Vortgag attUL But Mlsa Gab&rtalnd a mortgage on th place- and it 1 fortunate for her that, ah did. 1 For . now she., together with Innumerable creditors. Including .nose) 1 rum wnuin. naon nougm me stock, are searching for a missing bar tender, who waa formerly a 'bus runner. Hahn disappeared on th night of No vember 1, and th. place burned next day. It la aald that a woman accom panied him and no trao of him ha been found. 1 Mlsa Gab declare he took with him th ntir month'a re ceipt at th aaloon amounting to more than 1100. -. - : , ; ; r - "I had retired whan h cam horn that night" eh aald, "but heard him. H packed his clothing and left - I didn't pay any attention to It at th time, for I Just waked up for. a minute when I heard him coming In. I didn't know - until morning that h had 1 left "I haven't reported to th police, for I ' don't . want him back. I wouldn't spend ( cent to get him back and don't car where he haa gone. Soma people aid I loved tUm. . but I don't know whether I did or not I am looking after th dollar and I'm going to sell th plac and et all th money I can out of. it -1 - "Of course I am loser, but It wouldn't bring th money , back to hav him arrested."----- - . " ' It Is said that Hahn waa een In Eu rn Friday in i"mp-"r with . woman.. Th aaloon 1 now. being conducted by Mi Oabw who declare that ah will contlnu to run th plac unlee ah suceds In aelllng H.' . ' f ..i Mme. Norelli's Farewell. ' Much lntret la manifested by th muslo lovers of Portland in Mme Kor elll's farewell concert the list instant at th Whit Temple. Her beautiful voice and artlstlo singing was a surprise to many who heard her lj September. Thos who were acquainted with her art were not surprised tut delighted with her fluent execution of som of th moat bril liant compositions ever attempted by th human voice. Her coming concert will be equally brilliant. Sh will sing some of thos famous selection from French fcrand oporatiq airs, which hav won for her flattering opinions in Europe and America, besides German llader. Frenoh romances and nw Scandinavian ongs of great Interest Mm. Nor 111 will be aaslsted by leading local musicians. Immediately after th con cert Mm. Norelll leaves for England to begin her fall ' tours in England and Scotland. ; Tickets will b on sale- at Woodard, Clark A Co. . . ' : WhAt'a a Turkey Ball? i -rv Drdar of Baciea announces on for Thanksgiving v at Merrill's halL . On hundred fat turkey and other gtfta will be presented to th people attending. Th committee promise a hummer. , . TH HUM WATta powia , . SAUWAT OOHPAKT. T HOTEL EtACADA I RATES t nt imn f son aorzinisa a Lsselaa with Vkfaat. I f Beam as eaare par ay... ............ so goosa ss4 Board f v". -.. , 10.0s . B-aakisat, J We.. ' Lunskeea, See, . Dlaoer, Ha. ' -ui Ticket, belBaUag reaad-trtp fare and Slaaer ...1.M gMlt laetaxltag iaa trl far. m slkt'( leeftag aa4 . amesia ,..00 CARS LEAVE . rtem omci ran axd Atoza sts. Paily at 790, t-W, II M a. ta.) 1:SS, ;, . 1:40, til p. an . Pane er Write , L, 0. MacMahon, Manager XSTAOADA, OklOOS. a......i... I 11 1 a mm due SHATTERED G5D0,000 CMO FR0L1 ORIENT Numarrtia Sails From Yokohama With Unusually Valuable V '-.'..: Lot of Freighi C LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF SILK IN BALES This, Worth1 One Hundred Thirty Seven Thousand Dollars, Will Be Shipped, East Five Hundred Tons of High Grade Teas Also. More than $609,000 worth of oriental goods are being brought to Portland on th steamship . Numantla of th FOrt-T land & Aatatlo company's flet wnicn sailed from Yokohama yesterday for the Columbia river. -.-..'i. .: . One of th valuable single shipments I -composed of 17B bales of raw silk, worth 1500 a bale, or a total of 137,bou. The allk will be placed in express cars and sent to New York. From ther th shipment will be forwarded to New Jar sey and divided among the factories, to be manufactured into finished fabrics. Flv hundred tons of tea, valued at 1500 a ton, add 1260,000 mora to th valua bf th cargo, and there la suf ficient amount of mlacellaneoua freight In th hold of the ateamer to makathe total consignment of goods worth con siderable more than half a tnllllon of dollars. The tea cam from Formosa and points In China And la of a high grade which retails In th local mar kvta at from SO to 71 cents a pound. Th ateamer' cargo comprlsea about 5,000 tone, of which 1.000 tons will be sent from here to points in the Interior, whU th remainder will be aetit to Cali fornia. ; If all go wait th Numantia will arrive about November 29 and will be -discharged and ready for. th return trip before December 1. - . '' Practically all of th veasel's space has been engaged for th outward voyage. As has been th esse with her predecessor of late, th major portion of her cargo will be made up of flour and wheat although ah will tak -out a big assortment of eastern freight such as machinery, cotton, tobacco, to. GOOD PROGRESS ON JETTY Three Thousand Tone of Book Flaeed la . -y. a Stngl Day Sh Beoora. -- - - United State Engineer Bagnall, who haa charge of tha Jetty construction at the mouth of the Columbia liver, ar rived In th city yesterday and reports that operations - have been progreaaing aa rapidly as the weather permitted. November 1 1,000 ton of rock were ad ded to th Jetty, an exceptionally . big day's work. ' During the season, 400,000 tons has 1 "-'"'q ." -iTT rJ. 1.' "' "ml thla amount wnrB in- been handled and Engineer Bagnall est! creased to C00. 000 tons before the win ter storms prevent further work. The -Hetty Ja now about six miles trr length. in extension nia season . measuring elssa. t one ana one-ouarter mllea. . - Th money available for th project la about exhausted. -jut probably will b ample to last until th winter storms sei in.-' ...,-:,.!..,..,. Nearly 170 men are employed. While supposed to work, only eight hours day, they hav been putting In 10 hours th greater part of th aummer, receiving overtime pay. Th quarries hav been delivering stone about as fast as it could b handled by th gov rnment : '. ,. - . SAILORS WIN POINT.. . Ar Keleaaed From Set-rlo,. Busang and Beoelv Their Wag....- ' Because they' were dissatisfied II sailors who cam, her on thai French ship Vauban from Genoa. Italy, were paid by th captain yesterday afternoon and. released from service, -'Which- I somewhat unusual. Nearly all seamen on foreign vessels ar required to re main on board until tney return to' the port at which they signed to make the voyage. 1 . .',-., . ' But if Is said that a French law recent ly went Into effect that when th sailors on board a merchantman hav Just cause of grievance they may demand their wage at th nrst port they reach, where It Is poeslble to fill their place. In thle lnata new the- friends of the" skip per say that th man -had no good I grounds for complaint but rather than hav a dissatisfied crew h decided to grant their demands. A few days ago th sailors on th British ship Durbrldg were paid off and released and the ar aald to be th only two Instances on record In th his tory of Portland that th members of crews on foreign bottom ever won their point in thla respect VOLGA CLEARS. SHeamship Will Sail With Bearly Three XUlloa Feet of Immber for China. 7 With a cargo of l.ttO.Otl feet of lum ber, valued at IS,IIS, th . British steamship Volga, Captain Pattle, cleared at the custom house yesterday afternoon for Tslngtau, China. 8h will tak on an additional shipment of lumber, how ever, today and "will not leave tor th sea until tomorrow ' morning. The steamer alsa haa on a quantity of poles and slab. Th cargo Is being shipped by the Paciflo Export Lumber, company. which sends most of th lumbar from thla port to th far east Th other day th company chartered th British steamship Tottenham to load at Port ltnd for China and it la expected that sh will take tfut closs to 4.000.000, feet of Oregon fir. Sh will not arriv her until about th first of th year. NO REUNION FOR HIM. Captain of Oerauu. Ship Xxpeoted to 0t Crgo"X Seat to AXrioa. -Captain Brauhn, of th German ship Tarpenbekv which arrived In port yes terday; - is angry because hi vessel haa been ordered to load for South Afrl- At leaat, a friend of the mariner says the captain does not wish to sail for th land of kopje and diamonds. Only a few .months sgo, the mariner was wedded to a handsome Hamburg fraulie mnA It ta tt. A ha whihaia tA rnpw. hnma and enter th go-re rnmeat pilot service off th stern and rockbound coast of th fatherland.: -When" h left Germany Is command of th Tarpenbek, Captain Brauhn thought he would receive a cargo at som Paciflo coast portrtor Europe. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. ' i ' ' . , '" " ' TO discharge ' th balance " Of ner freight th oriental liner Nlcomedla moved over to the Alaska dock yester day afternoon. Th work was com pleted last night and thla morning sh will shift to th flour mUla to begin A C03D lilVESTfUIT A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE FORM $50 TO $20O ; ISpecial Inducements in Ordr -1 uoh (Jut Kemainder ot Jixposi tion and Used Pianos, Pianola Pianos and Pianolas at Eilers PianOiHouse AU Must Go -Room Needed For New Christmas Stock, Giving away from ISO to 1200 trf every Purchaser at Kllera l'lano House during he cioslng-eut aale of F.x position and usd pianos, panoln pianos, pianolas, etc. Is hardly believable, but we are doing it We must the room for our new Christmas stock. Not a ques tion of profit rrbw. Boom, room,; room, la what we want. Many of the beautiful Rxpoaltlon planoa have . found new owners, but there still remain a few exceptional values. These ' Instrument were es pecially selected for the Kxposltlon, and represent the latest designs and high est degre of piano construction. Good as new In every particular. -Enormous reductions to sell them quickly. Kasy dired. . -7 Exchange- Pianos. : v -- Th prenent -season has been an ex ceedingly busy one. Many . Kxposltlon. visitors combined business with pleas ure and took advantage of th oppor tunity afforded them while In our beau- Kimb(llif punoi. or on of th other numerous htgh-xrad Instruments handled only bv the House of tilers.- Wi received In part payment many allghtly used pianos, some having only been In the home for a short time. They have all been mad into virtually new instrument at our repair shop before being placed In our salesrooms. - To Go Quickly. ... Beautiful Bailey, largest sis. Colonial tyle, lf; dainty Lagonda. Colonial etyle, 1187: flna Hfnse, mahogany, SITS; a beautiful Jacob Poll, mahoarany, 1210; magnificent walnut Brlnkeroff, Z00; elegant walmit 1600 style Hchlller, now $245. Fine Wesley, oak case. S1SS; an other beautiful Jacob Doll upright, wal nut case, 1198; large-sixe Whitney, oak ens, good a new,; largest else Wing V 8on orchestral grand, tVii; fine Marshall A Wendell, mahogany - caaa, 1235: laraest alia Tin us. 1210: beauti ful, large-slse Voae Bon. ellehtly shop--worn 1240; Omaha Kxposltlon style Kimball,- till; large-sixe, beautiful Hardman, slla-htly uaed. 1245; beautiful Victor, Colonial style, largest slxe, $276; two new pea, discontinued style, t20 .each." T-: - v Remember This- -Tou will never again hav an oppor tunity to cur such Values, for, owing to Increased factory cost of materiel and labor, -Increased retail prices will be mad necessary. 1-. -. -: We ar determined that nothing shall stand in the way of disposing of all these - instrument - Immediately, . and very moderat term of payment can be arranged. We will also set aside pianos purchased now ' for Chrfatmas free of charge. Every instrument guar- Eilere Piano House, I6l WasWngtonj street, corner 1'axK. loading for th outward 'trip. Sh 1 ex pected to b ready to sail by Novem ber 10. The hip channel which I being built vr " " ,... ... , th Willamette river will b computed on Tuesday and the . dredge Portland, which has been employed at the task for th paat three month, will com up to th local harbor. Th dredge Co lumbia 1 working at Code island. Th work of loading th . British steamship Aglncourt with a grain and flour cargo was started yesterday after noon at Montgomery dock No. I. Steamer South Bay - sailed for Re dondo yesterday afternoon with 475,000 feet of lumber. Fiv hour let of her achedul tlm the steamer lone arrived yesterday aft ernoon from Waahougal and , other points on th Columbia. Her delay waa caused by having to atop at way. landings and tak on an unusually big amount of freight British shin Durbrldg moved yester day afternoon from th Banfleld dock to Montgomery No. s. , - t ' Steamer Homer sailed last night for 4 San Francisco with a cargo of freight and a full list of passengers. Steamer Csarlna - arrived last . night from th Bay City: on th return trip ah will take out a cargo of grain. MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Nov. 4. -Arrived down during th night and sailed at I a. m. Steamer LWhittler, for San Francisco. Arrived at 10 m. and left up at p. m. Steamer Cxarlna. from San - Francisco. Arrived down at 4:30 p. m. Steamer Alliance.--Condition of thbr at ft prm.r moderate; wind , nortnweat; weatner clear. " " Saa Franclaco, Nov. t. Arrived at J a. m. Steamer wasp, irom roniana. Sailed at I a, m. Steamer Redondo, for Portland and way porta. Arrived .it 10:10 a. m. Steamer Eureka, from Port land. Sailed last night Steamer North land, for Portland. A FOURTEEN-STORY OFFICE J. M. Scott, New York Capitalist, Will Invest Four Hundred Thousand In Portland. ' iJohn M. Scott, si Nw Tork eapltaHstl who recently , spent several weeks in Portland, haa decided to Invest. between 1100,000 and 1400,000 in this city. He has commissioned local brokers to pur chase ground for an office building and a warehouse and' will erect a 14 -story skyscraper if sultabl sit apd terms ar Offered.' ------- 7 - ' ." " - . ' Cantata W. W. .Goodrich, who designed a 14-story office building for him som year a ago in New lora, aaia: 'If Mr. Bcoti nuiia ner n win pm up a rirstcias eiructure. . 11 win oe steel t ram and stonework, of th popu lar 'American' office building' type and containing every modern Improvement and convenience." ' t v Mr. Scott I now : In Honolulu. When he left for th Sandwich islands two week ago he placed a commission with Captain Goodrich and th broker a are firm of Forbe A Goudy to select and purchase a sit for a skyscraper In th business district ana anomer-sue for a warehouse structure. A Tinrtertf locations ar Tindef con slderatlon. Th beat proposition have been cabled to htm at Honolulu and a reply is expected In a few days Instruct ing-his agents to proceed. Where to Dine. "Watoh th Omaha Grow.' Clean, modern restaurant French dinner, with wine, 60c New management Th Omaha, 44 Sixth. v . French cook will serve you with a gennln French dinner, with win, Itv Manhattan Buffet, Sixth. Two legitimate "stores "well -established - Corner. First and t Yamhill and Corner Third and Davis; Complete lineof ; Men's Suits and Overcoats from ?6.00; to 920.00. Hat Pants, Shoes, . Shirts, s. Underwear ; also Ladies'i and Children's Shoes, with; a full stock of Trunks, Suit Cases," Blan kets and Cbmforters. It is to your interesito look usup. . . ; -:; ; ,r... JOHN DELLAR PROPRIETOR i - 1 Whit "Rlvr Flour owe its virtues Its snowy whiteness,-Ha llghtne of quality, It eaey digestibility ahd its fine, full flavof-Uo th( fact that th Oregon Blu Stem - (peer of all hard wheat), .Xrom which it Is 'made, has been treated by a special electric or 'Ionised sir" process during h milling. There' - a . ar.nte, printed on a littles brown slip, that go with every sack of White River Flour. 'r It U hot necessary to return the slip to get your -noneybackj lfvp,re dissatisfied Just return th ' partly used sack to Allen A lwla. ''.k V' ' Motel Eaton Cstwer ICerttie ad West Pais St-eets, NEW BaagaonieHJBrslalisd. al.eastl, eeslees.- Br. proof. !? Blssta' walk rrosi sesrl ef sboppin as eaaisMs eiatriet. su unr. airy, eetalda rooms, stoaaa keatad. slertrlt jlshts, t.l-psene re eeeh surtsMat, etc. , ' ..a I I mkAi.. k r.H41ae ea-eptiea parloca. Umb, rsirnl ny ann"er uiepaeae. Private eaialsae siesta tiaiaa sad staaiete, Rooms 9I.OO to $5.00 a Day . -,, Speelat Bat to Conuaerelat Masv . . . staa. vax zatov. "," ireraierly . ef Hotel BeApatk, pekaae.l For SO weeksi with opportunity- to se cure $30 suit at 41 o fSOcw Meetings every Wednesday .evening. Investigate. Johnston Suit Club Um 509 Washlnaton Street J.' 8HEII.D8. 105 College street, se cured th f DO suit in th J. H. Johnston Butt Club, Wednesday evening, Nov. 1. ' In connection with th Suit Club w hav established a Pressing and Clean ing Club tl. 00 per month. ECMtCMcartn'sj gNauM - 7-tuXsirg. i!.,t!.ii.M. lai, i r-i la lira aaa SMIIH auaa, vita mm rfVau. Take atkar. tfm l-.a4ia.. ak-4lMaaa a4 1-.IW. mmmf r s-al.wla-a, Tal-aalaU aaa 'tUllaf aW I a uaw. a- r taraMalt. iO.eo -aul.n. eW Orasai'u. 'klka-arVk.-alaalCa, JOHN CLAIRE MONTEITH R-antly er New Tors, earitoae sokhst si ma White Tampla. will reeelve poplls la veica eol rara. tnU Washington St., room IS. Pbeoa Main tlft S. H. ALtrX-OOODWTg (from Leedon, leg.) Tanor rirat Con(T(atloaal rborra. Port- land. T-nor sad voral Instrector. Pupil ot lata Sims Beevss, Landoe: Sifnort Masoal and Ouataae Oarrla, London; M. 'aar, Paris. Stndle 00 N, Elfhtaanta st . fbeae Pad fie S86. Mill Sale Very Popular. The Mill Over-Productlon sale at the Shanahan store on Third street proved exceedingly popular. All day Friday and Saturday the entire store wss filled to overflowing with happy bargain seek ers who reveled in th great opportuni ties. They all pronounced th sal th greateet ever and hundred of house keepers secured many needed artlclea at about, half th regular cost Th good ar mill lengths, odd pieces, odd color, and broken slses that always accumulate at th factories. Included in tlila tinmen stock ar many . artlclea of the stapl domestics, vis: bedding, blankets, cotton and wool en underwear, dress goods In sklr.t and dress lengths, stsndard percales, cali coes, prints, hosiery, table llnena, men's and women' furnishings. In fact vry Un of merchandise. Every item offered In th- aale ta a mill remnant, being sold by th manu facturer for what It would bring, so the lota will not be replenished. Hence it will be well to 00m eerly bfcM-e it la picked over. It, la well to remember khat these good ar not priced accord ing t their worth but according to what they will bring. C- jam find her ladles' raincoat as low 2 . and'Vhlldren's reefer at th vnheard of flgur of !. Ld)ea' vulta with nan lib mlxtureaTTVox bck, . collarleea, neck outlined and fac-fl with red velvet and patch pveketa, Think of It Km broideries at atrch. frt-ice. ,1t la really a shame, hohrld liner: cheaper than you ver txms-ht vhm before. Man's furnishing of all kinds, neat, natty and nic. It I -simply the (rratfKt s'e that haa er came in town. -evrytli'tig l )fiiii,irnM It In a h-riri!n h'ini"r para'! 'M. f'ftme Crlv M'i'1hv bu( aiV II . If ym w itit '1 e;ive m' v I 1 " f ill tn'a la AMr, r ... 1 1 By Electricity $1 Per Week HOUSEIlOtC NECESSITIES -.HOICK assortment of bean- I .taul BrnsseU Weave K. versibl Fues, 27x54 inches. fringed ends, "fen. al vsag Monday only (not rfllss more than two to I llT J customer), special. . . . J U CIOTDES EiLaCE the frame in posi tion, with the bars down, ward, and lower the bars io the lowest adjustment. Raise and spread the bars and the rack is then ready for use. At this level the clothes may be placed on the bars with the greatest ease, after w h i c h ' it can be elevated to positionnearlhe ceiling, where the clothes will quickly dry in the warm air and at the same time be out of the way. -This is done by simply taking hold of the frame and pushing upwardT It may also be lowered by slightly raising the lower end of the, frame and al lowing it to slide to the desired lveUuTherer no,iaitenings of any kind to be opened or closed,, yet it-is impossible for it ever to slip or slide after it is once; set The bars are dropped flat on the wall when not in as by simply raising the wire brace. A great con- aaj venience for indoor . IT f 1 f JiS,.sf..:..'.Du f&SXJEM oiiTnrnKG co Tk Star Wher Tear Credit Is WASHINGTON AND TENTH STREETS Matting Sale WTiat a very- larg lln of finest , quality . ef Unen Warp Matting on hand and must eloe out In order to make room for holiday 'goods now arriving. In cluding ' . '.:.-' . Xmas Toys and Curios WXOLItsUAn mSTAXk ..... ... ' W wltl continue our auction al 10 days longer. Com Sn4 get bargain. - - Andrew Kan & Co. sat Mommiso nr. Few SBOderei dental Wire. World-ra aawned specialist - -Uaweet prices eonsiaceal wita 8rtt-ela. work. , , . Oo t tbe ' NEW YORK DHNMSTJ rotntra ajto stoamisoaT sts. Ope day ni niit from .; a. rs - antu la a. as. Llics Edith rCc!! Formerly of CMse", puflls et tvi.ll, 4H SPECDAL CLOTHES fQl0TnES RACK T RACK in . Japanese TEETH .1jv..--.w- ... l ' :