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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY; JOURNAL. rOrVTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMEZn g, 1ZZZ. IVILCOX OTF FOR , YOU ARE vWELCOME TO, CREDIT. whether you are a moderate lalaried. em ploye or wealthy employer. The POWERS', SYSTEM makes any honest person's - Credit good by 'adjusting terms" to meet their earnings or income. Do not think you must buy cheap, ordinary furniture because you can only spare a few dollars just now. . - With a few-dollars down and a doliar or two a week we can make your home beautiful -and you will never notice" tha Outlay.-Our system of : credit .will both interest and - --i tvvrtu-: -'.r t-:" - -- -r-.v--. - i-; ' ; --. v - Will Be Followed by Others- to Work for Columbia River Improvement.;;;' ' ;' t - v IMPROVEMENT FROM BAR , j .... a lh easl asss) lilt TO FAR INLAND I nt Aim i Jones of Washington,' Hayes of Cali "'h' fornia and Frendjof Idaho "Have C- Promised Help and Waahlngton V, . Senators' Aid la Expected. wiiiiiGfoii -; " - " , V r - ' V':: ' , I '-Ot ' U a- i ,' f "7 mmM , c i .- y' ,fii.. ' V s !' : Theodore a Wilcox left yesterday for WasMorton, Pistrlct of Columbia, to oe- alitfthf campaign tor ths mproveraoii 1 of the Columbia river, f; Later - others " ', win join hire, the deleaatloe unions; on , t plana to Induce congreaa to appropriate ' sufficient money to carry on the work t v - t the mouth of the river and at raiuo. , "f-f Thoa!oan of the delenajlon will be ' ' the Improvement of the river from the 'V- bar at Astoria to the upper reacnes m 'Hhe. Inland Empire. Pata will be aupplled . X to congress sfcowlaa the potential reat neea of the regloa affected by the pro- . - ' i posed Improvements: th-fi-ur.s are ,' ready nearly -complete, and are aald to : " form one of the moat 'convincing atate menu ever - preaented to ; tba naUonal . . '. . : law-making . body. . ... s , Argaaoenta for Jetty. . 1 J One of tha taska of the delesatlon that ' aoea to Waahlnatoa wlU be to convince . congress of the vital Importance of pro " vldinf for continuing the work on the '-' Jetty at the mouth of the Columbia. ' In f aupport of thla It will oe cited that to ' era -work-for- the -coming , aummer 7- would cause the partial deatructlon of - -the trtetllng -that-aa- been used - IB building the ietty. and that heavy dam- age- would -reoult-to-the-roekwork. al- ;.- ready done on the Jetty Itself.- - It will be necessary also to show to V - the members of cong-rcaa that-vast com tnerclal enterprises wait oh the further ' Improvement of the Columbia river, that additional .steamer:-' lines are' ready to t start' in operation when the .needed work lias beeq . pone, that .practically half a : continent depends Upon the Columbia -"river for the -final working out '.of. ths transportation problem by the establish- 1 . -ment of a water basis for rats, ana tnat , .' the proper recognition-, of the Columbia - win establish such a "basiis.r ; ; Selegatioaw saepraseatetrve, . . 'The 'fortunate feature In the prepar ation for the winter campaign In Washington," said a chamber member, "la that those' who are to labor for the appropriation are truly - representative of aU interests, and therefore' will at tract support from all directions. - It la In my opinion assured that the very "best worli possible -will be done at the coming seslon of congress." ; , 'i ' Although the situation has not yet been completely analysed; partial "as surances have been received from rep resentatives and senators of other coast states that they will give Oregon their aupoprt tor the appropriation. Repre sentative Jones of Washington already has .pledged hie assistance, . Mr. Jones la a member of thetrtvers and harbors iomml: .. . Representative Hayes . of California also 'has promised, ta aid .in. the. .work, and Representative French of Idaho has done the wurn. . Senator - Levi Ankeny ,of walla Walla, Who haa attained con- i rV: 'fr'-:- :-.VU ";."' .'..;-, f.4- if 5 - - I RIMARY ELECTION IS HELD 1 TAT ALBANY : Pejtlal Ticrre'te ; Are N ominated J by": Both Democrats and Z. -- D.nllhliftll i ' . aldefable - prominence In the , national . senate, is personally committed to the river Improvement, and In addition hla local constituency of eastern Waahlng . ton are vitally interested In both the : : deepening of the bar and tha removal of obstructions In the upper river, Sena tor Pile of Seattle, who la on. moat " friendly terms with Senator 'Ankeny, la i believed to be In a position to give aome . assistance to the project. - , ' "Thlaga fcook Well. ' "All In all." aald one of the Portland r men who la . Interested In the matter, "the situation promises to develop ' strength that In large part will make : tip for the fact that Senator C W. Ful ton 'Will be the only active member In .the national legislature from Oregon : thla ' winter. Senator Fulton wlU have able seconding from the . delegations :- that will go to Waahlngton, and -we are ' hopeful that we ' will succeed In land ing the appropriation." . ' ' . . . . It la said that the strongest argu ment that can be offered to congress "wlOryefefehce"to tne bar 1 afAslorl will be the statement -that something 'like tl,6Q,00L-4lamage would be done to the .. Jetty If work were not continued the coming summer, whereat) only l,8o0,r. ,: 0 would be needed to' complete the ' entire project. - . :-. - ("pedal Dispatch tfr The Jaaraal.) -Albany. Or, Nov. 4. The primary election in this city this, afternoon re sulted la the nomination of partial tick ets by the Republicans and Democrats. The 'Republican ticket nominated Is: O. P. Daniels, mayor; W. Lair Thompson, recorder; C. M. McKey and B. M.-Huston! tied for marshal; H. B, Cualck, treas urer. - - -.-'- t.:-j-. , '. v- oemoc ratio ucKet ., , j.WBltneyfc mayor; W. S. Rlsley, recorder; i W.- A. McClaln. marahaL - . - - Courtcilmen In the first ward Oiarles Pf elf fee seoured the notulnatton On bot tickets; in the second ward A. J. Dav- aney defeated X' M."Ra3stin,'b0th Dem ocrats," for nomination as Democrat by one vote, both being voted for on tha Republican ticket, Ralston winning out by 3 votes; In the", third ward Walter Parker' secured the nomination oh both- the Republican . and Democratic tickets. ( Great lntereatwas manifested,- aa this was the first trial Of the pri mary, election law: - Thompson defeated Pooter,.both Republicans, by 111 votes. TRUXTON BEALE BACK -FROM EUROPEAN TOUR fgpeefol Dtepstcb of teased WflW teTM lesrliaD' New York,. Nov 4. Truxton' Beele, former mjnlster to Persia, and one of the best known capitalists and club men In California, arrived from Europe today on the Hamburg accompanied by 4la wife.. Mr.. Bsale was 111 when the steamer arrived and. In fact, waa suf fering from Illness throughout - the voyage' from Naples. Both he and his wife declined to be 'interviewed at' the pier and went to the Waldorf. Mr. and Mrs. Beale.have been traveling on the continent and spent part of their tour In company with Mr. and .M.ra in -O. Mo ormlck. - Mr, MoCormlck was formerly general . passenger agent of the South m Paciflo . railroad In San Francisco and now Is a prominent official of the Harrlman llnea. . f . . . ; M PASTOR PLEADS GUILTY - TO SLAPPING BOY ;s , - : i ;.:' v (Bpeeial Diapstch to The foeraaL) 1 Pullman, Wash., Nov. 4 Rev, Ralph i f1 ';. ' Bargent, pastor of the Pullman Christian V ' church, was today arrested en a charge - '. . .' of assault and battery pleaded guilty . , and paid a fine and cosa amounting to - . ,ti.7t. The minister's 10-year-old son had ' a fight -with the 14-year-old son Of J. - t -R. ''Roberts, a member-of Jila'chureh. 't'. ; i The preacher's son got the worst of the V yight, the preacher took' it up 'and u : - slapped the Robtrta boy In the face, , ;.' . blacking his eye. The arrest caused a ' '. r sensation in Pullman, where Rev. Mr. . Sargent was a leader, of the Law and ' 1 . Order league. . -. -. Oregon Woaua Wants Mer Baby. I : (Speetal Dltpetck to The JosrasLl ;.. ; Olympis, Wash., Noy. 4. Mrs. W. 8. t Ross of Oregon is. suing In. tha su f. v parlor court of this county for the ,'poaaassloa of her boy baby,' Bernard, S-f wha-waa given into the custody of its : grandmothfT, Mrs. N. B.. Peters. Judge ? ' Lime. will render a aeoislon next Mon- day.. .. ' . . I . .. . -- y ' - V - ..r-K ;, V T. r . ;' ' f '; (''" - s 1 raT?Tnr-yt ; 1 ' ' Elliott F. Shepard and hia wife. Shepard la the ton-of the late New York . editor and la now servine; a sentence in a French prison fof killing a littie girl who was run over by hla automobile 4 ' - OIES-ATUOSPITAL OF 111$. EXCITING CHASE AFTER ' CRAZY MAN IN AUTO John Williams' Lungs Pierced by L Shot Fired B. rl 'k-jr-M' Murhard WAS CAUGHT PEERING IN WINDOW OF HOUSE (Upeetal Dispateh to The Jeorasl4 - Helena. Mont, Nov. 4. A policeman In an automobile had an exciting chase after a man suddenly insane, which be gan at the Union depot and ended at Unlonvffle. iouth of ' Helena ftitf Barnes, who was serving a ahort term in the county jail bad been sent out to exercise the sheriff a horse - . At the Union depot he lost hla reason and started for town at a wild gallop. Knterlna- Main street, he rode from one end to the other beating his horse and ! yelling wildly. A policeman secured sn Automobile and gave chase. The speed ordinance , was ignored. '. Barnes was captured aad landed rn JalL ' ' RECORD GOLD BRICK FROM BOHEMIA DISTRICT f - a '. 1 1 .-'" V1' Special Dispatch to' The JnemaL) ." .Cottage Grove, Or., Nov. 4. Superin tendent. Archer of the Oregon. Securities mine at Bohemia came down this morn ing and brought to this town (I pounds of bullion, the product of the; platea fof tl days. Only, -10 stamps ' were run during thla -time. Thla would .make the dally production of tha 10 stamps, thk pounds. The bullion la worth II an ounce. The gold waa on exhibition, at the bank. " ..'"' ' ," : ;- "'.'''. ; ; ' raneral of Was TUk. - ' . '(gpecial Dlipstcb to The Joerasl.) ' Clatskanle. Or., Nov. 4. The funeral of Miss Margaret Flsk, S3 years old, I one oi tne meet prominent young women of Clatskanle, .was held today at the Presbyterian church. Bhe died In a Portland hospital Wedneaday.i" ' .' Refused to Submit to Capture and Waa Shot, Lingering for Three . Daya Before Death Came Action May Be Taken by Officials. How to Cure ' ' f SMirtied U whole 'earth tor a Speelae for RbeamatUafeoaMtbing bat I or as? Dkfelrlaa roaM feel safe is praoorlbtng eoawtblng that 'we could eoont ea set eels eonaloaaUjr, bat , 1tb reasoaabte certolsty. For the raeagM of PbeamsUoBi are everywhere aad geeaiae relief . Is rare, -, , , , . Alter 'twenty years ef Sfareli bad exparlatent I treraea of the Oeraias cboartcal t sow enplnf .' And I ksew tbea that but eara sad aay efhirta War wall rewaroV fW tbts ebamleal, la iruuMnatlos wltM orbars, gave sta tba baalsef a rrawey welc ta tbe cere ef Rbevawtiaai Is lrarttrally eartala. . Is many. Baa or tests ssa ernes tbls pcaaariptloe has wMS regs. Isrtty Jsua4 tbe ceeaeeece baA ta It, Rheumatism t don't 'siaaa tbat Dr. gbooe'e Rbeamatle Tabtata eta tvra bony Jolota .Isto. Saab asala aa sever, falltbat Is lnpoaalhte. But tbar will wltb reasonable eartalsty drive from tba bloae tbe poises tbat eassas pats aad ewauins. aa4 thee tbat la tbe one of tbe pais aad sereU-tnc-tb eaa ef the saHsrlag tbe end ef Bbae atatlani. ., . . , .. Asy BaeuaMtle eafferer wee writes aw- re ealn ay little boot oa Bbedatatlaai, Inctaaing arofesaloaal aflvte as to 41at. sta.. fret. With tbe beok t U1 alan send, wltboet ebarse, ay "Haaltb Tok's." as la'taaded pa aa port to good kealts. Aeanas Dr. Bbeoo, Box 4brs, Baelao, Wiaeeasla. ..' Mild esses are soaMtloM reached ay a atagle package for eel by eO.OOO Drdgti'ts. r.John Williams, the longshoreman "Who waa ahot by C B. Murhard Wedneeday night at '. Twenty-f Irat and Upshur streets, while 'running after -being or dered to halt, died of hia wounda laat night 'at St. Vincent's hospital. Mur hard says he detected Williams peer ing la a window of his house. - The body waa removed to the under taking room a of Flnley gon. Dr. F. Cauthorn, city physician, asserts that death did not result from blood poison Ing but from the leaden pellets which entered the man's lungs. He will, ask Coroner Flnley to have an autopsy per formed. An Inquest will be held after the autopsy and whether tor not Mur hard ahall be placed ander arrest -de. panda on -the verdict -of ttie; jury .em paneled at that time. , . i Murhard aays he sew. Williams look ing In his window and seising a shotgun ran outside and ordered. him to halt.. He aaserts that Williams broke into m run and that at a distance -of about 60 feet he shot.. af'hlm, with the, Intention of only wounding him-v, Williams made no sound when shot nor aid he cease run nine-. ' ( ' -" - -t- A. few minutes lateri" however, he staggered Into a saloon at 8eveateenth and Savior streets hnd said he had been accidentally shot About the same time Murhard telephoned the police and told them of the affair, but expressed the opinion that ; he had missed, his Diara, "1 was walking along the street," said Williams at the hospital, "and amaa called out behind me. Then I heard a shot and felt a stinging sensation In the shoulders. I knew I was shot and ran until I reached the saloon., ..." i . WRANGLING OVER ESTATE LEFT BY'WEAJUTHY WOMAN (Rpedal Dlapatea by Leased Wire to Tbe JooraaU New York. Nov. 4-ftill. another phase of the much mixed wrangle over the estate of Mrav Margaretta Todd developed thla afternoon When Mark Alter, counsel for Ingersoll Lock wood, announced that he would tomorrow make application for warrants for the arrest . of Sinclair Toosey, . Mrs., Todd's son-in-law; 'George Oordoa Hastings, his counsel Theron Smith and two detectives who- on Thure dsy entered the Von Hoffman hotel on Twenty-fourth street and elected Lock wood and hla detectives. ... . In order that the relatives of the eccen Irle widow, who; tba authorities are In clined te believe, waa aieln for her prop erty, maf b fpnter remain la.possea- a. ; . , , , . slon of the Von Hoffman, -Mr. Alter said he would begin next week an action In ejpetment, in the municipal district court. Peter Knapo. a Philadelphia brewer. was tbe last person to see Mrs. Mar garetta Todd alive and to apeak to her Just before her death. Knapp bears a gcod reputation. Hla excuse for not giv ing the police the full story was that he did not-wish to? be mixed ap in any- tfclng of thie kind,- .. - PROTEST AGAINST THE V USE OF SEARCHLIGHTS - - , .': " ' ' ' ' I--.- ' , (Special Dispatch to Tbe Joorasl.) Seattle, Wash., Nov. 4. The -Great Northern Steamship company has filed a protest . with the war department against the operation of aearehltghts on paaslng vessels from Fora Caaey ana Warden, alleging that the present sys tem Is a menace to Its fleet and naviga tion ' generally. Other ateamehlp . llnea will Join In the complaint . It 1 claimed that the full force of the glare la- turned on almoat, every steamer entering .the sound. The pilot-house appears to be the mark, and the navigating officer on the bridge is blinded uut only 'trarfna the tlius'1 light Is on. but for some seconds afterv warda, during all of which time he Is unable to direct the course of the boat. The same oondltton, it is claimed. Is true with the men at the wheel. Thla rjr ssnf ... -- nr. ' ' a,a i - Extension viable .. . A J m ST; - ! Quarter" sawed' oak. highly fr'StS P A is- . t . quality; --T -AS "TO MATERIAL' ' AND WORKMAN- SHIP - ; ;ovIaANtjES: TO : workman-v v' THE ;1 S ship ; v ' STOVES l- r it . ,f ' I aaaaaaaL' - - s, t '-.V V:: 'vty-. ? This Sidctoard ' .'.-,-;- In quarter sawed ' oak, polish finish, : 17x30 bevel mirror. ,,. -" t C A S H $ iSjO A E E K r ; v Buys " tLy-, 1 Jewel Range; Fifteen Years Guarantee ; FIRST t AND TAYLOR STREETS F .t;t IB MI practice. It Is claimed, .li .not stopped will result In a aerioas accident, which may be attended with, .casualties. .; NORTHERN COMPANY Td INCREASE YUKON FLEET ;..-... ' - . (HlMelal Diapatcs ta fb JoarnaLV " Seattle. Nov 4. The North American Transportation at Trsdlne; coanpany ' to day announced that next year its fleet on -the Yukon river wUl have about-one third more capacity than for the preaent year. Three veasels which for the past two years have been enraged In other trade for the company wlU be put on the river, and tbe number of barrea doubled, In all, the company plans io spend "about fiee-,oe m new Barges. The Increase ' Is due to the Increasing business in the north and the fact that the fleet this year was unable to handle all the freight offered In a satisfactory manner. (,.' COMBINE'S BIDS DON' - PLEASE CITY: BOARD . rVew bida will be asked by the execu tive board for boilers and fittings for engines No. 4 and No. I in the Are de partment Mayor Lane yeaterday re ceived a telegram . from the agent for the Nott entinee of Seattle to tha ef fect that ba would like to submit a bid. The mayor replied that the. bid would be considered. Tha mayor aald tbat lo cal machine ahopa ' weuld also submit proposal a. ; He haa had experts inveatK gating tha matter and they have told him that aa rood boilers can be built la Porttanff "atnostf'-Tantseff manufacturers of fire apparatus. : . '. Proposals for this boilers were opened last Saturday, after . thetadvertlsement had 'been published four daya A. O. Long was the only- bidder aa ba fton- trdla the agency for alt the'-maJreer-ot Are en sines manufactured with the .ex ception .of tmv Notf etigfne. . The pro. posaj . was -to- rurnisn two r ox trailers with all fltUaga for 11.200. , Members of , tha flre committee considered the sum asked exoesslve and refused to award the contract. . - .. MATE FALLS FROM SHIP ' AND DROWNS IN RIVER . . (Special Dtapstch The loeraaL) ' Aberdeen. Wash., Nov. 4. Word has just .been received here that tha second mate, , whose name la unknown; on the steamer Newbrgt sailagthla.atar- noon; felt ipmbewidU oppeslta Palaan'ew mill on the Hoqulain river and was arownea. jntrties) on tae snore al ternated 'a rescue, but unsuccessfully. The steamer went on, being anxious to get over the bar and t sea. -.j. f TTmS. Mii-ls CO. Ml f .-.PuHiNA Mills st touis. mo ' r "If, ia"'" ' New Process RALSTON HEALTH OATS have 4that dcliciously .-different taste" . which-blends , just vtoasupejine : nicety with- cream. " Fprbreakfa s tlior-c luncheon or just at , bed time so good. " It's All in the; : -Roasting ; Ralston Health Oats (new pro- ; cess) are different from any other "cereal foedV - Our new - Cereal " Roaster', the only one of its kind " on the Pacific Coast, heats the oat gradually and refulates the ' temperature to the fraction of a. degree. That brings out all of the natural oat flavor. That Is one difference. V ' - : J "'. 1 'The Cereal Roaster by the. ""perfectly regulated "dry -.heat, , softens the tough little leathery nveloptaround sach starchy f granule so that the second cook .Ing prepares it. for perfect and v easy digestion. That's another difference big differencf. (-. Just try i Package the Checkerboard. ;: , Paekage-and Sea How" Much ' ": ' : Better You FeeL Acme Mills Como PORTLANb. OREGON any -1 4 U4U 13 Dr. Sliobp's Rheumatic Tabled .... . . , ... f. , . s- - v-s- ; r - " ' ,' t ". "; r.; ' i - . , Jt -r ,... .1 ' ; V ' ' : . y ' ''""" '" ' ' 7 I I' , -.ia.r K .. . j-. -t.