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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1905)
Tiir: onzco:i. cunday- -Journal.' Portland Sunday - horning, Novcrizzn b.-isos. , I UL . l-J LJ. ?Bqgu :"'V&lueo, " IToiip LIosaoy'D 7bpth, op ifoiap V .'4 : ' A STORE. ' - FOR HIGH ANB LOW PRZC33 " " ' '-SS 1 'litilP'" . Tl f 1 1 f 1 . J i I l llil.'' J ' t " ' ' m . ' '' '' . .'. . . . . " . . '" a m ( i iiiiwiu uc luunu a siore oi, nign quauucs anu iow prices, r or years we - nave occry penecxng mis rnercnanaising organization oi ours, improving on mis line or gooas, lessening prices on that line, securing exclusive control of many new and good things, learning who are the best sources of supply and contracting with them for large quantities of goods,' We consider it better to transact a large business at a small percentage of profit than to do a small business with a large margin of gain. That the public appreciates this stand, Is shown by the constant increase of the number of our permanent customers.' TOMORROW -WE BEGIN A WEEK OP EXTRAORDINARY VALUE QIVINQ "all oyer the store.' Every. week, every day,- Is as notable for fine values' In Roberts Bros.' Store as for broad and splendid showings of the most wanted merchandise. You have come to expect that. But for tomorrow, efforts have been extraordinary all along the line; each branch of the store: has made supreme endeavor, 'and the result will be a week of timely, offerings at prices never' paralleled. Today news? of the' great bargains crowds an overflowing page and yet much remains untold. ; - ' :' Rflch Hxv nf the wnb' will hrlno-' trirwarA npur nf for intra fiAti' ml mmlnrr mm nfimrt mm vmt f can. .". . . 1 : -. rJ : - n L Important Sale of Bedding r There' are generous savings to be made in this sale, arid with cooler weather close at hand the demand - for - warmer v bedding . Is immense. ; A few illustrations 6f how the prices have been reduced. $1.75 Comforters Special at $1J29N- 60 Comforters, fulf size fof dou ble beds, covered with splendid quality silkoline, neatly stitched; regular $1.75 value 7Q On specialale at. ;r; . MI7 $2.00 Cotton Blankets Special - ;Tomorrow at $1.65. v ; " Extra large, 12-4 Cotton Blankets; in colors white and tan, finished with neat-coldYed .borders, extra heavy- weight and quality; real $2 values.-. J C On special sale at. . . . . 41 Uu Full Siae Comforters, filled with pure white cotton, covered. with gooiTqualify jtlkolineTin i a sW did. range of colors and designs. On special sale at $125, f 1.40, $1.65, fl.05. v $80.White Wool BUnkets ' at $6.75.: w-- r airss-extra 4 quaHty, strictly all pure wool, White Blankets; .finished with last colored borders in shades of pink and blue full 11-4 size; well worth $8.50. On special . Cfi 1C sale at ...4JU. I U $3.50 White Wool Blankets ; :, t; at $2.75. 50 pairs heavy white Wool Blan kets, full 11-4 size, finished with fast colored borders in shades of blue, pink and red; never before sold for less than $3.50. Tff On special sale at... :;. I Q Special OfTeVing in the Itlen'o Section The following Items will fur- ery prohtbIceadingJor Satebn'Petti coatp 91.50 and 01.75 Values Extra, Petticoats of heavy black sateenr-made-withsunburst ac cordion - plaited flounce-finished with two attached ' ruffles and strap bands,' other styles are deep flounce trimmed' with tucks and narrow flounces. Styles too nu merous to ' mentioq here. All have dust "ruffles ; regular $1.50 and $1,75 values. On special sale Monday ,T V-, " ' ' YJ -f ' (f f andTuesday ,y. 1 .q X 3 : On the Bargain Square. ... T Entra Values in Dreoo Goodo Hon. and Tueo; . : - :. - - , . : ' 'Great values bring great results I That the splendid .values we offer, in Dress Goods are appreciated, the week's great sales are best proof. , These lists are submitted to give an idea of varieties; qualities . will speak for themselves.--'.':. '"'..'. - , " ',; ' ":.':.''.' ? ,,r ':; . .'. Broadcloth 50 . inches wide, pure wool.- Comes in all shades, blue, brown, blacks, red, green, tan, gray and New Plaid Woolens We have just opened a great va riety of richT effective and stylish plaids, large assort ment to choose from-Speciak price, for, Mon- PA day and Tuesday... 3.'.. I.; ...... . . .. i ... .... . . . OUL New Novelty Weaves These goods come in blue, brown, green, red and black mixtures, and are very neat for sep aratuits.fseparate.waistsior;skirts!xSpecial piriee-Monday; and Tuesday . ; . . . . .vrr. O Uw castor 'rsold everywhere at $1.25 ta $1.50rr-: ; - Af Special price Monday and Tuesday... ....... '.-4)1 UU Cream Mohairs 38-inch Cream Mohairs. 'Come in neat pin dots and small figures,; very suitable for-shirt-waist suijoreparatejwaists ; regular 65c and 76c lua"Cn- lty.-Speciarprice"f6rM6nda)rand TuesdayTTTiTt OU w ; ; Sillr Sale Monday and Tueoday News of new silks. 1 Strikingly , handsome designs dependable qualities always.., -The sort of. silks. that havp made this the silk store of the town. .Prices were never so tempting not even at this store. -. - - Fancy Silks 75c anT85c MessalTne, soft Taffeta and Louisine wekves with small neat designs, stripes or checks. Verypdurable-and'popularr-i Special Monday and Tuesday. nlOw Lining Silks -IP-Inch., firm, durable silk, made especially for lining pur poses. . Comes in every -wanted col or at the popular pric-sVU 3 of... , . . . A."...?.. . ouL Corduroys 28-inch Velvet ' Cordu roys. Come in ' all the desired win ter shades, green, blue, brown black, red- Kxceptional values n P n ... . I Uv at. those who are inclined to save. The qualities are the very -best. The values are extraordinary: , Men's fine - fleece vlined Cotton Shirts' and Drawers, color gray; regular 50c grade. . Special . .'. . . ; . . ., . . . , .30 Men's $1.25 Wool Underwear 98c. Vfen's all, wool flesh colored Shirks and Drawers, all sizes ; regu lar $1.25 values. Special.. Jf)8 Boys' 125 Jersey Sweaters 75c. Boys Wool Jersey Sweaters, in blue with white and red stripes; regular $1.25 grade. . , Special .......... v.. 7a f Men's $3.50 All Wool? -, ..; Sweater, WSs " Men's fancy all wool "Worsted Sweaters, in gray, red," blue and freen,; regular $3.50 grade. ' v pecial .... .... ;.... . .?2.T5 '"T; Men's 20c Socks 15c. .; Men's Fine Black - Cashmere Socks, gray heel and toe; regu lar price 20c , Special. Mon : day and Tuesday . . . . 15f Men's Golf Shirts $1 ' and $1.23 Grade at 69c - - Men's Fine Golf Shirts, made jof the finest quality madras in light and dark-colors ; regular $1 and $1.25. Special 60 Women's , Leather Hand Bagra 91.00 1 Women's ; Leather Hand Bags, $1.50 and $1.75 . values at $1.00, jiiade'orsea lion, walrus, seal and patent leather with inside purse and fittings. Now on v special sale at. ........ 4) 1U If X - Tie one you want is here. This stock is so large and varied that whatever your taste you'll find we have anticipated it. Dependable garments,' all of them, whether of the inex- nennivft lrinri nr . thrkB hierhr rrrA . . : . ' .. -' . : NW Covert Qoits, $15X0 Values for $1050. Highgrd taiI6r-maJeCot, three-qukfterleftbrhr loose back, tfned throughout, collars and cuffs neatly trimmed with yetvet and braid; $15.00.. fi?f CA Your choke. Monday and Tuesday.. ?IUU New Empire Coats, $15.00 and 1.S0 Values $12.5a A new lot of three-quarter length Empire Coats, ia blue, brown, tan aad black; new tan and-gray mixtures. New- box. back effects with and without collars. These coats are-handsomely tailored and are of an exceptional quality. On special C9 CA salt Monday and Tuesday... I LmD U New Covtrt Coats. $80 Valuta for S5J0. Brand new. styles in this special lot.. Made in the latest Norfolk styles with x pleated front , and back, 'stitched Strapping and belt. Very nobby coats; a bargain at regular pnee ot $8.60. Un special sale Monday and Tuesday. .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W)lltjU .. . Women's Walkutg Skirts. 5J0 Values for S3J0. r Tailored Skirts, new fall "modelsj'fuli circular gored' and plaited styles, made pf finest fancy mixtures and plain cloths, in all the best colors; well worth regu- Cf lar price of $5.50. Special Monday1 and Tuesday )0Oj Percale Wrappers, $10 Values for $15. A full assortment of Fercale Wrappers in all desirable colors, patterns and styles. . Skirts are made exception- ally iull 'Wmm New lUlncoats; $15.00 and $1&50 Values for $12J0." - j 1 en aiwereni siyici vi nnciiy njpnroni Tiimtr ivain Coatir semi-fitted and ."Empire effects.- Made . of CraTcnettes- in 'wanted shades. "'-Remarkable values at regular price.. Special Monday and t2 50 ; New Raincoats, $10.50 Values for $8J0. i V: Some excellent styles of new fall Rain Coats in tan and gray mixtures. High grade tailor-made. Coats. Collars and cuffs neatly trimmed; regular $10.50 values. On special sale Monday and - Q CA Tuesday.. ........... . 40Ol Misses' Walking Skirta, $20 Values -for $175. New arrivals in Misses' Walking Skirls, made of best gradmeltoncloth Jnrowns 'andblutes.SplendidLfit Tting and graceful hanging garments,! made in 5-gorfe t v r 1 1 n an .. H'll M mwwv 11 11 1 11 ftj ii " 1 M HI ft V I I m M a - mv va.a w mbwvw - Ha ruffles over shoulders. Collar and cuffs : trimmed in fancy trimming braid. Special valuesjor.4? 1 C MondavajidjrjieyTrr .... Mi LO flace.,: Special price Momiay and Tuesday. . HE only. ... . . . . , O Misses Short Coata. $3.50 Values for $1.48. . ' - A varied assortment of . Misses' SHop ;Boxvpoats, made of zibeline in blue and green. Garmeflts arc aCtractive ly trimmed and well made! - You wfllfnoV find a better opportunity to secure a $3.50 coat forfthe price tf A Q we ask. Monday and Tuesday.... Dla'xO . Flannelette Kimonos, $15 Values for 85c km. .r. trimm -with I 10 dozen- fancy "striped Flannelette Kiminos7 fulTIeheth. made in very neat hiyies. 1 r'lamHyaTrtt-rimmmg afowd-1- -luu sleeves jand down front; regular value $1.25. Of. On special sale Monday and Tuesday. OuC Only a Few of the Many Specials in the Domestic Section. ' ; New Dress . Gingrhanis A splendid iie"W" line of ' Dress Ginghams just received,' an un usually.big assortment of pretty patterns, colors, guaranteed, best quality. ,. I 3l- i t' r Special values at. .. . . . . laV'w New Novelty Shirtingrs New Novelty Shirtings, in dots, 6tripea, checks and figures, good dark colorings that, will wash nicely, navy and black grounds; 15c quality. ; 1 1- On special sale at..."... iiW "Comfort Calicoes i Comfort Calicoes, in pretty and at tractive designs, in alKthe best colorings, hundreds of patterns to choose from; regular 6c C, quality. On special sale at.. Ov Apron Ginghams . Good quality Apron Ginghams, inTall-size " checks, colors blue, Ja:"Qiwilndgreen ; other stores ask 7c for this grade. Our r- special price tomorrow only.UL Newest Uodels R 1 Sc G. Corsets ' The R. ft O. Corset is so perfect in design that it brings out all the lines of beauty and gives grace, elegance and style to any figure. It la form-fitting and perfectly comfortable under all conditions. We carry every style and guarantee to fit every figure. Following are, three special values, for this week s selling: " - . k' - R. ft O. Style No. Ml is made of strong coutille, drab, in medium short. model, with deep hip; front and side hose sup AA porters; food flexible -stays; sizes 18 to 30. Parr.. .. i."..4lUU R. ft O. Style No. 250 is a model of short hips, long front stays and tapering waist, with no side steels; made of tine coutille, 'trimmed with ribbon and lace. A Corset especially fljl CA adapted for medium figures. Sixes 18 to 30. Pair......PIJv R. ft Or Style No. 231 is a Corset with a tapering waist, high' bust and medium deep hip, two side steels. Comes in both drab and white;made of best sterling cJothr. trimmed in frl C A lace.' All sixes from 18. to 30. Pairj. ,l-1...........'PawU Extraordinary Offering of Women's iiWinter 'Underwear ' .... . , . . An immense purchase of over 200 doten extra heavy fleece lined Vests and Pants for Women placed on sale tomorrow at leas than half price. The biggest and best Underwear Offering Portland Ever Participated In. Displayed in Third Street Window... Colder weather on the way, be supplied at this price. The oppor tunity to purchase Underwear of this quality at the price asked comes but once in years.. We have over 200 dozen of the one lot, all sizes in an extra heavy sanitary fleece-lined garment, never offered at less than 65c each. We aim to close out the entire lot as quickly as possible, so will offer all sizes at less than, half. . . V U.lll.gLU Ul nIICU llIICIll 111 111V IUlt VUI strictly high-grade' garments bought at a sacri fice. We offer them for tomorrow as" a big Monday ottering at, each e less man nan. 27o FeetFitted for 03.00 ' It's mighty poor economy -to pur- bchase Ill-fitting shoes or shoes that fall short of that perfection la comfort that you are descrying of when yon spend your money. The leather , used In our shoes may be no better than others use, but we do add 50 per cent to the wear by-the fit If your feet are in good condition we can scien tifically help you keep them so. If you are already a' victim of faulty shoes we can soon enable you to walk with ease and comfort and eventually cure your sensitive feet. Our hand made shoes at $3.00 have distinctive ness of character . that ' is decidedly their own. . . CHILDREN'S Kid Hand Turned Lace .and." Button Shoes, sizes 5 to 8, with spring heels 73 Sizes 1 to , no heel. ..... . . .40 f WOMEN'SFelt iFur Xrlramed Juliets, band turoedt; the regular $1.50 grades, in all the 150 colors - .......... ..... . . . . 00 Extra Values in Household Linens Does your supply need replenishing? We can be of great help when you are ready. A stock here which for completeness and excellent qualities has few, if any, ecjuals. . Many qualities, but none of them dear. YouH be interested in looking over this collection of Household Linens:; . , . r 'w, '"T" - " -V . Table Linens, Very Special 85c Table Linens 65c 60-inch full , bleached Table Damask, strictly all . pure linen, in an extensive assortment of handsome new paN terns; usual 85c quality. Now on sale : Cv at. .......:f00C - - $1.25 Table Linen 85c. ' 1 72-inch extra heavy, bleached Table Damask, 'all pure linen, in a big variety of patterns; never before sold for less than l a-yarj.Now on special sale '. r 72-Inch Damask at 90c. Extra fine bleached Table Damask; air linenl in a hand srime assortment qf patterns; best $1.35 quglity.-QA- Now "on sale at........................ ...Uw r Tablepamask ,60c: Values at 49c. Bleached . JJnen .Table 'Damask, full 60 inches wide, handsome -patterns; the 60c quality. Now off iftv sale at. ....... , St? C '.'( "Extra Values in Napkins and Towels. Napkins, 22x22 inches, all linen, to match 90c (fJ PA damasks. Extra values at, per dozen. . .. . . .j)eOU Linen Huck Towels, 18x34 inches, superior - ' f r weight; 18c kind. On sale at. .4t......'.,luC Linen Iluck Towels, 17x34 inches, godd quality; A, regular 12c kind. On sale at................ . 1UC Bath' Towels, bleached, heavy Equality. Turkish Bath Towels, 20x39 inches; regular. 18c kind. On sale f" at i r.-i i r. in. rt.Tn..u. .jLi i .......... M lV Bath Towels, unbleached, good large size, 22x46 JJ, inches: regular 18c kiild. On sale at..'.. ........ loC Linen Iluck Towels, extra heavy quality, l"! 17x32 inches; 15c kind. ; On sale at L'2 C Linen Huck Towels, extra large size7 20x40 y "7 A n inches; 25c kind.; On special sale at. ...... ,,..Vr Crash-Toweling, stnctlvt all linen. 17 inclirs vcidc, goo(J heaver quality ; 12; ic kind. O - r -' - r t . . . . v , ' ; - Women's and CHldr en's Stoclxinco - suitable for winter wear. You will economize by pur chasing your winter's supply of Hosiery here tomorrowWe have some marvelous values to offer you and can promise the season's choicest r stocking bargains for Monday. ' '- "r , omen's Silk Fleeoe- lined Stooldngps Ordinary or Out . Sizes. ' Tomorrow we shall offer a splen did 'iOc 'quality " silk fleece lined Stocking-for women rin ordinary or extra large sizes, plain welt r Tibbed-tops, full fashioied hos-iryr- guaranteed - fasti colors and lined with- a: long silky fleece. These are warmer and more de sirable than wool. Either plain black -or - black . with" unbleached split' soles; 100 dozen on Cr sale at, the. pair...,'.. . ...XOL Women's AU "Wool t Casnmere 1 Stocking All weights, in plain blaick, nat ural" or Oxford gray Cashmere Stockiqgs; also wool ribbed Stockings,. . heavy . weights, fast colors and splendid value at 40c. Your choice tomorrow - " Womens Fast Black Stooldngrs With Unbleached Split Soles. 100 dozen full fashioned Stock ings, for women, extra fine gauge yarn, absolutely fast colorswith unbleached soles, all-! ( sizes. Tomorrow . . . .". ... 1 0 U TheTrincess-Stocldns" For Girls Fine Ribbed, Fleece 2 - Lined. ',. The best 25c ' quality Stockings forgirls, extra fine7 ribbed fleece, fast colors and very elastic, warm and' durable, any sizexirom 5 to -n sale tomorrow H n V77...T.I f V at .adyJMade Underwear Our prices never fail toVagree- ably surprise, !. while , qualities. styles and fit are such that cus tomers return again and again for duplicates and send their friends. Women's . Gowns $1.25 Values -- V''' - for. 85c, .. f . , , .. ; ' Gowns for women made of extra quality outing flannel and Daisy flannel. Colors are plain white, cream, blue and pink, also Stripes, in pink and blue.- All sizes. Ex cellent values at .'regular price. On sale Monday and - Tuesday ..i..,. ...... .....85 Women'sSJrMs, 85c Values 65c Deep 4 Circular Flounced Petti coats for women, made of heavy Daisy flannel, in plain colors, pink and ' bluew- Trimmed in fancy stitching and .finished with yoke bands and gored hips ; well worth 85c. - On sale Monday and Tuesday, . . . . . ......... . . . .C5 Children's Gowns. Outing Flannel Gowns for chij- aren, in pmic ana Diue stnpes. Ages from' 4 to 10 years. Excel lent value for Monday and Tuesday ........... ; . . . . 50a Gowns for Children from 6 to 8 years of age,-in blues and pinks, made of extra heavy Daisy flan nel." Well worth MondayX and Tuesday's price 7r Daisy Flannel Gowns for children from 10 to 14 years of a?:?. Col ors are Mtics an1 riiA. (-' are .well nn-ic v. i 'i i Special ptu c ? ' ' Tuesdiv