THE OREGON ' SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8,' 1803. i m 7 i. n -mi .linn fi i in hi i ii urn i 1 i CI i mi ' im J Bateeed at tbe postoffic of FortlenA, OiH. Tar niuwruiM ureuga im ssaua mm rcMm tor slngla eoplao; Far u. w " paper, 1 oat: M to 4 pagaa, a"i U pages, aaat. . . fat tonal RMiMa(MM'iiti .'....Mala Treeland-Beajsmla Special ISO Naeea? street, Jtow YorkJ Xrlboae Batld lac IJUcago. - - WMcnurno unt , aTaraxe by Oaiilai ' to rtatte wi -ilk Boadar. I rar. .37"" ?be Dally Journal I year ...... h Dally JonraaL wit Sunday. ( oetke, i no 8T t-6 Torn rally Jaaraal. wltk Sunday. Bsenthe. JO Tha Dally joersaL months...... The Dalle looms I. with Sandey, 1 mouth.. , .oa tbe Dally, par week, delivered. Sunday to- - raa ttelUvVaY Vaafcl aUm Kaaay ax spaed The IWnr Journal, wltk Suaday. 1 year. I" ieiiy Journal 1 year.... The flatls Imm.1 wit annrf nndsy iioataa. 8 TS tk. ...... J noday. I saoorbs. 1.00 Th Dally Josrasl seoutke. S- . r 1 1 . . . . . fnvmi, w 1 1 u r-'i m . . -jo The Dally JnsreaL months..,., a-IT The Dafl- rfth IniJlff. . The Sunday Joaraal. 1 rar . Xto Sunday leu-e. amXaa i.oe ' - Taa Semi-Weekly Jsursel . raa Semi-Weekly Joeraal 8 to IS nagae v. i I m Mfkat aa. - part. I year. ! - Rrmlrtaaeeo snoutd ba mass hv drafts, postal ! Botes, aanraaa aaaara aad amall aawianta ar afaaprabla a I nl I aaat poataaa ataaaa. r. ft. Boa Itl. PartUnd. OraawL ' vszu m ionw vat bx rotnnx jTka Xoamal n ka (saad aa aala at tk Soma IDAHO B. aaOar aV 0a.( W. . Ma letrra. . CHICAGO PaatafBaa Haw eaapaar: tl Das nnra mm. . DENVER. COTyOKADOJ. Black, ttztaaatt aaa ' Cartta atrarta. KAN'RAg riTT Taa Kef Wawa aaatpaaT. UrNNEAPoUS aL i. Earaaaack. M fcatk TMrd atraet. - View YORK nTT Braaaaaa. Vmm aaarar 0MAHA MUUrd Rotrl ncwa at a ad: Maaaat flu tkiaai y vompaar. Farnnai airaat. ' ' ALT LAKI CITT Kaarna dotal aawa ataadi hmmw Braa.. 41 Waat Bceond atrart. aaatk, tT. LOUIS Pktltp Roadw. did La i. ait atraat; . T. Ji-ft. OMaa atraat. . AM FRANCISCO W. B. Amine. Palaea RaM aawa ataad aad loni Mark atraat: Oo- aailtk Braa.. S0 Sattar atraat aad flalnl ' rraaHa ktl: Peatar Oraar. Trrrj kolld i ta; W. Wkaatlaa. amaabla aawa ataad. aar Bar Mirfcat aad Kaaraar atiaala. BATTLB Ralnlar Oraad aawa ataad; W. Ia Shaaka. Hotal Snttla aawa ataad. POKAMB. WASHINGTON Joka W. Orakaa a o. TACOMA. WAWniNOTOI Oratral Vawa aoaa panr: Ratal Tamma aawa atand. TCTOEIA. BRITISH COMMBIA TMarla StaUoaary aoapanr. . 77LZ , --. ' WEATHER REPORT." . Tka jraawua fcaa !arraard ataad Uy la tka nnne a Utaa dortiic tka Uat M koara . aaa aa iinnaaa aiira area aaw eocvplaa OiM dtatrlrt. It kaa caaaad fair aad axtderataly anal waatkar dariaic tka Unt St koora la all , aartioaa mt tka Paeifla aartbwaat. and tka adl. . ratlona ara tkat fair wratbrr will roe H no rrr aadaf wltk allfhtlr klckar Uatparatarra la - tba Intarlar at waatarm Orrcoa aad, waatara ; B aablatia. . Obamatloaa ap U p. ai.t Vaximoai taaa- - rvratara. at di ginaa; minlanna tarn para tara. 41 daaraaa. Blnr raadlnc at 11 a. at.. l.T a- frrt: rkanca la part 24 koora. a.l foot. . Total praHpltattoa. I . a. to t . aj.. trara; total prarlpHatfaMr-atara- Brntambcr 1. - JfJ. T.64 - iarbw; aoraul prarlplutloa atora Saptaabrr ' . lo4. torbra; airaaa. I 00 lix-baa. Total ' aaaatalaa Nnrraihrr t, 18ns.-4. koora. 15 ailo- nia; poaatbla aaaaklaa Koraabat S, 1S0O, Id MARRIAGE LICENSES. B. W. Ttmrr. S3; Vartha R. McOrottr, rlaraM" Laaaoa. 26: llarala Lata. . ' Jraaa B. Larkap. 22; Laila Braus,. IS. Waddlna Oarda. lattoa bld(.. oar. W. O. Smith 4 Cl, Waak foartk aad B'aablastaa ata. kTlaa Bartha lfartla. mma-812 AlUkp blrtt.'J awaaipina aaa aaa aaxnawora; Haauua (1a DEATHS. CARBAPB la Chin rtty. Koaeathar 4. 190a, Tda Oarbado, aed S4 yaara. wife of T. A. : ' earbada mt tkla dir. Notice of fnaaral kere aflef . .'' , r I .junmrw cekiteex. ...., ( , arle iraraa Sia. Fimlly tnta tr ta m m. ' Tka aaty eaaaetary la Portland wkiek aar. ' petaally aaalnuina and rarea for Inta. For fall rnroraMrioa apply to m. K. MackaaaJa. we. ' oeatar block, city. W. kL Ladd, araaldaat. I. P. nawr a noa, roaoral dlroetara aad ' emtolatera, oaraar Third and Madlaoa atraeta. Of Ace at eaoaty roruaar. Takpboao Mala S. , 'MeEntee E) Ollbaaak. andartekeca aad eaibaUnera; awdara la every detail. Sereatk aad Plaa. Mala 4S0. Lady aaaiaunt. Faaera! wraatha and cat nViwaia a epedeJty at Boae City Orranboaaa. Twenty neand aad hr jeerreaoa The Edward Hoi man tTadartaklnf eoarpaay, faneral dlrrctort and tTsbnlmere, SJO "TUtrd Pnone mfn Oat Pear haaraaa aad ahetraeto to real . aataa from tbe Title Oaaraataa tt Treat eaea. ' way. StO Waefalnfton atreat. onraar Samnd. XAET aTXSB. ljSSO Acre oa MonUvIUm carllne, eloaa -room houaa and lot on Clack. . amaa are. . .. . ..- aorea on ftcctlon Line road. improvemenia coat 18.000. ;M-lHilM feot. with two real- - oencaa. on mama lot, S blocks trom aieau oriace, -i 130060x109 'et, Bavler " at. " near ZktB at. 6x100 font. Vannall . . 1H ' - 0xl'4 faet, Hoyt .Bta.-near . 3JM0 1 00x1 OA fa tha" vary bast on " wniametta Halahta. ",000 "-room residence en Irrlnj at. T,wowa.)I-rooii renldenca on Gllman at T.seo l-room raaldence on Xohnnon at S.SOO -roorrt realdenca on Ovarton at "r""11"' roei; cnolca alta Portland Halchta. . ' ' "woo -inalda property, tncoma J6.000 , i-Mii wwvurva jaaaaa. rOBJ fLAJUL ' ' A real .'estate bnra-nln ona of tha beat aiuaa in tna wiiiametta vallav; & tCT. f . r"',1r-t. runnina; water, beautifully located, ona mile from mooi n II road town, 26 mllea from Portland prlco, HI par acre. - F.VAndrews&S..A Ifa.ll.Aa. tA 4 Jk a.. r4.l Aa- la . LOOK THESE UP SS50 Biiaineas lot SOxlftO and 7-roorn roltafe. lower Albino, ran ba ' ' maila to pay (ood Interest on Inveatrnent. : 9 MOO 60x100 with 7-roora houaa, nair Tamhlll at,-- ' flAOOO ")oo,l income boarlns corner en id it - k - . gaoOOO ROxlOO. Incoma jvropartjr, cloaa - to ruatnaa,a canter, . , ' Collins land Co. T Stearn Building A Big City: f That a big city win b built on the high tableland between the Willam ette and - Columbia ivera, - no - per son 1 acquainted , with the situation doubts for minute. The railroads, mills, factories and wharves now building along the waterfront that surrounds this high land will make a hear demand for homes and busi- V i ' ' V . ness there. - - ; ' University ParK Is the center of this high tableland. It is within easy walking distance of every part of the Peninsula ." where any enterprise may locate or can lo cate. It is the only addition on the Peninsula that has Bull Run water, aHeya.Twide streets, a great uni versity, boulevards and a building re striction. "The better class on the whole Peninsula will seek homes at University Park, on account of the respectability of the place. The re tail business district of the Peninsula must necessarily be at University Park on account of its convenience to every part. On account of the re strictions 'at University. Park the Whltechapel and shimmy districts will be elsewhere, but the big hotels, department stores, banks, fine homes, etc, will be on. the wide streets 6f University" Park. . 7 - '; Prices Jumping Come now, get into the procession or jfet lefV Prices are 'advancing monthly. Frices are $12S to $325 "per lot,!. Terms 10 per cent cash, balance $5.00 per month per lot, no Interest if all payments be paid on or before due. FRANCIS L ITKENNA, ; Room 606 Commercial Block, . - Portland, Oregon. -A. And University Park Station. ' . SIXTH STREET On account of our intention to erect a skyscraper at Sixth and Stark streets we offer for sale our improved quarter block at Sixth and Davis streets at the price of 570,000, which will yield from a rental, recently reduced since the fair, a rent return of 8yZ per cent: With the erection of ' a sky scraper by Wells-Farero Co. and the remodeling of- the stone building at Sixth and Pine, which we commence this "week, to sayl nuiuiiiK ui ine tuiiicmpiaicu buy- strgper:arSlxTJ.ndaYferthe above property is sure to -prove a acsiraDie invesimcnu RUSSELL &BLYTII 12 THIRD STREET W CORNER OAK ' . . : READ THIS LIST ATAA Lairaa. new. modem flata. h3liu rood location ;-jraarly Incoma t12. mm i moroved ouarter block well locaieo in ooutn roruang; in' apwvww rnmo S(0 rjr month: room for two mora cottages. IirA improreid bualneaa eornar Ji4Z.alll near ateel bridge; a splendid 'kUV Investment. $1850 $1500 $1200 Good 5-roorV), modern, cottage. East. Thirty-nrst, near Ull aan. Beautiful vacant lot on Lra baa atredt, overlooking harbor, New I-room cottars on Kakt Seventh north; f 100 cash, bal ance monthly. 100x100. 1 block from Wood stock carllne; a anap. $ 175 A. H. BIRRELL SOS BUXaF Bldf TMrd aad Mark,- 40-Acre Snap 1,000 Part , .. re)! Owner leaving town. Iaeju4s2ot Fourth at.; muat be old. , 10 X.OABTS on'-'reaj eatato mortgages oonanlt the lander direct, through Tils attorney. Tou will get It at least eoat that way." , j , W. S. WaJDa, Atkoraar. T . - -Allaky Building. . N6TICE. 'jshaaasaaaaaa BIDS will ba received antll 4 p. a. Tknrsday, November 0. 1WA. and then opened, for haul. ' Ing out aad laanchlng the dredae Portland snd for the see of the ware while rto dredse - ts tie nig repaired.. Partirniara may be vn- talaed, by applying at -Jhi ofA-e of" the l'ort af PortUsd. city kail. city. DAB i, eLAiUB. Clerk, NOTICE. REreiVKR'S SALE la piiraaaaoa of aa ardar t aoarc auo ana aiitaraa thla dar tba aadaralinad will aril taa Dual or m, Bitnrra and atork of aiarrliandlaa of tba Muck Uard- wara toaipaoj. Saalrd klda will to racalTrd n n I of Moarfar. Norambar S. Iu3. - larfntiirr aad pnipartp raa b aara at atora, KlMTlana aLraat, rM-U4, -Orritoo. -No bid will ba roaalfkrad anlraa artjinpanlrd br a cartload rhark for a a auouut aual to 10 par cent or amount or bid. Tha rlfht to rajart anr and all hlda hi raaarvra. B. . nuiiua, Kacalaai PvtUod. Oratoa. Octobar 24. 16. IN tha circuit court of tba atata of Urrcoa. for ainiinomau noaniy. la tba aiattar of tba racalrarablp of Aafiiat To tha rradltora: Tba aadaralraad ! nui with tur clerk of tba ahora antltlrd eoart kla rauort of too bkla racalTrd fur tba aaaata of Aiifnat Krata. ana tna conrt aaa art November 1. luOA. at tba hour of 10 o'clock a. m., mm ino ' tiaia ror oaarina onjaciraaa ca taa- coa lirmilUB V, Ml. wi wan. " I . . AH paraoaa -tetaraatad ara aotlfhM accord hvly. K. L. SABIN. Racalrar. BEACH SIMON. Attornaxa for BacalTer, NOTICE BMa for all tba alactrlcal wlra. lam pa ana awiicaca ana acnrrai iiiinraa orionirlnf ta tha Lew Hi aad Clark aaaoclatloa will to opaoad at tka orrlea of Mr. tHUiar Hnbar. fllraclor of worka. at aoua Aiondarr' tba Stk mat. uatar liuoar. oiracuir or worKK HEREBY vara -tka pablle tkat I will not aa raapooainia ror any fl-ota contracted by a wixa, oia araauo, rrota tnia aa in. . . IONS AKiNALO, Octobar si. lens. MEETING- NOTICES. OREGON CIRCLE. No. 171. W. O. W.. meat Monday algbt la Uona' kali, eornar Wll Uaaaa aaa. aad Rnaacll at., at S o'clock. MAr RANDALL), Clark. LOST AND FOUND. LOHT lUadarlp. aa Bant. 1. ar Ukra throauli aiiaiaaa at jnoc or-'layior ar. aoca. Aa I haro found out who kaa got It, tbey kaj better raiara tka aawa to tba dock aad re ceive reward. POPND A rod cow wltk a calf a hoot S waeka era; owner oan bare aaaw by Identlrylaf and payhur eiprneee to. Rar Braa, Hllledale, Or etoa. Pbona Mtata 7tff. LOHT A black OTercoat, wttk aelaet collar, one roreei Dornea: Mat oa Miiwautia at., between iTlaloa and Mill ata. Return to D. Bharloek. t alllwauklo at. reward. LOUT Friday rrenhur. roaad itold breaatpin. Waat Park. Tel. Main W7; Betara XII reward. HELP WANTED MALE. WAHTED. 000 laborer! and teainatera for new railroad work froaj Riper! a, eaatera waaninatoa, to Law u ton. latho. aVonr tba anaka rlaer: a fund cpen winter country; coins .wagea aad BEE FABE: 1 Teara' work... Lahotara, kammermen. rockmaa and atatloa a for Elkln. oaatera Ureroa. S2.SS a day no nnd free fare. . Teametera aaat of Tba Dallee for ' Small ft Elliott. S3A and board and free far. IS aawmtU laborer, aoath, 12 day.- board and a; no Bianaeta needed: at a week: railroad faiaa adranced. 10 laborers, eorfare and anoerrraond work. Bohemia dhartct. S2.7S a day. oart fart ad- aaneed; S miners, aoatk, half fare advanced; nlao sanckera. Blaring rnatlera. rksaara, 'skid roadmen and laborers rr woods, feres sdrsaeedj S fallers, S3, and 2.S0 barker. Man and wife, cook and belpef for sslno board- DK nouae; so mm, suu; aea aoas keror city labnrera wanted. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. I Mortb Secead Ht. ............ .Jiear Bumslda - Bock fbreouui. S3.- Concrete torenan. S3. SECTJBB A GOOD POSITION. Wa aaaiat competent office men. bookkeepers. exeeyarranoera. easniere, collectors, mil cieraa. faneral -clerical, technical eoaaaierctal cnea. isalnaas Idea's Clearing Houaa. 110 Second. MEN and boys wasted to sera SS dap. after a moo tna- tnetroct loo. aosltioa gnaraateej; epectal toltlnn half price, few deys only, Coyne Bros. Co. Phrablog Schools, Mew York, Cincinnati, O.. St. Lou la. Mo. Frsa eatatocne. SALESMEN wanted; caah a dTS need wsekly; gooa territory ores; ootrit tree; an me are mas b( $100 to SlfiO per montk. War aot yoat Address Wsahtagtoa Nursery Co., Toppanlab, Waablagtoa. WANTED Men, erery where: food pay: to rila- trlbnte rircuisra, au, mattec. taelr rtxrar. otc. ao easTaaalaa- Addreae National ntatrthotlrat B area a, 100 Oaklsnd Bank bide.. Cbleago, I1L SALESMAN of ability deetrtng permanent em- ploy man t . wltn poaaintllty ol atrraeoefnent. moat be' smbltlona and of ' aaqaestloaabla character. 414 Columbia bldg. CASIIIEB for wholeeale bonae; at net to aa ex- perlenced bookkeeper wltk sond rcrerencea: gtre age. experience and sslsry expected. Aooxaee u ai. care journal. . . . - WANTED 10 laborers. S teametera, tics, 1 cbamhermald. 2 wsltressee, 1 dlah- - washer. - Pert lend KmptoyaMut C.eSlHjVi - Morrlaoa -at. Pacific 23. r-r . . WANTED Clerks sad window-dressers to study show-csrd wrltlnc st T. M. C. A. nlshl - school; personal instruction, . Apply for par ticulars. WANTED Solicitors. 24 to SO per dan sslsry ar eommlealon. Call or writs W. B. Taylor i ' 41 w, roam a. -iepoo pun- rw tiaiax " ,AkEICELaiaa wanted: II IM sad seralass aaa will pay f 73 per montta; ao tr triers. BIT merclsl bldg. . .... WANTED- first -class aa lea men In Portland and country ; big wages. 20S McKay bldg. LIVE man for eltr and country: aalsrr commission. SD4 Btesrns bug. Us II Monday. WANTED One experienced younx man to take management term. Aanreaa AUisoa. auurnau EXPEBIENCED finisher for kitchen furniture; . also mam Ine mas. iuo l-ierenta st.. aoria. EXPEBIENrED Snlaker for kltrhea furniture alao marhlneman. 10ft Elerentb at. - HELP WANTED FEMALE. IF a competent stenograpber wanting pleasant office permanently, moderate sslsry to com mence, aea Tllbrttlon, 817 Chamber at Com merce. WANTED Lady for office posit Ino: applicant mnst . giro roll partirniara regaroing expe rience, II any. Aodress at ou. journal. TRrSTWOBTHY. energetle womea to travel and orgsnlss for Vlarl compsay. Call sddreaa room 2W Lenia bldg. WANTED Neat respectable woman under 40 aa bonaeXeeper, WKlower family ; city. . ZJUts Ysmnllk - l-nono aisin seia. - HANSEN'S LA.HES' AOBNCT. S4SH -Wssblni ton St.. ear. Seventb. apatslra, Pkoaa Mai teat. Ferns la kelp wasted. . - WANTED Olrl about IS or 14 to attend to baby afternoons for smsjl wsges." Call 20S Clackamaa St., eeet side. EMPLOYED lady waated a compsnloa la ee of expeaw. widower s pleeeani noma N 46. ears JoamsL LADY to rnn dining-room In hotel: koroe conk lna;aaap rent. - soa -noria j-wenty-nxta, cor. Bsvler. WANTED Norse for 14-mootha'old child. Call tot. 10 a. m. and 0 p. m. aw a. lata at. WANTED Lady cashier for afternoon and weulngs. Address M as. csre Journal. WANTED Millinery apprentices. . Apply , ts Lewengart A Co., 02-04 Front at. DRKHSMAKEH apprentlcee wanted at Mrs. Kberhardt a, vjuu, Morrlaoa at. WOMAN for geaersl bneaework. " avs., aesr Eugene st. 401 Rodney SALESLADIES wanted at once. Ooodyear Ksla- coat Co., 1110 Third St. . . -. WANTED An etperteorcd cook. Apply before t mnm itoyr et. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted end aunplled. nwle ar female. R. O. Drake. 4"t.V, Wasblaatoa et. Blak 13. WANTED City agents, ladles or, gents; good eoBsxiaaiea. See atfcUlbbva, 63 Evuetl it, MALE AND FEMALE HELP. TH K demand far eomnrtest bookkeepera asd Sleanerapaera ie greater luao toe aupply. From Auguat I. IWU4. lo Auguat 1. land, we placid xoT la good poaltlona; had calls for more than (Hal: our graduates are ALL employed: ao will aaalst you to a position wneo cttunetent ; enroll aow; day. or night. Behnke-Walker Business uuiiege. auiin aua atorrlaoa ata. WANTED Ai once, a ortgnt. energetic, pre. sentable man or woman, a good tslker, to take up aa at tract ire propoalttos. loUlrs T.1.1 f Dimrnr oa uaanwctf, V a . 83. A FKW reliable aad energetic solicitors; salary per day. an atuaday after 10 a. m. at XH worm iota, WANTED Immediately, 2 men or wonaen to do canraaaing. van up aaat dji ; gooa proposition. WANTED aperlenced ateougrapker nnd- fen- era I ornce neip. Aaareaa at as, cere Joorual. SITTJATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Vonng maa fully competent to fill any 'ordinary poauion wants puce where hon esty dud careful attention to employer's In terests win be appreciated. - Address roslttou, care JourusL . . . . EXI'EUIENCED ' yonng msn who hss a taw auare boura eacn dsy wlebee smsll act of noose to seep or mils to reader. Address N 4W, care journal. - WANTED IValtloB by bpbolsterer snd marrees- maker wltn experience la rorulture packug. Addreaa I 47. care JoornaL YOI'NQ man and wife waht to take . care of email dairy, fruit or poultry farm. Addreae U oa. care Journal. ,.- .-- EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier wests position; oeet, reiBsvucco. jsouress n 0 care JoumsL ' - RELIABLE German maa wanta boaeecleanlng. ornre, atora or garasa-worc Dy asy. I'houe Malnv 1O70. : j; WANTED To band fires mornings neer Jef ferson and 14th sts. .J. Scbager, 231 14th St. WANTED Position by - flrat-claes roeateattar. Phone Mala ni.- SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE BEUABLE elderly lady would like position na companion to a knte lady or Invalid, or light work for elderly couple with home com forts, for small wages; Address N 47, care Journal. . REFINED-lady of 20 who baa seen better times would accept position ae housekeeper; could to an aaalatant companion. - Address M 40, cars JonraaL . TRl'RTWOBTHT person wants posttkm as honsekrener or trevellng companion: aaw com petent nurae; willing to go to country, pbutie Main- SUN4. A TOCNO wMow wlanes posltloo aa bonaekeeper ror teniieman ra ciry; can rurnien tna oeet or refereaceo. Addreaa N 02, cars Journal. ELDERLY lady wlU koneekaep for widower. worklnc couple or small family; good cooa. Addrsaa M 40, caiw mt JoamaL EXPERT ' atoaocrapker tboreafbry - qualtflej. aeeeral - yaara' experience, deelrea position. Address N 00. Journal. lOI'NO 1r wonld lika work, aa taking ears of children. Addreaa Atlas Lena rXkoo. Ar- lata. Of- . - - - EXPERIENCED laundress wsfcta work by dsy, washing or cleaning, atlas u. I.. Vll ee- end st. - 1 ..- r BITTATION waored he a aeat woasan by tba dsy. Pbono Main oKTS. or 1 MonOrocoery at. BY yonng lady stenographer, work In office (4 kino. Address M 44. cars Journal. WOMAN wants smsll family washing, to do at noma. Adorass n as. cars joaraai. COMPETENT konsekeeper wlabea poxltloa smsll family. M 01. Journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. FOR MEN. BO H. Second at. Phona Mala 1S20. JAPANESE-CHINESE EM PLOTMENT OFFICE, Henry Tajuvrs, SOT Crarett at. rooaa fa elf le 540. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Help mmtaued free. . sua uaraakM st. iHooe Mala 407. ; PACIfTO Coast Emp. Co. Reliable emrdnymaat agents izuj M. kd at. rbooe. Mala aoTO. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eoatrec- as; help free to employers. 2111 Morrlaoa. ACME EMPLOYMENT CO. 211 Morrlaoa Si! sopplier mea for alrklnda of work. BIO FOUR EMP. AGENCY Help so no Had free. la w. aeeona at. raooaj stain ii)i. NATIONAL Emptoymeat sad Labor Agency, 812 Plan at. Pkoaa Mala 1804. THB PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO, 200 Vj Morrtaos at. Phone reel fie xaa. - - WANTED AGENTS. SALESMAN tlood man to cover Oregon; vsean- ey Nov. I; contract for thla year snd aext.u sales aatlefaetory ; com tales lone and tn week ly advance for expenses. W. S. Ftniey Co., Ke-48 Euclid Sts., ClCTelSBd, OMo. - AWBNTB Hold Window Letters, N avast y Slgne and Oiangesble Signs; cstslogas free, HuUlvsa Co., 400 W. Van Bnrea st, Chicago, 111. AOENTS wanted to sen anraery stock; aaw and complete oatnt rorniased tree; ease weekly. Cspll Salem, Oregon. AOENTS argnted for onr . "Mendsrip" ; It asws, . It rivets; snd oar "Farmer's Stsndby," S tools In one. Foots Co, si Bsacnst st,, los as gelee, Cel. - WANTED TO RENT.1 WE want desirable koosee and Sets, sll parts of tka city; have high-class clients wsltlngj rente collected, property cared for. - THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY, 248 Stark at- . -, Pkoaa Mala 1STS. COUPI'B wtadi modern furnished enttlge or housekeeping rooms; ao vnuorea; state rent. N oo. Journal. WANTED To rent farm, IS or 20 acres, sear city; nonee ana; Darn. M. u. Morgan, vio Miiwankis at. WANTED Space In well-located mestmerket foe Bah and poultry. Address I 40. Journal. WANTED REAL .ESTATE. HAVE cOBtomera for bualnese propertiae that sro bnnxlng at incomes. I bare alao custom era for wsrehooea el tea, improved or nnltn nroved with track -feHllttee. I heve also In quiries from proltahie buyers for building sites either for beslneee or warehouse purposes. I slso havs ' cnatomers for good dwellings. Wbst - hare .Voo got - ror sale 7 List yiatr Rrajiertles wHh me. as I bars been long i tbe bualneaa here and people come from sll over tka country to mo for bargains. If yon wsat to sell your property, call epos and list. the same wltk. CHA1U.E K. HENRY. Ww - 278 Starl'st. WANTED 0 or 8-room bones, modern, r Iocs t lea: Esst Ankenr. Morrison or w aide preferred; from fLOOO to $8,000; gtre ; location , aaa lowest caan price - in yow aaswer, ' - ' t. FCCTI8. 14014 rirst at. WANTED A good farm, vame 120.000. alae not leea than 300 seres; buildings, soli snd location '-have to ha first claaa: Willamette Val ley preferred; la answering give eiact and full description and mweer caan price, r. FL'CHH, I4UU First St. I H AVI SnOO that I will not Into s 80 day onflow as tneldo real -aetata: mnet to " bar rain: whst hsve yon gotl Etste location. price and terms If ssle le xloaed. Address K 03, Jonmal. WANTED a- five- or alt-romn bonae, - full lot .walking dlatanee from O. R. A N. ahnps: slste terms and lowest rash price; BO agents. Addrees N all, care Jonrnal. WANTED To toy or leaae a bnlldlng lot eloa . In. MrPhereoa, Oilman hotel. Heat ssd Alder. WANTED lot or fraction maid city limit; git Battkttlara, . A 4tt, Journal, . . - WANTED REAL ESTATE. r mri hnwera waiting to hear of small hoa - In or near Portland, any direction; If yoa- are ready to seU addreaa a. cars j-irnau WANTED A good farm for a goad country torsi value ta.nno snd sa.uuu. - . F. FUCUo, 1404 ilrat sr. . r vikt tn' hoe aa or two lota, unimproved, either aaat or west aide; atate pries snd terms. N 47, care Journal. LIST your property with aa. Onr motto) Quick aa lea, short pronis. noysi avsi aetata -v.. lot 14 rirat at,, room IV4- . - WANTED Rooming-houses." stares and. reataa- ' ratita; we kave bnyere. tmooaj at aaerwooa. ' ino 14 Morrison, rusn"'B. . WANTED To lease ranch or not lean thaa 100 hay pivrerred, N SO. Journal. ror term at yaara. u- WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEE tha Lswls snd Clark fair at homo: scad 40e la .stamps for handsome photo , dook, nearly photos of fslr. THiOV, inches. Westers View Book Co,, Portland. U. SMI 4 2B4. PAINTING, spraying and whitewashing treoe. haaements. bars, dorks, etc.; lergret gaeoiise spraying eutdt en the eoaat. - M. O. Morgan Co., 070 Mllwaukla at. Pbono Esst 2017. WANTED Household, restaurant and hotel fur niture for spot cash, nig neat pncea psto; slso stocks la trade of sll descriptions. Call up Mala B04, ask for Mr. Ok. ORCHESTRA. 8 plecee. wants engagements evenings. Sundays: music Tor all cessions very reasonable. 40 Lacretla at. . TeL Mala 0508. HIOUE8T eaeh price psld for bottles and Junk of every description, portlena Bottle ttuopiy Co.. 801 North Eighteenth, l'hone Main XMH. OLD furniture wanted, to be repaired and ma.le like new. John Kleiner, vnrnsiuo ana rara sts. J?boD Pacific oua. ' WANTED--Horaa to nao for tta feed and ear; light driving; reliable party.. Addreaa M. AS, cere of JoornaL - ' - a 1 ' ' ' WA-ll&le-A lUIW in eng in- - 1 111a. aiaivrwaoci aaaa. taa enaul. Adilraaa si aa. caro Journal. 1 EIGHT teems to ksul lumbar and tied. Proc tor Beess. cot trail, via urieet. ursgon. WANTED Oood shotgna; deecvlh and glre lowest cash pries. Address so. Journal. MERCHANT tailor will make clothes hi ex change tor wood. - Addreaa at sa, journal. WANTED Lady' bicycle: mnet to la At con dition; easn. Addreaa du Miiwanxie au . BOOKS bought, sold snd exchanged at the Old Book Store, 228 IsmAUl at, . I WILL wash your lace eurtstns tor 40 cents par pstr. zao lxtn St., oownststra. - P. J. RYDER, printer. Second aad Wsshlngtoa sts. Phono Mala ON, . j . W A NTED Good-alard rolUop desk. Phone Hood doa. - -,- WHO IS M. O. MORGAN CO. 7 FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT THB HUR, 06 Eleventh et-.-oec- Stark New rooming-house, newly mm lane a, a team neat. fee light and hatha; cloae to hualaee aec Iob; 1 block from carllne; sll tks aomforts of a horns; every thing ap to data. Mrs. P. A. Clancy, prop. -v '' THB KINO 300 Jeffereoa St., new building. handsomely rtrrniened. with erery moaern conrenlence; ' aL" ootslds rooms, with host, xas or electric rjgbts, porcelala hatha; rates toe, TKe aad tl; apeclaJ rataa by tba weak or atontk. THE BEIJ.EVI B. 21SV4 Feajrth at. Neatly fnrnlehed room for gentlemen; sll ' outside rooms: electri right, porcelain hatha: rates, soe. The 81 : very low rataa bp week ar montk. Hood T01. - .. - THB MANITOH,--201 18t et Ijrrg bsnd- somoly rarnlshed rooms and suites: steam beet, fins hatha abundant hot water; ex cellent mesla. well served. A bom for fas tidious people. ' TWO" largar, light, frnery- furnlagied roomer gas. farnace best, sorceism . natn. leiepnona; eserrtbma Beat aad clean: ratee very-. season able: walking distance. 84844 Sixth at. JhonaH Mala ooaa. , NIC! snbarhsa home for "rent, furniahed: 7 rooms : aae of piano; 20 per month; B. 21th and Brooklyn ata.. Woodatock car. Phone TJoloa lUoCsJl Sstoxday svenmg or Monday -HOTEL PALMER. Centrally located at tha corner of Alder aad Park ata.) eteam noes, mm ana coia water, free porcelala hatha: rooms BOav TO aad $1; special weekly rates, THB HAMANN. 186 It. 18th.. cor. Hort Newly rnrnlebea rooms, apt aoavenieni teearma, 16 minutes' wslk to fslr grossda: Morrlaoa aar at anloa depot direct to honse. Pboae 8470. BEATJT1FVL front wslte end S other desirable furniahed rooms in monera nonss as private family; phone, he th, furnace heat, walking dlatanee. f00 Fonrtk et. Pkone Pacific 810. KING'S HEIGHTS Dee treble neighborhood. near Bt. Helen a nsu; nicety rurnianea mom for oa or two, with private family; psrauv Beat preferred. , TSS Mala at. BEAUTIFULLY fnrnlahed rooena In brick halll- Ing; bath, electric light ana pnone; a per week and as. Th New Belmont, 10814 First st. '" ' i fJMOBM.- HOTEL Ath. and. Market: Bar agement: romlabed new torougnont; no dark oomrortabi aom. sirs. jscbeaa. MAHQTTAM HOrSE. 140 H 6th Booms aa salt or a lng is; Bonsexeeping rooms, gas stoves, bath, sleetrl lights; transients solicited. . THE WILBUR, 846 East Oak Fnrnlehed honeeteeptng rooma, ai.ia per wees ana up; lodging 81 and np. Phone East .4366. FOR RENT A neatly fnrnlahed outald room. J.-JJH Bosarll et- cor. vsnconver ve. pric 86 per monln. Apply at room a or I. - THB TEMPLETON Now under new manage ment, baa rooma y the day, week or montn; prices reasonable. 200 4 First st. FFRNISHED rooms, "alngl or ea anlte, 88 pel month snd np. Hotel rairmoont, sweaty sixth and Dpshar and Vsngha sts. FURNISHED floor of Or lvst realrtence; con- venlent snd reasons nie; line iocs l ion. Til Water St., bet. Hooker and Mesdt. FURNISHED room, furnished flat, one or more rooms; parlor, piano, bath, phone; qulel horn; reasonable. 448 Taylor si. NICELY fnrnlahed room Bt moderate prices for rent ha large ortrat bonae. close la. Call at 147 Tenth at, near Aider. 8 ROOMS, first floor! bath, phone; fnrlahd ar anramiahed; near Sd and Oregon; f!6 per monta iti. .-xnira St., n. . : CENTBAtjkaf locttad nicely fnrnlehed snd i side fnimiB, modern convenience, reaaon- ablo rent.' x Tweirth at. NICELY fnrnlahed front room for two; heat and modern convenience! board If deal red; oa single room.- it loth at. NICELY tarnished room In good neighborhood streetcar arrvicei rate reeeoasDie.- - ijs tsth St., neer Washington. 680 FIRST ST. Nicely fnrnlebed moms, private family; light, nest, bats, pnone;. gentle me a or onaineea womea.' , ial 17TH sad Morrison sts. Most desirable rooma: hot and cold water, hath, strain, heat, gaa ana pnone. ,t ,n 1 1IT1 S hmUlMa ssm, aMm kMtaa hot nnd cold water; rale reasonable. 88 1-8 .L .l-tk " T.AHRN ennnv front room. 1 a I nereoaa. rent reaeonabie. call axi Mill, er pnoa l acuie 101, arter n. - ri'RNISIIED room In modern home, anltahl for I or 2; gent testes aaiy; arssxrsst. : rone East awuo. NKW fnrnlahed In. private family.- 211 Ilalary. at. aaa, Reasons hie. bath. - - Pbon East - 4W6. keu'LY fnrnlahed moms, with stors. bath. telephone,, suitable ror z aaiiita, cnesp. zzo Mill at. . FURNISHED raom by the nay, week or month 14 llllr-aL ri'K.MSllED room, art Kaat Sixth sod Har- FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR BENT A pleasant room for a Isdy, csa to need for light houaakeeniog.- .233 Ua. aula at. 428 STARK ST. Nicely furuUlied rooma; leaje your name with us snd we will reserve when empty. . ' ' FRONT parlor for geatleaasa of nfinsnient whs wtsnes room sear tha esator of ally. , 6( Everett St. - ' ' WELL fornlshsd rooms, board! food eocstkni, car aerrlre.. 401 Tenth L rUoo I'sclfW 608. CHEAPEST snd tost located room in Poctlaa. Si waea aaa up. unman, r n- m, The Henderson. H4 Alder Elegantly furnlebed . , aBi traoalent ruuntera. HOTEL MONARCH. Stl6 Stsrk St.: tranaienti i ao Uclted; price reasonable.- Phono Pacific duo. rOR RENT Two rooma. furniahed for boaee k septus. Call before 8 o'clock. 840 Belmont t. LA RGB sunny room, running wster. for tw sr uurer srngls room; close In. 241 Butk. NICELY Mrnlahed room for light booaekeep. lug: also single room. 02 Kuaeell at. LARUE, well fnrnkUied. aunay rooma; bath, phone; 22 nor week. 48 Seventh st- '. ; NICEI.Y tarnished all modem coo. veulencea, aaaeonsbls, 644 Sixth at. , THB GRAND Newly furniahed toon., by th weak or month. 283)4 Uraad era. FURNISHED, room for single asaou"1; rea aonabm term. 120 lltb st. - ROOM la private family tor gentleman. 10 .per month. 331 Mill st. - NICELY furnished room la th hert of th city; exclusive. 104 11th at. ' HOT'SKKEEPINO room or etngle. . 62 Union Wm-k. 81H I'bat ate-. - - PI.EANANT front room) lady. Phone MaBvaAaa. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOR RENT Fnrnlahed hoaaekeenlng rooms I beet brick block oa oaet side: gea ranges, ketk. ate. ao transients; prjcee SMdarata. Lege a tlk.s 10SV4 Untoa are., aemer Beat Alder.- I'hoaa Boat 4H24. . : 1 - - NEW fnrntaked or sn fnrnlahed bonarkeeplng end Bleeping ooms, $1 week. .104 North Twenty-sixth, cor. Savler. Washington cars ' To Twenty-sllth. tum to left 100 feet. NICE housekeeping eoltee: avsrythlng conven ient: etngle toxins by dsy. week or mouth: brick bnlldlng: walking distance; rent reason able. The Rutland. 8104 first St.- ( FURNISHED rooms, gss snd toth. raa to used for light housekeeping: rent resaonshle; S blocks from steel bridge. Inqulr 808 Alder. Townssud. Msxwsll ft WlU. NEATLY fnrnlahed hoaaekeenlng snd Bleep ing -rooma. cloae in; oa id. - a, inmv -Stark; alaq at .104 North Twenty-alith, o. Ssrler, $1 week. ........ -. FOR RENT Salts of S nicely famished hone. keeping rooros. gronno iioor; gas. dsui, i meat: walking distance: 17. I' bos East 813-L NICELY ' furnished front suites. . BAodera eoa- venieacee, a roonw, , iwws . " -sing Is rooms. 428 Yamhill L. near 11th. SOS 1STH ST. Two alee koneekeeptng rooms. ground none, wltk aae or piano; niao ono sin gle room for housekeeping. 87 per month. NICE fnrnlahed housekeeping rooms, fins Urge places low rent for winter, fhoBEst sizov aa v.-sarMrr, aiw jaoua-. NICE, large completely farniebed hoasskssplng or single rooms: wsismg oaiiant, nam. ga ' phons; reaeonabie. 486 Clay st. ONE salt of nice bonae keeping rooms at 02 North Seventeenth et.- nea hub . esna. PsrUss without rhlldrea. 1.T5 PER . WEEK Large "cleaa furnish ed noneesevpins-rvoua,,' I - - . Sherman. South Portland. FOUR largo . nicely furnished honaekeeplng rooma: every modern convenience. ais voerry at... Phone East i.on. .v . ... . - -- xwu or Drwe wn, -, -- - cissn; satBi pmsw. wiw, - - Pbon kaat 2S. TWO enrwlahed honaakaeolag venlent. price U; Base on room, prars - ao, 800 Hairlaoa at. TWO housekeerrlrc room la eouthern family; on firrnlshee room; raeap xo ngai pnnrea. 172 16th aL . THREE nicely fnrnlahed room tn good location for rent at moderate prrrea, w uia si., anrsr Jeffereoa at. 480 Ql'lMBY, tot. Tenth and Eleventh: S sect hi aoaaekceping rooms cvoiparir, per month. .. .... 810 THE MITCHELL. Flanders and Seventh Room. housekeeping ana transient; eoavemeaii pntw ressosable. THE GLADSTONE 812 V4 Sevier at., fornlsbad . roeaia; saoee saw aaaaagaaaeaij aoaabl. HOUSEKEEPING salts of S rooms: slso 2 single rooms; very ressonsoie. ii isn-naesis. FURNISHED hoaaekeenlng rooma. e Ingle or ea suite, reasonable. Ill and 113 North Ninth. 840 NICELY fnrnlebed horn st Srll 18h- etj nlc neighborhood. Inquire nl 863 13th at, . TWC Dlax. roomall) month,-- 614 Hoyt at.. liiteeniB si, 825 PER month 6-room cottage, fnrnlahed eonv piele. 22 Skerhlaa at.. Pbon Red 8.12. LIGHT, sunny honsekeeplng rooma, aim tingle rmi for rtat reaeenahle. aaft lltb at. LARGE new elegantly fnrnlebed honsekeeplng rooms, 83.60 and op. 603H Alder et. HOUSEKEEPING rooma with every convenience ' at 801 ft Water St.; 2.S0 per week. NICELY furnished honsekeeplng rooma very ra sotisbls. 08 lltb at.; corner Stsrk. 07 N.-11TH ST. Suite of housekeeping roams, furnished;' ale on single room. ONE salts of housekeeping rooma to rent reason able. Call at SO N. lltb at. 433 STARK, et., corner 12th A few aulte of room for henaekeepmg. --"-i - FURNIHHED nooaekseplcg room for rent. Call 002 Missouri eve. ROOMS AND BOARD. THB HESPERIAN, 63 Morrison St. A select family bot-1, pleasant rooma with steam ' heat, hot snd cold running wstsr, electric lights, free toth snd phone, first-class table end aervlce; permanent trade eollclted: elao table boarders at reaeonabie ' ratear Phoas Mala IMaS. .. WANTED To hoard on or twav ejilldrra at tending srhonl; will he given good horn nd mother' car: room forrrcnt f desired. InO Union are., N. I'bone kaef -i4U, u - THB COMMERCIAL Srlect family hotel; nicely furnished; single or en eulter table . first class; fre hstbe; walking dlstancs; rates ressonsble. ;4X8 Washington at. fIRBT-CLASS room nd board for permanent people. 822 60 and 826 per month) table board ; 4 per week. Astor boasa, 7tk sad Madlaoa sts. TeL Mala 0281. WANTED Yonng man roommate. . downetahw farlor; toth: private home: easy walking rile a nee: 80; reference. . 806 Seventh, corn or Harrison st. i ELEGANT rooms snd beard to Ml and wife; furasc 'best, toth. phone, gss snd electric light; close Is, ' la private boms. I'bons Mala 1047. WELL-FURNISHED eonnectlng room 'With board, aultabl- for 2 or 4 young men; price reasonable. 800 Sixth, cer, Hsrrlson. Phea Main 64VO. VERY nice front room. enlUhle for otw or two gentlenien: bath; privets beiSs; cheep; eeey -walking dlatanos. - n3 Sevenls, cor. Usrrleoa. WANTED To board end room msa and wife tnt 220 per month: womea to help cook. 80 Shaver at. Take L car. - BtMiM and Hosed for two men: heth. phone. 2flW Cnlumbls St., bet a aea Third snd Fourth. A PRIVATE family on Kings Height will give room aad hoard (a ihr, . I'Uoue I'scUl Wa, ROOMS AND BOARD. TUN HAWTHORN U. Xtl Thirteenth Rooms w lib. good board: walklugiJUiapce, rsssooa hi raitl by tbe month. V. J 1 - ' MS with board for permaaent taaanrs, BOOMS rsaeonsBMi flrst-las - boow esoeUac Ssl sM,e ea. BfMiM snd bosrd er table board alone; centrally ! Im-aletL 1'buoe Mala W4 , Baaldsucs 663 20 FOR rooss and hoard, one ar tares refer. eooe. 48 East Nlstb St.. Mr-. WANTKD-Chlldrea to boards glee boa. Phone Hood 1001. - " ',. ."-.' UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 'VV"-', HOTEL FAIBMOPNT. North. Twenty -elith at.; from rpshsr to . Vaogha. . - ... . - Rooma fnratehed sad anrarntsked. slsgla nd ss suits, 1 per week and an. - A permanent . modern building, plssTered " . aad with bathrooms aad saodcrn plumbing. . PIPED FOR1 OAS FOR COOKINO. ,. ALts OUTSIDE ROOMS. CNFt RNISHED rooma. with ar without hoarl.. new fist: walking distance. Address M 47, cere Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES. OWNERS AND AGENTS will find ft to thotr advantag to Uat their vacant boa aea and fists with our Free Rental department. Oar vacant honee directory bes become a rieag Bleed laatltutloa In Portland, hundreds at tenants being weekly pieced la suitable quarters. V e make ao charge whatever nd owner eheuld take advaoug ot tkla aervlce by calling at our rental depsrtBMSt asd filling la aa "Information Blank." It you have a vacant houaa. phone th par ticular and lea re th rest to as. W ro't allow It to remain long idle. H. B. EDWARDS. HOI'BBFURNISHIB, Free Beatal Departmaat. 188 to 101 Flrot St. . 1T PER MONTH Modern 0-room flat. E, An kenr and l nlon are. . 315 Nice new room hoaae. 400 E. ETth mf. ' 312 Furnished 6-rooa eottage, E. 46tb and ' Stark. $7-.Nlce 6-room eottage. I. 44th and IXvl. Ian.- --. . i . Apply- THB DUSN.LAWRENCB . CO., : 148 Flret t, . 4-ROOM bonae.. 100x100 tot, torn.' room for eaicsena, rent aa. - . New, at rirt It SKtoera 0-room honee, Eaat Sslmoa St.. 322. ' . . - 2-room bonse. la snhnrhs, 2.1 .50. V HOME LAND CO., . -.,,r -. . lis l, rirst at. : FOR BENT House aad lata, all part af th city. Rental department THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY, - 243 Stark at. STUART atetloa, Moaat Scott car targe mama, outbuilding, modsrs: psrtlea arlthoal eklldrea; fnrnltur for aale. Call th Belle-ae,- Foarth sad Salman. - LARUE 0-room. wllkv aarpeta. . very ' eesirshl location and home ror prrmaeent ' tenants close In, rent ressonsble. InqSllr Blxlaeath nd r-aat Morraaoa ata. 8-ROOM house foe rest - aseso dealrehte hca- tloa " for eocaailng-nouee. intiuiie -eitea . Cohen. 400 Columbia bldg., 303 Washington at. Phone Mara T84. - ' MEW room boas aad nuarter bW, Oiaacra-lt . a-.. tv a 7 an n u. - I ' S,B9IMBra. HI, igiumr v, hvasna, FURNISHED 7-roora bedae: ana. toth. plsao. basement and woodshed. S21 East Aaa, , Twenty-alitli; take Ankeny car. FOR RENT Modern hoaae, 0 rooms. Yarnlehed. . Cast lS'h snd Belmont ata. , Call at koua or 10T Sixth t.. . ; ' , FOR-RENT New S-enos beaja. pantry and. toth. two block froaa two earllaea, real I5. . rbooe Scott 1U42. . 8 OB T-mom boo for rent, rent 313 per month. 400 Falling at.. hiorka from ism are. FOB BENT A 0-reoa cottag. -Corner Grand v. ana noyt at. IIOI-'SB for rent. Inqnlra 128 E. 18th St., hat. Morrison and Alder st. . 0-ROOM modern boo, latest -ItnprovementB tai r mi ROOM honee for rent. TIM) Beat Ankeny st. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. 3800 BKAUTIFfl.LY furnlebed S-room bona on OB lllll. coinpH,eiy lomianen won wew hlnlacye matiTr ndnh :' oanei unuimnes a lee re city at onoa far hnstnee reeeone: hour for rent st ". Portland Trust Company of Oregon, Cor. Third and Oak ata. ' , 5 -1.5UI: 6-ROOM elegant .flat, hial.le snd oat everything first-vises: few hiorka eouth of Portland hotel; furniture new and the beat of herd " ek: room nicely arranged, all modern con- : venlencee; If you-want eometlilng good and a money maker, Investigate thla: only 3373. - -Br-W rO A R LA N D ft CO- . 1034 Fmirlh t. i. ? '' ' ' FOB heat results on . "FURNITDRB."' . Whether to bay or sell, ring no Mala SOBS. -PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 211 Ilrat t. OWN bom for 30 monthly and a little cah: , rosy hnuee, art fnrniahlngs, large woodshed, 2 level corner Wa, frees, roeee, bluegrnes. ijiMgan, Kara Park. Mt. Scott car. FINE fnrnltnr nd piano of 10-roots hona.t 3426; 376 cssh. balsnc one year; theee tlihtg met 11,200. Cell 742 VanghB. oor. Twenty third.- Tax any fslr. car. 0 FURNITURE la a slx-roont honee for "ale rea . nnable: new. honght In August; bonae I fnr rent; tirty going to California. Inqnlre 821 ' lath it., corner Clay. 6-ROOM bouee for rent and fnrnltnr for aala with or without piano; complato and aeellr furnished. .062 Esst Morrlsoa L . Pbo Esst 4084. "j- " FINE fnrnltnr snd piano of 10. room bones, ' 2426; 876 raeh. balance on year; thee thing coat 31.800. Pbon Mln 010. . FOR RENT 0-rooas house nd 4-rooni Sat for rant and fnrnltnr for aala, Bes H. H. - HlgVy, 878 Tsytor --.:.. FURNITURE of modern 0-roora flat for rent or sale, cheap; cloea k. weet side; rent 32.V 401 First st. 7-ROOM konee, furniahed. fnrnltur for egle; -rent cheap. 100 Weet Park Bt. . 6-boom boas for 'rant snd part at fnrBltnr for ssl. 02 North Ninth at. FURNITURE of six room for aala cheap, ba for rent, li Psrk t- . HOUSEHOLD fursltar for al. . 27 Jeffev eon et. FOR RENT FLATS. FLAT-FOR RENT, 828 Second at Urge room wltk hath and pantry; nicely fnrnlahed; will h rested wh - or without fumltara. ' B. A. Proadfoot, 271 Waahlogtoa- Bt. FUBNISUED rooma, fnrnlahed flat, one or asore - roouie; parlors, piano, hath, phone; quiet' honee: reasonable. 448 Taylor at. MODERN 2 and Im flats, fnrnlahed rom . plete; nalhe. gas ranges aad all -eoavtnleBce. ' tall SoOia rourteaalay , -r A