The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 05, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 23, Image 23

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f There h Net a Foot, of ItciJ Ectctp or a Hc3 u"Pcrd Thit Ci;
i : nct Do Ccld fcr Colons Aro
I I KfciAJb EST ATE ; NEW S 1 1
' "Wher ar all t th big building of
tblidlr M find tenant T"
Bearish aa the thought la, this ques
tion la being aaked by many Portlanders
Just now. They ar becoming alarmed
- at the proapact 01 "Kaaot ta Bent.'
-which they fancy would ba a forlorn alt
, Ration if auch signs wara via wed In the
wlndowa of the sixth) or twelfth story
-f an office building. . ' . ,
' An Impartial mind needs not go far to
rind read answer. . Office In Port'
.. land are crowded.- Room are wanted
. in any rood bonding, where there are
reasonable - aceommodatlona. Crowded
conditions prevailing at present are lu
xurious to development. A prominent
msuranc company aeeired to open ef
. flora here last month on a large scale,
. : and searched in rain for a.. desirable
i ' suite of three large rooms, properly ar-
. ranrea ana served. ,At last the man
Tlr waa oompelled to take one little
" inside room with the hope of improve-
. ing ma location later.
More striking teatanees than thla axe
;' abundant - There la scaroely any larre
ornce 01 tne city occupied by business
. men not desiring privacy, but haa sev.
" oral tenants. In home offices the ooru-
i . pants number half doses, ar mar.
.JPrty have dealur In every corner and
struggle around In each other's way.
Were these tenants riven opportunity
to have a neat office alone la some
xirst-ciasa building, they would much
prefer It to forming a company ar
rangement and taking- one large apart
ment on tne co-operative plan. .- . ,' "
l T Next year la aura 'to bring a great
number of. new. businesses to Portland.
An Immense lot of money la being span t
In development and eonstnictton work.
. Thia money la going- Into the channela
of trade, largely into the pockets of
, laboring; people, who spend It -again for
food, clothing- and new homes. Rail
road construction will center here every
Interest that flocks to heavy operations
this character. - Offices and agencies
will come to profit by the distribution
Of about $10,000,000 In construction of
the North Bank Una and the many other
enterprises which are taking- material
iotta. Aq army of laboring men la now
employed in building in the city, and
the force will be greatly Augmented
next - spring and summer., Many of
these workmen will desire to make per
manent homes In Portland. The aev.
. oral great development enterprises un
der way in the' Interior of the Columbia
basin will contribute their quota, of
prosperity and business to Portland, the
to the limit. Aa a result of the immense
demand upon the time of builders, there
baa been something of a rise In the
rates of certain work, which. If pressed
much further. Will have a tendency to
check building. One capitalist who bad
planned a 'large .building, en upper
Washington street, was given the pre
liminary estimate of - I26.000 for the
work. Upon thla basis, he waa ready to
proceed Immediately. Before he got
under way, the eetimate had been raised
to 131.000. and by the time that he had
screwed op hla financial . courage to
tackla. the job at thla figure, ha waa In
formed that the work oould not be done
for less than 150.000. Ha called all
plana off, put hla specifications away
and said that he would not build for
some time at least, when he hoped to
get things dona for what appeared to
him a fair rate.;.
' Recently the Journal noted that real
estate dealers of this city were among
the eagerest buyers of local property, on
their own account. , Since the statement
waa made, it la found that every local
dealer haa been putting all of the capi
tal that n oould command into real es
tate. The purchase of soma of the men
have been rather heavy-for small in
vestors. . Lately this tendency haa been
mora pronounced, and the dealers have
been the moat aggressive purchasers.
ambition of one citizen. The rapidity
with which tall building have been
planned tbia fall, and the substantial
prorress made in t carrying - out this
work, i augura a number of akyacrapera
There waa much talk last summer of
Portland aetttne- tocether for a 2
story office bulldlnc. which would be
constructed with the purpose of being
both an advertisement to the city and
a precedent for other work. It waa be
lleved at that time that auch an enter
prise would be inaugurated when prop
er arrangements could ' be completed,
and a. number of enterprising people
signified : their wllllngneaa to assume
a portion of the- burden.
Since that time development of build
ing-- haa been ' rapid. Three edifice
which will be from ii to fourteen stor
ies high, have been definitely decided
upon, aud there la prospect of further
work of even greater importance. This
rush haa caused the' great advertise
ment .movement to become slightly ob
literated, but It haa not been forgotten.
ana unless some or tne waiviauai ouna
lng projects soon tower much higher In
to the air. It la .possible that a. building
erected -by a larger syndicate will be
outlined some time early in 10. With
In a decade assurance la had that there
will be many auch here, when the ad
vertisement for the eltv will he a, elua-
Borne arev buyin to hold for few I ter of the finest office bulldinera of the
. . . . . -
years, wnue winers are using property i West.
witn me purpose or turning at axaln I v
Every sign of the Industrial and fl
uoroscop is - that next year
; Portland will hav the grandest busl-
uses ever Known to any Northwest city,
and that this business- must need ac
comodations here." These numerous tall
buildings going up and planned, ar ab
solutely needed. In fact will be pleaded
for before they ar completed. Before
they are finished, tenants will be con
tracting offices and It would not aur
prise close observers If the number of
- ""wmg, nnounceq next ' spring and
summer were not several times greater
. than -those already arranaed foe at this
-iuiM-i a need, lor modern of floes and
" . ""'" room is apparent, and
wisaora or local investors In entering-
th field of construction la endorsed
or ins oest nusiness men of this and
Other Communities The .i... i
capitalists are pnttlng th.r money Into
thla work 1s the beat attest r k
of confidence prevailing. There will be
IIMIevae for - the- sign, , "Offices to
,Hent,"for some time to corns. in por-
. ' f - v..- "..
j. Work -he van itAm ub -r.
flats.-, whlcb are being- erected by EL
Holman at Third and MIU streets, the
- uunqing- to cost when completed.
These will be among- the moat modern
structures or tne city. Mr. Holman In
tenaa to Inaugurate a system of fur-
msning everytning ror the flat tenant
. A thorough heating plant la to be in
stalled, which will keep hot water for
all hours of th day. beat by steam.
Janitor will be furnished to clean and
keep the place In order. Mr. Holman
win also build on the other corner of
the block a row of flats as targe' or
larger than those he has Just begun, if
he finds a demand for this clasa of
residences, which seems to bs insured
by the interest manifested by a multi
tude of people. - i
There'are no Idle contractors In Port
land Just now. and architects are rushed
Again, soma of the dealera nut
a part of their capital into the realty
and than Improve with the purpose of
aoiains for rental. ---
In whatever form the tendency I
mad apparent, it la accepted aa of tha
moat ausplrtoua omen. Dealers are the
closest students of realty conditions.
Their business I to note the trend of
development and prosperity. Being In
the closest touch with heavy capital, as
well, they have th best opportunities
for acquiring th surest forecast of
tha future. Whenever they beeln to
ouy on tneir own account, th publia 1
sure to find th situation pregnant with
hope. ... , r '
While th local realty dealera Jhm
been handling large sums of moneyfor
outside and local capitalists, naturally
maaing- tne neavieat buys for - their
cllenta. they have not been loaing- op-
pranity to put an oi tneir own avail
able funds. Into auch property. - -
Why should not Portland make her
own structural steel building material
tnaicie nsr own boundaries, and aave the
delays and provoking Irregularities
aoout delivery of . such material from
the eastern steel planter
- Sine the rush for tall buildings be
gan, - th question Is frequently aaked.
It Is a matter of record that th cheap
est building with steel structural ma
terial erected in the United States waa
at Pittsburg, where the steel waa manu
factured, and where there waa no
"Waalut getting- in touch .with the!
marnrracturera. , The dlfferenc In coat
Under such circumstance and with
work In Portland , rune-up to about
three cents a cubic foot In the building.
This difference could not be eliminated
by having- a plant her for manufactur
ing -ateel atraeturai material, but might
be reduced considerable. .
When tha Meier ae Frank department
store building- waa erected, no structural
material waa Shipped from the outside.
alt of it being- made In thla eltys The
puiars wars or -local casting, and the
girders over the areat show . wlndowa
ar also of Portland manufaotur. Th
tore ta not. ateel throughout, but
nougto Iron and ateel 1a used In it to
suggeat the possibilities of a atruntne.
el manufacturing plant In Portland. In
all of the work don on thla large- store
building-, the pieces fitted with exact
ness and precision, so that there had to
be no remaking- and there -waa no de
lay in waiting- for delivery over a long
ran tine ana xrom an over-crowded east.
era piant. At the present time th ateel
plants -of th east ar rushed to death
with orders, and all building operations
ar contingent upon the time when auch
material can be secured. The strength
of th Meier at Frank store building- la
much greater than an office. hntMi
because of the heavier requirements of
such an atabllsbmnt.
Within another - year Portland win
have skyscrapers. If tha natural trend of
building" contlnuea aa at nresent anH
there will not be one - standing- out a
lonely monument to th enterprise and
Announcement last week thathiaseU
4k Blyth would put ap a It -story office
building- at Sixth and Stark waa the
sensation of the week. It came the
aame week that the Wells-Fargo people
gave out the atatement that th new
structure that company la erecting at
Sixth and Oak streets would be twelve
stories hla-h. - Almoet " simultaneously
with this dual good fortune J. B. Toon
said that If everything favored, he
would make hla office building- twelve
stories hlg-b. These more stately edif
ices are to be Tea red amidst a bevy of
five and six-story bulldlnga which are
being- put up rapidly aa th work can
b done. ' '-:,."'" V.'.. , (
A short time ago Frank C-Perrine, of
l-ou - Angeles, who - was attracted - to
Portland by the Lewis and Clark ex
position, bought to by 100 feet at the
northeast corner of Tenth ' and Couch
streets, opposite the armory, which was
occupied by a saloon and two dwellings,
the price being- for 112.100. This was
two montha ago. - Testerday he resold
the property for f 11.000 to a Portlander
who does not want hla name- mentioned
at present. Mr. Perrine saya Portland-
real entate looks good to him, and -he
la going to sell his extensive Loa "An
geles -holdings and . Jn vest In Port lend. -Both
of thea sale were made by E. J.
uaiey ana i w. wnitlng at Co. ,
Goldsmith ft Co. consummated late
yesterday the sale of the quarterofa
block on - the northeast corner of
Twelfth and Alder streets, star Hanrv
Wemme for 140.000. H. M. Cake, the at
torney and prealdent of the Commercial
Club, formerly owned th property. The
XT-arc t now -occupied hy two or three
dwellings, but Mr. Wemme will erect
there a substantial brick block, as ha
haa taken- the nronertv aa a twnnanen
Investment. Mr. Wemme haa been one
Of th moat activa and -dlanrlnlnetln.
buyers of .the year, and la taJclnyrtiold
wr important properties tor - improve
ment. The fact that ha haa mada this
purchase at Twelfth and Alder atreets
In seection rapidly - becoming- more
popular a a retail section, and win
erect ther an Important building In th
near : future, haa improved values on
upper Alder and Yamhill atreets. The
rate or a lot Is the best evi
dence of th Importance of the section,
and shows that the far-alghter buyers
me wnen mis part of the elty
will be In the heart of an Imense retail
business. - Th time when. Mr. Wemme
wit. Kuunnenr worx on the new build
ings is not fixed, as his" purchase was
Just completed yesteraay afternoon.
K K. Wemme of the Willamette Tent
-'" company naa sold Ma nenn.
erty on Eleventh street, near Morrison,
r -"Pi"Miats. in lot is
0 by 100 feet, and la occupied by the
frame structure known as the Ohio
notei, wnicn naa 22 rooms. The itul
was made through M. E. Lee. tha con
aideratlpn not being- nubllahad. Th.
purcnaaa wan maae aa an Investment
and no Improvements are contemplated.
. FtATS. . '
"Worth3' a? Mt'P't?,U
All new and modern.
100x100 14th and Overton sts. .
100x100 14th snd Marshall St.
100x100 lgth and Upshur.
j-TBTjrxng nonm.
100x100 th and OHsan. ,
tOxlOO Oliean at, near Tth.
. SOxlOO 16th and Flandera.
76x100 15th and Da via.
100x125 Ella St. ,
50x100 22d and Irvlns. . ; ;
- 50x100 18th and Ollsan.
100x100 On Hall at., close In.
70x100 On Bancroft -"iurf
17x100 On 6th at . v
48x100 On Everett st '
16x100 On 18th at
' a ast visa. "
100x100 On East 10th st , '
..JOOxlOO On Fremont st - r
88 1-3x100 On East 11th at.
tOxjoo On Missouri ave.
100x100 On East 7th 'and Harrison St.,
unimproved. 1
100x100 Grand ave. V ;
50x100 East 22d and Ankeny.
100x100 East 15th st, 4 houses.
100x100 East tth st, 1 houses. '
- jOxlOO East (th St. f ,
Flv nw houses all In 'At share.
ready for occupancy. If you want the
neat ouys ror tne money and a place
r-ou can move right Into now, don't fall
o Investigate thla Prices from $1,800
m ts.isv. favoraoi terms.
F. W.Torgler
106 Shirlock Building
SttablUhed lB7a
; naTumisroa BaaTTAi
250 Alder Stroot.
nu mi, .unie' m$ e
,. : ,- . t i- ... I
Most Popular Because
It Is Best. Stop Rent
In and Buy a Home
in This Beautiful Sab
orb With Your Rent.
Money." Homes Built to Salt Purchasers Lots $120. ($3 Down; sj a Month)
Best water) newt ear service far cents located so mlantea from ottyi
streets graded.
b.M dry, level, healthful and seaatltfal, whioh Make It the lofioai
yesideaoe suborb, Taka Mount Soott aa today at First and AMet
treeta, rid t Flrlaad and sea, Agwat on groaad raia or shla.
n in n- f"
Geo. V. Brown
aOl FaltliieV Hoflfilne-
J Pkon Main 3U9
Robt, A. Taylor
Office, Fa-lend Station--'-'
- 1
ForSale -Cood Real Estate
- - A
$13,500 &
$ 1,950
provements"o'n Tamt
lot on tth st, be. I
Oak ml m a - .
flrennwi ttuit,i.. - I
t"B nc ta on tne ad-
lolnlna lot
9.n iTTLa,a ' Tth
iiiifiuin. r
jQUVB at
ouarter block on ParTk
. ome improve
ments on aame.
Choice building- lot
Sf y1 r and
-tw mim,
Onn Para, near Hayrl-
rTactlnnal 1 v.
am saarja "- noon on aame.
tC O )Kt KOxlOO. with two
V eWeasfeafV S2"e, renting- for
- tl"A"Jnont'i North
C" a IT ml A . Strlntl.
Z ealVI -"roni house on Will
; : . avenu and Eu-
F, BRE8KB. 444 Sherlock bid.. If H Id st
1 - " A The Denefit Now Begins I
. . .1 - .,, Y - The greatest id"vertisftij cirri- ; t - - -'Y. : -:-' -:. ''' !"';
,. ..'.' . m . . 1 . - . pign of the Pacific coast has ,, .'.' VY.-f ."'';'.''. :.V-; v, v .-
ended ia a blaze of gkrw. To- ' M ' ' t ' V';,
- Portland A Y jfiS? . Portland
e " v- V. - '" it wonderful adrantage, and . ' Y ' ' '-Y''
. jo . . m.-- .. ct0W: and - grow -and grow. - : - Y:' Y 1QY.
- ; - - But we cannot-sit down and , ''" .. " Y'
TL TTrT- A 1 ., watch it. Not any. . We must Y ' ai- t-ww
1U6 WaV 1 go fter the people who have . ThA AAaiT
. . S7 I . 1 r become interested, the Indus-. - -V V. A XX V V -JT
- 1 1 . tries which are heeded and the ' i m ; ,t ' .. " .. ' Y
A. Talk Up! - .
of the V Sure
No city ever had such an a'd-
, mirable location for its future
growth as has Portland in its
beautiful' peninsula.1 Magnifi
cent factory-sites with the
greatest facilities for transpor
tation ever presented to the
trading world. - -Y-YY" rY
There Is no doubt about it Go
out today. See the splendid
lots we are still selling at th
first prices, from i $96 to $100,.
In the face of very hafpd
'AH backed by a residential sec
tion unsurpassed for beauty.
vahces made by almost every;
other property owner out there.
Gty water, sidewalks, graded
streets all ready now. ; Will
tart- yourhousftJomoiTOvriI .
you wish..
-cqmmerceiind economy by-anyp.
city on earth. -
The Future of die Peninsula Is
beyond all .question one of tre
mendous growth and Vernon
la the crest of the, Peninsula.
. But if you want profit select a .
lot today. Just a little money
secures a contract. : A smaller
monthly payment holds Jt and
j the sure profit is yours. : .
Take a Vernon car today, Sec
' ond and Washington. Right
to the heart of it. ' . .
At the Sign of. the Big V
Batatbllahod In 1888
: For Inside Property
' r '.'.-'' .See; .
-Real Estate
. .." Brokers ...
ASlSSMSfe 442 Sherlock Building
All complete, large corner lot, full
pasement, ?i,4uu, one half cash.
New modern 5
picket fence, wood fiber plaster!
porceiam Datntub and toilet,, all
for 91,050, easy terms.
New modern 8-room hone rfi
basement, bath and toilet, shade
trees, picket fence, for $1,650
easy.ierms. : - ...
Three-room home, $350.
vr Four-foom house, ' 9450.
- JIalfcacre tract, $210. 1
One-acne' tract, $450, fight at
car line.-; - - . r ,
, Ser the owner, JOE NAH
In the white house at NASH
VILLE addition on Mt. Scott
car line.. - . . .
B4ttabllaihcl In 1888
Four modern 6-room flats, close in,
paying over 12 per cent net" r
Thi Healy ; --
Investment, Co;
BRESlua, sbwlouk bldg. 1 210-2H Abington, 106ft Tbud Strtet
A Choice Corner
fl n. I.Bouth of "Merrlsoii st!
UllrillKTS x T feet: ft.KOO. F
9M00 Morrison, street corner. .
40,000 H block on Tth street ,
f35,00O4 block on Buraslde. 'V
f S14.00 U block on Taylor street
f 1J,000 -Flats paying JO per cent
"... .net- ...... , . .
flOOO Fin resldettc on "Nob
. HHL , ;
$ 6,000 New cottage on .Kearney
j street, on installments. )
I S.SOO Comer lot, Krnsy and
Twsnty-sscond street V
A. F. Swcnsson & Co.
M3H wAaxnreToaT mnT.
T Tata
PoitlandReal CstateCd
C. R. DE BUR01I, Manager.
A brick bul id ins; on Front atreet, near
i oa cannot maae a mistake in
inis. ' "
A brick building on First street near
Tli Shaw-Tear Ctrnipany" has n nnmber of substantial inTestnisnte It
win d pieasea to suomu w tnose in earnest about purohaalng. Strict
est 'confidential relations maintained with all who favor with
their patronage. We hare business properties not regularly on the mar
ket, which we ar not at liberty to advertise, nor to disclose to any
eept those who, In our Judgment, ar in earnest about purchasing. Own
era hav their own sufficient reasons therefor. ; .
-Let u know what yea want and w will' endeavor to aattsfy you.
Out-of-town investors, can have-the benefit of our best Judgment on any
. anticipated purchase. Ton can ask any bank in the city as to oar stand.
4ng and methods. .: , T ........ ... . ,;'.-,.; 7 1
t . 1 . . ' ,.' ''' ''' v , . ' -7 - " - .
r purchases for investment or homea On Taylor street, close in, nne cor-
. ir ivk wiui twu uuusss, n fis, lor ,ii,Buv, anomer near, nne aouae.
'.rent $10, for. $6,600. ., , v .. . . , . . ?
,, . ; ; ; - 1 . f i -. ( J'.v. ,
. '. "We also hav other residences, nice building site and business prop
erties on the west side, and well located properties on the eest aid's- Or
Sixteenth and East Ankeny we offer 100x100 for IMOO, a materially re
duced price, if sold soon. Thla Is an1 elegant building alt. Let us know
what you. want and we will endeavor to satisfy you.
8. H. BARK. Manager City Properties. ' ' ' "
Aqage Tracts
- N -nlcr acreage tract can be found than Jennings .Ledge, on tha
Oregon City car line and Willamette river.. Thea can be had In. sinal
acres or more and on reasonable term.
-.Our. farm list comprises some of. the best properties on she market.
Let us Vnow what you want and w wilt selert that which. In our Ju1e
U 11 m1 PProai upon examination. Send tor our descrlp-
The Shaw-Fcar Company
. ' ' " 245Ji STAIUC STRTST " '
this up. W will put
fine. Look
you rlghk .
100x100 on Tenth.- Oood Improvement.
fin buildings, good Income. See ue.
East Ride, 100x100 on Grand avenue
few blocks from tturnstde. lm-
proved, fine residence and other bulld-P
lng. ue ua about this. 18.000. :
Oood T-roont house; bath', fin horn and
cneap i.ivo. vi
verv fine lot anil nM hnnsa n, ir.
T;ihth, street near Oak $1,0. a
4-' ; bell i '.a.
; ron 4th r-.t.
nni'svg ( il.T
ckt mm
Nina m!1- fro-n f"
crk. i'
mxrk.'l l .
Will I