The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 05, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 21, Image 21

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Last Romance of the 'Belmdnts
. From ths Nsw York Herald.
AM very -much gratified,"- eald
August Belmont to, a friend,
that my on has chosen such
a charming young woman for
his future wife. And I am equally
pleased with hla idea of starling so soon
lila business career. I have always been
anxious for him to marry early and es
tablish a home, for, himself without
delay." .-. - ' ' ' -In
this way August Belmont,' second
of the famous name, announced the en
gagement of his eldest son, August Bsl
jnont, Jr to Miss Alice W. d Qolcourbu
daughter of Albert B. de Oolcourla, and
sister of Mrs.'W. 8cott Cameron, - -
In referring. to his son's intentions
of entering the great banking house n(
A. Belmont A Co., the elder Belmont has
conflrpied what the financial world has
' long expected that is, that the reins of
administration will be handled by the
-third August Belmont when, bis father
lays aside th leadership.
1 The betrothal of thla ft-year-old boy
' to a young woman of distinguished fam
ily is of equal Interest to Wall street
and the world of fashion; .' The Seers of
the financial district see in young Bel
mont a future man of power, who will
control the subway and other traction
enterprises, besides the solid old bauk
. of August Belmont V Co. '
The young August Belmont, whose
engagement and entrance . Into his
fa tiler's . banking ' house have ' directed
public attention .to him, is not 'widely
. known. Lake hla father, ' he Is . of n
somewhat ' retiring disposition, . and
wheress the business world know him
not at all, society .has seen him little
more. .','.. t ".. .
' Ever . since his . early teens he has
been away, and in ltSS.;hf entered the
preparatory school at . Or o ton. Four
years later be was a freshman at Har
vard, . and - In 104 he .was graduated
' with .good standing in all. his classes.
With some companions he started
.around the world, all with a view to
-broadening his mlnd----
, Young Belmont has the .hereditary
shortness of stature, but, like his father,
" he is clean-cut. with a bright expression
' and feature- not unlike those of ths
- senior Belmont . He Is educated in all
; the fine arts which make up the modern
gentleman. He can sail a knockabout,
'. ride horse of any disposition, play a
fair game of polo, put up a better game
of tennis, but probably his 'greatest In
clination Is yachting. Belmont. has never
been much of a squire of dames so far,
and when- he appeared at several of the
smart dances In hla -undergraduate
days he - never singled out any young
woman as a target for bis attention.
-- young Belmont la a "father's; boy,"
; and when Mrs. August Belrapnt, the
tmotber, died 4n Paris seven 'ears ago
the widower took . the ' three motherless
" boys' to his heart and supervised every
detail of their rearing. The younger
brothers of young August are Raymond
- ahd Harold. No three boys could have
received more careful attention, and the
success of Mr. Belmont's efforts are
ed-hy-thflict"lhat hfir eldest son
has turned hta back on1 a, Ufa of slug
gish luxury and haa entered the banking
firm with-an eagerness -which pleases
the rather mightily. .
1 . Att Harvard young August never made
a splurge. H. waa quiet In his tastes.
and although he kept a eouple of horses
snd a motor, , his life there waa not
marked by excessive luxury. He prsa
, tlcally had the choice of the dining clubs
. and fraternities and became a Scroll and
Key man. He never went la for actual
athlettca, although,, he would practise
football for the mere exercise, and he
did a good bit of riding. . '
Toung August has had a try at nolo
and is a fearless player. He, Raymond
and the father often play as a aide
against George Jay Gould and th two
Gould boys, and once, near the Hemp
stead home of the Belmont -the .elder
Belmont was injured painfully in a
scrimmage. . .. , .. ,
Yachting, however, is the;, favorite
sport - of th younger Belmont. "Prob
ably hs and his father own roor boats
than any other yachtsmen In America.
These are th. Scout. Satellite, Pintail.
Constitution and Kingfisher. The King
.fisher and Sandpiper - a r racing J
footers. f ',.....'-.
A few year ago both August Bel
monts sailed a race with th. Riverside
Yacht club. Th. boy had Klngrishsr
and hla father was at Sandpiper tiller.
During th. race a nasty squall devel
oped and It required some sailing skill
to keep the -course. la an exciting fin
irh th. younger Belmont won .the race
by a few seconds, and th. Belmont
sloop. wti th. only two that finished at
1 r-'-ri :-T
The" courtship of young August Bel
mont caused little gossip, and hla name
and the nam. of Miss ds Oolcourla were
never coupled until Mrs. Scott Cameron
nnounoed th. betrothal. Mis. d. Ooi
Ciira and her slater are inseparable and'
although th De Oolcourla pas. Most
of their time In Babylon. Loag Island,
lbs Csmerons ha v. a plac near Blemton
Msnor.--the Belmont place. , Miss AIlc
end young Belmont he'd a great deal In
common, and all th. spring and summer
I hey saw each other often. Hempetead
and West bury are a deserted region In
I 1 . '.. -i'- : S -T' ' :''"'' -j - i' - s -- ' H - .
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midsummer,' and that Is why few heard
ef young Mr. Belmont's growing inter,
cut in the handsome young girl. Miss de
Oolcourla Is about 10 years old, and haa
never been widely . known to the so
called Nswriort set. - She did not-seem
to care for the artificial life of winter
in New York . and sumer in Newport.
Miss de Oolcourla' Is .an outdoor girl.
Bhe plays a slashing game of tennis,
snd last summer at the Meadow Brook,
Southampton, the only girl who could
return her servo at tennis was Miss
Margaret DIx, the rector's' daughter.
Miss de Ootceyrla, like .her . bister, - Is
fond of horses snd rides a. great deal.;
The D Golcourlas corns of that class
of. gpanlsh-Amerlcan .families that . baa
given to. New York x society sev
eral famous beauties. Like the
Ysangas and the P. Acoataa. the fore
fathers of the De Golcourlas, came from
Spain and settled in Cuba. Later, when"
Cuba became Impoverished, they came to '
New York and allied themselves with i
prosperous families. ; '. ' . I
Ths other two Mrs. August Belmont s 4
have each been - distinguished in the
world of fashion, and it is not an exag
geration to . say that no woman ever
lived, in New York who was more con
spicuous socially than the first Mrs.
August . Belmont. When, she died In
ltl society - mourned sincerely, . al-'
though for the laat few years of her
Ufa she was In. partial retirement. Bus
Occupied the same position In the seven
ties and sixties as Mrs. Astor does to
day and as Mrs. Paran Stevens did a dec
ade ago. Probably Mrs. Belmont's rule
wss more supreme than that of either
Of the other two leaders. t
The grandmother of the young August
Belmont was ths daughter of Commo
dore Matthew Calbralth Perry of -Newt-port.
He headed, the famous American
expedition to Japan, t and his ' brother.
Commodore Oliver . Hasard ..Perry, was
th hero of Lake Erie. Mrs., Belmont's
mother -wss Miss Slldell, who came of
One old Louisiana stock. . : 1
August Belmont was the New York
representative .of . In. . Rothschilds, ' and
when he cams to American In 18J7 all
New York looked upon him with Interest
as the agent of the great banking housa
About the first August there was always
a halo of financial greatness, and bis
wealth and generosity lent blm a dis
tinction that made him one of the first
citisens In old New York. - It was ac
counted a great achievement when he
led, to the altar the . handsome . Miss
Perry, and she ' Immediately took' her
place at the head of society.
She was one of the central figures at
the old Academy of Muaio . when the
present king-of. England was guest of
honor under the name of "Lord Ren
frew.' On that night aha wore a won
derful string ' of ' giant", pearls . which
have not been seen sine the death of
Mrs,; August . Belmont Becond. These
wUl some worn byv Miss de
Oolooutia. .- Mrs. Belmont - was - the
woman, who mad Newport the summer
seat of fashion.- It was her old home,
and when she returned to build ' villa
there the, othere took the cue, and as a
result Newport la today what It ls.
. Soon after the death of her husband,
In ma, Mrs- Belmont died, and ,; her
.. v g.BsVsBsBsBsaTaBswBsWJM - '' v ' ' ' ' SBasflaw
-I ''' f-'.'- .r.v---.- I . , .1
; V if ,t.:i . , .,-.. T f X. ' II
"- - W :':'":''", 7f:' " ,
Aufutt B.Imont III and Misa dt Coicouri, Hia .Bride. He Hat Cone to
; .WorkBt a Qerk fa Hia Father's Bankinc House. ,
Gas at $1.15 net per thousand feet makes these Gas Radiators
Teally inexpensive and cleanly rriode of
heating. Let our solicitor tell you about this method of heating.
Don't; Forojet that the Price of
Now $1.15 Net Per Thousand Cubic Feet
daughtern-law,' formerly Miss Bessie
Morgan, became "the" Mrs. Belmont. ''
Mlsa Elisabeth Hamilton Morgan was
the daughter of Edward Morgan and the
granddaughter of Matthew Morgan.. She
was th. first cousin of Mlsa Nathalie
schenck. the Newport belle, who mar
ried, unhappily. Captain Glen Collins.
Mrs. Butler Williamson was a sister of
he second Mrs,. August Belmont . The
Morgans and the Belmont Ilred near
ne another in the smart neighborhood
of Fifth avenue and Eighteenth street.
Miss ; Morgsn was barely debutant.
when sh. became engaged to young Au
gust Belmont in 1811. -The engagement
occasioned no surprise, as Mr. Belmont
had known her since they plsyed "puss-In-corner
and "hop-Boo ten" together as
children. - - .' -
The second Mrs.- Belmont never .oc
cupied 'the 'exalted position of her
mother-in-law, a shs Was a woman who
eared less for formal society and more
for outdoor life. Bhe died In Paris seven
years ago. Blnce this event the Belmont
town house mThtrtyyfourth street, near
Madison avenue, has been quit, without
a mistress. . It Is. 4 his -house that -the
young Belmonts will occupy, doubtless.
after their marriage. . . . . , ,
, .muav t
free East Ninth anS Mill
streets; Iter. J.
Dies. Preaching servtee at' 11
Orsee Twelfth sad Tsrlor ' streets; Be.
Claresea True WIIws. At 10:90 s. The
Oardes Seen" I T:0 a. la., 'The Meders
FnxUfal, Boe"t Pyofeaaw Wests will Isterpret
tJ the deaf at the SMTnIng bear; class at :S0 a.
m., gssday school, 11:15 p. at. 1 Kpwortb league,
4:M s. St. -
Tajlor-Straet Dr. yranrla Borsette BBort. At
:Su s. si., elaMC: 10:S0 a. sk. "Good and
ralthfnl fUrrent. Well Dose; er. The KeeooH
MM ef ridelltr"! 12:14 s. si., iondar sobrni;
:80 B, Bk, EBwertb karue; T:M i. sa., "I""
renutolte. ef Answered Prajer."
K.wortb Tw.oty-tblrd and trrlog streets;
Henrr T. Atkiaaos.. Suhdaj sobool, )8a. m.l
errmos at 11 a. m.. "The ghailowk of Ufa":
EpTrorIk leacse, S SO p. si.: T::w p. a., 'The
lanaesee and Power of Thought.' -
Trtnltr Eaat Tenth and Oraat stmts; Rev.
Harold Ober.- -At 10:su a. .: - "The Orer-
rlnir Ufa": T:0 p. m "Betwees Bcjlla and
mirrooirsuiiaar schooirl var gpworts
kasse. S:0 p. m. .
L'alveraltr Park Rev. D. A. Wattera. At
11 a. m., "Life's Uelrien Morning"; T:S0 p. B.,
"Mas's Hlfhaat Motif"; taadar senool, 10
a. m.; elaaa BMwUnc. U:e ai m-l jsslot kaiae.
a p. ol; InUrmedlate kacu., 4 a; aealor
leasee, :) p. as. Weakly prajar SMotlog
Tharaday at T:4B p. .
Ilrat flhuth 1T1U. mlrmmt fnMlHi'
bill; RT. g. U. Mowr. - At 10 a. OU. Sundaf
wnooi; ii a. m., "The croaa nr LhrMt
10 p. m., sreaehlris aerric: i: "p. " ni
Bpworth kagnet 11:10 p. ., onVial sitlsg.
Raanralde Y.tnkUl aotwem Ta4rtr-(tk and
Thtrty-elitk atreeta, ... ET. T- B. Ford. At 10
a si., Sunday school: 11 a. w.. "Tao Baaday
Scboor'j 11 St., elaaa Meeting! 1:30 P. B.,
Junior leasae and chlldr.a's elaaaea: 6:15 p.
Bk, Kpwurth katm oawtkmal SMetlsg; T:0
p. !., "Bora' and Olrla' Aid."
Bellwnod Fifteenth sad Tarnms streets: Be.
0. A. L.O-IS. At 10 a. n.. Bondar -hoolr 11
a St., "Perils of th Homo"; T:U p. av,
"Th Imsiaubl tkrtat"; :5 p. ., Bpworth
rentBsry-.Kst Pise ssd Bint streets: Re.
Will am H. Henna. Al lO SO a. n.. "God
rilkd Mea") T:4u p. Bk. "aplrltsal Atropbr":
aaarnlng elaaa, 9:0e'eloek; tuotUj aehool, ll 15
m.t niBlora and Interaiedlatia. a a.
t Bu-
worth kaf n. devoUoaal strrlot, p.
It. Rtephea's Tblrtaeath a ad Clay streets;
R. B. M. Banaer. Hoi cosasiUBioa. 1:
a. Bi Buaday arboot. .:5 a, at. I awning
aerrlea. It 'elork: ..nlng aerTlc. 1 JO o'clock.
Litany ertee Friday at 4 P. n.
Bt. Paal'a Woodaiere; Ci L. Parter. Her.
Ice and sorwoa at p. .; Hand. scheot, 1
p. bl
Good Bhffh'rd Bellwond street and Taneoarer
seeaoa, AlMoa;. 1U. Joha bawaua. IMtaday
achool. 10 a holy romaiasloa, 11 s. . ;
etenlng Bearer, T:30 e'eWk.
Church of Orir Bartoe Woxdataek, - Prarhtn(
(errtee at lo.M a. ej. Bandar ot. 11 a.
Bt. Matthew' Ftrat sad ( rnthr atreeta;
B.v. W, A. M. Brerk. Holy veassrasJoB. 11
S ! Sunday rkol, ..
Trtnltr Mneteentfe and F.rrtt ' atreeta
Pr. A. A. Mnerlaoe. - H4 lumaiaal.a, a. aa.t
Htaay sad holy suaanMata. II s. bl; peopl'
errlr, T:M Pv at., eonalatlng ef as orsaa
rerltal. apaelal eaorss and eoagrefatloaal
St. Mart's Maeteestb snd Qelaby atreeta;
Be. I. K. Slanaos. At S a. a., holy ea
nanloa: II 'ekeh. BMrnlns praror and ennoa;
T:UO a'rlnek, erealng prayvr and seraee; 10 a.
S., Sord.y erbont. . - .
St. Itorld . Eaat ' Tirelflh snd BelORfit
treats; B.v. Oeort B. Vaa Walera. Holy eora
BiaBtoa, . a. holy eoaswakia fad seraoa,
II a. a.; short evesaoeg, recital a ad" hraaa,
f :0 e'ekek. , ,
Mkakalppl-Avrs Mlaltnl stssm asd
Fremont atreot; Ha. WlUlaa L. tpah.w.
Kfindar erhooi.. 0 a. sa.; at II a. Tre
Graatneoa." rollowd hf BapttaaMl aarrtr.
rrtlo of sow .mhera asd oaaais of taa
Lord a aaripari Chrl.ilaa Knakaror. p.
a.; T:0 p. a., "Krwy Mass BeK of s
B'fu." ,
Inlrerelfy Park ArttaaBa' tenpK Porta
SMik', Be.. T. B. Crr. At 11 s. a., prrach-
Uis aerriro; Bonoar raooi. in .
Laarolarnne Arteta
Preoehtas T :M s.
hall; Brr. It. B. Ortj;.
. - - . ' ' . : r-r : ; J. ' '
H'fhkad -Corner Preoertl trv-s4 -Caat
Slih atrt, aorth; Be. Ardea M. Bwkwood.
Sanday arhool, 10 a. a. I prvarhln. II a. a.,
It coaaoaloa sad raceptioa ed sew SMahers;
'.. ; ... .
V This is a new gas appliance and has already
sprung into popular favor. It is made into
-. three, four, six and eight sections, and is the
J most modern arid up-to-date gas appliance
fojr heating off ices, stores and residences.
Jnnior endeavor, I a. a.: T:0 p, a.. "WorsalB.
his lb. rora.' .
SnnByalde East Taylor aad Beat Talrty-foarta
streets; He. 4. I. suun. Al li a, a., A
C'bole With Btornal laauoa"; T:0 b. a.. "A
SrroM. to Wives and Mother"; 8nnday school,
10 a. a. ; Junior Christies Endeavor, p. St.;
senior ndearor. t:15 p a.
First Madlaon and Park streets; Be. B. I
Ronaa. At 10:90 a. m., "A Oood OcenpatloB'' ;
T;o p, a.. ''Invt.lbl Giants"; Sanday scbool,
11:15 p. B.; Y. P. a. C. E., 0:S p. a. .
Advent gecoDd street between Hall sd Us
eola atreeta; Be. Charlee Haffendea. Sanday
scmoi. iu:ao a. a. ; Breaesing aw tic, a.
Bt.1 oraloa noetlns
. I p. a..
folkwd st T:50
p. a. by preaching -ssrvle.
Prayer BMtltg
inaranar vrenins-
Central East Twesttets snd Salmon streets.
At 11 a. m. Dr. Inbn Baptkt. "la It Aecldmt.
Coladdene or Habltl"; at T:0 p. n.. Pr.
I. F. Uhornley. "Moale Its Plac and Power
la Public Worablp": Sunday school, 10 s. a.;
junior endeavor, 1:S0 p. a.; sealot radMror,
g: p. m. -
Flrat Park and Cotaabla streets; Bt. B. S.
Mneklrr.- At 10:50 a. a., "CUr la tb Pnt
ter" Han"r I:30 . .. Jobs Baptkt. The
Measeat Mas Is th World." s portrsysl of
th sulfas of Tnrkey; Blbl achool. 11:13
p. a.: ChrlatlSB Endeavor. S:15 p. sa.
Bodnr- A rim Bodney avesa and Kaott
street; Be. E. M. Patterson. At 11 a. n..
"Th Bead and the Body": T:50 p. a.. "The
Ckarch t Chikt . aad. Its JPrraent JSsndltloa";
Sunday aehool. 10 s. a.; CarkilaaEadesTor,
a:ao p.. as,. i, ... . , ...
. . bbjmbttibiab;. ' t T
Mima Bev. J. R. Mctilade. At 10:50 a.
m., "la the School of Chrlat"; T:S0 p. a., "Th
Drl.T of the Lord."
Third East Thlrtsrnth; ssd' Pin atreeta;
Be. Andrew 1. Mostsoawry. Praaahtsg serv
Ice st 10:80 a. a. and 7:43 P. Sb
1 Marahall.Straot Jtarahall . atraet and Bar th
Seventeenth street; Krr. O. W. Haya. Bnnday
acbnol, 10 s. m. 11 a. a., "Hooorlnt Wod";
1 to p. a. "Tar T..r' Work"; 6:5 p..ok,
Y. P. S. C. E. , - ? .
' Foorts Flrat and ClMs afreets; Dr. O. I
Tafts. At 10:50 a. a.; "Th Chief Mlaalos
of th Twelfth Century": t T:30 p. a., ."The
Power ef a ConaecrateoV-Chnreh.
Calvarr Eleventh and Clay streets; ' R.
W. S. tillbert. At 10:50 s. a.. "Ie tb Chorea
Loalng Hold ef th Pwple'Y T:50 p. m.,
"Whoa Sob Is Hef
Flrat Re. I1nr P, Hilt Preaching rr
Ice at O:80 a. a. snd Tmi p. a.
Flrat Cumberlasd Twelfth and East Taylor
atreeta: Re, g. Neutna Allen. At 10:30 a.
a.. "Teanraon. th Poet Prleat"; 11 a.. Sun
day achool; S:W-. a.. ChrUtlan Esdesror;
7:50 e. a.. "St. Paol br Raphael"
Fourth 'Preaching at 10:50 s. a. ssd T:30
J. n. by B.v. O. L. Taffts; Susday sesool,
1 BV , T . - v. .
rentral Eaat Twentieth and Beat Aakenf
street: Be. Ray palmer. At 10:110 a. m..
"The Soul's . looking I. a"!! st 7:50, "Ike
Death Take AIL or Shall W Mr As.lnV
Seeond Eaat Seventh snd Eaat Ankeny
atreeta; . Be. Stantoa C. Ipbaea. Preaeblng
aervtcea at 10:5i a. a.; Blbk echini at soon;
young people's nolo. d:50 p. m.; 1:3. p. a.,
'Tho Toung Man aad th Blbk." '
l'nleralty Park Sunday- achool, '-10 s. at. ;
11 s. a.. Be. John Bentaten. ."flea Bsa-
gellaatoa": T:5 P- .. "Qieea Bather."
imnl.nuet neeoae ana He. a airrets: ne.
Mead M. Bledan. . Prearhlwa eerete and en
Bisnlna st 10 0 a. a.: Blbk srhooL 11 a.t
B Y. P. TJV -t0 p. n. : preactuag .sertica. ai
7:!VV p. a., followed hy Raptt.nn.
Flrat Th White Teank. Twelfth aad TJiW
atrrets: Re. J. Whltcnab Bronther. At 10.30
a m "I .will and I Woa't": Blbk Sebool,
12:10 p. a.; B. Y. P. f., S p. m.: T:W)
p. a., "rhooatns V, If- the Initial Mm.
is a aerk b "Hoe. Sweet Boom; or. 11 ow
to B Ilappv Thoiiah Married. "
Calvary Eat II. hth and Ea.t Brant streets;
P.. A. L.wreae. Blsck. At 1 a. a.. BIMe
achool; : p. nr. ywng twopt-'a meetlns:
f: p. Bt.. "Whs Art Thour' "Whewd
Cmeet Thour "How Beadeat Thee" "What
Thlsseat Thosr "Whlthr Gest TeeeT"
oriimA bcitvcx.
First rhnreh mt Christ. Sckatlat Seottlah Bits
cathedral, Morrkoa aad Lawnadak arrant.
At II a. Bt. and . a.. "M.arUla Snd Ira.
aorta k"; Sunday acsool st close of kornlng
CHres ef Cbrkt. Sciential Asdl.
VTlua hulldlns. Third a'raet between Salmon
and Tarlnr atreeta. At 11 a. tn. Dt 5 p. a..
Moetala and ImmortaM"; Sunday achool, n
a., la the readins rooma. Wvdn.aday m.tli.2
at S s. at.
Synod ICaat Teih and Jrot
atreeta; ltev, 0. Uasom. Pre.chinf wrTW
1 1
a. a.t aerTlc. In fcaHh
t T 3" p.
Uy school, V.50 s. a. I
. f. ...
1 hitm.jHj
. " II enrrst I ATwrwHowfUTl mt
eranlog; rsteeblan.. Sararday.:30 b.' m.' ts
11 a ,
Bt. Jsnes English Wast Park asd Tefferans
etrts! Ke. J. A. lm At 11 a. a.. "Th
Fundamental Brror f ChristJaa . Sciesee"!
Latsar leasss, f p. sa.; Sunday school. 10 a.
m. ; praachiog serrlc. T:30 p. a. ..
' wbttib TrraaTOKUCAt. ;
F1rt teaat T.nth and gharaaa straeta; Bv.
A. A. Winter. At 10 a. a.. Sunday achool;
preaching eervlrcs at 11 a. a. ssd T:30 p. a.;
S SO p. u.. K. L, f C. B.
Second church Targe aad Kerby etreetsr Bv.
J. Boweraoz. At 11 a. a. and 7:S0 p. a.,
preaching stuUea; Sued ay school, 10 s. a.;
Junior oDdeavarv 5 p. a. ; K. L. C B., T B. a.
. Ockky Ureen Sunday achool, t:50 p. a. ;
preaching. 5:50 p. a., by Be. 1. Boweraox.
St. John's Jobs and Ivsnho street. St.
Johna; Rev. 19. B. McVlcher. Preaching .arrln.
at 11 a. m. sad T:50 a. l Ssaday achool,
10 a. a.; J. K. L. C. B-. 1:30 p. av; 8. K. L.
0. E., :50 p. .
l:.-r ;i'T, M,.a,4 'r :T ;-
Aoaorlatk sudltorram. 1ST Fourth street.
At 5:30 p, a.. "The Winning of th Eaat."
Illoatrated hy atereoptleoa views by. J. Mark
bark, en route to Japes. Special sons service.
aMlat-d ty .a.oolatton orchraurs. Baritone aok
by Blair Moatelta.. Ttolla sole by Arthur
Boys' Ooepal ateetlng Boys flap. rt meat Y.
U. C, A. At 5:50 p. s. Dr. Hoppa wlU
. t arwivauafi -w- ,
.' Pint Society Artisan' hall, 1 Third street
sear Waahrnstoa. Conferrae at 11 a. a.;
yonng peopl.'a elaB. 1:50 p. a.) g p. a.,
lector bv Rev. B. F. Bavlla.
Blbk Spuitnal Socety AMer street. At
It . a., conference; S p. a.. Mrs. Ltlllss
Nasla Fnater. "Splrituallana la It a Truth or
B rotasMu,Tolkwed ' by aanlfeautfens f
pyesJcsl phaaoBMBS by B. F. Featar. ...
:' ; -""''"' THXO. ABB BT. A.' ".!'
rhrtstlas' aad Missionary allkace Slith and
Main streets; Rrv, C. D. Sawtelle. Sunday
school, 5:4ft s. a.; preaching eervtc at 10:30
s. a.: roans noaol.'s atlns. 6:10 s. a.:
cvaaaallea! erk,-t4 p. m.f ak sat ilia a
TBawuy at I:ao p. a. aaa Frlasy st,.x:s
J 2X0W. '
ChrUtlas Catholle AooatoMe Allekv " half
Third sod Morrkna streets; Re. Chart A.
Hoy. .At 5 p. sa.. ninie etoay: p. a.,
"What Are Yea s ChrUtlas Forr')-T 0, .
m., "Fir. Ckslng Bcas la th Life wf
Btaphm." ' , ' ' .
Beorftnlted Church of Jea Chrlat of Lsttar,
Day Saint Woodward hell. Brat Door. Moota-
vllk. Babbath school, 10 a. m. l preaeblng
eerTleee. II a. a. and T:M p. a.: Zloa'e B-Ugle-Utmry
society. 5:15 a, a..
Dlvln Truth rhapel Hall 501 Alkky rmlld
leg. Third and M'wrleo atreeta: Re. .Thad
deus M. Mlnard. Preaeblng arle at II a. m.l
wtIct. Thnrnlay at 5 P. a. st ths boa, Sol
EkvBta street.
First Ytahlll snd Beveath atreeta; Dr.' 0.
C. Creoaey. At 11 S. a., "Tb Tw Oppos
ing Alports of the World") Susday school,
11 p. ' ;
raiuros' chtbch.
Frleoda' church Eaat Mala and Thirty-firth
atreat. At 11 a. B.. Re. J. F. Hanaoa. "The
Friends (Quaker.) and What They Stasd for
ll DoetrhM aad Practlcs."
Flrat Enflkh Eaat Sixth and Market strta;
R.t. S. A. Stewart. Sunday scbool, 10 a. a.
preaching ertee at It s. M. ssd 5 . a.;
yuo( pmpk's sllisBC it I K. . .
' WIYtBSAllgT, '
Flrt Eaat rmr end Eaat Rlrhtb -atreeta;
Rev. W. F. Small. . At 11 . a.. "A Vital
Lnrktlas, Creed ( 10 h. a., Sunday school.
OUt Brasch Ooanot enlMlon rtrat
Cla afreet. -rUc .vary Tanlng at
clock and Snooty at 1 p. a.
New Chnrcb aoclcty Wulkry bnlltllng S-cnnd
and M .rrl-.n atre'a Sunday araool, 10 2i) a.
ni.; lay aurrlc. lu.SO a. - n.
' EW trlOTJOrTT.
N'.w Thonght Bixtecqth asd V.mhlll lrtfta;
I WMHSJt IUNaM..Aj l-JWlTMSg SJUMBSM "v " 1 ' 'A1
- $M .
. fW tssot nesto W ' . '
' If. . II fWNHf VUMUT II ' ' - ' ;, fcVJUV
Mrs. nizabeth Craig. Meetings every Thsraday
etcnuig asd Boaday sfMraooa. . .
Thessophy hall. 500 Alkky hulldlag.
p. ak. "Data sad After."
At 5
Nw Thou ah t Drew ball. 11
At 11 a. a.. "Th Cast f
Wte With Jmalper Bssiy tTavwe.
. From th. Providenc Jonrnal.
That sailors at aa find tb. waters
of th. Dismal swamp th. most potable
of any to' be had la not wholly explained
by the fact that tbsy hav. th. quality of
keeping sweet In barrel, an shipboard
longer than others. "What keep thwnt
awset Is a large Infusion of Juniper ber
ries; and water with a tnoderato flavor
ing of Juniper berriea la better than any
gin that can nowadaya be bought In th
open market.
.- v' t 1 VTTXJa, .,'. ;.
x 'r a"attaffi )0k sTbs.
A design that wUl appeal U good taar .
b here pictured. . Th front atr. 4wuba
kraasted aad ar. out la Y -shape to show- . .,
the shield, which la tweked. Bartlaghasa
Hlk voUe. staatln. 11a en aad ssqtBS as
Suitable for developtog th nod.
- The patter la tn t tse. to ej Irrohw
bust measur. fwr tt bast tb waist, as
tepreaeated. require He yard ef heavy
Unea Bt laches wide, with yard s7
sheer Unea 5t laches wide for ahkid and
standing collar; r, f en statartsu. H
yards 5 Inches wide. t yards 57 Incaas
wide. rv. yards 55 mehe wide, or f
yards et Inches wide. rTtoe. U eewts.
...:r.i raucm.
N. ..
v :