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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1905)
;tHE. OREGON - SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING,- NOVEMBER 5, 1905. MAETERLINCK'S LADY G . . By Jules Eokert Goodman. . (From Tke Journal's Own Correspondent): T "T EW YORK, Nov. 1.- "Mrs. War- . I V 1 ren's Profession" la tmoni Mr, - I i Shaw's "Unpleasant flay a," .' and It la worthy of ttaa nam which adorna tha . covtr of the book In , which It la. . Neverth less. It - la ' probably - hla , greatest work, one of farreachlng Import and . value. Tha queatton of producing thla sore-of play befora a promiscuous pub lic inuat ba decided according to aach . paraon'a predilection and training;. It haa now been auppreaaad In every city In which It haa bean played. - There are aome very unpalatable "truths In thla play by. Mr. Shaw: there you have at one tha Indictment and the - defense. It la unpalatable, but It la true, bitterly- true. . And whatever be ' tha common opinion there can be little J doubt that auch a play doea leaa harm than thoae aentlmental concoctions upon tha very phase of life,-depleted In thla 1 play; thoaa emotional dramaa which aak you to aympathlse with women -win - hava been vampires. '-.'. ' . -;ii- Of courae, to justify thla play y tha fact of other mora' unworthy playa hav . ing been produced la no Juatlflcatlon at . all. After all, the matter la one . of taate, .pure and' almple, and taate i a thin that neither Mr. Comatock nor Nr. Shaw nor Mr. Daly can determine a tfiW Inherent In the personality ot . .each of us. - - " --v -1 ' ; ' tt ta a significant fact that tha young 'imlss of from IS to 59 makea up a large ' part of the audience. So tha young ' miss of from IS to 20 must be taken Into' consideration when Judging whether thla play ahould ba presented, v Contra, why ahould ihle young creature '' prevent adults of aerloua mind from '-seeing a piny which la both strong snd convincing? There are cleanly two aldea to tha queatton, and aa was said before, the final solution must remain on per sonal taate. ,:; . ...... ' Monna Vanna." . . Last Monday .night ' there1 waa pre sented "for the Brat time In English." Maeterlinck's "Monna Vanna." It la rather significant as a sidelight upon tha above diacuaaion that ' thla drama ' - should be preaented at the .very, time whan all the furor -. la being raised ." about tha Shaw piece. - For . "Monna Vanna" waa forbidden a public perform- anos In London by the . play censor. -" How7 any one seeing, tbls piece -could t find In tt anything objectionable; -any- I thing that ta not " lifted - by supreme beauty to Ihe-sheight of poeey. remalne a mystery. One would as soon think of placing tha ban upon "Othello" or "liarn- let" ' as upon this; indeed, there are things In both these plays which are ' far more 'daring" - than , anything In "Monna- Vanna." - This is carrying prudlabneas to tha Nth degree and rele sating Aha stage to jtne jntlfc-and-water r condition, r Whether you care for" It or not. "Monna Vanna- haa nothing either offensive or suggestive In it- " This plsyi was first produced in Paris on May 17, IJOJ.'and had a success which caultpraenUUon tn almost Vienna It actually had a fun of some- thing Ilk - (00 nights, which '.,1s- quits - a comment - upon" Viennese r audiences " and the way they take the- theatre. "Monna Vanna" wilt hardly have any thing like the aucceea In New Tork City. We do not take our, drama seriously ' enough xfor it to hava -we appeal, ... . . . M , 1, n in aimnsi ijnsiu , ana It win merejor rwiy hmiiujt .upvv atlKimMtrf tlT its BUDDOrt. " -neclal" aUdlerrceg for its support Xr all ' Maeterlinck's plays, "'Monna na" la probably th most actable that Is, Is probably mors "simple" and obvious than most of his other piece Tha mysticism Is there, but above and V beyond this it has a "story" of, great (Continued From Fag .Eighteen,) :-:.:ry-Q1l, THE' gTAGE . :. la th clavsrest Hebrew comedian en th ' American stage; Ia Veen and Croas. th European athletea who have startled th theatre-goers of two contlnenU: Rlchy W. Craig, th merry monarch of mualo and comedy; Will J. Cooke, th - newest recruit from th operatic stage; J.anette Sherwood, the daintiest bit - clever femininity that haa vr appear sd In burlaaque; Cunningham and Lord, the mastere of th terpalchOrean art; Ealer arnt Webb, handsome and talented com . . edlennes these f urnlah th program of th Tlser LJlleS. . - JFh eta-Is at all times enlivened . by th presence of as pretty a lot of young gins as eouia om imagined, me two orlstnal musical ' and comedy r- vlews. In which th full strength -ot th Tiger L,llles company wui o aispiayco, . ar ntltled "A Temporary Husband" and "Th King of th Coff Fiends." ' Ther ar three matlneea Sunday, Wednesday - which is bargain day) and f Saturday. .... --. ,-...:,. "Arixona" at the Marquam Tomorrow . . Hollla ' B. Cooley's production of Augustus' Thomas' successful comedy drama, "Arlsona,- cornea to th Mar- - quam Grand theatre next Monday and Tuesdsy nights, November and T. : Mr. Thomas has given In "Artiona" characters and Incidents entirely new to the - American j stags. Th opening seen take plac on. he Canby ranch. Henry Canby la th father of two daugh ters, on of whom,' Estrella, Is th wtfo of th colonel commanding th Eleventh United States cavalry, located at Fort . Grant, about SO miles distant from th ranch.' Th colonel, who Is at least 19 years older than his wife. Is madly In love with her. and Is aa Jealoua of her as' he Is of his life. ' Through the ma- ' chtnatlona of a captain of hla cdmpany with whom Estrella haa Imagined her : self n love, a young officer named Den , ton, who Is a great favorite with th colonel, is placed "in a compromising position with th colonel's wife.. Rather ' than sacrifice her honor, he accepts th . dtsgrac of being forced ta resign from the. army; from hare he returns to th ranch, there to be near his sweetheart. i Bon It a. - th younger daughter of the ranchman. In th third act of th play, th cavalryywho ar on a forced march, ' stop at Cafiby'a ranch for water- Her. during the' meeting between Denton and 4 thla sam captain In which, Sergeant Kellar la present, tha captain II shot r by "Tony," a MrXtcan vaquro,. who la - f lov with Lna, a German "serving )' . yiald, t whom - tha - sam captain had wronged tha year prevtoua. Denton Is arrested and (recused of th shooting i ' and Is n'urtmartlaled. During th trial ; th truth la told by the Mexican, who ; escape with th aid of hi cowboy j friends; this, of course, exonerate Den ' ton. Th colonel find out his mistake, .. forgives his wir,,snd all ends happily. Seats srs now selling. : ; - .'--v.r.:.' The Utopians Next. lt-1 ' Starting next Sunday and following - th Tiger Ullea. th irtoplana' bur- lequers wilt be at th Baker. Besides ' an extremely funny farcical skit with - - ' ''''-"' strength and gripping force,' . And of course, firat . and , last, it . la . tha story which counts In a stage production. The StorjTof "Monna Vanna." Tha firat act ahows a hull In Outdo Colonna's palace In Plea. Flea has been at war with Florence,' who aent agalnat,her one of the moat able mer cenary leaders, Prlnslvalle. For months Pisa haa endured the siege, until now she Is broken, helpless. . Her ammunition la gone, her food supply Is exhausted and her walla rent. The moment that Print Ivalle givea the algnal ens muat fulfc--Ouldo -Colonna, . who oommanda the garrison' of Plaa, haa made one last effort to supplicate for mercy. He haa not much hope of success, for the name of the Florentine commander' haa gone abroad associated with, butchery and ravage. Yet Ouldo -has sent his own father, Marco, to plead with Prlnalvalle. Even' he has not- returned and Outdo feara to think -what may have hap pened.. Then while the orlea of th atarvtng, wornout people reach them in cornea Marco. With delight Ouldo ruahes to hla fallier and eagerly begs for news. , "' - Marco extemporises. He has found Prinsivslle not. the barbarian, but th? man of culture, a man who has thought and drunk deep at the wella of philos ophy. "He la a man." ha saya'. "lettered, eager, for knowledge and obedient - to th voice of wisdom.. He aeeka th rea son .of passion and evente. He looks Into his own heart. "But he haa a dark and terrible desire, such aa cornea to certain men who are born, it would aeein. under the fatal atar of a single mighty love that may never be realised." - . Prinxivalle's Demand. ; .. tZ'i- Bit by bl(: he comes to ' his point. Prlnslvalle has discovered that . Florence la Jealous of him, has detected a plot whereby he knows that aa aoon aa Plaa. shall fall he will be arrested and prob ably killed. . Therefor he proposes to be the thing he la accused of being. He will send to Florence food and am munition, and he will with soma of hi trusted 'come . Into . Plaa and. fight for her against the enemy. - But for doing this he exacts one payment, that Glovanna Monna Vanna) Ouido'a wife, b sent to him for one night cloakod Oodlva. -.-'..''.. -."V" - The effect pt this proposal upon Ould-i may be easily Imagined. He storms and rails, curses , his father for telling th-i city fathers -of It and -of vn -lettlnt Olovanna' know the offer. After a heatoil discussion be agrees to lea vs his decis ion with bis wife., feeling sure that sho will naturally refuse. So. at last there comes Oiovanna, followed by the people begging her to aave them; and Oiovanna accepta th term to aav the Uvea -of many. - In a perfect frensy Outdo' huris both ealumntea and Insults at her, but M aren underu tand s.- Tb-curtaln falls with .th people standing in awe as. she passes on. nr . way. : The second act discloses th tent of Prlnztvall. . Prinsivhll Is a ; splendl-l type of th dreamer" combined with th i mn of Mtlon a Hamlet and a Hotspur -Sifn composite. H has-t Wtg fe Upmrt a-single dream, and now before, all . W lost he means lO realise that dream, i shall he think his life well lived. Flor ence has plotted against him. Letters ot th -commissioner of yi Florentine re public. Trivulslo, be baa Intercepts an l now knows that it, aoon- aa Pis falls his doom U sealed, i" - ! A New "Lady Godival' ? ;.. .V ' --Trlvulato comes to his tent and 'with a hypocritical ahow of friendship urgs him to make the aasault-on' Pisa that night In anger ' Prtnstvalla - confronts him with the letters he has written and numerous choruses Snd . musical - num bers ther is In- th vaudeville portion, O Hans San, a beautiful oriental woman, Who provides the feature 'of th olio. Others In tha olio are Madden and Jess, premier Irish "comedians; the two Ash tons, comedy Jugglers; Brooks brothers, comedians; Ros Jeanette. singer 'and dancer., and Blackford and tiuhter, a clever sister team. .' ."'"' '': Y- w :'::- " The Georgia Minstrels' Coming. Richards aV Pringle'S famous Georgia minstrels , have withstood the vicissi tudes of ' business for- more than 10 years aud bid . fair. to,. emulate 1 Tenny son's brook and "go on for ever." Since th birth of thla company, mlnatrel com panies almost without number ' have sprung up tn different part of th coun try, many even so unscrupulous as. to style themselves 'the' Oeorgla minstrels" only Sa find that-a discriminating pub- llo demsnded something more thsn mere clalma and . braggadocio. - ' The Oeorgla mlnatrel will appear at the Marquam Orand on Monday, November II. -v '.. : , - -' 'J' "WTien Knighthood Was in Flower," - Miss Rotella Knott," 'who will b seen at the Marquam Orand theatre Friday and Saturday nights, .November 10 snd 11, with a special plc--ntaUn Satur day, Is - starring, this aeason- in Kane, Shlpman V Colvln's - grand production of "When Knighthood Was In F16wr." Two phase of th Tudor temper ar contrasted In Paul Hester's dramatisa tion, on, the- masculine, exhibited by that famous and much-married' mon arch,' King Henry VIII, and ,the other a mor lovely feminine phaae Imputed by th lively fancy of. th novelist -to Henry's sister ' Mary.' 4 This Mary does not loom large ' In ' th history " of th time. ' But the main facta In 'her career her marriage to Louie XII of Francs and later secret marriage to Charles Brandon,' Duk of Suffolk have been mad th pivot around which th major romance and ' th play concocted ' from it revolve. - Th advance sal of scat will open next Wednesday morning at is o'clock.' ' '.'.. r . v Harry Mestayer in "Ghogtg,'? ' .. Harry B. Mestayer in Ibacn's great drama, "Qhoats," will b. an early at traction at th Marquam Orand theatre. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. r i-iutuj s eecona wceg - . (jt Although only a week old, th Liberty, at tha corner of Stark and Fourth streets, already has become on of Port land' a moat potoular claoea of amuse ment. During th past week It has been crowded to the doors at each perform anew and -has mad ft nam a house hold word among theatr patrone. Keat ing A Flood have never yet known fail ure and their newest venture promisee to be their greatest euecese. For the week commencing 'Monday afternoon th show will open with an overture by the famous Liberty theatr orchestra and every one of th acta Is worthy Of being featured. Princess Chlnqullia, a real fullblood princess of th 'Cheyenne Indian tribe, ODIVA: AND then tells him that he means to betray Florence sine she suspects htm.' Trl vulsio springs upon btra and before lit can b1-withheld Inflicts a wound -upon the forehead. Prlniivall orders him kept under the closest guard. So Oio vanna finally appeara at th tent door clothed only In a coat and sandal. Th acene which follows is one almost im possible of description, so subtle Is It, so steeped In mystlo meaning and refine ment of analysis. At the firat glance Oiovanna dlacovers that she has noth ing to fear from this man. He Is na barbarian, but aha la punled when he tella her how he haa loved her for years. She can never - remember having seen him before. ' . They wer but children when th-y met before, he 13 and' sh I. His father, a goldsmith, hid brought a collar of pearla for her mother. He, the boy, had gone Into the garden, where he had found her. th gtrl. Her ring . had fallen - Into a fountain and she was' crying... Hs had plunged Into the water and brought up th ring again. "Then," he aald. "you kissed me and' were happy." . Since that day he bad followed her, his dreams adding to her Idealisation, had,;, watched her until th thought of possessing her became to him an ambition, an ultimate end of life. ' - Sh la surprised and delighted. tx and before they are aware of It ttwy are plunged Into a metaphysical dis cussion of love. This love la not th love which sh had brought to bar husbaqd, It la "a love that the heart sees in vision at the dawn of llf." Sh pays that such . love Is not" hers even nor hla Tet between them ther has sprung up i -perfect understanding, anl with- this all fear ' leaves her' and h realizes how impossible bad been hla demand. At length, wishing her to know him as .he really. Is, he telle her that he baa risked nothing in making his bar gain, since his life is forfeit end hla ar rest imminent, "i felt that I was lost," be said, "and I desired to drag with me all I could. And I hated you be cause of" the love." Even while they apeak Vedlo, his trusty secretary, enters and urges him to fie,' saying that al ready the- second commissary of Flor ence is on his track. Hastily Prlnsivall prepares- Oiovanna so that she may- go back to Plaa; but she hesitates. What ill become of hlmT -She begs him to come to Pisa .with ' tier,' pledging . her self as security for-his safety. -Bo to gether they. go bark to Pta. '-'--' 4 -(-- Guide's Suspicion. " r 7 f " Th-third act shows . th- asms scn aa the first. It i tha.dawn following and Olovanna'a return ta watted. Outdo who has been awake all night In a fever of torment, comes in. -He will forglv Vanna, he says, for what she did she did from a mistaken' aenaa of duty. But he - will never - take her - back until hi hagaettled accounts with" PrlnstvallK 80 at-length oomes, Oiovanna, followed by Prlnslvalle, who- is concealed by 1 hood drawn tightly over his head. Th la, as crying hr nam Jubilantly. 6ha would fling herself Into Ouldo's arms, but herepulsea her.-- Sh tells htm- that she returns as pur as when sh left htm the night before, that Prlir xlvalle haa spared her; , - : 2 '"- ; ' He will not believe -a word of all this. Finally he deteots - Prlnslvalle ' and at once Ills rag breaks lKee. He thinks that Vanna haa brought hint back that he may .vent his revenge upon htm and In-aft access of Insane joy he catches her tt Us arms. Now' is she vindicat ed in hlg eyes, now la sh Worthy, again to be his wife, -since sh has delivered . (Continued on Pag Twenty ). will head the list.' assisted by Ed Newell, the cowboy Juggler.. Edward D Moss, th singing comedian, follows and then will be Introduced the Vlctoiine sisters In : thelrnmtchlsa electrical, fencing act. Th next numbar will be Stow, Town and Ward, th imperial oomedy trio. In their comedy playlet.' "Why Brown Was Blue." Leo Whit wilt sing an Illustrated song, which will b fol lowed by Professor Edwards and ' his wonderful boxing kangaroo, th jrratat trained animal act of the age. . . The show will cloae with ' the blo kraph. presenting a new film,' "The Racetrack Fiend." - Continuous performance today. ; : ' . :. -3. it -.r . ;.,.).I4f-for Life.",,' ; y;zt '. A melodrama of th aensatlonal typ la announced for th Lyric th .coming eeRTsTaTtlng Monday. "Life for Life" is brimful of -thrilling situations, dra matic scenes and pathos with which Is Intermingled enough - comedy to offset th more serious moments.. The success of the Lyricstock company baa - been phenomenal from th' atasc and It la through - th production of just auch plays as "Ufa for Life" that they hava established - their - reputation. P. O. McLean, the leading man and stage di rector or the company, and Miss Mar- Jorie ' Mack, ' the . charming leading woman, have become general favorites In "Portland and have etabllshed them selves firmly tn th heart of th Lyrte clientele." "Life for Life" will run -the entire week, starting Monday, with a dally, matinee at t:10 and two perform ance nightly at T:0 and't o'clock. To day and - tonight wtll be the last op portunltlee to see "The' Banker's Daugh ter.", v - . ' v . .'. - ' ' ' - , ;':- Bind at ihe Grand. This is the' last day the Gregg broth ers, the "Devil's Duo," will -appear at Orand. Today the performaneee will be continuous from 1:10 until 10:41. Beginning with the matinee tomorrow afternoon the Grand will present to th people of Portland a - vaudeville bill which for all around merit and attrae- tlveneas hra not had Its equal in this city in many months. Gregory's Italian Bands Roasa ta the big act This organisation numbers 14 skilled musi cians from sunny Italy and has been an Immenss sensation wherever It hae appeared. Another act of particular -importance Is that of the Three Jug gling Barretts. Their turn Is strictly up to. date and entertaining In every particular. ,;Manvro Is the' lonety Hot tentot. A good Hottentot act haa not been in Portland since the vaudeville became popular. Br.umag .and Clark have a military atetqh, through which la sprinkled a quantity -of humor and several appropriate songs. - Th Qutnn Trio sr children who srs adept at bagpunchlng, boxing, singing snd danc ing. Ther la ndlaa variety In their work. -Fred Purrnton will sing "Til Be Waiting1 There, Mary Dear." The Orandlscop film Is - called "Summer Boarders" -and la every bit as funny at th title) suggests. - -v V Good BUI at Star. ---.T Tor the1, current "week theBtar will give a program of vaudeville that la th brat- thta boua 1 haa offered in months It - contain mane good .acta and moat of theae sr feat urea. Th new bill atart wtt tha'mattnee tomor row. On the list of headliners tn Hen derson and Roff in s sketch Introducing Marquan Grqrid Theatre 2 Nights Only2 "SS Nov. 6, 1, '05 -HOLLIS E. COOLEY ' - r. PRESENTS 0l0 Anerica's Gresitsl Flay . '.v--Tf ,'; ' fV Vy r ' V 1-g".i ," "' Gnat Company , r-VrV VONE YEAR EACH "' '''.t'- Chicago, London; Eng.' GRAND PRODUCTION COMPLETE I PRICES: Parqiiett. tl.SO. Parquette Circle. - rows, 60c. Gallery, 25o and lie: now selling. - - ;'. v .-. . , - ij Marquam Grand Theatre ' ' FRIDAY an4 vlVIsm, SATURDAY NIGHTS . INOV . 7' v' - atjm, xxpvav ITtw AmfUtdua hatr, aTw Tork, Present ' '' - AND oairamsov tuitm 1 .1 1' 5 - OaTABUsI MA'OKS ABTB PATH,1 aimi - - itoiance ef Chivalry s When Knighthood Was in flower 3A- ORIGINAL CAST INCLTTDK8 OWILI Ha. STBTSXa Oompl ScsbI Bavlronmaat f os Five Aots, Xaelndinr Original Tnraitnra. aVoeaery aa rte a Bra. A oaad With Its long mn . , ... . At Criterion Tbsatx, aTw Tork. - FSIOaS Evsnlng: Parquette, 11.50. 'Pasquette Circle, ll.OO. Bal cony, first ( rows. 75c; last rows, tOc. Gallery, ZSoand 15c. Boxes and Toa-os, 10.00. Matinee: Lower floor, $1.00 and 'So. Entlr balcony, &0o. Oallerv, 25c and 1 5c Seats on aale nst--Wednaday morning at 10 o'clock. ... NOTE Owing to the maaalveneaa of this production, curtain . must) Use at :15. p. m., sharp. .... , ; . ' : v -. , sss: iisiaa mtAS Belssco tk Meyer, Props. MATINEE TODAY AND TONICnT - STARTIIva MONDAY 24th WEEK BXLASCO STOCK CO. w HIT H tm x,os9 ivxwii vmown IvTiItrVlTlWejcy . - ss.. , Claude Mclnotte Mto Lawrence as Pauline T ' wrleesi Wight SBo, too, SOs, Tee. Ksttoaee age, M an goo. Sal of seats at theatre, bog. office only.. Reservations two weeks la advanoe. WBXT Mr. Whittlesey SSSSThe First Violin WHITE TEMPLE Twelfth ov Tsylor Tuesday Eve, 21st of Nov. Farewell Concert of - Norelli Tickets Woodard,aarke A Co, the bounding rop. Another act which can truthfully be called great le that of the Oladatona children. Theae children are acrobatlo girl a, who ar better than many older professional acrobats. Ste phen Fltspatrlck and company will atagt the aketeh called "A Welcome Quest. ? In this playlet Abraham Lincoln la In troduced. Hutchlaon and Luaby will b th principal comedian of the week. Th tea m haa a collection ot Jokes, gaga, bright dialogue and song. - Delaaka, tha magician, whose nam a household world,, will be on th program with a bos of new trtcka and myaterles. "Dear Old Hills of California" Is the title of the Illustrated ballad and the plcturea accompanying the song are works of art. - For ths Staroseope, the- film wtll h on of th aensatlonal order and filled with ttfrtlla. Today th performance wl.i run with out Intermission from J.JO until 10:4. (1.00. " Balcony, first rows. Tie; last ; Boxea and Logea, f 10.00. Sats ar . . .- - . - . T- -" 1 A '11 .. SpscW Pries ; ' 1 Jm 1 1 Matin Saturday oo&tzst .. ' iraw yomc 001 f AS BBABTDOW. AM UXSY TUX. B. O. PRICE, General Manager LAJT TLMa OF "TEE MANXMAN" v v 'u ' Vv jJ MAIN - November 6 SIOTs?S E I WITH BELASCO STOCK CO. siuonm BOatAjroa ITTLiESEY OF LYONS LYRIC THEATRE v; ;. KeatJsar Js lleod, Kgrs. rnovsa or svocassss. Week Stilting Monday, Nov. 6 A TJurllUser Kelosraaa ia rtre 10c ADMISSION Art Besenred Seat, 20c lUC Liberty Theatre rEES sTsssieaift f Xaattag ties. :' CUBA t OPEMJHG WEEK Kw aad tiwaies. tee WaH. Wies.' OsrSsU aa4 XsmaSa. TVs Blegraaa. COever Wsbas raaily, PerfnrmsBeee' Sny at 1:0. T:S0 sad a. m. Thestre ksadsoDMt sad swat eommrtsbl vsaeerille some eafselD Coast. Adailssioa, 10 ssd to eenta. M Life For Life .' Oratory. . Mils Mae Belle Names, graduate Km rson College of Oratory, Boston. Class In oratory, phyalcal culture, dm matto art. J1I Wt JHirk, phone y.nin tut. . . -v ,n Marquam Grand Tliec:i .' .,. ; .','..'; ', '.- . - ' ! -' ,'"'.,' t v ' .. v'v,'. '. f.-''tp ' ' ' ' i ..... ;vP MiBi4uililjS OKB0O1T THIATBE COHPAMT, ' i . . . . , -. , - - For Six Nignts Only Startin Sunday llatinceTodjyPJav. 5 .Bagmlas Katraaee ammday, Weeaeeday aat Baeadaa-. ' NOTE Barjaln Matinee WednesdayIMS p. m.; 25c for isj Sest 11 A GREAT LINE CF " -VAUDEVILLE-ENTEBTAINEBS. LilLl ' ALEX CAIUV.:" CHABACTEsV omxdian. r- -; Extra Attraction LA VEEN AND CROSS i : eVraoefnl a4 Beantifnl CHrls, Btroac, - Manavoaloas Teio, - worgeoms - ., ... , '- .--i,.-.,--.- wswibsisb, -.-, PPlCPS15VENINOH .... v.... ...... tS. I So, BOe and 7Se rKIWCO jj.TEug v, l&c, aSoSeoand t0 - BOTB Waaaeaaay BTatlnee, Bargala Day gg as s amy seat. - ii jj Nxt Vo.k , .- THE UTOPlAJSa j Eitip ire v ' yoanjurD-s roroxAB Twelfth and Morrison Jtj. MI Week, Starting Sunday Matinee Today, rov. 5 Th Qrat Sevneational Mslodrama A Human Slave A STUJPBBOOUS SCBWIO jmOBVCTROST, . ST A BTBOVa COBOPAJTr ;:r-': ."l : or runu . 4?CC The Bl 8trllc. fioan DCJu Th Rolllntr 'Mill Soene BTstlssas SaSsurday sad SmaAay. ,-. PRICES--IXZXSitj,- .....lie. I5c, lie and lw 1 . "n" MATINEES loo, lie and Jo lNeVxt Weelc - - Mrloollgan'a TroubI UNRIVALED t ATTRACTIONS sesaaBBW Baea"Ba eBaael SUNDAY CONTINUOUS, 2:30 TO 10:30 P. M. Stephen Fitzpatrick & Co. Ja'Ta Weleem (nnf" DBLA8KTA Par BaesUeee M girls a. Mr. Jess B. Peyser "i"Dear Olg Rilla tt , Cslliorala." The Tankee Delineators Henderson "TVI it General Admission I0c ALU-STAR BILL SUNDAY CONTINUOUS, 2:30 TO 10:30 P. ft. . The ' 3 Julinj Barretts oonersnc R't Threw i a aag Ceawdy Club Jagg tars. MANVR0 -Th tee HotteatoC" . Mr. Fred Purinton 'I'll Be Tbere, Mary Vft." Ungagm)nt' Bx t reaordl n mry COYAL ITALIA.1 .... pyee ii?l runmoniiT, uicra 1 Uul. 2 Nljht WB1B VSDAT AMU TSVM, Nov. 0-9 tlW TOBX AJTD X.OWS03I Bxxz-BnrsiOAz, oomxot BUOUB88 . Jsles Kznft, Coceiy tcz;zzy , zvoxusaro) tliss Alice Jclscn SBSABsBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBl Marriage of Kitty : With aTBBTBOsT . wom as) nZOBB -Lower - floor, except last 1 rows, f 1.00;' last I rowa. 76v Balcony, first' rows, 7ic: t last row, a0. Gallery. It and ' 1 6c. Boxes and Logea. 17.10. ' ' The advance sale of eeata will open -tomorrow Catonday) morn- - lng at 10 o cloak.. THEATRE xoxx or iroit cis aw, r : CAX SUBtToU. TSXU AMD XAJUUIX BTmSXTB, 1 oaoaaaf u bakbb. HOST BEAUTIFUL - crcsus la tit fJ.mQUE rsese Rail 117 fiat xotu Milton W. Seamaa, Cesident Kan,er Veell of Nov. 6 tli QIadstone' CtiUrca WrM' Ortatast Areaatlea, Hutchlnsoa & Losby Is a CoaMdy Sksteh. . The -Staroseope "Blver Firata ' oim i Bvsatnss, SaiHlsrs and BnlMsrs. bis tS '-y "wit. m. viif MatinM, Satire we. iKK. es scats, SSc. Week of November 6th Bruraae & Cfcrk "A BiUlsry Bn." The Quins Tri Jsrtnll- Slf". I.wmi t: ? r. - - Theatre v