The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 05, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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Division of Exhibits Announces
T the' Test of Awards In th;
-TT Liberal Arts Department
Japanese Take Medala , for ' Matches
' And Firtworka, Napkins and Tissue
; . Paper-Oregon Paper : Wins !the
.'. PremiumList cf Winners.' - '
Th divlibn'of xhlblt of the Lewis
' and Clark ax position haa computed th
-. list of .award In he liberal arta-department.
; Th . Ht .Include thoaa ; of
. ' the ex h lib tors to whom were' awarded
gold, silver or bronaa medala or honor
, able mention. The list of exhibitors to
' whom gold medals' were t awarded fol
lows: . . ; .-.. i- ' '' : --"--
Acme Ttitarator Loa Aagelea,
CaL. triturator. , American Bale Book
r Co, Elmlra. N. Y, brief account sys
tems, sales books, fliers, quickest at
tachment. , American StejilUer T Co..
1-le. Pa. Instrument steriliser,, dress
ing steriliser, water steriliser,
Bates Mfg. Co, Orange. N. J, auto
ma tlo hand-numbering machines. Berry
Bros. ; Ltd.. Detroit. Mich.. Laxeberry
wood finish, liquid granit and other
varnishes. Bull's Head Oil Works. Ban
Francisco. Cal.. axlo areas. Burbank.
Luther. Santa Rosa. CaL. collection of
photograph, showing new creatlo
jiomcui lurff 1 ana nui icuuum -s.ui
medal, highest award. Burroughs Ad
0llng Machine Co, Detroit. Mich, adding
and listing machines. Busnong t,o,
Portland. Or., blank books, lithograph-
. lns-.'-vrlntlng.
-. Cable. Tho -Co..- Cfcleag,-IlLr- Conover
Symphonic grand piano. Mason A Ham'
lln piano.. California College of Phar-
inter. Baa Francisco. CaL, cabinet of
chemicals manufactured from California
minerals. . California. State of. general
. . collect ton -of photographs.--Church, To
John Co, Chicago.- 1U, Everett piano.
Comtograph ..C.0 Chicago, I1L, Compto-
. - . graph adding . and , listing machines'.
.. Oantr Coata coanty,-California, collec
tion of photograph showing sot ale and
' Industrial features ' of the ' county.
' Crandall, C. Pasadena. Cal, photo
. graphs. Crane Broa, Weatfleld. Maae..
"Gold Medal linen . ledger and record
papers. "Japan 'Linen" - writing
"papers, - "Warranted "AH Linen" writing
papers. ' Crown Paper Co, Oregon City,
. Or, displsy of all- kinds of wrapping
paper. Curtis. - Edward 8, : Seattle,
Wash, Curtis Indian photograph. -
Dick. A. B, Co.. Chicago, 111, Edison
Mimeograph macUlneDietxgen.. Eugene
Co.. - Chicago, 11L. drawing material,
mathematical and atirveylng - Instru
ments, Dodd, Mead A Co, New .York,
' N. Y, new International encyclopaedia.
X)oda.Mead"A Co, 'New ' Ttoik, N. TVj
complete journal of. Lewis and Clark.
Dolge-Poaay Co,', Los Angeles, ; CaL.
piano sounding boards. ; i . -. I
Ertckson, E. .H, artificial Limb Co..
Minneapolis Minn, exhibit of artificial
limbs. Everett ' Pulp" Paper Co,,
Lowell, wash, pulp and paper.
Fairbank. The N. K. Co, Chicago. Ill,
fairy soap, glycerine tar soap, "Sunny
.Monday" soap. Gold Dust washing Pow
der. Fairbanks. K. A T. Co., St Johns-
bury, Vermont. Scales, . weights and
. measures of different countries. Felt A
Tarrant Mfg. Co, Chicago, III., compto
meter. ' Fischer. J. AC, New Tork, N.
Y, Fischer pianos. - Ford. The 8. B. Co,
Wyandotte, Mich, Wyandotte Waahlng
rowaera. ,
Ooldlng Mfg. Co, Boston, Tass,-No.
IS ooldlng Art Jobber. .' - '
... Harris Automatic Press Co, Nile. O.
automatio rotary printing, press. Har
vard. The Co, Canton, Ohio. . Dental
chairs; laboratory benches. Hasegawa.
Takljlro. Toklo. Japan. Book and other
publications. Hayashi, K, Japan. Copy
ing and other paper. Hicka-Judd Co,
' San-Francisco, Calif. Speclmenta , of ar-
tlstlo printing and book binding. Hill
. , Andrew, J, San Joe. CaL Display of
- bromide enlargement photograph. " Htr
ter Varnish Co, San Francisco, . CaL
Elastic Interior durable varnish. Extra
whit enamel varnish. Heath A Milligan
Manf. Co, Chicago, III Exhibit of
. paint and varnishes. -
Infant Incubator Co, New Tork, N. T.
Infant incubators, model nursery, cuba-
tor preparations. Inouye. Gennojo, To-
J Japaa. Wood engraving and prink
ing in color.: Engraving -on stone. Ih
-.-, ctEmiirco::i:;
Gail Laughlin, Noted Lawyer
r Orator of New York, to Ad
" - dress Association.
""Th annuarmettnir-of :ih Orego
Equal Buffreg association will open a
the White ' Tempi atr 10 -a. m. next
Wednesday. The morning session will
b given to the discussion of the plan
of campaign v and an address by the
national organiser. Mis Laura Gregg
or Omaha. v ,
The election of officer will be bold
In th afternoon at lo clock and will
be followed by 'an' address by Miss
Laura Clay of . Kentucky, ' national
auditor and president of the Ken'
lucky Equal Suffrage ( association. At
the evening; session ."Mayor, Lane
Gail Laughlia.
lectlve exhibit of photographs.
Keuffel Eser Co, New York. N. T.
Surveying - instruments; - measuring
A Jfew Vreparatloa Which very (Me
. wiu are; BBooaer or UM. , ;
Almost everybody' digestion Is dis
ordered more or leas, and th common
est thing they do for it is to take some
. on of th many so-called blood purl-
. wnicn. in many cases, are meroiy
strong cathartics. Such things ar not
needed. If the -organ ar In a cloxred
condition, they neefl only a little help
! iny win rigni irmnseives. janar
ttcs Irritate the sensitive linings of th
' stomach and bowels and often do more
' mm nan gooo.
Purrln It tinTskit la nAA pt.
ih.ln to -IS-l". to ?u tn 'xx n con
l 1 1 1 on-T' Wlra d II y digested and a,
aimtleted. Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets
do this perfeeUy. They partly digest
what is eatea and give the etomach
Just th 1lp it needs. They stimulate
, the secretion and excretion Of the dl
restlv fluids and relieve the con
gested condition of th gland and
membrane. They put th whole dl-
gestlv system in condition to do 'Its
work. When that is done you need
tske no more tablets, unless you eat
.what doe not agree with you. Then
take on or two tabletsgive them
needed help, and you. will hav no
trouble. ; . - - -
It a common-sens medicine and a
ram m nm. u rmm t ... . . ...
- i. nu I L w Itl
cure every tiro. Not only cur th dl
"s ui rurt am caus. uoes snout it
In a perfectly sensible and acfentlftc
wsy. --...;
W hav testimonials enonrh to an
a book, but w don't publish many of
them. However Mrs. E. M. FalthVof
-, uyrw wis, pays;
"I hav taken all the Tablet I got
of you and they have done their work
well ! my ease, for I feel like a dlf
fereat person altogether. I don't doubt
tf-T-fmd not got them t ehould hav
ien at rest by tnis time. ,
H. E. Wlllard. Onslow, la., say: "Mr.
Whlta, of Canton, wa tailing me of
your Ivppala Tablet curing him of
Jiyspepala, from , which h suffered
for eight year. A I am a sufferer
myself . wish you to send me a pack-
are ny return man.
Phll. Brooks, Detroit. Mich., says:
"Tour Iyspetsl cur - has worked
wonder in my case. I suffered for
year from dyapepaia. but am now n
ilrely cured and enjoy life as I never
' !mv before. - I gladly recommend
them." ' v , ,
It wilt cost too to And Out lust how
much Muart Dyspepsia Tablets will
lielp you. Try themthat' tba'beat
-' to 4cl4, .'-. '- ? vrlf-v1
ana. Miss Uall 4 U
York.--th lawyr-erator whoa art idea
In -reply to G rover Cleveland on woman
uffrage appeared recently in Th Jour
nal, will be th speakers. - : ,.
Miss - Laughlin Is a young ' woman.
but -. she . . haa . had , wide experience.
Oraduattng- from th Portland (Maine)
nigh school at the head of her class.
she entered Wellealey eoUag.- founded
th '"Agora. " now an Influential society
la th college with a clubhoua of its
own,-and waa Its president until the
end or her couege oours. She waa
graduated in 184 and then entered the
law school of; Cornell university and
waa elected ' president of th Dramatie
club - and - speaker of- th ' Cornell eon
gress. In, .187 she was chosen to rap
resent this congress in a succession of
Inter cite debate and won for it th
championship. ' In 188, In series of
debating contest open to alL t Re: 2,000
students, the vast majority being men.
the prlaa was awarded Mls Laughlin. i
A a result of the triumph h waa
selected leader of th Cornell team to
debate with th University of Pennsyl
vania and her eloquence gained tha vlc-
tory-for-CornelL' -1 ; -
Soon after her graduation from Cor
nell - ah was appointed ' expert agent
of th United 8tate Industrial . com
mission to Investigate condition of do
mestic service in the Vnited State. ': ..
Everybody is cordially invited to at
tend all th sessions of the convention.
. ... , .. . .-.1... ...
'8 FilTE
St.' Johns Council Will Tomor
7 row Pass' FinallyohTro- . !
7 posed Board of Works. ;
Present H61ders of Franchise Confi
dent That City System Will Not
Be Installed, But Aldermen Are
Not So Sure. - . " ' jj:;'
tape- allde rule and. engineering and
draftina instruments. -
Laird A Lee. Chicago, I1L " Exhibit of
Webster . Nw standard and Modern
dictionaries, and oollectlv exhibit. Lam
bert Pharmacal Co., St. Lou la. Mo. List-
erlne. Llsterlne dermatic soap. Leban
on PaPer Mill. Lebanon, Oregon. Straw
paper. ' Lemola Boap Co, . Los Angelea,
CL Lemola soap, Lundoerg, . A, Se
attle, Wah- Lundberg's Improved rtt
flclal leg;; leather arm; brace for cur
of curvature of spine; . spinal - brace-
braces and shoe for dub, feet r brace
for straightening bow legs, extension for
abort leg.
Mark. A, A, New York,.N. T, artifl
clal limb and appliances. Mauxy, Byron,
San Francisco, CaL, two . art -pianos.
Medfcal Lake Salt A Mfg. Co, Spokane.
Wash., Medical Lake remedies. Mergen
thalar Linotype Co,- New, York. N. Y,
linotype machine. .. Merrlara G. A C Co.,
Springfield, Mas a, Webster's Interna
tional Dictionary. McClurg. A. C. A Co,
Chicago, I1L- exhibit of book relating
to the discovery, settlement of the- Ore
gon country. Mlohle Printing Press A
Mfg. Co.. Chicago. I1L. cylinder flat-bed
two-revolution presses, working exhibit
Nagasaka. K lokorisma, Ji
works . Naoki, Maaanoauke, Kobe, Ja
pan, matches. National Cash Register
Co, Dayton, O, oollectlv exhibit ? of
rash reels ter. Nippon Shlrul Boekl
Kabushlkl Kalsha. Kobe. .Japan, copying
paper.. Northwestern School Fumltur
Co, Portland, Or, exhibit of fumltur
and equipment for schools, churches and
thaatre. - ': -,
Oliver Typewriter Co.. Chicago, I1L,
typewriters. Oregon Camera club, Port
land, Or, photographic exhibit. .
Paraffin Faint Co, Ban Francisco,
Cel., FAB. ready roofing and malthold
roofing, P.AB. building paper, P.AB. pre-
servatlv. paints, .. Pabco- damp-proof
paint, Pabco insulating tap. Peerless
Piano Playing Co, We York,' N. Y
peerless piano player. Perry Picture
Co, Maiden, Ma, th Parry picture.
Pfundel-DrW14a, PorUii(L-Or..
Oregon blood puririer, Oregon's great
medicinal botanic cascara sagrada and
Oregon grape root, Putnam A Valen
tin,' Los Angeles, Cal, . photographs.
Pyle, James A Sons, New York, N. Y,
Pearllne. ':. ; ,'. - , '!,
Ryousl Goahl Kalsha, Kobe, Japan,
matches. ."' .t- . 1 , - ; '.
Sacramento Valley DewTbpment aaeo-
elation. Sacramento. Cl, 'a-eneral dis
play of large scenic and Industrial pho
tographic view. San Francisco, city of.
topographical relief map.l8elsh!Jo, Ohta,
Japan, paper, Shlmlsu, tt:'; Kobe, Japan,
wall paper, . Strisuokaken Shlgyo tu-
mat, Japan, ' paper; ' Southern, Pacific
Co, San Francisco, Cal, ooBect1onof
photograph showing view along it
railroad tines, facad ahowlng different
expressions of redwood for cabinet pur
poses. Sunset Photo- A Engraving Co,
Ban Francisco, Cak, collection of forest
photograph. -.- 1.
Sweeney Surgical Mfg. Co, Lo
Angeles. Cal, bospltsl and physicians
turnltar.' - t- -, -1
Taklkawa, - Benko, Kobe, : Japan.
matches. Thigawra Ooahl ' Kalsha.
Japan, paper napkins and tlsau paper.
Tomsoa, P, C. A Co, Philadelphia, Pa,
Red Besl lye and soap Topographical
survey- . Commission, ; Boston, Msss,
topographical map. Toe Selshl Kalsha,
Toss. Japan, -paper.. ...
Underwood Typewriter Cai Nw York,
N. Y, typewriters, gold msdaL hlaheat
award. -
Van Vlack CllmnA Smm4, m tranHU
dlty. Mo, exhlibt of animal gland x
treets. . Victor Talking Machine Co,
Camden. N. J, Victor talking machine.
Warner. Wm, R. A Co, Philadelphia.
Pa, general lln ' of -pharmaceutical
preparaUon. Watauabe, ; fcUioabura,
Tks Mtt side ofttce ef The Jearaal Is is' to
tore ( J. M. C Miller, ma Kaet sUs-Hav
tneC T.ttpauo EaU 27ft.
The fat of the St. Johns board of
publld work and- the proposed muni
cipal water system la all- likelihood will
be - settled tomorrow nlgrYt? and unless
present indication ar mmleadlng the
session, of th town council will be In
th natur of a mas meeting. Although
stoutly opposed in some quarters, it Is
likely that the ordinance creating the
board will pa by a two-third vote of
the council, perhaps witn soma alight
A to th creation of a board of pub-
llo work there Is practically no differ
ence of opinion in St. John. Th coun
cilman so far aa interviewed hav not
opposed the plan, th city attorney, ha
decided that it I legal and 'desirable,
And thos objecting -to th ord Inane do
not base their complaint on th ground
that 'Such a board I not desirable but
say ' that the ordinance in It present
form gives too much power to a minority
or th council and allow the board to
much latitude. -
Th attitude of th firm holding th
present water .franchise was explained
by Mr. Thompson, of th firm of Hart
man. Thompson A Powers, aa follow; . .
W do -not anticipate trouble and tru
not believe the council will permit an
other f ranch! to be granted or another
plant to be bullL Inaamucn aa we hav
an. exclusive franchise for 18 year and
easily could enjoin any other company
from proceeding. venlr it naa a fran
chise from th council, w have InVeat-
more than 880.000 In th plant In an
ndeaver to keep up with the growth- of
th town and at present ar giving sat
isfactory service. No court on . earth
would allow us to be thrown aside with
out a hearing. .- : ., j,' .
There . 1 a charter provision to the
effect that th council before planning
to buy or buy a municipal system must
ask for an offer on. th present plant so
that the town may have the benefit of
the bargain and we have always stood
ready to sell th plant in St. John fot
hat it cost." .; - : , .. -
Nevertheless, - the council seriously
considers the advisability of erecting a
municipal plant and offer hav been
made by outsid capitalist -, who. are
tiling to assum th burden of building
the plant and proving a legal right to do
Metal Bin
Boned smut Off View ef
'.v.v. ' .; '- Ootntac Traine.
Th construction of th bill board at
Eaat First street and Eaat Morrison 1
condemned by firm" having a. v large
transfer -business on the street, and "by
driver wrio ua the thoroughfare con
tinually. Th board hav been erected
for half a block west from the line of
the Southern Pacific, and entirely shut
off the view of coming trains. An elec
tric bell clangs It warning when a train
approaches, but thla bell ring no mat-
tar which way th train le going, ana
tt elan may be onlv an indication
a train- has passed recently. Ther is
neither a watchman nor a gat and ther
is nothing .to prevent teamsters from
driving in front of an engine, unseen un
til th team wa on th track, a not
only th regular train but many freight
and construction trains, switch engine
and yard gang ar constantly using this
lln, th element of risk ha been in
creased greatly by th erection of the
high bill board, which ar of metal and
evidently Intended to be enduring.
'-'.-:-. ' : 1 - ':"
Koatavill Women Woadar Why tfs
- ' . slats 1 Common There. ( '
' Monta villa saloons hav closed and
tww xht women of th district artnr?
vww-to-ftTMi1 out why the dnwken -menf
don't disappear. The two proprietor of
th road -houses ther hav quit com-hattlns-
th law and ar considering se-
triously th advisability of sailing out.
but th quantity of liquor consumed ap
pears to be a great aa aver. It I also
assarted by thos -- who are In touch
with th situation and whose business
comnel their frequenting of . th va
rious store of th suburb, that, th
liquor 1 not secured in the city by the
consumer. , but 1 ' retailed in the
Points Jcf Infcrpction Right to ths PcSr.t
Our Hats Are Milliner-Made; Original Desipis, Correct
n 'r Styks for Any Occasion and ' .: - , '
; Just Arrived, an Elegant-Assortment of 0pr Coats, Latest
' - Styles in Suits and Coats and Evening Costumes. ,
Ladies' waists
Our Waiat Dgpartmont la
tocked with a good asiortment
of Silk, Mohair, Albatroaa, Flan
nel Walsta and ' of the latest
noveltiea. Aak to see our leader '
-v :.-y-' -r':;'-".;i,"::T"'"
-'I'.. '
' Wt have a large line of Furs,
all - qualities and styles. We
guarantee every one aa repre
sented or no sale, at very mod
crate prices. - Call in and look
- them over. ... .:. .;, ;
While they last- a 'beautiful
suit, long coat, satin-lined, very
neatly made, pleated skirt;
worth $25.00. Special price -,
. ' . -, . -; r-
We have a large assortment to
select from; all the leading col
ors and qualities. When in want
'of Silk Petticoats, you should
not miss looking over our stock.
. , We can please you. ' ' .
A lot of about 100 Ladies and
Misses' Skirts at greatly re-,
duced prices; all J good styles
and colors; mostly manufactur
ers' samples; skirts worth" up
' :." ; to 17.00 at
$3.Q5 r:
Out assortoient ia good, our"
styles are the latest, and our
prices are moderate. Call and
examine goods and prices. See
our Coata at -
Special-Price Sale Saturday and
Monday the best value ever
" offered in the city at"'"""
375 Vashinton Street
Ladies Furnishing; Shop
rS:.$ -i; -' v . .- .'.
. '. , (Speeisl Dtspateb te Toe Joaraal.) . -Pendletom
Or, . Nov. 4. Tha Oregon
Rallro4. at Navigation company ha
filed a suit In equity In th district
court of this district for th purpos
thatlo--Ptl'Ssf tn ssassnient ef
f 11.000 a mil upon their roadbed I
unjust .'Ever sine th cotnprpml
proposition presented th county court
by the railroad was turned down suit
baa been expected. With - th filing of
th suit In equity commences another
chapter of th legal war that baa waged
for the last year between the railroad
and th county. In which' th county
has been singularly auocessful so far.
(SpeHal tMspatek to The JesrnaM '
Hood River, Or.. ' Nov. '. Right of
way matter for the Mount Hood rail
road have Jeen-atrlghtned up out of
ourfc 3ontrators-Oieblsch and'JopTTri
hav a fore of men driving piles around
Winana Point and rail laying will begin
about December 1. All material with
th exception of a ooupl cf car of tron
for th How truss brldg across Hood
river I on th ground for th construc
tion of th road to- where. Jf Intersects
the grad on th eaat aid. Three loco
motives hav been purchased and ar on
hand. . . ' 1 - ; - . 1
i '
Etoancc (v
Long and fullDrapes from the ; - j
: shoulders Has , the dash and - y.'"-'--style
that reveals the v master ' C,"
touch o( the 'artist, craftsman
who , designed J this ; coat for ';; H i
Riniamin CB.'Cfi " ' ; "' :'.'; '.riV..:'..:-
;. Yoa will be surprised to see -
: . 1 what . values we offer .in fine iill x
y. ;' English Oxfords Vicunas and 1 v.' ; f
r .Thibets in this superb- coat for
311 Morrison St Opposite Postofficef
-J y------ :
TheXoUow4g telegiumlkeceTved ye-t
terday by IL C Whlttler, president of
th Portland admen' .- league, explain
Itself- nd 1 expected to draw out a full
ttendalio bf that body tomorrow even
Ing at th Tower , room of th Commer
cial Club: ';. , .:-,.. '
Ban Pranclaco, CaL. Nov.' 4. '08.
Harry C Whlttler. Car Olds, .Wortman
V King, Portland, Or: Fully expect to
ba present with you at next . Monday
night's meeting. Kindest regard.
- Th league haa been' trying since its
Inception nearly a, year ago to get Mr.
Morrison to com to Portland to talk on
advertising. Mr. Morrison is an author
ity on th subject, being at the head of
the N. W. Ayer bureau, of .advertising in
Philadelphia, on of th largest advertis
ing organisation in th United State.
WT P.Oiar.llI071ias consented to
speak to the members and business man
present at the meeting; on a. matter of
vital importance, to every business inter
est or th city, other speaker .will, give
their view. All business men ar lh
vited. - ;- .- ., '
V jTokaa rnblla. Bock Trov of -, Vo
' Advamtag naa Town Za Angry.
St John has a publlo dock, erected
by - the town at considerable expense,
but the dream, of th cltisena ha not
com true, and unless more heed Is paid
f rantio signal of ' th reeldenU by
river skipper an impromptu municipal
gunboat may b pressed Into service to
halt passing crart and snow tnem wnat
a good dock th town nas." .lt i assert
d that though there - ar passenger
and freight to b picked up at the St.
Johns dock dally, river boat will not
stop; though they make ntranc at
very mud bar In ' th Columbia that
haa a pound of freight. It is charged
van that passenger who desire to
leav river boats at St. Johns are not
accomodated! the pilots positively refus-
Ing to stop - there. Th town baa a
large'7 Shipping and passenger tra4
which could b handled - by Portland
boats If they made regular stop, and
unless these regular lines soon glv re
lief a 8t . John boat will b run to
Portland. ... r t
Japan, menthol. Willsmette . Pulp ft
Paper Co.. Oregon City, or.. paper.
Woodard, Clark. V Co Portland. Or
tT-Ar-Das Bath of- Bensoln,- Dermatic
Egg Shampoo,--Uarda'a Luxury. - faoe
Sowder, complexion ' paper. Exquisite
Cold Cream,, Oriental Bouquet. Wild
Flowers of Mount Hood perfum and
sachet powder. . Woodard. Clark A Co.,
Portland, Or., cescara sagrad in vari
ous form. .Woodard, Clara A Co,,
Portland, Or... working axhibtt showing
proc of manufacturing elaatlo surgi
cal holsery.-belt and bandage. Whlt
tler But School, Whlttler Cal., cabinet
of photographs.
Tucca Artificial Limb Co.. . f
Angeles. CaL, Yucca, artificial' limb.,
Meekness - doe not buy master at
th cost of tnamins. . . , , '; . -... ,
Your Health Depends on
Your Kidneys
Every Reader Should Test the Wonderful Merits of this
''''Ky-C'-':r- New Piacovery. w'l " ! ' '
- If you wish to be rich In health,
you should be caraful of your KID-
NETS as a good financier is of hi
capital. Tour KIDNEYS ar- your
capttaL ' Tour health depend priu-
cipally on them. If you keep THEM ,
well you may possess your health In ,
safety. Now by this I not meant
that good ' financiering for your""
- health 1 to overlook all th other
organ and merely look after your
' KIDNEY 8. Tour other organs may
- need car.' but your KIDNEYS most
because they do most. If you are
Ick begin with your KIDNEYS, be
cause Just a soon as they are well,
they will help all "th other organ
to haalth. . , . , ' .- ,
, For a great many years It has been
the custom' for people to y: "My
Blood I out of order, it need puri
fying, . I feel all used up. my skin
. needs clearing. my . Brain feel
.tired." They ar right, but do they
, act, right? They generally go snd
get a laxative to purify their blood;
but doe blood run through th
bowel T , ; "- : i v&'",:, S
. Selene prove that all the purify
ing that your blood needs, in fact
all that can be done, must be done
by your KIDNEYS. The KT0NEYS
j, arv filters. They strain and purify
' your blood. -' ,Whn your blood 1
Impure nothing can purify but your '
I are clogged from overwork of any '
kind, worry, exposure or excesses,
they -can be get tight by that won--'
derful new remedy known aa -IRVINQ'8
ar a small wafer rid pleaaant to .
take. They are not a patent medi
cine or secret remedy, .and. th
"formula la cheerfully furnished to
. the numerous physicians who pre
scribe them in their practf6e, recog-.
. blslng th efficiency of their In- '
- gredlent, such- as - Buchu, Juniper -Berries,
Asparagus and other valu- .'
able and purely vegetable extract,
which ar so concentrated as to'
make them mor than double their
TMa. v ... r - - - '-.
. ;',... .:...'. ;
rice, 50 Cents per Box ' v
& O.- BKIDMORE Co Co , Di uggists, 11 Third St,
'f'.r"vA Sole Agents 'lor Portlarul.- V y v
WITTY Frenchman said tha .Amerl-;
cant had plenty of nerve but no nerves.
He meant that we. are a tremendously
" busy people as a consequence of -nerve anj :
' -- : 1 A r . , a.
mighty fidgety people as a result of nervousness.
Nervousness means lack of self-controL,'
When ' seated in a chair we drum with our
fingers or wring , and twist' as if in agony.
The cry of a baby or the creaking of a window
irritates us and incites profanity. If is all
nervousness, lack of self-control. Nervousness
is another name for brain starvation. We are
wearing more phosphorus out of the white
and gray brain and nerve cells than pur food
replaces. C The food then is to blame. :
Let us examine our bill of fare for today's
unch-the- mid-diymealv-wherrrhaUr"of ther
day's work and worry and perplexity have al
ready exhausted more than half , of our brain
'and nervous energy. '"' ?.-.-'?.-.-?- ,?.: -:'',;
Snowy white bread and butter fair to look'
upon but little or nophosphates tof eed the brain.
Roast beef, plenty of meat stimulant and
- some muscle and fat forming food, but little
or no ' phosphates no food for brain and
nerves. A food only fitted for the man who
-' labors with hands instead of mind. . - r '
Pastry looks good and tastes as good, but.
a terror on digestion and almost no food value
to repay the stomach for its four hours' hard work.' ;
Americans bolt the aforegoing or some sim-
ilar bill of fare and rush with might and main
- into the afternoon's business. Night finds
them headachy, cross, fearful, disappointed and
1 mentally exhausted. The brain is phosphate
. starved. The fat and muscle and bone of the
body has been fed more than they needed and '
the brain has been starved. -The brain, is not
muscle and cannot subsist on the food which
builds muscle. ' The brain , is not bone, and
cannot live on bone forming food.' The brain
. is not fat, in fact, faf is never found normally in
the brain, the fat brain is the brain of a maniac.
Here .we have eaten thrice during the day.
. . have overloaded our stomachs with the food
' ' which we did not need and almost entirely
' ' neglected the tissue upon which fell the wear
v and tear of the day's work and worry the brain,
t Phosphates, easily. digested phosphates if
the food for brain and nerves. Ralston Oats
' are prepared so that the little starch envelope
'"" bursts and gives up all its splendid good quali-
' ties to delicioui taste and easy digestion. The '
'' phosphates are there abundantly. Try a pack-
age. " Eat - Ralston Oats " yourself and watch :
mental strength and calm replace fidgets and .
' exhaustion. Feed Ralston to that school boy
or girl and compare their monthly report with'.
that of last month or last year. '
- .'. Fortlaad,. Or. "
Just try a packer 4a hekerr4
. pMkage aad e bow anok
.better yea f eL -