onncoif daily ;jj-:.v.l. i Gotland. Saturday evening, novei.icer 4, looj. OKID GIRL IS ;:gil fight is '"."arc-: in FnoriT ECDED UOl'l . .Miss Ef fie. Mae King Leader, in, J. H. Black Withdraws Charges -BUY-ONE IF. . NOTTHEIITOv BEST ON THE MARKET AT 7 j Y0UL C0? Back - the Fourth District In ......... Journal Contest, He Made Against Mayor King . of St. Johns. : TWO NEW CANDIDATES- ; FROM ASTORIA NAMED l!AYS BLAME ON TWO ! -r OTHER COUNCILMEN Heaviest Vote Cast in . the State Publicly Announces ThatHe Was Asked to Sign the Charges Half an Hour Before They. Wert Presented ' by Councilmen Legrett and Shields. Shifts From La Grande to Portland '-'' Where Miss Madigan Holds First .' Place. ;;. ; ,- ;': ecu iTD-OE'OOAOS A" i ' x . Miss Gertrude Tice. . '! ; -. - The fifth district In The Journal's - Hawaiian trip again comes to the front today and a. new factor In the rmcs In that district has appeared. Astoria has jiuddenly Jumped Into pramluencs -by nominating two candidates and giving them liberal support for the start.. One of the candidates, Mies Eva Li, Todd, starts with1 1,400 votes to her, credit, and the other. Miss Robena Coffman, has 7,110 votes. " v Irr addition to the new features In the fifth, district the fourth district shows ,.. a great change and there has been some - big jumps In the votes of the candidates. Miss Effia Mae King of Ontario la the : leader and has l.ll votes. Miss Hat . tie Barton of Baker Clt y, who has been the leader of the district for some time, takes second place with 24,441 votes and -v Miss Gertrude Tic, also of Baker City, ,": Is third with 20.111 votes. v ... .In the first district Miss Ballls Madl (an of Olds, Wort man King store J. .leads -.with CS.SOC votes. . Miss Minnie . 8. Phillips follows very closely with :' . 4.a Tftes. Mis Sadie Wlntermentls comes third with 4 .4 IT votes. Miss I.ura Baty fourth with 44.07 votes, and Miss Ruth Lee fifth with IMJl. votes. ' The voting- In this district has been j ..very heavy the past two days, .v i .The. leader of the second district is . . Mine Katie Nash of La Grande with . - l,0B t votes. Miss - Agnes Fletcher of Pendlfton comes second with tt.lit vetes land' Miss MoUle Proebstel third with I8,Tts votes. i , - Miss Km Hie Crossen of The Dalles leads the third district with IM41 votes. Miss Quelle Crate Is second with 21.721 V votes and Miss Stella Richardson third with 24.S1I votes. In tho fifth dltrIctMUa Florence The Mat side efSee of The Journal to la the ton of J. at. i). Miller, ISO Kaat aturrlave trait. Telophooe lul 274. . J. H. Black has, withdrawn the chargea he made against Mayor JW.-H. King and Councilman 'Peterson of St. Johns and further has publicly laid the blame of the procedure at the door of Councilmen Leggett and Shields. Black signed chargea reflecting aertouaJy on the officers, and especially against Mr. Shields, 'whom he accuse of being per sonally Interested In the petition of an applicant (or a saloon license, So direct were the charges made that there was an ' attempt to declare, the office of Mayor King- vacant pending his trial, but the fight waa finally dropped. In turn,' the accused took preparatory steps -toward bringing eult against Mr. Black on the charge of criminal libel. and this action." too, was dropped. Mr.' Black does not exhibit any peni tence over his attempted prosecution, and gives as his reason for dropping the - complaint that those who were backing him did pot come forward and push the Issue, and In Justice to the accused and himself he did not think the tinsustalned charges, should bang, over -the two' officials. ' " ' - Mr. Blsck further state that he has no. new - opinion regarding the guilt of the accused sad that without question In- endeavoring to bring saloons to the town they , acted agatnat the . plainly expressed wish of the majority of their constituents. "." lie also admits, what was cbargsd by Mayor King at the time the petition was presented to the council, that Shields and Leggett Inspired the at tack, and ha also says that : he first saw the charges only half an hour be fore the meeting at which they were presented and signed tbam at the urgent request of the two 'leaders of the oqA position to the mayor. EAST SIDE DRIVEWAYS. TTeavren of Vancouver-still leads" with 1L774 voees. , Mlee Amelia Williams of Kelso comes second with 17,412 votes sad Miss Katharine Gore of Kalama third with 17.237 votes. . - - - - Miss Madge Battee of Eugene leads the sixth district, having 24,041 votes. Miss Blanche Brown of Salem la second with 20,111 votes and Miss Lucy Mor com of Woodburn third with 1S.41S votes. In the seventh district Miss Bertha Courtemanrhe of McMinnvllle still leads with 21.722 votes. Miss Hasel Kenned J of Lafayette Is second with 14.22 votes and MIks Cora Spangle of Dayton third with 12.274 votes. .. . .. Miss Edna Parsley of Roseburg leads the. eighth district with 10.411 votes ts her credit. Miss Dale Harmon of Roae hurc Is second with 27.632 votes and Is third with 13.74s votes. FEARED THAT THE FAWN IS LOST IN BIG STORM (Special Dwpatrti to The loeraal.) . -Victoria, B. C., Nov. 4. Ths sealing ' schooner Fawn has not been reported ' and some anxiety la felt here; She left the sealing- grounds shout ths same time aa the schooners Victoria and Ida Etta. ; Thees two. which have been In some', day a, passed through severe storms, which swept nearly air- their canoes swsy. It la . feared that the Fawn may have, been loat In the same storm.7 . ..,'-, is THE EASY. OIL. Scott's Emulsion "the easy oil" easy to take, easy in action. ; Its use insures deliverance from the griping and nau seating sensation peculiar" to the raw oil: Nobody who has any regard for their stomach - thinks of taking cod liver oil in the old . way when Scott's Emulsion is to be had. It is equally certain that no one' having a" regard for their lieajth will accept a cheap "emulsion or alco holic substitute for Scott's Emulsion. - It fulfills every-mission of cod liver oil and more. V '". ' SCOTT 2OWNt. 40? erl straw. New Terg, - - . ' ' Assoelattom wocktatT to sotuv Ooatlna- . ems Sealevarda to Suburbs, v "' On of the big plans ' of Improve ment that will be backed by the east side association will be for the con struction of pleasure) . drives through the various suburbs. - President Whit ney I Boise is the father of this idea nd a iceclal committee IS preparing a plan of - campaign in its conferences with ths city council and executive board. - Investigation lias shown that in every district of the east side there are wdl-impcovad streets ttfltl "erid In brush grown wlldSJd mudfr No : consistent plaa has been- followed; in macadamis ing the thoroughfarea, and the result Is that, while enough streets have been Improved to make" half a dosen all east side, driveways, because a few of the) connecting atrewtai have not ' beeo Improved ths value of ths other Im provements Is to a great extent im paired. Ths work of the association will be to connect tee Improved ave- n.i.. to imiM giwvt bridges snd plaos good pavements- where they wll do the most ' ood. snd then to Interest the council In the matter Of keeping these drives In "good condition and well sprinkled. 1 1 It Is planned to hare one drive ts Sell wood, anothor to Mount Tabor on ths Baas line road snd another to the peninsula. - The major portion of all of these drives Is already la excellent shape, and for moat of ths way . to Mount Tabor and St. . Johns macadam. Ised boulevards offer excellent thor oughfares, but the - chief trouble at present Is getting to these boulevards. Streets from every bridge oa ths east side are In 111 repair. " Holladay avenue. East Bumslde street, Eaat Morrison street snd Hawthorne avenue are all In miserable -shape. few thousand dollars expended In the right direction would give four driveways, each many miles1 in length. Old Fashioned SPAN0SG"0 MJADOD Hand c7VIadc WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS PORTLAND mezs: asixxsssssxsssssxz hezzxzzzs: szssaixssszx: BUILD HOUSE IN A DAY. mi s Bo Street Moms . U . Tkaa Tern Mean sad Mot b. There hare been many homes built In Eaat Portland In record time this season, - and In - many cases - families have taken' up - their residence before the plasterers finished, but a new reo-i ord was made yesterday by a man who today is a resident of Multnomah. Early ' in the morning the neighbors noticed a' small load of lumber on vacant lot on Michigan avenue near Humboldt street. About sunrise a man and a small boy" appeared with a rock ing chair, a cot and a smalt atovs. Dur ing, ths day the man and boy laid the foundation walls, placed the aide walla. put up ths rafters,2 boarded the house. roofed It end nailed on a door, and by sundown they had their household ef recta inside, a lire started ma tne cheerful glow, of . a candle shining through the cracks, while ths smell of frying meat testified to ths versatility of ths builders. .... i - ' DISOWN THEIR SON. Osjeet to Vartaf Attorney's ; :-.ess, Bat lose Thais alt ' "Because Roland Richard aon had given his parents -great sorrow snd shsme by reason of his conduct, his parents, Mr. snd Mrs. O. H. Richardson, refused to pay Attorney J. FV Watts his fed for defending the boy and In ths east aide justice court told Judge Seton that they had disowned their child. Attorney Watts testified thst Mrs. Richardson had retained him to defend her aon when he recently waa In the county Jail awaiting trial for a serious offense, and that she. had paid a part of ths agreed fee at ths Urns she employed him. Justice Setoa de cided In favor of ths plaintiff and the Richard sons gavs notice that they would take aa appeal to a higher court .Bsw Bostoffle SstasUshsd. . . . I Special Dlaeateh to Tbe Joamal.) . . Chehnlls, Or.. Nov. . -A new post office has been established st Mesklll spur, the site of the aawtplll of the J. R. Cain Lumber company, Your, miles east of Pryad, on the Cnehalls South Bend railroad,, Mrs, . Connie Kvans1' U postmistress. It Is snnounced that the Sunday train on tbs South Bend branch out of Che- halls will be continued. .' ' - - v ; : At toe CM Stand-208 mOBlT STREET NEW ERA PAINT $1.10 per Gallon Painters-White-Lead 6Kc per Lb. - ..... ..... 208 Front Street ... ( Between Taylor and Salmon! .v.:... GRANITE FLOOR PAINT - ; Th Itind that stays' on your floor; djf ifl" .former pricer$1.75 gallon. Now..... $leUU. CRESOLENE SHINGLE STAIN . Wears,. well, won't fade; former price . . $1.25 per gallon. Now................ f UC NEAL'S INTERIOR ENAMEL -! t... . .. That smoothrfinish, so easy ta keep cTeaiTrior- .mer price' $2.50-per gaIlonv 'i. : . ' 0 Now . Vi . .............. . . I . . V. .. ej) 1 e L D DAVIESVARNO-LAC - 1: v Makes your floor look like mahogany: former' - price $2.75 per gallon." ,-y "'"CI NOW H M t t M t M ' L ' ,M t s asr NEAL'S BATHTUB ENAMEL 7 ' V Tansforms the old zinc" tub to porcelain H former price, quart, $1.40. Now. ....... i Uv NEAL'S ALUMINUM ENAMEL For steam pipes radiators, gas ranges, Qrt etc. ; farmer price, quart, $1.85. Now. . yJC "NEAL'S CARRIAGE PAINT - The Old Original ; former price, quart, r Afti - 75c Now. ...... .......... 4UC XJPSLTXU, ooaTommsToaA, autre. ETSBOOtUr TABZOOOXXB, lOWOf kabsoos, BJanrMATXsit, lomu, ASTHMA and. MMXM PISBAS MM. We want every man afflicted with the above diseases to honektly Investlgsts our special system of treatment. We Invite- in particular all who have treated elsewhere without success, all whose eases bavs been abandoned ' by-family phvstclsns and so-calld r "SJFBCXAXr. ZSTS," all whoss troubles hsve been aggravated and made worsai by the use Of MIT. BBBB IlimM, TBIAXi TaULATBtSBTTS and SO-caUed SPBCIT ICS. We will explain to you why such treatment has faUed to cure you, and wilt demonstrate to your entire satis faction that ws can cure you safely, quickly and permanently. Our counsel will cost nothing, and ws will do by you as we would wish you to do by us if our cases were reversed. Wills forour homo treatment If you cannot call. The OR, LIEBIG STAFF g sad T, Winchester Bomse. 4 aad Barawlds snreeta, BoxtlaaaV Of. - BstabUshsd lsTfc ' . - F0RJ.UU s . , Turicfeh Bath VMel BMel etoal . tbs augkt; an ag b King's Batti mm ..... .. lj v: ': . ; :': oTrauehariettlroffthehin Pi riUiiJ!iicmbiisiA Ll away r take omethinif that only half cures it, learine;tbe seedof serious throat and lun? trouble. 1 IGHEATEST THOATaseTuilQ EBEDT ' . ' .... . . jiJI!!JuvJ I BOOBBS i i i 1 i I I and : , . --- IF ,:-"-:v,vv7-"-:---;7,-; II I " ' 1 i Maw as- saMsBSI tl asJl I Ml si I si sbB aBl i llsaallirl ITSil I II llllff stT tl HH i'su M slssmg. g.mmm II las sSl ! I ifTW ,. iia-B S fc I " 1 I " J ' ( I -ps - -m ... .? . ' i 1 ri n . ii in ?i ii ii .. i ; ii v, UULrdUJJ - (J? w. . . , - j ? . I - l - a s - ll won uo nor. cace coeinces oa u. com weanoK 1 i a . Hn i i -w3 - v r k -i .: I-, M .w.w-wl ; - .- - ' i v- si'Aa . . TT aT. I Cures Coughs and Colds quickly and prevents HAD BRONCHITIS FOR TWENTY YEARS ' AMQ TH0USHT KE WAS INCURABLE' ; eONSUBimON THREATENtB CUnter,2ll Maple SChampslgn, IU., writes: ,M waa troubled with a backing coujh for a year and I thoneht I had consumption. 1 tried a great many remedies and I was under tbe care of physicians for a l .ui. w cm 17 WO h'onetTnd W Hewed b" and I Uu T not FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR which cured me of , H?r!IuhieJ ?Jn "f Bronchitis which I supposed was Incurable." Henry Livingstone, Babylon; N. Y.i wrltea: "I bad been a sufferer with Bronchitis for twenty years -and tried a great many with poor results untirl used , THREE SIZEG, 25c, COo and $1.00 ZZ SOLD OT nEC01.aIEI.DEO BY Z Ref uso ' Substitutes WOODARD, CLARKE A CO. AND S. O. SKIDMORE & CO. AID FOR HELPLESS WOMAN. Batlvs SaagBter, Xmjured Is Cklld kood. KM Bos Xf Key Bed for M Tear Hakes Ber Own Uvtasr by AM ef vho Telephowe, i....,.!.., There la a woman In Portland, a na tive daughtr..'Who, when a cnna, fe years Ago, fell from a losd of hay on farm -near Belem, - so Injuring her spin thst she has never since been able to so much as sit up la bed. The lady, now about Id years of agf, ta compelled to make a living for herself, which she. dees by soliciting subscrip tions'; by aid of ths telephone.' for pub' llpntlons for which she has the sgency.. and 'from commissions weired, snd some sld from persons bcTJtf&ttited with her. psys . ber own room rent and a nurse who cares for her. Hearing of the eondKloa of the sufferer, Madame , We HKbt Turn Out Poor Printing It we eH eerelwe aboat It. bat we are m eat ef practice -la that- r.pet that w- hMfln. v. .smikl smk a rank, t Uarrf the . U maiwrt Ita.t tb work wmilij ke rvrat ! Im spite ef .all eer effntt We are nmrmmii Hm the esmlWsce et ear srhitlns. , HttnpolUa iptfi 7 l4y FRONT $T. , fat Mara tjj ; Bet. Morrison end -Alder. Asa TTolmea-Itlbbscke. the well-known dermatologist. I Morrison street, will devote all the profits of her business every. Wednesday", forenoon to siding ran mm wbatbbb mvo. - BSTB OOAX. WE ARE THE COAL BARONS Of this msrket Ws sell the products of all ths mlnea. There Is nothing small about us but ouf pries. Ring up . - - MAIN. 2776 And(let us tell you sll about It, Vulcan Coal Co. BtnurSXBB BITBBBT.-. this most worhy person, and to mnkv the assistance aa generous as possible she hopea her patrons nwjr maks thnt a -very busy half day." srWWWfVWWVWJ'l mm h. - j i For Kidnev uiaaoer troubles. Cures In 40 Hours TJMNARY 1 DISCHARGES I Bach Cansnls bear the Baa- F F88BBSH tngtoa Sta as ths atr. Scoffs Ssntal-PCsla C:;::!:3 A POSmYE CL'."Z rwT"wsMtleaerhsrrMT i lae alitor .n4 rn. AAirn IX i kxt- so esas Be sat. kb7 sad ani.a.atiy th a niM es elteee. as mm mi aow - - . - Akaelat.lr karatlMi. Bold y 4mftm. rno. si .am. e sy ami. sasa ,SLSk,Sbsaws,at.M. Every I7cz:.i L Bl SoBasaVVaBBsWi aMbft bbH11(M NeW sahMtB tha as Isasril MAXYU WUrtHM) Sewsy iTaesawvmiiiaiiaaj J n,q es jgrw.a. HI r M ' oBg Con wsafa I ewi d , Ki l l I I in ll. I f b. miniHH snv ply the Bfaava.L. mtxv ho oftmr. hot otnd him torn llliMfaid hnoh ilia, Tl I fall nwUealare aad 1trMion. 1 T.lMblaln Uul'n. Bt !. C OX. B. SSS ST.. IKW tmrnM- tom SAlX T WOOSAaA. CT.Slgg CO. i 17 J If TOD WISH TO ADVERTISE 'IN NEWSPAPCnC.i AJVTWTTEia AT ANYima . CeU m sr .Writs ' 134 Sansom street AN FBANCISCO, CAUI. sjgOeCa)Bsafsd CEO. H. STRONG, 163 West Park St. BXCLVIITK COXBEXClal. THOTOOsJkrHIB COPYING AND ENLARCING A SPECIALTY Besldenos Tlews, Buasral Werk,- mass PHOTO TtstGL'-A k (UK llf.ll.lix k.st.Li 4 Ik UVM mmA A... I. nMUlM ..... t.r fc.ll. I ' ' , .4I ' ' . ' lit: 1 . v