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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1905)
z a. ic:s. m ' - - I THE. OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL". PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, UOVZ'.ZZ BIG CRY HGM1ST FORCED CHILD TO TAlCE-POISOn IS FRANCHISE Conf erenc-Cornmittee of Fair Begin Work in Mouth of. Canyon Malarkey Says Proposed Road May Bev.Trmlnu Jto Trani-------eontintntaK-Syatemr-" ' ;Ethl Cook Testifies That Henry W ' Suggests" Legislativa Appro- pri.tinw fnr MamnrlAL Twenty-Five Miles ; West rf Ontario- '. Logan m ad Her "Drink 7 laMdamwn-4tt-Sufper. SUM FIRST PROPOSED BELIEVED HARRIMAN :. FRONT-STREET OWNERS - NDED TO COMMIT CALLED INSUFFICIENT HAS BOUGHT C. A E, ALL OPP0SE0 TO LINE SUICIDE AFTERWARD Resolutions' Adopted by Conference - Committee Aak State Fair Commis sion to Cooperate With Hiatorical ; Society in Securing Appropriation. Gives Control of Route That la Key J. N. Teal Sees Hand of Southern Pa- Eloping Churchma Contemplated to Most Fessible Route From East ern Oregon to Yaquina or Cooa Bay on Pacific Coast.. r ' " -if k in Movement and Issues Warn ing W. L. Boise Says Property ' Values Would Drop Fifty Per Cent if, Slaying Chad and Iirnself Rather Than Face Capture Mistake in Dose Saved Livea of Both. - BURDEN LAID O.S.L.M'EYOIIS III MLIIEUR ON-STATE INTE (Joarn.1 peclal to.) Oakland. Cal.. Nov. 4. Tha prellml- f Uanrr A. Lonl ebarged with child stealing and having run away with 16-year-old JStnei uooa. """' 'out the fact that the man coldly con templated murder and eulcld tf srreeted. ' Tha child waa ao much tinder hla powar that aha willingly took doae of laud anum at Medford. Oregon. to1 ba prepared for her, and only an error . tha amount, eaved th trhlld s life;, . ' Little Ethel Cook heraelf waa put on , the aUnd. She told the tale of her rela tione with the churchman, and how be (had rented a box at the . poatof f ice so . they could exchange love lettera every day.- 8 ha expected to poa a Logan a alater until aha could finish school, and he get a separation from hla wife. The ;. pair atopped at Slsson ai planned, and "at Medford. where they were arrested. At Aahland Loga" w accounts of the ' pursuit In the papers, and provided him self with laudanum.' planning to take " the" life of the ir whom he had wronged and then-suicide if apprehended.-,- .. . "We went to dinner In a restaurant at ' Medford,' aald the girl, "and we were Informed there by the chief of police that we were under arreet The chief aald we, could flnlah dinner, '-'and he wrrrr ootetde, but a aooii aa ha got away Mr. Logan produced the laudanum, ' which e had eecured at Aabland. and gave me a apoonful and drank aoma him self. I knew tt would kill me and agreed to take It rather than to go back to Oakland, where people would near at me. I waa willing to die then, but I am, glad now that I did not." f. .- CLOSING OF -CAMPAIGN ' FOR GOVERNOR OF OHIO " 'k 'tfesraal Special Service.) ' '". Cleveland. Ohio. Nov. 4. Thta ta prac tically the closing day of tha campaign and both parties have arranged to cloee -the campaign with i big meetings, ad dressed by the biggest guna at their command.. Tha Republicans will hold - a bis mesa meeting at ' the Central armory. wnlcBT will be addressed by Gov ernor derrick. Congressman Burton, W. 1L Boyd and several other prominent speaker. Bealdea that the Republicana - will hold a German-American meeting and a large number of ward meetings, Tha Democrats have, arranged for ' rouatng meeting In their old campaign ' tent, lit which qmernor rum oTMlssautT will deliver tha closing address In be half of John M. Paulson,' the 'Demo cratlo candidate for governor; v .- t -HIGYWAYMAN JOKES WITrlLj V'CT'MS.HE IS ROBBING y (Special Dispatch t The Jooraal.) - ' Hut f sV Vtrtn t Nov. 4. Harmon saloon. '-"In tha heart of tha bualnesa section of the city and within a stone's throw Of police station, waa held up thta morning V by . a lone bandit and Proprietor Joe iiftnniM . anil-, another man were covt- n-iM )i far thm wall and empty their po.-k.cts of about $7i. Tha till waa also - rifled of about $1. Th robber waa maaa-xl ami learwwl On tha bar and loked With the vlctlma aa they disgorged their vahiaOTfsT-He backed out of tha saloon, bidding Harmon and hla friend goodbye. , Jadge Wllllasa On. Ex-Mayor Oeorga H. Williams, who has been 111 for aeveral daye, waa ao much Improved yesterday that be left hla home and went to hla office. For a I time hla condition waa thought to be se rious and alarm was felt for hla recov- Royal Baking . our bread foods, ; In every way the superior baking preparation. : y When there are in the market so many impure, and. . ; . unwholesome mixtures, called baking powders which ; " in order to produce them at a low cost, are made from alum acids or bone phosphates, consumers will wisely . i!. ..adhere to the-Royal, whose trood dualities the v have . proven, and whose superior purity' and wholesomeness have been conclusively "established by the Govern- xnent food reports. Resolutions have been paaaed by tha conference committee of tha Lewie and Clerk exposition asking the stats com mission to cooperate with, the Oregon Historical society to secure an Increaaed appropriation for the erection of a Mem arlal building. It la.aeciarea in n n olutlon that tha sum of f 100.000 which originally waa Intended, la not suffi cient to erect a'aultable building.- - . - The resolutions, algned by Theodora 8. Wilcox., chairman of the committee, have been submitted to the state com mission. A copy waa sent to Frofeesor Young.-secretary of the conference com trilttee. who, however, returned It with out bis signature. He explained., that he waa not authorised to loin In any Joint recommendations. The resolutions follow;. ; , ' - . Whereas. By section T of 'An set to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the exploration of the Oregon coun try, etc' -approved January . 10, lfO, passed oylhe tefftelative atesembly-of the atata of Oregon, It la In eubatance provided .that -tha commission therein named was authorised to accept and re ceive from tha Lewis and Clark Centen nial and American Pacific Kx position and Oriental falrt a corporation, a ault- able elte. In the city of . Poruano upon which- there shaH "be-erected a building to be. known as the' Lewis -snd Clark Memorial building to -be jU4. for tha purposes mentioned in said act, and ' - -Whereas. It Is - further - provided therein that said building should be. among other things, for use durtnfTtns exnoaltlon by tha state of Oregon ss a state mlheral exhibit building for min eral exhibits, eto, snd . "Whereas. It was provided that not to exceed 1(0,000 of the state appropriation should be used by said commission to ward tha construction of such building. provided that the Lewla and Clark Cen tennial and American Pacific Exposition and Oriental fair ahould appropriate toward tha construction thereof st least ftO.000. snd tha sits therefor shall have been first conveyed, donated or dedicated to the state of Oregon, and provided fur ther that tha city of Portland shall by ordinance) agree to perpetually maintain and operate aald; building andcare for aald grounds snd tha contents of- said building, and - Whereas, The director of architect- ure. Ion Lewis, has been asked to sub- I mil an eaumaia oi me coai m e euiiauie building sad haa submitted to the Joint committee of tha atata commission ana of the said company an estimate that a suitable building authorised by aald act will cost not lees-than-1160.000 and probably J0O.OO. aad r. 7. : "Whereas. Bald ' corporation has ' not sufficient funds to make an appropria tion euf fir-lent to - Meet the appropria tion provided by aald act at the disposal of tha ' atata - commission, 'therefore, be If- . :- . .'-. v "Resolved," By" the" two apeclal com mittees In Joint session,' v- ; ' ' 1 vFlret. That It Is the Judgment of tha Joint committee collectively and indi vidually that It la Inexpedient to -proceed with the selection of said alta or the construction of aald building with the present available appropriation, "Second,. That it ta the Judgment of said committees Jointly and severally that a voluntary subscription on and In behalf of the Oregon Hiatorical society ahould be procured to create a fund to secure a eultable alta in the city of Portland and f o aaalat in the construc tion of aald building, provided the atata shall Increase lte appropriation at the next eeaaton of the legtelatlve as sembly to such a sum aa may be. reason- Powder insures the making them also ftOVAlTiAKINQ POWDER CO. NEW Y09K' . '- t ' - : '-' , ... ;' . (Spaetal Pbpatcb-to The Jeeraat) Ontario, Or., Nov. 4. A corps of Ore gon Short -Line Railway engineer ar rived in the city from the east on the early mornlnr train, Thursday, and Im mediately took lta departure, from the Malheur river, canyon, tha mouth of which la about 25 miles west of here. It is reported that another party of en gineers of tha same company ta en route to- this city bound for the same desti nation. :f ' - ..... . The Corvallls K astern railway now haa the right of way through tha can yon, which right they purchased aeveral years ago from the Oregon Pacific Tha rlghf by which that company secured the route through this canyon will soon expire. It la believed that tha Harrl mans have purchased the Corvallls Baatern and are now putting engineers into the field to reestablish the rout from eastern Oregon to Yaqulna or Coos bay. .The old Oregon Pacific bull aeveral mllea of arrad and laid about a quarter of a mile of track at the mouth of thta canyon aoma 11- yeara ago.... The canyon la about 76 mile lone This move by the O. 8. L.. It Is be lieved, la to secure another link in the Harruanan line which la to be built from Butte, Montana, to the Oregon coast and will connect here with the line which t oon to be bull from Ontario to Emmett. Idaho, and -later-to Boise, to connect with the line from Boise to Butt. The members of the surveying party were very reticent and would give out no Information aa to their Identity and it waa only through a private eource that The Journal represen tatlve learned that they had been aent out by the Oregon Short Line. . START MOVEMENT FOR v LIBRARY FOR BLIND ' (Journal Berviee.1 ' London. Nov. A meeting ha been called for today to atart a movement which will be a great blessing to many unfortunate people, deplved of their eye- sight. The supporters of the movement Intend to supply books for the blind to public libraries all through the United Kingdom. Although million of book are issued annually to tha public from free llbrarlea, no effort haa been made heretofore to furnish book which blind people could read. It la true, -that a library for the blind has been til LlsleACS for Bome time at Stepney, but . it was altogether Inadequate to aupply the de mand for auch books. . The small library proved a great aucceaa and municipalities In all parts of the country decided to es tablish similar branches. The next dlffl culty' was, however, to obtain a suffi cient number of books, it Is tha object of the promoter of the present move ment not only to extend the system of branch libraries for blind people; but to have books, either In the dot system, or In ordinary raised letters, printed .to supply these " branch libraries. -' Many wealthy and prominent society people are interested In the movement and It I expected that- contribution will be made " liberally " to -defray- the coat of establishing these branches snd furnish them with books. ' ' ably sufficient to" construct a suitable building and not lea than an appropria tion of 1160.000. "Third. That tha , state, commission be respectfully requested to cooperate with -tha Oregon Hiatorical society to secure auch Increased appropriation and the creation of auch fund by voluntary subscription for the purpose aforesaid -THEODORE B.. WILCOX. "Chairman." healthfulness. of most appetizing. . ,,, 'Negotiations are now pending that may make this Willamette valley road an outlet to Portland for another trans- continental ,line, ana oerore tni j ran ch Ie Is granted we may be able to say njnetbrng more definite about this mat- tor to the city counoumen. - Such waa the statement mads before the city council last night by Pan J. Ma larkey. attorney for Thorns a R. Sheri dan, who has asked for a franchise to construct and operate a broad gauge electrto ' Interurban railway from the southern to the northern limit of tha city in Front street ' Nearly too attended the apeclal meet ing of the council, which was for the purpose of hearing objections to . the granting of the proposed - franchise. Prominent among the Interests repre sented were-tha Southern Taclflo and Oregon Railroad tt Navigation- company, the Northern Pacific railway and the property owners .on Front atreet. , " : l Claaaea Who Oppoa. ... . Attorney Malarkey, for the petitioner, said there were two classes of people who naturally opposed such franchise: First, the property . owners along the route of the proposed road, because they would think such a road would depreci ate the valoe of their property; and sec ond, those whose- business would be Interfered with snd who oppose It for selfish reason. The latter class, -he said, ahould not be entitled to much con sideration, and before heeding the ap peals of the f Irat class, tha Interests of tha whole people ahould be consid ered. . . . ' : "This road wU be of freight and P senger character, a other interurban roads." continued he, "and will be of great, benefit to Portland and to the whole Willamette valley. W are not aaklng for thla franchise without com pensation and are willing to . pay any reasonable amount tha council may deem proper." : , , latltes XBTaetiratlOaV- Mr, Malarkey said that after looking over tha ground thoroughly ..the pro moter had concluded on the moat prac tical route for the road. He added that the promotera would be willing to have the franchise ao worded that steam lo comotives would be prohibited from passing down Front street. Ho also In vited all concerned to a careful Inves- Hf""" -iril.l h..fcl..g ,ar new eompany and Into every other' de tail-that-would saraguard tha Interests of the people. t - - . ' -- "No ear will be operated, on . Front street, from Morrison atreet north, be tween 1 a. m. and p. m,," continued he, "and the trecke oe Front street will not Interfere with the Jobbing. or whole sale business. J. N. Teal, representing Front street property-owners, ,aa Id " that thta thor oughfare, above . all others, waa on which -ahould be kept clear of railway tracks," because of inaufflolent room to operate care and carry on the traftle re quired by the wholesale merchanja and commission men. He aald also that the council ahould not aaalat In making Front atreet a warehouse district for ine proposes, railway. ; Wants to Be howa. "We should adopt the Missouri habit and 'want to be ahown' who are behind thia franchise." continued he. . "This franchise Is to b granted to Thomaa R. Sheridan, or his asslgna 'The Southern PaclOo. desired .to put a road down thla atreet, and If you ahould wake up aome morning and find the Southern Pacific In control of that railway you would be aurprlaed. "No higher service could be rendered the city by thla council than to con demn the property along tna waterfront and build a road connecting th eouth era with tha northern portione of . th city for the use of all line, but to grant a franchise In Front atreet for I freight In the franchise, as suggested by private lntlvldiislawlthnnt any ra.UB prslrers. Tfrt mnnH Tta did not atrlctioha would be absurd. CKmld llaes Wot Interested. - - "I represent the property-owners on Front street snd not the transportation committee of the chamber of commerce, but I will say that the members of th transportation committee have investi gated this matter and havs been unable to Jtnd anything that would lead us to believe that this road will be connected with the Gould lines." W. U. Boise,- repreaentlng the Haw thorn estate, predicted that a road on Front atreet would make the property depreciate BO per cent In value. 11 aald also that a road on Front street would. Interfere with traffic on th bridges, as car In crossing the bridges of ten would be held up at tha Front atreet crossing by th traf flo on the proposed tin. , . The Northern Paclfio Terminal com pany waa represented' by Ed Lyons, who said that it would d impossible zer ins proposed road to operate car north of Ollsan atreet because of th numerous tracks already on the terminal grounds. Teuton Olve Xls aid. : W.'D. Fenton, repreaentlng the South ern Pacific crltlqised the old council for not granting to the Southern Paclfio a franchise In Front street several year ago and said It was impossible for the company to transier a car a nui irura the -Jefferson street depot to tha ter minal grounds -without traveling 100 mllea around ' tha Yamhill route and coming Into thr city on ' Fourth atreet. He argued ' that the manufacturer in South Portland could not be served by snv other lin than ihs smnnern racirw. "Today w are making preliminary surveys to see If we cannot secure s route to get our material from our Tam hill division to the terminal yarda with out hauling It 100 miles to get It one mile. We may be forced to eros ine river at Oswego and epend IMOO.000. w An not . know whether It will be feasible to tiulld a waterfront lino, but if th properly owners are willing we would prefer that, ir you are wining i grant a franchise over Front street, w -stand .willing t.o build -the road at- any Him i -.. Where Bead Would Boa. -Jphn It McNary,rof Salert, attorney for th new coproration, said in pro moter had carefully "surveyed tha ground snd concluded that they desired to run their Hnea over Front- atreet: that th merchant would -wat,, H. nd that It would be a. benefit, rather than a detriment to : their business.-; He thought the iigsestlona for oert!rV"j trictlon regarding rate snd hauling Of T iY-j Clark Exposition"." I 1, fill ll 1 1 1 I II "" " ' On Their Complete ' If 11 y ' - CARRIAGES, WAGOffs, HARNESS SIli Bros. Co., Northwest ,, ,1,. ii Steamer Leaves dafly .from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A. M. MMMMMtiMMMMMMMMMMMM expect th f ranch lae a presented would stand, bat that th council would work on It and change It for th beat Interests of all partlea Interested.. , Among th epeakera were Judge Carey, representing the Northern Paolfle Ter minal company. Attorney Conner of the Oregon Railroad Navigation eompany, J. Couch Flanders, I A- Lewis, George Collins and other representing property Interest on Front atreet. f - Th council left the matter in tne hands orths street committee for fur ther consideration. After the terma of the proposed franchlee have been agreed upon, the francnlse will be referred- to the city esecutlv board to fix a valu ation on It, after which It will be ad vertised before being acted upon by the council. - ; . ' : ' '. f ' " " Building Continue Active. Building permit have been nssued t A. E. Miller, dwelling on Cleveland street, between Maegly and Borthwlck streets, I1.00O; Sarah mith, dwelling on Detroit street. Park addition, 11,100; JH, Holmnn. flats st Third an Mill streets, $16,000; A.1 V. Folkman, corner Grand avenue and East Taylor street, store and tenement. 110,000; J. D. Hewitt, two dwellings, comer Twentieth and Myrtle treat, each 12.000. total S4.000; M, fOTtheBaby1 A baby who fret, vvorrlet, or cries, or sleeps poorly Is prob ably poorly nourished, artless there is actual disease. Meflin's Food provides plenty ot food nourish, ment ; easily difestible, snd dose sway with an fretting and eryinr. Try Msi Ma's Feed ', wa will ssod ves ssaipls,, Mama's V. the 0LT lfaet e. which reeelved the 6r rise, the MSheet award ef Ike LaaUlsaa t- chase fcaeoeltlee, St, Leaia, jvve, aia . ec Otaa a eid aaedai. , HtLLlH FOOD CO, - BOSTON MASS. a MM To Astoria and Ocean i ;;:Beaches on- ;' The Day Boat Down the Coluipbia BatlerpaJntahopin-Hlghland, aw Oeing atreet, 1100; M. H. Cochran," dwelling on Tolroan street East Portland, 100; Mr. Togler, dwelling on Sacramento atreet, between Rodney and- Union avenue. 12,000; William Morglnaon, dwelling on Blandena atreet, near Borthwlck street, $2,000 ... ' ' A. repair permit haa been Issued to E. S. Huckabyi I7 Thurman atreet, 76. Tells ef Cruelty. . ' Ellsa 3. Walker haa begun a ault for a divorce from William -Walker, alleg ing cruelty.- The. couple were married In thta city on September tt, ltil, and Mour's eitaiiraiit ' ... ' "-,.1 . t.soccKssoR to VV. F. Watson's Restaurant rovTX itmitmtwi stabk -juto . wAsxnroTO. BEQINNINQ MONDAY NOVEMBER 6 WIUU - French Dinner s to .s v. u. : Table (Mote, 50c or a la Carte Celery. Olives. Raddlshes. ' Soup. ..-.' Fish. Chicken. . ', . - I Spaghetti. ' Roast Beef. Salad..- . ' i Dessert. i . ' lee Cream. . - - ; "Roquefort CheesS. - Bent's Wafer Crackers. ' . ' Demi Tosse, ; . Bottle of Wine. : Claret or Sauteme. A fine eroheatra will discourse ' popular muslo during dinner hour. . .., f - v - - aMtMtMMMMgMM ,Mraine CaU up MAIN 613 J MM hare tllres - chttdren,"Mauff,a'eaTT J yearsi Khbjr. aged 1 yeara, and Fred rick, aged 14 yeara. Mra. Walker al lege that on November 1, 1104, her husband called ' her rile namea and falsely accuaed .her of having , been drunk. On May 1. 1105, while residing at 441 Eaat Burnsld atreet, th plain tiff says that her huaband attacked her In a violent manner and threw, her out of th house, locking the door after her. rref erred took Ceased oeda. Allen A Lewis 'Best 'Brand. WMMMM t SBRVE3 Merchants Lunch XX TO S O'C&OOat . ; , " ,' 25-Ceij6" ., J 'Soup. ' I " Roast Beef. . ' Roast Porlfci Boiled Beef or Pish. ' . Vsgatablee. -r- - ; - ; t)ett. - v ' French Coffe or Milk.' - The OLD BILL OP FARE will - sfso be continued as i '.'...' tiaual. - - W