TTTr- nnvnnu DAILY TOURNAU PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 4. ieC5. ; ' 1 FO DAY'S 16 ADVAIIGE EGG MARKET Supplies - Strictly "- Fresh Ranch r-Stock Very Small In Whole " sale Houses. CHICKENS MOVING : . -y Vvi AT PRESENT-PRICE - '.-'' " ' ' v ' ' '"' -:' - Potatoes Never So Active sit. oww . Onion Demand ' Is ' Springing Up From the Outside Wheat I Con- siderably Weaker. .V; . ; ;-;': M Street. Nt. 4 -Tb. bl ,f th Portland wholesale warnera od' ' r BIS sdvsnre in es ntsrhet. : ht weaker; w sward teadeacy. Potatoes never eo active. .... - Man? ssles of hop st pries. poultry sells Bt mark vslu. s . - Pressed nMU ate only steady, j . Ouialde etMBKr Butter eiwer, Big edvsnes la canned frulta. A ih euipllea vsry liberal. ' Car bananas arrives m-. :-,.v, , Big Advance ta Xrg Baits.-'.-'-'- With arrivals the smallest for Binny i .tor and etocss of storage oggs vsry smsll. raa rVrk" t Lr. a.' emw-luglr flrtoo. tod.T and prtr are orw.tder.bly higher. rUrtutly freak reach XX ars tsdsy quoted at 88-and X2 rents doBea, both veluee ruling. At It ten? tlio toeal egg "erect ta ,, "",taalr" far aa the fresh -eupphee cJ"!,,r". higher quetstlona oa ths raw netted to the strength of esatera egga and prices there are likewise BP tods. - Chickens Ara Selling at Pajoe. At 10 cents tor mlf coons and 10H cents for fancy bens the poultry cleaned np every day. Soma ealeTS. bowerreT. da not want te-sell at the- awrkat pries nu rs therefore holding. More ducks and geese ars coming, but the tone of ha aeaiawMa aood and prtrr lb hm. A ronaW-rahla .noira tai raa arrtral. of Mr. Hirkeyn, and tbora Ja a alif bl waknaa oa aecoaat of tka tn V rclm. IWd atocka ara at HI to damaad If fanrr.' and liht-atfrnoea la anntlma paid orw tha primal Urt ; Th. lattrr ara )Uhl to aboo; tb 1wat feeUns tha rmtar of tha araaoa. . ' . . rotate Daaaand Barar So oai. All talk, of a break In tha potato market ara now rrcardeda for tb effect of allow hi aome dealere to ooy their aoppllaa for lean. Tua demand fnun Teaa and Arlaona waa noeor aa aond, and area tallfornU 10 boylnf " lota. ITIeea firm, bat tmcnamed.- . Oaiaa Daman la laamia. . There la sow a amall eatetde demand ur Or (on on ton a. and almoat erery order for potatoea from tha-ootaMe la accompanied by a eall for a few aacka af oeJoaa. ITkea firm, but abow aa ctaanre- ' v . ' ' Wheat Weaker Downward Teaaenoy. Tao wneat market la weaker, wltb a jlowa ward tendeary for prlcaa. MUlera baeo eoae plained for eoaM titne that current enlace wore lieroad the flarea they were able to pay at the preacnt prlee of few. Ootalde ajtllera ha-ra aeneralfy advancad their- quu.tlona. and If the t-ttekeitltatkma wot Id haea followed all wool a heeet bee well. -Tho, Jetter arc atlll aeiiroa rbelr flow at former flcnrea. bat may haaa their Ut- tha. flrat of the comtnc "foea. ( Kanr Salaa of "Bom at Market. Many aalea of bona hare been trepnrtad made derm the paal 24 bonra aroand H and 10 eenta for choice aooda. Ordera are now fcrrrrlni quite freely from the eaet and brew ere arf boy )njt on the Pacific eoaat on account of tha blab prlrea m New York. While rorera bera are wllllna to eel! for Iree, they ara not dfcmoead . ta pay.blirher flfaraa. . ' Baary Ateanoa la Canned Tntita. . All aorta of fratta baea been bbxb tba paet aeaano. but atlll higher flewee ara abowa aa tba eeaaon fjroirreaeea. ftrat the freab frnita anowed aa adTaace; thea the dried product aud now tha canned gooda are haelo their rnnlnf at the adranrkif acbedule. Today pw bJaeknerrlea la ealhma ara Quoted ZS ceata higher: an pee led pearhea the name a moan I up end paeled peacbaa w ceata per ieipi hiw Anala SannUaa Are Liberal. ftn millet of ami lea ara eary liberal la "tba rnrnt afreet market, today. Fancy Hp lea aad Jonathaaa ara quoted aa high ne 1.70. while Klnea and ardlnary Hpke ere Belling from 1 to 11.80 per bos. There are practically ao higher grade applee la the market at the moment. A car of bananaa waa an loaded oa the a treat Umt eeenlne and another car la dee. There were an grapea of good quality oa the etreet tula morula, roncorde were eery acaxaa, hat thnv In did not find macb of a demand. The followtac prleee - are being; paid aWmg Freot atreet by the retail trade for choice qual ity to round wra. ... JTuaooaw. , pricee are aneclfled: - " V B a RLE T Feed. 121 .MM 00; to tied. 8.N m 1. (m. l.r.1n. t'il.AOtiXZS.00, - COKN Whole. (2T.0QS eracked. 92100 pet BTB 1Bi per swt ' 1A OATS Producers' price No. 1 white, 828.00; er. ru.Zftta JZjCXk , j-... .- J FIXlL'aWKew eeetern Oregae patents. $4.30 45i atrsbthts. $.1..intJ3.6; export, $S 06 . fl.43; valley. $3.Ma3.75; graham, is, 83-AO; rre. foe. IS.00: rialea. 82.TB. MILUtt;-Ka Braa. $1 00 per ton; . mid. ' dllnta. I2S.00: aborts, souatry, flO.OOl city, tea. 818 00. HAT Pteducera' price Timothy, Willamette valley, fancy. 81; onllaary, 8T.00A a 00; eastern Oregon. 814 Ooeis onj mixed. 8 0ft.oo; emeer. 8 OOQlO.OOi grala, tM(i a w; chsst. . Butts. Xgga sal Peal try. BITTEB PAT F. s. a. . Portland Sweet - ereem. xnie; soar. V",t. Bl TTKIl Cky. creamery. 30c; ontaMs faacy, STUic; onllnary, 3.V: store, lea 17c. c-TTXlo No, 1 freab Oregon, candled, 83t 32 V.c: cold storage and eastern. zet2he, ' CI1EEKR New Pali cream, twin. 14Hc; .mwirm, iob, rweoanr, l.k XX 1. , aAMBV-Jackrabblts. 88 nee doa. POUl.TBY Mixed Chickens, 10c; fancy bens. iir per mi rooaxeru. omi, sc per lb; TO XiextOWe per lb; broilers. lOttlOHs per lb; . .. iwio per n; prw, ec. peri in;, tursera, lMMiwr per lb: dreeeed. 3De per lb; suuabs. f..ltfl.w prr vie u. Bops, Was! aad Bides. .-- ..OPP; 1800 Orecon, choice, aAllc; prime, TitSHet poor grades,.-- BHc: Wsebugton. m i . tj. IA., lull i m r- - . ' , m . .f i ' t. mis lu, nmn, WOOI-IBOB clip, valley, eoerae to medlnm. ' t4mWHl ana, . MaTrtt eastsra Oregoa, MOHAIR Nominal. '80 tie. , ! e, railEf KBK IMS elhes ring, lB0e earht eheet , TAI-Ujur-Ptlms, par lb, tHe Be. 1 aad , areave. ivt A ftn. CHITTIM BABTt JiiiaiC per ft irinr.S Dry, No. 1, It Iba and q. lHO HU per in, ory e.e, nev 1, I n ma, 14e; dry cslf. No. 1 under lbs. lac; salted bines eteere, sossa. ao ins sna ever. Kieiiir: sows. SV: atats ana sella, aosna ej7 kip, es to Be ma. ec; euii. enuna. uooer la los, lie sreeu. sneslt'd. Is leea: rnlle. 1c ner lb leee beeeebMee. Belted, each. Sl.8MfM.TB; dry, each. SI not? 1. SO: colt hides, ttV.l goat skint. enmmoa, each, lOOlftet A agora, esse, laeaj 81 00.' Pratt, uj Vagstsbles. POT ATOTCB Beet Oregoa, BntJSOe eack; cat SATURDAY, PRICES IN" THE WHEAT MARKE v f e 4 4 rhltaso :..,..t.tB I .88 4- 4 0 Minneapolis .. J. e .88 H 4 s Wllwauke B r-.8H"W e I.lvetrool .....7a sd 7s d Imluth ' s Kt. bonis ftlltB 4 Kiimi City e Pen rram-lst-o ...1.11'sB 1.4 4 MARI JOURNAL'S DAILY . . TIPS TO SHIPPERS Poullry 'racelpta ' nava . Been very Uff thl week and prlcea broke aharply. Tor aoma daya condltlona have bean In buyera favor, and It looka If they would ao continue for aome time, and then corneal the eraah. Wa ara aura that prlcea and de mand will aoon Improve. Wa a?vTae ahippera to.ahlp aome tha comlnc week, but to "go alow" In tha matter and to not ahlp largely. To look at tha atreet today one mlfht think that no Jchlckena. would be wanted next . week, but wa ara aura that a few, good onea wilt aell fairly well. Watch Tba Journal quotations, and when you aea that matters ara ' brightening; a little you may ahlp mora liberally. To day tha atreet la flooded with hens and apiinfa, and It Is hard to get 11 cents, with' apeculators offering to clean up at about 1 cents. Tom Farrell of Ererdlnf A Farrell. : . " ' ; lota. .-.ffl7V aaek: ordinary, enOTRe; car lota. SOrt.lflc: aweeta. fl.OO aack: 2-15l 2T. crate. ONION8 New Oregon yellow naneera, J5: car Iota. ll.U0til.00: guile IftlUo T lb. rRB8R r P. HITS Ami lea. Oregoa. It.OOOl "! fancy, Il.Tft; crabanplee. l.SOl erancee. aew aaeel. 5.B0: late Valendaa. ft.TSem.2ll; hey aanaa. Re lb; lemona. c' lee. $3-0ra- fancy, to. 00 nni: llmea. Mexican. Sl.Sfi per 100: Ineapplee, V4.00 Ana: grapea, Orernn. i.wt Mi: (-oaeanle. SOerMe: eeere. ai.itAOIJW per hoi: Winter Nellie, tl. 38 per hoj; nomef ranatee. pe' box: tanreiinee, Il.Tft. VKGETAPII.r-8 Turulpn, new. tl.fw per oncwj earrota. tt.OO pee nark; beeta. gLoaei I.SS per nackT Oregoa radlehea. te per ona: cabbage. Oregon. fl.OO per. cwt: green neppera. Te" lb: local tomatnea. efle: Callfornta. DOr: paranlpa. 1 noejl .lft; erring beaaa. 10.-; retrttnow. TVCItl OO doa: rboberb. par in; noraeradl.b. IV nee lb; .rt1rtc. end BOe per doa.1 bofhooaa lettuce, 1.51.T per box; green corn. Toe per eeca: rKTOw, - per aack: celery, local, IKMrT.V per doa: egg plant. SUM per crate: pumpklna. IH; aquaah. 1 lac: eranherrlee. Cane Cod. B0: Jereeya. ll .nr per bhl: Cnna bay and .Tillamook. M l ukieu rni lis Applee, eeapora'eu. r lb; aprtcota. lie per lb: sacka. e. per leee: peecea. tOerlle per To: prnoC- " i. 6Wc; Ue (Iron on each etxteentb amaller lee: Mra. California black. HHetOe ner W. California white. Kc per lb:' dates, golden, fe t lb; farda. tixs per lB-m box. ... , 0raaarlea, Buta, Bta. ' prOAR Sack baata Cnhe. Man powder. a. 5 8; emit granBlated. $5 88: dry grnillate, $.fi5: rmTA. 5.(10: beet erenHated. : extra C. 18.08; goldea C. - Mi D yellow. H I3: bbte. 10c; H bbla. Be; boxea,stlOe adraace aa sack basla. leea Zftc per cwt for cash, il dare: n-iaple. IdaliBe per lb. , , HONRVB per crate.. ' , , roFFEPJ Package branda. 118 TB. : ' ' a ALT Onarne Hair-trmund. 100a. per tea. table, dairy. BOa. tll.on; inos. 10.TR: Inv fd l.trenmol. BOa. aiTOO-. lOOa.; K4e. tie, 00; extra flne. hhm. . aa. 10a, M.80irfRRot bulk. lbs. tt.Ooe&.OO; aacka. Vie, 6Rf aqe. ALT Coarae B1f around. lOfls. per tea. rT no; tt. pt ton.,; Meernool. tvwra rock. ttX RO-ner ton; 80-tb mck. IT.nn; lone. aa.TS. f A bore prlcea apply te sales of leee than ear mta. Tar lots at special prlcaa ssbjoet h qertnetlone. I . - , - v .. fc flejAIN RAfllt Ctlcutta. THC " i ' B ICR latnerlal lap. a, Ke. 1, act If a. t. 44rv,c: New Orleaaa bead. Te! AJax. 4e: Creole. f!e. . FKAVH Small white, tS.TRl largs white, pink. A2 TS: bayoa. U-80-, Llmaa, $3.00: MeTleen reia, RHC , Kirn peenuta. wjuinns. oim nor mi Vrdirts.' f Ue ner IM roeeted. Be: aocoaauta. enefOOr rer soa; walnnta. tneemHe ner In: pine ants loenjte per lb: hlrlmey nute. 10c ner th! ekmrrmra. eeetera. IB le Bee lb "hail ante. 14c ner Th: flTherte, HCflRe per lb faacr cans. iSUeriaue; almonon. ineiiTe par IB, Paints. Coal Ofla, Et ItOPr-rare Manna. 14c; atendard, MUsi ate. I. 10e; Nate bread alaal. Ste. COAI. OII-Penrl or Astral caees, mu see gel; water wblte. Iron Mils, Ifte par gal; wooden. iSe per (all bsadllcht, l?o-oeg ess rJU. nee eal OAcOLINK m Sig. ..caeca, sse par gai; iwi 1-hnv ISe per gal. BrNrine - ai des, cases, a par nli tna able. -lVe per gaL - TCRPBNTIIfB la taws, loo pat gal; wooden bMe. trv. per gaL WHITB LF AD Ton lots, Ta per Tb 800-lb Iota. Be ner lb; leas lots. te per Th, , . . WIP.B: NAII.a Present baae at 81.Ta ' MNXRErt OIL Pare raw. in B-tibl lota, Bc: I .kki in. kju. oeeaa. Srle nee e1: eemtne kettl boiled, asses. S2c par gal; 8-bhl Iota Me: Mihl lot, BTe per gel; ground eske. ear lots. ttO.0 per ton: leas tbaa car kits. HO 00 par ben. Meats, rtak aad nwewnena. rRBSR MEATS Tront street Beef steers. SOfie per - lbi block, THQSc par IB, pack- TCjiTVi per in; nulla. 4c(M per lot sows. IVtQoe per lb; TesL extra. TVie per lb: ordi nary. e per lb; poor, he per lb; mntton, faacy, TOTHc per lb. ' - HAMS. BACOM. ETT Portland pack fiscal) name, 10 ta 14 lbs. ltUe per lb; 14 te IS Tlia. I pet n; Brsastast Dacou, mu per -in; Dlcnle. Pe per lb; regular snort clears, ae amoked. 11a par Tb: . .racked. Ue per lb; mlmrnm h.eSe BlMflMlkel. lOtLe . lhl .BSllI live par lbt Unloa ootta. lu to is Itej, an- 1 smoxea.-BC per id; emoacq. ee per w: cic.r 1 neutsn. aaaaeei 11. r" ew lb; anouiaera. ov,e per m. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, loa, UVe per lb;. 6s, 11 fse per lb; 60-lb tlaa, 10e per lbt alee in rendered. 10s. 10140 per lb; oa, 10 4 par lb; compound. 10s, e. VANNED SALMON Colombia riser. 1-Ib telle. S1.S0; 8-lh talis. 83.T8; fsaey 1-lb gats. 81.80; H-lb raacy asis. rsocy i-in ovais. ez.10: Alaska tella. plak, bb0si red. 1140; nominal 3a. tall. 83.00. rinH hock eon. re per rej ejouneers, aa per : halibut. Be per lbi crabs. 81.60 ner dos: atrlped bam. ISHc per tt! cstftsh, Se per lb; ssimoa, Bllvsrsldes, Se per lb; bluehaeks. Be per lb; herring. Be per lb; soles, Se par Tb; shriBips, 10c per lb; perch. Be per b; black end, Te per lb; sliver smelt, Ts per Rt lobsters, 10c; rresa Bsaessrsi, sc per to; erawoan, ane ")Y8TEB8 heal water bay. per gsL 83.38; per ssck, 8' 7ft. citsiB Hsra-eaen, . per aea. a.opi raser tlsms. 83.O0 par box.' CATTLE AND HOGS ARE 25 CENTS LOWER . Only 'a Few of the Latter Arrived Today Sheep Are Strong and Unchanged. Portland TJaloa Stackyards, No. 4c Lire. stock rscelnts: -. ' Hogs Csttls Susea lonay m ... wees ago . jfflt Previous week ............. .. ' 100 Month sgo v.....' 4i ... BAT Although aft poye weie the total arrivals Is the local ysrds touay. tM market hi eitremely dull. Hogs of liest nnslity are selling ss to wtes dnll with beat off U cents. Mueep strong ami nncuangeo. - . ' , (irrieial prlcea Tor irveafeck:' Unas Best eastern Orreim. 8.1.i0eA.0n: block. ere and I 'nine fats. 8i.004li.i-"; atorkera aad feeders, 4.Sft. . . ( attle Beat eastern Oregoa steers," (.l.ontl I.IHI; lleht snd medlnaa steers. 83.0ll'a3.a5: llstit cows, 82.23t2.M; storksrs and fssdsrs, 2.8&4 vein, ei -e. Bbeep Wethers. 44Sc; mixed aheep. q .74ri .ireiaui fwriLilwiftr, leiene, h.A veal. ISO to SUO oounda. 1. .Iiic- songh heavy. ' EAStKBB BOOS LOWER. Chicago. Nov. a.e-Civeatnrk receipts: r Hogs. tattle. Sheep Kenaea City ' l.l 1 - Omeba '. ti ; i.aua -- Hugs Week -so Be- lewee, - wltb S.bnci 'left e.e.. ReceiDta a rose see wees la.onu. Prt Mixed, 84.Tni98.8fl; good snd hesvy. e4.BUfes.3u rvugh, 8-i.sriu4.eai ugai, as.futia.ia. t attic Steady.. . Sheep Bt rung. " . j ' , ' P0RTLA1TD BABEI STATEMEVT.' ruitiasi ............... w. .870 m ( Bslsmse u MSMJ iEJS RATHER TIME WHEAT PIT Chicago Market Very Dull With Outside Trade Nominal and' Small Range In List. PRICE A QUARTER TO : THREE EIGHTHS OFF Largest Drop in tha MayBulls Ab sorb Offerings in Corn and Keep Valuea From Going Off Too Much Oats Neglected, v .' SATCBDAT'S WHBAT MARKBT. Close . Oloas toes Closs ' " Bat. ' ' Tri. Sat. Tear ago. rvecembsr.... JB .., f .wiA B May 7 MSB - BO .00Z 1.11 Julr... .MV -9" . .0014 k-ao. Nov. 4-Ix)aa A Bryan ssy: The wheat market waa rather tame, with oatstds business light. Toe local crowd h getting a Utile bearish, but the, prefer to sell ins uty otitioa, even at toe small firsolum aver liece in ner, ss they consider this a safer loe. The lending htng Interests seemed to let tha mar ket tsks Its owa course, glrlng ao support that Was aotlCSSbh). . J - , - --rrzr. Bulla AVserb Offarbura. la Cora the local crowd was Incllned.te sell enriev. aad It would bsva been lower had It nut been that the big bull a hear bed all the offerluda around 44 He. Moat all of the export bouses SOU feel bull tab oa thai cereal. . . Oats Market Beg tested. ; . Osts were mora or leea neglected. What few fluctuations titers were, were la sympathy with The nines of bumees as asu at pres ent Is car ner light. - - . - Prorlalons were dun ana negiectea. ure- trlbutors report a good demand for the . cash article. - ' . OfHctal quoUtloBS tqr ureroecs, niarr at vows -?"7! wheat:,; '-A Open. . ; .M ft High. liOW. Closs. 8 .W'e I JB r JejrZ .nnsi', -jbsb .S4'4 - - - ass, corn. ' Aj . .4WA iTv ssuuirj Dec.. May., July.. Old Dse. Hay..... July 77777 , OATS.' .1. Jo4 . . - J" , , .sati - t .31 ij Pec... .80 JOB ; . -8H4A li no ' 1S.8T - . Msy... ,38 July... KRS PORK. Jan... 11 47 ... 1J.R0 .. 114S ixsT ia.a LARD.- -- in ' an im an S BT 8.BB : short bibs. ,, s.ts"-.ti S.B0 " S.4T May..... 13.. Pee.. .. in : .. a.8 .1 . an ..8,60 an an . 8.KB a.n S.M Jsn... Msy.. Msy.. Jsn... CHI0A00 CASK WBXAI. Chtcago, Her. 4. Cash wheat: No. S red No. a red No. t hard No. S bard No. 1 northern......... No. S northern............. Ms. S spring..... CHIOAftO eRAIB CAB LOTS. Chicago, Bee, Whest Cora Osts 7 " XXTXUOOL eBAMsT mABBET. Liverpool. Hot: s. 4 loss! Wbsatlseember. Ts Hd. kd lower: Mercs, 78 ,d. a sower, "pAliTRi h i8i es 4,d. 4 higher. COTTON FUTURES ARE TWENTY-EIGHT POI NTSUP New York, Mo. 8 -Cotton futures ekasd SS e" - ...s,rw MinrWll qiW(aisRJsBI WJ VBIvw, vws w- vwe-w I Open. ITIgh. -IOWA .1124 , Low. 1006 1108 HIS 1143 1128 iiio Closs. li:i5;i4 114348 114nS.'m) 11S2 tat 1154lftS January , February line U is 1148 11(e) 1148 March ... el e April .... May ...... 1148 113 113S . , line .. July ..... November 1180 1IX-3 llMS llbJ llA7fei 1100 insj j iMsietm 1110 . loea uioi Uecsmbsr .... V Ltvsrpeel OsHsa Market. Lrrarpool. or, 4 twios jnteree ceweq uwen, ascbSDSed to 1 point up,- Spots "tleasre-esate ap. BXW TORS OOrai BULBKXT. New Tork. Nov. 4. Coffee futures closed aa- eheesed to S potats- SB.--- s UXBCiSi otHu.iiuii.. , ,. 1 . m Bid.- Aek.l - ; -Bld.-ASk. January M ta 8to July ...,.,.7.i si Sy Tetw yimim 'j.W February Marcs Anrtl May T OO t.10 November . . 8 43 S.5B Jaaa . T.10 T.lBIDscember IH e.88 Bow Tork Oaafc Coffee. Hew York. Nor. a. Cash coffee: Ko. T BVi, Sie; Be. 4 Baatos. 8Hc OSTOV 00PE& STOCKS. Beatoa, Nov. 4.'L0fBctal close - .- mo. Bid Adventure .8 8 3B Old rtotnlaloa..a Atlantic ..... llleceola uu.uu Atloues 43.30. 83. TB 678.00 T8.8O 29 13 50 8.33 Parrot 3d .00 Bingham .... Calumet ..... Copper Range, Centennial ... Phoenix ....... l.TB Qulncy ..... 108.00 Hhannoa ...... T.TB Tamarack .... 12600 Daly West ... Trinity v.50 Klin ......... Oranby , IVnlted S3. 84 6.60 BO 138.00 4T.O0 ' 83.80 86.80 . 6.78 13H Victoria Ureeae topper. M.3fi Winona Oreens Gold.. Wolverine .... ttah ........ Mohawk ..... HIcMga .... M.3.1 1"" i' . , S4.B0 . bA.78 Tenn. Copper.. Maaa ........ Koyal North Butte., U. H. Mining.. Nevada Coo... COKSTOCX B3BTB0 STOCKS. Sag Brsneleea, Nov. .Official close: . . rJin. Rnllh ' Belcher ........ .-34 Parage ......... .00 .14 ; .68 .31 Potosl t'nlos Con ...... TelliMV Jacket., Rxcheouer Cou. CSL-TB...1W Oimlr T 3TH I'.lHlfWl. ....... . . .SO Mexlraa 11 Andes 3S Ho I ie A Norcroea, 1.80 Ncorploe .14 nohtr encountered goad ore cross-cutting on the lower .level, which censed general excitement and a sharp adraace. . BtW TOBX BABK STATIKIBT. - sj J Jtew Tork, Nor. 4, Bank statement ,1,,. 310,0711. .V) Bi serveJJoss Laites aistes ..... ... 'UmmrrrT. Hi,oe.T2B 1.4o:i.1im - AMel.Slia 10.nM.3ls) . ui.auo Bpei ls TiTVTJ . .; ,,, Tu f liiin Lcgals lucres ea. .eOTZKBHXBT BOBDS. - Kkw Tork, Nov. 4. Govern moot bonds Ask l No. S rernlar, 1KI0 Wk do coupon. lv wi No. 8 resnlar....- .,.l4 . 1USS 1H 104 do enor.m.....,.....,.,.iieje nn man hmda ...... 1 n No. e reenter...., .....IHOT. KM de'.r.......l'oT lot I lor.'i No. 4 H. R...1.. .' do con lion ... .1. ...,., . 193 IMJ li4 rn.trlrt of ( elnmbls. ......... - lis ..... 11 riUllpnla se. ....... ...... ... luS Bid. Ask. , .8T . . J8' .a .8T 40 ,.. J -1 . .80 - ' .M .. JW . ... .SB .M A Grain ear lots: ' 1 , tars. . ursoa. set. .... 178 8S lot .... JBO " U & .... 171 v T 78 Sharp Advance Noted In Local Egj Market on Account of the Very Short Supplies and the Better Demands-Eastern Also Higher. PRICES L01M 0(1 New York Stock Market Suffers - Relapse With Higher Money . 1 by Imperial Bank. READING - LOCOMOTIVE ' , PRINCIPAL LOSERS Loss of Ten Million Dollars in Sur plus Reserve of New York Bank , Statement Causes Selling Declines Art Severs. DBCLINKS. - ' Amalgsmsted .... la!Katy. pfd ........ 1H Atcblsoa . ...... N. T. Csatral.....r- e4j Car m Foundry ... nortnera rscine. i do preferred.... M. Locomotive 34 Sugsr Norfolk .......... U Smeltsr 1 do prof erred..... do prefrrroa.... 1 ttotsrio a maaisrav 7k tuitlmora ........ A Penneylvaala ...... Brooklya lj Reeding .......... SU sa las" J : 2 Alton JHiaepuotic nreei .... Ureat Western k ao prorerrea... at. Psnl IW'oouthem Paclae (beespeake . Ul&t. L, A S. W H Colorado ruel .... U do preferred si Colorsdo. Sontner.. Tennessee Coal fA Delaware Hadaea IH reopie a ss ... Denver H 1 Pre seed Steel Car Brio .1 Jsf . do preferred... do td pfd....... IBock- laiand ... do let pfd...... 1 . I Southern Hy Loulsvtlls 1 I do preferred... Mctranelltan UiS. P.. 8d Bfd.... Mlasoort I'aelfia..u Texaa Paclflc.J. ty 1 u nion racinc....4, is ADVANCES. Toledo ..H!C X, W. ....... H Wall Street. New Tor.' New. A, Today'! market reflected not only the ptwepart of bsrder money rates sbrosd, as Indlcstcd by ths sd vsacs la ths discount rats of ths Imperial Bsnk of Berlin, but also the . chances of higher motley rates hers sad the possible exports of amis In the SMr future. The bank StstsmeBt snowed a decline la the security list, which bsd slready been started by UouidatVea la Beadles aad American Locomotive, Official quotstViBS hy overbses, Btarr imm company: DESCRIPTIOB. imaL Copoer Co.. .....I M aicjusoB, com. .,.. Am. Loronaorlve. ....... de prof erred ...... r. In. Car gooadry, sem .00 preterreo.... ...... Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt,, cost....... 143H 141 h 136H PraQfTaQ . eroae.eee Belli more A Ohio. pfd.. Brooklyn Bspld Transit. Csnsdlsa Psclflc, 00m. . Chi. A Altos., com.... T 174 1 preferred.......... Chi. A Ot West., com. CbL. Mil. A St. Paul.. ChL A North., com.... ChL Terminal Br...... Chesapeake 4 Ohio SB mux f oil a iron. com. 44 Cole. Booth., com...... . de Id preferred do 1st preferred ..... Delewere d Uocieew, D. A fU O., com...... do preferred. ........ Erie. com.... do Xd preferred. ..... do 1st preferred..... Tlllnola Central Loulsvllla. A Naabvllle. Metro, Btreet By MsabatUa By , 41 leJ63V ran; 1814 1804 133k 121) 166 lttoH Met. Securities. ....... Unless Centre! By... Missouri Paclae fcf., K. A T., com , loSiKUS oia Ao nreferrod New Tork Central...... Northern Pacific Norfolk Weak, real... preferred North Americas N. T.. Ont. A Wsst. Pennsylvsnla Bsllway . . . Psouie s a.. I,. u us.. Steel Car. do preferred Psetfte Mall a. a. Co... Railway Springs 87. B4sT Beading, com de 34 preferred da 1st preferred..... Rep. Iran It Steel, com. do preferred. ...... Bock laiand, coat....... preferred Soothers Railway, cost. do preferred Sontberu Pacific. sen do prererred.r. BtTL. A 8. P 3d pfd. . 11BV !5 St. Loula A 8. W., com. OS . prsrerreq. ......a. u Texsa raclfle. 84 T.nn.'TTpeT 4f Tol St. L. A raloa Pscine, com..... D. S. Robber, com.... V. S. Steel Co eota... de preferred Wisconsin Central, com Western Colon Tel.... Wabesb, com........ ao prsrerrea. Total sales for day, 850,400 shsrea. TOBOPAX MTBTBa STOCKS. Has rrauclsoo, Nov. 4 Toaopsk stocks, ts?. Sdsl close: . Bid, I . Bid. .TS ... .18 Montana $3.63 Midway ....... 1.48 . Jumna Jumbo Extra McNamare ..... ss Belmont ....... 1-BO . North Star .... .4T Blsrk Butte..... Ooldsa Anchor.. Silver Plck..r.. .18 I .KS .no .06 , .26 23A .lb- .07 ft .38 Reacue .08 Gold Mountain.. .10 Rsy O Brlea.. Kioto Tonopah... Jim Butlee ... - .TB O. - Bull rrog... Nevada ........ .'X' Dlanaondflsld ... Ions 8 tar ..... Home ......... (aah Boy........ Denver Red Top ...... Toe. Rxteasloa, S.00A Ooldfteld .8 Bsndstorm .47 Sandstorm Ex.. ' .07 Eclipse ' r. . .88 ' A name , .ua Mohawk ....... '.16 Dixie -06 Kendatl ....... .86 OolumbU aft.... .16 weat Ena ...... llreea Bar ..... .tOA May Queea .... .3D Blue BsU ...... .07 FORCED HER CHILDREN TO EAT WITH THE PIGS (Joursal Special Sarvtee.) Kalamaaoo, llleh, Nov. 4. During tha examination of Ann Hardlns. wife of a Kalamazoo farmer, for insanity, in the probata 1 court, testimony was siren showing that frir montha tha three ohU dren of tha couple had been forced by hunter to drink swill from tha. troughs with tha hots. Harry Lancaster, a wealthy farmer, f tated that he had passed house many times and witnessed ths arrfaJl chtldrsn eating corn taken rrtom the swine.,, Oh one occasion, hs saw one of the smaller children feeding with a number of lttl P1" on tn"r mother. The condition of the home was wretched beyond description. Mrs. Hsrd lng, it is known, wore the same dresa for montha at a time. -day and nights-- - BCrs, Baae tvam Allowance. An order was Issued by County Judge Webster this morning providing that H. ;HN8whan. guardian, of Mra. Mary A. Bane, pay hie ward 121 a month from her estate. Mrs. Bane was sent to ths Insane asylum, several montha ago, but recently was Teleaaed. - A suit, la now pending to have tha guardian dlacharged and a final report made. It being alleged that Mra. - Bans haa been - restored to sanity. She owns several 'houses oa the east aid, and Attorney Newton McCoy avers thst she Is perfectly sbla I to attend to her owa business afXaira. - IN Wa treat srjooeaefally an private ner roua and ehronle dlssasos of men; also) 'blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. Wa cure BTPH1L.1B f without mereury) to stay cured for over. Wa remove BTP.ICTUKK. with out operation or pain. In IS days. , . Wa atop drains, night loassa and spermatorrhea by a new method In a week. We can restore tha aexuaJ visor ' of any man under Be by mesne of local treatment peculiar to ourselves, We Cure Gonorrhoea r in a Week : v Tha dootore of this lnatltnte era an regular' araduatea, have had many yeara experisoee, nave oeen anown in Portland for II years, have a reputatloa to maintain, and will undertake no case unleea certain- cure can be effected. We g-uarantoe a' cure In every eaae we andertake or chute no fee. Consults tlon free. Letters confidential. Inatruc tlve BOOK FOR MSN mailed free la nlaln wraDDer. We euro tha erorat easaa of pUat) U tra or three treatments, without opera tion. . Cure ffuaranteed. ' . . ' if won eas cot call at enTtca. write for aneatloa blank. Home treatment sua- Offloa hours, ta t and T te I. Bondaya and tiolldaya. tS ta It' DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. ' Offlcea In Van Nov Hotel..lHe Third Btreet. Corner Pine. Portia n Or. easaa, cancer, paralyala, tumors, rheumatlam and -ii disorder" of the otomach. liver and kidneys. He baa had sreat succeaa In curlnf oon aumptlon when tha victim la not too r.uch run down, by the disss so, and will atop hemorrhaaes In an Inoredlbly short time., - He brews his own- medlefnes from Chinese roots, herbs, buds, barks and vegetable teas, all of which ara entirely harmless, and whose medicinal properties are unknown to American dootors. He ones In his practice over SO dir. f-rent Oriental remedies. Hundreds af testimonials from, grateful pav, Uenta, r . - - ' ' ---T- : : DR.WIISQ - LEB -: . , , ; u voiri ronxi arnusiiviT ? OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO - Members Chloaso Board of Trade. ' v. k - nOTTBIOWB. OOTTOST, BTOCKB AUTO BOsTBst" 101 Third Btraet, McKay SO A- BTaUCTXY CoatlnuouB Uarketa by .Private Wire. Til ton. bankers, and united titatea jxaiioiuu ttana 01 fortune. C. P. R. TO CONSTRUCT KEV LINE TO COAST - Right of Way for Road of Easy Grades Secured From yrinni r peg to Edmonton. Ta' (ftpeclsl Dispatch te The Journal.) I Victoria. B. C Nov. 4 Information which seems to be reliable haa reached hero to tha affect that tha Canadian Pa cific railway will within the next few years alterv the main Una of the rail way throuth the prairie sections of the northwest and throuth British Colum bia. For some time It haa been real ised that in order to compete In the carrying - trade to the Pacific coast tha preaesjt rouAa-acrosa- Britlah Colum bia tnuat be chanted. Tha present way is one of tha most picturesque on tha continent and will always have a place on thar account. Tha grades, however,, ara too great for competitive purposes in freight -carrying.- flraduallv the comoany has been pre paring for (ha change which It waa re alised must coma sooner or later. Char ters covering the' war from Winnipeg, almoat aa direct aa a road-can pa built to Edmonton, ara now controlled by the Canadian Paclflo railway. 'It la bow announced that thle is bat the begin ning the construction of a new Una 10 tit Paolflo coast. Tha road after leaving- Edmonton will to through the Tellow Head pass in ins noes; moun tains and follow the old route aurveyea across tha province to near Butta Inlet. If Butta inlet la aeiectea aa tna ter minal point on tha' mainland It Is ex pected that' tha company will eeek a route down tha Inlet and after bridging the Seymour narrows- will continue to the west coast of Vancouver island, where terminal facilities will , be pro Tided for trana-Paciao . trade. Should it k. imnoaalble to locate a satisfactory route along Seymour narrows it ts pos sible that a fsrry may be provided ta cross from Knight Inlet to Vancouver Island., . Tha route acroaa tha province of Brit ish Columbia by this way will be an easy one for freight Tha gradea ara far euperlor to those on me una now 1. enrT it Is exnected that, when com- .1.1.1 the road will be in -shape to compete with anjether Una running to tha coast - : .- ' ,- ': ' : JUDGE IMPRISONS GIRL - -FOR INSOLENT REPLIES Miss Stephenson of Alblna will here after be more polite when addressing a Judge than she waa thle morning when she appeared m' the Juvenile court Her mother, Mt-a. Mary-Stephenson, who re sMsa at 1S Russell street was to have anneared In the court to answer to the charts oriaiiowint two uu oauiuwn t em uo In Idleneea. . Probation Of ficer H. n. Ifawiey viauea in. oiopiieii nn home yesterday morning -to make an investigation; hs Informed members r tha family tns 8 ne wouia return later and' serve papers on Mra. Stephen son: when he returned in tne auernoon the woman and tha children wanted had anna ' ' ' " " When' asked' by Judge Fraser where hstr mother had gone Mesa Btepneneoa renlled that shs had gone to Denver. When asked several other question ths girl, who ts seemingly II or If .years old, gavA Impertinent answers. .She waa ordered taken to Jail for contempt of courti wrier aha , remained aeveral houra. i ..'.' ' ' 1 ..Z JURY FINDS VERDICT v . "IN FAVOR DF YOUTHS T '"' 'sikl.f manatee, to Ts loersALl Bakar City. Or.. Nov. 4. In the Jus tice court today ths esse of the stste sgalnst Charles Cartmlll and Jamos Yankee was decided by. a Jury In favor of tha defendants. Cartmlll ana I an tree, who sre but IS yesrs old, were charged with - maliciously frlghtenlnt " A W T T 17 IT"""? Te - - TRANSPORTATION. -mm u "m DR-VINGLEE The Great Chinese Doctor f LOCATED IN SINCE PORTLJtM D 189 o : He la called treat beeauae ha cures all ' dlaeaaaea without reaortlns to the knife. ' Call and have a free examination. He will ' 'tell Vou the exaot nature of your trouble. He'treata success fully every form of fe. male oomDlalnt, all privats and blood die- - oxaoosT. M Build Ins. Portland. Or. OOsCICtBSZO BTJBTJTXSB. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ldd s BOWBrnro). Koran m oo, CKsUbllshed ...-V; -SSnwilllBllliiaBW . m 'I- x awo btoox BBOzaaa Boom 4, Oromnd Tloor, CBABISB Ok COX1CBB.CX. the team of J arte Culbertaon last Sun day night, causing the buggy to be overturned and the occupants severely Injured. . . The parties Involved live near Haines and there haa been 111 feeling between them for the last year, which at times has culminated In personal encounters. Tha defendants, it ts said, will file a counter complaint soon, charging Cul- bertson with - assault and battery.--, TWENTY PER CENT RISE WITHIN TWO MONTHS In -tha period of - two ' montha tha northeast corner lot at Tenth artd Couch treats advanced In market valuation from 118.600 T to 115.000. Just two montha ago tha property, which haa a aaloon and two small dwellings on- It waa sold for the former figure to Frank C Psrrine of Lrfa Angeles, and yester day ha resold It for 118,000, both deala being made by M. J. ZJ&ly and 1. w. Whiting at Co. The values of that sec tion have been climbing at a rapid pace and tha upward, tendency continues strong aa aver. TRANSPORTATION. Astoria & Columbia - : River RallroacTCa CK10B DSPUT. 8:08 a.. 1 Per sftrgsea, Balaler. 11:88 a. Ss, DaUy. n.takaoie, Wsst port Clifton., Aftarla. . War- rentoa, rlevsl. Ham mond. fort . Stsvens, Seartaart Park, Sesslos, As tor Is aad Ssasbara, . . Bxpraas dally. ' Astoria Bxpraas. faa. as. , 1 Daily. IIDsiiy. t. 0. MA TO, k P. sn4 P. A.. AsVrls. Or. a A. gTBWABT. Commardsl Afrnt, ta AVsst ell est. ft-none Mara sua. North Pacific S. S. Co.'a "ooxKtpxoxrs S. S. ROANOKE SeVXM T0BS Sails for SAN FRANCISCO- and LOS ANGELES, - calling at EUREKA an route,--..;- - - TUB8VUAT, WUV, T. TTTBSDAT, JfOT. SI. '-. TTsTSBAT, BBa S. L , , From Columbia dock No. 1 at S p. m Special round trip rates to Los Angeles. Ticket office III Washington St Phons M. 1814. H. TOUNO. Atent ; ALASKA FAST AND POPLLAB STBAlfSHIPS V letn ' Seattls 8 a. at, JirreilSOg," Bevsmssr tt, Vte Wrsngal, "DOLPHIV," Bsvsmsar 8, IT, via WrangsL lAAALLOTf," BsvsmWr 10, 84, via t Wrsngal, Matlakahtla. , V CALLING AT ,'i Bstshlkaa,' Junsaw,-Douglas, Balnea, Skag way. Oeansete wltb W. t. A T. routs for - - AUla, Da ween, Tsaaaa, Bsssa, ate, -' - far Ail SeuUaaateea -Slaaka Parts. Call or send for Trip te Wosoerfuf Alaska," "ladlaa Bsskstry," "Totem Foles." -TBX ALASKA S. g. 00. - -' , Frsnk Woolssy Co.. Agents. 9X2 Oak St. Portland. Or. FO ASTOBIA AID WAT FOUTTS Steartcr Teleiiraph PAXeeT TlatB OAJaD. Tave J . I Arrlva e. . 1 - - . ! . M m Astoria. .3:3 p. m.l'prtland. ... p. m. JBOOX. FOOT 0T AU11 STBXST SiioijrliinB UraorrPACiFic 3Trains to the East .Daily- Tfcrauah Pnllm.e eteedeed aad Bfaarlat SMS. hut-ears dally te Omaha. Chicago. Bpohans tourist leeptng-esrs dally to Kaaass Cttfl through Pullman ton Hat aleeplng-esrs tperaoae ',T sunducted) weekly as Caicegs. RecBalaS chalrasra (aeats free) te tba Eaet esUg. UNION DEPOT. 1 Lsnvsa. Arrives. CBICA OO-Pf HTI.A m 11 SFECIAU or ths Baal via Bant 8:18 a. I t:p.Ss, Dally. Dally. tngtoB. IMtlsa .. Vo Baatern Wuhl... . Wall. w. 11 - , . - '- " . ' . . W 8:18 a, SB.' DsUy. 8-nea.av. Dally. . swa. Coew. 4'Slee. points. . " lerssE ... h ATLANTIC BXPRBSS. Por the Beat via Heal. 8:18 a, BV Dally. T:18 a. at. Dally. . ingtoa. OolumbU Btvar Dlvlatoa. POK ADTORIA ssA w, 8:00 p. at Dally, ex. Snn4ay. Saturdsy. IflKW p. si. Bolnta, soaaeerlng with state, fne nH. . Anent ' 8:00 p. at. . ea. B4Ddas, Nortk Resck.stmr. Bas se In. Aak-et. Snc. I TsmhlU Btvsr Bents. Pen DtTTriM Cite and Tasabin river Trfuta. 1 pnlnta, strara. Rnth and Datlv. T -so p. at. Dallr. MiMlne. AasMrt. Sack. es. Baiut.. es. Saaday. .."v pevmitnna. 1 Snake Blver Bawte, POR LEWI8TOS. 14a v0 a. at.. snd wsypolnts fresi " upon ar Rlpsrts, Wean,, etmrslrlTal Train Bpokaae sd4 Lewlatsa. No- 8u 4:00 p. BS. , Monday Wedneaoa Saturday - . .liuea. inur. TICKBT 0PP1CB. Tbrro aad Waahlsgtoa, Tsls- . pnouei bisisj TIB. 2-.w,l.INO,!B- Ticket Ageas, ' 1. Im CBAIO, OsBsrsI Ptaaeagar Agent. EAST v,a SOUTH VHioR naruT. OVSBLAND BXPRESa Kalna, for Ssleaa. Ross. rg. Aablasd. Ssers aiente. Ogdea. Ssa Prsa etseo, Stockton, Los An geles. Kl Psss. New Or 8:48 p. b. TJSa.aV leans ass las asst. ei nralna train Beets st Wondouen dallr- sxcept Suada S:tSsBV wltb tralB to - sit. Asast, Sllvsrtss. t M p. as., m y . m pj- f Isle. WeadUogsad; Katrea. Kussns aa 8.-00.i Beets st Woodbura wltsi 10:8S S.8N lit. Ansel aad Silver loa local Coeval Ha peases gee. - Sheridan psssssger. Porest Oroya passenger. T-SOs. m. s4:Msvas. egTlU) p. ax. 8 :20 s. aa. 111:80 p. re. 1110:48 p. ertallv. -t IIDallv eveSnrt rrtlsaA-Oswsss Buburbsa Ssrvtos aag Ysamkn. . Me via Mia. , f - -1 1- 1 Deoof teat of Jefferson Btreet.;. tesve lortlsnd dsllr for Oswego T:8S a. evi :, . 4:00. 8:80. 8:85: T.46; 18:10! 11:8 p. m. Dally except Sunday). 8:80, 8:80. 8:88, . 10:18 a. rs, Sunday only, 8:00 a. at. iv.i- . . .. r,,.m ..a Imtmm. Leaves rroai aame o-i-' w --" ediare points dally 8 00 p. Sa. Arrive Para, land 10:10 a. am. . ; en,. terWneedeaMesiBMerb Hetne Uae epeeates lallv to Moornontb and "5,"t aectlne with "oafWa Partoe Sexatsny s tracks at Dense snd laeTSFSnee. .. rtlt-cl.- fare, frem tjsnjsed lit S"J an Saa Prsndeen 840. berths $V ijoBelsaS 7-ieaere 10 r;--" - , t ... ' Tsnen. rules. Fo.m1 snd Cits Tteb-t orece enener "n.1rvl ss wssse tnre-n Pbons Vtalll Jll- m a w.iTP'o"- . A.f vItt. . Olty XIOBOt avgwse. TIME- CARD OF TRAINS Portland! BAILs. CBION tBP0T.A Depart Arrira. w.n ....a 1aril.KsB- aaa Clty-St Louis Spe cial tor Cheballs. Oea eralla. Olrmpts. Orsrs Harbor. kVntb ltend. Ts Beattle. Sookans. 8:80 S, Bt. 40 fesriston. Butts. Bill-1 1T. IWereee. OnjSbS. Banana Cltr. Bt LseU -.- and anutbeeet ' North Coast Limited, electric lighted, for Ts en ma. Seattle. Sr-Asne. Butta, Mlnnesnolls.. St Paul sad the Beat. Paget Bound Limited, for Cbehalta. Centralis. t:0a,m 4:80 p. at. 10SS . ss, Teeotoa sad - Seattle aolv. Twla City Eiorssa. for TacosM, Seattle, flpe tane, Helena, Butts, Yetioarttous Pferk. Mia aeapolla. St Psal aad li:4Sp.a. 8:80 a. Bt, ths Bsat A. D. CHARLTON, , . Assistant General paaaenger AtaaS. . SM 8orrlana St.. enr. bregoa. rxaruaaut THC comrorTTABu; wr. . a City Ticket OfSot, ltt 84 gt Pboas 880. 1 Overland Trains Daily 2 rh nyey aad tha raaw-a(ailw SrXsTBTDZS BBBTIUB TJP-TO-DATB BQULPMBBT OOTJBTXOUS BtPI.OTB LEAVJEb . Trom ... Wort land Tla Beattlo , (ARRIVE .. 8:80 a. m f :uu a. m. 8:60 p. rn. 11:41 p. ml TiaSpekaae 1:00 a, m. q m. st.oo.)l Oreat arorthera Steamship Co. : Pnlllna from Heat lie ' ' U.M. MIBTlfBSOTA. WOT. 8. v B. B. DAKOTA, BIO, IB. For' Japan and China Porta and Manna. '"IrfvvOW TTJBXBT XAISBTA (Japan Mail tttenmehln Company) . at. at. iiv sajxsau. balls 'from Hen t tie for Japan, China and all Astatic Porta About riecember 12. ' .. . For tickets, rates, berth reser vations, etc., call on ibr address . BL DIOKSOST, C. P. T. A. , ' Portland, Or. " B. tt. TZKKZB. A. tl. P. A.. nest tie, vasn.y IOIoOCim snASttJ mfm , BOUTtS VSf ' I Arrlvaa, Returwlng trees uvwege. Ir"T " ""1' m V 8:80 a. 1:88. 80. 4:88. 8 . 1ft I M, 11:10 p. m.. lt:8S a. Daily (.except tundav). 8 B5. T:. M. 11:48 a. St. Saadsy ealy. N . .. .. -":' . : t ... .... r ,