THE OREGON-DAILY JOURNAL. :. PORTLAND, . SATURDAY EVENING.. NOVEMBER 4, 1905. V: FOffSALE REAL ESTATE. Ea'sT SIDE HOMES Three T.eonr aliens' i - - n rwam rm vn - - - i. ..w beautifully tlosued: fin location ' cuurealent to 3 csrllnes; esey Urn. far Is I A Gourlsy. waers. BluJiuoman at. JfEW modern 7 room residence 01 Mount Scott cartlne. : mlnutce' rid (mm Portland; M lUxlui. flu law aud (rait trees, (r (l.nisi, at yotir owp terms, or war Irs as lor una Address M 4B, cue sourusi. I Wll,l. aril suburban home, ft acre, nesr city . limits; ultslU tor roe nurarry, berrie, ffar- denlng. poultry: vmn plat and double moitey; baa cuoifirlabl(t building; orchard; $2,100; ; ivrnw noaiai. . 11 .i sv. FOR SALE la MontavilU, ml B-room cot tar, nearly near; 2 full alsed Ma, well lm- K roved; good hotnl prloa $1,200: taxi cask, aUnr as easy terma.' C B. lteliiirgh A . . .tA( i aoiugioa phw. . s ' - EMillT ROOM residence cm Broadway carllne. . UolUdsr'a addition. Eaat Portland: icellsnt . f neig tiburbood. beautiful lacatloe; bargain aa aa ieveoiiueui; niuat sail, t'noe kut ,w ; ur nuurea no a oa, rwtiana.1 ... FOR lALK TBilOO-fnot lot an Cart Seventeenth and Couch 1 will a II for $1,200 If sold In aval ...few days: tare aaat; wall worth tl.400: will v wit. parr or km u oesirea, Aaar K 41, .----ear eooroas, -.t -- IDEAL suburban home, 4 Urge lota, all kind . of fruit, rose and ahadc. tare- bare and chlckva-bouss; tbla plaor at bsrgslo. ownet "- Irarlui city; cub ar Umst 856 Broad at., SPECIAL 10 lot naar West are.. I bkx-ka rrom vara. svio; term, giuo oown. f 10 month; - Bn null, or would Diaka good chicken-ranch. luqiure at aw a-ast waahlngtoa St. A MOPRRN Twooai bona a Thlrtr-eeeonn . asd? Division, only 82.2n0: ran (Ira very easy " tra; konae kaa been built T month. Ad ores i oe, car 4oornaL A 8-8TOKT brick bnlldlnf. lOOiIOO. on Bait . aid!. will pay- pa cant aat on $.10 000: , price 120.000; eas glrf tarma. Addraaa B . , care. Journal. ,i 1100 RACK t Iota la ntwlnaaa location kita ,. . almlla'ly loratrd aold for 4U0. lncralr Kratiaker. Kaat Thirty-third, bet. Uncoln -asd i," rana ataj . " M ACRRS. aboot I mltee aarthwaat ef Mnntoa, rnr 125 per aero, a eaay trruia. or will trail . tor tort land property, I ut, ear M Jooxual. LOOK at thlat - acree, no better not I la Ora fta. ur ram, nearly all Clear, amall keaa . enly $800; very eaay tern. I N. Journal. . rOB IALI at a barsaln. aaodera T ' ea Eaat Taylor, die la: terma to wit - poreaaaer, . Apply W 4S.. car joaraaL J00 rASMS. ana 11 tract and Iota: bargain ea . v. w. r. eirctnc line. u. H. Additoa. Lea La, .. uragon. lake uuut acott ear. ec - WAONBIt tt PBTTT, 0 OomaMrcUI blk., bar anaa er ie neat aaiy n tne cnr. a taaoi , Da tore oayiag and b cearlnced. - r'K lALK Modera T-mota fcovae, cornrr lot nniiiaj. oa aaat Bunuid at. pne a.Z10 Addreaa L to, Journal.- - f T r , t-ROOf bonar. fall Int. plenty -ef fralt. fMMO; f 100 dowa. 110 a Bontk. lnqutra at S80 Kaat n aaaimtton at. ... ,. , , . . . LA ROC B-ronm booee. all modern enarenteacee. , on rary aaay. tarma. Phon Kaat U0. : 23 - frari at., lauataruia. . 9H.MW WILL bay a pond earner lot. clna tn oa arret aide: two balkllng. . HenU Baker. Tif ainuigioa Diag. , EIXWOOB kata. (I dowa aad tft a atoatki . from lie t 1300. SaUaraoal low oat t C. , Pboee Kaat 4704. . . ton SALl One of the ft neat T-room hoane la Irrlnglon: eaay teraag. laajatr ewnrr. rbone MODERN- t-moaa boeao, - near Eaat ABkrny carltne, a null aara. by owaar. Pbon laloa LOTS, acreage aad rwMenre oa . Portland Htlaiita. J. C. Saohier. 855 lanbllL ear. I'ark FOR BAB0AINS la reomtng-boaare, rlty and auimrbaa lota, rail tor Fry, 11 B BlitB at. g-ROOM cottar' . lot ' 100x100, fruit. iLJOOi 3otr4arB;-bilallrJraiiirrnre 75. tno CASH 52.000 la Inatallmenta t good . boaaa-trr Albln. Addraaa Boa aufi, city. g-RiXM aaadrra bnoa. 2.ono; 1300. belaa tgiaejaa anoatik' Pboa' neat ore. THREE new boaeaa, rent or eale; twp. fourtk at, rooai 16. ' Owaer. 196 -ROOM plaatered kooae,- t corner Iota, fftoft. Addraaa N 41, car JooraaL FOR BALE Nw, avxlera ,4-room .nap. Pboa East 2978. ; . SEW boa and lot oa carllD, la Fnltoa, chaapC Phone Weat WML. . F01 SALSFARMS. , ESPET-CHAUB BBALTt CO," ' , ' : 131 Third Street. .. Roaaa 1. Bamlltoa Building. ' 220 acrae land, anally bnttom land. 40 acre bearer dan land clear, 900 acres aa cnltlT. tkoa; ft neat atraam la America roaa throaxh ,lt; fenced and eroaa fenoad, aaostly eedtf post plank, wire bottom and top; rood; lara - kouae, alcaly flnlahed la aw) out; large farm kooae, kltcbea aad pastry, large bara aad granary; 1 larre teama, S wagona, 1 reaper, 1 ' mower, plow a, barrows, harrakt, all klnta farming ioola; 40 head of cattle, mostly Bnort ' borne: 112 bead of net, GO hers and PWra, 15 turkeys, doer chickens; foil stock winter " feed. bay. eate; R. r. D. mall; V mile to erbool; phone line; good market at borne; ( mile to R. B. stattoa. Prkc 7.000; 43,000 ican atand if desired. 480 acre bench, fratt and VegeUM taBd: ' first -elaaa land: finest' pasture ; on good road to city, 28 mile away: good T-roota koaee, not and cold water In kooae ; good barns, ran Blng water by them: 1 paa of horaeav t warotia. 1 top bnrry. 1 4H-toa Pboenla acala. i wu-poaiHi ralrhanks scale, 90 tone of bar. . WWS..J0 fat bog la. prav-B. aowa-wltk- 14 pin. 1 -blood Poland China boar, I full ' flooded Jersey calf aired by Chief Engineer - Ladd atork. I heifer ealres. I Durham, H- blood; 1 Jeraey. -blood; T of to abore coirs re graded Jerseys. A ftrat-claaa ema'l creamery oa the plac. 1,000-pnind rapncltr j. per month, ran by water power; all the ' creamery fixtures, tnclndtng a 1100 e pars toe. Healtbleat spot on earth. R. P. D. Wiall phone In the bona and Ninth trade sehoul 1 within U alia Price 15,000 half can atand ; If desired. . .. 40 acre Al land, SB ta enltlratlna, of which B acre nj bearer datlig a good orchard: ' good 4-room boaee, large barn and all other . necessary bnlldlnra; on Bond road; B, T. D, . mall: 10 mile from rlty; $3,500 will boy. It. .or 12,500 will bay 90 acree adjoining, with , earn Impreremente and 4 acre bearer dam: . 15 acre clear; good hntldtngs, orchard, etc. 100 aero AI land, 100 In cultivation, moat ly bottom; 10 acres 1a bop; scree family u orchard; rood, 4 large room house, large pan i , t try and claaetai larre barn and granary, Woy konee and chlekea-koaee; fine, soft water at bonee; place nicely watered; larrf team of ' . borer, harness and wagoner rood harry nJ barnees, ,1 Jeraey row, 1 IMslela cow. I - hog. 4 doaea culckmev plowa. rultlrator, I mower, I rake, 1 binder, all klniti AT garde toola; plenty of hay and eeeR; oat for next cron: good retch crop already In. , Prlct BS.nnO: half eaa etand. -J . 40 aerea; T In enlrlratloa, Bfst-elaa aoll, , balance cedar and flr timber; good 4-roora , boaae, (nod barn, mllkbooae. plrnea, noting ' orchard, oa bounty road. Price 11.200., Hoi- moa. -, . HO acre; (3 sere la ealtlratton. good orcb. - aru. gooo. w-rooio Denial, lair u.i u, ia BSJ shed, -good ebtrkea-heue and yard,-stream through the place, good 'team . horse, new wagon and hsraesa, I oowa, 9 hslfsra, hogs, rhlrkeaa and all kinds farming nacklnery. . cV, cedar to make 60.000 posts, V4 mile to school, phon ta bona, B. E. P. mall. , Frio 3,000 ' t ' eaay term. -- - -. CHOICE FA RMS 12 acres All la enlttratloo, 4-ronra hard Bnlshed boaae, 10 alle uti good road, ILTOOj ' term. 40 acre Every ' foot 'n enlttTsrlort. aw -' . ? hatldlmra, II mllea out. $4.0no; y term. 52 aorta . 12 la raltlrstlon. sew build ' Inta, fine location, 12H mllea ont. good road, - . ' with rop, stock and impWmanta.. 14,200 '. terma. - .. . ' 442 SeveeJVWell Improved, good loeattoti, . , Polk county. BIT per acrai bait eash, baL B per cent, g year. ; - Ann acres Beat Improved wheat (arm near ftlktetnn, S crop pay for place. $22.50 . - per acrot terma. If yoa want rood farm of any lis, see F. Fl'CflB. 14BV Ftrat St. - K0THI5O LIKE IT EVffn OFFERED FOB, THE MONEY. . '' One of the beat 640-erre farm In Benton county, 1 mile from good town; tM acre under plow.-- large B-rooa nouwar wendabed. workaknn, frsHdryer; 1 barn 52i122. 45 feet high, .with beet facilities for feeding; also v houae lor tenauta, worth several hundred -aV4- - Isra. and good barn; adjoining the bara are large norpenafwlth the latest Improved feed - Ing tremens; 17 aerea orchard, with anm ... rhMce frntt; the farm ta dtetded Into 21 4-ld, with t-3 of fences between; 4-bosrd fencr with bsrb wire on tots K nr' and term -apply to Otto A Trocaeit. 8n'4 Vt sahlngtnn at- FOR SALE FARMS. FOR EARLY RrKKieS AND PETIT. ' 10 acre of the finest fruit aud brrra land, praciKslly Irrel; the VYulr Halnion rlrer forma th weat line; well euelterrd; the soil h rich and deep; 2 acre In peach trees, all fenced; a a room bwuae, nam ana iruit cense ".inm nj at-units, w.t . M " . aull delivered: will make an excellent frntt aad poultry ranch: price 41.2H0: teruw, $700 rash, balance tu suit. Whit Bauson Lead I.. Willi Halmoa. V) aan. FARM W acres, all choice laud. 40 acres culti vated, wstered by springs and streams, fain tly orchard, fine bouse. 10 rttoins plastered, bath, but and cvM water, floe hern, alt paint ed nice, all outrnilidluro. Tbla Is a lovely country home and a rood farm, oa (ood road, only 10 mllea from Portland. . , UKSKI.B A BAKER, 21T Ablngton Blog. - 140 ACRES of flret-elaea land tl mllea from Portland, 10 acre clear. SO acre alaalied aod burned; floe running water, IVl-etory log noose; tbla la one of Hie very beat bays fat tl northwest; pries $10 per sere. . E 47, Journal. STATB LANDS FOB SALE The stats ef Oregon baa for. sal a limited amount of baa for Ilea selections : price uottl further notice $8 00 pec sere. For par ticulars address Oswald West, Stat Land Agent, Saletu. Oregon. . .r 100-ACRB farm, tt miles eaat ef Portland, oa Sandy river. 40 aerea nnder cultivation, good improve meota. 1 acre on Powelf Valley i road, t mil south of reeervotr; snort die ts ac from t car line. IT acre good, lerel - land adoHnhtg Motor addition. , W. B. Fecb hslmer. 22T Falling bldg. FARM FOB BALE i - J ' ' . 140 aerea. good building, SO acre la cultivation, fruit nnd berries, splendid water, near- town, dally mall. 1.00,000 feet of Bite . pine saw timber, lot wood, a lovely home la th moat dellrhtful climate en the Partite coast Address U. B-. Box 117. Woodrllla, tit. LOTELT HOME 2 acre 1 miles out, mil to ataiion. ricn sou, now -rooui nooa. Darn, gnod well, wondliouae. berries, rosea, lawn, $2,400; would trade all br part fur pood ml rn bona. Home Land Co.,. 145H Piral at. 110.000 FARM of 400 seres, 220 cultivated, bale oca pasture; SO acre clover; bona, twe barns; would nail In lots or so aerea. A 1 dree E. Bell. Bant 1, Rlrkreal. Oregon, - or 40S East Twelfth t, Portland. . FOR BALE BTrt-acr grata and stork ranch In heart or Willamette valley; fair Improve' mejits. close to U. R. elation; a big ansa at $25 per acre. Inqulr J. D. Winn, SU8 West Second St., Albany. Oregon. ISO ACRES, mile from Colnntbla -river; S acres cultivated, boose, snout toot timber, near White Salmon; might trad. HENKLE BAKER; 1 ' 217 Ahlagtoa bldg. W.TH0 BT1TB a $4. BOO farm ef iSB acres. 4 rooai boa, bara. good water, m mile irons wsreouasis, Wt bdiivw sw mail, ei.wv cash, balsnc S yaara' time. F. 1. Maboaey. Tekoa. Wash. . - FOR B ALB atork ranch of B. 400 acre near Cob org, g mile aortheaat of Korea, Lu county, Oregon I price low nd terms eaay. F. D. Cbambtrlaln. Labb bldg., Portland. FREB government farm. land, just opened t ettUMnent: - level veiley la. no eton or timber; water and soil ftrat-elaas. Room 04 Labb bldg.. oor., Ssueud aad WaskhMrtno. FBBB LAND IN OREOON andar th Carey irrigatloB Act. need direct from state. Write today.s Booklet and map free. B. B. -Cook Co., 251 Alder St. PortUnd. Or. ASO-ACBB farm, all fa cultivation; S mile mm enurrnoa. l nut rrom o. w. r. m Br. Co. i $3,000; term .to suit. Jobs P. Bbarkey, T01 Chamber ot Commerce. TABIBTT of Improved-farm, fine roade all year. . near : rortiana. . 1st vompt. - auo A 1 laky bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER,, DO yoa ' want timber! I , wi 180. worth B8.0OQ, wkkra I will sen ror st.eror sn anso lutsly af Investment. D 68, ear JoaraaL FOB BAL Two homestead relinquishment claims; ercona growtn; mil u caaan. . n. CERTIFIED Bert p. any era pleeesi lowest pnes. w. w. uwu. BBS CBemoB t LSHn- FOB HOMESTEADS, timber lata Bad Boris appiy a siaj i-ommercisi aia. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR BALE Small, sound boree and top rfg for ngnx oeiiveryt win treoe ror (ooo cow ana caap. ss meal iota at w. . c .- WANTED Oentl drlvlng-korae for lady, till snriug, ror its Beeping! gooo reierencea. . arse 1 ns, ear Jourael. FOR SAI.B Driver- and oaddlera, Welsh and HbstUnd ponies. W.. . Brown. OOO Alder, at. HORSES of all kind for sal at eery reeeon- ni r-. inquirsg.aj jerreraoa FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BARGAIN BCLLETIN. " 1 Fine TTardmaa. east $650.00: must Bell: win tak $260.00; folly gnarastoed; good new; , aiagnlaccnt ton, big and nobl and action superb. No. 860 Alder, ,nfc Fin Boll piano, new. 'left here for 41; sample plane from factory) will sell for $100, coat $.160; absolutely new aad guaran teed. No. 360 Alder t. . Exqnlaits Decker pUooJ new. left on sal with a by a prominent- banker oF: 'Oregon (ke-kss gone to California for bla health), BMgnlnceat walnut case, ' st practically yonr own price rail and see this la a berry; coat $475. No. 350 Alder at, I act as agrnt for th perries who own the abov piano end a amall commission will aatisfwt-m. All above piano anld on aay paymenta, I will carry th paper and give th cash to th owner ot th lustra aaent. . No. 360 Aids at. . ONE lara-s desk (staadlng doublet, 90 drawers. B compartments, eultable tor isrg business concern: also 30 or 40 letter file boxe with desk; artglnal coat $150. Apply William A. Haley, agent, Wddlsr Mill offlca, toot ot Bvlr at FOH BALE Onltar and case, Indlaa cartoa. Japs nee tvnry aoveltieo, Turkish portieres, oriental statuary; S ladles' skirt, new; pair H karat earrings. L. R. Marka. 484 Wash. Ingtoa at op posits Belssco tliestre. SAFES 9 new Are -proof asfe (not t oar mssorscturel very enesp; n seroaa-aanu saisa; alas the ganoine Hall safes. PORTLAND SAFB C0MPANT, . 70 Sixth at. BILLIARD AND POOL .tobies tor rent or tor asle on easy payment. -TUB BBUNSW1CK-BALKB COLLENDBB CO- . - 4B Thlra at., rortiaa. FOB SALE-Af .th. fair grounds, different kind of nalma. trees, nowerlng anruna and perennial flowering plants, etc. Osksy lluber, director of work. . . 1 BrRRorOIIS adding machine, sryl No. S. al most new, or will trans pan payment on city property. 818 Chamber ot Commerc. Phon Pacific 484. " .... . . k NEW tailor sqtt for ml cheap; dark green. Eton vest and Jacket, a princes eairt. as or 40 bust. E. A. Eberbart. 420 Morrison. WE print yonr same ea sn calling card, peonet las aad sty Is. xnc; xon cosiness eerqa, k Brown A Srhmel. . 9S rnt. Portland. Or. LARGE stock second-hand Remington and Smith-Premier typewriter, rrom o op. Underwood Typewriter Co., 1 Stark at. LARGEST atork at Imttte at northwest: orders filled promotly. Portland Bottle Btippiy vw 88 T Horth Eighteenth st. Mala 9288. ...I . s -- 1 SHOWCASES AND FllCTtJRM made to order; second hand roods for sal.. Carlson ail strom. 2X8 Couch St. Pboa Clay 871. PORTABLE loeomotiv holler and engine; l-r .1 . . . . , u Dl 1 11 TS price 1 ow pnneiwww. as. a gott's law office. 4 Malksy bldg. 4-H0RSB ho Her and angtn with dragaawj ran II farm machlnary; a bargala. C tt. Baal- FVRNITl'RB and piano of T rooms for sale; wo Ml trad piano ror vacant Jot. 14 staul on. Phon Ms In 8548. FOR SALE On B-mch Smith sticker, on arm under, on two-epindl npr. halls and puhrrs. 904 Foorth at. - - , CLOSING out those gennme Indian , blanket an poitary si cost. Mo. aoa Blarx at, bet. rirst, and Front. FOR SALE Small boathon, ales 12xM; good condition. inquire V, ,u ruo, root hast Burnatd at. FOB SALE Full bred Black Minorca roosters. Inquire Etat nurty-rirat and hoolti Irrlng U car. - MILK floats e aale for Consumptive, bsble, old ana weak Btomscas. so uoloamitk SU Aibtna. k , ' ... FOR . SALE MISCELLANEOUS. OlFICR Bartllloe. ehlnned elsee. 14 feet loag. Including dou. . CaU or sildiest pJ Dckum utug. ' , a t - . AMERICAN TOOL CO FLAMER Plsnr I3H reet, fur al resaooable. Inqulr wt uussn. 400 NEW Bpright piano, $140: Pecker. $5: errs a, $20. y-tm, k lrat. our. Malu. upstairs. TWO gasoline engine vary cheap. Inqulr at J. P. Hartmaa A Boa. BSS Ullaaa at. A LA ROB atork oa as la at bargala prleea. Call and look them over. S7A Mrs! at HABTBTaprlng wagon, cheap, Herman WBter. bolter, 112 North Third at. ' TO EXCHANGE. ha 1 si nn TIHIK 120 aerea gud laud Bear Oregon City, t acres cultivated aud In pasture! a goou. iw boose, srell flntslied, barn, nice orchard, cue ven lent to aroool and church; aeU oa.aF terms or will trade; $4,500. - - ' lis) acres, fine Improved faisa ha Llna 'county, near Albany; will take a ml Un pruved farm aa part pay; $7.0. - ' -- 8-room aiodera kouae, large groaMs, cement . walks, good bar, on Bt. John ear Use; will trade fur a amall farm; $a,!OU. . ' '' . roeeu new modern bouse, a good bom, oa Ankeny car line; will tak suiaU home ru , suburb a part pay price $3.0u0, ' 110 acres' all flna bottom land. aU roltl ,.valeal, la hope, near Ckampoeg. Mark eounty: will trad for B home In Portland; $7,500. - , ' S nice lota la Fort Worth. Texas; wPI trad Into Portland property 1 $300. 177 acres, all choice, level land: water dll.-k tlirungh land) neuea and barn; hi Moo tana; will trails Into Oregun property. - v 1 t acre Improved, new house, nice bara. at Oak tsrov. oa 4M-goa City car Une; will trade for a email farm near Portland: $2,500. 100 acre all choice, level lead- SO euros rulUtated. good water, houae and bare, ca fin road lcadlag Into Portland, H mile from station, on electric car Una; vary ucap for quick sals only $3,000. , 400 acre ot Und. front an th Columbia liver,' nearly all river bottom! bouse, floe dairy, ham. floe herd of dairy cowa; nitw clearing $200 per month; borsea, farm'lha. chlnery. tool; alt complete: too bt;dalry farm In ( lark county. WaablngtuB all goes - bow fur $15,000. -. r . HENKLE A BAKEB. . . ' . B17 Ablngton Building. TO EXCHANUEh. . ' 1 flood Blvar vacant lot and acreage w sx change for rooming -bona In city. Good valley farma and acreage near city to exchange tor residence or a 'good business. ' Acreage near Roaoburg to axchsng fur ot tag or vacant kit.. 2U6 Morrtaoa at. Boom 211. 4 ACBES la traits, raspberries, blackberries and strsw berries; good puaterea Bouse, ones oase ntent, nice barn; on (-cent carllne and Bar drive road: will trad Into n larger farm. r. , . . - HKNKI.8 A BAKKR, ' " BIT Ablngton bldg. EXCHANGE Fin California borne. 10 acre highly coin rated. Bus houae. at Madera, California; will trade for a slmilsr bvss near prtland price $10,000. , . . ; HENKLE A BAKES, ' 217 -Ablngton bldg. FARM ot 218 acres. In Clackamas county, creek through th place. 00 acree In cultivation, 19 acres mora about readv. valued at $4,000: '- will eacnsDge fur a place close to Portland, or ror city property, aoquir a, a. voon oj Co., 261 Alder at. WANTED To exchange, a lo ror a 1.400-lb. 1 B-a- 1 Rift ST . PERSONAL. v. r (Tltsl-powsr) tsniers win restore x yea th nap, vim and vigor f msshsodt It yoa are larking la Ike power of vltsllty. Its loss resulting from indiscretions aad oa cases, end for bog of tbeae taklet and be con vinced of their merit. By mall la plala pkg.. $1. The Armstrong Tablet- Co., Ins.. 4u4 Tolsm blk.. Detroit. Mica. .- SPECIAL NOTICE TO , WOMEN Dn't risk nr Uvaa - br -wa opTt he cured br harmleaa method dA rietrlclty Dber opcr4- nroneFlr konlled wfir av life J tiona - am. w posers tne iaiev .ipfMimn to control diseases sculisjt-t,. women. e. Mrs. Carey-Talbott, M. D.J Dr. W. I. Naee. M. E., Medical Kteetrlctane. Offlce TIB Dekum bMg. Ptww Red 82S1. Of no bona B-12. B-5. MRS. ANNA LUCKET and ETHBL WARD r now located Bt 830 Taylor at. nrinclpsla of th American . Beauty Parlor, w cur ,n scalp sad poslilvely grow hair or . mak ao cbarg; all kind- ot bathe given; electric mawar. manlcorlng and chiropody; Bias Madam Harrow's remedies; eatlafacUoa guarsnteed. Phone Mala asso. . DETECTIVE A0BNCT Confldentlal Investi gations; reports made oa any Individual busl neaa er property; missing relatives located; bad Bents collected: charges rsasonshls; cor. reepoodeaco solicited. Oregon Detective Service., of dor 314-315 Colombia bldg.,, 865 Washington at. Phon Main 6415. DBS. M. A. NISBETH, Swedish - pctllt. cure- rheumstlsm. kidney, a to mack and liver - troubles, rbronle conatlnatlon. oBoalty and all chronic and nervous dlseesrr; no drug; no . knife; $10 per saontb. Cmtanltetloa and denv onstrsUon fro. Hood 1B23. 411 Morrison at. EDISON phonograph and records at factory prices, delivered nywher on receipt of full amount of retail prle; larreat stock ef Edi son records west of th Rockies: send for cir cular. Peter BacigalupL, who tresis and re talL TS8 Mlsslow St.. Bsa Fraacleco. DISEASES ef women a epedaltyi matsrntty esses given special attention, private boapltal accommodstlonl professional lady nurse la - attendance! conaultatlon free. X-IUdlunl - Jnatltnt and S.nMarlum. Third Bad Alder, entranc 263 Alder at. 1 IF seeking a congenial Jlf com pantoa , tpota th interstate introducing nociety. nno vjeet ur correspond with reputable residents of tola section, many wealthy. The October Register, 10 eenra, suit 24. Knsseu a Kir-, cnr. rgani and Morriaoa ts,PboBa -Paclfl 47B, 1 FBr.B TO LADIES WHO EMBROIDER Oof latest catalogue of fancy-work matrrlale, pil low rope, center piece, (tamped linens, shirtwaists and noveltle. Address th Meedlecraft Shop, Allsky bldg., Portland, Or. YES, Palme Tablets make yoa aleep perfectly; they rur servoosness ana make yon strong: piic 60e s box, -8 boxe $2.50: guaranteed. All drugglata, or address Brooks Drug Co., 187 North Third L, Port lend. ... NO DRUGS, a operations; prof, Daaa rtves osteopathy and magnetic treatment, red ocas ' yonr flesh, relieve suppressed saonthly Irreg- lsrttles. OnsulUUoa free. Offlca, SO Ooodnongb bldg. MANLT vigor restorsd by Dr. Roberts Nerv . Ololmls. Ob month' treatment, (3; month. $.; sent securely seeled by mal. " Agent, Weodrd. Clark A Co., Port lend. Or. BOOKSI 1 Her they are: "Dee mere.." "H tsmeroa." "A Hot Timal." "Fanny HI 11." Twenty rear a raker." roroionen r-rnti. 80c each; lut frs.' A. flchmsw. 22B First rb LOST powers restorsd by th great Dr. Lore' Nerve Toole Tablets: 95 per box. f box for $1 28. Writ or rail at Eyeeell's Pharmacy, 927 Morrises, bet. let aad 2d. THE Celebrated Star Hair remedy restorer gray and faded nair t ita-natural eenrr pro mote th growth of hair: not greasy. Pari Hair Stare, 808 Waahiugtoa. . WANTED To eoefer wltk thn itemplt. Ing a bnslned eonr to yhnf personal aod flaalal latereet to lastit. Aodres i 48. r Journal . ' . LADIES Tea appear 90 year younger, re move d! wrinkles, havs skia like velvet , by Bring Orga ttrap Bkla Fead. Fasa Beat 4247. DR. 4TWO0D. IB Ruaael bldg.. 1H Foartk St. r imi is nisesses na eonnnemenrs. open Wed. and BaL Bventng. Ceaaultatlon fro. MEN! WOMEN! Raymond' pill posltlvslf car nervouaoes and lack of vital tyi $1, 4 boxea $3. Plnmmer Dreg Co- 980 Tklrd. SUITS pressed while yoa wait Bo. Lsoie' mttrt preassa (Hie. 01 inert, isj roata Belt to the djnelle. Pkon Clay hoe. DR. ATWOOD, IB Rnesell bldg.. lont, Foorth evening; conaultattoa free. LILLIAN R. CRAM Chb-opodlst. maalrartef ad shampoo tug. parlor 434 ABiagtoa nwg. Pert land. Or Black SSSB. MARRTI Correepond with local ladles som s,a1hl. sdrfeeeaee frast. Star BoB XHB- BaB " Frandeeo, California. ' - LADY goto--to Bait Ik City will find It worth while ta eommnnicnia wiiay s ea, ear Th Journal. 1 MARION CORELLI. palmist, clairvoyant and iranco ntooium, .ntaiiaciiun s " -Fifth st. - - i- ,. 1 - . P0RTT.AND RIDINtJ CLL'B Ssddl horse and carriage for rent. w. u. Brown. u aiaer. PR, ALSri.UND. dleeasns ot womea and anr- gery, sua 4Usk Bidg., iiura ana msiibkss. i: IVcc I I .1 . - - - - w PERSONAL; A ' TOL' NO lady going to Omaha can - reduce tare by bait by addressing L 61, JoaraaL PRIVATE iHomsi .'rtli mentally hi firm near the city. Address 48. ear of JoaraaL LACK curtains- washed and tretrbed, 40 cent per pair. 333 Twelfth at., do wast sirs. FREE sssnpls. corn, ben to nnd wnrt ear, wla L. Dee a, Sept. B. Tauntoa. Man. TURKISH BATHS, soo Orernnlan blrig.j rentle- K.ien days, Udle night. Mate HM8. BXPEKIENCED dressmaker will make eagaga- ' mrnta In families. Cnlon 544. AUTOMOBILES. WE repalr'and rebuild automobile, gss engines. printing presses, tlm locks, ssres, .open iocs out a, do all kinds ef machln work. Columbia Oa Engine , A Sat Worka, 342 Second st Phon Paclfia 874. Frank J. Huper. supt. HOWARD COVEY, Fifteenth and Alder, sgeat tor Cadillac and Pierce automobiles! machines - rented, repaired and atored. ASSAYERS. fONTANA Assay atflot and tostlng works. IBS Morriaoa at. ART GLASS. PORTLAND Art Olaaa Works Mala and orna. mental glass. 2tH Taylor. Phon Bed 9002. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney. BOB Comma rrlsl blk.. Bscond and Washington sts. rnon main bis. B. T T A OO ART, attorney and counaallor at aiw. 410 Chamber or Commrc niog. H F. BCRLEIOH, : Iswysr, 129 Orsad in,, ksst rorrianu. ART EMPORIUM. TTB LATEST FAD" 00 bay a pea and Ink . sketch of yonreelf- rrem poo to or nrs. say King. S2S Raleigh bU aear BBth. M. ear. PR0FESS0B B. MAX METER, 848 Alder. Portrait and landscape artist ana meener. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. - B. RIRKENWALD CO..-US04-S08 Largeet batchr- (apply bob ob tne coast. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAFIB tt KILRAM. 108-111 Second st tflOB BOOB maourscturrrai R.Hi. in. mwamw Improved Lone Leaf ledger; see th assy Eureka leaf, the best oa the market. THSASAGTr TOCNO Bcrenrloe awseense give lectnci, ihewii .mmaii, ma Maio.iea Tmiseni. cblropudlet, pedicarlng snd manicuring.. Hs- couon room iu. ctenson. owib.. tw.. suw nnd Morrison ata. Phon Paclflo T06. JOUNO Bctentlfte msaaea gives megMtle. 1- -:- BobollC ana electric ireatmonte. vspt.r, winiu and medicated bstna. xi 1 acom aoua, Diars : bet. Third and Fourth. THE BN0WDEN BATHS Two rbaag ladles .i . ,wi hail,.. osTlA Alder at. Phon Main wm. . BLACKING. WEBFO0T Blacking, absolutely wsnrproof, pre- serve th feather, makes snoes wear ow per cent longer. For sale evarywoar, . iv sad IS eaat. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOBS any body ew yoa sny atonyT We col lect bd dsbts or an kin is rrom si np. ur Grand ar.. room 12. Cut -tbla sat THE Bin Book Merrantll Agency.' colltloas. law and reports. 11B Jregoniaa prog. CARPET-CLEANINO. TANDABD Carpet Cleaning Co.. Isrgest pis at oa tne cosst, usnng and rJarmn sta.. rie pkon Eaat tSOCarpeta cleaned, refitted. aewd aad said! both stead aad latest eons. preened air procem! aatbr a specialty SANITARY carpet cleaning, ruction snd eonv , ..I . ,U MS SIm.. without semovaL Mala 6A84. Eaat SS4. 4-CABPBTS cleaned on lis fli mi : " la B dost. Phon Clay 831. fro osajoostrstloa. J. HTTNTER Steam garnet and mattrssa leaner. Boo gerrersoa. PBnn main xi. CAFES. THB OFFICE 2S Waahlngtoa st Phone Mala T71. earns! vigueeas. - COAL AND WOOD. KINO COAL CO-Sole agents for the famoo , Diamond coal; try It and yoa will always nny ' It. Wyoming and Waahlngton ho a coals, Virginia and Weehtngtoa smithing coals; fall ' weight guaranteed. TaL Mala 1428. A. L. Stephens, msnsrer. CHTTRCHLET BROS, have removed from foot Dsvls St. to 429 Kearney at.. Bear lit: IS Bow th largest weodysrd In th rltv. carry. Ing all klsda of wood asd eaaL Mala B8L ORROORY. MORRIS, rarceeanr to. Csls A McRnn. dealer la wood and eoal at marest prices) -satisfaction gnaranteed. Cor. Truth and Irving. Phase Main 4RTS. WESTERN Feed A Foe! Co., on Front, between Ullaan and lloyt, dealers in an xinns or bouse coals, aad blackemlth eosla. pboa Mala 1018. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers to euidanwd. ol nd green snd drv slsbwood. R. (V and As bla in., t blocks cast of ferry. Bsat (74. TEFL BRIDGE JTFL CO. Dealers In coal a-ordwood sad dry sunwosa. . rnone r.aar BOXWOOD and1' planer trlmmlnr. Standard wood ijo. rhon Kaat gnio. root ii rme. OREGON FUEL CO. ATI kind ot cost aad wood. BOS Alder st Pkone Mala no. - KIRK HOOTER. SIS Water st, wood and soaL Pkone Mala 469B. -. FOB SALB 8.400 card fir wood. Pboa Bast CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, WHOLESALE crockery end rlaaawar. ; FraeL rTeseie 4 Co.. Ia so lo rifth. eor atarB st. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. LENSCH BROS., commtaaton aterehanta.loar. 'eed. bsr aad prodaca. BS3 to BBS rrsai st hon Mala 2oi.- - - ,. RTERD1N0 A PARS ELL. pradnc and com ait. to merctjant.. 140 rrant st. rerti. uv. raoa issin itv. CHIROPODISTS. IF year feet are oat of ordea. go t Dr. Wortey Benjamin, Seventh d ST ark. th fast p claMat. Phone Black Bin. CHIROPRACTld POsmVELY ancatlng cad removing th ca or diaeassv it. era tsogaa, mn tiau st. rboaa Mala B04. . .. . . , ... v1 CLEANING AN0 DYEIN0. UH-TONOW CLEANING FRBtUtlNIi CO at. pany Holt pressed. 50rt pssus la. Puoos Pacific 2M4 . 849 Aaksey at. VAMU1LL t-LKANINQ A PBKBMI Nil CO , h ealled tut and delivered. Pasast Clay Portlan4 Steam Cleaalug A Dyeing Werkei prae. tics I setter In connection. 911 4tk. Clay To. CLOTRRB cleaned and pres-d $1 per month. . Laique Tailoring Co.. 347 Waahlngtoa at. R. W. TT'RNER. profeenlonal dvor end 80S Jefferson St. Phone Mala 218- CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESKKRO-OITNST CO. DlMrUmiar ot FIN B CIO ARB Portia ad. Orero. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. STEVENS. PortUnd' distinguished palm ist, aatrolngtat aad spiritual III reader. Do : yoa want to know facta Important aad reli able! If no, call apaa this gifted and ad. cntlfl seer. it Bvntb L , Phun Paclfia 714. ...... 8. H. KNEESHA W, 'belr and trsnc medium, raa be consulted at 146Vh BUth St. Hour 13 to 4 p. m. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. AUTHORS A WOOD, emrponter. builder) re pairing snd Jobbing; stor and office flxrana built, Shop BUS Columbia. Mala 52BT. WASHBITRNB A FI1TD. wagon builder asd general job work. S3 Bth at. Phoaa Hood 6sw. F. E. TANDEBHOOF. carpeater and Jobber. 27 Stark t. Phon Main 747. D00 AND HORSE HOSPITAL, DK.C.K RROWN.D.T.S..D.C.M Dog. Hons kn. pitai. xni Bornsiao,Pnon: Hainun;aiaBUBOB DETECTIVES. DETECTITB er Brevet Bervtee work; strtctly confldrBtlsl; difficult solicited. 14. Washlagtoa bMg. , DANCING. WOOOWARD'S dancing school ef the Western Academy ef Music, Monday aad Tkarsday. Spectator Invited. Treason oOe. Dancing 8 to 11. Cor. Second and Morrtaoa. MRS. NINA-LARWB--Lrow ball.. Twenty third and Kearney) elaaa and prtvat k - aonn. . Main 2S29. - DRESSMAKINQ, ANGELES Dressmaking Parhs-s, 342 Fifth st Ousrante up-to-dste atylea. perfet-t Bt, raklllful workmanship; new ssstern mrthooe la II braarhe ot drsssmsklng; repairing at lowest priced. FIRST-CLASS parlors. 21T Allsky bldg.; salts, gown, coate. Jackets, lattot style; skirts bound nnd Jackets rallned- SRIRTWAIST8. wool or wssk silk, mad for tl.2S; ahirtwalet suits. $3.50, 488 East Mar st Phon Ksst 3381, - t KRISTER'S LADIES' TAILORING COLLEOK, B02 and 400 Allsky bldg.; writ for booklet. DRESSMAKER will auk a few anore ear gsgsment la families. Phone I'll ion 544. PORTLAND Sewing school . girls do owa sewing whll lesrnlng. 27 H Morrtsoa, mom a DRESSMAKING Strictly Bp to date! latest da stgns. 488 CUy at ) PLAIN sewing at 870 Twelfth st, very 'bl. - DENTISTS. NET' CHURCHMAN, dentist. 834 Merqnam bldg Blxth and Morrison. Phone Mate ITSOy FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF-WASHINGTON Foremost fraternal society of uertawastt pre tor t th. Uvtag 41 - Msruuaru bldg., Portland, uregoa. - FURNITURE FACTORIES OREGON furniture Manufacturing Company Manuractnrer off furnitur lor u xrna Portland. Or. . FTJBNTTUBB mannfaetartng aad special erdvra. L. Baveaaky's farnltur factory. 370 Front st FRENCH BAKERIES. ' THB only plac In Portland to get French bread. Barters A Maylle. OT Sixth at Dally deliv ery. Phono (jreea 508. ' FLORISTS. m American Florist A Garden Co., ' 2H8 Tenth at Main Bio. r lowers and pot plant. ELECTRICAL- SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENG1NEERIN0) Company. 804 Stark t, Portland. ' O. K. for .verjtblng la th . ltrlcBl Ub. , Pboa 'Mala 18HS. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Fnrineer. contrae. tor, repairers. ieerrlc wiring, aupplle. B4 First, ror. Stark. Mala BOB. B. H. Tats. mar. THB Electrical Appliance Co., 480 Waahlngtoa at. rnone si am tsu, , FURNACES. BOY NTON wsrm-slr furnace sav fneL J. a Bayer rurnac Co.. gna neennd. Main 481. '. ' .1 n 11 1 1 a GROCERS. WADBAMB A CO., w bo lassie grocer. Bits. , reducers snd Bummissioa BMrcnsatB, 1 roarta and Oak ta. - ...... ALLEN A LEWIS, commission aad prodnes mee cnants. rront and nana sts., rortiana. or. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware O. solicits apnorronlty t qnoc price. - inn 1st St., ear. nioer. main las. HAY AND GRAIN. I.' O. COOPER A CO. Pots toss, feed sad flour. 128 Union avs, Phon East 1817. HOTELS. HOTEL Psadlsto. Pendleton. W.A. Brown, mgr. HOTEL PortUnd. American plant $3, (8 per day. HOTEL Bt. George. Pendleton; leading koteL BELVEDEREf Faropes plsni 4th sad Alder ate. LOCKSMITH. 1. B. RICHARDSON, expert lock aad kenatthi general repairm: essiiron orssinsi an wws gaaraataed. 908 Fonrtk at . Pboa Hood 17SZ, BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith and oirycie rspairing. gen ntara. uay . pnoa. CUy 82T: night phone. Msln 8aB, PAINTS. OIL' AND GLASS. F. E. BBACB A CO. Th Ptoaeer Paint C. window slaa. aad (Using. lea rirot n. Phon 1334.' ERNEST MILLER A CO., Second aad Taylor- Wall paper, paint l 4t mrkt pries; frs delivery. RASMUSSEN A CO Jobber, paint. U, (Uaa, saah asd door. . Second and Taylor. INSURANCE. ,.TCe. aaBBBaBaaBBaXB(sBvam ISAAC U WBlTB, tkr lasaraae. BOB Deaaai LAMBERT. WHITMEB A CO. Fir Insurance ssu real esisie; oiiicv i.'i-iic, noerior eiom Msln 10OS; dept 404 Esst Alder.- Ksst 4uL JAS. Mel. WOOD, arployer' nihility and lar dtvMaat accident urety heads klaoa. Pboee 47. McKay bldg. "" H. F. PARTE! S COMPANY Firs lesmrsa. 4S Rhsriork bide nreooa pkon rur 4M. JEWELRY. JEWELRY snd watches of l kind (old Ml easy pT merits, L Gararta A Bona, th UoBMlut nUhsr. . . . PLUMBERS. DONN'EKBERO A BADEMACHSR. altory plamber. 44 r north at. Both pkone. FOX A CO., sanitary plumbers. 231 Beeosd. bet Msln ( Sxlmon. - Oregon Phone Main ai. LADDERS. LAbUKBS Pslntsrs sitsasloa-ktodsea. Baser, hangers' trsstlss; Bra aad reef ladderai ' I'laat.ieis d farm ladders: see catalog. Phone Rant 70. Portland Ladder Co., 54f Rhine St.. esst (100. B. W. llarward. prop. MONEY TO LOAN. HEADQUARTERS FOB SALARY LOANS. , 217 un-gonlsn bhlg. Isldle or Gentlemen. No Publicity. If yen borrow $a yoa pay bach ft. aft a week. If yoa harrow 14 yea pay back ft. 06 a week. If yoa burrow gul yoa pay back li.wt a .week. If yoa barrow tin yoa pay back 12.115 a week. If yoa borrow $60 you pay hack 8J.O0 a work. Pay aat am suspended la ease of sicks iss Strictly Bslery Luana. . .THB crkkcbnt Loan co . , 317 Oregon la n UUlg. 1 MONBY TO LOAN' ' On I si proved city properly er (or 'betiding purposes. Any amount oa from ( to 10 . yea re time, with privilege to repay all or part ot loaa after on year. Loan ap pro red from plana and money advanced as helldlag progresses; auxigagsa taka Bp aad coy laced. FEED EL STRONG. Financial Agent . . . 842 Stark Street. --.- - THB STAR LOAN CO. ' Any aalartad employ, wars-esrner, raa get aa bis sets, without mortgage - Month. M Month. Wsek. .V). 00 Repay to aa tlX.JU r $4.48 83.38 $25.00 Repsy to a $ 8.46 r 33.3A er il.ftg $14,00 Rsuay to as $ 4.00 ar $2.00 at $1.04 B10 Met Ksy Brag. MONBY to bub. salaried people, teamstsra. to., withoat security; easy payawata; largest bnalneea In 48 principal eitlss. Toiman. 328 Ablngton bldg. Phon Mala 4457. MONET to loaa oa reel, porsonsl and collateral necnrltyi speelsl at tent to . to chsttsl mort fag; notes bought a W. Pullet, So4-8 nton Bldg., 84 Sixth st HIGHLY rwpectahl plans where ladles and eats can burrow money ea diamonds asd Jewelry. Collateral Loaa Bask, 80 Wash Ingtoa at Pkone Black Tl. CHATTEL loan la amounts ranging from $28 to $5,000; rooming -houses a specialty. New Kra Less A Treat Co., 908 Ablngton bldg. WB mak an kind at loss en good seeartty t lowest rates ; special atteotlea giraa to chattel loans. 183 Morrison at MONEY to loaa la sums f from $3,000 40.0001 terma to salt the snrrowsr. S08-IO. Commercial but. MONEY to loaa la targe ar bbuII amonnts ea goad aeenrtty; - lowest ratea, William tt. - Beck. SOT FalUng bldg. MONEY to loaa sa Claekaau eoaaty tanda. E. F. and F. B, RlUy, BOB Chamber t Ooas- LOWE8T rata oa furniture aad piano. F. sec ern Laa O 448 8 bsr lark bldg. Cup B2B TO LOAN Sams to utt oa (Battel nenrtty. B, A. Fraate. (14 The Marqnam. MONEY to loan on all kinds of eecurity. Wat Hotl. room B. Waahlngtoa bldg. MUSICAL. TIOLIN, guitar and mandolin, oil and water E'lor lesson. Studio, 621 Hibbard Btrwt ouUvllla. Phone Union 9867. BANJO, guitar and' mandolin lesson; speelsl rates to club. , Mr. C. Bv. HoUoptcr, 807 William av. .,' PIANO, vtolhi. string nnd wind lntramnts. Professor Kdwla A. SaUth, 954 Twelfth. Msln 4TOB. WERREB'8 Mandolin. Banjo. Guitar studio, (78 Aider; agent for Ultiaon mandolin. PIANO tuning. $2 j perfect work goarasteed. C W. JoLb rnoa niaiB ivix. PIANO Ireanna. rates reasonable. Mr. Ham, 375 Eaat Sixth and Harrison. OSTEOPATHS. DBS. ADIX A N0RTHRCP, 418-18-17 Dekna bldg. Third and Washlagtoa sta. Pboa Msln (40. Examination free. DBS. 0TI8 A MABEL AKIN, 408 Maeleay bldg. v CUy TT8. Boa. M. 9161. Consul Utlon tree. THB wry beet lady aataopath In town. Dr L. Q. John eon. 334 Salmon, near Blxth. OVERALLS, f BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and ms chsnlc clothing; anion made. Neostsdtsr Bra., msnufscturee. PortUnd. Or. PLANING MILLS. ENTERPRISE PUalnr Mill Co. and wondturnlng. 308 Eaat Yamhill t PRINTING. WELCH A DATIS. Printers Deer ef clever thing with Ink and type ea paper. Steam bldg.. Sixth and Morriaoa. Mala 414T. ANDFBSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, prlntlrs. lithographing. Blank oaga, raso mala 11. (OS Alder at ' METROPOLITAN PRINTING CO. Erery thing I printing. Main 133. 14T Front t. STREET.PAVINQ. WARREN Cons trsi llss hw teet Bvln4V aid. walk and crosswslVI18-OraaoBls hlilg THB Trinidad Asphalt Psvlng CaV of Pert U ad. time oo Worcester bib. ROPE. ' POR7"LAND COBDA0B CO.- ad Northrnp et., PerttanC Or. RUBBER STAMPS. P. k. STAMP W0BK8. 94B Alder, pkon Mala Tio; rubber sumps, asals, stencils, soggag, trade rhecki; send for catalogue No, 98. ROOFINO. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repitrtag aad geaeral Jobbing. J. Lost It. 313 jrfroa t SECOND-HAND GOODS. HIGHEST CASH PRICB- Psld for second-hand clothing, household good sua rumitur. ABBAMB AUCTION noUSB. Hood 1P24. 404 Morrtsoa ft GOODE'fl Farnltur P Highest price paid 1. 918 Beeoad t for aecood bsnd fnrnltar. Pboo Paclfts 408. TO buy or sell secnod hand farnltur. Call at Hard Ceeh Furniture Stor. 28O14 First st. SCALP TREATMENT t' GRAY, falling hair, dandruff treated; shsanno. - Ing, manlcorlng, chiropody, face work. Mra. B. F Kyn. 1864 Fourth, eor. Morrison. Boom 32. Phon Pacts 288. - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES 'of very asasrrlptloai banh. bar and atom Sitorsa made to order. Ta Lath Manufartnrrag C PortUad. ' SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS. "window lettering, cloth bouusra, oaomlel eb-ctrU fan asd sign of sa . kind mad quickly. Foster A Kletear, Ftttk ad Bverstt Phon Kichange 88. SAFES. DIEBOLD MaagsBsaa Bate! ftr and wr1 pvocf work : Jail nnd prteott work: VtrknaM spissd: reosh-s, J. B. rnrh, ) Tvitrd t SPIRITUALISTS, MIT.rAH. ssedlem, given advice tn tronbl se4 WTe! telle hoot Biloes, nnttea lbs sr.r.te.1, telle about hoved eoe who hare passed b' '-- t nd bring Joy to tboa who grtt ve, fc-i First at , rooeA 7. TOWEL r.urpLY. CI BAN T $1 p-r i- Co, l"ou. TYPEWRITERS. NEW tTnewrrrera. all makes' rent.d. s..i. 1 rapairwi. t isaat Agency, nil bisrk. Til. l BLIChtiNSIHlRl l.U tvperll.-r, (ai lw- , .. - nH, s mars, si.iu i"- CURTAIN CLEANING. . KKW sn.-eea tee enrtsin cImhI.s a u tl pair. 4d4 (ltss, M1U "-rrsumv-ih. y r" ' - -T -n ir t TRANSFER-AND -HAULING. BAFCB. BUao aad fnrnltur saev4, pecked wwnr .ur ssii'riog sno BOlppeo; S II wors gusrs stesdi Urgs. S-lory. brick. , dre-pnxr warehouse for storage. Offlca j( first at C. M. Olssa. Phone Mais 847. 0. O. PICK. ofSce 88 First St., between Siark una vaa srs.. pnon nva; pis no and rursliure moeed aad pecked for shlppliar; omssadlis ketch wureboos. Front and Clay ata. THE EDWARDS STORAUR aV SIllt'PINil t . will pay full vers for bousehoUl furnltnra: If yon want to salt, call Bp Alain 604. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 134 North Slith. Phon Main Ok. Heavy hauling snd atorags. SEE Boss M. Plnmmer about atorags! Breproot; cot ratea. XttJ Third at rkous Mam xa.v EAST SIDE Tranafrr Co.. A. E. Huleomh, prop. 123 Eaat Water t Phoas East SXU. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No, BDOsk Waah- Inrton at. Phone Mala 882. VICUNS. J. A. WE8CO. vtolla-maker Bad repairer t work rsi cias. an mussel Bldg., 4ta and Momsoa. WIRE GOODS.-. AST PORTLAND FENCB A W1RB WORKS 2HP Eaat Morriaoa st. Pboa East 821. WOOD SAWING. WANTED Wood-sewing by gas wood saw: w Bora no wood or carry away any. u. a.. s Saw. th and B. Morrison. Phoaa Eaat 40k FINANCIAL POBTLAVD TXTBT O0MFASTT OF 0EI0OW. : 4 - The Oldest Treat Company la ureses. ,. ..1 BEBOL'HCKH OVER $1.3u0,0OU. Geaersl banking business eondtictsd. Saving depoalt raeslvad. Tins - car tines tea Issued, 8 to 4 per cent; pscisl certiflcaten (not aader $600). 8W to4 per cent on short call. Call ror book of "ILL! btratiuhb. Phone Msla 453. 108 Third t BEN J. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK....i..... Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Seeretsry J... O. GOLTR A. ..AseUUut Secretary u KITED BTATFS NATIONAL BAsTK - ' OF PORTLAND. 0EOOT. "T "" B0BTBWEBT COB. THIRD AND OAK 8TB. . . Trs a rta B Geaeral Banking Bisilasia, DRAFTS ISSIED Available la All Cities of the Tutted States and Earop. Hongkong snd Msail. COLLECTTOhTB MADE 0B FAY0EABLE TERMS Preel den t .J. Or A 1 N 8 V.O H T H Vlce-Irestdet.... .......W. B. AYElt VlM.PM.Ijl..t ,.B. t EA EARNKS ..R, W. gCHMFFIl .....A.- M. WRIGHT .f W. A. HOLT Cashier Assistant Cashier......... Aaslstaat Cashier.,..,..... PKBT NATIONAL B8BTC OF PORTLAND. OKZQORY Dsalgnated Depository and Financial Ageo at . U Laltod SUts. . President.... ..A. L. MTT.TJ! Cashier .......J. W. NEWKIHK Asa tenant C. shier W. C. AIVORO Second Asslatant Cashier...... B. F. STEVENS Letter et Credit lemted Available la Europe . tnd th Eastern State.' . Sight Exchange and Tslerrsnhle Transfer sold on New York. Boston. Chics go. Bt Loo Is. St. PseL Omaha. Ban Franehw and th principal .points In the Northwt. Blgb! snd tlm bill drawn In sum to milt on London. Pari. . Berlin. Frankfort-ln-fh. Msln. - Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrtstlenls. Srockhnrm. Bt Ptrborg. Mos cow, Enrich. Honolulu. Collections Made bn Favorable Tsrm. " LADS A TTXTOH. IlsTHl - (Xstablisksd la 1888.) -Traaats a Geaeral Banking Business, Collections made st all points on favors M term. Letter f credit Issued available ta Enron and all polnta In the United -Stetea. Sight Erehanre, and Telegvaphle Tranafe-a aold 00 New York. Wssblnrtnn. Chicago, St. foul. Denver. Omaha. San Frenclar aad Montana snd British Cnhtmbl. Exchang anld on Tendon. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort Hongkong. Yokohama, , Maatla and Honohilu. . - - : 'BCHABTB' WATTOWAL BANK. v FOBTLANS.. OBJCOOB. ' J. FRANK WATSON..... President B. I DURHAM , Flce-President B. W. HOYT. -. Csshler GEORGS W. H0TT Asstatsnt Csshler Transacts a Geaeral Banking Basin. Dtafta and Letters of Credit I'aned Arallshl ... to At! Psrte of th World.' Collection a Specialty. M 0BRII BROS. ' U rtrst Bt, PortUnd, Or. Offer Gm-Edge Investments la Municipal and . Ballroad Bond. Writ ar CalL SECUmiTT BAVTBGB A TBTJST COxTFATT. BBS Morriaoa Bt, ParUand, Or. VrnAUavet a Geaeral Bank In Bus lues. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed en Tlm and Savins Dtporlta. - Acta aa Trustee for Estste. Drafts aad Letter of Credit , AvalUblg la All Parts et the world. a F. ' ADAMS President L. A. LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MII.I.S ... Becond Tlce-Pr.alilent B. G. JUBITE S-eretnry OEt Ff WliSIIBLIi.esiWAastJ.Wstaiy , rKX COBTTUrXBTAX COMFABT.. I - . , ' .'' Flnanrlal Agents. : 248 Stark st Phone Mala 18TB. MORTGAGE LOANS 0a Portland Baal Estate Bt Lowest Bat. Tltlea Insured. Ass tracts rnrnlsnao. TITLE 0CABABTTE A TRUST CO. 440 Wuklngtoa Bt.. Csr. Beemd. WALKS LONG DISTANCE THOUGH FATALLY SHOT . (Special Dtcpatrh to The Journal.) Helena, Mont, Nov. 4. Elnar- Lar son, mentlonsd In theM-.dlapatch.ea aa having accidentally shot himself whll hunting In Avalanche gulch-, died before medical assistance could reuch htm. Larson was It years old snd a real Jen t of Helena. After the accident, wit It proverbial Indian totclnrn, he wnlked a mile and a half to camp, only- to nnd II vacant, the other members of thai party being out In aearch of game. Beverul hours later hla -brother returned anil was dispatched peJJmell for the doctor, telephoning from Nrnnyon Ferry. Lar son told his brother that he laid hit gun on a log to tie hla shoe lace. The gun e tipped and was dixcharged, the entire contents penetrating hla lrt groin. Doctor Cooney said that even If medical assistance hnd reached Larson Immediately the wound would have proved fatal, the ahot having pierced the Intestlnea. The body was brought to Helena. An Inquest Is being held this Afternoon. - ' VfAQUINA WINTER RATES. , SeUgMfal Weatket Met of the Time at ...W4Wv,or Beaehss., ' The people who visited Tkouln pay laat winter were ButTrid at the tf";' lightful wealjier st that poplr te"i. The Southern racific and the t'nrv.tll A Ktern rallroada hav .yurrid UteM cheap rules to Jhls piecs for h winter. Pnrtlculara by (kl" hi rlty ll.'het ofnc. Third .Aii Wnlilngtun Btreei. rortlnnd, ' Toot l.1'y tr- ' -1. (Ilclal flt.rel. 1 w 1 ' 11 p-iiacno. i r . N iv i enitl" rf ''" ' Kl.rllmfl. 1.1. 1 ' - ' with a !'i"t ..I wi'tkltis 1" 1 ' (time ' ' liml t" :