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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
Til- OREGCIJ DAILY JCUIIIIAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVELIST 3, 1S05. ; TODAY'S MARKETS TEXAS IS Arizona Also a Heavy Purchaser , of Oregon ' Potatoes. - ''Frisco to Break. ' ' r WHEAT IS ONE CENT ! -. ;;4 A BUSHEL .LOWER City Millers Make No Chahge In Flour and Their Action May Cause ; ' Outsiders to . Put Valuea Down Again Egg Are Higher, . Front Street. Nov. S The principal f jature f tha Portland wboleeale market tod art: - Wlmt la le lower., '.'.'No change bi city floor. y Two ear weet potato la." ' ' ' Wg trad oa la potato. ' ' , (lallon tomatoea agent higher.'-. Freeh ealmoa la ecarce again. Cranberrtee will rule signer. ' . Poultry eel ling at tha o'lc. . '.. Kicit ara le higher. . ..' .:"' Mutter aot firm al deetlM. : Trad won't PT prle lor applca. . ... ;.' Hop ara aelllDg; aom grower IwH. ' Big Trad Oa la. taa. " Notwithstanding thai there le Uabh) tobe) 8 good alaad break la tu prlc of potatoe In tb . Baa mncleco markat during the nt fw day on account ef th pcraooal quarrel between two prominent dralara of tbo Bay City, tha weakneaa will aot ba fait In ttal aw oa incv goade Biurb aa p4cted In aom qnartara. There la now a vry heavy demand for Oregon' la mona Burbanka from Artaom eal Teaaa: aud even Colorado, tha bom of tlia Jreeley atocka, la buying very heavily from thl city and elate. A tin ago tbar ,w a tary hv froet la the Greeley dletrict, aud aa wy hi' lr cant oi ta crop bad not been du. Ih oil put waa oud.r damaged. Up to Ibla lima It trad of Tom baa been bold nobly by Cf luredo, but Oregon, poUtoaa bar mado their auiit ni.n li.t tln eeeaoa and feie pe-ipia-ratber llk tli Chang. Tbla buying- b? Ta lea lJ4 going on aecrelry for aeveraJ . and one Ve-: eoe. kfcKlnley lUoiol. n V"- - ehaetd rec 100 cara for that and 111 Afleina BGWIin. V1IWT U" - - . - putvueeer o( potato. To htht prim r , anw bnn paid for eaatera Mallnnnih , aroanl rehm. Tronldalo and WUitty..Hir ' th fr;.cl.t. potato, the Man la now Mvd anO. 5! k. beaa paid tber fcr otknHy 'oid lo-. Ordinary, potauaa, bowoeec, tfW atlfbtly weaker fecllnf on a.-wxrit of-tb lew acbmimI from- tb-Uallf.ra market. The ara balaf offered eery freely at praeent price. I-oral trade In potato I not quit an . food. Prloaa toe nam.-k .'. ' . - - "tr Aatietty .1 Jlo Jlarket. . ; , .,Tb bop market abowa a ,ry air wluin ef bnalnea 'around H10c with an wraatonal b of eery twr- at fractional adranc r t tuna. 4nrc.. Moat. ot tb -oara- aeawUb turn .aiU at. the promt . arkt, uit,'.ole are boldlnc for XBe 01 tb th followkif -from tb Prodilr- fW tent of-New Vork b Urn lata iU, ay: , , "Tber baa beea eomlderabl pretwre to mar f ket bona oa tba Pacific eoaM of lat oa -rb part ef th (rowere and free fflot have bad r a dcpreMlnc Innoenc and orlc Ui declined la antbree eot atale. W bear of eaWf la aeuxint. Woer iramw vi-y j . orrKuu. . ..null iwu v .i . . -.. . - - - -. : and np to MV. Tb t !W"'? IT! f " of tba weak, on tn-bxl aaarnot "bee I, . ai.par ft jtportc tooklnf tot wvkat. 4 fflVemX liSe for Knfland. and 1 ebaaed aereral nunareo eam . - and paid aa blf b aa 2v onllry barton been "man an ohjecr thn price; tberwla tb kMwl market con I la oe to preaent a qnlef appear aar. Brewera are taklnf occasion! lota, but outlet to awh boyere U by aa inwn. act It. rorelcn adrlcea Indicate llttl If arty .ban In teneral eondltlooa In England at av U con, . tlnent. Prom all report todJcntUme are tbat . tbl will B'tb kearleet .porm year M -continental., boon rr bforwwtw. li tb qnallty of tb IftOS lala crop. prim ler.abotc, ne . 2 Ht.te.iw. common t fair, pet b,,.a f Jf Ht.te. 11104. cbolo. pet lb. .. Ht.lci 1W4, prim, per v pacile prim U.cbok. ;b.. le I aelflc coaat, common to falr,dh.l0 ej 4c l-aclfle eoaat. xnonijrTT p- nt -, y ; Pacific coaM, 1B. prime, per lb. Pkcinc eaaat. iw OH da, per lb I'aclfte aat. 1M. medium, per h. y,10 UVU ... - . - . w - - ft-,- J Reclpta far. wri " J" Kecrlpta -Ironv, ptmbr w-vt2 .Uerelpt , earn Urn Ut rar....,.vi,T7J Knporu lo Europ for" wk..;;... i 1W . Kaport. from. Bepnmoer. Wl KipoH aam tlm laat yeai ....14.M Importa for week. .V. ........ w I m porta from Heptemher 1 Impurn aam tlm. laat year........... ' .'WbmI ta On Onfc Lrr.' Jj 0a account of enral decline th world il wheat market yeiterday .fternoon. the Portland ralna are a (a In 1c lower today, elub belnf ouoted at 7Sc and blueetem at 76c. Tbr la chance In ealley on account of th amall aop; nltea abd tbw nod demand. -Pertlaad lllr bar aa yat mad, no chance th tttCU fkmr quotatlona. altboufb -ontal.1 'miller adranced their qootatlona yeaterdjy. . Thla action waa reported excmalrely ta -Tb - Journal yeeterday. The future of th market - la now Tery mucta hi doubt on account of decllnlnf raluc la wheat. . i Butter Not firm at th DocJia. " At th decline of tv a pound reported yeeterday- there la no rtrenajth abowa la th butter market. Price kar been too bbrb all around and trad baa consequently been much em Her. Portland baa been the hlrheat market for but tor In th country for tb pact few yr. and al ready the movement of eaMera and California creamery haa beea etartad In thle direction. . Cbeee m firm with aom dealer aaklnf aa adrane erer the preaent printed lhit. lip Are Oa Oaat Higher. Tb eg market abwaJn kdranco of le per doaea today, ruling quotatlona for local freeli ranch ranging betweea 30le. Tb car of eaatera wMck arrived yMterday- waa of ry . food quality. i . ' t hicken ar aow mortaf-fairly well at tha ' market value, but aom dealer ar aaklnf in ' advene. bnc they keep their Jtocka ver from day te dy. Turkey ar arriving In amall lota.- The demand contlnoea beet for dreeaed with a fractional advance 1a tb price of the ' .latter today. t. . Brief Netea ef Tariou lines, s Calioa tomatoea ar again higher oa accoupt of a recent advance at th cannerlea. . M The- fruit trad le now centered moaUy oa apple, but then I much complaint oa account of th bleb price. . . -" " ' -Two cara of gweet potatoea cam la durtaf th mernlnf from tli aouth. . Price the oame; qual ity eve better. . ' ; Cranberrlea win be higher oa th nett alilp ment oa acosonl of tbe higher value la th , Th fnJlowmg qnntathm ar paid along Front afreet by tb retail trade for thole quality la round lot Producer' prior i are a apelT ' -rab, fliaw Mat' tm& ' ' !'':. WBBAT New .clubi TSc; r RnaaUn, 70ei Mneetem, TV: valley, 1 TqT4c. , i ' i . i - ' . 1 FRIDAY PRICES IN 4 r . THE WHEAT MARKET Dec. Majr . I t .I0B RtViA ChlcafO ......I d Bt." Loula ,i Milwaukee ... .gR Kanaaa City... .71 . . Llvrpool . .'. .-, 7a d 4 Mlnneapoll . i . .V4B ' Ban Franclaco. 1.41 '' t;,-r . - March. - .s , i BUYING OUR BUHOiKS DAkY ' ' TO SHIPPERS JOURNAL'S . TIP? X i x Tha agitation hda Uet wu 4 4 lUrted to plac tha worda "Or- 4 d ton Applea" In very Jaxa letter 4 trrffrarhw-avdw-o-vry baav at 4 the Oregon fruit- aent out. A 4 teneral practice of thla idea 4 would be a wonderful help In 4 4 adverflaln th ptata'e fruit, aa 4 4 well -a giving publicity to th 4 4 atat Uaelf. Th lettering ahould 4 be neat but aa larf aa poaalbl. BaltLBT feed, $Jl.B0fl60 roUed. 121. 8 e2S0Oi br.wlnf.faS0OM.Oa. CORN Whole, IW.OOl Bracked. M-00 par toa. .--., I. . RTE 41.55 per ewt. ! . OATH lTuducere' prlea No. 1 whit. V28.00; gr.r. $24.60126.00. . M ri.ut ti rsew eenent fti m. .tr.iht.. a.1 w)3.6i: eiDort.. t'l 4" .3: valley. $; graham,, fa.-SUi rr. 50e, fS.OOt bale. U.T5. . -tutiiBTft,,, Rmr tin HI mc eanf mld- dllng. 128.00: iborta, country, 20.00 elty. 110 Got crop. $18.00. HAT Produce n' price Timothy, WHlemette valley, fancy. (11.00211 00: ordinary, $7.0oa 00; m it era Oregon. $14 00016.00: mlied. $ 6000 00; clover. $9.00010.001 frala, $.601 t.OOi cheat. $.O08.ft0. Butter, Xgga. and Vealtry. ni'TTTRR CAT r. o. b. Portland 8wet ere.m, 2NHc; aour, JV. BL'TTKK City creamery, 80c; outald fancy, S7We; ordinary, SSc; atore. ldQlTe. EOU8 No. I treB oreron. qaaajea, atw; told torg and eeetern, S&0Te. IIEKSB . New Pall cream, twin. 14V4.C; Toudc America;' 16Mc; eheddar, lttl4e. GAME Jacfcrabblte. IS per aVaa. , POULTRY -f- Taney bene. lOUe per IV, rooatera. old, be per lb; fryer. 10Qlfti4 per lb: arollera. 10lWc per Ih: duck. 14tlo per h: gee. 8c per Ih; turkey. 18ijgl0e per ll; ree..d. 90 per lb: aqua be. $2MUiM par aoa, Bep. Weal and Hut. ..OPftlOoo Oreroa. choice, aeilc: prime. tRHei pone gradea. 66c; Washing toit, ttftlOc; 104 crop, e7e tut cbole. WOOly 1WJO cup. vaii.r. oare i meoiam, 4Ua514ci Una, fQ27o . eaatera Orefoe, IPfirJe. ' . MOHAIff Nominal, aoC81- ' BHSEI'HKINH Shearing, IS0S9 each l abort wool, S6O40C eerhi medium wool, 60Q76 oacai loo wool. TV0$1XW aerb, TALLOW Prime, per lb. IVa0et No. aad grrw, TflHe. CHITTII4 BARK per lb., HIDES Dry. Ns. t. I lb and up. lHO ITH per lb; dry kip. No. 1. to lb Iba. I4c dry calf. No. 1, nder I Iba. ISc: aaltad bide, ateera. oad. 60 Iba an pvar. inajllei am, GOHc: tga and boll, eoand. aTc; kip. W to SO lb, sc; calf, enusd. od.r 15 Iba. lie. green, anealted, le.leaa; cull, le per- lb leel Diaee... XSttU go( in.. rommoB. each, loaiact . Angora., aach, Z60 $1.00. . '"f Tralta aad Tetable. , POTATOES Beat Oregon, 8S(a0e- aack: ear lota. 6507B each: ordinary. tMt76c: car Kt WWMc; aweeta, $1.90 aack: $XlSi5 erete. ONIONS New Oreron yellow' Denver,' $1.S car lota, $1.0001.051 farllc SOlOe per lb. , PREBR FRUITS Apple. Oreroa. ll.00Ol.Bfli fancy, $1.76; crabanplee. $1.60: oraneea. new aavel.' $8.60; let Valencia. f4.76Tft.2S$ be nanaa. Re lbs lemon, e: o)ee. i6.0.7S bolt fency. KVOO hoi: llmea, Mealcaa. $1.XA per. 100: plneapplee. $4.00 dna: grape. Oreron. $1.001 1.60; Concorde. t(ttav: peara. $l.Sltai.6ft per box: Winter iNellla. gl.SS oer hnii nomecranate. $1.2.1 per boi; taogerln. tl.7!L, l '2,' r.i a i A ni.r.o lumip.. new. e.w " i carrot. 11.00 per Wk! lieeta. "'I.J !. per. aarb: Orvgno mdlobe.;. t! -per daft cabbage. Oregon. $1.00 per cwt: green peppere. Te lb: loref tomatoee, or:' t'anrnrnm. aor: parenlpe. $1 OOisn.m: erring bean. llOc-. caollBower. 75cCl$, rnb. par in; re.ii i n i mn iiie Be. in . i H'wim w. 60o per do.f.hothoaa lettuce, $l.rl-T5 per hot; green corn. TSc. per ck: encumber. 7He erclr;ceryf1oc.TlT-orwlW' uint ai jot ,pr ntet-pumpaiaa, iei equaeu. Le.i- or.aerrla.. ' Pane find. M.M: Jereer. 11 Stjer bM: re bay aad Tlllamaokv $ RO. J tHtTTrr JvejTflT AnnWT v.noraed. iateil per in: aprleota. lie pet ro: aacga. ae per Ih lea;- peach aa. lOOUc per Th: prune. ". nwc; )c nrop on earn aiTreenTnr erneiwr lae: fin, California black, SHQde ner Ibi Cellfnrnla white. Re per lb: date, goldea, tt par lb farda. $1JS par 1S-1B bog. . t Oreeerlea. If at. , Xt. SrOAR ack baala Cnb. fd.M; powdered. IS M; fruit graBnl.ted, $5.58; dry fraaulatefl. $5.66) Coof A. $6.0: beet grannlated. $K.M: ertra C. $(1.08: foldea C. $4.6;T DyeTlow. $4.St bbla. Iftei H bbl. toe base 60 advaeee en aack twnla, leaa i 26c per cwt, for ea J dare: maplJ: UQlRe pr lb. . ' k . HONRY $ per crate. n a COF-rEE Pcke brende, $18 T. . ., ' HALT Coatae Half ground. 100 per tea, table, dairy. fl. $11.00:' 100. I0.T: Im ported MverpooL BOa. BJT.on; fm. lS.Mt t4a. ' $1(100: extra fin, -hhla. ta. la. 10a, $4.B0rlt nop bulk. 120 Iba. $4.0006.00; aack. oa. . ALT Core H"lf ground. 100a, per ton. $7.00; BO, per ten. $7 60-. Mverponl. Inmn rock. $IS.6A per font 60-lb rock. $7.00: 400. (4.78. . .. 1 A here price epply to ante ef leea tbaa ear Ma. Car lota at pecHI arieaa abjt Snrtnatlona.) ,. v, : -ORAIN BAf) Tatrntta. TUe; ' TtlCE Imnerlal Jnn. K. 1." t Ne. t. 4T54ct New-Orlean bead, 71 Ajar. Creo'e. tir. . BEANS am.11 white. t..TS: lerg white. 00: pink. $2TR bayw. $40: Lima. (6.00; Mevleen re. 614e. NFT) Peanut. " Jumboa. U per tbt rtrelnla. TtAe per Ibt-roeeted. tei eoeoenuta, KHpv per doe? walneta, 1616ttr ner Ibt pine "irta. 1lt4 pee Rt bldrnry nut. 10e pee Ibt be.tnnt. .Mten. 18 '1e per TV utraall net. 14c ner Tbt ftlheet. 1411 ner Bit fanflT pecan. I5UT1.Ue: elmrnid. 817e per tb. Pahrta. Oeal on. Xt. ROPft ror Mantia. 14e: atanilard. 11M l.-104c:-Male brand ehrnl.- 4e. - COAT, OIL Pe.rl or Aatral Cae. BOH per gait water wklte. , Iron bhla. 15e par gal) wooden. 1e per fall beedllght. 170-deg., nae. tSHe ner ral. - . OAROMNE as-def . eaaeg, tH . par . fall Iron t.M. 18e per gal. BRNE1NE AS-deg. cnea, e par fait Ina b'jl.. 1Hc per gat ' TTJRPKNTTNB la caeea, ta per gall uraodea Mil. Mr per rL - WFITB IjEAD Toa Vr. TV per tb SOO-lb lot. e per Ih: lee Vita. r)te per lb. . WIR! NA11.8 Preaent baee at 1 TO. MNSKET Oll-Pure raw. In B-hhl Kir. 84, l-bhl lot. RBei ceaea. 60e per gall genuine kettle bulled, eaeea. per gl S-bbl lot. Bae; 1-hhl lot, BTe per gal: gmnnd cake ear tola. B2O.00 per ton: lee than car Vita. MO nO per tea. Heats, rUhaad Prevlaleee. PRERTT MEATS Front afreet Bef ' Meera, BOOe per lb: block, 114fi per lb, park era. TOTH per lb: bulla, 45c per Ibt cow. 8 HQS per Ibt veal, extra, 7 Ho per-lb ordi nary. per lb; poor. Be per lb; mutton, fancy. TOTHe per lb. HAMS. BACON. ETC Portland pack (local) ham. 10 to 14 lb. ISH per lb; 14 to 18 lha. 13c per lb; breakfaet bacon, I6O10U per lb ptrnlr, c per lb regular abort alaara, an BMkd, - It per lb; amoked, 12 per lb; eleer back. unamWked. I0c per Ih: eaoked. 114 per lb: Union butt. 10 IS lha, aa amoked. Br per lb: amoked, per lb: clear neUlea, nuemofced, tie per lb; amoaed, IBr par lb; honlder. 8H per lb, LOCAL iARD Kettle leaf. 10. UU per Ihi He. 111, Per Ih; 80-lb tins, lofce per lb; etetm rendered. 10, loe per lb 6a, 1044 Ih? eonnonnd. 10a. tlVe. - CANNED BALMOPj-OilumM - rlear. 1-tb talle, (; Mb tall. $XTS: fancy 1-fb data. (l.P0 H-b fancy Bate. $1.18; fancy 1-lb vu. $2.T6 AlMka t.ll. pink. a&OIMet red, $1.60; aomlaal ta.. tall. $3.00. . FISH Rock cod. Te Per Tt Bounder. 6 per lb; halibut. 8c per Ih; crab. $1.60 per do; etrtped nam. UHe pee Ihi catfieh. 8 per Ibl aalmnn. allvenlde. 6c per ' lb: bluebgeka, Oa per lb berrlng. 6c per lb onle. 0 per n brtmpa, 10 per Ibt perch. Be per lb; hlerk rod, 7e per Ihj allver amelt, .7 per lb; lobajera; I6c) freak mackcral. Be per lb: erewflaa, 86 per do. OT8TEBB holwter bay. par gal. B. per aeek. $a.7B. CLAMSHard-fhen, per bot. $J.O0( raaar flame, $2.09 per boa. BAM raAB-OIBOO LOCAL BT0CK8. Ban PranclMO. Nov. I. OfncUl cloae. Ing eloa: Bid. Aak. T . 4l'4 18 2 21 H 6 K4H H4 104 (tra Co. I a Water............ Spring Valley Water..'..-,...'. 4n Mutual Electric....,.., ,, W Pan Franclco Uta A Klcctrlc.i... 84H ' 01. nt Powder 71 S Hawaiian Commercial. " llnnokea 8nr....S .'. 121, Makawell - Hngar... It... 824 Onnmea Bnxar.., M 81 i Paanha Hiutar 21 Alaaka Parker'.....,., 60 Oceanic Strainehln.. .' , . . . P.rltlc State Telephone., .104 California-Win. , .. I'.rtno ( oaat Borax. . -J'HIi i'allforala Fraltcaaaera'i, ...,'., - , Oregon Potatoes Are Now Being Sought by ' Arlzona and Texas Because' They Hav the Quality andTWill Keep Better Than Other. WHEAT IS ERRATIC Bull Interett Allows Market to Tak Its Own Course During ' the Session of Today. - PRICES AN EIGHTH TO I:-- THREE EIGHTHS LOWER Pit Influenced to Great Extent by ' Weakneaa ' - In Mlnneapolia ' and Liverpool Corn and Oata Dull Bulla Beat Buyers or Provisions. FBIDAT'B WHEAT MARKET. " Clone Cloaa . Loea Chaw Tlior. Frl. ' Tr Ago B .SWI4AB M0i 81-12) et'w? W A,:::::::::: Ju "Chicago, Nor. B.-Logaa 4V Bryan aay: -.Tb wheat market wa .very erratic. Th leading local bull aeemed to lot tb market take He own puree. The meal crowd were very beanin uMiay. ,oeiog .intinanceq to a greai twi , the weakneaa hi the 61 Inueapolla market. They old December down to kflVic. at which pobit wheat waa abeorbed by- wire bouaea an resting order. Mtatletlcaraew waa bulllah and -r-dlnarlly we ahould bav bad a very anappy mar ket, but outeldere aeemed to be tuutd about buying wheat t tbee pricaa. Cera aad Oata Dull. ' Cora and oata eympatblaed to 8 great extent with the fluctuation In wheat. Tb volum of buelneea wa not Urge. - In provision tb paeaer were ran- neuvre oi lard and rlha. but locl pulU war the beat buyer. ,Outlde buelneea continue light and probably will until the market begin to (how "rtcuVtjuotatlone by Orrbeck, Btarr Cook eOB,.PWi '- - -WHF-AT.----- ' Open. High. - Tow. Clcee igh. - xow. ' Tiee...... May , July ' .WW B Mk aa .904 . . .Shi .80 B MM "i. . CORN.. " Old Dec. .48 -. .4HA May...... . .464 ' W1V..TT. . ,IS : OATS. nee . anU ' iu .8t4 - .48. A .48 .46 SB .L t . -4S .80 iuli " Jiff-lff:-"4ff M '.'-', ' . . MISS POBK. " an...... Ittt''1 IB M It. 48 lt.47 B May 1B.8T '. 1B.T0' : 1B.6B , U.8T . T.tABD. , r.. .8 . :i rr . , e.w ;' Jan.. v.".. -e.aO-e-tt " 0-80 0.80 May...... 8.85 8.87 0.88 - 0.8T V , ... ,. SHORT BIBS. ' i . " J J.n.. 8.63 -, 0.6B .', - OW 1 ' tM. May 0.TS 0.78' ; 0.7B MT Li. - ..'lrtt.jr8r abo. ! tfheat' .'.I f ,. t . .r..lV ?il,l8.00O I,122.0"0 ... Ell fUVt iiMIMA Cora . 4UU.OU0 t1l.0i0 Hhlpmenta: Wheat . . . . . 4M.000 . Corn ,. u.wo t:learnre: ' Wheat and floor. 178,000 buahelai corn, SOS.000 baahela; U, B18.0UO baabeav' ' - CH10ASO OmAIaT CAB LOTS. Cblcago, Nov. , irm car - ma: 'tivtti;,. Corn . . OaU ........-.. .,.231 St B61 trrnipoot eBAnr KAaxxTr Liverpool, Nov. S. Cloae: Wheat, December, Ta 14 ki lower; March, 7a llid. 11 Tra January ,' i higher. ' V ' :t "i'i ... .t,t -. V auawar. 1 New York, Nov". 8 Beirrhed mgara an changed; raw ateady and unchanged; Loadiai neef angare '"'" r-p,"i J . COTTON -TWENTY-ONE TO TWE.NTY-TWO HIGHER ' -1 New York, Nor. 8. Cotton Tatar' cloaed XI b 22 point higher. ' - , Official quotation by Over beck. Starr A Cook company 1 . . Open. High. Low. rinee. January , ,.iom iow loa., loaAejan Fenruarr ....loiev llive len , livmnm March ........1104 1118 1104 11I4J8 AwU .... ..... 1180122 Mav Ill 1188 1116 U24uif6 Jan , 1113 1126 1128 1124(i2 July ...... 11 11M 1023 .112$. November ....l"on l"ia ioo mun December..... 10TB 1080 1078 1082Wot : ' Liverpool Ootten Higher. " Ltvernonl, Nov. $. dotton future cloaed eteanly 8 to 12 point higher. - New Or Una Oettoa. New Orlean. Ner. S. Spot cotton firm at apt mlddJLaga, 1018-10. m toss oorrax miui, New Tork, Nor. 8. Coffee future cloaed to to polate lower.- - Official quotation: .. . : w Bid. Ak. Bid. Ak. Jnuary ...$8 80 $0 OSlJnly $7.18 $7.20 February .. 0.70 0.76Auguet 7.B0 7.80 March 0.80 8.86' September .. T.8U T.88 April 8.P0 8 06 1 October .... 7.40 T.46 lay ....... 7.00 7.ftl November ,. 840 0.60 un T.M 7.15 December .. 0.00 6.06 N.w Verk C.h Ooff. M New Tork. Nor. 8. Caeh eoffe; No. T Rio, 8c; No. 4 Baato. OVt. a, Verelga Oaff Xrkt. Havre, riov. -. oiiw .i,.ntwii t att Hamburg advanced Holiday ta Braall. . towopak xrvnie arocxa. Ban Frandac. Nor. 8. Toaopak Itockg, of- nclal do. Ing i toa Bid. I3.4TH 1.H7H .82 1 40 .47 .00 "MO ' .71 .12. .82 ITS .60 .44 . CHICAGO - Bid. Dixie ... .08 Kendall .27 Oolnmbla Mt ... .18 ' Jumbo .TT Jumbo F.xten 10 . Blerk Botte .... .18 ' Ooldea Anchor.. .88 Sliver Pick .00 , Ray jO'Brlea..' .80. Ohio Tonopak... .tfl O. Bull Frog... .22 A DtaatondSeld ..'.'".18 Lon Star ..... .07 Horn OS Caah JJoj 18 Montana .. Midway ....... MeNamara Jtelmont North Btaf .... Reerae Gold Montnala.. Jim Butler .... Nevada ....... Bed Top Ton. Eitenelen. Ooldneld Pandaturm ..... Sandtaorm Ex. . Adam ,.i Mohawk v. .00 .04 .16 ; .'OBTOW COPPIB STOCKS. Boa ton, Ner. 8 Official el: v run Bid. a aa m Adventure 8.18 Mtarth Butte. Atlantic. . Allonea ..... Blngbnm v.... Cbimet ..... Copper Bang. Centennial .., Daly Weet ,.. Elm ........ Oraby ...... Oreen Copper. Oreene. Gold,. Mohewb ..... Mlrhlgna .... ml.M .. 84. oil .42.76 84.26 076.00 74.00 ao.28 JK . 8.124 M no (lid Domlaloa. . 74 Onceola , .J ID., a . 15 60 . I81H . 100.00 . 7 78 . 110 00 , . . 8 60 - e.. M 75 . O60 1 . 10.00 . 128.00 . 4T87H 8.1 r Parrot ' Phoenla . . . . Onlncv ..... Hhannoa .... Tamerack .. Trinity ..... I'nlted ..... Victoria . .... - 4.87 Winona I Wolverine ... . 80.00 16.00 ' 10.00 14.60 Utah ....... ITenn. Copper. fC. S. Mining. Royal B8.8TH fcmCAOO LOCAL BTOCKB. . ; . - Cblcas. ?. --Loca ... Bld I BIL Blacnlt ,. 8V Diamond Match ..141 Boxboard 8 t"wlft A Co 100 aa 10 Hubway -i t.. 48 Carbon ; 88 i . POITLAND BANK BTATIMZVT.-: v Clearing balance . ' wr tr;. , IW1 iiMiir)titr READING NEARLY 6 POINTS UP. .. . - ..- -. ' All Issues Ascend Rapidly in New YorkSecond Preferred Three and a Half 'Higher- , RAILWAY SPRINGS a1; - GREAT BOOMER TODAY -r Four and an Eighth Points Added to the PriceCanadian Pacific Two . and an Eighth Up Erie Stocka Ac tive and Much Higher. ADVANCES. Atmiaoa .... Smelter ..... Brooklyn .... ... AiUenvr ... IHI do preferred... Erie do 2d pfd do let pfd.... St. Paul U Cheeapeake Railway 8prlnga... 4 Ureat Waatern .... H llllnola Ceaual ... i Manhattan 1 Mexican Central... (atari 4 Weetera. H Beading b Loutevtlle Metropolitan .... North American . Pad Be Mall .... Republic Kteel .. Hock I.Und Trxaa Pacific a aa pro. ...... a do prererrea., do let nfd. LlW Mtern l;nlon Canadian ......... 2!rnlon Pacific Colorado Southern. HlWIe. Central, pfd.. 1AIBHKH. Amalgamated mil WiKaty..... Bugar HiMlaeonrl Pacific.... Smelter, pfd H-N. Y. Central...... Baltimore , m Penneylvanl ..... Colorado Fuel .... Vl Hep." Steel, pfd.... I'. N. W Vi Hnuthera Hallway IMVWII,, .... goutbern CaclAa. . Trnn. fol 1UIT. 8. Hubber ...... V, 8. Bte.1. ....... H-abaak ., Wall Btreat, New Tork. Nov. 2. There wa much ef Interest la tha atock market today, Reading continued Ita aenaatloual Bight and all but touched 140 before ta reaction act In. It cloaed ' poluU higher then - yeeterday. Railway Spring waa very active on bull newa and gained 4te pelnta. Erie laaue forged ahead today with great a peed, tb common receiving aa adldtloa of. 1U to Ita price. , Second pre firred advanced I potnte. Amalgamated wa weak on the advere dec le lon In Montana yeeter day, but Smelter common roe 1V4 point. Canadian Pacific . waa active with 8 point profit to Ita credit. ------ Official quota tl aoa by Overbeck, Starr A Cook company: rnw DESCRIPTION. Aaaeonda Mining Co.. Amal. Uopner Co. ...... 844 8HA Alchlaon. com.......... do. preferred 1m. Car A Foundry, e. do i referred 104.. 41 A 101 Am. Sugar, com. Am. Smelt. com....... 1424 142H 127 118- do preferred....,..,.. Baltimore A Okkv com. do preferred. ..4. ., Brooklyn Rnld Transit. Canadian Pacific, com.. Chicago A Alton, com... do preferred C. A W., com Chi.. Mil. A St. P..,,.. IHOvJ 21 Ut iivv. C. A N. W, eon...... Chicago TeruitnalBRy..,. TTieaapew- T nun, . . . I'M Fuel Iron, com 3Ht0!liMl6t4l Colo, Southern, com.... tea- 4a6 SRI- II, A 8, U.r 84l 87 BetaWom ..' .... do neeoad ' preferred. do flrer- preferred. 4M', 724 74 81 Wi Wl 72 81 178 Iiilnxne central Ixmlanil A NaahrlU.. 17Vi 1M 1S2 Met. Becoiitlr Met. St. By. ..7.....-.-. Manbattaa By Mexlcaa Central Ryl..; Minn., St. P. A Ste. M Mleeoarl Pacific....... M. K. A T 00m.. ,.r.. do nrefarred - 78 . HI hi 1M85 XA 1 in 1 104 187 10814 fl -704 New fork Central.,..,., 16IM, 203 M, Korinern rartric Am. locomotlv. do Deferred . . 20vi ir,2A 18 TOVi Norfolk A Weetera, com North American N. Y, Out. 4V Weetera. Penneylvanla By... Pr, L. A C. Coi 1 M4J421 1'raand Steel Car, com. 00 pre r erred , P.rlflc Mll J. 8. C. Reading, eony. ........ do eecoad preferred.. do . flret preferred, e. Bep. -Iron Stacl, eom do preferred 4 Bock lalend,- com...... do preferred.. Southern By., com.. do prerevrM. ...... Soatbarn Pacific St. 1 A S. P.. Id Pfd St. U A S. W., com..., do preferred......... Ttiae at raeiar. . . . . .. Teauiaata Coal A Tma. T., It. b. 4 W.rcem. t'elon Pacific, com.,.. V. 8. Rubber, com.... do preferred......,., C. 8. Steel Co., com. j. do preferred Wbeel. A U R., com..., do lat preferred..... do preferred v, ....... Weatern 1'nloa Tel... Wabaah, eom.. ...:.. 15 87 1814 01 10014 8" Mi 1064 tag prr-ti-rrvej 1 Pennarlvanla Ballway. ex-dlvdend W I par ornt. Total aale for day, 1.806.800 ebaro. Moay oa call cloaed 6 per cent. ITKW TQKK CUKB. New lork, Nor. 8.' Curb cloeel , Bid. I . Bid. I Caa lo4rnterWagb .....200 Oreen Copper..., B0!Subway 48ft Oreen Oold .... 4 North. Becnrttlea.,184 Int. Mario. ...... 13 Tnn. Copper, 83Vi HEAVY MOVEMENT OF HOGS HURTING PRICES Market Retains Dull Tone Cat tle Are Slow but Demand for Sheep Growing Better. '. Portland futon Btockyarda, ' Nor. . 1. Live, atock receipt: . . . v.-; , "-Hog. " Cattle. Sheep. Today .,..,..,....476 ISO. 20 Week aog .229 88.-. - Bod Prevloua weak 100 T 28 "7 ' 2" Montk ago 71 - SI r 608 Receipt of bog continue very heavy and tb market ehowa nothing but weakneaa. Cat tle ar llkewla feeling bad, hat Value a re th a me. Sheep very Brm. . Today 28 horae ar rived In. - , . .Official price ' fwr "II vet tock ' llog Beat aaatera Oregon. $S.TBQ8.W! block en and ( bine fata, $6.26, atockera aad feeder, $4.8614.60. . - Cattle Beet eaatera Oregon ter. Ml 1. fifH .light and medium ateera. $2 0002 26: light cowe. A 2862.58; tockrl and feeder, $2 261 2. M; bull. $1.60. - 1 Sheep Wether. 4H9e; mixed aheep. 4 tUr; anMlght we. 4SJ44e; Umlam, 6614c ('lv2-4tood veal. 160 to BoO poonda, $U4H-f rough heavy, jBV.c- , - - - " - ' XABTXBB HOOB BTXADT. - , Chicago, No. A Uvea tork raralpta: - .- fine (rttl Sheen Chicago ..... .Mono B.OOO I6.O11O Kanaaa City...... . .u .' Omaha 6.000 4.000 B.6O0 1 1, hi opened ateedv with 8.500 left over. He celpt a rear ago were 17. 0011. Prh-ea: Mixed. !4."x;tra xi, gnno,. e.i.oovjo.aoi. rougu, fi .76-. light. fi4.TMi8.aor . ," ('ttle loc lower. , Bbep41tady to IOC higher. - .1 40-FOOT DAR COOS BAY SLOGAN- People of Region Prepare for Active Campaign for Deep - Water Channel' EXPECT AID OF PEOPLE. OF OREGON METROPOLIS Depth-of Water in Bay Is Now Twenty-Two Ffet and No Im provernent Work ; Done r for Five '.Yean Past. '; ' , ' . (BpecUl Dlapatcb to Tb Journal.) Marahfleld. Or.. Nov., 1. "Forty foot of water for Coos bay." This baa boon adopted as tha. slogan of the Willamette Vallar Development league, which mat raoently at Eugene-, and which will con- vona Novambor 11 at McMlnnvllle, whan tha whole tat will b fully repro- aented and Coo bay. will be tha main them. Coo has been proralaed th support of tha leaf u. together with all Its allied organisation, all woraina ior the proper opening of Coos bay to th world.- ., ."1 With th advent of the railroad from Drain, which is now paat ,doubt the connoctlnf link between Cooa and th outald world will be forged, and th natural and footraphlo harbor of south, era Oreaon and northern California will be placed at the service of the vaal county tributary to uooa pay. ... . t rroblem Za. Suapl.; V - The work of detpenlnr' Cooa bay suf ficiently to allow the larist veaoel to come , and go at will haw been pro nounced by the ' government eng lnoer to be one of the airapiest ,or engineer ing problems. ' ' ' .. . The depth of-water on Cooa bay bf at preaent IS 12 feet at low water, at though no work baa been done on It fol Ave years, when a small appropriation waa applied to the work. - One aide of the entrance only haa been , Jet tied, though the engineers' apeclflcatlona at the first instance called for a Jetty on either,, side, and the work done on the one fide has been carried on in the uaual desultory manner. . the ' appropriations being almoat a lifetime apart, ao that the first work haa to j practlcaUydotv owr. . ; ' Bar' Xa a Short On. ' The bar proper Is , only about 100 vardV across, with an almost aheer depiaV-wn either aMe of from 7B to 100 feet Thla enorton on the coast and -the easiest removed;-la at preaent the only., drawback ' to the harbor. "''. At a meeting pt the Coos bay chamber of commerce Monday night definite ar rangements wer; mad for th sending of a strong ' -delegation to th meeting of the league. - Amonjr, th delegates are Stat Senator John 1 , S.. Coke, , Mayor Sensataeken'-bf Marahfleld, Mayor Simp son of North Bend, Peter Loggle, lat delegate to th Trans-Mlsalsstppl Com marnlal nnnxrtli. (hd Jtmti H. Fla'nae gan of Flanagan, Bennett'a bank of Marahfleld. j- - cooa euunty-BtHps -aa mut-li as. If nut mere than .any ..ooaat cownty between Ran Trn.Ro4aco A.nd Paget aound. and yet none o-. this -reaches Portland, with the excp.-on of what la carried In Sao Francisco snips. - HURLfO HIGH IN AIR BY A DYHAHITE EXPLOSION James Peek Killed and Ernest Hickson Badly Injured Near Vlda. : ---- (Spaelat Dlapatcb to Th JonrnaL) - ' Eugene. Or.. Nov. i. -Br th xplo slon of a quantity of dynamite which they were thawing out," James Pek. mA 48 vearl waa1 klllad and Rrnest Hlckaon, aged ll. s son of Andy Hickson. was Daoiy : injurwa near in village of Vlda. 18 miles esst of Eugene, yesterday' afternoon. y Peek and vounar Hickson. together with one or two other men. wrr en gaged In blasting out stumps on tne farm of Clarence Thoraeon. Running but of bleating material thy "undertook n .Kaiav Ant noma) dvnamlte Which had beoome frosen during the night. It got too hot and expiooea witnout warning. Peek and they boy, who were standing close, wer hurled Into the air end the niaa'a KacI v was terrlblr mangled. The Hboy will probably recover, r ' , Peek was a man or ramuy ana was a well-known and ' highly respected cltl sen of thst locality. TWENTY WHALES KILLED IN SUBMARINE BATTLE '! fewraal Bpc1l SerHce.) : J Hunts Barbara. CaU, Nov.' I. Bodies of Tver 10 desd whales, known s "kill ers," ar floating In th channel off Santa Crus island, '10 miles from this city. The discovery was made by Walter Stafford, who 1)8 Just returned to the Islanda la a launch. Th gigan tic corpse maaaure from 10 to 40. feet In length and bear mute evidence of fierce battle between the monetera. This wsrfar has been going on between whales and sword flan for several week In th ocean near ChannMland. and it Is probable that In the extermination of ao many or .this variety or wnaiee a signal victory has been won by( some levia thans. -.'--.' - i - - ' :-'. - ' rvr Spidamle Ovr. . (Joaraal special nwrvke.) New Orleans, La., Nov. 1. Loulslsna Stat university opened today. Other schools throughout the state ar nearly all open. "Bualneeev generally haa been resumed throughout th atate and city, The.openlng of the' schools Indies tea the nd of all fear of any further spread of the disease this yesr. - ' Hives are a terrible torment to little folks, and to some older on. Eaally cured. Doan'S Ointment never fall. Instant relief, permanent euro. .At any drug store. 0 cnta. ... - ( iBdependtwo Snipe Stock. (Special Dtepatrh t The Journal.) Independence Nov. -1. James Macy hinu from thla nlaca vatnrdav .14 carloads of cattle. The cattle wer all bought in tnia vicinity ana wer snippeu ... k VeelClM Bt . lee Tau.klnar enmrvenv at Portland. A carload of aheep wer also shipped to the esm firm by J." P. r ryer. . . No metier bow long you have had the cough; If It hasn't already developed into consumption. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine 8 rup will euro It ... . , " ' ' . ' ' - . ' . , dj,u.i.iu.i'VwJr.- - NEWCASTLE NUT, NEWCASTLE LUMP r : ; AUSTRALIAN, ROSLYN, PEACOCK ROCK SPRINGS, FRANKLIN LOW PRICES ON OTHER COALS First Prize Gold Medal awarded by Lewis t Clark Centennial Eiposllloa THE PACIFIC COAST CO. ; : CHAS. H. GLEIM, Agent , : : ; r : : 249 Washington St L 1 ' '' ' . We treat eneeessftflly all privet ner vous and ehronte disease ef men: also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and - throat troubles. ' W eur SYPHILIS (without mercury) to stay cured for ever. We remove STRICTURE), with out operation or pain. In It day. We stop drains; night loaaes and ' spermatorrhea by a nw method In a week. W can reatore the aexual vigor of any man under 10 by meana of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. , . W Cure Gonorrhoea ' " . Iif a Week The doctors ef this Institute ere ell IN A regular graduates, have had many -Z-year" experience, nav been known ortland for la-year, nave a reputation f to maintain, and will undertaa no ctii: - uma certain cure oan o ettectes. It - W guarantoe a cur In rry case wa . aaoertake or charge no re, conauita .1 rji-w-iw- vno UB-ht mell Cma. I plain wrappr. We cure th wrrt cns 01 pile Ta on. ' Cure guaranteed. . If vou cannot call at office, write for eesafuL . .. ,i . . - Office hour, t to I and T to . Sandaya and holidaya, 18 t It. ' DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Ofltees ta Tan Ney Hotel. (3V. Third Street Corner Pin. Portlatv. Or. Do You if - " OUR PATIENf S HAVE NO RELAPSES OIS0b"IS nCX In th Srat, aecend er third tag ar nnrlned and mad deaa la blood, tla.ue end bone nroniptl and pernanentlr. Cnre gnaranteed. KIVES AMD KICTAI. TLOKBI ar plnleljr enred to atay cared without anrgrrj or Interference with jeccapaUoa. Our poaltlv guaran- tee In every caa. ? aOVOKkltOEA AVD 8 LI IT qnlcklr.and aermanentlr cured without stricture and eomoltcatVHia attendant or followln. 1 aTWtrrairsn WM. A noaltlve. permanent cure by oar ante, pain lee method, with out tb knlf er th llghtet Inconvenlenc or loea ef tlm. CONSULTATION and EXAMINATION FREE JJVXZ..". bflo Eenral 8 A. K. to t. M. IvBdaya, 18 to II Oaly. St. Louis Medical and Sunilcalispchsary rjuumi amiTmnlir.Stre)cti. Portlaad. Or. ' X ' ilMMtMIMMMMMi IT DIDN'T HURT PFX ( BIT iritA I . , ,'l I l waat they ear ef r taethoe ef entna ; ,t ,v I ' .V I eeatal work. W d werk er people frej ... a I I V J t nt ef th elty ulckly to avoid ear lr. I , v ' . V 4W f Ever; thing an to date. Opea evening aad V ' ' j anndaya. Mala SOst. -V WISE BROS., Dentists n.T.ltl ' Ih Falling. r. Third aad Watatogtoa. p. W. A. wrgg. awgaiaWaaaaWaWaK vWBBWawaMaaaaHBWaWaW4WgMMBBWBaaaaMaTaVaV WBaVaaVaWaSBBBga OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO " ' Members Chicago Board of Trad. ' BKATS, WMVMOII, OOTTOST, STOCXS AaTB BOKTSS. . . ; 101 Third Street, McKay Building, Portland. Or. W SO A- STBZOTXiT COlOtTSSIOsT lUIOTH Continuous Marketa by Private Wire. Quick Service REFERENCES Ladd tl 7 TUton. bankera. and United States National Bank of Portland. BowjrTMO, sorxurs ft oo, v (Esublished I8t.) . ' WaTJBAT AJTP STQCat SSOKSMr' " ,' Boom 4, trottad floor, CXABTBU Or COmtEBCB. Lois $90 7 to $100 -Easy 4 Terms Moore 1 Iavestmcnl Company 151i SIxBi Street GRAND JURY RROBES ;; IDAHO LAND FRAUDS (flpeclal' Dtepatrh to The Journal.) Moacow, Idaho. Nov. I. Th federal grand jury at work trying, the alleged land fraud caaea In thla city la ex ceptionally busy. The alleged; . cone piracy on the part of Messra. Ketten- bac.h and Renter of I.wlton. alleged to have defrauded the government of valuable timber lands. Is now under In vestigation. - ' . It Is expected that the grand jury will conclude Its senaloii tomorrow. Only three witnesses .were examined yester day and ther Is vry reason to ex pect thst Indictments In th land fraud WSURB XTWrvTa i TIio Ccd to L::y AtlD How to Durn It Is the all absorbioc economic " question Of the house owner. -Artriai-ot mnTt the foltoeyiiin 1 hranda wiQ ' aolve it aneedilv and to your utisuction. ...- : Telephones 229 and 237 m ;j 5S; T WJ v&rj 4 --: w vSce Tiro ar thr tratmnta without oprae ernaatlM blank. Boaae tree Us out Want to Be Cured? W JE E K - a - - m . m v . -s , -w Tllll. liar ir'eo" TAEICOCELE. HTDROCKLgl Under amr met hud wa cure without .anrgerv. VTTAL SECtm; cotnmonlr called laat Bnaeod. la e ear alga of vital deear and weakneaa. alaater the Weak- , ; - Hl Don't let falae mode. IT rla your' health. Com to. oa At.ooe and be qnlckl. TPKILia la qulrklr and fe!ycnred with a tboroof hnee . o mi ta, ether methoda. No mineral nolaona naed. w i 1 1 8 00 00080000000: C. OEE WO The Great Chinese Doctor forsMrly ' located at 8 Aide t Ihh-4, . lias Moved T the Urn brtct building at a. B. f rirat aad atarclu ta, . v y, ::tc. , rarM atreei Br, a Oe .We, the Oreat ' Chlaee patter, . ta .wen known and famon throughMt th U. -a. bacan hla wonderful and anarvaloa can have bee k.ralrfed broadraat ' throe hoe t the length and breadth ef thla eouarrf. II treat any and all dlae wllb powerful Chle reeta, hwha, bod, bark and vthle thai re entirely unknown to aidlal rme I tbl eoontrv and thmnah th a f tha bermlea remedle be ga. ranter rre catarrh, .ihm. long tnnhle. rhumattam.rvonM. atomach, liver, kidney,' female trouble aad all privet ' V " .,a- Thle fanma doctor cnre without the al ef the knife, without naln not"n dr. Hrndreda ef reetlmenlab en Hie et kU (aee. Call and ne Mm' , rnerrv siwlMvt. C0H8OT.TAT10 fSUV -Patlnt nt ef the elty write foe bla ad rlrciilar. Itwloae 4 Hitb. AtUtmn 1 0. e)ee We Chine Hwlicli.e C, 14 lt 8k. er, Morrtton. P.rtlaad, Or. Ft aaentla) Uita yaix. a . - . . i 1 ' ' caas"wlU be returnd Mondar. My wltneaee summoned wer) dlarharjel ytnly. v Bash le Bobbed. (Journal rectl ' Sedalla, Mo., Nov. 3. 'i he r.nk al Clelfhton, ( rviunty, wa Mi"'i 4,080 'thla morning. ;-7v :,ui::.::,:-v r