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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURKAL. PORTLAND. ' FRIDAY EVENING. fOVEMEi:n Z. KZZ. a:cf culls oi THE PRESIDENT Louis of Battenburg Visits th Nation's Capital as Quest of Ambassador Durand. TO DELIVER AUTOGRAPH i LETTER FROM THE KING Will Be Entertained by Mr. Rooee , relt at the , Moat Brilliant Social Function of the Season Dinee To day at Brituh Embaasy. .. t (Joaraal Seeclal 9 " Waahlngion, l. C "T- "rT ,,; IxmiIs of Battenbura. commander of tne ij.i.i.h oniiarr inunlren now vlsltlna tht country. tha memBer of hia et ami th cptajn of th ships consU tutln th sauadron. nrrrved her this forenoon from .Annapolis. Waryiana They war escorted by Admiral Sands ..... ' i nrri,ra of hia ataff and were received by a representative of Sir Mortimer Pui-end. th """". dor In thla city.' X- ' ' " ' Th prince and th member of bis . .in .mi. tha afternoon to slant- - k. vnina their will be .1.. air Mortimer and Lady Durand at a formal reception iven in their honor at the Brlttah embassy nn Connecticut avenue. Thla- after- - noon Prince Louie and hie ataff will be received by President Rooaevelt at th White Houae . and ' tomorrow they - will b entertained by th president at a formal atat dinner. The laiw. - to k th. most brilliant social feature of th visit of th a-rlnc to th United States. , ' .; - v .-- -rr--1 ' Xave for Capital. Annapolis, Md..Nov. . Prlne fcoul of BattenburaS the members of bl staff andsthe captahia of hta squadron left thla morn In a for Washington to pay their resnecta. to President Rooaevelt, in th menntim the officer and men f the American, sousdron are doina their-level beat .tontrtla the minor officers and- th men . of the Brttlah The relations between th visitor and their boat. are eatremely jcor dial and the utmost good feeling; pre-rallaTMknrny-nf the prominent citlsena -ef. thla town have opened their houeea the visitors and ther are many social functions on a am nil seal everywher. -At th suaceation of Pro feasor N. U. . itum ha a tf the rienartment of physics ' arid chemistry at th naval academy, th officers of the American squadron have arranged a raccoon hunt for th entertainment of th' rialtlna officers. They hav enlisted th services of John Knadler, who la known as one of the most successful raccoon hunters of this vicinity, and h will bs expected ta guide the party to the lair of the coon. The expedition will start thia evening, toward dusk. Mr. Knadler owna . two very fin 'coon dorv. The Brlttah officers are very likely to find aom sport, ss It Is .very rar that a -party -guided by Mr. Knadler returns empty handed. As 'coon bunting is a rather strenuouav-oport. it is probable that a number of the officer who take part In th tramp will not be abl to attend th ball which wllf be given In lllO airniuiy ifHiuiiyw tciiiii. HUNTER BECOMES LOST . ' IN CASCADE MOUNTAINS (Special Dlaparch te The JoaraaLt - Albany, Nov. . Peter Nystrom, - a miner who has been employed at the Uold Creek mines In the Cascade moun tains the last few months, la lost In tb mountain and a . party of a dosen men la earchln- for him. On October Se Nystrom, armed with a rifle, started out for a couple of hours' hunt. Tailing ta return, th men In camp began a aearch for him, but failed to find any traces of the missing msn for a number of days. Laat night word cam out from th mine telling of th loaa of th man and the fact that tb searchers , had at laat found hia tracks In th snow . and were following him, but"5 fears war en tertained for Ids safety. He had no pro vlaktns when h left camp and had only a small supply of ammunition. Nys . trora Is a resident of Uutes. on th east -and -of the Cr sV. E. railroad, erher-his family reside. . ; ' yaquina Winter rates. Dellgktfal Weatker Most of the Tim at The people who visited Tsqulna Bay llghtful weatberJ'thalop'u1aFfso'rCt "Th feoutherw PaclWe and the CorralHe V Eastern railroads have resumed their cheap rata to thla place for the winter. Particulars by asking at city Ucket omce, Tbira ana waantngton atreets Portland. - ' - Moad Work Bnspaaded. " ' (RpeHal Olepatek to The ion mat.) . ' Albany, Or., Nov. . The Linn county court yesterday afternoon ordered-a sus pension of operations on the Calspooia wagon rosd for the winter on account of bad weather in th mountain. The road Is almost completed to the county line, a distance of about six mile from . the. mining, district, and ' already the miners and settlers at the other end . ar building a road. to connect with th Linn county road. . . v Fcr Daby'o Dath. - Te Westlfy rh ekla, ' th erelp, rrew the ketr. ' ektllag, ItrhUs sad Irrltatlna, te kp the llrete ekla pare an 4 street, especially little eabias, ueie's aotMog like nAnnrjACOAP -A Breath afPlna Balsam hi Every Cake," Mnttrat4. denanrlstng. frafraat. Msltlta4es e( uire ear tiareae lias a equsi ror erery i at tntlat. bath sad sararry. Ald4 by 81 uir ear Uaraae Has a equel for every per. Bale- at. It Saalma (It bsaaor akra kaeJthy erslp. rear ekia aa4 keaatlful kalr. Ixjra aakee, itruailata'. Aak for HarSn Soap end skliikaaltk Trealoiaat' T&c., aruflat'. A etnate trtal will eavtme yma of tbe aaeeal4 .mi ef tbea surreleus praparatlaas. Beroa iihaiiretea. r eoep M aiedlrata Ilka Rarsn. Maaarartsead ay ItM Ha Bperiaitiee On., Take eoU ILiag til eteaafareaer aii .it ear 4aewrapieri t7 'aKW. tftt VOOSAJtO, C1WM ft CO, The ; Market Basket From thia Him' forth., until late spring, the Portland vegetable market will be supplied 'with-stocks "grown in California and ther trill be at conse quent Increase' In the price. Th sup pile already hav started In this direc tion. i Tomatde from the south hav nut In annearanes and ar quoted ma terlally higher ina tne iai tocai grown article.. They -do not last, aa. good, either. . .. ' - Th housewife wss told a week or so ago that th flour market waa going to rise, and th market naa now ad vanced as per - predictions. . Flour wss hlah enough before, say the hou wive. True., but th recant advances In the price of wheat hav compelled th miliars . to raia their prices - ac cordingly. , ., ? ....... 1 Portland baa been th highest mar ket In th ITnlted Statea for butter for the pant three years. This' Is now to be remedied to soma extant If the cream ery men can do it. . The manufacturer have realised for some tint that th upward fluctuations in th price of but ter hav been too i rapid . and heavy. Ther la aom excua for the high prices intb Puget sound cities, for they are compelled to secure most of their . supplies from outside states, while her in Portia ud w hav very- thing w need right at our doors. With th high price oh local butter It' soon became th habit of th trad to bring In - heavy - supplies from the eaat and from California, which easily undersold the local production. Thla la the situa tion at th present time snd for th purpose of righting matter th leading, ARE SUED Government r Begins Action to Recover Many Tracts of Z C J Stolen Land, ; (Joeraal Bperla! Smlee.) ' St Paul. Minn Nov. a. Suit . were begun her today in the federal court agalnat Frederick Weyerhauaer, -Akaley and 8 prague. Itasca Lumber company 8. -Smith Co., Richard Chute, Les- neuer Lumber company, Felthous Land company. William BV Hill, T. Rr Foley, T.-W. Irwrn, Alger, mlth Co., P. J. Orannta and William Sauntry, all of whom ar wealthy,' to recover I tracts of land for the government The land waa purchased by th defendant from Frederick A. Hyde, John A. Benson and C. EL Glover, who ar charred with being Implicated In th land fraud In th west The lands were taken Inno cently In exchsnge for California lands. It Is alleged, through C. W. Clark of San Francisco, who acted aa agent for the trio. Th complaint also implicate Wood ford E. Harlan, William E. Valk, Her mann, Ben F. Allen, forest superintend ent and Grant I, Taxxart. forest y,. pervimir vi niinmiwn.,-'. -r . Valk haa been closely assoclaua wllb Congressms Blnger Hermann, while Allen has ben several times indicted in California tn connection with th land fraud Invest! gations.- ; x 7R1GHT LOSES- HIS GLAIM Judge White Decides State Is Entitled to Property Left by Deceased Man. : (dperl.l Dlweteh te Tke Jnareal.t ' Baker City, Or.. Nov. . Circuit Judge White today handed down a decision affirming th state' title to th estate of E. E. Clough, deceased., valued at I5.KI0. - Clough died In Aurust 190S, having no heirs and supposedly left ne wlIL J. A. Wright spplled for and wai appointed administrator of the eatate, About two months after his appointment Wright brought forward a will signed by th deceased leaving th entire estate to him. Ther were no witnesses te the wlIL Th will waa probated but the state contended that ther being no wit- ass tu III will Hi wss Invalid; The case, which haa attracted much afuntfoo Kere because of the prominence of'the psrtles involved, -was -Jodsy settled In favor of the plaintiff. At tornays Butcher,- Clifford and Correll were appointed by Governor Chamber lain to defend the state. C A. John ap peared for the defendant - , Company to Band Bridge. Wenatchee. Wash., Nov. I. To bridge th Columbia river at wnatchee,' a stock company,' composed Of business men of thfs city ..'and farmers across the river, has beeitv.tn5ftrplrate0; wKh a capital stock of 1100.000. - -Secretary Olive. Of the bridge com pany has written to the wsr department Tor the form or bill needed to secure a permit to build the urtdge. . HATS Kpm Yon Looking Young r.ZYZ.vT 3"m",rnl to rrar or asadroir., A klxh-eUaa balMrawac Oreat Hair rood. iHn by R AkriN A SOAP, . "a cerma, slop; 'le, proaaeti SJM- growth. Larva buo. r,ir1,.s:,u,,' T,k th,n Fril iOIB flffflr 9-oel for SBe.Cak aiJ. tlTS .J, "ana-is BOAP. "11 this, 4aka te any or follnwmir rsr r. cake Rarflne MedlcatM Sxp, both for fOe.i regular prlr TV.; ar mt bl phllo i.7rfir a eaa (tXA r earth and WahUire St. TIMBER GRABBERS creamery men hav cut their wholeaal prices In cents a pouna or cents roll. j '-.& .': All Is well In the poultry market for the nonaumer at least During th paat few days receipts - became heavy and th result was that wholeaal pM aaaln have droDDed to the bottom, al lowing a good dcllne"ln "retail values on chickens. ' Although th chicken market la weak and materially lower ther is still a strong ton In turkeys. Becelpts of these ar few and prlcea ar still remarkably high. Oood ducks are selling freely these days at high prices on account of th heavier de mand from th Chinese. . Th oriental ar the largest purchasers of duck In tbls market .... , .v . r Th egg market has stopped advanc ing. In the retail markets 2a cents Is th average price for fraah ranch stocks. but S cents is all that la asked for flrst-clsss eastern eggs. Everything considered, th latter now seem th beat buy. - , ,: Peaches hav "now disappeared from th mirket and the supplies of other fresh fruits ar not good. Grapes ar worrying along at th and of their aea- aon and prices . ar higher. Good bananaa ar rather . high but ' cheap stocks ar cheap' indeed. Winter pear are uncommonly high for this time of year on account of th great demand from the eaatern markets for -the best Oregon product Apples -ar In rood supply and ra selling at all sorts of prices. ' jThe orientals now ar buying tn choicer Hood River fruit and they are paying th price, too. - WE HILL illlD PARTY HERE PromlnenXastemVinnancIers Studying Northwest With View to Heavy Investments. Samnel Hill, nephew of James J. Hill and - formerly for 10 Vears his con- fldenttat adviser. Is at the Portland' ho tel today with a party jf wealthy cap Ralista from the eaat. They are look ing over the northweat to learn more Intimately ita resources and prosnecta and. although the members of the party reruse to indicate what is the exact ob ject of their visit. It Is understood that they are willing to inveat larre sums of money ao soon aa ther Snd what tney want. - .". ,' . In the party are W. D. Curtis, presi dent of th savings bank of Lenox, Massachusetts, and on of the strong- eat factors In th financial 11 fe of that state: E- M. .Hill, head of the Paper Board company., of Indianapolis. Indi ans, and H. M. Hill, one of the mer chant ' prtnevar In -thohardware trade. who la member of the largest Arm In that line in Mlnneapolla. aflnneaota. Samuel Hill, although for many year a resident of Seattle, does not confine ests of his horn dty, but takes the broad view that all north coast towns have a common deefjny and must stand together In their effort to compel th world to recognise the Inevitable fu ture that, la to be worked out In a com merclal way.," "I am a Seattle man." aald Mr, Hill, "and I am - proud of that clty'a . great achievements.' I am si so proud of other coast eltlea, ana am especially iimpraamed with the prospects that ar before' the entlr chain., of town, from Blaine, Washington, to Portland, Oregon., "Any on .who will study the map Intelligently and take into account the conditions that govern, will learn that ther must be built up her on the north cosst a system of trad centers thst will ..transfer the commerce of the continent to this region." Mr. Hill has had large experience In the conduct of railways and haa at th earn time always maintained bl own Interest Independently of his former connection with-the Great Northern. - Today the- party bae been looking Into local condition and from her goes to Walla Walla and other Inland- town. Before returning home a comprehensive knowledge of the north - eoaat states will .have been? gained. CHURCH REMOVES BAR FROM SUNDAY-THEATRE i (SoecUl Dtaeatrk to The Joaraal.) Seattle.-Nov, t-The feehkmahle Bt Mark's. placopal ohurch will no longer conflict .. with th . Sunday- evening thestre. in response to popular de mand mad by th congregation. Rev. 3. P. D. Lloyd announce that th Sun day svenlng sermon and choral service will take place at o clock in the after noon, leaving the parishioners free to utilise the evening es'they see fit The reason assigned by the pastor are Inability of members to attend because their servants are away ana mat musical program , In . the afternoon . Is more, popular. , ' ; -i However, the Episcopal church haa no -estsbltshed -Injunction - against the Sunday t heart re arRMIfe change removea the . only, obstacle In the way of . the pleasure-laying members of th congre gationv who make no bonan of th fact that earlier services , were petitioned fbr Ibat they m.I(rht attend the theatre In the evening. - ijmona- the social set ths movement .Is - considered one of progression and the Indifference of .con' gregstlons is said to b th only reason why. similar changes : have ' not bsen made in other denominations. -1 - - FINDS WIFE DEAD WHEN HE RETURNS HOME ..... , ... , "(Mpeeial THapatcll to Tbe Journal.! ITeppner. Or Nov. I. -C. Colllne, who Uvea near Oscar Thompeon's place on Big Butter creek, left his wife In good health early yesterdsy . morning and noon returning In the evening found her lying dead Just outside of the door Of their home, death being .caused presum ably by heart .trouble. . , Sag-ene Clerks Organise, (.pedal Dispatch te Tn Journal.) Eugene. Or., Nor. I. The store clerks of this city hsve effected a temporary organisation of a' vnlon. Committees hsve been sppotnted on constitution snd by-laws and to solicit for membership. There sre probshly ft clerks In the city who ere eligible to join tne union. i; Oood Crops la Wallowa. (Special Plaoatrh trf Tb Joomal.) , Flrtra, Wallowa County, Or.i Nov. I. Notwithstanding -the extremely dry eummer, fairly, good crops were har--veated in the north end of Wallowa county. Threshing . machines are fin ishing th season's work. . , Fellows The Popular Grocer and Market Man, , where all the shrewd buy ers go for their provisions. Our motto: LIVE" AND LETLIVE IS- ' t pounds Seedless Raisins. Y'- tot ' . Pound Waahd Currants. Pound Citron.' Lemon or Orang reel Gallon Pur 'Apple Cider. ' V "v . ''.'91.00 , " " J lb. Dry Granulated Sugar. 5e Can 8ta. Condensed Cream; rag. price , loo per aosen. t cans Standard Oysters. , I ..pkga Gold Dust Washing Powder. pounds Good Broken Rice. 374 - WASHINGTON- STREET Red Star Market he Popular ' North Portland plaee to buy your meats and pro visions for your Sunday's Dinner ' 'L. A. RIEMANN, JR. 243 North 17th St. Phone '- - ' r- .Hood 576. - Central Market Has something: fine for the par ticular ones who love goad, meats, vegetables, 'fish, poultry, etc. You can telephone your order and it will receive our. most careful at tention, "v ' , v Kindorf Bros, 130 Grand Ave, Phone East 412. STATE MARKET Don't Overlook " Our 6-CcntBargafn Counter Tomorrow 221 First St., Cor. Salmon LOOK THROUGH Our line' of locks, door fittings, win dow necessaries and builders' hard ware generally If you would have house satisfaction. We carry mate riel a from th bast maker, and our selling figure and attention to th need of customer will win your approval. . Frankly, w want your business. . .- ' 'Avery Sl Co. -48 TXZB9 KSBSff.;' ' Between IMn and Ash. , . - Color- Keepers Ourv pslnt 'keen their ' colore. They're made to laat long, withstand the rays of the sun,' don't blister, crack or peel off; rain r nd snow don't bother them, and snythlng and everything good that can be said of any paint can be asserted es to the faints we handle, and it will be truly old. Price In -comparison . with quality smaller than moat. fisher, Thor&en Co. rxOVT AJT9 SfOBJUSOaT ITS. Fellows E.B.CGLWEU Successor to A. J. Farrner jrstouSAxa td mtaix aooaa. SSU SM aaS SSS TkirS St, Ooe. Tgeroa The BigSfcre Prices quoted below will say you at . least o per cent:,. - westeffiiyTJianulaTeJCanelugsr loo-lb. caca . .e It Iba. Watrn Dry Qranulated Can 8uaar . 11 Beet Xry Granulated Sugar, aack..f&14 i-id. can rtoyai King rowaer. . , , ,uo 1-lb. can Schillings' Baking powder. .1(0 l-lb. pkg. Arm and Hammer Soda,,, la Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per pkg.. ..10o lb, cleart 'white Rice tie IS bara Royal Savon ooap ...,,.,..lo Hard Wheat Flour. be-ck. 1.0 Beat Eaatern Hams, per pound, ... .14 Plcnlo Hams, per pound (e Shredded Cocoanut. per pound. .... .ISo 6-lb. pall beat Lard,.... too 10-lb pall beat imth '. il.00 i.e 1.00 t-lb. pall beat Lard . Beat Soft Wheat Flour. Java and Mocha Coffee (regular 16c). per pouna . . , see Iba broken Java and Mocha (equal to 10c). tte I cans Primrose Cream. ........... .lto Tiger Cream (regular 10c), per can., to English Breakfast Teal reg. 15c). lb. lto Fin Gunpowder Tea iSDeclal). lb...lSo Scotch Oat a, per pkg. ........... ... 10c Tar Soap, t bare fe Fels Naphtha Soap, per bar.... fe Poatum Cereal, per pkg. . .10c Htn boa soda crackere about le lb.) pr box.. .too Beet Cap Cod Cranbarri, per ot.iOo llnaeda Biscuit, par-pka...... lo Fancy Burbank Potatoes, per sack ,,Tfo Kieaa airmma wmwtow aaasoa Lenox Brand Parlor UatcbeaVtOO to dvx;, per uvsvn .a,,........,,., .ess East Sid deliveries Tuesdays and Fridays. . Woodlawn. North AJblna and Piedmont, Wednesdays, non scazst sos.' Townsend & Van Wteleeml aa4 SHeaO fioeeta, ) let mun ram. We retail butter and egga at whole sale prices. Oregon Creamery Butter. .SS and SO nest cream eryJuer- New Crop State Prunes, 4 Iba aa On sack good Hard Wheat Flour. .S1.00 oound Seedleaa Raisins .....BOO Best cleaned Currants, lb. ...... ....10 Tomatoes, standard, 1 cane....... la can Baked beam , M Two l-lb. can Hominy... SS cans corn, rea or string tfn.vsa nka. Poetum or Fla Prun Cereal.. SO Oood Salmon, t can .......... ...Is Toraatoea, Solid Pack. ......... ...,.e Two l-lb pkg. Gold Duat SO One l-lb. pkg. rmour'a Waahlng . Powder ..xee Fela-Naptha Soap .............e II oars rioyai eavon soap ;aaa oars Baby Eiepnaat noep ,.mom lb. Whit Honey.... IS cana Prlmroae Cream. .......... ..lee lb. English Breakfast Tea.........le tb. Ounpowder Tea. w ... Miller- Naptha Soap ...... So Full line Flacou Broa.' Mustard. Cat sup, Chill Bauoa, .Hangoea, eta - - - - raon scaxst isss. R1EDMAN PACKING COMPANY . : --:. .. '.:v..; yv The uptown shop where you can purchase your tneats at a very i .-i.'t-.'-vr.:-. T " Great Offering We offer tomorrow an meats at pe dal prices prices to suit the taste. Look at thse prices and b convinced that you are getting the best th market affords: . We quote a few prlcea, other In pro portion: Boll Beef- ........... 44 Pot Roast Corn Beef ... .64 Rolled Roaat Beef .1.. .9 Ham Steak. I lb........,. 15e) Lamb Chopa, lba. ror... Pork Sausage. I lba. for. Plain Steak, t lba. for. .-. 5 '. ,.zr 25 Breakfast Bacon ...... . T. . tlof Lamb Stew Telaphoa Order Fromptly Aeeended to. aVU Oooda sauvarea rr ta avay Part or tb City, non acAiaT in. OOm. 1ST SJTO OOIiTaCaZA. A Tired Stomach Does not get much good for you out of what you eat,. for it does not digest much-it is wasteful. The best treatment is to send your" order for Meats, Fish, Vege tables, etc., to .' Cowan's Market S73 E. Morrison. Near Union. " Phone E2st'147."" ' ' Jacob Rassi's Market ; "If I fted only known,", said a lady the other day, after she had paid a big prlc for a roast, "that you aold auch flne meata and so cheap, you would have had my order long ago. Hereafter you may have your man call at my houae for the order."' Reader, you phone us to call. v. ' . : . 295 N. Sixteenth St. V, Cor. Ptttygrove St, Phone Main 1211, The Place toDo Your Trading .' . - ' for ". ... ' , Sunday's Dihner We carry everything-fresh from the country; Meats, Fish, Poul try,' dressed fresh; Strictly Fresh Egg- ' CHARLES HACKER 39 Grand Ave. -Phone East 69. I ' v Successor to M'KINNON GROCERY CO. ' 173 THinD ST.. fi'ecr Ycmhill :- Bring along your cash and buy groceries at the right price A trial order will tell the story. 1 A few specials: , ,. j , - "" -- .- 1 - A a. i iiipBaBaaeaaaafaajaaieaaaaa. 19 Pourtds Dry Granulated Sugar. . ...... ,'. ... .$1.00 -3 Paella grs Acorn Matches. ..25 1 Gallon Dill Pickles. ... ,23e 2 Pounds Home-Made. Mince; Meat.. v. ......;. 25 1 Can Star Cream . ; 5 1 Gallon Can Tute-Maple Syrup.... 31.00 1 Package .Scotch Oats, .. ..............lOfr 1 Can. Baker's Cocoa. .20 1 Box 'Macaroni .,.;.............r..........,.35 , CITV GROCERY 173 THIRD STREET, . - PHONE MAIN 1654 4 BARNES' Market Hava Just received a carload of Fine Turkeys and Chickens. Why not order Fine ', J For SUNDAY . DINNER. Exchange43 Chickens ; 15 CROCItRCLS 19 Lba. Sngar..... ....... ....fl.OO Fancy Creamery Butter, roll.. 65 2 Cakei Honey..... r.... 10-L,b. Box fancy Prunes.. ... l Sack Good Flour... ,TT;.,fl.0O Pkgt. Peacock. Pancake , Flour 2S4 1- TJ... C. ' CHa 2 Pkgav Aunr Jernirr P. C TTour ...... xof DVnm VtR MAD WTfTvAtJI.' ITLT rrTTT V r StfWa aa'ae v .'anaaaM XiraS aad Taylor Sea. VkoM SfaU 141a. Full Une : of Crockery W have removed to our new quartera and ar better prepared to ' give our custorosrs prompt eervlce. Our nw blend of . la th favorite with an who hav ua4 . pounda tor Sl-00-414 stetTleoa BeaMW fme )lvae lA.n, a In 2-Pie 10c Packages; MrkLL50ULE CO. I I SYRACUSE. NEWYOUK aiaAvu4aiiun iuKAHKtt' GET THE HABIT OF COMING TO JOHN'S; MARKET FOR FRESH DRESSED - Chickens Ao extra good piece of , corned beef or pickled pork; a leg of lamb, loin of veal, fillet of beef, a . Pike s i-'eait roast, ( rrencn chops, beef tongue or a nice piece cut off the shoulder, end of the . ' ".' : . ham." -Don't Forget the Place. , JOHN'S MARKET -:- - NORTH SIXTH : Phone 1954 Main. BUTTER! BUTTER! Creamery butter ISCIOc Heat creamery esc Oood creamery lOe DaVy butter .400450 Rca . . . 26c Freah ranch es;as . 10c Plrnto or cottage ham ..-.- lec Beat siisir-cured ham ,-tv....... - ' 14c t lbs. lard (compound) ......... iSe Tura lard .101 KKa Chickens for Saturday He Uees . . .......... 1IH0 La Grande Creamery .. . . ase wajBhlU treet. - Freth Oregon Creamery Butter 6O0 Per Roll ;:, Prtah Ef f i, per doten . , . , ...... Z04 si j Headquarters for, Skamokawa and Corvallii Creamery - - . . ' 1 Butter. ' ' - ' Enterprise Creamery Co. -IZ7riKST ST. Between Waibintton and Alder. M Phone ca year ... order. . 107 Third St Cento Pound 10-Lb. Pail Swift's Compound Lard 80 - Sugar-Cured Hama Picnic- Harat- . .. .ai; Cottage Hama' Pot Roaat 77., ,i......a 9e : Boiling Meat 5-Lb, Pail Mt. Hood Lad.... 0f a ' f a.a v a a.- aiay Tea SeUveer ie anTM of th Olty. Full Line of vChfnifand Granite - !t. ' Phone u to delhrer yeaj three , raon XtAOt SSSS. t- , - - MOST DELICIOUS PIES, i FRUIT CAKES , PUDDINGS AND COOKIES.--- 5 Mlh'CKHKATi a. aaaaaa was a MaaaaMj McKINNONiS SMITH CASH GROCERS Phone East 2S3 ; 128 GRAND AVENUE ' Our comoetitors claim we are sro ing up. Well, if we do we won't hold you up, but -wilP continue' to sell at the same rate. ; ',';. East side people don't hare ta cross the bndce to tret orices. Delivery made to anv Dart of the Fresh Ranch Eggs, dos. .. .30 Fancy Creamery Butter.... 55 18 pound beat Suaar 11.09 C-poaa: pall Best Lard, SOe; 10 aBdsi...l.oe t immI B...I ll.t In. ttamrAmm AVtm 1 anesd aVhlllltif'S S.klos Powder SA I sack fnod sard arheat .Ploar ..11.00 , Belld saekod Tnmatoea. per dosas ...... an S-oasee bottle Vanilla liatraet K -oane bottle Lamoe .'. Me Oood Java Coffe. loe par poaad, Beaaoa. 95., Oood Ena-Hae Breakfaat Taa :., - loe 1 poaad Uanaowder Taa .art,..,., tn . n , a ,.,&w aa. . rummm on... i.mip, m wiivv. . . w - 1 paka-e Cera Starch - se Beotck Oats , V ,n Beat Java aad Wove Coffae. set poaad .. tn Pestaaa I Oood Baeoa ........................ t....le rif Prune Cereal.... " Brat Ham., prt poaad . 14e aku. - -. Til HmI lAJk Auk.... Baat Ban and TaDiora, 10 aoaade an 1 ponad beat Ooeoaaat ............. lee Bottle Blaalac a " - atviMM rM.aa . . . . lfut Pssry Table 'mp. par falloa. So Larf. box Macaroni toe " WASHINGTON MARKET. 1U lint Street, bet. aHark aad Waaklaa-tea. rhoae Jtaia.ItlO, . Rolled Roaat Brat ... Se Prima Rib Roaat lte Rtrlola ateak. TanderMs ataaks .....Utt fUln Rtrak, I IN m Mntto Lamb Muitoa chwa. a lbs for an tola or Rib (Hia (....10 UV Shoaldw r Mntto Wntton Pork Roa.ts IfteteltHe Pork Chops ,.o to llue ' Teal Rnaats .....10. le 1st, Vral Crop. ..10 le ia44 Raaaare Maet I t tor .......... ...... ..... Hambarsar. s ins ror Snaar -4-ure nrratraat Baeoa .Ifef Brat Oaamray Batter r Sncar-fliraa Ham , 114 Boll Brat (e t i CHRIS TAPFER. Ptob. Oraers Detlvered PreBptlr, Ssst er West Bldoa :':::.... ; v- : .J.