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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
o:i::cou daily -L. I ORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENIMG.- NOVELIEZ . 5. 1CC3. jroun Tones 1 TONIGHT'S AWrSEXEVTL Varonam Grand.. .. H'llHO.., liaaer. .. v , Umpire.. ....... Lyric, ........ ....... Star .' (trand .....a,...,... Ubart.. .,...Ftiry Froaa Farta' ..."'Ill Manaaiaa1 ....alaalcal tturlvatjuf ...... . .. ."ixwa lixirua "Tbs Bauker'a Daughter Vautl.vli: .....,. . Vautllle .-. VaudarUl ' Diroor'of Exhibit H. E. Dosch Ana announced ' the "list of stiver raedul wards in -th department of foods and food products at the Lewis and Clark ei position. - uregon exhibitors "agai cored ahead of all. others., winning 112 of the medals offered. California won 4i." The others were won by exhibitors from .Alaska, Missouri,. Kentucky, Mas- ' sachusetts. Mew . xom, . Louisiana, lilt role, Washington, ' Idaho, : Utah and Japan. i, . ..... ., .. (- Joseph Parker of Scappooee," Oregon, Is In the city soliciting funds for the build Ing of a Catholic church at that place, . He believes that (he mlllmen will donate enough lumber to bulk! the edttloe. . Berv Ices at Scappoose are now being held lu a public halL Mr. Parker says that about IS Catholic families reside in his neighbor hood and It baa been their ambition for some time past to own a house of wor ship.,". - ...: . ;. Emma L. Corbett, W. C. Alvord. H. Corbett and E.. R. Corbett. executors ot the will of Henry W. Corbett. filed thel fif th; semi-annual report - with , County Judge Lionel R. Webster this morning. The report showwthat from March S to October .!, 1906. the, estate has re celved from all sources. Including th proceeds from the sale of shares In th Portland Consolidated Railway, com pany, i4S,o. ;j , , . . , - - John C. Andraea has "begun a suit for a divorce from Leila. May Andraea, al leglng desertion. The couple were mar- - lied at South Bend, Indiana, January A 1900. Andrues alleges that on October 10. 1902. hia wife deserted him while ' they were living InvChlcago, and went to New York. , He avers that she is now residing in Los Angeles. Andraea says that he bus resided in this city for two years. , . . . ; -: . Sheriff Word last night' received telegram from the chief of police of San Francisco stating that E.. W. Klner had left that city and was thought to k .on hla way to Portland, Rlner is wanted hefe to answer the charge of having attempted to octal n money from the city by false pretenses. He and bis father were the builder of th Tan ner creek sewer. ,- - aourl. wishes a" divorce "from Birdie Saunders, who resides In Portland. Deputy Sheriff John ; Cordano recently served paper on Mrs.. Bnunders notify ing her that her husband had sued for a divorce.' Desertion Is the reason al leged for wishing for a legal separt At the Taylor Street Methodist F.pls vopal church next Tuesday evening will .be given a program for the benefit of Willamette anivereity. - The entertain ment will' be given by the Sunday acheol of that church, the committee in charge being Mrs. T. Fessler. Mrs. W. H. -Reharrell, Mrs." J. C Carrlnon,-', C Taylor and B. Lee Pairet. District Fruit Commissioner W." K. Now all - and County- Fruit' Iwspeetor . James H. Reld have made a tour about the nurseries of Multnomah and Ciacka ' maa Counties and report them 'all in first class orderitr--Rt4 ha-adriwed "airTrultraiaers to sprar theia, trees dur- vlrig the present good weather. :. John F Cordray- left yesterday for Spokane, where he will be the manager of Sullivan & Consldlnes new f 100.000 hiiuw iiuuitv. ii wui atvmn u man class vaudeville. It is thought that later the theatres that are) being erected by the Sullivan Interests will be used tov fight the theatrical trust. . p , Chairman J. J. Johnson of the cony mutee irom Kvemngr mar - grange - is about to call s meeting; for a conference with Dr. WythycOmbe of the Arrlcul tural college to arrange a. program fot the educational and agricultural inett ' tute, whlrh, - It ha been decided, will rlast for three days. - Judge Fraser In the circuit court has granted a continuation until January 18 or the suit brought oy the Pacific Mill' Ing company of Honolulu ae-arnst In man, Poulaen at Co. The suit was be gun in l0i. The plaintiff asks for 1170,000 for alleged breach of contracL ' Dora Rice, who disappeared .recently from her home at Holton, Oregon.' . has been located by the poltoa at Farming, ton. Detective Hellyer has been search tnir for the' glrT ever since her disappear. anoe waa reported. . Her mother h - The will of Julia A. Walker, who died at her home at Mount Tabor otr Septem ber !. waa filed thla morning. She willed IS to her grandson Morris L. Walker, and the remainder f her e tate Is to be shared equally by her son, neorge I Walker, and daughter, Mrs. ' J la t tie W: urown. ,,.,' : A stag; party will be given by the kiks in ineir nan - at ino xnarauam building November 1C Slg Werthelmer. Joe Prlscoll and Harvey O'Bryan are ' the a: entertainment Committee. Each member of the order will be allowed to . The Boy'd Tea company, formerly at !! Morrison street. have how gotten -fflto their new quarters at 411 Morrison street, where they are better oreoared to serve thelr.eustomers wtth more ex. pedlency. Thy have put In a full line of crockery, o""v and granite war. ryr uyt am l" Tiftrff to'l A Good Tlftr tO'Plant The Blbaon Rose N'urserieeJMO Mllwankie avenue, , headquarters ffir Fine Roses. Take Sell wood cjr. J?fone East lll. Catalogue free. r Articles of Incorporation Tor the Take Down Square company were filed with COLLARS MADE IIS"; OCR COLLARS ARB MADK - IM ' FOUR . -- - SIZKS TO ETERT 'X INCH, INSTEAD OF , , -TWO SIZES. .. TIIET TIT, i-v - . .... .., ' " " ' Hewstt, Bradley O Co. aTABzaxAtiruir $4S Wathlngton St ft . . aTAB l.AjrS tSXAtU. V the county clerk this tnornliiff. 'Thi oapltal of the company'' i 10.ino( anj i .. . .. r 1 1 viiiiu..,. mull I'uiKiuin C K. Slttoh and W. M. DsvIil, Xhe company will dual In patent rights of all sorts. . : t - Notice The Hotel Sheridun, whirl has been ' Quarantined, haa been thor oughly fumigated and renovated, under the direction of the health ottlrer and will open for business Monday, Novem ber a. " ueorg Hcnopperi. eneriuan, ure on. - ; I Steamer Southbay sails direct Sat urday evening. San. Francisco, cabin. $12; Steerage, $: Loa Angeles, cabin, 111.80! eteerage, $15; meals and berth Included. C. Ii. Thompson, agent. III Third street -'. ' ' , Special services at the Friends' church. East Main and Thirty-fifth street. Sunday, 11 a. m- by Rev. J. V. Nanson. SubJct, "The Friends (Quakers) and What They Stand For in Doctrine and Practice," , , , '' :' : ' ' -nV A 10-pound boy made his appearance at the- home' of Deputy County Clerk Herman Schneider and wife last night Schneider, resides at Midway, , and re ports that : mother and babe are dotnf ntcely. . . , ''.'."'.. ;3 ;t The WUley-8mlth Harness company haa filed articles of Incorporation in the county clerk's office. C. A. WUley, F. M. Smith and Adolphus WUley sre tha Incorporators, and the capital stock,- la $3,000, : '.. ,' Tourlkts, as well as city 'people, flnaa clally embarrassed, will find, the Port land Leas Office, T4 Third street, the safest and most reliable place to trans act their , business.. Rates reasonable. ' Watches and diamonds $1 down and BOa per week. Goods delivered on first payment. ' Xmas Is coming. Metxgar ft Co,, iewelers. opticians. 111 Sixth. , Paintings etchings, pastels snd othaf pictures at cost at $11 H Fourth street Buy now7 and sava money. Artlstla framlaf done . toorder. Oregon .State Band dance every Satur day evening. Burkhard halt Kaat Burn side, between ITnton and Grand avenues. Orchestra of. IS pieces. The paint fire sale and good painting weather are both with us now. Remera ber the address. 146 First street, pear Alder. Tel, Main 2928. ' t - , We clean and press your clothes and shine your ahoea for $1.00 per month. Unique Tailoring Co.. $17 Washington. Main 614. . . . - , .-' . Any watches ' cleaned, tl.00; ' main spring, tt.OO; all work guaranteed one year. Metsger Co.. Ill Sixth street For perfeet fitting eyeglasses 'at- rea sonable prices, see Geo. Rubenstein, graduate, optician, 13 Fourth street Pfunder the florist 'has removed to new store at 116 Sixth street, between Alder and Morrison. . f, , v. Portland Walters' club. Grand balL Merrill's hall Saturday n Ik lit PrUe waits. , Portland's best, dancing school.1 109 Alder. Prof., Ringler. Miss Buckenmayer. Tjartlea arvmnaalum class, the Rlnarlev Physical Culture school, .ail I per month. Wanted Billiard table, . complete. In first class condition. Phone Main 8S. High class gold work on windows. Foster Klerser, phone Ex. 66." ? ; , "Dr. "O. MT Wells, yesldence. Hobart Curtis. Phone Main S21. - Frlts's tamalaa are the best ' "SEE YOUR OWN COUNTRY FIRST," IS r.lOTTO . , Movement Started to Encourage Western Travel In Preference - to European "Toure. J 'So Europe If you will, but see your own country first,", is the motto adopted by the Bait Lake- Comnteroial club, which Is seeking to shape the course of American . - tourist . travel ' westward. Circulars are being sent out proposing that a meeting be held at an early date of all secretaries of commercial organisa tions, governors of states and officials of railways la Paclflo coast and Rocky mountain states td organise the work. It ta advocated that the bulk of contt neniar travel should tome to this regianr Nowhere In th . world Is there such oade rluL.oa i ural-Sf t pery..j hercJq th United States, and no people a ually contribute ao many millions of dollara to foreigners as do .traveling American people. ' A FINE EXHIBITION. . SosMtBlatr Yew la th Z,tna of Barroom j Xreeoratioaa. Mr. E. W. Clark, th celebrated soenle artiat of t'hlcajro, haa just completed series of paintings In oil for the bar room of the Hotel Oregon that not only Ids tb hia already established reputa- on, but makes the room th finest decorated one n Portland. ; " The scenes depicted are Incident to the early his- tory of th northwest : and are .aa f oi- lo ws: "Captain Gray tH scorers the Oregon 1793." . '( "Fort leorge Northwest Co.-18U. x "Founding the Astor . Co- 111." ' "Lewi and Clark on the Oregon Trail -1805." - , ' ,- . : ; :, : ' , "Champoeg. Oregon. May 2142.'- Three allegorical panels represent the field products, bops, corn and a rape a. while , a four-foot frlese shows a faithful pre myt presentation of an ancient pastotvland hologlcal triumphal procession. The public la cordially Invited to inspect these worka of ert. Hotel Oregon, cor ner Of Seventh and Stark. ' A Palace of Bargains. . - Saturday ia our area! cloak and suit day. We opened the smison with some of "the-'most remarkable self-evident values ever shown la the city of Port land, and th besfvaluea (Mat manufac turing skill ever ayxlooed. Temorrow, Saturday, we will show you In our larae nd specious olottk rooms the choicest ClnaKS m plain figured snd mixed cloth effects that; fin tailoring and honest materials can produce. -Nothing elsa Compart our prices with anybody. This the bouse and dry goods, store that aavas tou money on all first-class goods. Journal readers and friends, don't miss this opportunity. To will appreciate these offering and Sav money by call ing Saturday. ". - ' -M'AIXEN at MIX)NSKLX. Mirwaukie Country Club. Eastern and Seattle races. ' Take Bell- wood asd Oregosi City car at First and I A li I 525, DIjiIGE FIRE:; Rreman, Overcomd by Smoke, Lies Five Hours in Burning j-f : Oxford Building. MAN RISKS LIFE TO . I : RESQUE VALUABLES Two. Firemen Have Faces Burned Saloon," Piano- House, Barber Sup ply House, Restaurant and Safe Company Suffer Losses.' , Fire originating at XA'S o'clock thla morning In the basement of the Oxford building. Sixth and Oak streets, parti ally .destroyed the Oxford ' apartment house and wrecked four stores . be neath! entailing a loss estimated at $25,000, only partially covered by In surance, The building Is a four-story brick.. 7 . ' - Morris Byse, one of the firemen, while in the burning building, was overcome by amok and fatigue and sank uncon scious to- toe floor. He was not missed by his fellows .for some time and when ha -was finally found he had been In the smoke-tilled, euffocatlnav-room Ave hours. - He was taken at one to the North Paclflo sanatorium by the police patrol and at noon 'he was still delirious.- No serious results are expected to follow. . : . The . fire '. was discovered by O. M. Handley, an engraver, who - occupied room 43 with A. C Roth, also an en graver. , Handley works - at -night, and had been in his room only a few mln utes. He was writing letters when he dlsoovered the room tiling with, smoke. Leaving his companion asleep In his room Handley -went Into the hall . to investigate. - Discovering the Are he at once began wakening the occupants of the - building. . Hla roommate , was aroused by tlie ' commotion and rescued himself. ; Handley had difficulty 1b nrouslng'Frank Powers and wife. Mra Powers was prcpatlng for a trip east and' bad purchased an elaborate ward robe. So anxious waS"she to saver her clothing from the flames that her hus band, was forced to drag her from the building. . : ' - . . . . .. , - r - Blar Onto Ftaerer. ' ' " " " Powers fell aa he carried ' his wlf down the stairs and sustained a seri ous cut on- th lip. He wore a heavy Maaonio : ring which - almost Cut his finger off when he fell. The elaborate wardrobe was '. almost ' . entirely de stroyed. Mrs. Drake, who, wHh 20 other women, escaped in her night clothing, discovered that she .had left two diamond rings, a savings ban, book .and -a large sum of money In her -room. Handley, the man who dlacevered the -fire, volunteered to save her valuables for her and was almost overcome -by smoke' in doing so. Truckmen - Orenf leld . and- Finney, ot truck company No. 1, were forced to stand near the flames and bad thelt faces scorched. Th Injuries . are not considered serious. . - Tet Zaanrane Xaps. . The Oxford, apartment house waa pur chased October 1 by Mrs. Harry M. Stanford, who with her i husband .con ducted the place. ' The purchase price was $10,000 and Insurance .In thst amount waa carried until two days ago, when Mrs. Stanford, dropped ft.OOO of insurance, it is estimated that th loss caused by fir this morning la far jn excess of $5,000. On Sixth street, In th first floor of the buj,ldlnv-se a number of business nounea inai were practically oeairoyeo by the flames. On th corner of Oak Is the Oxford saloon, of which F. B. Hahn Is proprietor. Th saloon suffered only slight Ions. - Next door to the saloon Is the piano house of A. W. Meyer, whose loss is heavy. The place waa filled wlttf a large number of pianos and ' organs, which were greatly damaged by water. Mr. Meyer has not been able to estimate the, extent of his losses. - Adjoining the piano house -on "th north was .the Wilson 'tvarber supply heuse...conuV-tea by O. M. W. Wilson. The plsce'ia'a total wreck this morning, the-entire stock being damaged. The stocks of the barber aupply house and of th piano house war only partially co v red by Insurance. r. , Safta Damagea. Next door to the barber supply house la th Hall Safe ft Lock company.. The place waa filled with safee of all de scriptions, which war seriously dam aged. The loss will be heavy- - The Jarvls restaurant occupies th -extreme north room of the Oxford block. Iha-reetaarant waa purchased two "BaVf ago oy w. a. jarvia. who has been In the restaurant bustness in Portland for IS years. The fixtures cost $2,000. . The plsce waa completely wrecked. A hack-driver, In passing the Oxford building this morning, saw dens clouds of smoke1 issuing from the. basement and Instructed a messenger boy to turn In sn alarm.: Th fir department wa notified by a still alarm, which was soon chanped after, the arrival of a chemical engine and truck company. Chief Campbell personally conducted the' fight agalnat the flames.- The fire men Wjer seriously handicapped by large pile of slabwood In th baseemnt, which they1 had to remove before they could enter with lines of hose.' " - r" feeer Damaged Hoat,''"."" "' f The fire was confined largely to the rear of th building, though th struc ture was damaged ' throughout. The flames spread quickly and gained the fourth floor In an incredibly short time . A detail of police under Captain Bal lsy did excellent service In- handling th crowds and preventing accidents to frightened occupants of th' building. Captain Bailey, with 8ergeant Taylor, Policemen O'Brien, Pric. Foster and Wilson, reached th seen soon after the alarm waa turned In andrwbrked heroically. It was largely through thelt efforts that no robberies were commit ted during the excitement. It is believed that th Are started from th furnace In th basement. Klght months ago a lire occurred In -the Oxford, cauaing a los of approximately $i,6o. "" .. THE RED FRONT TO MOVE. Kaa Zaaararated a Baal CI Befor (Hilac Xato Zta JTew BaiUiaf. ' Tho Rd Front ' rlothlnd star;-now located at tzt Morrison, between First snd Second streets, has acquired a Ion Irani on a finely located corner building, sffordlna; four or five tiroes th flkr spac It now occupies, and will remove thereto January 1. In preparation for thla event Mr. Rosensteln has begun to sell off hi prnt 'Stock' of ,fln cloth Ins;.' omitting all profits on th goods In order to go Into his new quarters with in' entirely fresh stock of very- thing worn he Often, youths. and boys. Th Red Front hs had an Honorable repntat Ion. here for Sfi years. - It never aa adopted th nsbu of cxtravagaaca 000 DAD AMTTSEMZBTTS. Marquam Grand Theatre '- TONIGHT AT S:tS O'CLOCK, ' Katlite Tomorrow, Laat Time Tonwrroar Night .... utwrsa Ada's Muatval CuaMdy auema, PEQQY FROM PARIS A BIO HIT FIRST TIME 13 PORTLAND, PRirra afitlnea. jb,, 86c. - V, TV. 91.00. MSbt Hfte. SSc. Sue. lac. l.00. fl-DO. SEATS Aka NOW BKIX1SO. Marquam Qrand Theatre Kaxt Moodax and Tueaday Nlghta, Nov. S-T, AMSHICAS OKSATEiJT PKAUA, "Arizona ADTANCK SALS OPENS TOMORROW "' PDIraTS. Daam - A . a. I aw. La. t AA a ai nue, fi.lU pwrtjMT . " v - eya.v-r Huh-ony, flrt tows, lie; Ult tow, 50c. USHlVrr. atOC Ufl VCU - Delasco Theatre ', BEXASOO MATtR. . "MOM.' rmiriMntb and Waahlncfoa Btrrats. I. X. frloa. Sea. Mfr.-B, L. faeaett, kaa. atgt TONIGHT 8:16, FIRST TIMK IN PORTLAND, WHITE! IIITTLESEY la Ball Calne's Great Drama, , . - The Manxman ETenlagt, 2Se to TSc: Matinees Saturday, Sua- ... eay, tSe te Oe. Neit Week WHITB WHITTLESET la Lord Wttoo'i Xba Lady of Lyons. Oraoa Xkeatre Oa., I ana. See. L. Baker, Mgr. - ' - Pbooe Mala 10T. ' Borne of Mnalcal Burlesqae. "' Toolfht ' aaa Tomorrow Matinee, Laat ' Twe Perfbrmaneee. A Battaltoa of Beantyt THE WABHIMOTOlf SOOIrTT CltU. A Seminary et Oracefnl fllrla OorfMa Oowas, - BurleetpM, vaudui, Muate, - -' ... Comedj. . PRICES F.Tminir. S6,.SSe, SOe. fUc. 8onday . aoa saiaraay aiaiioeea, IOC. wt, wc eue. . Vest Week, "Tke Tlr Liliae" Oaatpeay. . i Empire Theatre Twtlftfc Morrises Pbesc Mali 117 MILTON W. SEAMAN. Manaser. ' All Thla Weak. - Mafia aaturdav.- DramatiiaUua of . Bertha M. Clay's fupalai novel, . " , DORA THORNBT .' SEE The Lodxekaener'a Cottar and bain vf . Dora Th Oardena at Earl Court " Illnailnated Th Strascl for Life 00 , th Cliff. A BpMlal Soniie Predaotle. ' KISS CUBA JflBLO la th Titl Sol. PRICKS Erasine. I Ik, 20c. ASc, 60. Mat! ' nr: lOe, Iftc. Sftr. 2TEZT WEEK, "A KUMAB SLATI." : Liberty Theatre 1VAm 1 lfaaacmat ef ateatiag k Flael.' 1 GREAT OPENING WEEK " . How aad Xawaraa. La Whit, Joah Wise. Oardall aad Xmaaaa. Th Kasraph. . ., . 01vr Wahar faaitly. Performance dally at 2:110, T:0 and B s. Theatr handaomeaKaad meat comfortable aaodeTill bow ea Pacific Ceaat. Adialaaloa, 10 and 20 caota.. ' t 1 i,i LYRIC THEATRE Tin STAJlTIjrO KOaTOAT, 00T0BZS SO. Th XseompaiaM ' Lyri Stack OaBSaay lrats "TheBanRer's Daughter'' A SOCIAL DEAMA TV TOU ACTS. A4mlatoa 10e; tUnrrad SraU. So. TH E-STAR ' "Th Oraat Vawtt. '.'''.' ' ' " Bvrly aad Daavars. i . --' - Maloom I. 0. Wi. ... . ? :. .,. u. Holaw aad Halm. ' . -J a B. IHyaawSAajrvaoeye. . General . admlaaion, 10 trnUj Tsla-s, Sunday and holiday, reearTed seats os lower Iw, 20 cent; daily matlaeea, antlr lower Boor, 10 erota. Box aeatm, as eeat. THE GRAND - J--Th Or- Brothar. - '- JNehary. TaUl A Co. T Yua-. The Orea Hcu as ZtrWt 1 lr4 Vaxiatea Oraadiaoep. General admlaaion. 10 rent: eranlnr. Bandar sad hoMdaya, reearved seat ' oa lower Boor, 20 eanta; dally matlncea, ratlra lower Boor, 10 cent. Boa aaa 1a. 38 erata. The Chicago Painless Dentists , 8031, WAUmrOTOBT BT. Oo. of Fifth Btfc f Opp. Perkins otL , DIDN'T HURT A. BIT W are giving special prices on all work for the next 2 days. Re member th Chicago Dental Parlors have offices In all largo cities throughout th country. Remember pur practlc ia limited to "high-grade wort only, - Fine Set of Teeth, warranted to fit or no pay flS.OO 22k Gold Crowns. ..,........3.50 22k Bridge Work.. ,.3.60 Porcelain Crown ....S3. SO Killings 60t A 12-year protective 'guarantee with all work. - Com and take ad vantage of our Fall reductions. Have your teeth and your money. Open evenings and Sundays. The Chicago Dental Parlors 303V WASmEBTwTObT comaTBm or tqtbl. of sutementa In Its advertising, hence Its annoancement that It haa reduced prlcea IS l- per cent means exactly what It says. Reference to Its adver tising In these colurana today Indicates the extent of thee aeereasementa In plain figures, which csnnot be misunder stood, therefore th reader may familiar ise himself at hla awn flresltl with .the cost of tb garments he aeslrea to buy. Mr. Roaeneteln's present store Is not large or Impoelnir. - Indeed he Is so cramped that he baa little opportunity to properly dlaplay the larg stock of merchandise It really contains, and this Is one of th main reason for hia re mosaJL. Howerer; he can show-suits and overcoat suitable for-all conditions of men. and at th reduced values the sale, he has begun ought to be rast In volume and active In all departments. It no doubt will be. - Bew BToases aad Stores. w . 'Building permits have been Issued to ft C Ball, excavation- for dwelling, southwest comer Fourteenth and. Harri son streets. $10; Mra L,.Mets. dwell ing at Larrabe and Lnpont streets. $J.I0; Mrs. Harriet Kennedy, dwelling on Oldeon sireet between Eaet Twelfth and Cast Thirteenth streets. $1,109; H. T. Falmer, dwelling , at 41S Florence street between I'nlon -srentie and Fast Blxth street. 11.10; It T. Palmer, store st trlvlnlon ami East Thirty-fourth street f 1.0; A, J. Oaresrh. dwelling on North Twenty-third between T'pshur snt Tburmsn atreets, ft.;. .Thorns Muir, dwelilng corner asr Twenty-aUtb to Get a . , zzi . Goldtlcdd Piano , . . . r . , .. ;.. . ....... ..t ' " ' T " - These instrument are all better than new They, . , : have been played upon only by skilled musicians,' all of whom pronounce them perfect. The Lewis and Clark Jury also pronounced them perfect ' and sealed their opinion with Pold Medal. Read these prices: Mason & Kam1in4Jpright...'., Mason & Hamlin brand Conover Grand. Mason & Hamlin Upright. Conover Upright... rongsDurv r TTnrio-hr Conover Upright... Conover. Upright. Svmnhonic Grand. Mason & Hamlin Upright Cable Upright...... r-. a a V . J Fackara uaoy innu, Fischer Grand... i v A- rare chance to secure an instrument cheap. The store is open evenings. . . . EASY PAYMtNTS " Allen & ,rllMliilljiLi .i . for .The Best $3 HAT in the World Means the HATVALUEnoneed payiifg more for any hat Leading ' Our Stock' of "Fur. . Garments Exclusive Models In FUR TIES; pubLstdles FUR SCARFS FUR PILLOW MUFFS Alaska Scalsktas,',oi,,0iirSpecialfj MINK COATS OTTER COATS PERSIAN LAMB COATS ASTRACHAN COATS l , . ; - NEAR SEAL COATS G.P.RuuimeIin&Sons 126 Second Street, Between Washington , , -.' an4. Alder Streets. ; LEADING t RELIABLE FURRIERS" MILLINERY All the nawv rich shade in BRE'ABTS. WINGS. OSTRICH FEATH ERS, RIBBON8.VL,VETS, SILKS, ROSES and FOLIAGE. Also th new jaunty French Felt shapes, In wanted colors. . LET US MATCH TOUR SUIT and make for you tb Hat you. want at th price you wish to pay. Our copyists and trimmer are second to none In th city, and our price always lower, because w are out of th high-rent district. '. ' '...'"'. ... .J.. DECICER'S. Third and Salmon - and Rast Ash streets. $1,00;H. E. Stem ler, four dwellings at, corner of Union avenue and Fargo atreeta. each 11,100, total tT.toa. . --r...--. Repair permlta have been issued to Mrs. J. Verstlg. 'dwelling on - Qulmby street between Seventeenth and Eigh teenth street. !; Hewitt aV Bradley company, store 114 Washington street, IS0O:'H. Welnbard Estate, reslaurantal Washington anal Fourth atreets, $100. ' T'sJaai for Werklag airla. "Tonight at S p. m at th Volunteers . , AH'-I f -.r. .Illf 1. in 1 1 .71. 0 ' ' J i East Ankeny strret, Mrs. Anna New", f stat evsngeltat for th W. C. T. U.. will coruluct a meeting; Special . , f 4UO B80; -, fa5 430 v 335 235 320 . 3TO 345 , 73S -4eo 3TO ' 4SO , BSO . 650 850 650 550 375 525 '600 575 1200 650 400 800 1000 i V Gilbert-Ramaker Co. g snd MorrUoa The Best $3 HAT in the World best Hatter Includes FUR BOAS Send for CaUloac lunsnEZZZX-i N2W TFJMMINC flATERIALS METHODIST CrfURCH . SOUTH WILL BUILD Rev. K. C. Mowre, pasto of th Melh odlst KplscopaWhUTch, south,-has Just returrayd from a five weeks' trip. Mr. Mowre Visited St. Joseph, St. I-oula, Kanaas t'lty, Angeles and San Frsn elsca In th Interest of th church build In nterprl In this rlty and waa sue eemeful In securing th aaalstanc of many fnen of wealth. He' experts to healri the work of Greeting Iteeiillful atnnn edifice t the "corner of Utilt- innnmh etrcet and Union sveifna eir. j Regular, possible Established 1870 ,t, Send for CaUIoae ! EXicac3Di;.v. ... T T E are" showing; a charming new lot of v Nun's Veiling and Mohair Waists in white and black . and all . colors. Also Crepe de Chine, Chiffon Taf feta and Net Lace Waists in white and delicate evening shades. Specific descriptions would be too tedious, for there are hardly two alike; yet every one is made in the very latest style. ' To see them is to agree with us that they are priced low enough. There's credit awaiting you, if you want it no extra charge or ' interest pay $i.coA.r OUTFiniNGCO Tke Star. Waere Tear OraeH la Seel WASHINGTON AND TENTH STREETS LEGITIMATE BARGAINS We close out a lot of Men's and Boys' Suits and. Overt coataJnpdJi. $15 and $20 for f8.50, $10 and 911.50 jjiotJingjiwongynth them, but we- got broke onT01 sizes. .We 'have, also on sale a lot of Pants, $4 and $3 grade, for $1.75, $2.50 and $3.50. Big snap in Hats, $3 and $4 grade, for $1.50 and $2.50. From 50c to $1 lower on a pair of Shoes for ladies, men, misses and boys no fakes with us quality to r be -seen and prices marked in plain fig ures. . John Dell ill.. Running two stores Corner First and Yamhill and Third and Davis. Matting Sal f Why a very larg line ef finest . quality ' of Llnea War Matting on band and. must close out In order to make room for holiday goods-now srrlvmg. In cluding i'.- f "' ';-" Xmas Toys and , Japanese Curios VBOUUU AITS BSTaXX. W will eonllnue our auctfwn sale It day longer., Com and et bargains. ' . Andrew Kan fi Co. ssr moisow sv. Mf ' 'I - wrvl ' ar-h ,..rl . f ....' v I a l ' at f