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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
cr.zccn daily jcu ::au. rcnTtAKD. Friday ev :hno;-novi:msi:s s, -1:05. WHILE TOURING THRO' THE STORE SATURDAY don't forget the magnificent exhibit of WELLER ART POTTERY ire. : the Exposition. Hundreds of pieces of this beautuui ware, resemDnng tnc nanaiworii oi uic nuwcnis, on snuw. unu uii uic mtiuuju piece in a grand sweeping closure articles-ranging in; price from 75c .to $20,00 AT HALF PRICE ! Third Floor. Ui- NAMES1 OF LEADING TEN CONTESTANTS In the, American Manual Training Voting Contest With Bunding "Pt Ech at 10 a. m. Today. -SPEtlAL KOTB-We have positive knowledge" that hundred., of thousands pf votei are being hetd back by some-of the con--testants in the voting contest now on at the store, ajuTas but ZZ business daya intervene between this and the closing of the con-, -test on Thanksgiving Eve, we would beg the young folks to . loose up" and deposit at least a part of their hoard of vote! in the bxes now that our counter may not be buried in ballot! at the finish and thus delay report of result. j . JAM ES WINSTON, Harrison. ..... : .,. ............. 10M71 ' TRUMAN COOK. Failing. . .... . , . f. ......... ...... ROBERT HOLMES, Harrison.,.,..'. ........ V87 GEORGE SLATER, Ladd...,,.... M36 WRIGHT BROWN. Clinton Kelly. . .'. ..... .7 SIDNEY CRUMM, North Central..;.. .....I...... ......... 24,101 MARION OGDEN, Ockley Cretn. .... .. .v. .......... 20,341 ROLAND MALM, SUrmyid.;.is.....,..........s... john wilh elm, Couchr... 10.127 HENRY HAWKINS, Davia...,...........,............f. W09 Scattering ............................. WW. TOTAL 441,921 J - WONDERFUL VALUES IN HANDSOME - : - - ' NewDress -Staffs Beautiful Colored Fabrics and Dependable Black Ooodi All Under priced Fifth Street Anne First . ' : " J Vt COLORED , DRESS GOODS.-, ; ' , v CnlnrmA foraa Onorfa are- oriced unusually . low. when at regular prices they are better value than one can find elsewhere. But that's . t 1. 1 l- . .. M. v. U 1... MAM.. our way, always give me purcn.scr mc utn n thanothers ask, quality always considered. ; ' V Our regular $2.00 grades, of .New All-Wool Suiting In neat shadow v effects in raoama,-rg. novelty suiting weaves, also, ram- proof coverts in all wanted colors. Special, yard.,. ... '. r..m Ci 7C ar.A nf Vw Noveltv Suitinar: an immense assort ment of new styles andcol6rs. to choose from. Special, yard.? l.-T Dur regular $ of Novelty Suitings, in shadow spots and ; stripes, durable mixed tweeds, novelty Panamas, etc Special, , yard . ................... .f Also every odd piece of Colored Dress Fabrics at half price. These . are all in suit lengths and over, and areJbe odd piecei left iron this , season's immense selling. . - , . 17S-ffnrdeff or. yard .......... . ............... ..7TUf il.tXr grades fori yard. ...,,..... ? 'Jr . T 11.25 grades fotjrard.iiAtt.jaiAi-Lj-Ajj-j-Aj-. ??jf j il .50 grades for, yard ...... . . : J : ;i.7S grades for. yard ....... 2.00 grades for, yard..., fi.oo These goods are" offered you at prices much less than they can M bought for at the mills. 7. ;'7,.J;v77.L77V 717777 .7 ' BLACK DRESS GOODS TOR -LESS. -fn New Black All-Wool Dres Fabrics, every yard fast color, consisting of- shadow check - Panama, shadow striped Panama and worsted pointelle Panamas, also French imported Voiles 11 .00 regular ralue Special,-yard .... ..ri ... . $1.25 regular value Special, yard...... $1.50 regular value Special, yard.,...-.... ..... ' " : The Skeletoai of Splendid Bargain Story, the Linen and Domestic MarilTells - FlrsrFIbor. A round half dozen "Speciala" worth the attention of every, thrifty housewife in Portland. These prices for. Saturday only: . 90c Linen Damssk. . . . Tl !'iV? $1.50 Bedspreads:mrf mh 30c Bath Towels . . . t. . . , k 17x32 Huck Towels. . . i r. ... r. ..,................ 17x23 Linen Traycloths.......' ............ Outing Flannel in Mill Ends, yard..........:, f BARGAINS! BARGAINS! A WHO'LL HAVE A BARGAIN rom this list of eyeryday need fuls that are listed at cut prices f or, Saturday shoppera. in the. Small .Wares Aisles First Floor? . , 10c Ball and Socket Snap Fasteners. w..V....Vi.;....... Five yards Shelf Paper, lace edge 77.. , 4 5c Toilet Soap, cake...................... 1 5c Linen Thread, spool 50c Side Comb.. m S?l 9c -Writing Tablets, si . .i.. THm t ..... . -20c Crepe Papers r.l , ........... Jf SOcJguah-Perfiirnri, finnrr a . 30c Writing Paper, box....... winrvr. .wtv 25c Writing Paper, box . " it " 4c Drawing Wool, card... ........ ..r.. 10c White Tar Soap, cake.. ...... ... 15c Coat Hangers -19e Hand.and Nail Brushes..... ,. 19c Rose and Cucumber Jelly for the toilet yrr;.. w-..tae VYou've a Big Box of Winter Sewisg' Ahead and - ::.: ' vV; No Machine in the House! : s; i4 You needn't, pay agency prices for a Sewing Machine don't let that bugbear stand in the way of Yetting a Machine to lighten the labor of family sewing we'll sell yon the same Machine the agency asks you to pay 'era $45.00 for at S21.00. It has three drawers - "ti" $5000 agency Machine, with five drawers, costs here. Their $60.00 Drop-Head Machine you get of us for f24.0. -"While' their $65.00 Automatic: Drop-Head Machine sells here "at 26.00. ; ..: . - . ; " Every Machine bears our name and absolute ten-year guarantee. ' OLDS.-WORTMAN J &- KI.VO.-- SALE TO - INTEREST HOME-MAKERS. Handsome Lace Curtains and Good Rugs Sharp reduction s the drastic closure of discon tinued lines and ends of lots Fourth Floor. . WHITE IRISH POINT LACE CURTAIN-White Ivishv Point J3.8S 4.10 t r . - ' - Regufsr ! Regular ' Regular Regular : Regular : Regular : Regular 4,50 value Specialrpsir t ........... . j.Wvi lue jpeciai, pair .......................... 6.00 value Special," pair,. a.ftO 50 value Special, pair... ..f. ............ , 8.00 value Special, pair.... . M000 value Special, pair...i 'I'8? M0.50 value Special, pair.. Regular $12.00 value Special, pair............ ....U.fO.OO AKMINSTER RUGS $2J0 A fine line of .Axminster Rugs, in - floral and Oriental designs, sixja 27x60 inches. Special at, . 'each.. .... . . ,..2.50 "TtD c:::crc-2 c:-ro," Fi::vci::rcd Uc:::n C:::: cl O A. G. Tim FCZC3T C?TZZHT c:oucc ubot op ohioaqo cl O P. y LIST FOR HANDY REFERENCE OF BUSY SATURDAY SHOPPERS. ; A SORT OF "TABLE OF CONTENTS" WITH ILLUSTRATIONS TO A LOOK OF MATCHLESS VALUES FOR END-OF-WEEK PATRONS OF THE -DAYLIGHT STORE." ' : y Thig atore clotes oti Sttxxrday . on til other buaineta days at 8 p. m.' In line with all other latter-day retail establishments, doing atorc- keeping along 20th century lines, and modern business ethics of humane treatment of employe. We willingly forego the financial advantage of keeping "open store' on Saturday evenings for the good of our helpers, believing that it no only tends toward a better observance of the Sabbath, but a better physical and mental condition for our salesfolk which insures better store service during legitimate business hours. We i earnestly rcrjueVour public to tid us in this movement toward betterment in ttorekeeping and 20th century methods by shopping by dayUght. THIS STORE IS NOT OPEN EVENINGS. We present below for quick review of busy readers an unmatchable list of remark able values for Saturday shoppers. ,. 7'-"-7-- COME AND HAVE LUNCH tomorrow in the cozy tea-room on Second Floor. -A popular, de lightful nook for shoppers and - " Oth ere to lunch, lnexpenai ve, refreshing and restful an ideal -corner for a, quiet -chat with ' friends. A. delicious, tempting , ' menu Saturday. Auspices of . 'Portland Yr Wv4C; A.' WATCHES CLEANED AND WARRANTED , FOR ONE YEAR. 7Sc- ' New mainsprings' 7Sc All other repairing of J e w e 1 r jr. and C 1 o c k a at proportion- ately modest prices. ; , Firt k Floor near- large-; elevatora.- Demonstration of Interest to Housewives Third Floor An--mx an expert will demon strate the advantages of the "Universal'' Cake-Maker, and : samples of the cake will be dis tributed to visitors free. Demonstration from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Also a demonstra tion rt MTT nlviriil" Food- Chopper Third Floorr'T This Is Portland's Largest Fore most Garment Store for Women I J. WE BUY AND SELL MORE WOMEN'S READY-TO-DON ATTIRE THAN ANY OTHER TWO PORTLAND ESTABLISHMENTS. ,!'!.. ::rl: GRAND SALONS SECOND.' FLOOR. , ;:; The above explains why we show five new styles jn suits, wraps and fur : , for women's wear to any other local store's one. .And this. house, with - Mrmmt - rATt huvr in - New-York Citv and - our - own - Mid Bernard who spends seven months of the year there is the only Portland," establishment . having the tacilittes tor snowing at a umes--r asnion s latest whims in outer apparel for dressy women. Garments authorita tively CORRECT. While we do not compete with "rag-time shops in the -cheap"-r-(even -with the largest garment store in the city we've no i - . - v r ' 1 ' At room for trash ) our prices are rower ior equal quauiy man my.omcr store on thePacific coast quotes. , The range is so wide that any purse may be accommodated. - With hew TAILORED -T SUITS 7s starting at V912.5O and running by, easy stages op to $60 with especially strong lines and grand, generous choosing at 918.50, $22.50, $25.00 and $28.50 to $35, no woman need feel she must go to minor stores with no standing at all in the style world. One need not confine themselves to any one model, but may run the gamut that Dame Fashion generously . allows her votaries" for winter wear. ' Coats running from hip to anklc lengtli the longer coats having a slight preference 6TTaccount of thiir 7 graceful, aristocratic mien. In By Express Very Unusual Values in Coats Portland's largest andleading Apparel Store for Women offers special advantages to coat buyers. It will be a'sale such as seldom takes place for a number of reasons. The aim of our organization is , r-" - .- - .r . . .... ytt r I very larye and new arrivals are icoming in our. ,. 1 Keguiar lines range in prite uy vui , n r r r pi-3tnp-ipou.uu In Leather Goods ' Sixth Str Annea-rPirrt Floor. 49c FOR SHOPPING AOS WORTH TO MJ07'. Ladies' Boston Shopping Bags, made of heavy felt doth, with metal frames, leather covered, also leather handles; values up' to $150. Special aale price, to doae at, each . . . .' 49 Infants'' Wear and c Art Goods . 17 Second Floor Annex. ' 63c FOR INFANTS' SILK CAPS WORTH $1.00 Infants' Fine Silk Caps, in white, red or blue, effect- , ' ively trimmed with white silk braid and lace or chiffon niching; assorted styles and siies; our $1.00 value. :. Special sale-price, each ...........63et All SUk Sales Surpassed! Scissors and yardsticks will work overtime tomorrow in the Fifth Street Annex, propelled by the eager hands and hearts of loyal salespeople who take as -much pleasure As we do in distributing silk values without parallel to ourpairons. ' n. picniy i iut -: f $1.25 and $1.00 Silks at; ... .. . A Ok For Saturday buyers. AVe couldn't get salespeople enough to sell the whole lot Friday tho we had crowds big enough and eager enough to secure the values to have Reared thenvall out by noori. Just as eood value tomorrow, and extra salespeople. Handsome Novelty Silks, light and dark colorings, in . . v a.j .......... nmiUr afvl. Tt rt SI and $1 25 value in the citv at. the vard. 40at latest, moss wanicu wcrc suu t t v 7 7. 77 OTHER SPECIAL VALUES OF IMPORTANCE. Youll need the silks"?or spring wear if you'don't want 'em now but--silks will cost more then. Be forehanded buy now. ..... , . . . - "" :'' '- '7 "" '. : .'7r: ' , ' , . ; $11 SILK SUITINGS 67c --': : Over 1 000 yards of new Silk Suitings in new. moire, velour and sweH French poplin, newest weaves, aH'good colors for street wear, including the new'reds and greens l our-regular.$1.25 value. . Special, the yard $115 PLAID SILK 84c. " a" i. r ..:."ti5j c:u,. latest rnlnromblnations. in swell French Dointelle effects: our best'' S1.2S value. Soedal. the vard.tA..i ..U.. o , SATURDAY BARGAINS IN WOMEN'S KNITWEAR SHOPS - - - . FIRST FLOOR. - ; - v Undeiear Hosier For Women tlnd Children WOMEN'S 50c UNION SUITS 35c 5ilver Gray "and White Jersey-Ribbed Union Suits; half-open front; medium weight; regular value 50c. . Special, the suit.. ...................... ..3v WOMEN'S 13.00 -UNION SUITS $2.19 Fine-Ribbed Cashmere Union Suits, in white and natural; half-open front; soft and , fine; not too heavy; regular value $3.00. Special, suit......fa WOMEN'S $1.25 VESTS AND TIGHTS Wc Winter-Weight Silk and Cotton Vests and Pants. ,The "Merode" Vests with high neck, - ' long and short sleeves; tights, ankle-length; regular value 1.2l. ' Special, each ...... . . .... WOMEN'S 75e AND 85c HOSE 57e A large assortment of Black Embroidered Lisle Hose; regular values 75c and 85c. Special,, the pair . ... .... . . i. ........... .' .'' WOMEN'S 65c AND 75c HOSE 49cImported Plain Black Lisle Hose; double soles, spliced heels, French toes; regular values 65c and 75c. Special, the pair . t BOYS' 25c HOSE 15c Boys Black Cotton Hose, fine, and double- ribbed, seamless,' winter weight; regular value 25c -Special, the pair ...7........ CHILDREN'S 25c HOSE Wc Children's Black, Fleece-Lined Hoe; ; Regular value 25c. . Special, the pair... .';.' .,'.' i. ..vlr DEPENDABLE TIME-PIECES IN A BIO SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY Be sure you lose no time in coming here for the right time tomorrow. 7 - 7 ;-. Clocks and 7Watc for present use or holiday gifts at bargain prices. ; WATCHES-FIRST FLOOR SIXTH STREET ANNEX! Boysi $100 Watches: , . . . . ................... . . . . . S Boys' $1.25Watches;..Vr..V.r.V.;."....J;.".........fl.OO" Ladies' Chatelaine Watches ................ i.. .......... . f T.OO 65c Neckchains ......... . . . ... . . . .. ." ... . . . ...... 39. $1.50 Shopping Bags ............................ , , . .,49 --rT-rcLOCKS.THIRD'TFlbORr Nickel Alarm Clocks Special, each. 7.,. .;.;..i.B9e . GoIdTinished-Special at, each . . . . .'. f 1.1 K Gold finished, with figures Special at; each... i..;."..7.f 2.35 Weathered Oak Finished Clocks Special at. each..... ......f 2.95 Black Enameled flocks Special at, each.......7........'...M.40 Reminders of Pretty "Plains" Hosts of Women Will Need. to Bur Tomorrow It's Easy to Figure What You'll Save 7 by Coming to Our- . . 1 Women's Fancy iGoods Shops First Floor. LADIES' SILK BELTS WORTH FROM 60c TO IM FOR 50c .A special lot of Fine Silk Belts, in black and colors; some in shirred 7 effects, with wide front and back; others are the strip belts, iq the ' narrow effe"ct. A,few of these belts are made of a fine Duality of Madras cloth7They fit beautifully and wear well; our 60c to $1.00 values. Special for tomorrow aV each SO 30c, 35c AND 40c RIBBONS FOR 25c Quantities of Beautiful All Silk Taffeta Ribbons, 5 to 6 inches wide in black, white and all .wanted colors also a lot of 'Fine All-Silk Taffeta Ribbons. 4 and 5 inches wide, in black, white and colors; our 30c, 35c and 40c values. Special at, the yard .... .7. 25f GREAT SPECIAL - (ALE OF LINEN.. HANDKERCHIEFS , Two hundred dozen Fine Pure-Linen . Handkerchiefs a new im portationdirect from the famous Richardson Linen Manufacturing Co., in Ireland, will be placed on our counters tomorrow morning, -v. Some are of fine sheer lawn with and '4 inch hems; others are of fine linen cambric with and f$ inch hems. ' 7 Special sale price.. v;:;..;.v;r.Tr;T7rr.S FOR GOe LADIES' PURE-LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Also of the famous Richardson make with i and J4 inch hems; our 1254c value. Special ..........t FOR 50 19c FOR LACE BANDS WORTH FROM 25c TO 50c A great . lot of Fine Lace Bands,, in Venise,, Leare and imita ' tion Irish crochet just the thing for making those long tab ... collars our 25c, 30c, 35c and 50c values. Special at, the yard..!9 "MISS PETTICOATS" '' Lmorrow from three very extraordinary" ' ' I I values lrTnandsome, durableSkirts tz short detail then come and get yours ; Second Floor Annexe. . . 98c for Ladies' Sateen Petticoats Worth -$1.50 Ladies' Black Permanent Finish Sateen Petticoats the new "Sunburst"" . a splendid value at the regular price . $1.50. Special sale price, each..98e V Ladies' Petticoats Worth $245 for $1.79 Ladies Black . Petticoats, . made of fine silk-finish sateen, with deep full flounce and hemstitching; our ' $2.25 value. Special at, each.. .. 1.T9 Ladies' Petticoats Worth $3.00 for $2.29 Ladies' Petticoats of fine black Italian cloth, made with two hem stitched flounces and stitched bands, dust ruffle. attached; our $3.00 value. . Special at, each.. , ,. 2.29 Ours Js a Handy Haberdashery MEN Just inside the Sixth Street entrance, Separated front the Women's Sections, filling .a' distinct niche, by itself , in , the store and in the hearts of Portland's smartest male dressers. Saturdaybeing the man's natural shopping day we've prepared, generously with special values. Among others thesei .77..-' MEN'S 25c SOX ISc Men's Wool Sox, in black, natural and Oxford gray; our best 25c valuer Special, the pair.. .................. 19f MEN'S $2.00 SHIRTS $1.19-tA line of Men's Stiff Boom Fancy Shirts, coat style, cuffs attached, in dark effects; best $2.00 - value. Special, each . T. i ......... f 1.1? MEN'S $1.00 UNDERWEAR 69c A line of Men's Merino Under wear, in 'eamelshair and natural color; regular value $lf Special, the garment.. ......9e MEN'S $2.50 UNDERWEAR $1.75 A line of Men's Roysl Ribbed. Underwear, in fawn colored cashmere. - The famous "Sta- m ley" make; regular value $2.50. 7 Special, the gsrment.... l.T - MEN'S $1.7S AND $2.00 NIGHT SHIRTS 79c-A sm.ll line of Mens Satine Night Shirts; regular values sua KfVAIBl M . . . j MEN'S 25c HANDKERCHIEFS 12,c-Fancy Hamlkfr checked cambric, white dotted, nifrccnel nl finry . wiercerired; suitable for pillow tops snl kimonos; n '. value 25c. Special, esch MF.N'S 25c HOSE 18c Men's FineT.-.-' Hop, -with gray heels snd toes; our hr.t , the pair hiefs, in : 1:.' v. '