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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
orzzzu daily journal.' roim.ANP. fkiday , rvzniNG, novemsi:: 3, iscy. ailroad: yuiLuiuG is nAGi::o A m,7c ISld .. ;ITS iiiSTOrf The Secrets of the Wonderful : Successes of the Eilers DEMI IIILL MIO liail ' ' I ' . Both Magnate .Deny There la Any Struggle but Both Are -Rushing New Lines. BURLINGTON BUILDS ' . - . RAILROAD TO COAST ' Northwestern Starts New Line That WW Be Extended i to Seattle Western ' Nebraska - and Wyoming ; . Seen of flattie Between Systems. ' r. J ' (Special Dttpatck te The Journal.) Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. I. A building war 1 en In western Nebraska and Wyoming between the Union Paclflo and Wurllngtop railroad, aithoush both Hill and Harrlman deny that there, la any trouble. Recently the Burlington an nounced It would extend Ita Alliance, Nobraska-Quernaey, ' Wyoming, ;. line , aoroaa Wyoming ta Salt Lke City, and : postlbly to the Paclflo coaat, with a ' branch Una from central Wyoming northwest through Thermopolls, Billings and on to Portland and Seattle. A right . of way haa bean aecured and construc . tlon la to begin soon at Guernsey, i ' The Union Pad fie realising that 11.11 proposed to have another - transconti nental Una running , through ' central . Wyoming with feadera , tupping. the v.Vnlon Pacific country, placed engineers in the field 'and hurried .surveys were 'made for a .Una starting ' from No-ri 'J Platte. Nebraska,-and : following the , ''; Piatt river Into Wyoming. , Baala Xtp the Watt. . -' ' ,. The Burllrfgton years" ago obtained a right of way. from Herahey, Nebraska, . up tba Flatta Vlvar to Bridgeport on tlw Alllanoe-Guernseyr Una and Immadiatel' r srnounoed that It would build ovo.r.-tnis i. route to- shut- out -the- Union... j?vWtc, 'rhelaa survey a art. on the north aide ' of the river. The' Burlington aueA for an Injunction, restraining the Union Pa- . rlflo from building, and latter ap- - t piled for a almllar writ againat tha Hill - IWIU) 1 ' - .. . - j 1 The Union Paclfto rushed gradera and tracklayer Into tha field. an1 the road ' la being built atuhe rata of twi miles . per day up the Platte from North Platte. "Thle line, it la reported, will to rushed through Wyoming to a connection with 'tha Oregon Short Line southwest of tha Yellowstone park, giving the Union Pa '. rifle a abort cut from Chicago to tha ' Pacific northweat, ' . ' '-' Tha Burlington la getting men and " machinery on tha grouiul and will begin " "ronntrueilon in a few Oaye, The Tur - ' llngtdn Is building down Inta'BI? Horn basin, Wyoming, from Momma. aiM this f line will be used aa a part of tho Pncilio northwest short Una. . : . ";..; ,7 aarUagioa'a jraw IA.yZr ' Ex-Oorrrnor Chatterton is building a r Tall road . from Walcott, on the .Union ' Pacific, to- Grand Encampment. - this :, branch being a link of tha Denver-Yel-j lowstone and Pacific, which -will, be ,.bullt in the spring from Denver to .Peat lie. The Burlington- la said to-be n )ehlnd 4enterprlae-aeot-al-rtthe?h " I . . i M - .nit 111 - . Ul rWU Ulll Will MMTW II II r. almost air line from Seattle to Oalvee .ton by connecting with tho Colorado lc ' Southern at Denver. - - ' The Chicago Northwestern la rush- ing work on '. Its extension west from ' Casper at tho rate of three mtlea per ' day and will hare completed the Una to ' the Wind River Indian reservation by tha time of the opening In June. ' Bur ' Veya have been enada for tha extension 'ot this Una on to Salt Lake and If the war between tha Harrlman and - Hill .llnea should beeora anor severe, the -t.'nlon Pacific will use the Northwest ' rrn from "Gasper through Wyoming to ' ,.teat ita rival, which could not get, more '.'than halfway across the state by tha ftlm tha , Union. Pacific could reach a "connection with tho Oregon -Short Una Via tha Northwestern' Casper-Salt Lake ' line. - ,- , ' Information unquestionably true, re ceived by Tha. Journal from polnta In .1 Wyoming. Idaho and weatern Nebraska, 1 confirm the statement that a Titanic , .railroad struggle has been launched be tween tha forces of Hlli and Harrlman t for control of tha transportation busi ness of the Pacific northwest and tha great intertnountain region-from Bolae to tha preaent terminus of the Burling' ton railroad - at Guernsey,- in eastern Wyoming. Plana kept under cover have been suddenly revealed tnrougn tna er forte of one road to checkmate the other, and this week tha Cnlon Pacific and the- Burlington are out. in tha open making a race for possession of strate gic ground along tho headwatera of the North Platta river. The group of northern lines known aa the Hill roads, have locked horns with f th Union Psclflo system and will invade the states of Oregon, laano, Wyoming and Nebraska, and tha Union Paclflo will fight every foot of their advance into that territory, besides bresklng into Minnesota, and Dakota fields. Te lata salt Zk City. "The war haa begun with a running fight between the Burlington and Union Paclflo along the north 'bank of the North Platte river from North Platte to the Junction of the Laramie river In eastern Wyoming. ' ThS Mill plan Is to extend tha Burlingtonto Salt Lake, tap ping the heart of the 8hort Llne'a ter ritory, and alao to puah tha Burlington west into Idaho and north through the Big : Horn basin via Thermopolls to a junction with tha present Burlington line terminating' av Cody. Threatened throughout tha length and breadth of ita territory by tha Hill lines and with the .Northwestern build ing through th.hert ;'br the Oregon Short Line country, ha iwarriman ays tern has been' goadcit'ta-.fftrenuoua ef fort to maintain Its supremaejt It is said "a new Una will- Del built through central' Wyoming. ahortenlng-Aa rout to Portland. A large Toree or graders and tracklayer haa. been thrown Into tha field at Herahey, MeDrasxa, aening a . right bf way aurveyed soma years ago by the Burlington along tna. aorta bank of tha Platta river. Bo great la tho haste of the Union Pacific,, it ta said, that much of tha track ia being laid 01 the ground' la advance of the gradera. - - - - Bote. After Tatoa naa. Away out at . St. Anthony. Idaho, work, was bea-un with only a. faw houre' notice yesterday by a force of gradera and tracklayers who left Bt. Anthony, on the Short Line, and - started opera tions near Victor, at tha moat lm portant strategic paas through the Teton mountains, it la aafd both tna Burlington - and ' tha Northwestern are heading toward this pass and tha "Union Pacific haa forestalled both By begin ning -oonstructlon-between-Vlctor-and Lorenso. . ' 1 The - Union - Paelfio. hasi. under con struction Its Yellowstone park extanalon from St. Anthony, and Ita sudden move to Victor waa made by drawing upon forces Intended for this work. Railroad men along tha divisions of tha Oregon Short Line in esaternIdaha-.j.r. Intense ly excited "ovr"theevelopmenta of tha last week.' and railroad rumors are fly ing thick and faat It la being recalled that there have been many strange ex cursions made by trusted railroad em ployee throughout Wyoming and Idaho territory during the last summer. " They went In pairs and In parties of three or four, and were oatenalbly on fishing and bunting trips. ': '- - , Officials em Yaoatioaa. , 4 They took long vacationa. supposedly on furlough, but it Is now said they were n rexular pay. and that their bul- nee wa to scout the country and keep In touch with the movements of all parties of railroad surveyors in tha re gions where Northwestern and Burling ton engineering nartiea nave been o Der ating. For weeka tha situation has been tense, and tha outbreak a few daya gu on' tha Platta river la the first move that haa been made. In tha open. The plan of the Burlington is to build ' west from - tha- Junction of Ita preaent llnea at Alliance to the Platta river, thence up tha Platta te Fort Lar amie. -follow-the Laramie river through Laramie mountains and follow a route aa straight westward aa possible to Granger, - eroes - tha Union Pacific at that point and run to .Salt Lake, . There Is 1 no clear underetandlng aa to what the Hill people will do with, tha pro-; poaed Burlington extension to the north westward. Tha general opinion Is that It will branch, northward west -of tba Sweetwater mountains, tap tha Sho shone Indian reservation that la to be thrown open to settlement next year, and follow down tha Big Horn river to a connection with ita Yellowstone Park line, running south from Fort Custer. The plana of the Northwestern prob- Piano House. ' . - There I notNmuch In a name Itself, aa any intelligent nerson aDDreclates. but It depends entirely on what the bearer of that name, be It an Individual, concern or establishment, accomplishes that makes It prominent, great and glorious. We all know that there are hundreds of Morgana, but only one J. Plerpont; hundreds of Hills tlarge and email), but only one James J. Likewise are mere a great many pmno nouaes, dui only one fellers, the. biggest, oust eat and best . . Just a' Moment Longer.PIease A few vaara.aa'O the Tillers Piano House was never heard of, not even In existence, wny la it that in compara tively a few vsmts it has arown to be a household word in every horn on the i-acino uaaair is 11 oeeeuee w aa vertlse extensively t No. not alone that. for our advertising would avail us nothing, except failure, unless we were offering the best Instruments for less money. The best advertising medium we have are our own patrons, who after once dealing with ua tell their friends and neighbors about tha great values to be found here, and of the, cordial treatmen. extended to all. . , f : ' Secrets ' - ' "Qualitv"- has evsr .been our watch word, and we. never .have or never will sacrifice quality for price. Wa aelect the beat and finest instrumenta on the market, and our many stores on the Paclflo Coast afford' us an enromous selling canacltv. enabllna us to Dur- rehaee in tralnloads, not carloads, deal ing with the manufacturer direct on a monthly shipment ..and cash oasis, thereby receiving the greatest discounts. In shipping, they are forwarded by the ''special harness system," originated by Eilers Piano House. Instead of In a weighty box, and another saving of sev eral nunarea dollars on every car is effected. Numerous other unique and money-saving facilities are also em ployed by the Kllers Piano House, We sell the famous Chlckerlng. which for eighty-two yeara haa received the plaudit a of tha entire world, and today represents the superlative degree of' pi ano construction; the glorious Weber, made' by the strongest and wealthiest Elano factory in the world: tha Kim .. 1 1 V.. . . .. 1 nl.MA A4W made In the-moat up-to-date factory in the world, xnd acknowledged ay many artists to be the best piano made. We also have the Lester, Stock, Haael.ton, Hobart M. Cable, Story at Clark .Schu mann. Haddorff and many ethers. The Eilers Plsnaw, Houae Is also the sola agents for the. wonderful and rap-Idly-becomlng-popular Weber Pianola Piano, the first complete piano,-the Pi anola and tha glorious Orrhestrelle.r't, - Do you now realise why the "Kllers Piano House" has grown in a few years to be tha largest and beat piano house on the Peel no Coast? If you want to learn some other interesting facts- sbout - piano -drop In we - will tell you and-ahow something you never dreamed of in the way of values. Prices to suit any purse, and easy payments. If desired. : Kllers Piano -House, lal Washington street, corner Park. -- i- ably form tba moat Important link In tha chain of railroad building through Wyoming. Idaho and Oregon. This road 1a now being built at the rata of three miles dally west rrom Casper, on" a route through Lander, skirting the southern border of the Shoahona Indian reservation, and Steading foe Beiae. This week a party of surveyors nsder "direc tion of Joseph Cantllllon, Chief of con traction force of the Northwestern, appeared at Nysss. the first station In Oregon south of Ontario, on tha O. R. A N, They nad been working through the country - between Boise and tha Snaka river and are known to be mak ing reports to Mr. Cantllllon, whose headquarters are at Casper. .The North western I believed to have practically completed ita surveys a rsr west aa tha eastern' - Oregon line nd is now ready to begin work on tha rout through vjentral Oregon. What course this rout will follow is a matter of the moat intense Interest to Oregon and Portland people..- - : - - ---- Tha Harrlman people have determined to further etrengthen their position in wester Idaho and era preparing to build tha Idaho Northern from. Council to a connection with the proposed extension of tha Joint line to Orangeville. They have surveyors at work to locate tha best grade over tha divide between the Welser and Salmon river valleys, and will try to foreatall tha Northern Pacific In any attempt that might be made by Mr. Hill to push the Orangeville exten sion further Into the Idaho country. 5 T Boys' School Suits and 5 Overcoats ; ' ' r..'- "' ; ' ' . Snappy, stylish, well fitting . School Apparel tor little men at very modest cost. . . ', ; " '. ,' - , ' -'" ' "' ' . r Norfolks with regular and Knickerbocker trousers, '. Double Breasted Two-Piece Suits and Buster Browns all of the newest models and pretty colorings. ' tf r f pj Cn Basement Department. . .v. ... .... . . .pt ID 10 ' pD Overcoats in short military reefers and "long styles with or without belted backs ; '" 3 CA r ; very nobby . .... . . : V. . . . . v. pOa)U 10 pD Our. Main Floor Department offers the choicest productions of exclusive makers. The . .. Original Busier Browns, St. . Regis and Clermonts Suits and Overcoats $5 to $15 Youths, Suits and Overcoats "Don't fail to see our hew lines of Suits for Young Men. ; They are full of style and individual smartness, so much desired by college youths. They are designed to please no one but young.- gQ $20 Ovef toasts and Cravenettes long full back sack with or without belted back. Youths' Paddock the acme of style, : . C f f fejiv in black and Oxford gray. .......... .. . . . . ... The jGfeatest Clothintlouse in the Northwest I it v) ... ... ... . . t , we n Here's one of the swellest Overcoats youll see this season -the Hart Schaffher Marx ' Double-breasted RYTON. " -Fancy fabrics, very loose and swagger. $15.00 to $30.00 Multnomah- $3 Hat For Style and Quality " " Leads Them . - V. An 4 Copyright 190$ bj Hart SchsfTner o Marx l SamT Rosenblatt ,Go. RELIABLE CLOTHIERS CORNER THIRIT-AND MORRISON DISASTROUS FIRE AT SALEM Flames Originate Plant of Oregon .Cannsry. Company t - and Spread Rapidly. STATE HOUSE- FOR . A TIME THREATENED Oregon ; Nursery Company's Estab lishment Among Property De stroyed and Total Loss Estimated to Be More Than Sixty Thousand. (SpecUl Dlaperek te The Joeraal.) Salem. Or, Nor. I. .The moat disas trous fir that Salem has bad for years occurred- last night when about $0.000 worth of property went up In smoke In less than two hours. Tha fir originated In the plant of the Oregon Canning com pany and waa soon beyond tha control of the fire department. A strong south wind fanned tke name and carried them northward to the Oregon Nursery company's establlahment. Both were totally destroyed- The fir for a time threatened the Stat Houae. the Salem Woolen mllla. four building of Willam ette unlrerslty and tha Tom Kay and Phil Metachan residence, ,Tha Oregon Cannery company's estab lishment waa perhapa the largest In the state and Ita loaa was fully $10,000. The building war Old. but were -we V equipped with modern machinery and contained about 10,000 worth of canned fruit. . " . . . -The Oregon Nursery comp&ny Is ua. doubtsdly tha largest nursery company In tha world. Ita annuaL-ahlpmentajof fruit treea amount to about f tos.aoa, and Ita buildings which were destroyed last night were new and rained at I1S.0S0. whrle about $15,000 worth of stock waa destroyed. The small office building and all tha papers were ' eared. Tha stock In tha fields la mors than suffi cient to fill all order. - Tha fir started from tha engine-room of the cannery, and waa accidental. Yes terday wss th first day that the can nery ha been run for months, a large quantity of canned cherries harlng been kept ao long that It was necessary to recan them. The nursery loss Is $I0.000, Insurance IJ.0O0; th cannery loss la $10,000, Insurant- $11,000. The nursery Is rebuild ing already. -v--.--: - - : li ; - ail. saallff It li-ri Saturday SpeeM This handsomely embossed golden oak Child's Rocker, with cane seat and large arms, regular price $1.65 will be sold all day Saturday at ; SeU tija AaaasteM Xaav Bid for th building of th American Inn at th Lewta and Clark fair grounds will be received until Monday.. All the ature and fittings of th building bar ben sold and now tha structure Itself Is offered: There Is much Inter est In th erent for th building waa fairly well built and there Is consider able lumber of rain In It. Th suc cessful bidder who gets- the building and wrecks it I rery likely to realise a ale profit on th venture. - 1. . ' " rf erred Stock Cause Dignilied Credit for : AU Saturday Rligm Scsciol The Universal Food Chopper chops meat, vegetables andfruitITHOUT . MASHING them. This household necessity on sale Saturday night frorn 6 to 9:30 at only First cr.dTayl::1 i j ; i i Allea S Lwuf Beat Brand. r v