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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY TOURHAU PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, ,KOVE:.-ZIl KZZ. ESCAPES &;SPEEDY EXECUTION ' . -V . - . ' V , " THE BIG STORE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BLOCK -r HORSESHOES OVER THE DOORS . . 69-71-73 lliird Street, Bel Call and Pine Men Who Threw Body of Chorus 'Court Refuses to Sentence Oscar ttrl Into Wlnthrop Bay Are Arrested by Police. 1 Bradshaw, Convicted of first ; V Degree Murder. FULL CONFESSION MADE AUTHORITIES FORGET V. I ABOUT CONDEMNED MAN BY ONE OF THE SUSPECTS MURDER UVSTERY IS SOLVED MM - Sentence Is Stayed Pending Appeal to Supreme Court and Appeal la ' . Never Perfected," While Prisoner i Keepa Silent 'About It.' ";.''. , f ' (Uncial rlinat-k ta W-Joaraal.) Pasco. WaaU., Not. I.Toir Brad shaw, convicted of tht murder of Peter :' Nelson here In July, 10J, waa brought here yesterday' morning from Walla Walla to be resentenced. Judge Briers 'of Benton county decided when Brad- ahaw'a cose camel ud yesterday after -noon that ha had ao Jurisdiction la the case and refused ta pronounce sen tence on Bradshaw until hie appeal to the supreme court.' rlr-wae never ''perfected, was dismissed. , ' KraAnhaw n1 William .' Kllt. ' Wakeman on the Northern Pactflc&eM. tin Peter Nelson In a boxcar In the Northern Pacific yards here and at- templed to rob him. . Nelson resisted and was fatally shot by Bradshaw, the ' men escaping in the darkneaa,' leaving the dying man In the ear. . Jo. August, " -i0i, Bradshaw was convicted of ntur '4r in the first degree and Kellet plead ed guilty to murder In the second de ree and was sentenced to 10 years In " the Walla Walla penitentiary. .; .. , Judge Rudkln. then judge of Yakima county. . sentenced Bradahaw -to be hanged February ,' 1MI. J Bradshaw was removed to the Walla Walla county 3aH for aafa keeping pending a decision ' "on an appeal of hla case to the supreme . court. . The appeal was never perfected, 'and upon looking up hla case a .few imonthe ago It waa discovered that all records of the trial had disappeared. Ever since August, ltot, Bradshaw has Iain In the Walla Walla Jail, not know ing hla fata. ' - r.. v Aa soon aa Bradshaw'a appeal la die ' missed he will be resentenced and a new -appeal taken. . .- . ' MAKES PUBLIC BONFIRE OF GAMBLING LAYOUTS (ftneelal Dispatch to The Joaraal.) tiewtston, Ida.,-Nov. 'The Lewlston . . . public was treated to a spectacular scene (hla morning by the public burning of ,14,000 worth of gambling paraphernalia sunder orders of District . Judge . Stole. iA raid on the gambling houses waa ' ' made Isst week by order of Judge Stole, .and a large number of machlnea and much gambling equipment captured by' ithd officers. The state laws provide -Jfrr the publia burning of all such equlp . .ment captured by peace officers, and j the order of the Judge was Issued In - jconformlty wtfh the statute.' -' ' Xhj aatmstwd -ealue r the rrDTtr burned Is placed at 14.000. and Th WJrh- --Jn g was"1"" Witnessed . Jr mora' than : 100 citizens, many of whom are Identified -with rallglous-pryantxatloturofTlia city. I . - r I' - . ., , . ; r- . 's-- 15- -f 'fci' rvTt' Andrew. Carnegie 'a Niece,- Utney, and ' K i A. ' ''Hcr Hueband: Jamet Hever, - Who j : w, Her Mother's Coachman. The 1; ' ' ' t i r.'fl . '..j v.:::l Herer. Baby Has Reconciled Mrs. ,x': : I f:i'::F-':' 'J-",p: wamage... H lpDESCHUTESliES I I Ills. UIUIILU ODESSA IS STILL AN INFERNO (Continued From Page One.) NEW RIVAL (Continued From Page One.) connected with the Ooulda states that he baa a positive denial from that source that the Gould people are la any wy interested, or thau they have any 'knowledge of the project. Surveys re ported to be made by the Sheridan syn alcate in eastern Oregon do not furnish ! any clue' to a Gtauld connection,' as the 'Western Paclflc'a entrance Into Oregon will be made . between Lakevlew and 'Klamath. -, Regarding" the ownership af the .Salem streetcar and electric light planta, . reports are conflicting. ' It is aald that . soma weeks ago these properties were purchased from Mr. Welch by a New iTork syndicate represented by Frank Robertson of Portland, and have paased entirely fromv control of tba former owner, who Is only retained aa president nd general manager pending organiza tion of a new company 'to take tbem over. Thla report la confirmed by rtmTord'srT5aihi." A remonstrance algned by Zt property 'owners on Front atreetnd other streets ;af fected by1 the franchise haa been filed at the offiee of the city; add! tor, against 'granting the franchise asked from the Portland cltr. council..;, . , . : , MANY BITTEN (Continued' From Page One.) . tomera, but there seems to be no doubt that he was active in drumming up -business for the pair. Andrew La r sen of Sellwood is said to "Have paldi f 1S( directly to Gardner, who -personally located .Aim -.on In southern Oregop." t U said that h may swear to a complaint. - Mrs.- Schneider -ays that some will do so, and that If necessary her husband will be 'the man. ' i "My husband will have to lose a day's ,work If he owears out a complaint, but I don't care for that I am going to see .that the people who swindled ua are .punished." . (read Order Issued. -Woersai tpeelal Bsrrles.1 Washington, Nov. a. Potoffie fraud , order haa been Issued against the Equity-able Claim Adjusting company and J. , JP:-Xnthar of San Francisco. Nothing wis made public regarding the nature of the of fenne. -' . P-. .. . IHIdCMi's ' Samparllla enjoyt the dis . Unction of beinj? the Kreat- cst curative and preventive medicine the world has ever known. Itvis on all-round medicines producing its tm araclled effects by purify ingt vitalizing and enrichins tho blood on which thf hedth end .trenth of every crj;cn. pone find Ussae ce cend. Accept - no substi tute ror liood i, put txv tht on bavins Hood's'-"-"-' sATCP C:XY HOOD'S. 100 wounded during riots last night At Radom widespread rioting la occur. ring today- the government buildings have been destroyed and many troops killed y bombs. uantraL. luur Klet, haa been removed-. from hla . poaf and ' General Boukhomltnbff uppomted hie - aucceas.. At - Kaaan the-city-1s under the guardianship of the c It liens militia armed with weapons taken from the police and quiet haa been restored f- Official announcement waa iasued to day stating that only five persona were killed and IS yere wounded la Tuesday's dlsturoancea. - At Koslov the? vice-governor has fled from the city.- Cltisens are preserving order. Crowds demand the releaae of political prisoners. . ; FOR A REPUBLIC. riaas Save All p emends Qranted X . eapt That of JTatlonal Assembly. . , (Jesrsal aeesUI aatTlee.) Helslngfor. Nov. I. The situation in Finland la critical because of the attl tude of the Socialists, who are not satis fied with the calling of the diet and de sire -violent action toward Russia' and demand a national assembly. It la re ported that the emperor haa .granted all reforms that the Finns have ksked for except a national' assembly. There haa been great excitement and much bloodshed throughout Finland Thirty thnnsand Finns ha tho governor's palace shouting their de mands for- "4Mvlveral Suffrage.. - The proclamation of a republic la -expected at any moment from the revolutionary leaders. - The national flag'-Is flying from 'all; state buildings. - The national guard Is being rapidly recruited and the revolutionists have ample supplies- of ammunition and weapons. ; . v , ' .l The regiments 1n Flntand have re fused to act against . the people. -In many cities the people hsve forced the burgomaster and -chiefs'-of police from their - posts. The governor-general : Is virtually a priaoner in, his palate. STUDENTS ARE SLAIN. Moscow . scholars ' Attacked f Br. Mob ' While SsoortLnf Seleased Frisoaers, Moscow, Nov. I. A procession of stu dents, while . returning with - comrades releaaed from prison, waa attacked by a mob this morning at Triumphal arcb and 10 students killed. . Loyalists and revolutionists' had sev eral collisions during the night. , The city Is quiet today. The loyals of Moscow have sent a demand to Count Wltte for Trepoff s re moval and for prosecution of the metro politan .of Moscow for 'Risking.- an. ad dress JncltlnsT the Black Hundred and also requesting that the city council be "bermltted to - organize a militia force and that political prisoners be granted amnesty. ' . ." ; Fully. (00.000 persona marched in the parade with red-flags and banners fly ing ohentinr the -"Marseillaise" at the funeral of the reformer, Nicholas Bau mann, who was -shot in- the rlota three day, ago. , ; , , STRIKE CALLED OFF. v. Workaaea la Capital to atetara o Work auilseed K ea Oat Btill. ". . ' fit Petersburg.' Nov. . The govern ment bas lost millions of supporters in the last few days and the arbitrary ac tion of the Cossarks in killing students and workmen has dug deeper the chaem between- the rear' and the people. Mod era tea who yesterdsy supported the government are today Joining demon strations ot- the people.- Cossacks have been active all-day pursuing and eaoen Ing the masses, .who were made to dis perse only to reassemble elsewhere. . . , The workmen called off the strike at noon today, but on the condition that resumed If the demands are . not' granted. Workmen 'are urged ' to arm themselves for a decisive struggle with' the convocation of a constituent as- Land Board Holds Session and .Adopts- Agreement Sat- -. 4 a : 1 isfactory to AIL1 " Needed Money and Helped Dispose of Woman's Remains by Throwing Them From Ferry Had Nothing to Do With Cutting Body Up. - (Journal Special Service.) - New Tork, Nov. I With the arrest In this city . of William Howard and Lewis Crawford. . the authorities believe the niystery of the Wlnthrop aulteaae murder haa been solved. Crawford Is also known aa Albert H. Emery. Howard has confessed that he and Crawford disposed of the body. of Mlsa Oeary, ho died as a reault of an operation performed in a hospital In Tremont street. Boston. Howira la so years old and an enaineer by occupation. He haa traveled at varioua tlmea under the name of Hunt Ha denlea that he knowa anything about the dismember ing of the body. Crawford haa ao far refused to talk. His real name la aald to be Albert H. . Emery and he la a theatrical agent by profession, uewara aisciaims any Knowledge as to who performed the Operation and says that he waa hired to help dispose of the body by Crawford, whom he had known for three years. Crawford haa been employed as manager of a lying-in hospital conducted - by - hla ' mother-in-law. Dr. Jane Bishop, In Boston, Howard called to see Crawford on September It, telling htm be was . In need of money. Crawford told him a patient had died and that the body muat be disposed of at once and offered Howard 1 1100 to assist. Howard ao- cepted. .' . ''.j. .. ;-- Two trips were made by the man on the East Boston ferry before an op portunity presented to throw the body In the water, the last aulteaae being thrown Into the river at the Chelsea ferry, , The finding of the remains frightened them and they both left for New Tork on September I. The police received word to look out for Crawford and a cloee watch on the theatrical agencies resulted. in the arrest of -both men. The officials now say the real murderer will soon be arrested. SAYS MRS. REED CALLED ,cALiFORiiiA ho:.:e - Testimony Is Reviewed and Dep ositions Read In Famous - - Will Case. 7. Revised' List of Land Accepted and ; Patent Will Be Asked From the Government Signing of Articles Makes Them a iaw'Xtir .' ' sembly based on universal suffrage, with a view - to the formation of a re public. The -railroad men's -union, how ever, has decided to continue the strike te prevent the transporting troops to Finland. The unlon of unions de mands of Count Wltte complete amnesty for political prisoners, the Immediate withdrawal of troops and the replace ment by militia -drawn from the people. . It Is stated that ' revolt haa spread Into the- army, and that thousands of soldiers are pledged-to use their arms against the autocracy. It is expected that the amnesty will free 160,000 per sons, ' It Is reported that the esarlna la leav ing Peterhof on board the German cruiser Luebeck, on account of her deli cate health. . , . . Is the clxouK. court today the review. Insj of - thev- testimony tn the Amanda W. Jteed wnr.cpntoat-waa oorteludsd. - A number' of depositions were also read. It Is likely that November tfwill be fixed as" the date for the arguments. . Depositions read thla morning by at torneys for the contestants attempted to ahow that Mrs. . Reed considered Pasadena, California,' her- permanent home. In . conversation with Annie Wood of ostoh.Mt'.was aald, in Mrs; Wood's deposition, that Mrs. Reed de clared - that she would always live at Pasadena and that aha regarded It aa her permanent place of residence. - . - A number of depositions from other persona were to the same effect,- So numerous were the depositions and ao lengthy that It was finally auggestel by the court that the attorneys recite, their contents instead of reading them la full. CHIEF SUSPENDS EBERMAN ON MAYOR'S ORDER He vand Executive Hold Rein- petent to Serve on Force. ' ' (Spcdsl Dispatch te The Joereaiv" Salem, Or., Nov. t. At a called- meet ing of the State land board held yester day afternoon, the ruiee which are to .govern the--diatrlbution of water for lands reclaimed by the state of Oregon under contract with .the Deschutes Irri gation A Power company were- formally adopted and algned and are now law. C. C. Hutchinson, land commissioner of the Deschutes company, appeared before the board and stated that the rules were entirely satisfactory to the defrbpany, ... ; The list )f lands which wag presented by the company to the board several weeks ago, with the request that the state ask far patent from, the govern ment, and which has caused all the re cent trouble, .' also came up yesterday. Tk. irlln.l annllMtlnn l 11 AAA aoraa TutawrctowrTylhe attle engine te 14.380 acres, that being all that he waa- wJUlhf to, .certify aa .having- been recttjimed- aCCjorWJng to law and the rule .ecerftly adapted and given below. Jha-" revised 1112 waa adopted - by the .board and patent, will be asked for the same. - The state engineer thus wins his contention. ' " , : The rules provide thst the company ahall be required to furnish a supply of water for each tract In the paten taj aurricient to irrigate It. That .the sea son shall be from April 1 to November 1 of each year and that the company ahall dellver-am amount of water suffi cient to cover each acre to a depth of one and eight tenths feet. The water will1 be delivered at the highest p rec usable points to redeem all the lands owned by the settler. . The settler must construct the distributing ditches from this point ' The annual maintenance charge shall be paid on the first day of November for the first four years, after which one half of the charge will be paid on the flrat of August and the other half on the first day of November. Each settler is entitled to use of Water' only on lands Irrigated by the company. If from natural cause there la a short age In the water aupply each person Is entitled to n proportionate quantity of all that is sold. Ths company la required to operate 4 telephone line over its main canals and all persons are forbidden to disturb the company's property or pol lute Its waters. "- Patrolman R. I Eberman. reinstated by the civil service' commission after he bad been expelled by the police com. mission on charges preferred by Chief Orltsmacher, waa again suspended this morning by order of Msyor Lane, pend ing the investigation of new charges. The charges against him are incom petency and physical disability. Mayor Lane Is known to be de termined to prevent . Eberman - from being employed on . the force and ' haa the active cooperation ef Chief Orlts macher. who does not believe the man competent to serve. Eberman baa en tirely lost the sight of one eye. . . HITCHMAN REARRESTED ON ASSAULT CHARGE ----- (Speeial PUpstra to The loeraaLt - Woodburn, Or., Nov. S. Arthur Hitch- man, who was arrested on complaint of Carrie Nelson, the 14-year-old daughter of Andrew Nelson, and later released. wss later rearrested and waived preTTfiv inary examination. Justice Ovsrton bfrund him over to the circuit court In the sum of I2S0, bonds for which were furnished. 1 . - - v ....... irerklns at Steokaotam. Stockholm. Nor, I.Oeorgs W. Per- kins, 3. P.. Morgan, Jr., and other finan ciers, arrived here today from St. Pet ersburg, on a steamer, . Perkins says that the strikers tried to prevent the "hip fmnj sailing, but the captain eluded them,- , - .. i ' v - '' '.-, . - selections of 0.&c. . lands are Approved (Washlnctna Rurtae of The JoeraaTT" ' Washington, Nov., I. -The secretary of the Interior today approved the follow ing selections of public lands msde bj the Oregon aV California Railroad com pany: .Clear list No. It Indemnity limits. Portland . district, 11 seres; clear, list No. 100 primary limits, Rose burg district. It acres. . - - I B. Webber Betnraa. Mrs. R. B. Webber of the Historical Tribe of Evsngelists has returned to Portland and will make a public an nouncement of coming events after es tablishing headquarters. . . . - Biff Pli a XaarUaga. '':' " - (Ineraal Speeial Ban Its. t -" Hastings. Neb., Nov. 1. Fire In the business center this- morning' cauaed damage exceeding 1100,000. ; Preferred atock. Oaaaed eroada, I sa. V ..1-1 M IDii-Mwfeni(Bifl May brinr customer to a store once, but " on that first visit he or she must receive -value or there will -no be second visit. We've been giving values for over 20 years, you don't ex periment at THE CHICAGO, we've been tried and found true. It takes years to build up a repuution 'for correct and honest business methods, and after all, its value is greater than any other advertisement'. The Chicago ALWAYS gives full value for money received. It could not have built up its immense business were this not a 'fact. Each article mentioned here is full value for the price and tho best that can be sold for the money. You make no " mistake at The Chicago, it's the store that proves .V f H Mean's Clolhina Dcpsrfmcnt All-Wool Suits, honestly mad . . ... . . . . ..... 9 7.BO Black Clay Worsted Suits, pur wool. .....f IO.OO All-Worsted ; Blue Serf Suits, single or - double breasted f IO.OO All-Wool Cheviot Suits, single or double- . breasted , f 10.00 Fancy Worsted Suits, In neat effects, stripes . or checks; single or double breasted.....? IO.OO Fancy Cheviot Suits ...f 12.50 Blue Serge Suits ..........l...........ia.60 Fancy-Worsted Suits,. . . .'. .... .V. . . ; , . , , , . 912.50 BUck Uniinished Worsted Suits.... ........f 12.50 Black Dress Suits, hand-tailored............ flS.OO Blue Dress Suits, hand-tailored....;. 1S.OO All-Wool Worsted Suits, hand-tailored...... SU5.00 Imported Cheviot Suits, hand-tailored...... 15.00 Fine Dress Suits, all hand-tailored - - 91T.50 f 20.OO f 22.50 f 25.00 and f 30.00 TuxddarSuits -i . . ii ; . f 1 T.SO Full Dress Suits .,.22.50 Men's Uvercoats, CravcncHcs, Topcoats anrJ Paletots ; Top Coats, tan Coverts. Top Coats, gray nniinii Tod Coats, tan coverts, Top Coats, tan coverts ana cneviots...,....a,i.ou Top Coats, coverts, cheviots and worsteds.. 15.00 Top Coats. .17.50 920.OO 922.5Q to 30.00 Cravenettes, gray worsted. ,........ S.OO Cravenattes, Fancy mixtures ....... .... .v. . 1 0.OO Cravenettes, fancy worsteds,.. 10.00 Cravenettea, fancy worsteds, hand-tailored.. 12,50 Cravenettes, fancy cheviots, hand-tailored,-. 12.50 Cravenettes... 91B. 917.SO 920 925 to 930.00 Overcoats, gray Melton.... .......;'.'...,.; 7.50 Overcoats, fancy cheviots 52 inches long..;. 9 8.50 Overcoats, fancy worsteds, 52 inches long,,. 9 8.50 Overcoats, fancy worsteds, 52 inches long.. .10.00 Overcoats, fancy cheviots, 52 inches long.. . 10.00 Overcoats, worsteds, cheviots and tweeds, nlain. or mixtures, with or without belt. 52 Inches long,- hand-tailored. Coverts......,;.....,. 9 7.50 unfinished worsted. . . S.BO :o verts. .'...., ...10.50 ; Doys' and Children's DepL Boys' $1C3 All Wool Suits $2.85 GENUINE ALL-WOOL DICKEY KERSEYS," In Norfolk or double-breasted styles, for boys from 6 to 16 years; the sturdiest, smartest and most satisfactory suit ever donned by. boys; riveted: waistbands and double sewing of the parts mostly subjected ta strain 1 real $4.00 values. - . -; " Tomorrow only at. .....92.85 Boys' $7.50 Overcoab $185 ' Long, generous Belt Coats, In tweeds and CSssl meres, for boys from 8 to 16 years... Tomorrow at . . -.v.v. v . ............. .94.85 BOYS' 50c CORDUROY KNEE PANTS' . . . 35 BOYS' FLEECED-LINED UNDERWEAR.T.25 BOYS' $2.00 WORSTED SWEATERS... ...91.60 ' BOYS' 35c AND 25c WAISTS. ...... ..,;19 BOYS' IUS FLANNEL WAISTS. . .. ,85 BOYS' FALL OVERCOATS, 12.35, 2J5, S3.3S, 1185, S4JS to 110.00. ' -YOUNO MEN'S LONG: PANTS SUITS, 14 to 20 years.- 6J0, $7.50, $8.85. $10.00. $ll-5, $12.50 to "$20.00.-;' --"r-iiV'-:-'- -- YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS AND CRAVE-'; NETTES, 14 to 20 years, $445, $6.00, $7 JO, $U3, $1145, $12.50 to $20.00. S12.50 OveTCoata;. . .916-91T,60-ae fas .to 30.00 Paletots in gray or tan worsted ............. 20.00 Hen's Trousers Jean, in black or gray . . . ........ 9,50 -and 1.00 Black Cotton Cord. ... . ti?frt.M Corduroy, $4.00. $3.00, $2.50, $2.00."....;..-.,. .1.65 Union Casaimere, $2J0, $2.00, $1JS. 1.75 Worsted, $3.00, $2.50, $2.25. $2.00. ...:.. ... ..1.75 All-Wool Worsted, $6.00, $5.00, $4j50, $4.00.. ..3.50 Men's and Boys' Shoe Dept.;' Alien's $2.50 and $2.00 Shoes $1.56 ODDS AND ENDS of all our regular hndhest selling $2.50 and $2.00 Shoeaj Bals.', Bluchers . and low cuts are represented In all kinds of- -- leathers and all tha new toes. Tomorrow at . 1.55 UenV$4 and $3.50 Eisbcnt Shoes 32.8S MEN'S 10 AND 12-INCH HIGH CUfSr.lrf grain - ,-rCalfr Samson -calf ad-vklixe4 a great She i- any one requiring footwear for hard outside '' j ' r) wear.' - Tomorrow at. , ................ 92.85 ?Z Boys $1.45 Shoes $!.1S V ; Sise 9 to 11, regular 91.45.. Tomorrow. 9'15 Sise 11 to 2, regular $1.65. Tomorrow. .....91.35 Sise 2 to S, regular $145." Tomorrow. ... .965 Grain calfextension soles; every pair warranted ' solid. ' " " v- - . ' ". ' ' America'! Greatest $50 Hat - America's Greatest $150 Hat "A Hat to Fit Yonr. Face The FuIIwortli M Sixty. Styles J m$: HAT A Size to Fit Your Head TheFullwbrffi m Thirty Shades and Colors $1.85T-The Chicago's Big Dal Special-$1.85 : '.Real $2J0 Hat values for $145; thirty new mid-winter-blocks; 20 new shades and colors. Positively the greatest Hat Value ever shown. Everything thst's new and nobby in' Hatdom shown in this lot. . Underwear Heavy, fleece lined,.;.,.........,. ,'...35 Hygienic, fleece lined. . .Y..., .... ...50f Heavy, Derby ribbed, blue, flesh or Egyptian... 50e Heavy, Derby ribbed, black ............... .....141 Wool ribbed, blue.....,....;.................75'Tl Natural wool J..j..'..75T Merino;, mediitn weight. ...................... 75 Worsted ribbed,pink and canary . . , I ...... r: . 9 1 00 Natural wool, heavy 91.00 Natural wool, medium . .1.1 i".". . .' I . . $1-00 ' Natural wool, extra heavy ........ 9 1 2 5 Heavy, all wool, plush back. ..,'....,......1.50 Cooper ribbed, very fine. .....,..............1.60 Extra heavy. Vicuna, Eagle brand. . . . . . , .'. . . . 1.50 Extra heavy, natural, double front and bsck..1.50 Mercerised silk, pink or blue. .. .... .. ...,..,.1.75 Extra heavy, lamb's wool, very fine... .. ..2,00 Mercerised silk, fancy stripe.. ...... .Vm,...2.50 Silk and wool, blue or. pink.'(... ...... ...... .2.50- Silk and wool, fsncy stripe.'.,'. 2.50 i Suspenders President style ;rnr. ;::;-,".-,'.;r.i..1;,-ri's? .-,. Fsncy webs. . . .-. i . '.. if. . .V.N. 5f Imported webs, very fine. ............ .....,..60e Hosiery Wool mixed, gray or Vicuna, 2 pair tor..;. 254 Wool mixed, gray or Vicuna, fine gause, 3 pair. .50 All wool, natural, black. Vicuna, brown. ...... . .25) All wool, extra heavy A ........ 25 35 50 Heavy, cotton mixtures, seamless, 3. pair.;.. v... 25 Black Cotton,' double sole, 3 pais. .;... ...... 25 Black or tan, cotton, double sole, fine, 2 pair', .',.25 Black, white foot, 2 pair. .-.1..., 25 Extra heavy, black or tan, 3 pair... ...... ......50? Imported cotton, black, tan, split foot. ....,,,(25 Fancy cotton, 2 pair......,....i.ii.....i....25 73 dozen manufacturefa'Y'aamples, . mercerised v. silk, lisle end Maco cotton, all new colors and ficures. in nlain or drop stitch: values up to m r - m r , , . Shirts, Sweaters, Neckwear, Etc. Golf Shirts, separate cuffs. . .". . . . . . ...... .35 Golf Shirts.. 75 1.00 1.25 1.50 to 2.50 Monarch Stiff Bosom. Shirts, new... .........1.00 Blue Flannel Shirts.. . : 75' Blue Flannel Shirts, single or double - breasted to . ?3.oo .50 All-Wool Sweaters. $2 JO snd $2.00 values. Fancv Worsted Sweaters, $6.00 and $4.50 .1. values .....3.50 25c Four-in-Hand Ties, special at..., ;.,15 Silk bows, special at. 2 for 25 Fancy Wash Vests, $3.00 to $2.00 values, ; specisl ......,..1.35 Silk Vests, $3.50 and $3.00 vslues, special.,.. .1.85 amitaiis ajg y ,fwm t9( avaiUe - y ....... A . .y. .... ' 1 : i-