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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
IS THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAV " EVENING T NOVEMBER 3." ltbs. IflOLW pupils,.: FOR SCHOOLS NOBODY IS EXEMPT. City Board Facet Acuta Situa tion and Will Ask Big Special Levy for New Buildings. Preveratloa WUok Mvwy Oae Will IM gooae 01 UHVi Alnoat everybody'e digestion la die- ordered mora or lei, and tha common at thing- (her do for It la to take aoma ooa or tne many so-cauea oiooa pun rnirn. in many caaea. ire jneri' t If tha organa ara In a clogged uitie help "ADDITIONS THIS YEAR" f ARE ALREADY CROWDED Construction Work Amounting to a Hundred Thousand Dollar Will Be , Needed to Provide for Actual En- . rollment. V '..'!.-'' .'"' Many new school building will have to be built next year In order to accom modate tha rapid increase In-tha sum' ber of school children 'In-tha city. Al though accommodations -wars - provided I them. for mora than , 1,00a Additional puplla this year, all tha available room Is taken and many of tha schoole ara so crowded that puplla and .teachers ara greatly Inconvenienced. Tha members of the school board ara preparing to make their annual report to the taxpayer at ttje annual meeting in December. Provision will be .made for a epecial tax to cover tha coat of conatructlng new buildings. It has not been decided where tha new accommo dations will be built, but It Is thought that lat least three- of the schools on ' tha east side and two on the treat side will have to be enlarged or else new buildings erected. - City Superintendent ', Hlgler. in re viewing the situation, said ha was of Here, which, In many cases, are jnerxl strong cathartics, fiuclv thlnga ara no needed. If tha or condition, thev need only and thev will riant themselves. Cathnr tlca Irritate the senaitlva lining of the etomach a-nd bowels and ef ten do more harm than sood. r urging is not wnai is neeaea. - The thing to do Is to put tha food In con. ditlon to be readily digested and as slmilated. Btiwrt's Dyspepsia Tableta do thia perfectly. They partly digest what Is eaten - snd J give ' the stomach Just ths help It needs. They stimulate the secretion ana exoretion or ins dl restive fluids and relieve the con. gested condition of the glands and membranes. - Tney put tna wnoi dl' gaatlva system In condition to do Ita work. - When that la dona you need take no more tablets, unless you eat what does not agree with you. Then take one or two tablet slve " them needed help, and you will have 'no trouble. It s a common-sense medicine and common-sense treatment, and it will cure every time. Not only curs the dis ease, but cure tha cause.- Goes about It in a perfectly sensible - and scientific way. we have testimonials enougs to nil a book, but we don t publish many, of However Mr, to. M, aun, or U ...... rtB-uIr 11M i nave taken an save the Tablets 1 1 got of you and they have done their work well In my caae. for I feel like a dlr ferent person altogether. I don't doubt If I bad not sot them I should have been at rest by this time. - H. E. Wlllard. Onslow. Ia.. aaya: "Mr. White, of Canton, waa telling ma. of your uyspepsia Tablets curing him of Dyspepsias rrom for eight years. myself 4 age by. return mall 1. which ha suffered As I am a sufferer wish you to- send ma a pack- Brooks, Detroit, Mich., says: Phi "Teur wonders in my case. I suffered for ears from dyspepsia, Tut am now en- I gladly ' recommend Dyapepaia cure has -worked yeara from tirely cured and enjoy life as I never have before, them." It will eost-SOo to find out lust how the opinion that an addition of several I much Stuart's Dyspepsia Tsblets will help you. Try thera that's ths. beat way to-decide. jv If tha practice Is permitted to continue there Is no telling where It will and,." 1 NO LONGER WANTED rooms" would have to be made to tha Clinton Kelly school, or a new building located in the vicinity of the Ladd tract, which is In tha center of a rapidly growing district. Borne relief must be given the schools there by another year. Mr. Rlarler waa elao of the (minion iLr'rZ.lZVS? kh.,!: Zb DEAD BEAT FIREMEN Inrged before the fall term next year, also the Portsmouth school ' and pef- hxpa ths ons at Ockley Green. Several of the other schools wars badly crowded. ' The Holmsn school, -in South' Port land, will have. to be enlarged, and also the East Twenty-eighth street school. To provide the accommodations neces sary It will require In the neighborhood of $100,090, which must be raised by s special tax levy. Another recommendation rto the tax payer will be the extension of manual training;. At present there are six cen ters In the elementary schools, with none In ths high schools. , Monsy t i natal additional centers may be asked and also 'to' institute, a department In domestic science for girls. The - board ' may also - recommend a commercial depsrtment for ons or both of tha high school, and also manual training departments for boys for work In wood snd iron and for girls in do mestic science. . The board may decide to glva the commercial department to . ons of the high schools and ths manual ; training .and' domestic acience-to -the other. ,.. .-. TOO MANY ST&S BUILT r OUT OVER SIDEWALKS C0L1P11IJY I'JIOS 10 CONTROVERSY J. O. Johnson Says Harmony Exists Again In-Dee Chutes : Irrigation Project. J ; ' ' MAINTENANCE FEE IS ; : HELD A LIEN ON LAND VMteHczzz Company la Allowed to Charge In terest on " Investment From the Date of Contract With Settler I Arbitration for Disputes, , Firemen will have to pay their Just debts. That was the edict . which went forth from the fire 'committee of tha city executive board laat night. ' "he man In thla department should pay hi grocery' bills." said John Mon tag, with much emphasis. "No man should live beyond his means, no mat ter what salary hs (receives. .We do not want men in -.this department who do not pay their bills." - The discussion wag caused by a com munication from a grocer who com plained that two men in ths department owed him a considerable sum for gro ceries and asked ths commlttsw to uss Its influence to secure the payment of the bllla ....... Chief Campbell notified the oommlt- tea that tha supply of Are hydrants was exhausted and recommended that - an other lot of 10S be purchased. Ths con mlttes recommended that tha city water board advertiss for 'bids - for ths hy drants. --.T..T-V . Tha chief was Instructed to' incorpo- Propsrty-owners all over ths city are violating the city ordinances prohibit ing ths construction of steps and build ings over the. property line, according to City Engineer Taylor. Hs has called tha attention of .the city attorney to the matter and the offenders will be prosecuted- "I And . that property-owners think they.bliav a right to extend steps from their buildings out ovsr ths sidewalk line." said Mr. Taylor. "When I have spoken to them about It they have re ferred me to others who have been per mitted to do the same thing. It is not so bad when the steps are made of wood, for they readily can be. removed, but if ths steps ara made of concrete It is a serious matter. - - The - ordinances j state that no : ob struction of any sort shall extend be yond the property Una. This ordinance will have to bo obeyed or property-owners will get themselves Into trouble. of the department the cost. of installa tion of an engine company on -Portland Heights. ,-. GIVES-DICTIONARIES TO FIRE COMPANIES ."' To show his appreciation of the work of the fire department in extinguishing the blase In his residence at Twenty first and Wasco ' streets, J. I Schults has presented each of the ' companies which responded to ' the' alarm with a -new Webster's unabridged dictionary for ths headquarters. Ths three com panies are sngins company No. 7, chem ical company No. t and truck company No. 4. . . ,.n;-- - . C. A. Dolph. attorney, has presented fire department headquarters with SI volumes . of choice literature for the efficient work .of. the department at the fire In the Calumet hotel several weeks ago-" " ' '.; yiofeiisa Stook Oaaaed Oooda. Allan at Lewis' Best Brand. J.' O. Johnston, vice-president of ths Deschutss -Irrigation aV Power company, whose headquarters are at Redmond, is in Portland a few days, for conference with officers of ths company. He says sll matters recently In controversy be tween the company and the stats land board have been adjusted satisfactorily, and. thst ths business of developing the company's land holdings la going for- warsk - at The company has established ths two main points in controversy. The state Isnd board, by approving the new form of contract adopted by us, sustains 'ths right of the company to charge lnterear on investment from data of contract with the settler, and ths attorney-gen oral has . rendered an opinion clearly supporting ths company's ' position in charging the annual maintenance fee of f 1 per Irrigable acre," said Mr. John ston. "Tha maintenance fee is made lien upon the land until It "Is paid ror by the settler. Those rulings are absolutely falr'and Just, and are accept' able to .all who have the real Interests of ths country at heart' and wish to see development work proceed. Ths com pany.has now spent In this work- 75 per cent of ,a sum sufficient to complete reclamation of the entire S4,600-acre segregation. -- The contract between the government and the stats Isnd board is absolutely safs. The stats will receive Its .patent to the lands. meqalrementa Satisfied. V.r?., "Ths work already' done by ths com pany la more than enough to satisfy all requirements from either the state or ths government Ths contract , between ths company and tha settler is secure. The purchaser can, on payment of his money te the company, -secure his re lease 01 nen, and when it Is presented The - recognized au We . have just received a shipment of 1,000' of these.: .They occupy considerable space. ;For a fewdays we will sell them at , r-.. r Postage 25 cents.. THE J. K. GILL CO. Booksellers and V , : v. Sta'tJoners. ' . THIRD AND ALDER Great Things it Utile Prices No dangerous drugs or alcohol con coctions are taken' Into .the stomach when Hyomel Is used. Breathed through the inhsler. tha balsam to healing of Hyomel penetrates to the most' remote cells of the nose and throat, and thus kills the catarrhal germs.- heals . Ifce Irritated mucous membrane, and' gives to ths state land board he can get -his I complsts and permanent cure. . . deed. If he hss fulfilled the government 'Hyomel Is the simplest. ! most pleas requirement as te the land." ant and the only guaranteed cur - for .Mr. Johnston says the trouble In ths catarrh thst has been discovered. Com were Interested in the Bed town.ita j" ?".BB0 obt,n Hy"l of your and In the mercantile business at that aem'or' " ' M forw"',ae y - nU. point Ths company wss dissatisfied l0,t P1 on receipt ot price. Wflte with the treatment It received in the today for a free sample bottle and con purchase of supplies, withdraw ita pat- sulfation blank that will entitle you to ronage from the Bend concern, .began services of our medical ' department buying Its provisions at wholesale in without Charge. The H. T Booth Portlandani ramovadJtadouars Trnlomtuult from Bend to Redmond, about 1 miles wA.ti J!tir 1 1" IUl0 N' T S BW BJB VV north. The friction trow Into a bitter -.n v- '' :.--':.j.r5- Ol : 6 V N rate In Uls annual astlmats of expense Lwr the Bend InteresU snd the --. . -wu .KWMW ...M. .lUUir were taken before the state land board, which has just completed the readjust ment of the whole matter. - ;V acootsa potsts aetned. It, is said ths controversy has been exceedingly Interesting snd Important by reason of the fact It has established mooted questions under the Carey act. Under the new contract adopted by ths Dee Chutes Irrigation Power com pany, the question of qusntity of water must be supplied for Irrigation may be tiled by arbitration. If any dispute arises thst cannot be adjusted by ths settler and the company. The company's contract provides that Iteshall furnish all water necessary to ths growing crop, the quentitve basis being one and eight tenth acre et for the to-day Irrigation period. Should the settler contend that this Is not enough and ths company take laaue with him. In any particular caae, they shall submit the dispute to- ths highest Irrigation authority. Professor El wood Mead, chief of Irrigation Investi gation. United Ststes department of ag riculture wnose opinion snail be so cepted as final, . . '-... SAYS FIRST STREET; IS IN SHAPE HEN'S SHOES ONLY Ilea's Eatsei Pads la Pine Xoeterp. ow noru hat womroas uxls, mil . 3.50hcss At II. So. when they are equal to those ordinarily sold at 14.00. Our answer le that they ere made specially for us, snd as ws receive them direct from the factory, ws ssve all the profits thst usually go to ths middlemen and all costs of general advertising. - , Thafi Why We Sell $1 Shoe at e$3.e50 They are a most excellent shoe natty.: stylish, substantial,, well made, of picked etock. -. - ' -. . VAaxxoa-Asu ' ... - Nettle(on$Sand$6Shoe the Society1 Pouts) sar Ajnong Psjr- . f .enia VANDUYN (D WALTO N TBI H009 T S70 WASaXsTOTOaT ST, BIT. TMXJtO AXIS POTTBTat. iSaTaWixzxzzzzzzznxzzznxxxzzx 2 i luxxnniiiinimnia 4T4BhaBBSBfaBeBaBBBB laUTeeel Coupon Free Ha wallan Trip . rioaolulo, Hawallaa UlaavU ... r I vote for.. .1 This eoupon must be voted en or before-November 1 1(01.". EZZSZZxS Preferred BTtock Duuua Sub. Allen Jk Lewis' Best Brand. When Vou See It In Our Ad. It's So taei"S v "lb t liliiil Will buy you a FIRST- CLASS At this store of GOOD: VALUES. No riccd of paying more elsewhere -$3 to $5 inyour poiket will go a long way to help making next Christmias ; cheerfo f purchasing here. ; ; : v v FOOT BALLS AND FOOT BALL Given away with all purchases of $5.00 L oyer in our BoysV and Youths' Department PAWTS:C r f &OAK Part South of Madison Street It Unsafe for Fire Department, 1 Declares Campbell. " First street south of Madison street is In a deplorable condition, accord. ing to a report made by Chief Campbell or tne lire department to the fire com mlttee of the city esecutlve board last night The pavement Is so dllaDldated that It Is dangerous to drive the fire apparatus over It, and recently a truck was smsshed to pieces In crossing , the street railway tracks at First and Har rison streets. - ( - -- Cltf Engineer Taylor Is making an In vestigation Into the delay of the Port land Railway company in Improving Its portion of the street The property owners laid their share of pavement nearly a year ago.' The franchise for the road Is owned by the property-own ersr who leased It to the railway com pany. Ths corporation declares ' that the property-owners should repair - the whole of the etrset according to a spe cial clause In the- franchise. On the other hand, the property-owner and the city Insist that the corporation, which Has a lease of the franchise. Is In duty bound to pave between and one foot on each side of the tracks. The matter has been referred to .the city aivqnn.y-ior an opinion on tna legal statu- tne contention, ana ee soon as It can be determined- who Is responsl- bis, proceedings will - be Instituted to compel ths repair of the pavement. - The city council . Is also looking into ths matter. HAPPY WAY'S WAY OF - HITTING IS UNHAPPY -His name Is Happy Way.' but Pater Heller thinks he has anything but ' a happy way of doing things. HaUsr col lided with the man of, the Jovial cog nomen at Blaster's First street saloon snd was laid outwJth a punch on the jaw. . Happy Way fled after deltverta the blow, having also a speedy wsy. Borne time waa required to bring Haller back to his senaes, showing that as a slugger Happy Way has a most effective wsy. Haller we placed aboard a car and ssnt home, threatening to swear out a war. If we elbese tfaieS sale ahd you have riot your winter clothing we cah only say that -:;,p J V IS Here we are closing out the , whole shooting; match at 29 to 30 cents on the dollar, and you may be the one who has not yet taken -advantage -of 1 - - .'.'.' . ?THEBIG' FM SMiE 'S ..V f i ! ;What do you mean, anyway? Expect somebody to give you a' suit of fine clothes? or nobby, overcoat? You ' would be ashamed to take one if it were offered you free of charge, when ) garments can be had from us at such figures as we are selling '.for today.1 " - : WErARE NOW SEUt-INQ f(l(j'!i life r $35 Suits zt.,; 4.',,.,7.aO $6 Trousers aU.......f ......... $1.95 $35 Overcoats. at........ Si,.,.!Bl0.50 $25 Overcoats at... i.i.... ....... 87.50 $2.50 Shoes ait.... VeV f y 0 e ft ee Cravenettes worth $15 now .83.30 60c to $1.50 Straw Hats......:....20e $2 to $3.50 Hats . . . V". i ............ . 7 7 . ... ..... . ..4 15c" Handkerchief "JI i . t ;. . .4f President Suspenders . . .... . ,.lQit 15c Ties .. ..r.. ........... . . . . ... . .4 $1 to $1.50 Shirts. . . ; . . . . ... . .... .74f 50c Golf Shirts : . ; . . ; . . . . . . .... .tV . 20 Men's $2 and $2.50 Shoes at. ... .. . .00 $3 Shoes .......81.10 Box calf, vici kid, Blucher and ' DO Y OU BELIEVE Bals. if 1.15 $4,values at..'. .V-:T:;Tj':. .81.56 Misses' $1.50 Shoes, . . . .'. ... .'... . ,75f Misses' $1.50 Misses' $1.50 White Canvas : ' -V Oxfords -v . . . . ... . . VI . . . . . . . : . ,80a Children's $1.25 Sandals." . . .T,5o' Infants' 75c Shoes. ...M... .i.40 . "We will wager you $1,000 that we do exacUy we. advertise I That's talkwith the bark on it! '-There Is nothing effeminate about this language I - ..,r,. . ; (-'. . AVE HAVE TO CU05E UP SHOP BEFORE VRY LONO? -Because the landlord is going to have these 'walls rebuilt, and we are not going to box or remove the goods we have In stock. That's why we are selling merchandise now at a great deal less' than half its worth. DO YOU WANT YOUR SUIT AT QUARTER PRICE? DO YOU WANT YOUR OVERCOAT AT QUARTER PRICE? THEN GET A MOVE ON .yOUt DON'T SLUMBER ANY LONGER I BE UP AND DOING! iiil 11 "fflPTP 1 207 FIRST ST. .J. I IfVjs ;':':" DI3T. TAYLOR AND .; SALMON :zr:zzzzszjuzz rant for Happy,. .