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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JQURNAU-PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 3. i;C3 . NEWS OF SPORTING WORLD 13 GUIS BY ANGELS Walt and His Lobster Brigade Maks an Exhibition of Them ; selves Down South. T f)T I'llLEflfE IS READY TO Coach Bishop's Eleven Deter mined to Give' Eugene Players the Came of Their Lives. CWEENEY ERRS THRICE . : AND HELPS DEFEAT OT4 will to- Base running of (Hants of a High Or der of Recklessness and SHUne Anrela .Plav in 'Tip-Top Form Under' Dillon's Able Leadership. ,'. Uovul SpecUI Serle ; . Lo Angeles. Nov. I. The Ansel bad another ple-eatlng contest with "Walt's Olanta yesterday and won out aaaily, 7 to ' Tomorrow Dillon and hla men (Special Dispatch te The Jetn-aal.). v , Willamette University, '.Salem, Nov. The football team .that repreaent Willamette In the same morrow aralnat the University of Ore gon, la prepared to play fast and snappy ball. After-nearly two. weeks of hard practice. Coach . Blahop . has . now . what ha thinks la a winning team. He 1s not confident, but determined, and haa In stilled with determination to win Into every man on the team. Salem la aroused ae never before and the frlenda of old Willamette are more numerous than ever, and every man that can ret away .from hla business will be at the same to oheer the university on te victory." , -,,. - The- team ,1s . in the. pink of condition with - but two exceptions r-oiiara, me Die rum tackle and cap tain, who had 'his thumb broken In practice Tuesday evening, but will be in the cam though not at his best, and Nace. the left half who has not qutte will engage the Fortlandera In a gime f marblea, darvln waa in the bos for I recovered from the lnjuriea received )n 3'ortland and pitched a. good game,, but I the Pullman game, but will ater -in bis tha fielding of Sweeaey and the general support waa of auch a bad character that Virgil couldn't" do anything. The Angela played in championship form aitd made monkeys out of the visitors. I'ravath. Flood snd Dillon played a star game. The acore: , LOS ANGELES. - V k . AB. R.ILPO.A.E pernard. cf. 8 e.S 1 1-lond, lb. ..nv 4 ea-- Hmlth, Sb. a 1 4 1 I ?f tub hear, as. ......... J 1 e 4 Jillon. lb. , 4 f 8 Jl old position. Thla la the lineup for Willamette Nelson, center:- Phllbrook, left guard; Marker, right guard; Keller, left tackle; Pollard, right tackle capt): Coleman, left end; Hlnkle. right and: Patton. quarterback: Nace. left half; Long, right nair; iiaaer, run pack. "ravath, rf. Tioss. If.- -. .:. Xagrr. c . . , Tosier, p. . Totals ... ... 4 ! ... i . . S 1 FOREST GROVE FORBIDS . FOOTBALL IN SCHOOL ti it e '..' Portland.'" . A&R.H. PO. A. E. Ats. as. 4 e r e .VcCredle. rf. 2 . o - e t e Van Buren. If. ......... 8 4 1 t S ?t itcheiu ib. . i . .. . .14 : ; Kohlafly. 2b. 4 0 I McHale, cf. i i ....... 1 4 Sweeney. Ib. v.-t.i - 1 iSiieaa, c. ............ 8 S I OHrvln. p................... t(t,!,t,t . Totala .21 i 24 II '.-V SCORE BT INNINGS. 1 Loa Angeles ..;.. 111 T Hlta . . ........ 0 llllltl a f Portland . , Hlta , , SUM MART. Home" run Cravath. Three-baaa hit Dillon.' Sacrifice hits McCredie, Ber nard, Brashear. First baao on errors Lo Angeles. 2. : Left - on bases Los Angeles,; Portland, 4. Bases on balls Off Garvin. 2; pit Tozier, J. Struck nut By Garvin, I; by Toaler, 4. Stolen baaea Garvin, Smith, Branhear, Dillon 2. Cravath I. Hit by pitched ball Van Buren. i. Tlra of-game One hour and 17 -midlife.. Umpire Perrine. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. ' (Special Dispatch" to The Journal.) Foret Grove. Nov. 3. Profeasor Ed win Allen of the High school has Issued an order that football will not he tol erated on tha school grounds. The de creet Is made neoeaaary on account of ma rougnneaa with which tha youngsters- handle each, other while kicking and carrying the pigskin. Mr. Allen baa serioua aoubta as . to tha benefits re ceived by grammar grade pupils in the playing or tha college game. . While principal of the Dllley school last year one of the boys under Professor Allen's cars had his leg broken while In a foot ball scrimmage and was obliged to re main-out of school for several raontha A few weeks ago Rees Lea bo's son had to undergo an operation as the result of iniurv received while nlavlnv ? i S i ? i ? S J I These things have .combined to make t 0 0 101 Mr. Allen take this aten In ur,n..ln. tha game from the school grounds, much as he dislikes to deprive the boys of any pleasure or run. wnua the school board has not. .officially ratified - tha principal's decree it ta understood that they, ti. coincide with the views of the schoolmaster. , ... . ... """. : i CLCB8.. OikUad fmn Preadaeo ... puttie lortl.Bi ....... J Iran ........ 0 10 a b MI14 41 9 9 5 5 fl 10I101IT14I Ull A 10 a T! 01 at Lost yi!!W-l41'l44 2M .BRU .M7 .fill .4m .444 " Tberg Batted Sard. fJoajTssttl UneMri! Haia m . OflkSand, Nov. S. Beat tie won ytr tlfly'a ram) 1n the) first innin. batting j Mrs; tu ovar creation. Tha aoora: 1 it- jl,. - '- -. ' - R H Prattle . : t.T. . 1 el 1 " II i Oakland ...... . 0 e J 0 0 01 6 4 Batteries C. Hall and Frary; Iberg. jMogsn, Btnitn and .tiyrnes. , Ltnpl Keefe's Fine Work. fjearaal Bnerlsl BrTlea. San Francisco, Nov. S Keefe was the whole show yesterday and ahut out the Sls, allowing them but three nits. The score: ...''- . , 'i - i -i" ' n ai Tacoma . .......let ft 10 San Franciaco ..(llt 0 1 t Batteries Keefe and Graham; . Ultt snd Shea. Umpire McCarthy. Coal Klaes a Flora. (Special Dtesetdi to The Joarasl.) . Flora, Wallowa County Or.. Nov. I. Coal cropplngs have been - noticed In many places in the vicinity of Flora and along the Grand Ronde river in re rent years. Mlnea have been opened on the river near Eden-and Grouse and have been found to produce a good qual ity of coal in paying quantities GOLD LEAF1 BOWLERS ; BEAT THE HONEYMANS The Honeymaa Hardware company's team dropped three straight games to the .Oold" Leafs on the Portland alleys Wednesday. Pollack had the high aver age. 204; he also had high single game, rolling 244 In bis second fame. ; The scores were: Gold Leafs . ' ''-. ' - . 'r-, : en Pollack . ...172 Tandauer ........ 92 Kneyse ......... .KS Krupke . ..142 Gaillard . ........147 (2) '244 129 154 107 141 (2) Total. lt (12 102 823 17S 447 117 ! IB-. 441 r.HLITARY TO PLAY -HIGH. SCHOOL Third Came in Interscholastic .Series Will Be Played, To row Afternoon. , HILL ELEVEN IN GOOD TRIM FOR BATTLE Harrigan'e Proteges Feel That jThey Can Trounce the Cadets Game Will B Played on "Multnomah Gridiron Lineup of the Eleyena. ToUls w.,;,721 - 777 7411,289 Honeymsn Hardware Co. .i v, . (1) (2) poppia V ;".cr....:ii4"i3o - Parrott . . .112 157 : Day- .,......, 140 152 Osburn .......... (7 82 Woeln i . .190 -429 (8) Total. 114 858 171 139 79 1X4 454 422 248 243 . Totala , . .55 851 8451.855 FOOTBALL PLAYERS PI FASE TAKE NOTICE All notices of football contests must M in Tha -Journal office before 14 o'clock on the day of. publication. No tices for the Sunday, Journal .must be in this office before 10 o'clock Satur day night. The Journal will publish free of charge notices of games and all matter of Interest to amateur football players throughout the country. . No tices must be written In a plain hand. and upon only one side of the psper. When the line-up of an eleven la given it should ba written In this fashion; Center. - right guard, left ' guard, right tackle, left tackle, right end, left end, quarter, right halfback, left halfback and fullback. Tha length of halves, the scorers of touchdowns ahd the officials should also be given. Football enthusiasm la running high at Hill Military academy, for at I o'clock tomorrow afternoon the cadets of the 'varsity will play their first regu lap league game for the championship of tha city on Multnomah field. , The first league game or the season wss played last Friday afternoon, when Portland High defeated Newell ' River- view by a acore of 10 to 0. The second gam of the series will be played tbia afternoon between Portland academy and Newell Rlvervlew and the veteran eleven of the Portland academy ahould have no trouble In defeating N. . A. However, Downs and Austin, tha two crack players of the second Multnomah team, and Jameaon, the sturdy T. M. c A. center rush, who are also members of the N. R. A."team; are no mean oppo nents, v.... . . Tomorrow Hill Military and Portland High will face one another for the flrat time vh is year and tha game promises to be a fiercely contested one.- P. H. 8.. flushed with victory on account of hav ing defeated N. R. A., is conndent or winning tomorrow's game rather aaaily. They have had excellent coaching and Intend to use aome of the formations and plays, of Toat's famous Michigan team with telling , affect, against H. m. A. The cadets, on the other hand, while equally confident of being able to put up stirr game, are saying little. - Foot ball material at Hill Military has been more plentiful and In-many respects better than In many a year, but a num ber of tha men are comparatively new to the game and may lack some ex perience. Nevertheless tha oadets play a strong game and when forced back by much heavier team a to the last ditch they have put up a stons wall defense and repeatedly . prevented their oppo nents from making a seemingly almost Inevitable score. The scores made so far In H. M, A, practice gamea were the following: p. v., e;"H. M. A., 8.. 17 M. C. A.,-I; R. M. A., Marshall Wells. 0; H. M. A.. 8. The cadets have for the first time or ganised a regular rooters club nndef the leadership of Cadet Captain C. H Bobbins. The H. M. A. rooters will make their flrat publlo appearance at tomorrow'a game and will make tba welkin ring with their yells and football songs. The line-up will be: - H. M. A...'.; .. ... . High School, Hendricks. Kuney,. Gleason ........L. IE......... Bradlev i-onsson. Moore...u T... . pinkham (c.) Wlggln, MuIkey;..L. G. ........ . Mount Knettle. Weller. . .C. Catlin Williams. Loom is. Lilley .-..,.... R. O. , Cason. Volght, Moore. ...R. T.. ......... Blank French. P. Bates.. R. B. Lewis MacEwan, Hugglns,. Strelt , Q.;. Reed Taylor, Gleason . . L. H. B. ..... . Ganung Hill. Maya R. H. B. Zander Hayes, Dlmmlcfc. .F. B...., Cofer Snicker second. Noatromo third; time, 1:18. . 1 : . . . Mile and a 'sixteenths Bedouin won. Coy. Maid second, Banta cjatanna third time. l;44 3-5. . Mlle--Yada won, D'Arkle second. Sll Brlllar third; time, 1:40. Five furlongs Pantouflo won, Lotus second. Mollis Donohue third;' time. 1:59 4-8. At Latonia, " ' Cincinnati, Nov 3. Latonte race re sult: ". ' - Mile, and 80 yards Bonnie Prlnee Charlie won, Katie Powers second, Lans- downs thlnd; time, l:S4tt. Six furlongs Full Sway won, Lld wlna second, Wlniired third; time. i:iii-s.--- -. , Six furlongs Sanetomo won. Gypseen second, Rankin third; time. 1:20 2-5. Five and a half furlongs Floss S. won. Pretty Nellie second, Tarp third; time. 1:11. Mile and a sixteenth Hortensla Won. Harraakia second, Ulistea third; time, THIRD M. A. A. C. ELEVEN TO TACKLE SECOND H.M. A. Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock the third M. A. A. C. eleven will try con clusions with the second Hill military team on M,ultnomah field. The young sters piay a remarkably fast game- for their age and experience, and a lively oatuo la expocteo. -rne lineup will be: Third M. A. A. C. ' , Second H. M. A. Blagn ....RE........ Merchand Carell R T.. ......... Moore Feildroan .R G. Wellof Rovla ............G. ........... Davis Donelt .....LO Coutnev Davis, Olaen LT. Scott Meyer, Woodard..LE..., C Moore Wagner, Holdan.R H B Kahn MeAlpin LHB. ........ Llllle Jeffery, Besaylan.F B .V. ..V Hugan Hughes Q B Bates GOLFERS WILL' PLAY. " ; FOR DIRECTORS' CUP The golfers will be" busy tomorrow at Waverly links. - The program will be tha third day's medal play for the Di rector's cup. . The last medal play will be on week from tomorrow and "the flrat round Sf the match play will be gin on November 25. ' In - the contest recently for the Blythe cup, Mr. Tounc was victorious, having a score of 82. , SPORTING GOSSIP. WILL PLAY MATCH FOR : POOL CHAMPIONSHIP This evening Henry Solomon and H. Llgman will dedicate the new Oregon billlard-rootn. by playing a match game of pool, -200 balls, for. the champion. nip or psniaml Mn Seleaaa im the pool champion of Oregon and Mr. Lis man la considered one of the cleverest men in the state in handling a cue, The new parlors are In the Elks' build ing, 88 Seventh street, and have been ntted up handsomely. , BEDOUIN CAPTURES r 'AQUEDUCT HANDICAP re- (Joarnal Special Service.) New Tork, Nov. 3. Yesterdaya suits at Aqueduct track were: Seven furlongs New Mown Hay won. Cloten second, Bryan third; time, 1:28. Mile Newbury won, Martinmas sec ond. 'Andrew Mack third; time. 1:40. Six furlongs Arkllrta won. Bell a (t-i. .... r -v, . I.t;v- . . 'M'i.'.?.J 4 ., Old Folks need plenty of nourishment and more than ordinary blood-forming elements. Thesothey obtain in their highest form in t T THAOC MARK, -v The food in liquid fbrau ' , . f . - This Predigested food-drink can' be retained by , the weakest stomach and new strength obtained from the first wine-glassful. Sold by all druggists and grocers. - .-.;.'-,"" St. ': Prepared by ' , - '; AnheascrBusch BroYlntJ Assn. " SU LotsU, V. S. A. , ; ., McCredle' s Giants ' are ., playing the most consistent ball In the coast league. So far on the southern trip they have lost nine out of ten games played, and Judging from their present doings and nightly peregrinations,' the chanoes are 1.000 to 1 that they will not win another game In Los-Angeles. Of course, they may play an exhibition game and win it, because they have always been top notohers In making exhibitions of them selves; but aa for winning a, regular game, not much, unless their opponents would -all -drop-dead.- Bvsn-then the chances ar that the" Giants would be too lasy to yua bases. ' . r e . e Tbero Is more trouble piling up for Slats Davis. Mlque Fisher, manager of tna homeless Tigers, says Slats drunk at OakMnd last Sunday when he chased Charley- Graham and Mlque out of the grounds after -fining both of them, snd he Intends making .a charge oi arunxenness against Slats to Preal dent Bert Slats has not been behaving nimseir tnis year, it waa only yester- aay tnat tna charge of felony and em besslement was dropped against him by a Ban -rrancisco woman, who had him arreated for stealing her diamond ring. Aa "Slata" - returned the ring, B. Frances Rose declined to prosecute. Then-there have been othar times when tna "saintly Slata" forgot that for which no wss appointed to the league. Joe Nealon, Ban Francisco's crack first baseman, has been sold to the Chicago Nationals, Hltt has also been sold to mo new rork association for tha sum of 82,000. Tour undo . Henry never misses an opportunity. - The OUtlobk Is sntMarine- a. Ilttla brighter at the Multnomah club In re- gam in rootuaii pios-jema. tasr sveir mg several new men turned out for practice and showed up well. Tsster- aay axternoon a small aauad took ad. vantage of the afternoon and srvent aev. oral . hours In booting the ball around tne gridiron. While a number of foot oau patrons , throughout . the 'state wouia like to see Multaomab beaten thla year, the loyalty of the clubmen will prevail, and when the time comes Muunoman will be represented on the gridiron with a formidable eleven, It is true tnat the outlook Is not so en. couraglng as In former years, but Over field. Jordan and Watklna have hopea or meeting any emergency that mar ansa. ' . e e A large number of footballlsts from ail parts of Oregon and Washington will attend tomorrow's struggle at 8a- lem between Willamette and Oregon elevens. This game should be s hum mar. a Seats for lEe Stanford-Berkeley foot ball game were placed on sale Wednes day morning. Unusual restrictions have been placed on the -number of. tickets which can be sold to each Individual in order that speculation may be pre- vented. - One person will be permitted to purchase eight rooters' tlcketa, but he must present a written order for each pasteboard.. The same restrictions will prevail In regard to the tickets for other sections-of 4he bleachers,, wbtefc will be placed on sale after the rooter tfeketa are sold. Football at Bake City. (Bperlst Dtapntck te Tie Joorn.D . Baker City, Or. Nov. i 3. Tomorrow the Baker City High school .opens the football season by playing the Boise High school in this city. . Bolss Is ru mored to have the strongest team In the lilslory of the school and a hard game Is expected.- A- return game. will be played with Boise on Thanksgiving day, Only one other gam-haa yet been scheduled for the Baker City team, that With the Pendleton High school, to take place In thle city on November. 12. . Proeeontlnf ' Attorney ' Arrested. V 'Special Mapstch to Tba Joarasl.) Olympls, Wash., Nov. 8. Horstlo Ailing, prosecuting attorney for Thurs ton county, wss arrested yesterday charged with drunkenness. The-county commissioners todsy appointed , P. M. Troy deputy prosecuting sttorney. LE3 Sena Hla Xmbe. -;; ' A (Special Plspttrfe te The Joerasl.) Pendlstan, Or.. Nov. 8. J. T. Hosklns of OsUbway, Morrow county, sold 1.800 HiiHiiiii.iisiisiwiVM'M-ii ii .i n "l vw.wy, morrow county, sold I.SOO f J&Zkk 2 QrtyiAijSS.. -"ey- r4fiT--- - Oreoini CHeviots i Arc ready for picking r iThcy'rcthc best weanng goods in Amcric Any Eastern rnaniifacturcr will tell you so ' Choose tomorrow from nearly 50; exclusive patterns, tailored v by the best clothes makersr of New York and Chicago into perfect fitting : - jSiLJitsandOeifcoaits l ss-87 Third St. Setneen Starin&.Qak f Teeth-NoPain Marvelous is what all ths dentists say about the wonderful system of Alveolar Dentistry, originated and praoticed ex clusively In Portland by Boston Dentists, 38116 Mnrrlaan strsft Wasave teeth. it only a good root remains. . We restore old decayed teeth to usefulness and beauty. - - We replace loat or absent reeth with out plates. - - - We extract-teeth without pain free of charge. ' Ws treat and tighten loose teeth, snd soft or bleeding gums .are made sound and healthy. We guarantee our plates to lit. We give you the best dental work for the lowest cost consistent with first- class work. . Come and have free exam! nation and consultation and learn for yourself what we can do for you. . Boston Painless Dentists SIM Morrison ., Opp. Meter ft Frank and Postof floe. Stomut ao a. as. to s. m. Sam. day, Sim a. ta. to lSiSO p. nv - . ARMY OF VAGRANTS DRIVEN - OUT OF CHICAGO - Attitud . of Chief of Police Re sults in Heglra of Hoboes - ' to Small Towns.- y (Jnarnal Reerlsl service.) ' Chicago. Nov. A Only one twentieth of the .usual number of tramps . and levee loafers ' In Chlcsgo will welcome ths return of winter. The Salvation Army has collected - figures which tell n sstoundlng tale of ths decrease of the "vag" population from 15.000 to 358 within the yeer. , . - - The decrease Is the result of several causes. Tha attitude of Chief of Police Collins toward tha vagrants Is one rea son why the '"professional unemployed" decided te move out of the city; The tmprleonment of a largo number - of vagrants resulted In a heslrsj of hoooes. word comes rrom air tna email elites djaeentto Chicago that "vags" are overrunning - them. Those who- found themselves behind the bars and , have afterward been sent on the weary road to-the house of correction have been examples for levee l08,fera- : fcv. ., V-. - . - . .- ., , ...jjiV. . --UeW.fcs4aW--- ... . II G-A-F-E A-N-D- q , U S-I C; H AIL ' n AuB u ST E RIQKSON Pro prictor CONTINUED SUCCESS OP THE FAMOUS y Otto FiechtTs f Tyrolean Quintette In English and German Warbliiig SpMialtietvrrV 'Through Requests of Our Patrons, Amounting "Virtually to u j Demtnd, We Have Re-engaged Fiechtrs Ladies' Quintette and ' - Tyrolean Trio Attractive Featuree xYom Leading Xastern Vaadevllle Honscs --Program., ChangedjDaily. Special Matinees Sunday. Entrances at 21 North Third street,' 21, 23 and 28 Second street, and 243, 245 and 247 Burnside street," 1 North ' i ."T- SOLE AGENT FOR ; v: . " Fruitdale Mineral Water f-''. !'... 1 The? natural Water at it rnmefl 4mrnh mnrinrrnl k - - wsv-a waM saw Majv 14W VtlClUl" cals or drugs-best remedy known for stomach and kidney troubles.- . - .; ;" " ; ', . i- r :j J '. .. , . : . , i . v hunter accidentally: : . SHOT BY FALLING GUN ' . StMMlst DlspstPh te The Joornsl.) ' . Helena, Mont, Nov. 8. Samuel Scott haa Just reaahed Helena with a report that ons of the Larson brothers, mem bars Vt a -hunting party of six, , had been probably fatally shot. ..Ths young man was - hunting alone in Avalanche gulch and had rested Ills gun against a tree, i r The weapon, fell over and was discharged, the load penetrating Lar son's abdomen. Ths young man, de spite his wound, walked a mile to nmn. Mr. Scott tbi&ka the wound will prove! rev modern 'dental work. World-re. . nowaed specialists. Lowest prices consistent wit flrst-alass .'.';.- work, 1 - .. , v v On I tba V i NEW- YORK - DENTISTS rotTBTH An stoauuaosT ara. open day snd Bight, from 8:88 ft S tsntU fatal. him, A doctor: haa' gone to attend