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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
TIIE OREGON DAlLYJOURIIAt. - PORTLAND. FRIDAY' EVENING.' NOVEMBER 3. 1803. : -V V l!LIJIJfe vilL SzJ-'d -.Vivi'i ivr! ilL IS NOW SELLING TOE . ENTIRl' STOCK At 1 ?2 TOM ' STIillXE'I TWO DQORS FROM YAMHILL STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON r - - - - ,- . . ,.- .- . j .. ; ... ., -r'f-'r- - -vr-: . -7- - - - v - , ' 3b aVJluU&MWllJs Gig antic Bargains in s v urmsnmgs , Good heavy Sockspworth 25c. ........ ....... vf- i 8,000 Neclrtiei, -Jourin-hand.-teckt,flowIng-77 1 endi; they are worth from 00c to $1.50, some ; of them beautifully embroidered. Come -' ' ' quick. They are youri for. f . 6 Men's and Boys Caps, worth 35c .... . . ...... .151 - Men's Blue Flannel rShirts, worth $2.50,t...78. Towels, worth 15c. ........i........ ....... 4 . Men's Overalls, all sixes, good heary ones. r. .33 Men's fine silk embroidered Suspenders, worth - ... 75c ........v.. ..V... 8 Boys' Knee Pants, there are 500 pairs left.... 15 . Sanitary fleece lined Underwear, worth 75c. . . ,35, Fine cashmererool Socks, heavy and' light -weights. They are yours for. ............ .19 Beautiful. - fancy bosomed - Negligee - Shirts, ; worth $1.00........................ .....;.10 Men's working Shirts, dark and light colors. . 31 Men's ribbed-Underwearr worth from $1.00 to $1.50 a garment. Saturday's price. ,48 Boys Suspenders ,. ...... ..... 5 : CKIdrersanderchlef I Boys Overalls ...... .......................lojv r Fancy Handkerchiefs, were 25c, now......... 3 - v'.- v ': v'' ' : '" f THE GREATEST - SHOE BARGAINS EVER 7V ; i.-, "GIVEN. :' ;Vi,-V--. : Men's velour calf, worth $2.50, at..... 913 Men's fine vici, kangaroo and box calf, worth i'-i ' $4.00, at , k.... 82.40 M en Vcordovan and kangarcnT welts, worth $4.50, at ................82.61 Men's finest welts, in -vki and willow calf, regular $5.00 Shoes, at. ............... . .83.39 Men's patent leather, all sixes, regular $3.50. .82.23 Boys' and youths' kangaroo calf, worth $2.50 810 Little gents' nobby Shoe, worth $2.00, at. .C. BS This la a Legitimate Sale STUPENDOUS BARGAINS IN MEN'S 1 TROUSERS. Men's business Pants, made up from , the . most serviceable fabrics to retail at $2.75, will now be sacrificed at..r....?.;.,..V. 08 Men's stylish Pants, cut to fit and made up ' to give splendid service in nice neat pat terns, values up to $4.00.. Now go at,... 81.45 Men's all quality Pants, in a wide range of fashionable patterns. Regular $5.00, $6.00 t and $7.00 values have all been bunched into one big lot Take your choice, at. . , .82.35 i mum, m wmmm t There are clothing sales and clothing sales advertised 1 as tne proaucts ot tne oest maners m ine iana, wncn in reality the ' majority of goods placed on sale is shoddy i I plunder thrown together for fake sales, and is made up i under most unsanitary "conditions, but is sigh eye, especially when it is placed with elaborate show. : : : windows or m mc nanus 01 sinuuui sfcncauicii uui il uuca hot fit or wear well Ever heard or seen any of it? - Here' at 172 Third Styou will find onl-jr the world's best Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings Gdbds and during our present great' sale you will find it marked at lower prices than the above mentioned humbug sale trash is sold for about town. MAKE NO MIST A ICE OUR STORE IS 172 THIRD STREET, where the big sign is, WQ-doorsJroni Yamhill street , : MEN'S SUITS . Wsv have added many better grades of Men's Suits to our great $5.96 line. ' Garments that - are worth $12.00, $13.50 will be forced from our store on Saturday at the unparalleled low price of $5.96 Men's AU-Wool Suits r In-the .latest fabrics including black clay, fancy i worsteds, cheviots, silk and satin lined not a suit in the lot worth less than $15.00, many , goods $16.50 and $18.00 ..values, will go on Saturday at ' - Men's Semi-dressTSuitSr- excellent garments, equal to those made by high-class merchant tailors, some thing that other retail stores do not carry, beautiful, nobby dress patterns, worth from $20.00 to , - . $40.00. Saturday's price $863 $12.50 We have 263 Men's Suits, all sixes, which we have put in bulk, and you can take your choice on Sat- urday for. $2.98 233 Cheviots, worsteds, meltons, fancy, tibbets, un finished worsteds. They are yours on Saturday $7.98 1 Sales are springing up like mushrooms, BUT WE HAVE THE GOODS AND THE PRICES WE DEFY COMPETITION. Our good name must be saved, and if I we have to give away these goods, we are going to. Be on hand Saturday, November the 4th. We will take off the doors so as to make room for the great crowd that is - bound to get thee great bargains. . - Marvelous Bargains in YOHtilS' Siate Boys snd Children's Suits that were made to retail for $4.50 and $4.00. Sizes to fit lit- ' : : tie men from 3 to 16 years of age, will go tomoiTow, Saturdayt at. .... . . . . . 'S2.45 120 Suits, nearly all sizes. Take your choice f 1.65 - 75 Suits, small sizes. They are yours on Saturday for .;7V..T;T."". ..46 Young men's stylish Suits, sizes 14 to 20 -years of agermade of blue, black fancy Cheviots, all the latest styles. Such gar- --ments that other clothiers charge . $10.00 to $20.00 ior. . Saturday's price, , , .85.85 Hat Bargaks Men's soft Hats, latest colors, newesMsodels, . made tip to retail at $1.75 :r:.: Saturday's co HJif Price . . ... Men'f Alpine, Derby Hats,- soft Hats, new- style blocks in blacl Drown and mode col ors; not a hat in the lot worth less $30 Saturday Price mm EXTRA SPECIAL Cravenettes and Overcoats EVERY CRAVENETTE IN THE HOUSE, SOME WORTH AS HIGH AS $35.00. TAKE YOUR PICK SATURDAY. . . . . .89.03 I We have these In all colors, such garments as Alfred Benjamin's are in the lot. Overcoats Overcoats worth $10.50 and $12.50, your choice Saturday for..................... 83.08 $15.00 and $17.50 Overcoats ............... . $0.98 $20.00 and $25.00 Overcoats. 9.09 BEONlAND SATURDAY Doors will open at 7 o'clock. We will have lots of salesoeoDle to take care of you. Bring the ad. with you; we have everything we advertise. Mail orders will receive prompt attention when theyare accompanied with a certified check or postoffice order for the amount of goods ordered. : . ; , : VVL nn AM mom NOV AT 172 THIRD STREET, TWO DOORS FROM -YAMHILL PORTLAND. C: Ann a