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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1905)
THE n,rm. DAILY .TOURNAt- PORTLAND- THURSDATC ' EVENING, KOVEMDER ICC3. rears Q fpSSSS 5SS . i-f--'X-'--- board Sues for T.n-Thoujand ' lHOi3.f te ' . ' 7r"7' 'ftW'nSArO"! Ip - ' Dollar, for lr,)ur!e by Ex- ; :. or 7Y,iiA :6WrTK0t i-Ji was civeT or riu:l ?r ?, rase x: i s 2? i v- Alio H-t&ur k. mm. tS; II n t?? -v -..r f'll .. fl . v:-.. BE ON TIME WITH THE AID OP A RELIABLE . . Alkrm Clock . NICKEL PLATED, LOtfO ALARM. REGULAR $1.50. ' SPECIAL ' , 98c DRUNKENNESS CURED TO . STAY CURED BY : Blue Ribbon Remedy How many homes are shattered, hearts broken, hopes almost gone from broken promises, from the greatest of all enrses drink? If you want to get on your feet and start anew and it's never too late for any man try this, the greatest, of all, home treatments. It has cured dthersT it will do the same Tor yon. tt)0rrTTcr230, , ZfSSt? V00DARD,tt4RKL ft CO Hft-PrlARMACPTJ nsrw own Cherries Are and as good as they look tor throats, especially sore throats : to Cents a Box ; Deaf , . - t -1 , We carry all the latest appliance' whicK have proved of value in restoring the sense of hearing. Something here will meet your needs. Come in and talk 4 over,with.mea thoroughly experienced in this line. ; .v ' STATIONERY-SPECIAL 'We have just received ISO 'ream, of fine Ruled Note Paper, We we're going to sell the samc-wayWhilc-rt JasUbaya f"c8 :j I2S sheeta for 25c. , j - ECONOMY y CORNER Wobdard Clarke EREE DELIVERY .- ' ruui-LU auu rr a jii jKt v uu w v- ' i , h . - - 1 "i .... t In Honorlng'Presldent GoodeJ. Birth 1 day, Saya E. P. Strahdberg, f Iron ' Pipe Number Two' Went Off Pre 1 maturely,' HurttaV GuardrBadly. : riORE CARS CRY as ttonncrly ' organised, and the compa nies are confronted with a problem of providing mora car and revislna run- nln, uhMllMM TO ICCOmiDWUlfl ailv : OFsSUBURBS t Streetcar Service Fails to Keep : . Up With Rapid Growth or c '- "East Side. x. ',"''& HALF GENERALLY ARE COMPELLED TO STAND Transportation Companies Are Mak- ' -ing Every Effort to. Improve Serv J, ice. Trying Extra Cars and Bigger V Car Relief I Expected Soon. , The rapid jroTFth V obi of Port land', suburb intjjrrsyear or two tin Dushed the 'trinixrltkh bunlne pt the capacity' of atreetcar eervlce in rasldenea districts. Tha auburba that preaent tha mosi attractive inducement to amall homa buildara naluxally hav grown.; fatst, as Portland's growth baa been made up ,CX 1 RCI J V .MW M.. quired homa of moderate coat and resi dence lota that could be secured by tha Installment payment plan. Consequent ly, the atreetcar lines roai are now taxed beyond tha carrying capacity of their present ' car . service- are face - to face with tha alternatives of putting on more cars or permitting patrons to stand packed. In the aJalea and on plat forms, a system which result tn"com plainte from tha public that react upbn the real eatate interests in in vanou suburbs affected. " . " 1 "ubr Tltany Affeetod. :. Th streetcar companle are now try ing experiment to meet the " require ment of morning and .evening, rush hours. ' East Portland Is the most vital ly affected district of tha city. Sell wood, Mount Scott. Montavllla. Mount Tabor. Unlveralty Park, Woodstock. St Johna and other suburbs are originating atreetcar- business - far beyond the ex pectations of the transportation com panies, and It is hard for them to real- bavymuraln, todevaa4avfee4-te-havlig aeaf and rtttv r TWinf ortahly to . . T . I. -J ,MM Ih.i. vnrlr An nt IaW klndlV tween m Djiiijne eenw ana.uuujriua doubled in population and require double the streetcar seryic mey iormeny The resident, who were accusiomea iu and from their work do not take kindly to overcrowded ' atreetcar. , They ay tha car ahsuld carry 8. R. O. algn. and whin a ear runnine on t iixea crowded at -that Jioutevery morning it la surricient eviaence mat me uuhocm Is exceeding the capacity of the aervlc and that more cars should be added to the schedule. . rtppers' Help Soma. rw, mnw iin ir.iihlii-header or ! "tripper" cars are run; between the rS- n n. mmmi in mi ..r. fir in- lumiua travel and 'relieve the pressure on regu I m i. rm rna mRnarnmeni 01 mm cvin1 pantea are trying to determine whether it fa KMMm to nulla laraer cars ur mnA n tha niimhar of tha Dresent slse Tha Portland rallwav'a construction nlana Include the building of a number nr larva nr. for tha HL Jonn run. 11 is conceded that on long nauis it is moi prof ruble to run the largeat cars tha$ can be handled. The new SC. Johnrears will ha 4S feet lone, seatina sv peopi. Tha win ba tha flrat cars built and vin ha in nnaratlon for the comina year, t 4. ..m tha Orrton Water Power tt Railway company thia winter will com i.i. annhia tha aolf link. and inaugurate a more frequent aervlc a , it . n.i wAiu una. , 'l na Hrvm un I.U-0 " w-w - - -' Mount Scott and Tabor : line will alaoJ be Improved. Task ZS Xtimeal. One. P RAnSAKUISAIiCE -When Your Coa! Bin's low. 'yhone IIan,SCTtnEihtO ...... ., , ...... ,. '::" ;, V,- 1 The Coal for Yopr Parlor Grate 4- CANNEL $8 a Ton '-"I I" iv " v .Some coals are best for furnaces, some lot stoves. -Cannel coal is the ideal grate - : coal, : vv --zr :T i -7T: " " . .. Clean to handle big, hard ' lumps ng , r dust, quick lighter, large,; b,rilliant".flames: ; Makes that glowing "bed of coals" you like.' cj. CannehCvat "has never be fore, been sold In Portland at this price. We de liver lt at your home for 58.00 a ton: .!;.j''.-'.'.:r'-..-:---:.vr...-;.V.'-:"' CARBON Hlil;:CiL$7.50 aLTon Economical and very satisfactory for fur naces ..and, heating-stoves. Makes a quick, hot fire. with few ashes. -.t---.t--'-;' Holmes Coal & Ice Co. 1 353 STARK STREET. , . ' ' CQUNC1LUEH DECLARE LOB Hold That - the : Rafts - Prevent Fireboat ApproachinsLWa terfront Property. , nr. ... irvin. tn hatter tha service ..iHiaiii lnt(Lc l-ha. halanoa lrift tff "ttfg wrong aid of the ledger. It Is diffi cult to handle this quetion or car erv. Ice on long haul end continue to .op erate at a profit." -eald an officer of the company. "We have thia week started a larger car on the morning run at 7:20 from the golf link, and If thia does not prove to be sufficient for th travel we will try som other way." , The large car aeaia do persona, wuiug is. 10 more than were sealed. In the or-dlnsry-sixed car on this rUn. The num ber of persons usually atanaing in ine car on thia run Is said to be nearly every morning equal to th number seat ed. Th business shows the. great growth and development or suourDan population along this and other lines of Portland streetcar companies, in mnnj of" th suburbs from 26 tf 10 new house In course. of erection could be counted at any time during the last iimmar ITiinrlrari of new homes tlSVS been built In some of these delightful residence oistricts, ana ma mcrwss ui population that , requires streetcar -ac commodatlon- morning and evening ha been , enormous. ,,: ..:. HISTORICAL SOCIETY TO TRY FOR A HOME f he Oregon Histdrical society I de termined to secure funds with which to build a memorial hall. If $60,000 can ha raised and a alt for th proposed structure secured, the society .will be entitled' to the-gift of tSO.OOO from th Lewi and park expoait Ion state com mission, a provided In the set of the state legislature, which - appropriated 1600,000 toward tha exposition. William ' D. Fentpn, president of th society, appointed" commlttete of three yesterday, consisting of . Frdexlcv V. Holman. I- N.- Teal and Paul Weaslngar, to tak charge of th project to secure tn iaO.000 ana -arrange uin. In order to secure trie girt rrom tn fair it will be ncesary for the city to provide for the maintenance of th building. Thl will require some ac tion by the city council. But r la thought th city will be willing to mak tha neceaaary appropriation. . T nm- , rmttm hava twten declared , a nulsanc by member of th city coun cil.. Yesterday an ordinance waa Intro duced providing that no . log rafta or scows should be allowed to remain' In the fiver at the terminals, of street, i The chief of tne rire eepartment ana the harbor-master have been fighting thermlUmen for montha past on th ground that the raft are frequently thre or four blocks long and In ess ef fir along the wsterfront prevent the nnrmch of tha fireboat.: ' , - City Engineer Taylor called the atten tion of th city executive board. Tues day, to a large log raft In the river el nnat under tha east aDoroach of . the Burnslde street bridge, which would prevent-the fireboat from approaching tne mills in tnat vicinny, ana u nai-hor-master waa Instructed to make an Investigation. Chief Campbell of tha fire department alao nas csnea tne at tentlon of the city executive board i number of tmee to the log rafu. ri,. nHlmnM arantln - tha Wells Fargo Expresa company th prlvHa of extendlnc the pillars for Its building at Sixth and Oak atresia over th prop arty line waa passed ever the mayor a atn hv tha vote of II to S.r Hie veto n ih. nMHnnM vatfiatlns? a nortlon of Baker street between Front and Wster streets for private parties waa aua- talned by the vote of to T. .' Am Sxpert.. - .. nid Tirnur (tendlne- threshlna ma- ahlne. to aDDllcant for jab) Evsr don f mi..i..ii. i . Applicant (moaeuy i am in tatnei of 17 children, air. ''For the honoring -of Prealdent H.' W.' Ooode on hlr birthday, September 1.' the Lwls and Clark Fair corporation may have to pay" $10,000. Emit P. Strand berg, a former sxposltldn guard, has begun a suit In . ths .circuit court . for the above nsmed amount on account of Injuries received during the firing of a salute of '21 guns in honor ef .Mr. Goods. , "7 : ' ' ' , Btrandbarg formerly, served in th United State . -.regular : artUUry, and when he "saw 'th ort of cannon that were "rigged, up with which to honor the fair preldent the heart of the aoldler grew sad,:- in ma compiami ,v... ik.' rnnn were "nothlnc more . than nieces of Iron pipe with: a cap screwed on .one -end.1' ' There were 10 of the .so-cauea .cannon. . , wv. nnmmand r "Iron ' nine : No. 1 Vaa given to Strandberg. who aay that, aims wera not wiinin nnon i water, so that they could be properly swabbed before - reloading." " After th first round had been fired. Strandberg. who was a aergeant oi in guaro. ai legea that he attempted, to reload his .u nina whirh went off and blew the ramrod through hie" hands, tearing them severely and creasing nia nni wrlat. ' '' - -;' r-- ' M.initff aileawa that- the euard yateitr at th xposltlon was organised and dlsclpllnea unar roiinary rum. hlch requirea su ror wxnuci- .w obey -the command of their superior officers.. Msjor Charles E.-McDonell. O. N. O., was in command of the -fate auards. , I Ed ward --Taggart attorney - for Strandberg. says that tne caae wm a tried a soon, aspossible. 7 .. ' :X. "- "HniUIF.VVEET HOME." IS DR. BROUGHcn S 1 HtMt MtT mmm aaT " . I.t Of "HOW tO Bm Happy Though Manrld.M ) tha tltU wink ti .1 wniinniriD nrouiuer i a. 1Ki fnrthnflmlnc . Mrlaa OT BUUaWll W1 - - mw I sermons. They will b aeliveree oununj nights the White ' Temple. ur, Broughsr says that while marriage has been considered frequently a hug Jok. and it ven nas peen sneerea mm in mnA unrllanlf 1d to be con- ldrd tatepulPlV- h-doee-not on Mm anvTMnr LOO common ivr u.v ...i.ii hih haa so much, to do with ,1.1.,. " .. . . '. V tne nappine ui in uuuwu -- Ir. rougher runner state no hii.w ha haa aver treated from his pulpit hss been considered ; with more profound earneatneaa than that with whtoh he wtu treat tne aunjeci of marriage and Ita relation to a happy home- Incidentally.-he hopes to give consolation to bachelora ana oia maias, and encourage them to- get married, and k. ih Mtn't to believe that it la still possible to be happy though single. The dates ana suojeci . m. are aa follows: November . "Choosing This Morning One of our richly-warm,' 4yet light' weight Crofton ; : ' Coats would have made you ; quite comfortable. Better Buy It Today ; In English Oxfords, Vicunas ; and Thibe.ts ' ase-assaaas-asesan-ss-ssmassss-- - m ii wm Grrtd Clothes hrMcn X FURNISHERS HATTERS CLOTHIERS 311 Morrison St? Opposite Postof Ace Af enta Dr. Deimel Lintn Meah Underwear Agents Jaeger Sanitary ' Wool Underwear . Beasts, I Do you believe that man will kind of anlmar In . the nett ' Benner be sm world?. ..... . " Jenners Perhape-e. bat a' Ittt.." them are too Impatient to wait. , , China Crockery Sale It will save you lots o money. - Valuable Coupons ' given with every x,. - puTcliasee Dont'' miss this sale. ;, Great- American ImpwiinTei Co. - sea Tin mt. ' wortlane.' Z3i Waehlngtom St. ,W9nmmm" f - .'.'' ' ' Our 100 stores ' help us to jhelp-you MERIGAN "INN Elds wi3 be received for this buUding till Nov. 6; 190S. Plans can h seen at Inn Offices The jriiht is reserved reject any oral! bids. :.! - r AMERICAN INN CO. November. 1J, : "Choosing a Wife" unahanif; November l.'Tb Wedding Ring"! November 18, "The Head of the House": December . "The Queen of the Home"; December J. "The Young Man of the Hom" December 17. "The a I Young Woman of the Home" ( December . . 24,. "The aiotner-in-Laiw in mi nomi i December ll.Home, 8wet Home" t frfrra Stock Oanned Ooeda. Allen ft Lewis Best Brand.. - Mm 9 -i 0 i t r v - 0 j. '. nuiuG co:.:?ai,-( 1-JSllS J BLUE STEM PATEN 1DMLES OSt1 white mvtn I 'Allen & Lewis WatOlSSAia OBOOSBS Sailing Agrat. . rO.BTXVAJn, OaV, V. S. A. By treating White River. Flour with ftUMliftt fhts 1 .been"aiattered tionized) by " flaming electric discharge (Ughtning), the following has been accomplished : 3, Certain oily properties have been cxa-S pcUed from Oregon Blue Stem Wheat, 7 -.leaving the flour beautifully .white.- . . L. Imparting a" lightness of quality! a certain r. liyeliness;" enhancing its absorptive or , bread-making qualities and increasing its "digestibility.'--'-"' -; '. x:,,.Xx:..X::.l,;.. "- ' " r"-'.' '-v . ' ' - . Whita River Flour won a GOLD MEDAL c . ; , V and apedal mention br "Jury of . Awards at tha Lewis and Clark Fair. There a ' ' Kuarantea with every sack which allowa f. you to try It at our riak. ; ; WHITE RIVER FLOUR HAKES LIGHTER, WHITER DREAO" .