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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1905)
Ti.r: Oregon . daily jour.i.v.L, ic:.tlai;d, -Wednesday evening, novemdzr i. ms. GiiiiiTS.Tiiou;:cED BERKELEY ELEUEtl III FKIE TI1IL1 ; , ; r-i : . Blue and Cold Warriors Round Ing Into Form for Annual Struggle With Stanford. ' the freahman. Who ran hla team bo well a few week ago. hchaeffer haa nearly all the quallflcutlona for an ideal quar terback. He is quick, nervy, energetic with a good head for. field generalship and enough pounds to make him serv iceable In such heavy company as Sperry and Snedlgar. . The couches are fur from leaving the "choice between these two men, and Whitman has been carefully watched in the different try quta While the rica" is conceded to be between these three. Kendall and Henry are regarded aa good men.- , M. A. A. C. JUNIORS PLAY -JIE-WITR P. A.:SEC0ND SP0RTK3G G08SIP ...... , w ' BY OF ALL McCredia's Men Unable to Coh : ftct With Nagle's Shoots In . the Sunny City. Evervthine in the Realm of to We ire b AUGELS (KIDS Sports Touched Upon Lightly for Hasty Readers. 'FRISCO SPORTS THOUGHT - 1 PORTLAND SECURED BUT : .THREE VAGRANT HITS ' Angela Outclassed W isitors at Every " Suge and Fell Upon Cyrus Ferry for a "Sufficiency" of Safe Drives ' Story of the Day's Doing,.;- . (Journal R11 Serrloa.) " .- ' Los Angeles, Nov. 1. Cyrus Ferry, who la on the Portland roster aa a base ball pltohor, la no pitcher at all. t -Thla waa the Information given out after yes terday's ram at Chutea' Park, where the Angels save the dlanta a tip-top drubbing;. ' The local met the Olanta with a brass band ao glad-were they to meet, such an easy bunch,' and Jollied them along.. by ahowlns the animals In tfi park and purchasing peanuta for them. After treating the Olanta In thla 'way during the morning. Dillon led bla hosts againat them In the afternoon and, oh, such a bualneaa!" "Walt" McCredla waa the only Portland player who dls tlngulahed himself by making an efror, Nagle waa In the -box for Los Angele und that clever youngater held the vls ltora 19 miles away from Hltvllle, allow ing but three acattered hits. . When the game waa over the Giants rushed back to town to tell -tha sad-story. -,- The cares c ;- v .-.- .,..t " . LbS ANQELE8. r ""' AR. R. H. PO, A. B. t. a s i a 1-1 i . finilth, 3b, ...,. Hrasnear, aa. Dillon, lb. Crovith. rf. li 0 17 1 I S I , 1 . 1 e i i o e e ' Nagle, P. Totals. , ..........IS 7 I Z7 11 1 : -' PORTLAND. ... , - r iiAB, R, H. PftAJ& A.ta, aa. J 1 11 10 McCredle.-rf. . e 0 S o 11 van Buren, If., 4 Mitchell, lb. ........ s o e ii i o ........ t 0 0 1 4 - rcninny, id, McHale. cf. .,....,. S O 1 1 Sweeney, lb. ........ I ' "1" 0 1 - e -HhmV c. .... t e e s e Ferry, py . . , J . . . 7. .vf. a 0 1 t. ' S '-Touts i .K)::. . ..".. ti i -u irI :-8CORB BY INNINGS." . Los Angelee 1. 0 0.M11 T nits-, , ,.i s loonn s - Portland ,.,.,0 IO1I01I 1 Hlta . . ........0 0 1 0 2 01 - SUMMARY. ' -)r Stolen bases' " Dillon. Cravnthi At a. - Bernard - 3. Three base bit Brpehear. Two-buse hlta Bernard, Ross. Sac ri fe hlta Flood, Roaa. Left on bases Loa Anirelea. &; Portland, J. Baaea on halls Off Ferry, ; off Nagle, 1. Struck ; nut Bv Nagle, I by Ferry. X. . Double play Smith to Flood to Dillon. Passed ball Suesa. Wild pitch Ferry. Hit by pitcher Schlafly, Brashaa. ' Time of aama Oner hour and Xe ''minutes oiie I'erima. - ., r". . ...n -.X M Jf PAC4F4C-COAST-4.EACUEi SI I.. . "... . . . ClXBa. 4 Hff: f Ixa AafflM,. . n. Uaklan4 aa 'ranciace ... Vittli I'urtiand Tacum TMt . . . ... .... 10 ID'IO 14 Siii 12 I3i e .AIM .413 a U IS - Taooma XI ta the Ball. -(Jaaraal BpwrUI Barrtca.r 2' - San Franclaco. Nov. 1. The Tigers' timely hitting defeated the Seal a yea 1 terday. although the home team started out Ilka a winner. 'Score: - - . .M i ..i, i , , ; ja.- jj Pun Franclaco .. 1090000 3 X X Taooma .03X000400 (11 X Batterlee Wheeler and Wilaon; Fitaa-eraia ana uraham. Umpire Mo- - Carthy. .v Oakland Wine la Second. 1 fJonmal Bpeclal Saralee.) . Oakland, Nov. 1. By bunching hlta In . the aecond Inning yesterday the Oak landere downe Seatfte In a X to 1 bat tl; Be ore i ; . R. H. VL 'Oakland 9XO0O0OO a 1 Sewttle -r-r-rt-rt eOOOOOOOt 1 " t J Bntteiiea Orahatn and Bymea; -"MiHer and- Blanketiahlpr-r Umpire pep rlne. 0-i" a i ., White House The recognized - authority. We have - just received a shipment of 1,000 of these. . They , occupy considerable space."' For a few days we Y will sell them-at - ' - . - . ;.. Postage 21 cents. THE J. K. GILL CO. : Booksellers and Stationers, .i.. . THIRD AND ALDER Crat Thln It Little Prices 79c EIGHT PLAYERS SURE OF THEIR POSITIONS Captain Jim Force Thinks That His s Men Will Put a Quietus on the - Cardinal Aggregation This Year AgainMakeup of Berkley Team. 'V ' ' ' ' ("""V; ' ' ' (jroornal Special erfloe! '""- Berkeley.- Nov. 1. With the enMre football aquad at the yntveralty of Cal ifornia now .concentrated Ui the work of rounding 'out an eleven for the big Intercollegiate 'varaity match with Stan ford In two weeka,- intereet la centered on the poaalble changea which will be made in the lineup of the veteran but beaten team of laat year.- Out of the tangle of old mater IW and new men who . went under fire laat -year and freahmrn. whoae qualities were as yet unteated., Coaches Knlbba and Griffin hare selected a aquad of perhaps SO men who constitute the real 'Vfralty timber.- In - thla bunch Of brawn are 11 men who were part of the Ill-fated II who, went into the game againat Stanford laat year. The reat are men developed this seaaon. Although Knlbba aaya that the eleven will not be aelected until the day of the contest, there are at least eight men of the 11 who are sure of their placea, bar ring 'accidenta. - With one exception it will be a veteran line I that will f ace Stanford on the eleventh; and this fact heartena the whole aquad for the com ing crucial etruggle. The center trio, although pressed hard in tha competition for placea on the eleven, will not be al tered. Oray at left guard, and Stern at right guard, are powerful, vigorous men who have had lots of experience. Haf fey, the logical man for center, waa aubstltute center when Stroud went -out of the game last year and aubatltute guard when Gray had to retire. - Thus he has had experience in -two position! and la too valuable a man to leave out of the lineup, although Taylor haa made a gallant and close fight for the position.- The trio Haffey, Gray and Stern average . 185 pound. wltlj-Gray . thj lightest of the three. Foster, subatituto guardtast-yean-ta-atjimghierr butla considered a formidable man In case an extra guard la needed. : .-- Blue and Oold'e Xnds. California will have In., Elliott, and Klttrelle. two shifty ends, veterans 'who played entirely through - the intercol legiate game laat year. Elliott la the beat man on the Berkeley gridiron thla y eat. He jrelgha174 -pouncla and-la ex tremely fast .for hla weight. There' is no lack of ' good substitutes for. these positions. Coogan and Jordan atanding out . moat conapicuoualy In the raov Coogan haa aa muclj experience aa any man out for end, but la lighter than the coaches consider safe for so. Important a place. In aplte ef his responsibilities aa eap- talnf Foree-4s -puttlnsj mashing gam .t rht -tfcrtav U spacMroiawty effective work at Ios Angeles againat the Indiana dispelled any doubt about hla being in superb condition for the etruggle of hla life : againat Stanford. He. with Elliott and Stern, will make the light aid of the blue and 'gold line almoat Impregnable.' Stow and Wataon are hia understudies. Stow has .dis tinguished himself thla season by par ticularly brilliant work in the line. -- The real problem thatthe coaches have to aolve in the Una la the selec tion of the rlrht man -for left tackle, to take the' big hole made by the re tirement Ci "Heine" Heitmuller. Buah aeema at ereaent to be the moat likely candidate aa he haa the - neceesary welghtHrllO pounds and has had sev eral yeara'- experience on the aecond eleven, where a man . has plenty of time to learn defensive play at .leant. Richardson, a tackle on laat year's freshman team, ia hia closest com petitor and, bsrrtng- weight, -is about aa good a man. . . - Tart Seek Held. With only one man in the forwards a comparatively green man,' the blue and gold eleven le even better situated with regard to back-field material. It la poaslble at thla minute to put Into the game a quartet of. backs who had the experience of playing In laat year' a game Sperry at fullback, BliedTgar at right half. Head at left half and Boot he at quarter. . ILJhla lineup-Is changed en November 11 Tt will be chunged for the better, for there is a keen- flgM-fat least twopf the four placea "" " ' i Sperry at fullback promises to be several tlmea aa effective thle year aa laat He played in the ' laat big game Buffering from a - weak ankle, which, before the . end of the contest, necessitated hla retirement Thla year he has been behind the line throughout the aenson, and haa earned by hla phenomenal etyle of playthe com plimentary title; the "Berkeley v Jim Weller." Hie enow-plow way . of hit ting the line and fighting for hla dis tance makea him a formidable man on the offensive, while hla great weight and strength make him Invaluable on the defensive. - Another .man whoae position on the team Is secured Is Bnedlgar, the speedy sprinter., Bnedlgar started to retire from the game this year, but 'was too badlv needed, and since his return to the gridiron he haa played the aamen conalstently brilliant game that baa characterised him in the past. The fastest jplayer on pe aquad, .and one of . the stockiest, he Is regarded a a bulwark of safety behind the-line. While the ' material for backa la abundant, the fight for ' left half aeema now to He between Oolcher and MeatU. with the odds a trifle In favor of the former. Oolcher played a con. Blatant game aa a freahman last year, and in the spring- term distinguished himself as a ; ten-second sprinter In track athletlca. Thla year he haa picked up weight and, with hla peed. will make an excellent teammate for Bnedlgar. ' However, Mead haa had the advantage of claying against. Btsnford In last year's game and locka little, in weight or speed. The competition be tween these two Is one of the closest In the whole squad. Other backs on side red In the running sre Luce, Arlett, Wharton, Helmke and the three fresh men -Stanton, Cerf and Relnhardt ' X-ooklng Tot m Quarter. - The most difficult .place for the coaches to fill la the quarterback po sition. Here Boothe la playing in the aame rtaver style that won him the post out of a horde of candidates last sea-J son. But he le "Woefully hsndlcanned by his extreme lightness, a weakness which tells when he participates In the Interference and when he. tries to aton a heavy man. The moat likely man to displace the little veteran. Is BchaeSer, The Multnomah Juniors and the Port land Academy second team played an in teresting tie game yeaterday afternoon on the Multnomah gridiron. The Ju niors had a tendency to .fumble at crit ical tlmea, and in the first halt were it not for these mlscues they would have scored, aa the half ended with the ball on the academy's 10-yard line. . In the second half also Multnomah's fum bles proved costly and prevented a score. Toward the close of the half Multnomah was rushing the ball up tha field by steady plunges, but time stopped the game with he ball In the Juniors' pos session on the opponents' 15 IS-yard Una McAlpin. Jeffery. Holden and Hughes were the . Junior stars, 'while Kerr. Oarey, Moore and Merrltt shone for Portland Academy. Portland Academy showed ul)-better on offense than de fense and as the game progressed the Juniors' teem work Improved. - The lineup: ' ' - . Second P. A. '. M. A. X C, Junldre. Moore ........... .C Roots Swarts ......... . .R. O.... Korell Jones UO Tucker Cooklngham ,.....R.T Wagner Summers-... L. T. ........ . Da via Glass ... . . . . . . . .. .R. B. ....... Blagan Oarey U B. ........ 'Meyer Kerr (C) ....... ,..Q...... Hughes (C) Beaner ........ ,R. H. B.. Holden Whiting L.H. B...... McAlpin Merrltt F. B. ....... . Jeffery Time of halves 40 mlnutea. Substi tutes Juniors, ,.Feldman, Woodward, Donnell and Hosfortf; P. XV" lAttauer and Summer.- Umpire Mr. Schell. LAWRENCE BOWLERS DOWN BRUNSW1CKERS In the match game on the Portland alleys last evening the George Lawrence company . took three . straight, games from the Brunswick a. The scores were: Georse Lawrence Co. 1 (S) Blebels . ....... , .143 18 Stahl . .....15 134 (X). Total. l9- 46 lg 47 J20 411 Roberts 11 1SS Sherwood . ........ 7 .12S Hysraitb .171 145 ,;.17e- 4 (X) Total. 05 !87 Dsnford ...JOllJl Norton . ... 04 117 110 .821 Bloom . 148 M 124 X70 Orleble . ........14X 147 140 44 Hill . . ........... II .11 58211 Totals' .TV, 575 4X7 1.031 . The Gold Leafs and the Honeymans bowl-on the Portland-alleys this even ing. . " ' ' No matter how long you have had the cough; if It hasn't already developed Into consumption. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine. Syrup will cure It. r- - . Preferred Stodk Oanned Oooda. - Alien at Lewie Best Brand, mm ; ClinEB) BV FOLEY'S HONEY AMD TAR; ObsUnate), racking Coughs that make our head ache, your throat and lnngs soreand Inflamed, that rob yoa of sleep until your system becomes so fun down that you. areja graTOdanger oi Pneumonia or Consumption, are quickly cured by Foley Hony and Tarv w ' FOLEY'S IIC:iEY O TW1 uothes and heals the inflamed ab pas sages, allays the feverish conditions, stops the cough and prevents serious results from a cold. FOLErS HOMEY IfiDTiR Is the only prominent cough medicine on the market that doe not contain opiates or harmful drugs of any kind and on this account is safest for children. It is unexcelled for Croup and Whoop-,, (ng Cough and will .quickly cur the. racking cough which follows meaales nd leaves so Many children with weak lungs unless properly treated. ' Remember thjma Foley's Honey and f ar-au4refuse "substi tutes that cost you tHef am t the jrenuin. - Do notjaka chances with soma unknown preparation. . . Coniumptloa ThrittinicTe C. Unger, 211 Maple St.. Champlagn, 111. writes: 1 fTwaa troubled, with hacking cough for a year and I thought I had consumption. I tried a great many remedies and I was under the care of physicians for several months. 1 used one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar, It cured me, and X have sot been troa ' bled ainoa. . J " U '7 Three sIses-2So, 50c, $1,00. r The 50 cent slae contains two and one-half times as much as the smell site and the $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. .-, . ' t a,-. prOWUCT)nEa Woodara, CUrks Co. aad . BkloV I. . eie we. , . n o n n mm GIANTS GOOD BOYS r Out of Eight . Games Portland Has - Captured One on ther Present Trip and Opponents Sing Giants' Praises Coach Overfield Lectures Men. He Has Oona1' . The alant auard to the came has rone; ' On the broad gridiron you'll find htn His Daddeu Dinti ha haa clrdea on. And hla wild hair hangs behind him. A racehorse-owner at' Bait take flour lahed a aun at hla Jockey aa the thor oughbred turned into the homestretch, The boy stuck on the horse and won the race. e ' e Monday'a Examiner says: "As The Owl' around- out of lha Third and Townsend streets depot Sunday night a foot shot out of a Pullman window anu following; . . the . same came sounda of revelry. v ' "For he's a JoHr good' feH'r he's jolly good Xeli r he e-joiiy. gooa xeur- r-r-r!!!' "Men , bf, Portland r- many, . many thanka.. Numerous thanks.: rj.. Much Uhanks. Now- get In and show you really meant u oe aina 10 can ranc.B just foist upon the Angels the work manlike sort of walloping John O'Brien presented to Albert. Kaufmann Friday nlghtr .. - "It certainly raa Kindness capital K goes double your coming here and serving as an elevator to lift the Seals Into this race. Round out the noble work by going to the little blue bottla and. Juat kind of Kurokl these Loo Loo genu." - - . - And thaVa the way that Portland la appreciated" -away from home. The 'Frisco sports ceetalnly Jollied the Olanta and the . reports from the Bay City that McCredle and his . men were singing "For he's a Jolly good fellow" ss they boarded the "Owl" for the south last Sunday night are Just what the home-fane readily believed. Bo Tar on the southern trip Portland has won one out of eight games, a fine showing for championship tlmber.:tThafa the team Portland aupported ' eo rsltnruiiy tnis year. - Fine ending to a seaaon that Waa ao full of possibilities Jf the doings of tha nast week are not . sufficient to cause, the fans and backers of baseball In Portland to forever relegate and re tire the McCrediee from baseball then there la. aomethlng certainly wrongwlth the good sense of Portlanders, and this is no idle Jest..-. ; ; . r ..." , ... j . e e Tounc Corbe'tt had a' narrow escape from belne knocked out last night at Chelaea. Masaachusetta, by "Kid" Good- mm of Boston, adrawbeiBgtna.-re- sult. Twice during jute ngm uoroe took the count and it waa only hla great recuperative powers that kept Mnt la the ring.' ' " -w- : a ,- ,.1... Did you know that Bob Fitzslmraons'. right arm is two Inches shorter-than hla leftf. .Fear people ware aware"of that fact, and the Corniahman haa kept it a aecret for all theae years. He broke a small bone in the right arm near the elbow, while punching - the bag some yeara ago, and when the bone knitted together the arm had shrunk up fully two inches. "1 didn't notice the dif ference for some tima." said Fits the ether day. "and it uaed to pussle me when I would awing, for, an opponent's Jow and dlaeaver thaone arm waa longer than the otner. wow wnen i awlrifor an opponent'a Jaw I aim for hla ear. and then land about where I went to." Fltsslmmons handa are In poor shape. There ia not a knuckle on either hand that haa not been broken-and tha thumb of hie right hand haa been broken twice. Still he insists that he wants to right any heavyweight in, the world. e .. e . The Multnomah football aquad. In the vernacular of the times, got "theirs" last night from Coach Overfield. - It was whispered around that the clubmen were all "swelled . vp" over their great achievement In preventing AjMoriafrpin eomsf 6ir Saturday. aUdlo offaet this impression, Mr. Oldrieid too ins noya to task ia,a -way-thai-w. esrtatwly-do them a world of good. After the lecture the equad waa put through an hour's vigorous work and the work waa gone through with eome regularity and snap. The Willamette game is not two weeks away and as the collegians are In fine trim, Multnomah will have to do aome great work in order to beat Bishop's men. ' Practice will be resumed tonight and tomorrow night. e a " T Prominence Pays. It paya In dollars snd cents to. be prominent in sports. The little Insignificant preliminary boxer, Nelson, who was wont to appear In man-4aces, developed a wonderful ability a a fighter and his rise to fame Is . a feature of modern ' ring history. His battle with Brltt was worth a for tuna tor him and paved the way to. a theatrical offer that involvea lota of real circulating medium. - Mathewaon, the. great baseball pitcher, wine the world series, and with It not only a goodly sum of essh In hand paid, but an offer of an engagement of four weeke et 11.000 a week. . Norman Shelby, the famous Kid MoCoy, became great- aa a fighter and wona respectable share of the. fate receipts,, but his greatest win ning was last week when he won a widow worth 1 1.000,000. This waa the reel actuating thought for the opening announcement of .hla paragraph that It pays to be. prominent In sporta. ' ' . e , e ' Lou Dillon, queen of the trotting turf, la to Join the elaaa of the matrons. Be- Humoro Cured with narSaa fttmw. gklallealtt atet - - , rr . . , I . , an . . .. v...H mw-mmm a " . ItlTe aaS speedy care for everj IteblDg. burning, srslr, bldlBg, masted, ptanly sad klolrhy anor, wltk kas a( ksir. rrudoeea clear, hru- Bjaat. aealUiy skla aaa para, Malv rM Meoe. UsV Trmmlmont 73a tnaslstf offfarflaaSaaa), 9R..raniatft. as nV eptlei b.BHalthslDt.4. SAetostll srin. h-sl the sate, and SklaiUealtsi Table ta BSea te espel kuoaoe gangs. All Srogsiats. , Harsla ls for ka Caaaplexiaa, Jhr pimples, blaekneads, redaeea, rbm", ekaf- Ins, chtppisg, roagk asada. Mothios wu nx-k a apeedr eure. Bfift.1 S rakes, 8a. nend Se. onatare foe- Free flamalea and paosiets te laiLO BAt CO., KKWAKK. i. i. , WOOOAJLO, OLABI1 ft OO, j--. aal vasaiastoa Sta, S'ensla ' Ml ' l11? : Suits'; l ; ;V In Heavy-weight Cheviots, Cassiraeref and Blue. Serge ; f rV best $5 and $6 qualities -special this week at ; w U qs 87 Third St.5 ettreen Stark Oak cause ahe failed to race up to form thla year Mr. Billings, her owner, haa de cided to give her no more hard train ing and to abandon racing. Next spring the trotting queen will be bred to the' stallion- John A.McKerron. The official fielding averages of Na tl Ann! . league . players who participated in lit 0r more games in any one posi tion during the season of 190E as com plied by President Pu Ulam are out.' The leaders follow: First basemen, McOann, New York, percentage 091; eecond base men. 'Hummel. Brooklyn, (ft; third fbasemeit; Hoeh-ketier, StiOuTs;- 7Z; shortstops, Corcoran, cnneinnau. z; outfielders. Oanley, Pittsburg, 1.000; pitchers. Sparks. Philadelphia ,T -Walker, Cincinnati; Robertatlle,' Pittsburg, and Pfelffer.-ChleagT--eaa-,000ttchera. Moran, Boston, 8. - e ; , Do Barry in Football. A bomb waa thrown Into the Northweatern unlverr sityamp laat night when It waa learned that a former-champion pugilist waa a prominent member of the squad with which McCornack , hopee to defeat Coach Stagg's team. The player has participated . in several of the North western's practice gamea. The profea- slonsl la Dave Barry, former light J weight champion boxer of Canada, who Is a bona fide student. e e. '.'' Carl Showeltef of the Garden City wheelmen smashed -- the Pacific coast five-mile record for paced machines at Cyclers' park Monday afternoon, cover ing tha distance in S-1S 4-5, the previous record being k:tt 4-t. Showelter was paced by Johnnie Baungartner on a ulg motor with' a- poclcet" wind shield. Three thousand people were present. Hal c Cormack made a try for the ona third mile record, but only succeeded in equal ing it, the time being 0:tU Turkey Day'Oame Off." (Special Plapatck te Tke Joarsalj ; Pendletoiv.rJPVL-rTha-game. which waa arranged between Pendleton snd Portland hlrh schools for Thanke gtving day hs Inr IsJ'HT StirfTert'Thi' request of the latter Institution, the lo cal team, la making arrangements to unng ins eaiem nigo K-nw leant nrri on that date. Disappoint tnejjt l oppressed by the lo cal team that they will not have a chance to meet the boys from the- Rose City, but as Salem snd Portland played a tie game, they argue that a fair esti mate of the team can be made by the showing made against the Salem team. Mackay's Breeding rana, f Jeonul Special Service.) Lexington. Ky.. Nov. 1. Clarence H. Mackay took tmssesslon today of tha famoue Kingston' stud farm, formerly owned by Baker A Gentry, and will at anre remove his eelect etud- to Ken tucky. It. comprlaea many. Valuable stallions and brood marcs. . PIKE'S PEAK ROMANCE V : ENDS IN A WEDDING V (Jonrnal Sperlst Her Tire. Providence, R. I.. . Nov. 1. The msr rUg5f Miss May Amanda Harris of thjs cJty to Raodolph T. Ode of New Yotk City waa celebrated today, aa the reriult of a romance which turned "out aa 'predicted. The love affair' had lta beginning n an iiinena mat roe a time menaced Mr. Ode's Ufa' He is the son of Adolph Ode, a wealthy wholesale confectioner in West Broadway, New York. The ' father . of Miss Harris, J. Oorman Harris, la a rich and prominent oltlsen of Providence. Toung Mr. Ode, who Is a civil engineer, was attacked with Incipient tuberculosis not long ag and went to Colorado Springs. He did not Improve and' wrote home thst he thought he would feel better tt he could see Miss Harris snd some nf his east em friends. gof asked Mr. Ode's mother of Mies Harrla. An af firmative repTy was given, and Mrs. Ode and Miss Harris hastened to Colorado, where, under tha shadow of Pike's Pesk. and largely through the young woman's nursing, Mr. Ode. rapidly regained hla health. Colorado Springs will be the objective point of the honeymoon tour. - teaie of Wheat x-eaa. (ffpacUl Plspatrk te The Joaraal.) Pendleton, Or Nov. 1.- The flrm of Craighead as Hayes of Athena hive sold 1(0 acres or wheat land belonging to JUST A MINUTE, PLEASE; -Stearns B!dg 6th and Morrison . lirvH ' PORT 11a f lOi.M 'l? : i.i' " r'.:T.-::. nil O SPICE5 q COFFEE,TEAv DAIflMOF0VDEI7, tlMJOTtaiO EXTRACTS MwoIuhPurlhr. RrvtslFlivor, CrtartJIStrrnh.tcJorfTias. - CL05SET ft DIWEHS PORTLAND, OWC ON. Art Furniture : Manufacturing Co. C. A. WALKER, Mgr. Manufacturere of i v DRAPERIES SPECUL BESIC1W IN a'BIWTCtt . ANB CABINEt VORK Ka Ureases Made aad meaovated. , Special attentloa OHvea to , Bepait work. ' factory ail Warthemje , 44M5A-eS2 loyt Jtrttt, Pertlesa, Orefea . Phone Main lis. ... - - R., ANDREWS, PTes't,-- John McKlnnon. and situated' one mile north of that Tlace for the sum of tl.t toe, or I10J per acre. Joe Sheard being the purchaser. ' This glvoe Mr. Sheard 4S0 acres o( OUR NIGHT CLASSES -Arm Cmnduetmd Ojr Ejtpfri Instructor ,r . I WeTeadiAII X Csslsess XaU oe Wtitm BmfflE- VttIiER BUSEtlSS COLLEGE Catalog on Request Open All the Year LOOK THROUGH r Our line of locks, door fittings, win dow necessaries and builders' hard wars generally -if you would have house satisfaction. We carry mate rials from the best makers, and our selling figures and attention o the needs of customers will win yoir spprovsl. Frankly, we want yeur busineea, , Avery , Co. w nnn STTrnXaT, '. Between riae aad Ash. .' ararrr wu - SltTS OOAIm ADC THE COAL DAC0N5 Of this market We sell the products ef all the mines. There te nothing small about us but our prices. King up MAIN 2776 - Vulcan Coal Co. Tias vmirin nET. --3 this hind ' of land I" " ' about Otis ml! r,'""' ' f l r Allen ii J mm t