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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1905)
V .ila::d. vzd::z:day zvzhikq, i;ovr::zzr. i, 1:::. SFflo;isi;oLoiiiji ,1 T . i V To;i': vcicTl KIM lOKIOHI'i AMBBUCrjrTt. Marquas Orsn'a "The ",urf ul"!'. r . " " Urant S,U,"T LUr- - - - - III! I 1 , - An addreea fey Superintendent Frank R.lgler und repot t w-tii4UU am Ux ors'" con ernes wUl be heard tomorrow at the meeting of the Home Training ae oclatloa In the eqmmlttee- room or the city hall at I o'clock. Superintendent jlta-ltr baa been, one tt the strong sup porters of the association. Mrs. Wil liam Reld and Mr. IX A. Pattullo war the delegataa to the -mothers'., congress fend are ' expected to bring- eora Inter esting matter before the meeting tomor row. Pr. E. P. Mossman'e lecture before ' the association, which had bee prom laed for tomorrow, ha been poatponed. but will be heard later. The aaaocla- - lion haa a atrona; program arranged for the winter and the membera are looking forward to a profitable, season. '.'.'"jit the annual meeting of the-Men's , lethodlat Social union, held laat night . At tha Grace Uothodlet Episcopal church.. , J. iC OH1 read a paper upon the new " .church hymnal. During the reading of the paper pauaea. were made and aonga to which references were made were eeng. At the business meeting of -the union, lt. Oamon Royal waa reelected resident, J. C Roberta, vice-president; Theodore Faaaler. secretary; J. E. Luton, treasurer- J. Juuton. chairman of the ' tnemberahlp committee. Samuel Connell. chairman- of the entertainment oommlt- - tea, and 3. K. Gill, oh airman of the re ception oommittee. ... . T -; Attorney James' - Oleason, ' adminis trator of the estate of the late C O. Tlngry, baa flleeUan appeal to the clr ' -cult court from the decision of 'County Judge Lionel R.' Webster In allowing K. B. Miller's claim for flOO. Tlngry waa local' Jeweler. sillier alleges that he left 1 100 worth of diamonds with the Jeweler to be sold and that when the; creditors were allowed claims against the estate his diamonds were Included." Judge Webster Issued an order that the amount be paid HUler. --: 4 i .. . T Bank clearings in Fortlanafor "the month of October amounted to.. 114.411, 1TML. It waa-the record month' la the ttanklng history of this city and shows large increase ever the clesrinary-forj the corresponding month of lasv year. In October, list, the clearings amounted to The figures represent actual ' transactions. Bankers eonaidar ' that the unusually large increase is due in the Lewis and Clark fair, but the gain is considered, substantial and lasting. Preliminary plans for -M-aggreaslve i of the Ancient Order of United . Workmen, were made at a meeting of the extension committee, representing the eight local lodges of that order, held laat Monday evening. Philip Go f -Tvurts presided at the meeting and C J, Wheeler waa elected secretary of the - committee. . Aa effort win be made to - secure l.tot more local mem berg before - Januaxr I. ltot. , " , ' Miss Constance MoCorUe has been ap " r.jolnted by thi T.' W, C. A. board gen- erml secretary for the Portland aaaocla TUon lir the plce (if Kiss Harriet Vaaoe, " who Went east early In the fall. Jdlaa , MeCJorkle .wall known here beoauae of Jier connection during the summer with .,the T. W. C, A. building at the fair, -where she waa hostess. She ia expected V .to arrive thif eTening te take up her new ddtlejfcjj .-,.--. ,!. - -.( , Halloween entertainment was given . last night at the All Balntaf missloa In ,4 he north end. The Woman's sTulid, Sunday echool. kindergarten and Young - Men and Boys dube particlpeted. - Brief addressee were made by Bishop Morris, - P. W. B. JCretB and CoSBCllmaa Pree- lan.-?---.-.-- -. . 'v.f.f,'.-: '. - i Steamer Southbay aalhi direct Bat ' - ' vrday - evening. San Francisco, cabin, j ' III; Steerage. -tt; Loe Angeles, cabin, 111.10: steerage. 111; meal and berth included. C H. .Thompson, agent. III ' Third gtreeC;- J ' ,J 2 Edna Smith baa began suit 'for a dl .". voroe, from Fred Smiths alleging that he waa deserted la April, lite. The eouple were -" married la this city on , September If, It OS. - Hoary B. MoQlnn --la-Mrs. .Smith "a -attorney. .-. . f -- j The - Travelers -Aid asaoclstlon . baa - accepted the- offer extended - by the Toung Women's Christian' Aeaociation to share the lattera offloes at tit Oak rfeaat until the rinse of the year. Frank Tan Bebber, whoee home is at "Iff tiownedale-street, returned jester- tTTTTHERE'S a quality ' U- in bup Printing whi oh' is the pride of oup customers &; thc eiiavy of compet itors. There are the little details haven't skill to add, that make our work worth more to you t han the other kind and- costs no more P. t7.:BALTES 2s CO. FniST AIID OAK coo IIAni 105 dreams 1 CJ t t h e Vy day when fC she will be J J able to have some one help '.iV her with her tti drudgery, must , . .ly do mere than V Hf dream about It Lay y the surplus of your allowanoe away every wtmtt In -the safe curlers 1 of our Bank, w ' ' will grow for y wnere It vou. IUnt spend It raehly. Koonomlae! Then the happy, day will not be far off. We Pay Interest Osaeral Baaklng BuUsm Treses oted Oreson Savings Dank tv tn MarrisDS St. . f V orricxsg: W. B. Voore... . ........... ; . . ..yre1rtt R. K. Utle ,..Tloe-PrrtlM.t W... Cooser Mgrris Ceehtat B. 'wests Hrs... ....... -Assistant tOIt " DI It KCTOBB W. H. stnore. I. K. LrtU. Loe. rrlede, W. iL Cotwlaud, W. Cuueer lorris. day from Nome In a badly crippled condi tion and la now at toe uoo euwnun hospital. While on board the ateamahlp Victoria at Nome, he was knocked off the deck by a allngload.of grain, and fell about It feet to the deck of a lighter below, suffering a fracture of the leg and numerous severe cruises about the head and body. The accident occurred October. 2t and on the same day the Injured man started for home, accompanied by hia son. With careful attendance it la expected that he 'will fully recover. .- . X Oood Time to Plant The Sfbson Rose Nurseries, lit MUwaukie avenue, headquarters for Floe Rosea., Take Sell wood ear. Phons Eaat 111. Catalogue free; Watchearsnd diamonds 1 down and tto per week. Oooda delivered on first payment. Xmas is coming. Metagar Jewelers, optldana, ill sixth. Irving J. Benjamin and wife are at the Portland and will spend a few days in the city. - Mr. Benjamin la eastern representative of The Journal. Oregon State Band dance every Satur day evening, Burkhard hall. East Burn aiderfaetween Cnlon and Grand avenues. Orchestra of II pleoea. - . The paint fire sale and good painting weather are both with ua now. . Remem ber the address. 141 First street; near Alder. TaV.Maln 1011. . ,r Paintings, etchings, pastels and othef pictures at coat at I11H Fourth street Buy now and save . money. x Artlatiq framing done to order. A Halloween party waa held laat night at the home of A. a Hemstock at 144 Cmattlla avenue at which . I . grtiasts were present. Any watches cleaned,; " main spring. 11.00; all work gusrsnteed one year. Metsger 4c cml, ill sixth street. '' Pan-Co-Vesto club, 11 -per month. Keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed. 171 Weat Park. Pacific M, open all night ' Ffunder the florist has removed to new store at 141 Sixth street, between Alder and Morriaon. . j Portland Walters club. Orand balL Merrtll'a hall Saturday night . Prise wait Portland's best dancing school. 101 Alder. Prof. Rlngler, Miss Buckenmeyer. Ladles' gymnasium class, the Rlngler Physical Culture school. , 11 per month. Wanted Billiard table,- complete. In first class condition. Phone Main II. Tha Msrquam Program for live adver tisers. Why I, Results. That's an I . 1 Try a meal without meat at the Vege tarian cafe, ltl Sixth .aiwet,i ' Tha Marquam program reaches holi day buyers. Advertise now. frl. W-.ll... gjuWe P-Hlg will leave tomorrow on a tour of southern Oregon., where cooperative weather ata- or . 1 I A I II blight Bells Art Rung, Gates Are Taken Off andA!l Is Joy on Halloween. ' SOAPED TRACK STOPS ALBINA STREETCAR South. Portland Man Returnt Home to' Find Hig Furniture, in vStreet Some Other Casca of Kowdylim but Much Cood-Netured Sport. - -Thousands of apooka, with . grinning pumpkin heads and long, flowing robes of white, hr-ld riotous carnival In Port land last lght,' harassing the 'sleepy, distracting the nerves and performing every prank that elfish Ingenuity could devise. All over the city the legions of spooks invaded tha homes and hotels from I till 11 o'clock. Ths curfew had o meaning for the boo res of gleeful young sters who,' transformed into spectres. lurked about the corners ana rang ooor belle till they were tired from laughing. . No record of the pranks waa kept . It would fill a volume as big aa any li brary. However, there were but, few serious offenses, and till noon no acci dents had been- reported aa a result of ths carnival of fun. - In Alblna, youthful apooka wreaked Vengeance upon the streetcar company for an Imaginary wrong. On one of the ear lines leading from that auburb Into the -city there la a -steep incline and a full current if neoeeeary to haul - a heavy car up the grade. Many times the yourgsters bad watched- the wheels spin rapidly around while the car moved inch by Inch, aa if struggling- with a force It scarcely could overcome. And they wondered, while watching, how tha noisy . car could ' climb the hill If .ths trackajeresllpery. - . - .:.,,- Soap Spells T A precocious genius last night secured soap and water and the crowd of white clad spooks knew Instantly what waa to be done. Carefully they soaped tha rails for the entire distance up the hllL Soon a car went rumbling down the street and started up the grade. It pauaed and started again. The motorman turned en the current full power and the wheels flew round and round. Then he let out great quantities of sand upon the ratla and with' much spluttering and groan ing the car climbed Inch Jby IncA toward the top. Before it was half way, how ever, the sand ceased to give the re quired aid and despite the efforta of con ductor, who slapped the brakes on full power, the car slid backward down the hilt ; It rested there, while passengers swore, until the crew had cleaned the rails with- benslne. Then, as tha car moved cautiously up the hill, the young sters gave a shout and even angry pas sengers were forced, to smile. At a station on the Mount Scott ear Una a huggy. waajximed tipslde down and placed tnatde lue building where paseeimers aeeeupposea o wmlt. In South Portland rowdies entered the bouse of an old man.' carried his scanty furniture Into the street and turned his house topoy-turvy while he waa away. Police headquarters was besieged with calls -for assistance. A gate had been removed, the captain .waa told, and the owner of the gate wanted the thief ap prehended atonoe. Doorbell were con stantly ringing, angry women asserted. and they wanted n patrolman to watch the house and stop such foolish prac tices. tlons have been established, to ascertain If the instruments being used are prop erly., exposed. There are about It of these statlone In the state. Mr. Beals expects to be absent about two weeka. Electric signs any design. Kleiser, Fifth and Everett Foster A Dr. E. C. Brown. Eye-Ear. Marquam, " FriU's tamalas are the best.- V'" Milwaukie Country Club. - Eastern and Seattle races.' Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars at First and Aider. -v tloclTna4JofAaasJrtt ' ("pedal Dlseatek te Toe JoeraaL) Pendleton, Or, Nov. 1. For assaulting JTewtrm Le.- an nrtderelaed farm hand. Ouy Matlock, one of the men arrested n a raid on Portland lodging-houses a few weeks ago. wasjflned 141 In munici pal court here yesterday. Matlock Is the son of Cat Matlock.- prominent capitalist of this .city. We have a -very large line of finest quality of Linen Warp Matting on hand and must close out In order . to make room for holiday goods now arriving. In cluding .. . I . - . Xmas Toys and . Japanese . Curios wiouuu ajto msTAJX. , We will continue our auction sale II days longer. Come and get bargataa. - . -. ... Andrew Kan & Co. ttr Momrnxso sr. " - ABTtTSBsTJaTTS. Lyric theatre WIXZ BTABTIBS MOaTSAT, OOT0BXB tt, (Hatting Sale The Xaeaayeieble Lyrie gtssk Osaaaay Pi null "The Banker's Daughter" .A lOCIAt BBAKA I FOTB AOTS. At-alsstea 10e Bsssrved seats, to. -:...7 ': !--.:r.o.:-i-.; JAPfflBE B( cAt Beginning Tomorrov,Thursday, II A. R.. -if tnas; n. u Auctioneer Marquam ; Grand Theatre , ' m mtmam ', ''- - - - . ' LAST PEKrOKMaMCB TOWIOHT G targe Aes'a aiesleal CsaMdr ssessa. THE SULTAN OF SULU A Big Hit 'Last Klght Seat Wse It. siiMs nv. tfte. eor. TSe. II asd ll-M. firsts mtm selling. - -Oartala at g:U e'elock. Marquam Grand Theatre TeBMrrew, mday. Saturday Malta, Ssrssmbsr a, a sse a, . flaerui-rrles Jlstlaee Bsrar4r. GEOHQI ADE't MrSICAU COMEDT. PEQQY FJOAl-fiARlSJ Phirr sfHiie. ir. nv. y. Tie, 11.00. hlght. SOe. ate. toe. Tfte. 11.00, lla. SKATS HOW-ttUIIW,. Delasco Theatre "-till -aui IU azLABoo iiATZB. no. ynerteeeth ana Wuklsvtoa a trusts. X. C rriea. Aea. Mgr. X. L. Issasli. Baa. Kgr. T0HIGBT 1:1a, 11 KIT TIMS HI PORTLAND. AJVHITEf rotmrx hiix Whittlesey la Ball diss's Great Drtat, , ' ig Manxman Bvealags, BJe t Tie: llstlaews Sataresy, Sea- ear, -sue ss aoer Kelt Week WHITB WHITTT-KArY l ta Lrttea's "The lady mt Lreas." ea. X. aahar, ga- . Pbeae Msla IMT. . ., - Hesse et Masleal Barlesoee.. sf Isr Batlsne Ba4ay, Weaaasaay, gataiday. TEX -aTASHIVOTOM - SOCIXTT aiXLS. A BnsiBsrr ef Qraerfal Olrls Gergfaes Sowse, . Bsrlssese. VseeevlUs, Mle, Cessesp, Pltirea Kmisg. KVa me. toe. Tie. Bsaeay .s4 aetardsy Mstl-teM, )8e. ISe. ggc. tue. BASOAIX .liATIMB-Weaaetaay.-aas ta ssr sest. . Beat Week. "Ts tiger X,aies Osaneay. Empire T k a n f a Twdft t UtrrltH 1 11 lit fatst Natl in sIII.TO' W. AMAW. sfsnsrsr. - AO Tkls Week. kutlase Batersay. Druaatlastioa mt Brrhs U. Clay's Popelsf KeveL ...... - DORA THORNS SEC Tee Lsdr-kseper's . Oettsge sad betas ef Dare The Gerdeas st Earles tieart lllaalitatee The Straggls tm Ute ee the curt. j A spaeial Soeaie rveaastlea. ' VTMS CUBA VIBLO la the title Bala. PBKsgTealB. I6e. tne, Mte. toe. Mitl ttr, l(lr. IfW. V. B-XZT WZIX. "A KUXAS SLATX.- Liberty Theatre IT5S55 KsaaceaMa ef Xeatiag flasa. CREAl OP EM IMG WEEK Have sad UnHi. tse WhHe. . Jaah Wise. Oertall sad Xaraaaa. The Biastasa. . Clavar Wahar . Pajafly, Psifiwsiasiee dally at t to. T to set s a. at. Thxa sse swat esmrertahle vaaStTtila baaae ea pstae Ceaet. . Aaisslea 10 saa 7w caeca. V ' BALANCE OF Fair to be sold at IN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING Y. KUSHIBIKI Y. HASHIMOTO tonnor 7 Y. YAM ATI v: ' Manager GOLD '--h MEDAL . PIANO . It is something to own a pltfi&Jvyhich ths Cotnmlulontn of a World's Fair LUtinjuiihei for superior merit. If is something to own a piano about who musical worth thers can be no question. Historical - wortl---musical be no question. HistoriciF price.-Read this list and these 1 '" '' "' ' " ' . Mston ft Hamlin Upright.....,........! 650 Mason ft Hamlin Grand . Conover Grand Maton & Hamlin Upright........,.... Conover Upright.. 'Kingsbury Conorer Upright Conover Upright.... Conover Upright. ..... Symphonic Grana. J - a. rr iiuun a 11 amy 11 . Cable Upright Packard Baby Grand Fitcher Grand Coma, in and see thete Pianos. ' A rare chance to te-' curt sn Instrument hiitoricaHjr great and musicQ great at a low. pries. , . ' " Allen & Gilbert-RaniaKer Col EASY FAYMXNTS : ,': !1 ii ii El ii -Coimnlss!onerGencTGf- ii sser if worth prices : v . Regular. ' Special. f30 680 3S 430 S3S 23S 320 ' a TO S4S TZS aro 480 5 so 900 850 j650 . 550 37$ 525 600 575 J200 650 400' 800 1000 i . . Slstnand M free.lesso:js Iff EKDHOIDERY This beaatiful ahlrt ' walat . Sealgn stamped : on extra ' ejaajlty India tinea. Special 813. Also eatalogue of oar ' ' yteet Art Needlework gup pllea FUCK. : "-'- Address tsr sail r)y .the nnnoLn on or SOT Ucy 5.:iJ. TaVe elevatm !! Morilson. aMAewteaa ,ejeje.e ? --- Lw.tiil I J I , r 7i( till DOWNY beds of ease means Emmerich Fil lows. The acme o! pillow making - has been reached in . these . pillows. Each pillow carries a certifi cate from the manufacturer guaranteeing the purity of the , feathers. No disease germs or disagreeable odors in Emmerich Pillows. We have them in all grades, from the sanitary hen feather to the best .live goose down. .The price is no more than you pay lor the other kind. Xssrisa rnisws Ware Aweraaa V sU Keasl Lewis Clark ayesrtiea THEN we have quite an array-of good Mat r tresses, B 1 a n k e t s. Comforters, Spreads, etc No matter what your needs in bedding may be, youll save money by buying here. No extra charge for credit just say "charge it" and pay mistwm puTTrrnrjG co The Star Where Tear Credit Is Ssel rasniwGTON Ano TENTn STREETS FEIST AtlD YAT.IH1L TfCtD AND DAVIS To be sure with your invest ' ment yon should convince yourself that at those stores are the latest styles of Men's and Boys' Suits and Over coats, running in price from $X50 up to if 1-7.50;-Men's Hau and Paflts from f 1.25 up to fS.OO; Men's .Underwear and Overshirts from 25i up to f 1.50; a general line of Shoes from f 1.00 up to f3.50; a full line of Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and - Comforters. We save you 20 per cent on every dollar. JQHN DEL1JAR We Certainly Have the RIGHT PIAKCS We Certainly Have the RIGHT PRICES We Certainly Have. the . RIGHT TE21IS : " We Certainly Have ths . T RIGHT TCATE . r! StEETilVAY A. B. CHASE ESTEY EMERSON STARR RICHMOND HELLER And Other Pianos DiinfloreFicr.oCo: Steinway Dealers 2SS WASHINGTON STREET JOHN CLAI&E ;"VONTITII Rmstlr ef New Tort, barltoaa snloM at n. hlu Tmple. will r--.l. upil. In rolca w.l ttwe. tYTSk Wsahlagtea at., ruMS II. . Phua. Mala S41S AJrrgxiczvTS. THE GTAR The rat Fawatt. - nTrlr sat Laf- r HiIms I. 0. w B.uaaa sat Xmt. Jess B. farase laf iiii Oaeersl sdsil.alod, 10 eni; fnatara est eniKiajs, V-a-ar tmr, rwut. rfl.f . . - , Ira-ar S-. 10 r-iia n..t t m n ar:..i t- a- - - - -v I THa P- ' V . r -W-- t 1 N-