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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1905)
lai;d, Wednesday EvzniNG. nove::2- i. i:cx ANOTHER LITTLE SERMON ON "VALUES" OLDS, WORTMAN & KING "VALUES" AND WHAT TIIHY I'ZAN TO C'J.I PUBLIC: "Exaggeration in advertising is the microbe that kills business' so sxys a stance; he is "absolutely RlGHTl Values wjen quoted by this store are nevery exaggerated in print or otherwise. competent autnonty. Ana we heartily agree wita "Competent Authority" in this in They never shall be; they are not dreams, neither are thev wild fliehts of the imaeination. Thev are at an times. Ana Dy"exact" we ta pay. For your dollar' you must get a full roi in just as represented nothing more," nothing Jess. We will go a step fahheT"jOLDS, WORTMAN & KING VALUES" are the standard of highest quality even lor the dime you d dollar s worth always. But "VALUES" as interpreted by this store mean even more than this and must to our public satisfaction must always be complete with what one buys in the. Old Homestead Store. You are know that the word "VALUES" here has a deeper significance than its erstwhile surface meaning. They are the foundation stones of this great business. When "you read of , "OLDS, . WORTMAN & KING VALUES." w that you can shop in CONFIDENCE here confidence in quality, in price and in securing at jail times, absolute, satisfaction. Let us suggest that for one week you take bur ad- vertisements and those of the other large si res, where economies are more possible than at the smaller shops, and use them as reference cards. Shop .around go into all of the stores, note what they all Jerm "VALUE" on with their so-called "Special" nrices.' then come here and ret our REGULAR prices on same, roods. ' Twice within a week wa hmve made uch a comparison and found our rera. the different offerings, compare the "VALUE! lar; prices quite a bit lower than the "Special (?) elsewhere: Why not try it for a week yourself. You would gain by it in money saved; we. would gain by it in. gettin g all your trade. TRY IT. i ; COME AND HAVE 1 - LUNCH - Tomorrow in the cozy tea roc.-i n Second Floor. A pop-. u!ar, cJightfuI nook for shop pers and others tojunch. In expensive, refreshing and rest--fulU3'n ideal corner for, a quiet chat with friends.' A delicious,' tempting menu Thursday. - " A demonsation of inter est to housewives in the Third Floor Annex, 'where an expert yill demonstrate the advantages of the , .M UNIVERSAL". CAKt-MAKER- Sample of the cake will be distriVtued to -visitors FREE. Dsmonstratioafrom 9a. rri. to5 p. m. . ,7:; fi Ctsro C?c3 ci oa. a. TK3 FOSCZICST D-PASTCIST nouon vnot op qiiiqaqo BRIEF PARAGRAPHS OF POINTED e)OP.Q. INTEREST TO THRIFTY: SHOPPERS, ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd The Unusual in Underwear Pricings; ,3 ' WOMEN'S KNITWEAR AISLES . , . ; First Floor A group of really remarkable values o to make up special attractions for tomorrow's paths' in the Under-) wear' Shops; ',--:.'--'' ' " '"7V , WOMEN'S pOe COTTON TIGHT? 25c Women's " ., White Cottjon. Tights? winter weigh?, all sizes; a-; I ' big'-50c vaJueV' Special at, the pa?. . . . . . .25 WOMEN'S .Mo VESTS FOR 39cfWomen's Jersey Ribbed Cotton, Vests, in cream aid blue-gray; Qur 50c value.' Special at, each.i. 39 .WOMEN'S $1.B0 KNIT CORSEf COVERS FOR - 98c Women's. White Swiss Ritbed Zimmerli Cor- set Cover, high jieck, long slaves; our $1.50 V- value. Special at, each.;....;i.:,.....;'.....98e' WOMEN'S 50c VESTS 39c jrsey-Ribbed Cotton Vests, cream and blue-gray; rtgular, 50c value. -a r Special, each" ............. . . . ... . . .39 WOMEN'S 85c MERINO VESTS FOR 55c Women's White Merino VeAs, with long -sleeves; our 85c value. Special at, each..., ...55" WOMEN'S ?5c f TIGHTS FOR " 5 Be womcn-VS 7 jKiDDca vynire motion ,i ignts, Knee lengtn, open, ,;7; all sizespur 75c value. Special at, the pair.... 55 - - Fashion's Latest Fancies in' Smt Dress Sti ' Fifth Street Arfnek; !' ' wk" ? rr. r : tiiL,vtrvu uwi&jn? uhuusinu , If you want" a " light "weight dress choose from . eoliennes, crepe de Paris, crepe de chines,all wool ba- ' tistes, voifes and etamineS. ". -- ' . - , v ' " ' ' If you yany a tailor-built gown, there are beautiful homespum, zibelines, mannish-looking cassimeres and fancy Venetians in great variety., r ,; J 'If 'yon want afjhist-Jft rowing (fabric, for. a traveling gown we'lave mohairs and Sicilians to offer.-'. .'.'.!.; i If you rant an evening gown, lounging rpbeor-a.l ' matinee, ihere are " cashmeres, -Henriettas, eoliennes, ttepe de ?aris, crepe de chines, batistes, .Lansdownes7' cloths and voile illusions. - These-are shown in.white, cream and evening, colorings, and strange as it may-appear, evefl the printed cottons; cotton combinedwithi silk in Dresden floral designs, have also come into promineme for -frocks . for debutantes, bridesmaids', , gowns, in fact, tpr many of the little informal functions. -: Exclusive robes . for the street ' or the dinner dress;4" .cptton waistia'gs, waist patterns of linens all are housed is the cozy' annex which we term the Dress Goods StlonT -.:r.:::-: t' ' .. The following special items should. have special in- terest, &s ttfeyharrbegU bpetiaHy priced?ii ' ' . COLORED DRESS GOODS. .;: Colored Dress Goods are priced unusually low, when .' at Tegular prices they are better values' than one can, find tlsewhere. . But that's ourway, always give, the purcnaser the best on earth for less money than others ask quality always considered.' " . '.j Ovr regular $2 grades of hew all wool Suitings, in neat . i Shadow effects in Panamas, serges, novelty suiting : weaves, also rainproof coverts in all wanted , colors.; special ai, yara ,i.oi Our regular $I.T5 grade of new novelty Suiting, an im- ' . mense assortment of new styles and colore to ' , choose from. , Special at, yard . ,' . VV. . .. . 1. . , . 81.47 " Our regular $1.50 grade of novelty Suitings in shadow spots and stripes, durable mixed Tweeds, , . novelty Panamas, etc. Special at, yard....?1.21 ; - Also- every odd piece of Colored Dress Fabics at I HALF. PRICE.. .These are all in suit lengths and over and are the odd pieces left from this season's immense selling' . ... . '.' ; ' v 75c Grades for. yard'.". , .... . . V. . , 37J4.:.;; ;; $1.00 Grades for, yard........'....;. 50 , ( - $1.25 Grades for, yard..J;. 62j V- ' - $1.50 Grades for, yard. .......... ,-75 'j $1.75 Grades for, yard....,.,...;r,N..874 : - : ; . ,$2.00 Grades for, yard.... y..r....f 1.00 ' . . These goods are offered you at prices much Jess i than they can be bought for at'the mills. ' GREATEST VALUES IN BLACK DRESS GOODS FOUND IN THE NORTHWEST. . 1 ; New Black All Wool Dress Fabrics, every yard fast color, consisting ot snaaow - cnecK ranama, shadow . striped Panama and worsted 'pointelle Panamas, also ?:Frnch imported Voiles . j - ' .- ' , v. ';,"':' $1.00 jegular value. Special, yard. . , y. .60 j 4 : : , $1.23 regular value. Special, yard ;T;..;70 . ' -V"1 $L$0. regular value. Special, yard...;. v. 08 Tjiese fabrics -cannot be duplicated m the city at our regular prices, and at the low special prices marked will, L as iisua4, bring crowds to the Black Dress Goods Sec tion;.. " . V'-r -"'rr--.-v . , . .... Demonstration ' of "UNIVERSAL FOQD-CHOPPER ; -.'V: Third j'Floor. v Dr. Alice1 Goodwin's Ex hibition of Wisdom's Prep araionr for. ; the Toilet' 'Third ,FIoort?:'i'-v':''i,!'-' V MAIL ORDERS . Get the habit of ordering by mail 'if you can't-get to the store." Our expert shoppers will execute your order with the same care and attention you would give them -personally, and nine times out of ten as satisfactorily. Money back or goods exchanged at your re quest. ' ' . .'. - Tv,"; Portland's Largest , and Foremost Distributors of "'"'C..."; .-tr 'Grand SalonsSecond Floor.,'.,-'.; '';.'.':''.';.. .v'-' r-' ALL PORTLAND SHOULD COME. TO .US FOR HER APPAREL. : Tho we are bounding ahead at a rate unheard of in the selling at retail of women's garments,, we sometimes"" wonder why .we don'l have ALL of the , woman's , carment trade of the citv.' There are more good stvles here to. choose . from than anywhere else -in town. - We sell for at least a. fourth less on the average! than anyother local house can . afford to. y We never "carry ' anything by the hundred of a style we seldom carry over twenty suits or coats of a single style, and those are divided into three or ,; . four colors. Our corps of fitters is not equaled-ULany organization on the coast.. Can you tell us WHY with such advantages,' the whole of Portland's dressy femininity ' doesn't"come here ;for" the suits and wraps she needs? ' i ' .v f'- mm . Willi WrJrl i 7. 'VW ' ' ST ,U i 119 mm HCr NEW SUITS NEW SKIRTS :'i NEW WAISTS : wraps NEW COATS, NEW GOWNS ' NEW OPERA WRAPS NEW, FURS NEWPETTICOATS NEW RAIN COAT.S NEW COATS and SUITS ' IN BY EXPRESS . very unusual: vALUESr , ,' Portland's largest ..and leading Apparel Store for 1 1 ' - ' a-sale' "such-as seldom iakes1 place for -a num ber of reasons. ;' The aim of our organization is to I '.prove to the most skeptical that ' greater values are obtainable here than elsewhere. Oar stocks ""are " Very iarge "andrriew ,' arrivals are coming in price -up frdm . . .Vr. ; 7. r.? 12.50 to 960.00 ! NEW TAILORED SUITS ! We're .very proud pi, the Tailored Suits Coats run from, hip to ankle length, and there are hundreds of styles" ' to choose ' from 815, ?18.50, 822.50. 825 Jo 8175. . ' '; ' 'Particularly1 stron g Hn es -at 822.50. 825 - and Women's and Children's Hosiery CHILDREN'S JZ5c HOSSOR 19c Children's black : -fleece lined totton- Hose fine ribbed, seamless, me ' . dium weight, sizesU to 9yi ; ,our 25c value. -; ' : Special at; the pair. . : i . 1... . . :t. .10e CHILDREN'S 25c HOSE FOR 15c Children's black c9ttc:Hoseseamless, fine ribbed for girls and the heavier, weights in. both . fine, an da6uT4eribbed"For . boys; regular 25c value. Special atT-tmr'-. , '- pair .......... .. . . . ........... .15t . CHILDREN'S BLACK WORSTED HOSE Chil- dren's single ribbed black worsted Hose, seamless.. . splendid winter weight and fine wearing hose -Sizes ?to 716 : our 25c value. Special at, pair.... 18 Sizes 8 to 8A : our 30c value. Special at. pair. . . .22 izes rlOrour 35c value.' Special at, pair;-?-.257 . WOMEN'S 33c HOSE FOR 19c Women's blackcot ton fleece lined Hose;. splendid 35c value. Special at, the pair.;..... .................... .10 - WOMEN'S 50c HOSE FOR S5c AVomen's medium weight black cotton Hose, with gray cashmere ' .sole; good 50c value. Special at, the pair. . . . . ,35t Silksl)! Rare Beauty In a Remarkable SpecialrSale- , V Fifth Street Annex First Floor. --: :. ' .,.:,!' v . -;. -... . ! v-.-- t v" - i " ; " Manufacturers run their mills in defiance of the' faw ' of supply anddemand too many silks the result; you henefit theway we . did by savin g js part of the price this way . ' . ' . . , " " - V; $15 SILK SUITING 67c. V.I.; ;ZTiZ Over 1,000 yards of new Silk Suitings in new moire, X yelour and swell French poplins, newest weaves, all ff good colors for 'street wear, including the new reds 1 y a d-gre"ensour regular $1.25 value. "Special, V the" yard $125 PLAID SItK 84c. " " A lot of new Plaid Silks, the-latest color combinations in swell French pointelle effects; $1.25 . i value. Special, the yard. . . . .77. . . ....... . . . . .84t Linens and Do- -mestics- UNDERPRICED . 7 First Floor. . 90c .Linen Damask '. . 75 f $1.50 Bedspreads .81.19 30c Bath Towels.... 23 17x32 Huck Towels. 10 17x23 Linen Tray- ' : ; ' cloths ,.34. Outing Flannel in Mill v Ends, yard 7 . . : . i . . 7f "Penny Savers Small Wares Shops First Floor.. 7'- ''..-' ; : "Put money in 7 thy. purse." Shakespeare. : 10c Ball and Socket 7 Srfap Fasteners . .. .6 '5 yards Shelf Paper,- . ' " lace edge . i . . .21 5c Tpilet Soap, cake. . .3f 5C Linen Thread, spool 3 50c"Side Combs. . .7.30 9c Writing Tablets. 1 .5 20c Crepe Papers .... 12f 50c English. Perfumes, f ounce . . . .V. .; . . 25t 30c Writing Paper, :.. :' box;....,..;,,?.20 25c Writing Paper, -box ; i.-i?.?.?:: . .V15f . 4c Drawing Wool, card .2 10c, WhiteiTarSoap v .1 cake ...t.. ....... 15c Coat Hangers. . . .10 19c. Hand and Nail Brushes 10 19c Rose and Cucumber ; Jelly for the toilet42 Of Interest to Housewives Special Values in the .Housekeeper's Exchange" - , 7 ; 7 , ' 7".. ... Third Floor. '-. .' ;.;,, - , ; 7 7 LIBBBY- CUT GLASS -Water Tumblers. Special, at, dozen....... ..813.00 Water Bottles. Special at, each......... .....84.95 6- inch Nappers. Special at, each .......... . . . . 835 8-inch. Bowls. , Special at, each. .............. $4.85 ' Thousands of articles to select from. . - CLOCKS Nickel Alarrq Clocks. I Special at, each Y....;...'...',' 59 Gold finished. Special at, each. .81.15 Gold finished, with figures. . Special at, each.. $2.35 Weathered Oak Finished Clocks. Special at, ":' 7- each ...... ... . . . ... ... .82.95 7 Black Enameled Clocks. : Special. at,gch. . . . .?4.40 Another. Special in A GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF WATCHES. ? Big Sale Boys' $ 1 Watches at 89c ; First Floor Sixth Street Annex. Watches at , prices sharply. reducel-a-for' boys and ' ladies. - Save money on holiday gifts by buying now. "200 Watches, nickel, open face. -.Are guaranteed to be ' good timekeeper, and, are strong and durable. Jusfc' ; the thing for school boys; a regular $1 value. ,..'''. r Special sale .price, each.-. ..... .rr. .'.89e ; BOYS' $1.25 WATCHES FOR $1. ' i Another line of Boys' Nckel Watches, open face, stenT" windingi and stem set. : Nicely finished and well maWVa"goodvvalue at $1.25. . Special sale . ' ' price, each ,. , . ...ijjiji ...",,...,....... ... 81.00 . LADIES' $11.50 CHATELAINE WATCHES 7 Very small -size Chatelaine Watches, with open face, stem wind and stem , set pme in1 different colors . of hand enamel with gold filledcenters. . Suitable - for either ladies or gicls ; ur $lL50 value. . Special attach. . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . .87.00 " ' ' 7: 65c NECKCHAINS FOR 89c. v A line of pretty "Cavalier" Neckchains, stone settings assorted colors, with rolled gold plated mount- . ' ,ings; our 65c value. ' Special sale. price, each. .. .,39 Women,s7 Furnishings . .First Floor Shops, .; Women's 60c to $1 Belts 50 80c to 40c Ribbons. . 25 Linen Handkerc hiefs. Special values, 8 for 50 and 6 for,...50 25c to 50c Lace Bands, , yard ............. 19 And Now ? a Word of Special Values in Women's Shoes ; WOMEN'S $3.50-AND $1 SHOES : ,..';; FOR $2.79. :v,.'.i7'7--p We still have' quite a few ; pairs of 'Women's Fine Boots left from .last .Monday's great sale, - V These .'Shoes', were .', made by .the ' "Pingree" and. Val. Duttenhofer shoe! -manufacturers i and . are, first Vclass -in , every respect. Come in all styles, with light or heavy soles. A great many good sizes and widths.;. - ' -. -; ' , : . : Our regulat-$3.50 and $4 valuesj Special. for to- morrow: at, the paif." . .... 7.i i . . ... . . ... .82.79 98c FOR WOMEN'S $U5 AND $1.50 HOUSE . .'77..: 7' : ' 7.;. 7, slippers. , '7;t7''7vV , . '. Women's choice vici kid ' three-point "Slippers with ' turned flexible soles and flexible sole leather.counters Splendid House Slippers ; bur" regular $1.25 and 7 $1.50 values. Special sale price, the pair. v. . . .08 tt - ft A XL , 7 , . REMARKABLE VALUES IN DainTIjcrGurtains and Hand ;.7;(j some :. iV.V' "'''' 'f;"v7 :;7I:. : Fourth Floor. : , . 7.- - WHITE IRISH POINT LACE CURTAINS White Irish. Pointi Lace Curtains, in lots of 1, 2 and" 3 pairs ; splendid pattems:; , .7 . : 7 V Regular $4.50 value. " Special pair. . ...... 8355 Regular$3.50 .valueSpecial, pair. , 84.10 .Regular $6.00 value; SpeciaT," pair.-. .V. . . . .84.501 Regular $6.50 value Special, pair,... t.... ..84.G5 Regular ; $8.00 .! value. Special, pair! . , . ?6.00 Regular $10.00 value;. Special, pair. . . . ; . ; . . . . $7.50 Regular $10.50 value. , Special, pair..... ......87.85 Regular $12.00 value." Special, pair. .$9.00 AXMINSTER-RUd$2.50Arme1ineJ6rAxmins7 ter Rugs, in floral aiw Oriental designs, size 7 27x60 inches. . Special at, each. . ........ . . . .82.50 3 Great Values for Men In the-Haberdasherie- First Floor Just Inside the Sixth Street Door :'-.;..'.., , Annex, i .- ;;:'' ,Men's 25c Half Hose, pair . ..18. Men's $2 Shirts. . .81.19 Men's $1 Undershirts or Drawers i .. ..s.CO In the Leather Goods Aisle Sixth Street Annex First ." '-:' Floor., v 49crFOR SHOPPING BAGS WORTH TO $1.50 ' Ladies', Boston Shopping Bags, made of heavv 7 felt ctoth, , with i metal " frames ; leather covered, also leather handles ; . values up to $1.50. Spe , cial. sale price, to close at, each ......... .49 Ghic Winter Millinery IN A SPECIAL CLOSURE SALE TOMORROW. Bijou" Salons Second Floor, ; -: . Annex. . 1 . The style accuracy of Olds, Wortman & King Millinery, is renowned thro' the Pacific slope country. ; There is a fascinating tyle-beauty about our millinery that never fails to win adulation a becoming chicness that puts the- wearer at - ease. Practical , t . i ii a 13 laaimay uc pui on urn worn Mr-'-foi alhocalsiOTs--hats--particu-", A larly adapted for smart dressers. Tomorrow we hold another DE- SALE." 7'v7'-;f-;74. 7 $4.00 to $6.00 Hats for $3.00 Handsome Suit Ilats, surely something to match your ' ; street suit in -the offering. Once in so often we have 7 a clearance of the different lines to make way for incoming-numbers. . To be 'sure, , what's here is as . pretty and stylish as what's coming bufwe must . ; freshen the stocks--and do it this-way. In the sale that opens at 8 a. m. tomorrow we include very smart 7 and popular .shapes and all desirable colorings; ex cellent values at ther original prices 4 to Special for Thursday only at, a choice for. . . .83.00 - - i fctT vs Wm : 9 x Great Values in the Petticoat Sale ' Annex Second Floor.' -' - Women arc .quick to appreciate bargains such as we -offer this week, in the Wardrobe Shops response has ; been' generous, and the values "advertise themselves. Better get yours ere they're gone. ' The values are real... ; 9$c - FOR LADIES' SATEEN PETTICOATS WORTH $1.50 Ladies' black permanent finish sa . teen. -Petticoats the new "Sunburst" a splendid value at the regular price,' $1.50. '., Special sale price, each . .......................... ... ,'. . .08 LADIES PETTICOATS WORTH $2.25 FOR $1.79 Ladies' Black Petticoats, made of fine silk finish .-7" sateen, with deep full flounce, trimmed with clusters r V of small tucks and hemstitching; our $2.25 ' 7 value. Special at, each.. ....... ..1. 70 LADIES' PETTICOATS WORTH $3 FOR $250 Ladies'. Petticoats of fine black Italian cloth, mal: with two hemstitched flounces and stitched ban!, dust ruffle attached ; our $3 value. Special at, . each ... .t r s