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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1905)
1 Tr TT . . . fl TTTa .. .. i 1 ...... T . , l- . V J OF - : CASH GIRLS AND -B O YS, WRAPPERS and SALES PER SONS WANTED he DEEPEU HARBOR TO FILL AST SIDE f SWALIPS IS CLUB'S. PLilll L 7?' East Side.fmprovement Aocia f, tlon Adopts. Definite Schemt f r v - -. of Work. - EXPERTS TELL WHAT CAN BE DONE AND THE COST Standins Committee Are Choien, I Important Reports Read and the t, Biggest Gathering of Suburbanites Held In Months Marks Session. : Tk. wt 111 efSc ef T. -itmat to to t Mor. of 1. U. C MIIIt. SM Suit UorrUo. trt Ttltpboa. East STS. , ' Th. CUtat Sldo Improrement saaocla tlon got down to buslneaa at IU aacond Tnetlnir held tw tha aawt alda jluatlca - To hurdle, to get over ob: stacks, is one of the main elements of success. : : A? good' I appearancejover comes many obstacles. ; i-i ' . Good clothes give a good appearance.- ..V'.,T Headquarters .for the "get there man. ' " .; : . i v . We've Good. Suits, Over-, coats and Rain Coats, priced fairSlO to ?25. IflC2iCLOTHin&0 Gus uf)n-Prop ' Oatnttarg to SCas aad Bora. : s aaa ia TWra anraes, ar aaomaoa. V ' - THE THE EASTERN ASSOCIATION OF MILLS AND FACTORIES - - Ends and Surplus from Sale Beg; oourt laat Mltig'. ' Ona of tba avt dance of tha liuaraat that ' has been C.n.ralljr .irouaad In tha work of tha a.aoQlatlon was tha. greatly ' Inareaaed attendance. The courtroom waa crowded whan the prealdent called the meeting to order and the clerk a ofrice waa uaed for the overflow. . Mn were there from every dlatrtct of th eaat side and aev eral of tha hew' vlaltora war leading efflclaia In - other Important '. eaat- aide Improvement club. . That the tntereat waa not a passing one was ahown at th close or th . meeting, ' when men lined np by the dozen to ( sign the roll and associate themselves with th organisation for active work. ' The featur of" -the - meerlne;, ' aside from he ancouraglngrSsattendanc- and Interest shown, was the . discussion of tha plan for filling th factory site on the river between East Oak etreet and streets to grade. . Chairman Flanders of the All committee stated that th member had met with th city engineer and that he had - informed them that there waa a fore of men in th field computing the. amount" of Jilt required and i investigating th ' pro bale . coat. Joseph Patjiyt gave th association an Idea on which to work when ha told of hla experience with the various sys tm of -dredging. . . ' ' ' VUsTSs . raaalbla. '", Ther Is enough material in tha river between East Oak street and Ross Island, if the channel la dredged 10 feet deeper, to Sit all th land between Eaat Oak street and Hawthorn avenue to a basement level,' and to bring all th street, up to grade,"' said Mr. Paquet "Several . years sgo we figured what could- bar don .and triad to get th prop erty-owner to sign .contract at a price of It and It oenta a cublo -yard, but war , not auccessfut or course th river could not be dredged with the auction pumpa owned, by th Port tt Portland, but a - combined dipper ana auction dredge that will handle gravel will do th work and there is no reaaoo for hauling in dirt from th suburbs, when by taking it from tha river on can deepen-th harbor and fill- the flits at th same time, and do both-cheaper than the work of hauling dirt oould be don for. -. fiouble-marreled enema. ' Th idea of deepening th rlTer and Slllng th swamps at the aaroe tim met with th approval of all who spoke and the next campaign of the associa tion will -be for thla blr fill. In attempt on on hand being mad to secure tho consent of th propertyownera directly Interested and on thother to get thL. Fort or Portland cemmleslon to secure such a combination dredge, or at leasti bear a Just part of th expens In th deepening of th barber. . 1 yThe various apeclal committees r ported and among these th report et Cbslrmaa J. . E. Magers an east side transfers and a through eaat side serv ice was th moat encouraging. - He atated that General Manager Fuller of the Portland Railway company had agreed that -th -request - wav just fend has promised that through east alda service would b Instituted In th Dear future, th exact time to be announced by the next meeting of th association Through Oas Sen-lee. " " Thla through - car aervic wilt run frou Hawthorne avenue to upper Union avenaa, connecting all eaat aide line and giving transfers) tr all Intersecting brancheiy President Hurlburt ef the OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, EVER HELD IN ins Oregon Water Power eV Railway com pany has agreed to th eaat aid trans fer system and baa' aeatadr-hla readiness to make audi ' a change -whenever the other line finds it possible to cooperate. 1-Ohalrman" Flanders of th eaat aid depot committee reported that owing to A multitude of engagement Mr. O'Brien had not been able to meet . with th committee- laat week and had also been called suddenly out of the city the last of th week, necessitating a ' postpone ment of his promised announcement to the association. - Mr.- O'Brien, .however, had notified the commlttfe that Imme diately on hi return he would take up the question and dispose of it. Tor Tire X&gln Oompany. The aid of the aasoclatlon. was saked In th effort being mad by th Eaat Twenty-eighth Street aasoclatlon to se en re a fire engine company near Twen tleth and Davie street. It waa repre sented that th Boys' and Olrla' Aid so ciety home, the Crlttenton horn, th Brooklyn ahopa. th Doernbecher furni ture factory and th new High school wer all in this unprotected district and the nre and police committee waa In sjtructed to cooperate with th other aa- aociaxiona id 1U work, of getting ade quate service. - - A resolution pledging th support of 4 - for a deep ship channel to the mouth of th Columbia and authorising th president to appoint a committee of five to cooperate with similar committee from wet aid' commercial organise, tlon was read and paaaed with a rush. Standing Committees. L , t ' President Boise then read hlii ap pointments of standing committee and outlined som of th thing these groupa would be expected to do.. Th standing committees of the association as named ar: - ' . Executive W. L." Bolae, Joseph Buch tel, Oeorge C. Flanders, H. H. Newhall D. J. Kellaher, -Edward Newbegln and John P. Sharkey. Street and Hlghway--Dr. ' 8. E. Joseph!, A. N. Wills. H. Wittenberg, M. E. ThomDson. Francis L. McKenna. ' Manufactures Oeorge W. Holcomb, Joseph Supple, 8. B.-Cobb, Frank Schmitt, Ft- S Doernbecher. -v.- .' Police and Fir ' Protection O. M Scott,' J. E. Magej-a Frank Motter, Frank 8. Bennett, E. V. Curtis. . ' Health and Sanitation Dr. A. - .W, Tm ruu u n n . r-v T . Pettlt. R. B. Menefee. 8. F. White. 'fT BtatUtlca U H. Welle, W. J. Lyons. W. I . Thorndyke.-J. W.' Booth, E. A. Austin. . Parks,' Public Grounds and Building A. a. Rushlight. O. Bummer, W. It Bishop. H. O. Piatt. O. W. Taylor, c -Flnancex-R H. Newhall. ' John P. Sharkey, E. H. Virgil, Thoma HI slop, V. C. Dunning, A, W, Lambert, D. H. Btrowbrldge. , - - Public Utilities M. B. McFall, D. M. Donaugh. J. T. Oregg, Ogleaby Young; W. R. Stokes. . . CAR SERVICE CHANCES. Dlffereatt Boat for trppee Alblan Car Kaw Bleveoth Street 8tnh. ' , Order posted In the Michigan avenue barn of tha Portland Consolidated Rail- way . company Indicate som material change in th east aid service. In th first place, the long expected, much de layed, often prophesied operation of cara over-the new extension to the Lower California Prune Wafers A pleaaant and agreeabl Inxatlv. pnlnless,: yet effective. Prescribed by all druggist aa an Invaluable substi tute for mineral pllle.and caator olL h 100 Wafers 25 Cents . - 8. Pk 1dm ore m Oo Drarrtsts, 167 Xhlrd st sole agsnU for roniand, Or. , PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY Orders to be Closed Oiit for What They Bring. v Albina line will begin on the morning of November 6. An extra car wlU be placed on thla Una so that th present aohedulS may- be maintained with the longer run. Upper Albina will loae mor than Lower Albina galna, however, -for four cars ar to be taken front th upper line-and th schedule lengthened by m minute or ao. Hereafter Upper Albina cars will not handl Morrison street traffic but will make the turn at Third and Alder streets, as do th "W and SL John car. This material shortening of th run will enable th old -schedule to be nearly maintained with four lea car. Real-, dent of Eleventh street, and especially the Sunday evening crowd that attend churchea In the Whit - Tempi and Grace Methodist district, will have com plaint, aa It 1 announced that with th shortening of th Upper Albina run th Eleventh street through sarvie will be discontinued and a stub will run from Morrison street south to Eleventh, giv ing a aervic similar to that now. on Thlrtnth street. . ., - . MANY ENTERTAINMENTS. East Sid Fraternal Members Xesding ; the Butterfly Jtif . l.. - Th.,aoclalJlta ofjtha.eant alda-WnoL, men ana me women oi wooacrart is not being neglected, and already this season an unusually larg number of regular evente have. been planned. Practically very night in th week 1 utilised by som of th order in festivities In Mult nomah ..ball. - Th uniform rank drill team of Multnomah' camp 1 keeping ip tntereat in its work by a series of danoea which are given on the second and fourth Saturdays or sacn month. two have been held and each was a success. ' At the opening dance the large attendance; waa auppoaed to b but th result of temporary curiosity, but when th sec ond waa given laat Saturday night th door receipt showed but on lea ad mission than for th opening ball. Tomorrow-evening Camp Veiivtlla, Spaitlah American War Veteran, ' will give , dance in .th hall. Laat ntght Mount Hood elrcl. Woman of Woodcraft, re ceived at a whlat party. Saturday even ing Mount Hood circle's field team will glv a dane and reception and the pre gram for next week Is filled as well. DAY OF MOURNING. MoatavfU Fays &at Kespeot t Two, - Of ZtS BMidmtS. Two funeral wer held In MontavllU yesterday that wer largely - attended, i Mrs. L. D. Knight, residing In the i Mansfield addition, who died 'Sunday '- evening or .heart failure, vir burlot from th family horn, and many old settlers were present, Mrs. Mansfield having lived in the Tina for. many years. Th last respects were paid to th memory of little Lul May Howitt. why waa killed Sunday morning at th home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L T. Thompson. In Ruasellvllle. .The girl. a child of 4, while climbing about a heavy wagon, fell between the wheel and ' the brake - and - was crushed to death before help couId-4-each her. Rev. J. P: Farmer, the Methodist minister of the villa, officiated and a long proce-, slon . followed the tiny white coffin to Lone Fir cemetery. v - Bfigieea 8tat Funds. . (Special IXapateS-te The Jetn-iml.) Olympla. Wash., Nov.-1. - The true balance in the atate'a general fund ac count as ahown by comparisons by th aim nuonor ana atate trcHSurHr I $3. tt0.B4, Th total warrants Issued in October on the fund waa of which IUJ.04.U ha been oald. The actual cash in th fund Is $3J,U.fij, . 1 EVENING. I.'OVZrir . 1. TOOLE REFUSES TO AID LAIVSON Montana Governor Declines Assist the Bostonian In His , V Insurance Fight. SAYS EASTERN OFFICIALS WILL REMEDY ALL ABUSES Secretary of War Approves Plans for a Dam Across tha Missouri River Which Will Develop Power for Helena and Butte. , elsna, Mont, N6vn.GovernorJo4 aeph K. Toole ha returned to Helens from a month's trip to Washington and New York. , In th former city he pre sented in claim ox th atat agalnat th government for pay of Montana vol pnteer for th peVlod between enroll ment. and mustar in, amounting to about $18,000. . . (-.. -; .-. .-. . With Senator Carter he urged and Se cured from th secretary -of war the approval of plans for a dam acroas the Missouri "river near here, . which will develop 20,00) horsepower, and which will be transmitted to Helena, Butt and Anaconda. Governor Tool will have no part wfth th eo-called Lawson plan of regulating InauraVic companies. Touching this Subject, he aaldy Th investigation of insurance coro panlee is attracting widespread Interest, and nowhere more than in New York, where financial Integrity He mor or lea involved. They hav - undertaken the work of investigation voluntarily, and it I believed that their public officials, state and county, will afford vry fa cility for full and complete overnanV ing of their business method, and that adequate remedies for existing evils will be suggested, obviating th necessity for interposition upon th part of eeveral states.-. This, however, can be better determined after th report of th com mittee (having th matter in charge Is filed." - " ! - r BZ.OCKS Z.01TO, t X-M DOXII , visii or; ' Carlson Currier Sorind Silks at ,: 5c Spool -' : ." ' ' 100 TAAS8. s '; ' Thla price prevails always, also correspondingly low-price on man' and boy' clothing, overcoats, men's. Indies' and children' shoes, gents' furnishings, ladlee' dry goods and everything for the family. Try us and receive full and honest value. Th Farmers' and Mechanics' Store, only" fliat-clase family oututfera on Front street. - - .. HERMAN GOODMAN - -- . : Proprietor. " . , 247 FRONT, STREET . Bet. .Main and Madison. ' . ! 3rd, at 8:30 a.iii. V . raMgf l l l i l ; ....;..-;::--..v.'- - NEWCASTLE NUT, NEWCASTLE LUMP V AUSTRALIAN, ROSLYN, ; : v PEACX)CK ROCK SPRINGS, FRANKLIN .; LOW PRICES ON OTHErf COALS first Prize Gold Medal awarded by Lewis & CfrrFkntenrJarEiposiUon TJ1E PACIFIC COAST CO. ; :v,:i .-CHAS. H. GLEIM, Agent ' 249 Washington St ' " . Telephones 229 and 237' nWMissisis)sieaiaieiataiaiaiaiaiaiaisteieieiesieiieiss f a m 11 Our Stock of Fur 1 Garments -" Exclusive Models In H MS . FUR TIES ' FUR SCARFS FUR STOLES ; , FUR BOAS .FUR PILLOW MUFFS W Alaska Sealskins, XtOsTDOsT STB, MINK COATS OTTER COATS , PERSIAN LAMB COATSU. ASTRACHAN COATS i C . . ; NEAR SEAL COATS G.P.RummeIin&Sons 123 Second Street, Between Washington and Alder Streets. ' LEADING ft RELIABLE a.riiirxsjiixt;isB-icxiixsTiTxxtiiuiistnti:J plllSlalswsssMsseasi.aiWBll I CJ'tt MOTHER, USED TOAYrv aWiiHafaa im siasi sm ..-7: 144 to 148 TMlRDST. t PET. MORRISON Q ALDER STS The Coal to Buy :AND: How to Burn ' It is the 1 absorbing economic question of the house owner. . A trial of any of the following L . at it . , a.a oranas wui soivo it speeauy ana to your laasiacuon. Includes OnrSpeclaJty i j i. i, i i ii- II St 1 1 V Mil 11 aa - . a a. a ..... M II tsuDi.snea isu " FURRIERS Utlitor Cataloiae aiaa sLRust y i Is"