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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1905)
1 wv5 IMPERIAL AND U; 5 SQUADRONS S SALUTE OFFMlPTOW ROADS The Greatest Clothing, House in the Ucrth-wc:! lvVA I . I 'Prince -Henry of Battenberg 7 ' Greeted, by Admiral Evans ;'r Ship Form World's ; :; Greatest , Fleet. " .. (Joaroal Special Snrric.) ' Annapolie, Md.. 'Nov. 1. Admiral Evans came down from' Hampton Roads yesterday with the battleships' Mis souri. Kearsarge, 'Kentucky. Alabama. ; Illinois. Iowa, 'Massachusetts and his ' flags hip, the Maine, and -this morning ,;the British cruiser' squadron under th command of Prince Louis' of Battenberg arrived her and waa received by the . North Atlantfo squadron In all the. atyle ...that naval etiquette, domands and Amer- lean naval officers- are abls to display. vThe prince was in high good humor and so was Admiral Evans, and the British v crs were soon made to feel at horn. The British, fleet captains are: Charles II. Robertson, of the Cornwall, com- , panlon of St Michael and St. George, - and a member of the Vlotorian order; .-' Richard ; B. Farquhar of the Esse; mm X I:' f"' j ' .0 a j ' aU VUU UUastWUUaUUjtaJ HnU Hc ExteiT Fine -Cashmere H!f lltlll, llUaw Hose, just the proper weight 25c to make it a good winter sock,in blick, brown mixed and Oxford grayvery good values at $1.00 Underwear ll and winterweightv, full sized and rwell finished the garment Cooper Derby Ribbed, fine quality, in C-l C A blue and tan the garment .. ..:.,...........vr Ftill line of sizes in Norfolk and New Bruns i wick, Stuttgarter and other high grade makes. Prihce Henry of Battenberg (nd Hii Flagship the Drake.' Richard H. Patora ofthe Bedford, mem ber of the Victoria Order; Jharlee H, Iar of ' the - Berwick, member of the Victorian order; Hrbrt C. King of the Cumberland. .The British aquadron will remain here until November I, when it ' wfll sail for New York. . Prince Louis will visit Washington while hi ships are lying hers to receive tha welcome at tha hands of tha president.,, - . Bailors to Bntertain. v.'. ' Tha craws of Admiral Evana'-.aquad-ron have been industriously sccumu latlnc av fund with which to entertain -the visiting sjillors.: They undertook to raise $10,000 for thla . purpose, and - had many willing fivers. and have -theiuselrts sjwm swn a own pockets, remembering tha great time, they wera given .by tha English sailors at Portsmouth. The most ,of tha entertaining will be dona In New Tork. The prince; carries anautograph let ter from King Edward to Praaldent Roosevelt. - Hla crulaer squadron in tha spring eteamed slowly -down tbe west- em coast of Europe.' touching at pora of France, gpaln and Portugal, Prince Louis being entertained inr the' latter country by King Carlos, untlt Gibraltar waa reached. Thence the fleet sailed. for Canada on August 1. . Prince Louis was accompanied on his Atlantle vpyafe by Prlnca Alexander of, Battenberg. eld est son of Princess Beatrice and Prlnca Henry of Battenberg, and consequently a., nephew both of Prince Louis aad King Edward.. They visited Montreal. together with S00 -officers and men of tha aquadron. and then made excursions to jOttaws and Toronto. . . 4 . 1 rnsJ to - irlagara yallav "Tha actual advent of the prince on late their Amaifc'aa . sail lnnk, place-J -August I. when he i ssw Niagara falls and crossed over - the 1 International bridge, spending: a few hours ' on this aide. Four daya later he came near loalng hla life In an automobile accident, being pitched oat Into a ditch, but ha plucklly continued hla flr)ve. insisting on resum ing his pleae' when the machine . had "Results Most Satisfactory"; ? 'M That's What Thev All Sav ,-.. ' . af . .. ' e GEO. W. BROWN REAL ESTATE Phone vMairT?J2?,l 203 Failing iBuilding, t ''.tniA A.4.L.. 1 inn; i 1 w THE JOURNAL. Portland,' Oregon: :.,; v? M. ( Gehtlerricniln the matter of advertising, I wish itoitate that through the, medium, of THE JOURNAL the results obtained have been most gratifying. - I have advertised ex ; tensively in many mediums and find THE JOURNAL pro-, " ductive of excellent results afid can:;recommend it to any' . advertiser, large or smafl, as a first class advertising medium,. -r-and business" producer.- u .1 Yours very truly- r ; 7 ' ; v GEO. W; BROWN. MailllRXXXXIRIIIKIXSZIllBXXnEIXXrSniXXXISXCSIIEli been! righted. Next the fleet sailed for St Johns. Newfoundland., where Prince Louis went. on a bear hunt, and in the latter part or September" tne -voyage was! extended to Sydney and Halifax. ! Tnia will not be the prince's first visit , to America, aa he waa here when a boy,- 13 years sgo. Captain Stockton, United States naval ' attache speaking recently., of the . prince a visit, says There Is no one worthier than Prince Louis 'of Battenberg of a hearty re ception by the American navy and peo ple. He la a moat stanch admirer and friend of America, and hla visit will afford ample, opportunity for a' return of the. oompllments he has heaped on American - nsval officers on the occa- atluus visits 1 toj Great ' I rxixBixinnixxziEiiinixxBixxxxxxsxxxxxiixxxxxxxxari Coupon Free Hawaiian Trip I vote: for... ............... ...w....M1... , --Thla oupon mutt b-otd on or bfor November I. 105 "wHOIww- leWi- Britain. , -v . , . - Belated to Boyatty, ' Prince Louis of Battenberg Is one of the principal officers of the British navy, He Is a son of the late Prince Alexander of Hesse and waa bora at Grata, Aus tria. -on May. 14. 1864. .He bears the title of serene highness and la con nected with the British royal ' family through hie' sister-in-law, Prlnoesa Be atrice, the king's slater. Hla - wire, Princess Victoria Of Hesse, who was born at ' Windsor -In IMS, is a alster of the empress of Russia.' Their wed ding- took place in 1884. Prince Louis became naturalised In Great Britain and entered (he British navy as a cadet in 18f. .1 - V "..v. . ' STOLE HOBSE AND. SOLD : IT FOR TEN DOLLARS ripeelal Dfspetefe to Tbe Josrnal.) Pendleton. Or.. Nov. 1. Charles Bel linger was arrested -yesterday afternoon on the charge of larceny of a horae belonging to Lee Bsmpson. j a McKay creek rancher. ' .rSampson tied his horse to a telegraph pole In this city Sunday and Bellinger possessed Mmsfllf -of the- an'lmal " and sold It to a liveryman for the sum of 110. Ssmpsoa does not ' wish to prose cute Bellinger but as there is an old charge, of horse theft against the pris oner will be held to ( answer for the crime. - 1 J ' '. ". atorse Thieves la Prison. (tplal T)lptcb to TTte Jeernat)' '' ' , ' Colfax. Wash., Nov. 1. Five days after the stealing of fodr horses' Wal lace Ketterman and Teddy Rover are In the Walla Wall penitentiary, beginning their eight -years' terms to which thsy were sentenced on making pleas of guilty'., Neither is 21 years Of age. URover ts colored. '. ( . Vay for Heat rebels. (Jouraal Special aVrvke.) hlnaton. D. C. Nov. 1. The sw ordsr by the secretary of agriculture, putting -the eoet efr Inspection - lebels for mest-on the packers, goes Into ef fect today. The department l also planning to extend the system of Is spectlon to the plants of many Inde pendent packers...-, -''Hundreds of tves -save -every, year bv hnvlng Dr. Thomas' Eolectrlc Oil In the house just whsn it Is needed. Cures croup, heals burns,, cuts, wounds ot every sorb .. ' ,. Waahlni TTDTT? At the Old Stand 20S FRONT STB mm LJul ' . f "'' '- ' v '' .i -'.-..'.' ' i NEW ERA PAINT $i0-I)er Qalion Painters White Lead 208 Front Street Between Taylor and Salmon GRANITE FLOOR PAINT V ' ' The kind that stay9 on your floor; Aft ' former price $1.75 gallon. Now. ;...)iUU CRESOLENE SHINGLEAINM ' Wears well, won't -fade; former price 5 HflA-i $1.25 per gallon. Now .'. J UL NEAL'S. INTERIOR ENAMEL : t That smooth finish, so easy to keep clean ; for- -"'"r mer price. $2.50 per gallon. : zjiJ:,-:-:. 'IP ""NOW.. .... . ......... ...... : ...... .PleasiO DAVIES VARNO-LAC"" r: ' S;.' V; V .' :' .Makes your floor look like mahogany; former price $2.75 per gallon.-.-;; - - - - 'Eft- t NOW eewetr s a 9 sf NEAU& BATHTUB ENAMEL . , Tansforms the old atnc'ftub to porcelain 17 E former price, quirt, $1.40.: Now.., Ow NEAL'S ALUMINUM ENAMEC - X '., . , For steam pipes, radiators, gas ranges, QAV . etc.; former, price, quart, $1.85. Now,. Uv ' NEAL'S CARRIAGE PAINT J ' ' ..,Th Old Original; former price, quart, JfA : - 75c.( Now . ................... " ...... x UC FAMILYSKELEIDIIS MAY RATTLE Earl Divorce Case Likely to Ex pose Private History of Three People. ' MRS. EARL GRANTED j TEN DOLLARS A WEEK Thi Sum It for. Two Weeks, and Then a Motion for Suit Money and Living Expentes, Will Bt Heard by the .Court ' S- '.. Ten dollars a week Is the expense ac count allowed Mrs. Francla D. Earl by Presiding Judge Fraser. But this Sum la only for two weeks, and then amo tion asking for suit money and more hvln. .vfyinu. Will Mfe m.d. In in. rlr. - .... tJ cult court. She Is sued by O. W. Earn for a divorce, and In turn she llkewlsf asks that a decree be granted to her. Through, her. tlornrr O, WV Allen snd John F. Caplcs, Mrs.-Earl hs asked the court to order Earl to pay her liV' Ing expenses while the suit Is pending and also the eosts of the trial In which she Is tbe defendant. - A motion asking that this order be made was" to have been heard this morning, but Ed Men denhall, attorney for Earl, asked for a wo-wf s - star in order to ootaln af fidavits from Kttnsaa to attach 4o the anawer Earl wishes to make. . The Kan. ans who' are ,to figure In the case are Charles Ev.JgU.lott and wife of Welling ton. Elliott is one or tne Dest Known lawyers ln the Sunflower . state, and during a visit to the Lewis and Clark exposition he stayed at the Earl home tin the eaat aide. It Is said that he and hla wife witnessed things at the home between Mrs. Earl and one. Leon Jones (hat will tend to show Ihitt not all the CASTOR I A for Infanta and Children. Tata Kind Yon Hara Always EocgM Bears the Big, cature of THE Canadian Bank of-Gommerce- - ,;. .ft. ,-- --t -- Capital $8,700,000 , Reserve $j,56ooo - Portland Branch. 144 Washington. - Ft a. WTLDk Manager. Twlers leffen i' of &eJil Available In all parts of tha world '111 branehea la Canada aad the . United ' States, - Including: Baa Francisco, Seattle, Victoria, Van- ' ' couver. Nanalmo, New Westmlns. ' ter, Dawson (Tukoa).) " -, . . Drafts Issued on ny Branch"3 Transfers of money to or from ' any part of Canada by letter or, 'telegram. ' x' r"" ' A General Banking Business Transacted - actions, of Mrs; Earl, were) aa . ihey ahould be. . It Is also reported that at the trial letters written -toy. Mrs. Earl ' to - her friends In the east after her marriage here lust .May will be Introduced to show T that all was well . until . Jones, whom Mr. Eurl allerea to be her brother, arrived. : Another report le thak; a tetter to an eastern inena written ey Jones will be Introduced; the Jones let ter Is alleged to say that he waa not going to make any -trouble; out here.' A receipt for money received by Jones also will be Introduced as evidence. ? Old family skeletons will rattle mer rllv dtirlns tha course af the trial. Earl's attorneys are. .scouring Ohio, tha former, home state of Mrs. Earl and Leon Jones, Investigating Che Uvea O the brother and sister. In turn, the do ings of Earl In his younger days may he told to the world In open court. .. The case promises to he one of the most hotly contested Tnvorce suits . tried la this county for years. Sc kM. Third St NEARrOAK" The place to go when you want to purchase .DiomondSi"Watches or Jewelry We are better prepared to suit your taate and ' pocketbook' than any store in the city.' . DIAMONDS We carry by far the largest assortment in' the . city, ranging in prices from $5.00 to $ 1,000 ' -WATCHES All the popular and reliable movements and cases at prices lower than elsewhere besides ..y you can buy from us on . 1 EASY WEEKLY OH -i, MONTHLY PAYMENTS Marx Dloch pa. t. . wwrn. IT DiDIN'T, HURT ; OA-BIT ' la wtiat they r t mtt swtfcoea af SMee satal wnrs. ' We work tnt smvIs from . er tse vr esx-f is ants .r aur. Krarjrthlag mi W Sate. Qv erMiaas aaS SaxUra, Mala SOX. - - - WISE BROS., Dentists Tss auiiae. ear. TUid sad Waekkwtoe. Earl sues j for divorce m cherg.s of desertion and alleging thxt his wir ear ned oa Improper relutlon with Jones. Mrs, F.arl rtmr. I her hnhn'1 foroed to Cm f r -j i ) : ' ll . ,r-. -Y-j ,V. V Z.: