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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, , NOVEMBER 1. 1CC5. v- i , tinpA f.lAKE Makes Big Jump This Year's October Sajes t e' ffiw 1 IS FOUR VISITS u r- r v EAkccu uibi, i car a HUGEMORTGAGEfS RECORDED OIIE GOfilPL A lit W WW n n : concEssio Land Board and Deschutes Irri- "t gatlon andTower Comariy " Reach Agreement !,. , 'COUNTRY WIN CONTEST ... Settlement Satisfactory to Both Con testant ' Reached at Meeting and but Two Queitlona Left Undecided ', as Law It Indefinite.-w ... "'i.V. j ' t'-) V (ftMctal Dlmtck to The lomat.) Salem. Or.. Nov. 1. In all essential particulars the - settlers 1b U Band ,. country have won In thir contest with ' ..the Deschutsa Irrigation 4t Power com- pany concerning- the rules for the dls- -'trlbutlon of water and forms of co ' tracts to be used In disposing of the . jands. At . a conf srsnee, which lasted , nearly all day yesterday, the state land . board and tbe Deschutes Irrigation at Power-company, reached an agreement, thus closing a 'controversy which has ' occupied the attention of the board -for ,. several week. The , company yielded ..many of the points ''for which It had contended and the state land board con- ceded some of the demands of the com- pany which at first It looked upon with . " disfavor. On 'the whole the settlement . is fairly satisfactory to both sides. The rules adopted require the com pany . to furnish water during the lr . ri gat ion season of lot days In suffl- ' rlent quantity -tocover the land' to vS . depth'-of one and eight tentha feel;-but ...... if this. quantity should be found Insuf- flcicnt or excessive it may be eanged by the company and the settler, or by the-tate engineer, subject to appeal to thetTnited State reclamation service. . The company must bind Itself to re settlers from the contracts already - ma If they oVslr it, and substitute '; 't contracts of a form approved by tb r Doara ana - more ravorame 10. me aet ' , tiers.- The company will be permitted .to charge Interest on deferred payments . prior to the time patent la Issued, If the '" settler so agrees. "...' -Whether the company la bound . to ... - j,,,.,,,!, water Xor domestic purposes - -after -tho-close-of -the irrigation season '. and whether It is entitled to a lien on the land for the annual water' rental "-'are' questions left undecided, for the :' reason that the law Is indefinite on the -T-x.iiaubJect. . x . . .r .j. WOMAN BEATS HER WAY TO FAR EAST FROM NEVADA Portland Consolidated Compiles "With Law Governing Liens .'" 'Against Railroads, "v , DOCUMENT ; IS'.'-FOR ; X X TEN . MILLION ' DOLLARS la in Favor of New York Trust Com pany and Said to Be Second Largest t Paper of Like Character Filed in Clarke County. Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, Market In specter, Says City Attorney' r: Does Not Help Her; COAfe TAR DYE USED ; : r FOR COLORING SHRIMPS VpeU, te The Josi-nal.) Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 1. The Port land Consolidated Railway company yes terday placed -on file with the county auditor a mortgage In favor of the New Tprk ' Trust - company for tlv.oue.eeO, due in ltie. - Under the law governing railroads it-Is necessary for all Hens against railroad companies to be re corded in every county where they, have property. ' - .v . .. -.- v v x '. The Portland Railway company has ferry, terminals at Vancouver, and the ferry la held to be a- part of Its trans portation line. The mortgage filed yes terday in . Clark county 1s the same document placed on record in Portland some months ago when the consollda tlon of the two old companies necesst tated a readjustment of thels financial affairs. The mortgage is said to be the, second largest Instrument ever put on cue in warn county. - it has to be recorded twice. The cost of filing Is 1114.10. '. ."..'- . - - . i .... The . instrument '. which beat the one flled. yesterday was the one transferring the property of thNorthrn Pactno Railroad company to the Northern Ra cine Railway company, the reorganised company;- The cost of filing in this case was 1267. . ,v; '..,..;.' . -.j , ;, GO-EO FOLLOWS: LOVER TO INDIA'S GORAL STRAND, Girl Goes '"la Plague-Stricken Dis trict Where Wedding Will End College Romance. - Deserted by Husband, Dons Male .' . - - A.A.. J " M 1; nwi mo 4 ramps Across . the Continent. - (Joonial Special BerrkeJ- 5t : -. t - -vyilVesbarre, Pa..-Nov. 1 All Ihe way , 'from Nevada to this city, taking .three . months to make the' lournev. Mrs. .'i Margaret Jenkins of , 8f tanton. - Attired win men's,,clothlng, tramped, begged and stole rides on freight trains. All that tlrae. too, she kept her sex a secret and .not until she was '-arrested on a ientgn " 'Valley railroad freight car here this - ' morning war it revealed.' She was taken to tbe station' house and ' placed -In . cell with men, when she told the ser geant that she was a woman. 1 v Properly attired, she told her- story to .Magistrate Brown, and so pathetic was It that- she was released and left - for Scranton to -search for relatives. Eight years ago ahe went west with ' .' her husband. Three months ago he left her alone and penniless ' and ahe de . termlned to make her way east and --r lathed herself as a man' In order tg do so. ENGLAND PREPARES TO ; v FIGHT WHITE PLAGUE , : . (Jearaal Special Serrlea.) Jjonaon, Nov. he The national com mittee engaged In the flght against the great "white plague, caned together by the Princess Christian, Is gathered in rtf t. jw"tlwg f " mmMw wh.t mi. uree can be taken to further-the work in which they are engaged. The tidings from workers and of the progress of tbe work are encouraging; and it Is de sired to increase these effects ot-ood and intelligent work, so the mayors of cities in the .United Kingdom have -been .called to meet' with the national committee. A quarter of a million dol lars will be raised to provide a sanato ' rinm on a site which has been secured i In Kent King Edward In vitally. In terested in the work. council of the empire, but liberate yon from ' the functions of chief procurator of the holy synod and from member ship of the committee of ministers. Having been for more than a quarter of a century . the nearest collaborator with -my .grandfather, my father and myself in the administration of tha Orthodox church, you have acquired my iesteem by your extraordinary capa bility and devotion to the throne. Ia divesting myself In your person of the services of a statesman whose seal and Arm convictions were ever highly ap preciated by jne, I find It my sincere duty . to express to you iny profound yratltnrta Tor ynnr 1vtJ ""'"" I MARINES RELIEVE TROOPS - AT CHINESE LEGATION - (Jearaal Rperlal Serrice.) ' Peking, Nov. 1. United SUtes ma rines foday took - charge of tha United States legation in this city, relieving the , soldiers who have heretofore protected , it- The change was mads at the re qoest of Minister Rockhill.- The- guard of tha legation consists of ' three off I . ceraand IDS enlisted men of the marine corps, one medical officer of the United Btatea navy and two men of the hos pital corps of the navy. The men were taken v from' the marina corps In the Philippines and are under the command of Captain Harry Lae. -'. Rheumatism b One of the constitntional diseases. - It manifests Itself in local acnes and pains, inflamed joints and still muscles, bat It cannot be cured by local applications. It requires - constitutional treatment acting through the blood, anl the best la a course of the great medicine HoodsSarsaparilla ivUch lus permanently cmxd thousands of cases. For tstlnsenlasi of rmarkabk carat Mod for Book oa Rhetunatitm. No. T. , C Ii Hood Col. LvwcA, Uassi J " (Joeraal BpMUl aarvlea.1 f Chlcago, Nov. l "The Lord do so to me. and more also, if auxht but death part thee and me." On receipt of this messsge from her nance, Chester C McCown. who ia the head of the Methodist boyr school Id Darjeellng, India, Miss Harriet Doner, a graduate of the Northwestern uni versity, class '05. decided to brave the plague and perils of oriental climate and b.eaaae the wife ef her sweetheart I of college days. ' The young people became acquainted at tha Northewestern university. When Mocown decided to enter the missionary field hlB flnnsee, dttermloafl, ,ta..of f a her- sen xor the same work. en. failed to pass the required physical .examination and wrote her sweetheart offering him liberty. ,.V" .. ' Immediately ' there "canie back the foregoing message. MIsa Doney changed her mind... She sails from New Tork tomorrow on a . 10.000-mile . Journey, whtoh will take her into the heart of the plague district ' i Some Grocera Do Not Keep Good Covered and Dogs Are Allowed to Nose Them Ia General Conditions STM S ter.-.T-.--',V;- BATTLING IN ODESSA (Continued Prom . Page One.) , RIOT IN FINLAND. A aTnmbar Killed by Cossacks laberty Kestored to People. ' ". .. (Jaaraal BpHial Berrlea.t : Helslngfors. Finland, Nov. 1. Cos sacks today fired upon people wound ing tl. A crowd had gathered and were discussing the calling of the diet and tbe restoration of liberty. Troops other than Coesncks declare they will not obey any order to fire upon the people. A national guard Is being formed-to maintain order. The diet has been called in extraordi nary - session by the governor-general to legislate for- Finland. The announce ment of the diet followed the procla mation of civil liberty In Russia and Indicates the return to a constitutional regime In Finland and the abolition of the arbitrary conditions under -which Finland has been governed since the ae cession' as governor-general of Count Bobrikoff, who wss assassinated In June, HOC The members of the . senate handed in their resignations at the de mand of the constitutional party, which demands manhood suffrage and a diet of one chamber.. The railroad strike has stopped all trains and the newspapers appear n censored. " TEDDY KNEW OF IT. "City .Attorney McNary has refused to make complaints against proprietors Jf stores and markets who violate the city ordinances, according to, Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, city market inspector. Mra. Evans said In ber report to .the board of health, today that aha bad made four visits to the city attorney to aeenre as. slstanca in enforcing the ordinances, had made live complaints end- that only one complaint had. been Issued. In - tha other cases the city attorney had pleaded a pressure of business. . Mra. Evans wsa Instructed -to take her complaints to police headquarters hereafter. The market Inspector made ITS ex aminations during October, as follows Grocery stores, 71; meat and fish mar kets. (0; icreamerleai S; bakeries. II; hotels. It commission houses. . ' The report continues: ' Otooexlea Xmproytag. "I have found tha grocery atorea gen erally In better condition, except, that as cold weather approach. they do not feel the necessity of keeping tha goods covered and I have more work In this direction. This should be a matter of ordinance regulation.-aa tha following Incident will demonstrate: "While looking over one of tha larger stores-1 saw a dosr come In and nut his nose Into a box of cakes that stood in covered on, the floor and go from that to a counter ol cooked meat and do tne name thing. The cakes tha proprietor had partially raised from .tha floor, but they, aa wall aa tha meat, ' remain un covered. - ,. :i'.;." V'f. aeoai sop Ahead. 1 am beginning to see soma encour aging reaulta In meat and fish markets. Two-that were reported In a bad .condl tlon last' month,, nsmely, tha Woods and Johna markets, have decidedly Im proved. -The former has met the -requirements of the plumbing Inspector regarding -drainage and tha Jatter has removed tha chicken-coops from his meatroom and ban other improvements under way. , 'In four fish marksts Z found shrimps which I suspected of Jelng dyed and upon sutnuUUng--theni to-the chemist of the state pure food commission found, thsm to ba -colored- with ooal tar dyes. . They - had been shipped from Washington and on of the four admit-4 ted ha had bought them from Malaxkey, 149 'Front street, but' before the an alysis was mad the bills bad bean -destroyed and all 'trace of the colored shrimps had dlsappeared-fronrthe city. 1 - Soma Bakeries Olaasw - In bakeries'. wh. bread, alone la baked I find the conditions generally clean, but moat of .the jcaka takerlea are quite the -revere.'" The' sanitary Enormous Increase in Business at . Eilcra Piano House Undoubtedly ' v .' -, .. -' ... Due, in a Great Measure, to the ClpsinC-Out Sale of. Exposition Instruments. . L 4, V , .a.,..-' --Never 1n the history of piano selling have such values been offered as during the Monster Clostnc-Out Bale- of Expo sition Pianos at fillers Piano House, and the reeponKe it has met with thus far is un precede n tea What grander or more appropriate souvenir Could any one possess tha one of the pianos. Pia nola Pianos or Pianolas . that added much to the 'attractiveness of the glo rious Lewis and- Clark ExposltlonT Kvery one of these Instruments thatiwe are now . offering at greatly reduced irlces has been - th. center- of admlra ion and loy of those who wer fortu nate enouRh to see end hear them. - These instruments wer as nrominant feature In a majority of the state build ings, and also - adorned 'the apartments of many commisslonera, where they wer carefully . gietrded and protected. and wer not In a booth or on the Trail, subject to heat or dampness. - Many of these Instruments-sre now to b found in- the most prominent homes in this , vicinity, but a few re main, and we are offering them at re ductions of ie to te oer cent from low est cash retail prices. ; New "Ueed-.pnes. In this sal w alao include Pianos that have been 'turned In as part pa r ment of the famous Chtckerinc. Weber or Kimball Piano, or for th wonderful pianola Itano, and In, many Instances they ar virtually new. having been in home but a short time. Before being placed in our salesrooms tney ar thor oughly gone' over In our repair shop. and made into practically a new instrument. -L:-i.A Few of 'Em.. ..-'" ; - - - Fin Wesley oak case, S1SS; beautiful ob Doll uDriaht. walnut case, list: larg-sis Whitney, oak case, 'good as n.w, 1211: largest-sis Wing Bon or chestral arand. 1128: fine Marshall ft Wendell, mahogany case, tiii: largest slse Baus, 1210; beautiful - large-slse vose Hon. susnuy snoo-worn. izvo Omaha Exposition style Kimball, tilt; large slse, beautiful Hardman, slightly used. Z8; peauurui victor, ijoioniai style, largest slse, (275; two new Pea, discontinued styles, szso eacn. Our, Word for It ; ' " ; Ton will never again have an oppor tunity to aeoute such values, for In creased factor! cost of material and labor ar going to make Increased retail prices necessary. - , Ws are determined that nothing shall stand In the way of disposing of all these instruments Immediately, and very moderate terms of payment can be ar ranged. We will, also, set aside pianos nnmhauil haw for Christmas free .of chars. Every instrument guarsnfs.d l-x - . . . I T as reprewnioo. - -v Ellers Piano House. Ill Washington ntreeV corner Parav- NEW HOTOR GAR PROVES TO BE WRECK PROOF -s - , conditions back of th People's bakery. First and 'Mill streets, are Indescrib able. On October T I called th atten tion of the policeman on-that beat to these conditions. .,. Th method of der liverlng bread throughout tha city front all the bakeries Is filthy and should be regulated by ordinance. "I made four visits to the city attor ney to secure his assistance in having city ordinance 7110 regarding street obstructions enforced. After - repeated notifications to merchants, I turned in on October 21 five complaints. Mr. Mc Nary, pleading a prsss of business, gave me but one warrant for a email estab lishment, but I decided not to hav it served whll large establishments were not molested. In talking with Mr. Barnes of the Franklin market he questioned the authority of the market inspector to enforce a city ordinance regarding street obstruction, even when It was a display of meats, fruits and vegetables," Svvitohtag - Engine' Wrockd ln Collision With Gasoline Car " Which It Not Hurt. . I -. u i i J hi. iii as M . . ':':'x':-M Does your parlor need a new center table? If so, you will be interested In the. specials we are offering this week, to be) seen tiyTjuf iyarnbill street windows. . : THIS SIX-DAY SALE Includes $27 Mission' Tables for '. 920, Mahogany Tables regularly sold at $25 for only $20, Golden - - Oak Tables of many designs reduced from $13.50 to 910, from $8.50 to . S5, from $3.50 to 83.50, etc This No. 874 is a splendid Mahogany Table 28 inches wide by three and one half feet in length; has perfect piano polish and finish; graceful shape, like cut; has always sold for $25.00. Now $20 -$1.66 Do win, $!.Opa Week 1 SplcltflO' Na ' 104 Regular price 11.60; special...... f IO No.: 920 Regular. 60; " special .-.flO ' ; No. 4TT Regular $ll.0; - special r... .f IO ' Li1-P'f"'iir v special ........... .(lO ' fl Bow and' SI a - Week. : ANOTHER SPECIAL AT ?20 - No. : 8T2 Mahogany Parlor r ' . Table, $t Incbea in diameter. -1 polished like - a. high-grade piano. 1 handsome design; -' " regular price 125. .; ' x i SPECIAL PRICE; $20 4 , , j SI Down and fl v a Wk. , ' 1,, Nout 2 T Round -Top Mahog-' 1 any Table; ' regular . .price 1 121.101 special..,, fSO i ' " .' T $ 1 .00 Down; S 1.00 a Week - No. 818 Beautiful Golden 1 Oak Parlor Table, quarter aawed. hand-polished. Haa always sold. for. $21.00., . . ( .; NoW Made a Special at $20 - No. ' 1O0 Mission Style, Weathered Oak; ; , rsgulsf , price I!7.0; special ,,uu20.4 No. S6- Regular . price I No. - 772 Regular , price 1 No. 7T1 Regular M; ; -II.S0; . special. . I, special. .....w.SjSI - special ...... ..('...-.. 95 No. ' 308 KeguUr ; K it: T . special, 5 SBE OU R: WI N D OW DIS P1JAVS SHOOTS MAN AND WOMAN, HENXOMMlISSUlCiDEJ (Josrasl Ipselsl gentas.) " Sacramento, Cel., Nov. 1. Cope-Nee-ley, a railroad .man, after drinking with several acquaintances at the house of Engineer McCue, left at S o'clock this morning to take a woman companion home. Fred Sachs, also railroad man, waa left In the bouse with Mrs. Mc Cue. Neeley returned and shot the woman In the neck and Sacha In the back and then shot and killed himself at his home. r 'JNelther Sachs nor the woman is bad ly wounded. McCue arrived thia morn ing from a run and refuses to talk. Sacha attributes the shooting to jeal ousy on tha part of Neeley. Neeley knew Mrs. McCue before she wsa mar ried. He left a not saying that he hoped Sachs would die. The woman will get well. President Zaformed Tour Bays Before hand Begardinr Jlnalf seto. " Uowual' Sfweial eri-..) aeniiisuin. ngT, i. ini waa Informed that ths esar, would grant a constitution four days before he did. Before leaving New Orlesns he received a cipher dispatch from ' an qf flclal in the state department outlining the program subsequently carried out at St. Petersburg. The president be lieve that the Russian' people will ac cept th liberties without excesses. - - DR. PIERCE HERE TO -. MANAGE SANATORIUM Dr. R. H. Pierce of Saram lamvM Tli the city yesterday to take charge of the Portland Open-Air Consumptives' sana torium. M Is accompanied by bla wife and will make hie home in this city. Offices of the consumptives' estab lishment will be opened 1st the Dekum building. - . , - - A Big Tea and Coffee sale Enormous Premiums Free. Don't miss this, sale; It will save you lots of ' money I Great ': American Importing Tea Co. Ml w!!!liit.. mt) Portland. (Journal Special Servlr..) .Omaha, Nov.. 1. Returning from brief trio, a Union Paciflo motor the thin) was given a test not on th D roe-ram. but which) proved It wreck- proof qualitiss In a way which delighted the designer, W. R. McKeen, Jr. The car was returning down a long decline from Summit to Omaha. On the run everything worked well end all the Inw provements over the earner motors proved satisfactory. Tbe car, however, was not yet supplied with airbrake. and when an attempt waa made to alow up the motor brake chain broke, and it dashed down the track. to Eleventh street, where a switch engine was struck. McKeen and tha other passengers es caped absolutely without injury. The car sustained some slight damage to the rear frame, but remained on the track. The locomotive was badly smashed. .- . It is aa nearly wreckproof on account of ts shape- and steel construction as It ls"-posslbla"W build a tai. Tmfrr haa a 100-horsepower angina,' separate compartment for baggage and mall and eats it. REWARD IS OFFERED FOR HALLOWEEN VANDALS Destroy Hood Riyer Electric Plant and Commit Many Other Acts. Oar 100 stores help as to help you (Special Dispatch to Tbe Jnersal.) Hood River, Or.. Nov. 1. Hood River passed a memorable Halloween. The pranks of mischievous spirits partook of the nature of maliciousness In some Instances with the result that a re ward is offered for the arrest of ths principals. About 10 o'clock the wires of the electric light company . were hVrt circuited.- The armature at the power-house Immediately burned out and Thomsa F. Ingram, who waa near the machine, bad a narrow escape from death. The machine is probably totally destroyed, the loss exceeding 11,000, But for the fact that a new machine is being Installed the city would be- In 1 darkness for a week. The act hai (caused much indignation among eltl sens generally snd - President H. F. Davidson of the company, has offered a reward of $200 for. the errest of the perpetrators. With the approach of daylight and the arrival Of clrtsens at their offices and places of business other acts of vandalism were apparent Some cltl sens had hard work to recognise their places . of . business. ' Windows Were adorned with .-huge sign that had -been painted on them. Drug stores and offices of leading, prohibitionists were resplendent with gaudy saloon signs, and other atorea bore appropriate deco rations of varloua kinds. - - - - , - . .-4,;J.i. i. '--;--.-. - -i v ! i.i-v.-':.,;".. ...;,v,(; 'V" -, ....- 173-175 FIF2ST ST. 4 MM M.MMM .4; 219-227 iYAMH ST Mellla's Pood is endorsed by the phy aiciana. Hundred of doctor ' are nainf Mellin'a Food in their own fam ilies for their own children. : If MeU lin's Food is good for the doctor's baby it ought to be good for your baby." Xet ne know if you would like to try meuin-e rooa ana wanna aend. you,a- aampi ootua tree 01 cn H.nia's Feeel is the OVLT fafaats Fm4. which received the Craad Prise. ta kialMst award aft. Leal.iaaa Par ebas Kapeeitlea, St.Uis. 194. aUah ' e IBM a Sold aaeeal. MKU.IN-S FOOD CO, BOSTON, MASS. hue wmm for ThcBcst 1 V J MM - 1 fcaw - . iri li slbl ii aJaaMfl-' www i. X-S 5 I 1 l ' si sa ss The Best $3 HAT in the f .... World I-y far-old daughter occurred ' 10 daya ago ahe collapsed completely. She ie suffering with fever,- together with nervous prostration, and her con dition ia regarded as critical. She is attended by Dr. Rand. . : Portland Man Honored. . (Journal Special aerrlc..) New Tork, Nov. 1. At th annual meeting of the National Association- of Audubon Works, held here yeaterdst. W. U Flnley. of- Portland was elected director. . - - MRS.' JOHN MANNING IS CRITICALLY ILL Mra! John Manning, wife of the dis trict attorney, la dangerously Hi at her home, I7 Sixth street. She hss bean subject to nervous orostratlon for aev- eralyears, and when the. death of-tof sTew Vse for senrderera. . Dr. King in the Lancet. : - The man condemned to death should have the option of having his sentence commuted If he were willing to submit himself ta some simple pathological ex perlment, and I have not. the slightest doubt that h would accept thia chance ef life as an alternative - to hanging. At present we are wandering in the dark, seeking vainly for the light which thss experiment' slone could give. " For In stance, I bovine tubercle communica ble to man? The question could- forever be set at rest by a- few- direct experi ments. Or, again, 'take cancer. Ia this catching from man to man? - -v - There are twenty different cinnamon barks,' aad they cost from 4-to 55c lb.- This ex plains the market, ' all but one particular. Schilling's Best : is the best, with the coarser, pieces picked-out ; ''npt thrown-away ; oh no ; they go to come less particular grinder. possible Meahs the best HAT VALUE-no need paying more for any hat Inllilii ; y: , ; Xeading Hatter , ; AMERICAN INN A-.": Bids wffl b received fof this ka!4 ;. t, tfll Nov. .J.. 6, 1903. Plans can be seen at ce. The : rixht is reserved to reject iny or iids." f. ' - AMERICAN INN CO. V: ".. '' ' '. ' ' S- 2.1: