z::z cnzco;, daily tcu..::al. : c.tla::d,' wcdi.'day evening, uovziizzti C ic:s. FOR SALE T.ZAL EST ATI FIX WO" yill lots, $8 Awu aad fl mouthi i,oin ,,ft to jua wuw uwbjh m I'uooe Eeat (TW. roll HA I. IS " o the flneat T-roum buueee la Irvlegton: eaay terma. louutre cwotr, i'bon tut 21S. FOR AI.B 1 1 room house at hlnntavllla; will sell cbeep If taken at doc. liMiulre owner, SOT Alder. iMODKKN -room Ikhim, wr Bust Ankany rarllue, email barn, by owner. phone I'nloa d-ROOM cottage, lot 100x100, -fruit, $1,100; I.kmJ down, balance to uit. Phono East 07$. SJOO CAMH J.OOO In Inatellraente for food bonie la Alblua. Addreea Box iuS. city. 8-ROOM mod era bona. . $2.ooo; f 200, balaae lift par month. Phone Kaat 078. LOT for $'"0: beet lot In Portland for to money, fboaa Beat 4000. FOB SALE New, modern O-rooin bodaai anap. Pboo Keel 8078. NEW heuee and lot as carllne, is Fulton, cheap. t Phone Weat Stub. , NK'B building lot for eel, 40x100. Inquire 804 Clr at. FOR SALE FARMS. 40 ACHES, on tt rich creek bottom, of . which lit acre la In high atata of cultivation; gtaid 4-room bouse, good barn and other bullduige; a food orchard of aiaall fruit; flo mek throufb place, on a food county mail; t JV).(0 feet fallow fir on nortli aid of craoki Vlark county. Washington; $1,000; flu range and nalbbot'buu4rH Bill to acbooL 40 acres. 2& la cultivation, of which 4 lira la bnnr dam land, fond orchard, good aaw 6-rooat bouao with pantry, (nod wall, irood bara and other buildings; small stream living ' water Ihroairh plaoa; 4 cow a, calf, team, wagon and barkaaa, 1 aprlng wagon, I plows, 1 spring-tooth barrow, 1 bajrrak,-t naw be.1- . room sail and otbar tlilnge; a miles aorta ... of Heavertoo. 10 Bill from city; tlm ear ba had. or plaoa can ba divided; 94,000. .. BIO acres, 200 In cultivation; S trams, bar - a ess. 1 wagons, all klnda farming machinery, , 1 reaper, I mower. 40 heed catlls, awetly ahorlhorn; 110 gneta. N60 boga, 80 turkeys, - Iota of chickens, all kinds farming msebtneryi .- well fiicd, cedar post, plauk and wire; large house and woodshed, ba barn full of bay: rolls, to school! or- 0 acre Sow - la price 17,000: $4,0u0 down, balaae lima. 188 aeraa. to fn coItlTaCloo: 40 aeraa wild Pica- - dew, CO acrea beorb land clear: a boat 80 ' ' acrea alaabed ready to burn; located en Sandy ". road wsat of Palrvlew, aillaa front city I all fenced and cross-fenced; good T-remt - - honaa. barn Seu.V), good family orchard; wood- abed, ehlrken-hoejee, good spring water piped Into the Rouse and to tba barn; t boraea an4 '. I marea, weight of each 1,400 pounds; 1 eo . and Ik plra. S anoata. bead f aowa, I beifera; 1 wagoa abed fall of bay, I wagnm and baraeea. 1 aaowlug machine, aaw; 1 bar , raka, 1 plow and harrow, and other tooM too nnmereua to mailt Ion; 30 acrea of pota , ' tnea, 1 acre of earn. X tuna of hay, SM baah. . ela of oaia, balanca of 0 acre aesdtd r clnrar and timothy; price $12,000; terma If ' desired at low rata C latareat; ao bllla lo ! City. . .t v . . ; ... .. . t. :-.iP . .. -rJWTetaT "HO and 40 -ra tracta In Waahlngtna . and Columbia counties, with or without atack. at low price. ... 100 acres. S9 aeraa clear and ander-feaca; good 4-room bouae, Urss barn; good orchard: ' a rich. warm, sandy loam. Terr fertile: SVs "iiillca frma railroad atattoa; good market fW everything raised an Uia farm at beana; tba - heat buy In Oregon; prlca $2,HU0, oa goaf own terma. " ; V -. , . 90 acres, aond Uroom bouaa. noad barn, chicken- bonse. milk bouse, pigpen ami roothouae; amall -T' f smll.'c- OKliarrt: t- a-iea t tear and tn CBltrsa- - ttenl line timiver on toe naianre ot ma ptaci prlca $1,000, trn. nolbrook.) j. . tut acres.' JOO itrase and -meadow land. M - blah land: good buildings: M head cattle, : team. Ta tone hay; close to depot, good roadst $7,500. oaa -'half time: all klada , farming ', machinery go m. ,. . . . $0 acre chicken ranch, 10 aeraa In radon anA , eropt hitaSif fruit; good buildings; fin trea.n thrauab tba place; good team, harass and wsaous: 3 aoud coara. all klnda chlckea bual- ness paraphernalia goee wllb the P-acj; "0 chlcaena. several atanoa acea; piaca ai,-w, avery thins 1 1.800. . - osm I aiwIMsw hhlg-on Xlilrd atn blwa. : - . WashlngtDa - ana aiost. I.ARriE ranaa and farmliar tract, Z1.00 aeraa. mcmoea oy a reoca ano oiriueu . wi-. Utluct paaturva. abundant water anpply; ifc'-triiiiM Tnfliirms a-raaa. very early., la aprlng; thr timbered area for midsummer and the nortn ikh lor law ran rsnie. suisin SO.flOO.OOO feet merchantable timber (yellow pin. Or and oak): eau.ll area pew In bops, bay.- fruit and other products; .13.000 acres ran be. booth t .for-4 pee acre; Weated la the famoaa l'aklma country. Inqulra. 8. Cook . Co.,, 1 Alder- at.. - j. , $300 DOWIf and 10 per year for eaara will bay ' acre or very cnoice orcnara isoo, onle 4 mile from tba town of White Salmon I . - tbla baa a geatla western and aoatharn slop, , commanding a magnificent view of - Moan IImwI mnA (.mmhla river: vary rich, deon aoll. 1 snblrr urate aad la easily cleared; It Ilea la our beat apple bait ana is oa or me rooicw. C kxs; will make a beaatlfnl home; thla offer la aond for SO dare enly. White Salmon Land -C.t Whlta Salmon, Waahmgtoa. r- . mil. ' AKt TISIRRK B If APR. ' Cena county. 440 acrea coal $ 00 acre IcMlnavlll. ISO acrea. B."0 acr lmuglaa ceoaty. M acrea timber...... TOO acre Laae eoaatv. 100 acre timber 7.00 acta - U1UI rtTV RARllAINM. T-room konss. new. modern........ $1.NW) Mum hone.' nearly new S.W-O raom-'hoaea.aew, mannn, f, ' rwviVrv- I.TO0 a-room house., lot.. 100x110. modern B.0U0 SO ronrfh. ' Tel. CUr lid. P1KKKT farm Oregon 4)00 aeraa. v all la a See atate of enltlgatkm, good atream ran nlng throngh place, orchard, good bmrne and S barna; a real anap; only $21 per aero, part cash. ... - . acre la rlty limits; lae piece to plat; " only $l0f-r: eaay teres- ";-. t-HAIIXKfMllI' KRIM.-' " ,, r SIS Allsky bldg. Phona Weat Ml. in per ACRK 100 acrea. with S-atory bonse Improvementa enst $1,000: on Willamette - alonah and near Portland: thin placa la cnltl . - vstksi woalil ha worth $11-0 aer sere: If goo - are not afraid of work thla Is the placa run ar looking fori Just th placa to make a atari; running water; boat landing and rale r road within half mile; no acre fenced. W. HtWBA WOOD. i4 Ptret at. 340 ACRF.S of fl rat -class land SI ml lea from Portland. 10 aeraa clear. $0 acre alaaoed and " burned; In tanning water. 1U -story log ' ' hoaset thla I ana of th very heat baya In tba nor fh west r price $10 per acre. 47. Journal. STATU LANDS FOR SALS The atate of Oregon bsa for sale a limited aaaount of base for Ilea selections: prlca aatll farther notice SHOO per acre. Par par. tkrulare address Oswald Weat, - State Land A rant. Salem, Oregon. lOO-ACRR firm, IS miles eeat of Portland on Sand river. 40 here nader rnltlvs Hon, aond . Improvement. 1 acre on Powell's Valley road. H mil anath of r set voir; abort die- tanc from 2 car Una. IT aerae good, level land adoljnlng Motor addition, . W. B. Pacb. helmar. 287 Palling bldg. , FARM POR SALE ' 10 a nee. good bonding, an acrea la cnltlvatlon, frnlt and berries, splendid water, near town, dally null. I.Oiid.OUO feet of Sna pin aaw tlmlier. lots wood, a lowly home In th most delightful climate en the Pacta - coaat. Addreea H. B- Bo I IT. Wood vl lie. Or. ItO.nno FARM of 400 aeraa. 220 cultivated, balaae paatnr:aJ0 are clover;" kooaa, two - haras won Id sail la lota of 40 acrea, Ad- dress B. ReUT Root I. Rk-kreal, Oregon, ' ar 400 Eaat Twelfth at., Pertwad. - SS.T50 BUYS a S4.B00 farm af ISO aeraa. S . room kooaa, bara, food Water. St mllea ' from wsrehoass, IH mllea to achsol: $1 o4 ' cssh. balaae $ years' time. P. J, hta heavy. W.ee W., ' ' ' " FRED government farm Made, Jus petd ta settlement: level valley land, aa stows er timber; water and nll first-class. 1 Room ft Labhe bMg.. cor. . Second aad WMhmgtnn. FflR SALE Stock ranch of Sta acrea neat . Cnhorg, 8 mllea northeast af Eugeo. Lane ' county, Oregon: prlca low and term easTr. ' F. IX Chamberlala. Labb bldg., Portland. PRC" LAND IN OREGON ander tba Carey Irrigation Set.- Meed direct from atate. Write today. Booklet nod map free. R. 8. ' Cooke Co.. Snl Alder St. rortlsad. Or. A' SO-ACRR farm, all ta enttlvatkmi S mllea : from coarthnua. 1 mil from O. W. P. tv. Co. ; $i,on0j , teems as salt. Ma , P. nnsraty, till roambar of ci TARIRTX of tmeenved farma, fine mada all year. oe.r iortlsad. La Compte, SW) Allaky bldg. , FOR SALC TIT.:3i:S. 120 ACHKH, SO acrea good timber, 40 level. ulUs from Uauily posunius. ..u dsooj rWer; llln water. . g'd rid. no waste laud, and only , nilla from arhouUiojia and S mile fruui mallUux; price X). I 61. care Journal. DO y.nt arsat Umhcfl 1 - awa l. w.a-tb as. 0110, which I will aeu lor lutsly aate Investment. P M. oars JoaraaL P0R SALS Two bomaatsd rellajmlahatont claim.; ss ootid growtn; wiii ssu cosssv- . I. Nlslsoa. Hotel Bbelnpfala. j CSRTiriED ei . n visa Bleeees O. HewelC- SM Cbambar at Com- prtcaa. . W, BOhfeSTBAD timber rallnqulahsjant. augsr pine, accessible. . Address oj, osrw cm. POR HOhHrafTAM. timber rlali ma and scrip apply to Bisl Commercial oia HORSES AND CARRIAGES. WANTED Gentle driving -bore for lady, till . aprlng, for Its keeping: good reference. Ad dress 1 o, car sournsi. HORSES of all klnda for aala at very reason able pe-a. Inquire avw jcrrarson. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BARGAIN BULLETIN. , Pin Hardman. coat rio: must aell; will take $2o0.U0; fully guaranteed; good aa new; niagnlncant tone, big and noble., and action auiierb. Na. 50 , Alder it. Ilim T4I piano, new, left her for aale; -aampla piano from factory: will aell for $IH0. coat $ W0; alswlutety new and guaran teed. ' No. 3o0 Alder at. , ; r Riqulalt iMcker piano, new. loft oa aala with na by a prominent banker of Orrgoa (bo haa gona to California for hla health), magnificent walnut case, at practically your own price; call and aee thla la a hurry; coat $476. No. W Alder at. I act aa agent for tha partlea who awa the above pianos and a amall eommlaaton will aatlafy me. All above plaaoa aold on eaay paymenta, aa I will carry the paper and give the cash to tha owner of tba lnatra aunt. No. $60 Aid at. ' " TH COFTTt D'ALRNI (IDAHO ; . MININO IilHTRICT - Will Produce .w SIS.OM.OAO IN SILVER AND LEAD IN 1005. . por a flllt-Edged Inveatment ---la Tbla WatHct Be ... - - - smith broh., , -ji:-" ltSH Sixth at., cor. Washington. 0NB larg deek (atandlng doublr), SO drawera. S compart meata. atntanie ror a " concern : a la SO oe 40 letter Sic bosee with Vk; origins I cost SIM. Apply William A. Haley, agent, Weldlrr M1U, ofSce, foot of Savler 'at. : POB SALE ' . - Automobile naea roar montns. Will aell at heir price. SMITH UKO 122 Sixth au. cdV. Washington. SAFES S new Br -proof aafea (not of oar mauafacturei vary cneap, n wtoou-mm alaa the genuine Hall safee. ., - .POHTLAND SAFB COMPANY, . . TO Sixth at. ' rnn nAI.K Office fornltvra. eonalatmg of . . i rwm letter nrrss caoinvi snu i ' tkm with mahogany top, at $1 North front at. Also outfit for cigar atore. j BILLIARD- ANU POOL ttblag tor reat ar Sat - aale an easy payaieata. TUB BRUNSWICK-BALKB COLLKNDBB . 4S Third at., Portland. KiTanrhrnwA sridlne machine, atvle No. S. ol- Mw., ue .e will trade nsrt navmont on city Brooertr. SIS Cbambar of Commerce. Phono Pad Ac 434. . I KBW tailor antt fur gala cheap; dark green, Eton vest and Jacket, a princes skirt. -in or 40 boat. E. A. hberaan. t morrisoo. WR. print year nam aa n calling earda orooer a lae ana erym, acj" umc ' v . Inn 4 aVkoial. t Pint. Portland. Or. I.ARr.R atock aecood-hand Remington and . Smith-Premier type writer, from $40 ; ap. Indrrwood Typewriter Co.. 301 Stark at LARGEST atack -a bottleo at aortbsrost: , order filled paamptiy. rortiaoa tioriio onopiy v. SOI . North Eighteenth at. Mam zoo. - SHOWCASES ANT PISTCRBS made a ardevt scend haoA caada, as eajw- sls-4. JaaU. atrom, 2X3 Couch at. P bone Clay B.U PORTABLB locomotive boiler and anglny; Jhssa than Vt price: 4S4 horsepower. C U, Plg gotta taw of flea. 4 Malkay bldg. 4-HOR8B boiler and engine with dratraw; run sit farm macniaarye-s aw SOS Vina at., room i POM S A LB One S-tnch Smith atlcker. on arm aander. on rwo-epuioi sura, wis i palleya. SQ4 Poarth at. . . ' CLOSINO ant those genum Indian blanket and nottery at coat. No. 200 Stark -at- bat. riret and Front. WILK Costa for aala for eoaaamptlvea. baMea, old aad weak atomach. S04 Uoldamtth St., Albtna. . AMERICAN TOOL CO. PLANER Planea 12V4 feet, for aala rsasoosbls. Inquire &8S Ollaan. TWO gaaolln angtnaa vary cneap. lairulra of J. P. Hartman a. Boa. BBS Ollaan at. 0T8TKR coaater and ahelvlng and cupboards; . no otnt, cneap. awa svona es. A LABOR atock aa al tt bargala price. CaD aad looa inam vr. i virwi si. - . . HARVEY spring wagon, cheap. Hennas Water bolter. 111 North. Third St. KBI80N Phonograph and 240 recorda for aala at a harrelaj. - taw 4-FOOT Sat-top drag. - 12. 2nft Allaky bMg. I squire mornings S to TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE. ' Hood River vacant lota aad acreage to ex el.. nee enAmlnS-hoUSe i& dtV. (iood f alley farms aad acreage -ear city to exchange for residence or a good amines. -Acreage near rineevarg to vara age iur cv tag or vacant lota. tnB Morrison at. Room 211. vvcnivne. ' Flaa t Blliornia some, ji, acre, muni rated. Sua house, at Madera. California: will trad for a etmlar bom near Portland; price $10,000. HENKI.R BAKER. . 21T Ablngton bldg. FARM of 21S acrea. In Claekama county ; ' eeeek lhn.lt the nUc. Oil BCTCe In COltl- vatino. To acre mora anoot ready, valued at $.onn; will exchange, for a placa clns to I'ortland or for city property, inquire u. S. Cook Ca., 231 Alder at. rnn a,u ee trade. tT.mom rooming eentrsi InestWm. chean root, alwaya fall: wl trade for cily or farm property. O , Joamal. TO exchange. Oregon Cltr property for gead . rooming sous bldg. (all room' 202 OommarcUl PERSONAL. it hiFni T. p. (Tltal-Power) rahlsta trill rest or t yoa tna snap, vim and vigor af manhood; If yoa ar larklag la tb power af vitality. Its . Inee resulting from Indlserstleaa and vxeeeaea. aead fur box of tbaa tablets aa oa n visaed of theie wertt. Rv msll In nlsln aka.. $1. Tba Armstrong Tablet Co lac., mi Tolsms blk.. Detroit. Mica. ' SPECIAL NOTTCK TO WOMEN Don't ctek yonr Uvea by aa operation wbea yoa can b enred by harmleaa methncia: eiectn.it y nrooerlv anulled will save Ufa where opera- iloos kill. . Ws-passes the latest lavantlna' to control dtsesse peculiar to wamsn. Dr. Mrs. Csrev.Tslhntt. M. II. i Dr. W. J. Kace. M. E.. Medical Rlctrtctena. OfSce T1S Deknnt bldg.- Phone Baal 1. OfSe boose a. 12, a -4. MRS. ANNA LUCKET aad ETHEL WASH ar now located at 1U0 Taylnr at. prlnctpale of the Aaiertcaa Reaatr Parlors. v rare scalp dlass.es and positively grow hair or make no charge; all kbida of hatha gti electric ms.se re. manVcnrlng and - chlmoody a lee Madam h arrow's ven'edlea; aatlafacllua gaaraaieeo. rbone Mara xtaa .. r DETECT1VB . AGENrT Confidential Inveatl gat lona; reports made en any Individual bwat- ness or property: missing rvlatlvee kcgtd fiad nent roileerea; chrgca reaaunahle: ct reepondeac aollelted. Oregon lietcctlva Service. ofSrea 81 till J .Cnlumbl bldg., SbS wasoiagtoa st. t'Sewe Mala onia. DBS. N. A. NISBETH. Swedish aooclallsta. - curee rhumtlm. kidney, atomach aad llvsr trouble, rhrenla constipation, obesity sad all chronic aad nervosa diseases; no drugs: ao nir; a 10 per saosta. '..nsairstion sna oesa. oaauatloaa trv. iiood UNO. 411 Morrlsea at. PERSONAL. SDIKOS phnoographe and recorda at factors prices. J,-llT.r,.,l anywber ou receipt of full auivuut of retail prl-; laraem ai a . aoa recorda west of II: llu. kls: send ' cir culars. Vetcr Baeigainpl. wiwlcaal and ra tal!, 71 Mlssloa at B-s KrancUco. DIHKASK8 of womea a apectaltv; msternlty esses glvsu aprclal attention, private bospitsi accomuiodstloai professional iuy " T, atten.Wucv; eoneoltattoa free. X-kUdtum Iuatltute snd rUullarlum. Third' aud Aider, eatranc 203 Alder at. IP aeeklng a congenial life companion, Join tna inters!. ts Introducing noCMty. ana mew. owreauood with reputable reeldeota of th la aectloo, many wealthy. The October Begletcr, 10 eenta. Suite 24, BueaeU bldg.. eor. roarU and Uurrlson at, pboa Pacln 02S. PRKK'TO LADIKit WHO KMBROIDKK Ouf Isteet catalogue of fsncy-work maieriaia. pil low ti, center plscr. aUmped llnciia. shlrtwalate and noveltlea. Address the Ncedlscraft Shop, Allsky bldg., Portland. Or. LOKIHU R. Yoa know my poaltloa. If It la necesaary to ba eontlunauy reminuina. will, perhaps, he better that tbeyaffalr end. At all event will aoa Thursday. JKKHx K. YES, Palmo Tablet make yon Bleep perfectly; 1 1... M. ......i.nu, end mill vow etruu. price ooc a box. boaco $26o: guaranteed. All drugirlsta, or address Brooke Drug to. North Third at., Portland. lot ADAM Your letter waa convincing, and aa an . evidence of my belief shall abide by your reoueat -. Expect to anare in an pru will devota necsasary time to aervicee. day-aulta. C. Your HO DRUGS, aa operations; Prof. Dooa glvaa osteopathy and magnetic treaimwoi. n-i-e your flesh, relieves suppressed noothly Irreg aunties. Coaaaltatloa free. Office, 001 Coodnougb bldg. . . -. ' MANLY rigor restored by Df. Roberta NervJ uioouiea. h moatn a trsisawa, moarba, $S; asnt aecorelr aaalcd by mal. Agents, Woodard. Clarka Co., Portland. Or. BOOKS! Rare rhsv aret "Decameroa,1 Hep Bill." aemeenv. ' " A Una Tanila." "Fanny 'Twenty Years a Faker." "Forhlddeo rnn 00 eacbi Beta free. A. Schmale. tat Flrat at. LOST power reetored by the grsnt Dr. Lorea' Nerv Toole TaDleta; go pev , 0 boxaa for II. S. Wrtta or call at E resell' S Pharmaey. tW Morrlsoa. bet. 1st aad td. STERLING Darling I want you to come home. Juat found out that yoa ar 10 roviiano. a car nothing for th paat It la the futiir. , . H." B, o. STEVE I wIlL and von can depend.' KBOW all about tha little affair, not mat uv v deter me. All I aak la lair piay, sua miue you'U accord that. - W. at- THE MYRTLE CREEK MAIL, publlahad la h. i...., . Met rrnic ana minina coun try, 4 month for SOe. Addreea I be Mall, Myrtle Creek. Oregon. WANTED Ta confer wtth thoaa contemplat ing a bealoeea coaraei to your paruoosi sow flnacUl Interest to tavsetUats. Addrase I 4S.- ear Journal. 20 PHOTOGRAPHS for Me: alaa H,x2 lnehoa. copied from old pictures boo returnea to yws . . i . . V... , k .(.th at Pert. oy nail. api'Ki. - " - land, Oregon. , r .antra Vm snneee in veara vouaarar. move all wrlnklae.- bara skia tiaa vvrvsv by aalng Oregon Grape Skla Food. Phone aaat larr. WW! . WrvlSRMI, n.eewMUt's wills analtlvalr car nervouueer and lack or vital tt; ei. v boxes SS. Plammar Drug oa-, aou mum. DR. ATWOOD, 10 Russet bldg.. loStf Feorth sr. remaie maeasee ana conaDeni.n,., vywm Wad. and Sat. evenings. Cooeultaoon rye. ntTtl i-.e.i it while seal wait. Boa. Ladlsa' skirts pressed 0e. Gilbert. l"OS, wixta si. aaxt to tb Qaell. raeae Clay aua. .. ANNA C Why nott I never could nnderatand . row. - Hats eertaiaiv iriea in awry iiu..,.. way to prove worthy. Vena m aarprue. A UDT or lady and gentleman -going to Near York -city before tha iKMb can rraur lars by addreaaing i aw, care journal. LILLIAN B. CRAM Tblrorjodlet. maalcwrtng end ahampoolug. Parlor 42 AOtagraa otog. Portland. Or- Black xstss. IfABRY! TorreennndV with local ladles wealthy; addreea Tree, star box ana, was Franc leeo. California. rnv eeine H.M Iwka cltr will Snd It to . bet advantaga to coiptnauicau vi" a w i VTrn RmsTTanm to mt oat on abort time payment secured ana auanuweq. eia an Marquaa.. PRITATB home for the eaeatslly biflrm near thejrlty. Addreea p 40, fare Of journal. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregonlaa bMg. I gent all algnt, ladlee all aay. stale utsa... FREB eamnle corn, banloa aad wart care. win U Doaa, oapt. a, Taaatoa, mass. BXPERIENCEO dressmaker wlO make gage- men ta in famllu. 1.0 loa 84. St -p. B. Plena come borne at once. Evary- thing all o K. tt. n. . WE repair and rebuild automobile, gas engine a. printing presses, tlm locks, ere, open lock outa, do all klnda of machine work. Columbia liaa Rnalne A Rafa Work. S42 Sawed at. Pboo Pacific 80. Frank 1. Sopor, aupt. HOTVARD COVEY. Fifteenth and Alder, agent for radlllac and pierce aatomopiisa; macninea vented. reielred and stored. ASSAYERS. sto-fTAKA- Aaaay p filer nl trattng works. las uornxnn sr. -ART-GLASST PORTT.ANft Art Olasa Work Plata and oma mental glaaa. 208V. Taylor. Pa on Red '- BLACKINO.- WEBFOOT Blacking, abanlntely waterproof, pre. erve the leather, makea shore wear 80 per cent longer. For aale everywhere, lu aad IS cent. -L ATTORNEYSe- A. H. TANNER, attorney, 000 Commercial blk., . Second and Waehlngtoa ata. Phona Mala 842. B. T "T AGO ART. attorney and rnnanallot at law. 410 Cbamhor or commerce tnr. H. F. lU'Rt.KIGH.. lawyer. East Portia nd. 122 Oraad are. ART EMPORIUM. "THE LATEST FAD" BOe burs a pen aad Ink , aketcb nf yourself from photo or Ufa. Fay King. 820 fcalelgh at- aear SBta. M- ear. PROFESSOR B. MAX MEYER, 848 AMeri ' Portrattand landecape artlat aad teacher. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. I. B1RKENWALD CO.. 804-808 Everett at. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM. 10B-III Seeenjl let. Blank bonk mannfacturera: s rents for Joaea Improved Laoae-Leaf Vedgerat aee the nW Eureka leaf, the beet oa the market. - COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES anybody ewe yen, env money? We col lect bad debta of all kit-do front 1 ap. 122 Grand ave.. roam IX Oat tkte nut. THR Bhra Bonk Mercantile Agency, coll law snd reports. 818 Oregonlsn bldg. calloetloa ' BATHS MASSAGE. TOCNO ecletitlflc maaseoss gives electricol, thermal, etenhone and medicated treatment; rhlropodtat, perl tearing and manlcarlng. Re . caption room lo. tVntoa bldg, cor. Fifth and Morrlsoa at. Phoaa Pacific rXa. TnfNO actenflflc maaasnaa glvea magnetic, al- L. cobolle and eleetrte trestmente. eepnr, Roma had medicated hatha. 31 tacomn aowse, . bat. Third and Fourth. YOCNO lady, expert masaenee. grvea Turkish baths, alcohol and oil rnhe: slsg enre rhcu mstlam by al-ctrlclty. . 140 Slxtk. . Alder, rooan 84 25. ' THP) BN0WIr.?l 6ATT1S Tv) Ttrvwc red- give masssge and hat us. BaTk Awex mu Pheae Mala aOOa. . AUT0M0BILES. CARPET-CLEANINO. V STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. targeat plant ao tbe cueat, Lortng and llardtne eia.. r"f phone Eaat 2H 4'arpeut cleaned, rsntlea. Bewed and laid: both eteent and latent eom- Kaaaed air proccm; renovating maturaeesa and albert a specialty. , SANITARY carpet cleaning, aucttoa and com- prsssea air eouibtaed; csneta icao ,, . without removal. Main 6&o4. Eaat 3AU4. CARPETS cleaned an tb floor) we rale aa dost. Phnos Clay BS4. free p aeons tration. I. RITNTrn nte.a. esmet and clrsner. iM Jeffsrson. phone Msia xi. CAFES. THE OFTirE rS WashlagtoS at. Phoaa Mala 'l'rmma,i Vlgneanx. COAL AND WOOD. KING COAL CO. Sol sswnts for th fa moot Diamond roel; try It and yoo win always Virginia and Washington smithing coala: full .weight guaranteed. Tel. Mala 1436. A. L. Stepbena, maaager. CHURCHLBY BROS, have rsawvsd tram foot usvla at. to 420 Kearney at., near u, now tha largaet woodyard In tba cltr. carry, lug all klada of wood and eoaL Mala ML. GREGORY MORRIS, successor to Cain a) ilea. ana. dealere la wood and 00a 1 at arleea; aatlafactloa gusranteed. Cor. TvwU nd Irving. Phone Main 4HTS. WESTERN Feed Fuel Co.. on Front betweoa Gllsaa and Hoyt, dealers la an aiaow bouaa coala and blackamlth ode la. Ibno Mala' 101S. ' ll.BlMi VTirr. rt rieeleea tw ene and arses aad dry alshwood. H. at. ih w bins ave.. 8 blocka aaat of ferry. Eaat B74. STEEL BRIDGE FCEL' CO. Dealer -la coal. cordwood aad dry aUn-wooa. t-non aawwa BOTWOOD and nlaner rrtmmlnga. Standard Wood O. PhOO East Sato- IW ava riar. 0RBG0N FCEL CO. All klnda of coal aad wood, nog Alder at. Phone Mala 09. KIRK HOOVER. Sis Water at., wood aad aoaV Phono Main OOP. FOR SALB 0,000 anrda fir noTa. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glaarwara. Prasl. Hegvle Co.. too to 106 nru. cor, ntara et. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I.KNRrM BROS- lawomaaaloa marrhaata. tloar, feed, bay aad produce, MIMm rrea at. Pboo Mala w. BVERDINO FABRELL. prodoe and aotamla. aion mercnanta. iw a root a rwuua, yt. Pboao Mala ITS. - CHIROPODISTS. IF your fort are oat of order, go to Dr. W or lay Menjamin. nevanrn ana Biarav-aao awa vsw ciaiiat. raoae viaca win. CLEANING AND DYEING. lir.Tn.NOW nt.BANlNG A PRESSINa COM pane units avossed, ooei paata, loe, rasa Paelrht 84. 840 Ankeny at. . YAMHILL CLEANING PRE8SINO CO. work cauea lor and oelivervo. rnon imy 2HS. Portlatld Steam Cleaning A Dvolng Works 1 prac tical hatter Is connei tton. ill 4ttt.-aay Tu. CLOTHES cleaned hnd preaaed 81 pev mot Unique Talkuing Co.. 84T Waabtngto at. B. W. TFRNEB. profesaloaal dyer and daaaac. os Jerrerson sr. rnon maia znio. CHIROPRACTIC POSITIVELY loratlng aad removing tba eaaaa .of disease, nr. Eva slogan, zoo nan ex. aPWMW Mtlll "Xr,.' CIGARS AND TOBACCO. .ewe. m. -'.-v. --m . Wiawumuara o Portland. Orasoa. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST MRS. BTBVBNS. Portland'a dlatlnru tailed naltn- let. Satan log lat and aplrllual life reader. lie " yoa want to know facta Important and rell ahlef If ao, call anon tbla girted and col on 1 1 ft aaat. . 100 Se Tenth at. Phone Pacific T14. - - - . B. R. KNEE8HAW. bsaler and trance medium, caa be conanltod at laSVk Sixth at. Hours 12 to t p. nt. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. ACTHORS A WOOD, carpentera. builders; r - pairing sad Vthtilng: stors aad office flxtarea built. Shop too Colombia. Mala B2BT. WASHBCRXB FLOYD, wagon builder and general Job work. 88 8th at. Phona Iiood BM. F.B. TANDEBBOOF. carpenter Msln - f 47. and Jobber, tT Stark at.- D00 AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DB.C.B BROW!f.D.Y.S..D.C.I. Dog. Horee hos- pltsL ZHT Burnaida. i-hooee: msinuno;aiaetaoj DETECTIVES. DETEfTTVE or aecrer eervtce work; atrlctly confidential; difficult caaee aotlclteo. 14. Waehlngtoa bldg - DANCING. WOOO WARD'S dancing cbool of the Weatern Arajemy or -mneic, noaaay eon , SiwcUtors tnvlted. lessons BOc. Daadng 8 ta 11. CM. Second and Morrison. MRS. NINA LAB0WB Larowe kail. Twenty. third and Keerney) eiaa a so pnvat save Mala Z32. DRESSMAKING. FIRrrr-CLASS psJlors. 217 Allsky bldg.; suits. gowna, coats, jacaets, i. ie. ne, " boaad and Jackals rellned. .' SHIRTWAISTS, wool er war Bilk; made for tl.ss; eairtwaiax suits, ea.uv, oso mmwm at. Phone Eaat 8231. nirjuwiltll will make a feu gagements la fatalllca. Phone l.'plon 844. PORTLAND Sewlog school, girl do owe sewing while learning. 2TIH Morrison, room C. DRKHSMA KINO Strictly as te dates latest de signs. 40 l lay st. g ii" ' gMsanaaa DENTISTS. NET CHURCHMAN, dentist. 824 Maronara bMg- Sixth and Morrison. Phone Mala 1700. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. nnnvu or v aslllMlTON Foremost fraternal enrletv af nnrtkweet; protecta in nnng. on Matvtuam bhlg.. Portland, Oregon. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OR BOON Furnltnre Maaafactarlng Compaay , Menafaetarera ef. furalturs, fur the trad. - Portia ad. Or. ITBNITTTBB marmfsctarltnT and epectel ardera. U Raveaefcr'a furnltor factory. 870 Front at. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ileBneev BnB Bl.rh at Portland. O. K. B e.er) thing la the electrical line. : Phona ' Mala IHhA. - PACIFIC FT.ECTRTO TO. Fnataeeea. eootrse . vo-s. repairere. electric wiring, rapplle. P4 ' First, eor. Stark. Mala OTP. B. H. Tate, xagv. THE Electrical Appliance Oe.. at. PVme Mala 4Sa4. 400 Waamlagtnn FRENCH BAKERIES. s. THS enly place ra Portland to get Frvatch bread. Barrer A Msyllo, 40T SUth Cv Imlly dellv- sr. ram. FLORISTS.' FOR not plaate and rat Sower, John JL Boldca, ana leata ax. maia an. , FURNACES. B0TNT0N warai-str fnrusce aava foL I. 0, Buyer irnac Co.. Sfto Becono. main voi. GROCERS. WADHAMB CO.. wholesale grocer. fscturera and cvmmlaelea msrcuaai and Oah sta. ta. Fuurth AI-LEN A LEWIS, commlsaloa aad prodoce nwr. chanta. Front and Pa via eta., rorriaoa. ter. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. l1ctte opportunity ta quota price. 1.1S lat at.. or. Alder. Mala MS. HAY AND GRAIN. .' G. COOPER CO. Potato, teed aad flour. 128 I aloe are. Phono Eaat 1817. HOTELS. HOTEL Peadletoa. Paadletoa. W.A. Brown, nxgr. HOTEL Portland, Amaricaa plaa; 8s, $8 pev day. HOTEL St,- George, Pendlston; leading botsL BELVEDERE: Earopeaa plan: 4th and Alder st. INSURANCE. I8AA0 U WHITB. Or 800 Dskam tug. . LAMBERT, WHITMEB CO. Fire iBoaraaca aad real estate; eincea nn-ioej oawKjc. "a Main luOh: daot. 4u4 East Alder. - Eaat 401. IAS. Mcl. WOOD, employer liability and lae dividual accident surety oowm a . Phone 4T. BUS McKay Bldg. - B. P. B ARTELS COMPANY Fir tnanvanaa. 443 Hhsrlock bldg. ureaon rnono t-isv JEWELRY. JEWELRY and watcbea of ell kind aoia oa eaay payments. ,1. uavuna m ousa. awe Homerarniaoera. . LOCKSMITH. 1. B. RICHARDSON, en-ert lock and karmnlthj general reoaltinx: caatlron braatng: all work gaaraataod. 20$ Fourth St. Pboao Hood alB. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert lockmlth aad bicycle repairing. S8S Star. iy CUr 822; night phone, Msln SSSB. LADDERS. LADDERS Painter exUnalon-laddar, Paper hangers' treaties; fire end roof ladders; plaaterera' and farm ladder! aee Catalogue. Phone Eaat TOO. Portland Ladder Co., 647 .Rhine at., aaat side. B. w. liaywaro. MONEY TO LOAN. unainv m tlia On Improved city property or for bonding nurrjasee. Any amount on frota S to 10 year- tlma, wtth privilege to-repay aU Me e Inee eftee IM. VOSr. I MB, BO- roved from plane aad money advanced aa alldlag progvssses; mortgsgss takan up and P FBED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. 242 Stark Street. THE STAB LOAN CO. , Any salaried employe, wsge-earoer, aa M hie. ma,. elthMt HMrtaiae - . Unnth li. Month. Week. gnnan neeee t ii lull a 8a.as ar SS.S9 $29.0Oltepay to aa 0.65 ar 83.81 or $1.00 e8.00 Bapay to us I 4.00 or $2.00 0C $1.00 at ? aUV JBSCSTaB VlUa MONEY to loa a. esUrled people, tesmster. etc., - without - aecurltyr 'aasr - paymsotaj largest . baaluees In 40 principal ettlaa. Tohnan, 828 Ablngton bldg.- Pbooe Main 04BT. MONEY to loan on real, pecaonal and eolUteral aecurlty; apodal attaaUoa to chattel mort gagee; notaa. bought. C. W. Pallet, BU4-4 raton bldg.. 84 Sixth at, .. HIGHLY reapoctable place where ladles and . W.. m wmmisv oa dlamofHM od Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. 2W Waaav tngton at. Phona Biaca jx. . enaevei. - te .Mata vauetnat tratn 824 tn umoi nMniaa-aaaaaa . pvn.i,i, " - - Bra Leea A Treat Co.. SOS Abtogtaa bldg. WE make all kinds of Inane oa good security at lowest ratal ; special attention glvaa to chattel loan. 108 Morrison et. MONEY to loaa ta enma ef from 88.000 - 85.000) terms .to cult the Borrower. - SuO-10. Commercial but. MONEY to loaa In large er email smouata en CcL ateca. aecnrity; lowest rate. , vtuusm w. SOT r a lung suuj, MONEY, to loaa aa Clarkamae eoaaty aandB. B. F. aad F. At. atuay, bub vaamnw ws v - LOWEST mtea en furniture and pinnae. Ba era iu oa.. Brjeriora niog. vr TO LOAN WJntna to enlt en chattel aeenrtty. a. A. rraipe,Bt4..TLpe aasrque . MONEY to loan on alt kind of aecnrity. . Was,' Boll, room 8. Washington niog. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THS B0AD OVBBALLB and ta. chsnlc clothing; union maoa, itatxsxaatar Bros., masafsctureve. Portland. Or. , MUSICAL. VIOLIN, guitar and mandolin, oil aad water enine teaaona. Htndlo. &2I Hlbbard StlWOC rAlonUVllla Phona Cnioh 2067. BANJO, gultsr aad mandolin l.seooa: apectnl ratee to clubs. Mr. C B. HoUopeter, 007 ' Wllllaaaa aei rteltn, atrtas and wind Instruments. ' Edwla A. Smith, 804 xweirtn. Main LESHONS KOri piano, guitar, banya, maadolla. vlolla. air, ata rue, siraa, sw. WERMEB'S Maadolla. Baaya, Oaltar etadta, 878 Alder; agent for Ulbaoa aaaadolln. . PIANO tuning. 82; perfect work guaranteed. C W. Johnson. Pboao Main 1011. MAGNETIC HEALING. -3T MRS. L, H- HART treats all dleesses. atoms c trooble. aervousavaa and functional weak sees. Consultation free. SOOtt Park. car. Jefferson, OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX A BOBTHBCP. 410-10-1T Oekaat bldg.. Third and Washington ata. Phone ' Main 840. Examination tree. DRS. OTIS A MABEL AKIN, 408 Maeleoy bldg. Clay 778. Baa. M. 2181. Consultation free. THR verv hsat Isdv net coos th tn town. Dr. U. tt. Johnson, 324 nsimon, aear eiiaiu. ' -' ' i " i - - PLUMBERS. DONNERBEBO A RADKMACHEB. sanitary plambara. . 84 Foarth at. Both FOX A CO.. sanitary plnmbsra, 231 Second, net. Msln and Salmon. ' Oregon Phone Main SnoL STREET-PAVING. 0ARRBN Construction Co., street paving, aldet walk and eroaewalka, . TlS Oregonlaa bids. TBS Trinidad Aaphalt Paving On. ef Psrtlsnd, Ofllce OAS Worcester blk. ' PLANING MILLS. ENTERPRISE Plaalng Mill Co Sash, and woodtnrnlng. S"d East Yamhill at. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. JL BEACB A CO. The PTaineer Pa ret Oe. wladow-glasa aad glaalsg. 188 First at. Phone IBM. ERNEST MILLS B A CO.. Second aad Taylor Wall paper, paint. M at saerkst prtcee; free delivery. BASMrSSEN A CO. Jobbera. nalntn. all, flea, aaah and deoen. Be coed aad Taylor. PRINTING. Wri.ru At DAVIS. Printers Deers ef clever things with Ink and type ea paper. 8 tear a bMg.. Sixth aad Morrtaou. Main 414T. AMtirUtlON m DI'MWAY COMPANY. pHntlcg, lithograph lag, bleak hooka. I'keaa Mt J. d Alder at. " TRANSPORTATION. I' I TMt COMfXJrTTABlX WAY. - City Ticket Oftoe, 128 Third St., Thaaa 2 OVERLAND TRAir.S DAILY 9 ' Th JTyer u( tha Tnat lanU. BTUaTDrXI 8ISTIC- tr.TO-nAT-a ataTinnsri OOTBTBOVB BMrLOTX LEAVB :10a.m. rroaa aortlaad Tut Bonttia ARRIVE 70 a. m. ll:tp. m. (:$ p. m. l.p.m. Yin Spokane o. m. . oo.) g.Ots-m. uiat voBrnmiT trnAxcs: oo. Balling From Beattla 8. . aCaTaTBBOTaV . a. navnTA. xtaav AOV For Japan and Chin Porta nnd Mn. XITrOaT TTJSXnT KAJSJLa. (Japan Mall Bteamahlp Company) rinruvi aaLABTT Balls from Beattla for Japan. China and all Aaintlc Porf About Oct. 14. Fop tlckata, ratea, bartlt raaervationa. ate, call on or addrdaa M. 9ZOXSOBT, C F. 47c X. J, r- .. r 4. ! . , - - . Portland. North Pacific S. S. Co.'s 6XX09Z0VB S. S. ROANOKE ' MOO TOBTS Balls for SAN FRANCISCO and IX8 ANQELE8, calllnaT St EUREKA on route, ....'., '''WjTvywjBrriAX, JtU V- T;f-' .' '.Cf.-r TXTBSDAT, BTOT. -. : ' ,.... ..u TITXB9AT, PBO-S. '., From Columbia dock No. 1 nt I p. m. Special round trip rates to Loa Angelaa. Ticket office 261 Waahlnston BL Phono M. 1X4, H. IOUNO, Agent. Steamer Telegraph BAXX.T TTJCB 0AVB9. . .. . tavo Arrive Portland... T a. m. Aatorta,,,,, ,1 p. m. Aatorla. .2:80 p. n.tPorUand.... p. to BOCK TOOT OV ATeSrm BTBJEBT. rOBTLAND CQBDA0B CO. Oornor and Northrop ata.. Portland. Or. RUBBER STAMPSe p, 8. STAMP WORKS, 240 Alder, phone M.U T10; robber a tamps, eeals, atenclla, baggage, 'trade check a; eend Tor ratalogna Bo. SB. ROOFING. TIN ROOTING, guttering, repairing and general lobbing. 4. Laeui, i a - SECOND-HAND GOODS. - . nmurrr raHH PRICE Paid for second-hand clothing, household good "TiTiaS AUCTIOIt TTOCSB. - Hood 1024. 40S Morruoa tx. OOODB'B Furnltor Hons Highest prlcea fald for Mcoed-baad tnraltnr. 218 Saeoud St. Phone PadOe eaa. to sat or aell eatondhsnur fern Have. Call at Tlsrd Cssh Fnrnlrare Store. 2P0H First at. scalpTreatment: CRAY, falling hair, dandruff treated; ehampoo- sag, aaanicnrtng. cuiropej. ..v. -. B. F. Kyne.- lOBtt Fourth, oor., Morrison. Room 83. mono rscinc imp. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. HOWCASES ef very description; bank, her and atore Extern mad to order. The Latke Manufacturing Co.. tpl.JjSjm - SIGN-PAINTERS. GOLD SIONB, window lettering, cloth to arrears, soooomtcsl electric fsna and algu of a" hlnde made enicklr.- Fotr A H-lssr. Firth aad EventL Phone Exchange 80. f SAFES. DIBBOLO Maagaaeas asfee; fire end aatrvlar- work: au ana pvnuni wove: eys : repalre. J. B. Imva. 00 Third at. SPIRITUALISTS. MIEPAR. medium, glvea advice la trouble aad lovei telto about mince, unite, the separated: - telle about loved once wee have paeasd beyond and bring joy to thoaa who grieve. sT3H " First at., room li- TYPEWRITERS. KBW typewriters. au makes, rented, aold and repaired. Coast Agency. 2S1 Stark. TvLMOT. BLICKEMSDOBFER typewriters, rlee, re pairing. Roea A Bona. 800 Stark. Main 1070. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Own, brush. Boa p, 81 per month. Lawrence Bros.' Tow! Supply Co., Foarth and Conch. - Phone 420. CURTAIN CLEANING. KEW pinnae lace carta Is cleaning, SOe to $1 pair. 404 Ollaan. Main Oetta, TRANSFER AND HAULIN0. SAFES, ' ready plaaoa aad Tornttare move 4. packed for ahlpplag and ablppedt all work guaranteed; large, 8-atory, brick, tare-proof warehouse tor etorago. OfSce 12S Ftrat St. 0. M. Ola Phone Main 847. a O. PICK, efSce 88 Ftrat at., betweoa Stark and Oak ata.. phone 800: plenon aad feraltiir assved ana peckee ror anippinai i brick wa reboots. Front aad Clay ata. 1 u 008. OREOON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Seats, - Leave. - ONIOtf DEPOT. - Arrive Phene Main 00. Heavy healing aad atorage. - , "cut'toL'TS Ph' Milnr' ny.XXm. cut rates, gvq -rntea ex. raono main nun. Daily. C1etknl. Weatnnvt. Dally. AST BIDS Transfer Co.. A. B. Holcomb, prop. Sji'1"'- l""" 128 taat-W.ter at. Phowa Boat BbO. . Joa tfXngZ POST SPECIAL DELIVBBY No. 2084 Wash. . , ... . . . : tngton at. Phone Main 002. ' . . eoaehore, ... ' - ! Expreea dally. , . o-no e. to, viclins. i"-..; trM. ex J. A. WESOD. rlnlln-maker and repairer: work " I Bret etoee. 28 Russet bldg., 4th and Morrison. WIRE GOODS. BART PORTLAND FENCB A WIRB WORKS-, 2H0 Eaat Morrissa at. Phone Best 031. WALLPAPER. MORGAN at., bet WALLPAPER Yamhill and CO., 14.14 Tsvtor. ISMftead. INJECTION B El O HJ WI1 L CXRK' c:::::.r.::::u:iCiEET WlTHulT OTIIKR TRbAIUIuNT r J ty ell Cr-- ';ti TRAt::rcT- 3 Trains to the Eatst Cxlly 3 Through Pallmaa eteadsrd snd toarlrt eleea Ins -ears dally to Omaha. Chicago. - bua.t toarlat aleenlng-cara dally to kaaaaa "" throngh Pullmsn ton fiat leer.tng-eere (e'wv e ally oonductedl weekly ta hlc.ro. ' ..s.-d charrrare le.ats free I to the East 4.... CSIOM DEPOT. Leave. Arrlvee. CBICA OO- PO RTI.A K U SPECIAL. For tha East via Boat Ingtaa. - 8:18 a, at. Dally. SPOKANB FLYER. For Eaat era Waahlng teat. Walla Walla. Lew 0:10 0. nv. on, aa. Daily. mtea. Coeeg rAUae Dally. . ana Brest ecthssn Psinta. A TLA NTTC kt ranaa 0:18 a. ax. Dally. - T:lt a. aa, Dolly. . s the East trie Hama-I xngtos. Cohunhla Blvar Prvleasn. FOR ASTORIA aad wv 8:00 B. Ba, povnta. esnnectloc win I Pally, state, fn llwaoe aadisa. Sunday. About 8:00 P ta. ex. Suadayv . fortb Beach, atmr. Baa-I Satnrday. a. Aaa-ot. Boch. . I10r00 p. . nhlll Brrer Bewta. " FOR DAYTON, nreswa THIa. BL I t'Naa Dally. Dally ex. Sunday, lag. Sunday. City aad Yamhill river Rotate, atmra. Ruth and atodoe, Ash-st. deck (Water psTmlttlna.t Snake Blvar Beat. FOB LBWISTON. Ida. 1 15:40 a. m., or npoa ar 4:00 b. OU Monday Wedn.tAay Saturday end -way polate from atlps na, waaeu atmra. Spokane and. Lewleten. rival Train Nov-4. Sua Tnea, Thur. TICKET OFFICB. Third and Waahlnston. Tela. e snort aiain tix. i C. W. STINOER, City Ticket Agent. A. ta CSAIO. Oenaral Pseerage Agent. EAST v. SOUTH CNIOP) DBPOT. OVERLAND EXPRESS. Train, for Salt as, Hoee- purg, Aenianov nasrw mentav Osden. San Fran- H;oTT. ,tMm,m. emeo, ptocatoa, io gales. El Paaa, Kew Or- tana aad the naaa. - Hoenlna train ecta at Woodbura dally except Sunday I S:Mb.pa. with train.: foe ML Angel. 8 1 1 v e r - e a. IM B. Bfa Brawns villa, ttltl field. Wssdllag aa. Natron. - Eavaaa nnaaettger ccav S.-OOaVBS. necU at Woodburn with Mt. Angel aad Silver- 10:18 a.m. ton locaL Corvallla passenger. Sheridan peeaanger. Forest Grove passenger. aT:Bfn. aa. aS:Se) p. nx. S .28 a. as. 4 :60 p, a. I10:4 p.m. HI1:bQs. m. Dally. . - - - ' - ' " . IIDally except nadar. t Partlaad-Oewege nbaraaa Barrloe and TaathO . arrvmiosw lVpot foot af Jeftereee atroet. Leave Portia ad dally for Osweco 7:80 a. , nvt te aa. 8:00. 4:00. 8:30. 8:S8: T.4B: 10:10; 11 SO . (Mliy (except aono n. m Sunday only, a.Bk, Dally. lizi eunaar. 11 laal a ouv irY I B. m. in-M Rvtaralng from Oavrege. amva rorti.ma o...y S-SO a. m.; 1 M. 8:00, 4:88. 0:. 7:88. 0:8. il:10 p. m.. II M a. m. Dally texrept Saudav). 0:20. 1:20. :.- UHI a. to. Sunday enly. '"ivVfro- tome depot to DeJla htoj. mediate point dairy 0:00 a. at. Arrive Perv- toTk.10:V.devWlB- tine enevatea daily to Moomooth and Atrlls. eo noctlng with Southern PadOe aomxaays tracks t Dstlsa and -eneyt-end-wee. ' F1r--rl.-f.ro from fiSTfc ' and San Francisco fM. bertha 8"; saaanS tlaaa tare 818. aecood-Haaa hertta 9-inmmt mtJ - Tick ata to Eetera potato f ted F.wraet aato lanan. chlnn. T?noinln and Arralla. Cltr Ticket -Ornc cnene TMvd aad Waev tnr" see--. Phono Stan px. a W. BTTHOEB. , City Ticket Agent, A. L. rSAKI, VlwijeA TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portlaorid: CNIOhJ DEPOT. v.ii. .im. Park-Kao- neeJit. tonle Spe-i rial 8or C,,0 ' tr.Ha. Olympia. Orsyel 4Mb. at. Harbor. aVnth Bead- Ta coms. Senttl. levrieton. Batto. Bill- 48 Pel and swsthesat. North Coast Limited. electric lighted, for Ta-J 2:08. to TaN a. aa. coma. Seattle. Boxaane. Setts. MlnnsanoHa, SL Psnl and th East. Paget Sonnd U ratted, for Chehalla. Centra Ha. 4dSa.Sk, 18A8 a. aa. Taeonta only. Twla City Taeoma. Seat Us. haa. Helena, Starts, Yellowstone Thr. Mla- 11:48 a. at. 8:80 p. to. neapolia, St. Psnl and the East. A. U. CHARLTON. Aaatstant OenersJ Passoager Agent, SU Morvtaoo ex., eerrThxrd. Port la sd. Ovegonj. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. 1. C. Ml. . P. aad P. A.. AatVa. Oe. 0. A. STEWART. CnmnterrlaL Ag.nt. atroet. Phone main m. ALASKA FAST AND POPfT.AB STEAMHIM Ieve g-sttleO s. m. JTrrrmoU," Nevemasv M. vm Wesr--! "IiOLPH IN." Nevemnev . 11, V W'fs. "lASAlXO,'' haveeit v It. i. a Wrangai, M.tiaaahl.a, CA1.I1M AT Eeehikn, f"o. r--t'-a '- ' way. l-irt. . e, s u, r. ' Atlin, l.-.'-n. i i a. For Ail Call or .-'"I t I " I c 4SglS