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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMLZH 1. 18C3 -r"7 r-i ' n .fa fit Is terra tb ptorfles mt Feriasad. Orsgw. far WeoaportaUoa Um(l the Bulla M muil um uuw, . . htlu. fur start, eotdsst M I. M H . bag paper. 1 eot : 18 to 80 sag. 1 attoU H to 4 Maa, 8 MO. ymrariel Briai , BualaeM Office w.r. ana roBciov abvebttstbo BxrBzinrTAjjni. vreehana-nenjamla Siwclal Mmtwnf Agency, r ISO Kaaaaa atreet. New Torki Trtbaaa Build. '. .tt. Chicago, ....... -.o , ' . ' HTWCMmOW BATE. ' ' .' JJ fv osrnl. with Sunday. I aM. JJ inw I..HT journal, i wear ' "I! "" "riML wit Snnday, moo. J-J The n1v Imnul'l month. Tj Journal, with Snnday. PtV 18 The Dally Jonrrol. a motillH.......,.. .s The Dalle Journal, wltk Sunday,'! month'... .88 " iir, par week. Mnveeed. nuuoay an era fie ' .18 y Kalljr, par week, delivered. Sunday a . a eptd ............... 4 . T. .i a. HilL :..',. lictT Xmm.i wita. a a...jsg. 8T 0 Dalle JoaraaL I year....?.. Th Dalle lnmul with Kmiar. moots. T TTi nanr journal, 8 month. ..j.... a re Jh. Dally Joans I. with Pnedar. a math. J Th Dalle J nam. I, . awmrbe The Journal, wtta Senday, I BaoBth.. J" -n i-snv Jonraia I. I mnnna. .............. The Sundae in....! a .... . ........ .80 f.60 . Yb Suad loa-aal. s month . - Tb 8anl-Weekly faaraaX ' The SeeM-Werhlv JaaraaL I to II MM each am. tllMtrated. fall aaartet ra- v port 1 tt $1 B8 HrmirraocM ebonM ba n hv erarr. aoaaai ' bote, rvnreea order (nd email amsnt ara .acceptable la 1 ao4 a cant aaataa-a arai , . .. TRJOnlaL r. O. Boc IJ1. parttaaol 0raa. inrzMx run p7yat mat, x romrn. . Taa looraal aa ka (ana aa Mia at fa Tll win-, plaerai . . BOIHS. IDAHO H. Sallaa Oa. W. tU 1 CHICAGO Puatofrica Rawa aoaipiayt lTt Daar- "CENTER, C0L0BAD0-J. Black. BztMBtk u4 cartla atrfto. vfANSAa riTT War ! mmttmr.--" .KrvNgAPOLre M. . KaraMock. 00 Boatk TbIM atraat. KKW TOBK rtTT RrrataMrX rnlna a7nara. OVAHA Miliar Hotfl aawa ataaa: MocmM) Btitkaiarr enmnaar. lSna Faniaai atraat. aLALT LAKR CITT Kraraa Rotrl anra ataa; Barmw Braa.. 4 Waat Baeoa4 atrart. aaatb. BT LOft pbiup Hmtr. aia Laeoat (traatl - B. T. jMt. Ollra atrcaf. M rtAKCISCO W. B. Aralna. PalaM Rotrl l ara ataad lnf Inn Ifarkrt atrrrt: irt- . antra Braa.. XM BaMar atrMt aa4 Batat fj.rranrls i'r; ratr Orcar. rarry kalloV I' turn l It, WhraftrT. awrabla anra ataad. aor nrr Markrt an4 Krarar atracta. : KKATTLB Ralnlrr Oraaa) arwa taaa't W U Vptiaolra. BotH Mrattlr aawa ataad. . BPOKANB. WASHINGTON Joka W. Orakaaj Co. - . VACOkfA. WAannfOTOK Oatnl Km aaaa. i fulnT! AM.I T.m. .1.1 wnA TICTCIA. BRITISH COUUBIA Ytetarla Mimk gtatlaaary bnw. , .. -- I .WEATHER REPORT. Tka rldsa at kick priaaara yaatrrdar tlrnd. 1C arrona tha rrntral purlloa of tba i:altr4 - UIm kaa - aiTMrd, tka aaatrra part karlac . adraarra aot arrr tba Atlaalle arraa, wklla ,ta aaatmi' Part Aaa aVTkitrd lata aa trnalra felgii ajreaaara ana with Ita craat aw Kanaaa. Tka Aiianaa dlatarbaBra raaulM ftf-arljr ataHooarr. wklla tha ana rcalrrdaj arar - Alimaaata haa atrraaora ta tka lowrr Uka rraloa ad raoaad rata aad aamr - wltk kick r2.tnM In, lhat rrk 1 v dluvtm luf . nadr Ita appraraar ajortb MuutaM, whlrk 1 anarroaipaalml kr Brrrlpltatkia. bail l bat - anaa Biarkml rlar la trmprtatura la Brltlab olnmWa aa4 Allwrta. Aa i mitlt f tha . raatwara ataarBwwt ot th MlmtpaoU dlatnrb- aara-tba pi aaura - kaa rlKa In tbat aartlaa aiia a aMdrrat mol war baa rraaltrd wltk a itfmp la trmtirraturr of froai IS ta au Item. 'J- Tka rondlikiaa ara faToratil fur tba ap-pma-b fmoi tk. arraa of aaothrr tHatnrbanra l.lrk will caaM rala aVims tba Wathlucuw "oaat and rlunaUnrai la waatrra Oractia. Waab ' li itwa and aorthara Idaba, trtbrT with blfbat ! m para hire gvnrrall in Uila ulaulct. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Hnaa Mir loan. l: A ara aatnln. 25. Alberta) T. Jiraaibrla, XI; Jauat I. Crowaer, Panl G. Horl.. 2: Ella TWhl, . .L - Ilnrarr H. Flabar. S3: iSllaabatb L.. Bill. 21, . Frrd W. Bcupirdrr. M'. IxmIm Araika, M. wi av. hits, an; iiaua Tr. zi. Ci-avwwarta. 21 r llmrlrtta M. Wasia. 10. Harry lanorrat. 2; Rffat M. Mlllrr. 39. .Joseph Rohhlna. 2a; Marr Bannaln. 87. ,J. B. JoToe. ad; ' Aballne MrKercber. 2V H. II. Handles. 2B; Emily Ita kin. 2T. II. C. DeVoung. 2m; Melea Oaraer. 28. Wedding Cards. W. O. Smirk Cm.. Waah- Wdg. Mr. Fawrth aad Wuhingtea ata. 21 la 8tai Bertha Martla. room 812 Arieky bldg. aping aad f kta Medlewerk; laaaona girca. -BIRTHS. liKBIO Octnher 20V to Mr. and lira. Shermna T. Kertng. Sua Baat Madison atrart. a daagh ter. 14 AM AKEB Octoher 80. ta Mr. aad Mrs. Gar . Ilamaker, 42 Minnesota aeruua, daugh- ' ter. .' . , . riKAKTT1Al Octoher tlf Mr. and Mrs. Harry ('. Kaatham. kuM Haaeork atraat. a daaditer. JtKAKB October 21. to Mr. jufd lira lamsa ".. liakai n skauua ktreef; a dangliter. MOE7XHXO tvtoher T, to Mr. aad Mra. Angela Moaaorra. 0.-.T Fifth street a dangbter. - OOSA Ortoher 15. to Mr. and Mra. iieary Gou, lelH Valoa aeenoe. a aea. - ROriERTB 4iwtoher 2:1.. ta Mr. and Mra. Carl ' Tanpen RoberU. BIO Dixon atrart, a eon. JIOI.LMAK Ortober 2H. to Mr. and Mrs. O. 0. Bollmaa, 525 Mill street, a aon. .. . CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. W H TTT.RI D Bl0-tohar SO. Alfred Whitesldea. no gnlniby atreet. dipbtberte. . B4N0HAM October 21, Alfred Bingham, OCT trrertoa atreet. diphtheria. BRANCH Ortnoer 30, Maater Braack.'Bart , Tlilrty-fourth aad Kaat W sab lug ton streets. cliirkeapot. !W A I.KEB October 80. Muter Walker, East ' Thlrty-eerenth aad Beat Morrlaoa atrMt. rklrkea-pol. . -.aMOl OLAR Ortober 27, Agnea DotigUa, at 8t Tlncent'a hospital, tyuootd ferer. KMMONHOrtober 20. Jeaale Kmtaoaa. at Ht. , Vlncenfa hospital, typhoid ferer. . DEATHS.. ( . Ww fteii.ntaii H " net.m.i iie r M DOSAI.D At Bt. Vincent' hospital. - Or , toner 81, IwOO. Alexander Mcboaald. aged 'M run. Paaeral net Ire later, i M lioVALO la this city. October 81, 1805, Alexandre McDonald, aged A4 years. : MARTMAS la this ellT. OetAher 31.- lBOfi, i at her lata Mtdeace. 271 Klerrntk at., Mary A Hartsaan. aged 70 year. 11 atontba and .12 days, Deeeaard gsre years of krr f. aa aa amy intra. Jbic T lluaeral here afters KALLKV-T tbla rtty, October 30. 1808. l ' tin fmlly realdenea. 412 North Twentr.flfth notice hereafter. W HITEHEAD Ortober 20. ' Ellajheth White. ' t head, aged 4 year, at Rt. Tineent'a koanit.i. I raaar, caarer. BarUI at wraeaweod otme- tery. , vrivixvm CimitlTi Blagle grare 810. Pamtlr lota fro to 81 000. . Tba only cemetery la Port la ad which nee. petaally aaalatelna aad rare for Iota. . Par fall ieforaiattoa apply to . n. macaenme. Wor M. Ladd. arMldaat. eater ktock. rlty. J. P. rinley Boa. Inner! dlraetera aad - emnainaerB, comer inira ana asameoa arret ore of eoonty ears nee. Telephone Mala 8. Pa suing MrRntee -. Ollhaagh. andartalwra and emMlaterat aaedera la every detail. Benalh ,a4 I'Im. Mala 430. lay aaautaat. i I raneral wreaths and eat anwera a epertaltf t Hoa nty Oreenhnaaa. Twenty ssrond aad 'la at Herri eon. appeal! cemetery. The Edward Hotmaa rndertakbuT eomnr. Mineral director aad akaim. 220 Third . t. Phone HOT FUNERAL NOTICES. . raiXTOB la thl Hty. Ortober 28, 1805. at kerrtt st.t Helen Pmclor. aged T4 year. 4 aval ha and t dsya. The fnaeral erelre will be held at lh'Prat Preal.r ' trriaa eharrh at I a. . as,, Tkkraday,' No- ecaibM B . rrsMdi larura. .REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. II. IVrw tn C. Kaddrrlr. lot ML block 1. Marclr Hlakland ...... v 825 H. Kai and alfr to M. Tranniar, arraa arrtioa tl. townakla 1 avutb. ranaa 1 Mat ., I 1,000 I o. Kabllnrrr and win ta K. B. Eatinaw. ki B. uiora a, rarr irw.. b 1. W. Oronrk ta W. Btobbart. lot 1. block 0. H, II wood 1.150 i. w. Kharrr at ai. to v. van xantr. wta 1 and 2. block z. Orlmar Btoarar'a Hrcnud addlilva' ..." AM G. C. Mnrrla aad wlfa to L. Dar. low a aad la btork Waodlawa 200 I'. H. Hbolra ana wira to m. M. Millar. T(ix4S frat bra- nnln aortk llua . lot 1. ktoak 2S. Alblaa 2.100 a. Tbomaa and wire to J. n. Uurgr, mitt IT aad If), block 40. kVllwood 7... 800 lira aaaociatioa to . a. Murpnr. wane ; I mi fart lut a. block las. coucb a aodi i.aoo William B. liaall ' aad wlfa to A. Kraiatav lota ft aad a. block 12T. Cm fuiDm auuiiinaj ., aiViw E. w. Cookt to J. i. OTrnmor. norta ia lota a and T. blork 10. Duitu addlHoo. (' 800 H. K mtrt'lar tn W. 11.. Uorallne. lota 8 and 3. tilork 13. tilrncoa l"ark I0 A. T. ParVhurat and boaband to L. Burka. lot 1. blork 1. farkkurat I'ark 1,011 uax ran Laiaa roaiiaiu to n. u iirra. Mxa Hot. block 2. Kbrpbard'a ad.lHIin. . K. J. Tbomaa aad bnaband ta R. Maruaart. lot II, block t. Laarrlwood-rrr.-V..i.. ' 850 0. W. Brown to H. Marauart. lobj 12 and IS. btark 7. LaarWwood ......... BOO II. U Molbrook and wlfa to R. B. Orao, lota li a .4 12. hi. jobaa.rara anumoa . ion SuB dra,- J blna " '- a. t. Potior and Baaband Cn K. H. Hard. north o teat hit I.i bkirb 14. Aiblna lloaaMtpad ............ 1.2U0 Fartlaad Traat eonpanr ta u, H. Joba- aoa at il. mt iz. iiioca 1 1- n una ma Arrnna. adillttoa ........v..... 460 . J. Mrrrlaian and baaband to A. Bosm. tot 2. block la. Krnllwortb addltloa.... 1,430 A. Bom and wlfa to II. Bfadr and wlfa. aat U lota a and 10. block VI. Waal Irrhartoa 1460 H. Mrtiavr. truatra. to A. .A. Paacaaaoa, lot SO. blork 4. RrarrTnlr aPrk 150 f ii , , . l. Mr .... lot a. block 11. 8L Jobna Para adill- Uoa . 590 . A. Bnald Ina to lira. M. Hull, lot 4. blork 4. Hlabland Hrboolbooaa addition. 150 It. M. Darla at al. to V. A. Hpal.llna. lot 4. block 4v Aftchlaad BcboolboaM addl tloa 135 Pari 0c gtatra Troat coaipanT to L. A. ,'li. Carter, atria 20 frat wida rtraning nortk and ana to throafb lota 30 to 43. blork 2. aad other propartr, Praacaw adM- - ' tloa ,10 Arlrta' Land "aoaipanf to H.- WlukW. - lota 20 aad 27, Mock 13, Arleta I'ark A Ko. 2 : 830 , Taacaarll and -wlf to O. B. Halt. worth and wife, lota 2 and 4. block 24, r Tolntaa Tract 850 U A. LrwU aad wlfa to Portland Baalty ' . companr. lot 4, blork 84, city J . M.-yrca and wlfa to M. tlrarU. lOfri , RTilou fart brclnnlnc waat Um North ' . Trnth.'eltr . 1 t. W. Roota at al to Willi aal M. HolaacU , T 112 arm- aarrkm SO, y'towaablp 1 aortk, ranaa 2 aaat ...... 48) Oat Mar la aad a ban acta a raat lata from tka Tit la Oaara ataa Ai Troat paa'. M0 Waablnctoa atraat. corner Srcoad. NORTHWESTERN ; RIUTUAL LIFE or scrxwATnuB, wi. . Tha pooplo'anrda for lira Inaur-tmcoTa-ej-a never greater than now. The principles underlying- thabuai neas. aro" unquestioned. - , This companr haa nrf 'vr'all street alliances; Is purely mAitunl in tha best aenae; has no forelarn buslneaa; has no extraraarancea, either In home offlco or In afencles.' Every Invest ment Is In strict conformity with tha taws. .. ... . v..... ... . ' ' T-.lfe 'Insuranoa- frntectlon ' In. -this company haa coat less in-the past ndls coaling lesa now than In any These ara some of tha reaaona why our pollcy-holdera ara o well aatisfled. , , -. - To gut Vorthweatera aatdsfaotloB yea aaaat carry MorthwesterB poU alea. S.T.Lpckvvood&Sori aXBTXaVAX. AOZVTS, , OoBeortl BsUlalxur, rortlAad, Ororoa. NEXT MONDAY W Will ILaiTiovB to Obp 1. New Banking House SOUTHEAST CORNXR OF THIHD AND OAK STREETS v Portland Trust CompaDy ot Oregon 109 TbiH Straat Photva Main 433 LOANS Wc have ample funds to loan In any amount on . improved buaineaa and reaidence - property in Portland ; and . vicinity at lowest rates. . TTTXXB mbubbs. '- ABBTmAOT. l-TTKBTISaTZO. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. V (Corner Second. at) ; - PORTLAND, OREQON NOTICE. IN the circalt Court ef the State of Oregoa, for Multnomah County. ; - In tha Matter of the Rerelverahle , of Anmat Krats. aa Inanlrerit Debtor. The anderelgned will receive sealed Mde for th aaeeta of A a oat Krats. located la the Tavern and th rate oa Rlith atreel between Wrablngtna nd Alder street, Port, land. Oregoa. ap to 12 o'clock aaoa as Thar, day. November 2. 1905 Bacarate bid III be received for the aa set located at tie two addreaaea mentioned abev. A eer tided check paychl le my rder for 10 aee vent of each hid mnst e- company Mm and. all bide are aabjeet to t connrmatioa oy tae eonrt, Inventory gad property assy be ea a apti lira tloa at my of dec. . , - IXtad October 20. 1M. . , . U SABIN. . 1 front sad Ankasty St., Portland. Oregoa. t HEBEBY warn th Habile that 1 will i Ve- i sapoaelMo for any debt, contracted by . my wit, hum aruiM. irons tat sate. . r tTONX ABKALD, 1 OCtobst' It. 1905.,. ; , NOTICE. V BKt'BIVER'8 8AI.B la pnrananc of an order ot court made aad entered tbla dar tha audaraicnad will aell tba bualueea,' Ox t urea and stork of niarcnandaia or (on Muck lurd' wara rvnjpanj, Hralrd blda will ba- recalred IB ta i af Monday. November 1000. laeenhwr and property ran be area at atora, 233-SEI3 Morrlaoa street, Portland. Oregon. No bid will ba considered Hnleaa arcompanlrd- by a eertlAed cnark for an amount auual to 10 per rent of amount bid. Tka right to reject any and all Mda la raaerrea. B. t. HiMina, Rocalrar. Pnrtaiad,- Oregon. October 24. looo. LOST AND FOUND. PARTY who baa k arrow belonging ta H. A Marar will Bare blmaeir Irom nroaeentloa by returning aa me to wpar, cor. Wlberg Jaua a ao wrt rau. v L08T A arar far scarf oa Eurhth netwi aria and tworo ata.: rawara win Da paid 1 r reiuiuou w ruuoj teiw weiwia nwma. LOHT Oa ' Third St., lady'a open-face gold -watrh. Mtiala "U. D." oa back, le-ara at jouruai wine ana mm rswinno, . , LOHT Oa Third -. 'lady'a open-faro gold watch. Initials ". !.' on bark. Loara at JootmI of Sea and ba rewarded. L08T-A lady'a gold trh h fob. engraeed K. B. Kaward If returned to Journal ofoca. LOHT -Fnallah pointer .. dor. Ilaer and white thin; liberal, reaard. William tiadaby Bona. HELP WANTED MALE. laehaanwh, saasja)saaamaajaw'ji saJaaaisahi.iskMeaaa,wsaawi 8BCURB A GOOD POSITION. We asalat eotu parent office aioti, bookkeepers. aranoarapnera. caantars. couectora. am eiaras, reaerul clerical, technical commercial mea. Bualneaa Men'a Clearlog House, no BALBSMBN wanted; rash adraaeed weekly; aooo territory oiieai outfit rreei soma are mak ing 1100 to lino par month. Why not yoat Aaoreaa Y asulagloa nuraary t, toppauau. w asninaTtOB. ( and boys wanted to eara 85 day, after 2 atonlne Inatmrtton. pualttoa guarantee.!; Special tuition half price, tew dare only. Co joe Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, haw York, Cincinnati, o., hi, uaa, Ma. rree cataiogM. WOOD8MRN. railroad lahorerav teamatera, rock- men. all. klnila of pnbllo work. Hansen 'a KmploriueBt Office-. 20 N. Kecood at., kwar -trnalde. WAItTED Clerks and wlnoow-drasssra to etnd) snow-rara writing at j. M. c. A. aigbt arhnoli aaraeaal Lnatrdctloa. Apply Car par. tiro la ra. . . , -r- , WAffTKD By Portland Bb I pb tiding Co.. union rarpentrra a Dip or boos carpenters. Ap ply ta president of local No. 12. at yard. WANTED rMtcJtore. 14 to per day) salary or eommlasloB. Call or write W. K. Taylor A Co.. room 8, Labbe blda. Portia ud. - OrriCB BOT. aboat -18 years old. - Apply Journal .editorial room, bet. 8:80 aad T ta alght. WANTED rlrst-clas sa hamm Portland and country; big w aotTVctCay bldg. WANTED Aa apprentice to learn the haras trade. 2. O.-P. WMtengard. 282 rroat, BOT wanted to wrap soap. Lockal, King A ck aoap uo. HELP WANTED EEMALbV 4 WANTED Immediately, . work In ttntkarkeeper for wUower'a family; aha capable woman nnder 40 for rooming boose. 2304. TambiU. i'boae Mala 541.1. - TBtTRTWORTHT. onergerle is trsrel CaU or and organise for Tlsrl roaipany. address ream 23. Lewis bldg. BAN8EN B LAniEH- AGENCY. 84 too t-v or. Beeenth. a pats Ira. 2002. Female help wanted. IH Washing. rbon Mat. WABTKIV-Wia "ha do-wsahlng. ', Apply T a. as. Thursday morning 40 Eaat Twenty alitk at., near Pin; ; . - WHNTED Ueneekeeper, preferred. AddrrM L. ataHoa No. 12. ' ' mlddlged Heller, Mount Tabor, WANTED Millinery spprratlree. Apply t . Iwengart aje., vz-o r renc t. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. THB demand for competent bookkeepers and Uangrapbsr la greater tha the enpply. Prom AngMt I. 1804. ,to Atoraet 1. land, we placed " 207 la good pnalhoMi had calls for aaere thsa 800; ear graduate are ALL employed: we . will aaalat yea t a Meltloa when competent; enroll new; day ar alabt. Behnhe-Walkar Bualueea . rollrge, Blxth aad Moniaos at. WANTED At enca, a height, energetic. Bra- entnble sua or wemaa. a good talker, to take ap aa attractive Bropoaltloa. - Iqur TS8 Chamber ef Commerce. 8 a. av WANTED Immediately, 8 me or wumea to a canvaselng. Call ap Bat 88T: aoad arapMltlea, EELP wasted and snnplled. aula ar femal. R. n M AnK, kl . . Ill WANTED City agents, ladle or gents; good coamieaton. nee Mar., to non, ov averett- av- fITUATIONS WANTED MAX WANTED-Poaltloa by apholsterer and autre. mkr wita expertenee an lurnnwv pacsins. AddrM I 47. car Journal. TOI'NO ma, good kablta. waata ta do chare aroand anborbaa home ror room aaa eoMU pay. K 43, car Journal. -r RELIABLE Oeraisa ma a want hoaacelMnlng. ofOr. tor or 8roa-wora oy oay. rnoae Mala 1078. ... wanted Pnaltloa ht experienced col! aa lary er eommlsnioa. AtrareM a ao. journal. WANTED Situation by amatear actor, able to carry heavy part, la , journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE MIDDLR-AOED widow wants p1e to aaasjl In honaework, or will go in country, ijsra. E. Olarnvllle. 12 Seat Tmklll at. WANTED Washing and .Ironing by tb day. Call or aaare -ar r.aai Anscny. . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. - HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OrilCB. FOB MKN, td N. Becond at. Phone Mais 1828. JAPANEffE-CHINE-HB EMPIX1YMENT OPriOB. Henry 1 tuare. i( iverew , . rauas etfle 540. PACiriO Coast Kmp. Co. Bcllabl employment agents, izuj n. za av, r-none stain awiu. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor centra. tor oeip ra u empaoyar. aie ewriwfc iru. suainvwirv rrt VI t Morrlaoa at.; AVei WJ r ... . " .... , .... - ' auppllea men for all kinds at wor a. BIG FOUR EM P. AGENCY Help ettpplled frM. 18 N. hero nil at. Paon Mala luio. NATIONAL Employ meat and Labor AgeDey, 812 Pine St. . rnoM main iuv. 1T1B PORTLAND EMPIIYMENT CO, 2064 Morrlaoa st. pnone i-cirie . WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted to aell nnrsery stock I new nd complete ostnt rnrnianee me; case weekly. Capital City Nursery eompanr, Salem, Oregoa. 7 ' v - WANTED TO RENT. WB want desirable hnaeee and flat, all parts af the cltyi harr high elaa ellenU waiting raat collected, pronerty cared for. t . THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY. 248 Btarh St. - Phoa Mala 1878. WANTED Ta rent 8 or 10 acre; mnst be near oe .rarllne and enltable for eblchesa. Ad dress Ik 42, csr Jourosl. WANTED V rent farm, city; aoo as and bars. Mllwankl at. - - 18 er 20 arraa, sear M. O. Merges. 870 WANTED Bpace la ltell torsted meat market tut Ask wad poultry. AddraM I 40, JvuaaL WANTED FINANCIAL. HEADtfUARTERB TOR RAI.ABT LOANS. , ,.817 --Mrreeulaa bhlgs tdlea aa Oentlrmen. . ho Publicity. Tf yon borrow yon inty bach 81. .15 a week. If roa borrow t'JA youpay back II. bS a week. If roa borrow 8 10 yod pajr back 2.o0 a weak. If roa borrow 815 roa y bark 1114 a week. If you borrow aMiyoa pay bark 53.00 a week. Payment snaoenoea in caa oc iicanam. Btrtctly Salary Ixian.' Tha Creareat loaa Co. 217 Oregoolaa bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I HAVB oarer waiting to hear of small hoatea la or Dear rortiano, any nirecuoni aa row are ready to H addreM r s, Mr joanuu. t.tirr roar Bronertr with na. Our motto: UWra .kw. wivr. p. ...'j i w mmmm r eompany. 1871k "lrt t-. room 71. - WANTED Keeera I good cottagM; price muat be reasonable; iao a law vacant euis, mat Ide. 205 Morrison U, room 211. t WANT tn bar on or two lots, unimproved either east oe weet ioe; a lata price aaa trrna. H- 47- care Journal. - WANTED Boomlng-bouae. a tores snO res tan. rants; w bare buyer, tnioois at ooarwooo. 2o6v Morrlaoa, room 2. . . WANTED Lot or fraction InaUle city . limit; glre prtlcoir. A mti, journal. -aju ,1 -q. us ii i rai i i mi aaaaarBaaa WANTED MISCELLANEOUS EB the Lewie and Clark fair at born; Mad 40c la tmp tor aanaaom photo none, nearly 200 rhoto of fair. 7H6H Inch. Western View Book Co., Portland. Bos 284. PAINTINO. praying aad whitewashing tree. MMmeata. bsrna, eocka, ate. I largMt gaaollaa sprsyiug outfit en rhe coast. M. O. Morgaa Co., 870 Milwaukl sc. Pkea last 2dlT. OBCHESTBAr 8 piece, waat eturagementa arenlnga. aanday; asait for all oeeasioa eery reaeoMbl. 48 Larretla St. TL Mala 00O8. HIOHBST rash price paid for bottlM aad ank ef erery deacrlptlon, r aeacrtption. ror Portland Bottle 8npp!y Co.. 831 North Eighteenth Phone Mam xma. WANTED To boy or lease a building lot elow ta. aernnoi, uiunaa note a, rirat ana Ataer. BOOKS beagbt. sold and - xrhaaged - at the Old Book atora. 228 Yamklll at. ' - GOOD horn for light delivery cheap; Chip fartorrv-rear 2A2 Kdasell at. , J. BTDKB, printer. BMoad aad Washing to ta. Pboaa Mala 8688. WHO IB Mr O. MORGAN m X. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TUB KINO 808 Jefferaoa at.. Bear bOlMtng, handaomely fnralabed, with' erery modem convenience: all ontada roups, with heat, gaa or leetrle llfbta. parcels la hatlia; rate toe, TKc aad 11; spaclal rtM by the swl or month. THB BELLEVUB. 218H Foartk at. Neatly furnlehed rooms for gentlemen; all ootald room; tlerrHc Hghta. porcelain hatha; rate. Kie, T5e. 81 ; very sow ratoa by wk or month. Bond TOL .. - . HOTEL PALMER, Centrally located at the corner of Alder and I'ark ata.: a team heat, not and cold water, free porcelain hatha: room 50c T5 aad 1; peclal weakly rates. . THB RAVANtr. 185 N. 18th.. ear. Hort Newly furahahea ream. 11.00 ap: convenient tontine. 18 mlnote' walk to fair grounds : Morrlaoa ear at aaloa depot direct to boas. P heave 84T8. ELEGANTLY furnished room for rent la aewly Punt pat: everything modern, new and ao to date: rent rraaonsble. Call at 825 827 Mill t.. bet Sixth and Seventh ata. KING'S HBIOHTS Oeatrahla Murhborhond. near Ht. Helen's Hall: ntcelr fnmtahed room for one er two, with private family I perauv ni preierreo. inn mata as. THB ARtlYl.KJ ' 1S8 - Was - Parh Boom and -able hoard: now -rnn la crninecrlon with 1I1 : West Park. . and newly, fnrnlsbed with nil convenience. ELEGANTLY furnished room for rest at reaaonahle rate; comfort of a bom; every. - thing neat and .clean. Mra. IJ, El ley, 228 Sixth SL . . - ' "V ; , BEAUTIPt'LLY Tamlahed rooms In brick bnllJ- bigr bath, electric light and phone; $2 per week and ap. The New Belmont. 188 V Fust at. UNDELL HOTEL. 4th and Market: sew man agement; furnished new tbronghont; no derk room; comfortable borne. Mr. E. McLeaa. MARQTTAM HOCSB. Idfttfi 8tb Boom mI er alngl: housekeeping room; gas stove, bath, elertrle light; traaaimta Mlldtod. FURNISHED rooms. (Ingle er en mite, 88 per month -and ap. Hotel Falrmoant, Twenty Ixth and Cpebar and 'Vaogha t. ' . THE MENOMINEE. 885 Yamhill Room for tranaient and permanent roomer; 2 black : eaat of tb Portland botel. . Ft'RNISHED rnoms at 881 Yamhill: noma for tranaient. Tak M .etrMtcar and get oft at West Park at..-. ELEGANTLY fnrnlhd rooms; tetn heated! hot and cold water; ratoa reasonable. 88 Id North Sixth at. ' - . - rar at depot. NICELY farrttaaed room, alngl or en salt; doable parlor and piano; homelike; reasons bis. 448 Taylor. NICELY fnrnl'bed room cheap, with or with out boatd. S blocks of Hotel Portland. SS2 Seventh at. NICELY farnlahed mom at very reasonable Klces for rent at 225 Sixth at., bet. Mala and Imon ata. - PROMT parlor for geptTemaa of reflnemeat vrhe wiahM room near the center of city, sat Everett at. . - PART1EM desiring ale' room ta a alee kern and well located neighborhood. - Mil at 202 '-"tenth at. X YAMHILL BT I bar a few vacant at very reasonable ratoa to tixht parties. . . FTRNISnED room. $1.25: two, $2 per week: 50 feet from Fourteenth st. earllaa. 488 Irving at. CHEAPEST and baat Iocs ted room ta PnrtUad, $1 week and as. Otltnaa, First and Akwr ata. Tka Henderson. ffilH Alder Elegantly fsrnlkd room for permanent and tranaient roomers THB MONTGOMERY, 804 Alder t.; laotl at very reaaonahle rates; cor. a private Tenth at. Ft'RNIRHED rooms for rent Very cheap at 828 Montgomery at., bet. Sixth and Seveatk ta. THE LEWIS, cor. Tenth and Taylor Beaatlfnl location. Die room; alao housekeeping-room. ROOMS for rent at fnrawbed; close la. res sons hie rates; nicely Call at 205 Blxth at. - Fl'BMHHED rooroe to rent at 188 Tenth; M streetrsr and walk 2 blocks aoatk. take NICELY furnished renin for rent reasonable. Ineiitrs 431 Sixth at.. Mar College. . 204 TENTH Nice room In swell home sad Mlghborbood; best rafmnce wanted. NICELY farnlahed front room far rent reaeoa ' able; cloM la. Call 410 Alder at. THE GRAND Nwly furVilahed maon by th week or month. 2S.1V, Grand av. 887 TA YIX1R Famished noma for 1 or 2 gen tleman la private family; eelect. $10 ROOM hi privet family. 1om tojulne portion. 150 Tenth at. 80S TENTH Roma g private family for rent; nicely Tnrnlahed.. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOB BENT Farnlahed boMekeeptag roam la beet brick banes oe eaat ldi gas raagee, bath. etc. ao traasUnta; srto aasdarat. ' ixga ta,, itaat inioa avM Alder. Phone Baat 4084. $28 PER inonth for 8 nicely fnrniahed moms In downstslr flt. 284 Jefferwnv cor.. Ten IB. Mala 'OKIX Flreiilaro, gaa. te. ROOMS to let to asdle; housekeeping prlvtr lege. $J per weak, u 44, care ef Johraal. . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ' II T5 PER WEEK Lam ctoaa turalahad hoaawkwptrif-rooBis; Uundrj and Wtb. Ih4 LwcruMn, Btnii roruaiM, , t NICK fttrnls-bajTil . con v-oltnt. wrf cluapi prtc flat pr uuntaw 3u9 HOT SEJCEEPINU-ROOMfl for rent rAfm- , ani price. iiHutr at 089 ttUtb at., m dTSaVTUMM Bm ... UOUPEKEEPINa-ROOMfl. rvaaonabl - ntM, eiecine ugnw a iibom ' DCiuaa. mly tv laBr ! a y . ma uittii rr r. vi.mi mA -!, th. niuBrpnf mam wmammii aTfOMDii pricaa rrBBuiw U le . THB GLADSTONE 81 IH S1er St., farnlahed a; aaoar asw maaagmei( bl. , BOI'SEKEEPING-ROOMh. fitrnlabed, to partlr wita aitcnea rurniture. sa aixto St., north. THREB wll furnished housekeeping room, nice large place, i-non kmc ij. .alt. Tabor. HOrSEKEEPING-ROOllS 82 per week; tn aoue. ai noyt t cor. rineenta t. (25 FOR S housekeeping room: will tak lea rom to ngnt partte. losk Tenth t- rCRNISHED housekeeping room, bath sad gas. so. vuairieentn ai. MSBBaiKaMasasaaasaMKJBjMMLaaBBMaM UNFURNISHED ROOMS. r HOTEL FAIBM0W.T, North . Tweatyjjtith t,, from Cpahar to , Vaughn." Rooms forslahed aad anfurnlahed, clagl had a ult, 41 Pr week aad Bp, . A permanent modern bolldlng, plaatered and with bathrooms and aaodera plumbing. PIPED 10B GAS FOB COOKING. ALL OCTSIDB BOOMS. ROOMS AND BOARD. THB COMMERCIAL Select family botel; nicely furnished; alngl or en ault: tab I a. !... r- hatha: w Iking dlstsswa; tatee reaaonsble. 4S8 Wash lug toa at. riBST-CLASS rooms aad board for per ma seat people, tzz oo ana szo per montai table Boara 84 per weak. Aator boss. lib sad Maduaa ta. TL Mala 8281. 2 W EtX-ri' KNTXHED connecting rooms with hoard, suitable tor g or 4 yonng me a; price reaaonahle. 885 Blxtb; vor. HarrUos, Phoaj Mala 6480. . ..... BOOMS with board for Mat tasaat. reasonable; nrat-elaa Sixth at, - cooking. 281 BOOM and board er table board alone; centrally located. - rbon Mats 3884. . Bealdanc ou Everett. ,- . 220 FOB room and hoard, on or two; refer- H East Mm to st.. n, FOR RENT HOUSES. Jl. B. EDWARD8, riouaefiimwher. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Dwelling of all hlnda and In all nsrt of 'the rtty Hated with aa- We have. tha ninety " complete, directory of vacant nousea In town. and If yoa contemplate moving. It will pey yen to vhalt our rental department. We are ore to have a place for yoa. following ha a partial Hat: - , .WEST SIDB. ' . ' ' S ronrna. bath, fa. Mala at..... ,.$10.00 ,,.-rnom house, good coadltlon. .......... 1X00 ' 8-room bouae, bath, good bare ........ 15.00 8-room house, bath, gaa-e. ...... 15.00 4- roona 8U new, bath, ga 20.00 R-eoom Bat. hath, gaa '.......,... 20.00 .. 7 -room- houao. hath, gaa, good condition, 26.00 7 -room houa. bath, aaa 27.50 5- rooea Bat, new, bath, gas ............ OO.ik) 5-rnom flat, new. modern, 8th it........ 82.00 7 -room bona, bath, gaa, furnac ....... 22.50 b-room bouae, bath, gaa .., 85.00 7- room bouae, new, attirtly modern ..... 85.00 IS -room bouae, new, modern 40.00 8 -room bona, bath. ga. Harrlaon t. .. 45.00 EAST SIDE, . S raosa. fair condition .....,..........$ 7.00 2 room, new. bath. ta ............... S.OO 4 -room cottage, hath. Tretnont 10.00 t -room bone, good condition .......... 12.00 8-room bouae, fair conditio ........... 14.00 8-room houae, hath, Montavllla ........ 15.00 ' ttma honse, hath, good condltloa .... 17.00 8-room houae. bath, gaa 17.00 8 room, bath, good conditio ......... 17.50 ' 8-room houM. new. bath, gaa 18.00 ' B-room flst. new, modern, Bueeell at.... 18.00 8-room bouae, new, saodera, Madlaon St. 18.00 7- room hoaae, new, modern, Ash st ... 2f.00 8- room bona, new. bath, electricity.-. 25.00 - T-ronm flat, are, heth. gae ,....r...... 25.00 Note No Information regarding w given over D WABDS IJoijfurnlabe 185 to 181 Flrat at. FOR RRNT Homcs and flats, all parts mt the city. Rental department THI CONTINENTAL COMPANY. -248 Stark at. - BTUABT station. Meant Scott Mr 8 large room, atbolldlng, mod era; parties wltheet chlldrea, rornltar for Ml. Cell tb BeUe . Fearth aad Salawa. 10-ROOM boom. cIom to bnalnM nnhr, prlc reaaoMble;. as ewner. Abe 8-room Sat er hoaaekreplug-rooma, torn farsltnr. K 44, rare Journal. 8-ROOM modern house oa Mat aid la good lo cation, $18 per month, Ilartman. Toompeoe A Power, 8 Chamber of Commerce. NEW a-renea house aad quarter blork, Haaeork and Eaat Twenty-si tth it. $37.50.. B. M. - Lombard, 814 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Nice S-rootn cot tag, Eaat Twenty. . fifth and N1mb: modern. Phona Dr. Darling. ' $88 TAYIOR Largo bona for rent. 805 Tylor t. Call at FOR RENT FLATS. FINE cloee-ln 8-room Sat;- fnrnltnre to be sold at en half coat price; thla ta snap. Re '-Tvson - KIbmIL 802 Commercial blk. Mala 28X1. - . . ; FOR RENT A. new modern flat of 8 room and bath. . Inquire at 85 Eaat Elghtsenth at- ror. , Waablngton. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOB bMt tMnlt en -. "FUBN1TB.' Wbatber to bar or Mil, ring sp Mala . PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. Sll First St. S'ROOM konae for rent and fnrnltnre for aal . wltk or without Piano; men pie t and neatly . fnrniahed. 852 But Morrison St. Phone East 4nr4. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. FOR - RENT Deskroom and very thins ftn nlahed. B. S. Jackaon A 0r 248 Stark - OFFICB-ROOBS flMdsoagb 1vtnr. bldg. Apply FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT Strong 2-tory bolldlng, ner flr ' gronnds, 40loo feet, with 80x100 feet open ground adjoining. ultahl for maanfartarlna warehoura ar Uvery-etanLa, U. B. Noble, $12 ' 'Commercial bldg., city. FOR RRNT 100x100 northeast corner of Third nd Madison ate. for peasant orcupanry (lv , ery stshle) or otherwise. Apply to Estate af D. P. Thompson. No. 7 First t. - STORAGE-BOOM, shop and tebl-roocai apac to let; dowatown. Phon East 4800. (TORE at 201 Stark for rant; must axrr to Isrger quarter. f FOR RENT---F ARMS. A 100-ACRB ranch, farming, fmit and txk land, for rent reasonable; 8 mil trout ball. Oregoa.. iBtinlr 8117 Mala t. FOR BENT Good farm mt 480 acraa to the famous I'alouae country.'- Be bout It. 205 Morrison it., room 211. - BUSINESS CHAlfCES. WB kv for mm a number of roomlng aousea and kotel. doing good bsalaes. , Mar are a few aatpplee: '-' ' . . in room, os Washington, 8300: a map. 10 room, on 1111. 8100: feut 12 roocM, oa Yamhill, 20: ret 830 . 18 room, oa Morrbum, 8&0; Income 865 Bt. t in. 41 rooms, near Morrlaoa. 2.800i nut $100. 40 rooms, extra 8ne. on Alder, 85.000, tf! roonia. oa Washington, 85.000; rent 8250. Farnlture of thla bouse coat over 86.O0O, " Fin restaurant doing good bualoeas, best Ot location, eeate 80; only 1400. . .1 Alao other a naps. ' ' Now I the time to buy. Be as for bar. gains In - hotel. rooming-houses, - stores, ' restaurants, city property nd farms, te. r. DI B0IS BHEBWOOD. . BIOVs Morrlaoa. Bomb 8. BLACKSMITH -SHOP doing good business past 12 yea re, run supply or tool, quantity ot iron ana coat, tiweiiing-nouee. roaring . imu tree. cbtckeo-bou, 2 paaaenger-ooata. car ervlca each alav. B mlnutM. walk to MCh place: ill for 8200 If taken mm. ' Apply to Taompaoar Foatar, Bldgesald, Waahingtoa, WANTED Party with $1,000 to 11.500, t aim goon contract, act a nnuuciai ageaa for contractor, at liberal salary, a per cent per month for money furnished, fully secured; will tnd closest Inveatlgatlon. r. ni'BOIH A SHERWOOD. ' - 205H Morrlaoa t Room 8. ACCOUNT eircametaacM I win Mil my, relln- qnlhmBt ot 100 seres yellow pmiMaaii ran be taken either a homestead or timber Malmr- I good frolt land; 2 mile from Station; reapoualbl party. t 54, Journal. FOR 8ALB OR RENT My Sock of thorough bred .Ply month Rbek plgeoM. alu Mm com bdob ohm wltk or without bulldlnga, te. a ssap. M.. Oilman hoUl. rirat aad Al' ats. IF yoa want a farm, city or anborbaa property. a -goon .DiiaiaaM-juxanv . aiiHi.-'Or nave any kind of property to Mil sr exchange, can oa mw addrM KorthwMt Land Co., 208 Morri eon at., room 211. Pboo Mala 8418. - CANDY BTORB. WELL LOCATED WITH LTV a NO room. Ms m bad t low rent by a dealrahl party; location oa Mat aid opp It th Albln chonlhoBM. Particular, Mil offlco. 517 Commercial block. FOR BALB On arrow t ef aichnaa. alee. cImb. money-making baaius oa at aid; mm from 818 to 858 per dayi price $1. 400. ar will tn voice; a agents wasted. O 58. The JoaraL 150 HEAD wall bred Oregoa rang bones for porronlty lor am a 11 Ipvaatma!. CU or writ to 201 McKay bldg. FOB 8 A LB farma. f 1,000 and ap: 80 room- ing-aonsw. asm ana ap; 28 reatanranta. glia aad op. See H. H. Hlgley. No. 278 Taylor at. FOR BALK Barber-ahoo. B rhatra. rurnlture. long leaae, on Third at., 880 rent I a Map for $1,700. AddrM K 47. Journal. . A PBACTICAL, experienced nadymaker weald like partner with am capital 4o opnr-new Boaweea. Aaaree I on, care Journal. T0TJNO man; Save $150 o'aah and aervlre. What hr you 7 .will takw anything that will make money. Address I 48, car Jonraal REST AURA NT ' furnltur - for saw. - W. H. Latttn. Hotel Fah-moaat, Twmtyjjlxth aad Vpahor ta. i . - . $175 REHTAl RANT. Mt 1de. good loratloB vasa traae; worta ajuv. r articular m Mrn- MB t. . - . .- - - FINE epportunlty la eatahllihed baalaaM: Bm aan rapltaL. AdOrees u 84. Mra Je FOR BALE Buttermilk route. HAIJf Interest In good! real estate efnee: will tand Inveatiratloa. 404 East' Morrlaoa t. SWELL confectionary aad cigar ateee. down town .t VM. MV. M.I . Vol - , INVESTIGATE For-s email amount of eaptT tal; large returaa. 208 McKay kldg. WHO M. O. MO ROAN A CO.? FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BALB OR TRAI'K. 1,040 acre, nearly all river bottom graaa land; can Irrigate 900 acres, mow nearly buO ac-rM of hay; land all fenced, houa and ham, about 200 head of cattle, 10 toeae. all farm tool; sltusted ht eastern Oregon; this la a good Block farm and well lore ted: will exebanra for Portland property or good lands Is Wil lamette valley or eon them. Oregoa. A fine hoaae In Portland, barge ground; will . trad for some good boalne, $.1,500. , . 10 acre, near electric rar line, ale land; ex change for bouse tn Port land and pay cash difference.- - - d room mw modern hoaae oa Conk ara. will taksom good vacant lots aa part, pay; 8-room mw ' modern boas hi Irvlngton a nice home: will take good vacant lota aa part pay; $8,600. 10 seres. Improved, with nice. new,. 'modern - honse, r st Hood Klverv will trade for Portland property. . 80-arre nice -linpiuled farm, good TteW bouse. loins tows of Medford: trad .for Portlaqij SO acres, all good band; 88 acre fenced,- 88 ere cultivated: fine Hvkig wnter: bouse, barn and orchard; R. F. D. and crMmery route; a "4 miles to alectrle csr line. Mat of Portland; wlU trade tote Port land prop erty. 4 acraa hi atrawherrlee and fruit ; good plas tered houae, brick bMuent, good bars; s choice little home on 5c csr Ho; will trsde Into s larger farm. , Fin farm, all ta good order; good bondings: Bear good railroad towa In Linn county: will tak a small farm Mar some good towa as part payment; 87.50-. 200 sores; shaep. goat er rattle ranch, alt good rolling bill land, watered by apring and streams; boose, hern, orchard: 80-acre cul tivated; beautifully located In Yamhill county, 4 milM from railroad station; will exchange for property In Mm good towa. $0 acre good Mod. all fenced. 40 acres col - rivaled. 8 sera In good hearing orchard; good house and barn: fine road, 10 miles south. . aaat of Portland: will tak a lodging boum or atork of grocer lea aa part payment. Fin farm near Helena, Oregot; will trade for good nwrcnandue business, hardware pre- 270-arr fine atork or dairy ranch.', en tide water, at Yatinlna bay: 1 mils front "town i and rallioad atatinn; land all wall fenced, "nearly 60 acres cultivated!, ftn hearing or chard ef apple. 800 tree; good house, barn , 40x00. with abed; trad for property hi ot Mar Portland. $0 a rree, 10 acre cultivated; email orchard: front on river, hi si lie from boat landing aa-1 railroad ata tloa. 8-room modern bonM. aire , barn 100x100, ground all Bice, fine location; trad for a farm of Improved acreage; $8,000. 10 acre choice. land, near Odd Fallows' born; trad for Improved city property. We have many good trade to offer sow; sum larg Hat of farm and city property for sal i See aa before yon buy. ,, , . 11ENKLR a baker. ' . . 217 Ablngton bldg. - ' 1 1 ' ACRB TRACTS! OUR SPECIALTY IB ACRB TRACTBI Fatl-ld atarats, wator to each sera, . TERMS $10 PER ACRB CASH , 1 10 . PER ACRB PER, MONTH. Tea go th these acre en the m ear, pay the same 5 fare the lot Bat pays. Th lot was Is yoar neighbor, but la re. atrtctad la majority f f satire that atak a trae ssbnrbaa some. . . ''.." A. C CHTTRCH1LL A CO t 110 BeMBd at- ACBESI1 ACRE811 ACRESlli Jat watck M Mil ,- Acre lot , . ,(. ; ,, ' On csr line, be fare, - ' Wator em every acre. , TERMS: V $10 dowa sack asooth, . 11IL.' BoalneM Mea'a -ClMrlng Houae, 110 Second flu rboee Mala 1352. ACiisii acre8:i ACBEa:;L. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. INVESTMENTS BEYOND COMPARISON. $d,4iiu 84ti-ai- grain farm; over 5110 acres aoet - fertile plow land. ' balance good pasture, 2 set of bulldtags. well and ' spring, best of aster, l oistllla oouiity, ' "!'', lndleton; would Uka part In PorrTand clly proiierty. $8,000 Very 8 room - rcald.nce; - beautiful lot. Mat front, eloea In, Mt a. .',kr,,dT occupy: favorable urm. $2,500--On of th grandest suburban home your ey ever geaed upon; over 8 acre f elegant ground decorated and gardened, beautiful cottage, barua. ptMiitry-houaea, only 8 block from electric eara; It baa Bo co tu part eon. - ' v000 Just the place ws have had many .... "lie for: 10 acres, convenient to electric . cars, with good 6-room house, barn and .. other Improvements, living water running " through the place. , $1,800 Modern up-to-date B-acre poultry rahcB; ' ' beautiful cottage. 8 large poultry -house, good barn, floe garden: It' a dandy fur ;. th money; beautifully situated Bear eleetrlo ran.' . . $1,600 Very dralrahl Quarter block with a nice 8-room cottage, all klnda fruit, bar rlM aad , shrubbery, 2 block Woudlawa eara. $1,050 Nice 6-room cotuge. full lot with fruit and abrubbery, 1 block Mrs; asy payments. . -. 70o Vary excellent B-acre poultry nd . gardes ranch. In Oak Ureve sloM to: y electric cars.. , ; . ".. ' For full partlc-nlar e ' - - ,. " , v ; TUB Dl NN4.AWRENCB CO.; - 148i Flrat t.' W-v .- TWO acre Jut aaat of city limits and near ' Montavllla carllos; no gravel; sll cleared; old house; many nice fruit trees; $1,250. Alio IV sera similarly situated; no building: 80 , fruit tree; $060. Several bouae and kits, 1 Eaat Portland, of good value and style; cen. ' trally located; easy trrtne. Alao roooj mod--era house, new, BunnyaMa; $2,260: lot le -50x100 f est. Also 8-room bouae, strictly mod ern and corner lot 55x70: term. ay $I.2T8 to $1,500 MSh and balance to ault; -centrally located, East Portland. Calvsr, 628 Chamber .- of Commerce., - , , CH0IOB CORN'ER QCARTER BLOCKS. 100x100 feet, walking dietanc Mat atue. high and sightly, on block of car tin,, only $1,100. 100x100 feet. ' ens block ' I'D Ion av., "alroet t Braded, -sidewalk laid, fine Vocation, fenced snd la fruit tree, only $800;. a grand bar- . - gain. , . . " W. 3. DAY 00. . . .- ' - ;I5H Fourth st rovtn SS. NEW modem 8-room bonM, wltb cement baa- J ment. bath, cloeeta, all complete, larg kit, on Williams sv for only $2.8u0. A cosy 8-room cottage,' new and In Site , order, wltb all modern Improvement, Vk blork to earllne, 10-mlnut rvloo, 81, WO. ' Good houae of 8 rooma, newly painted. S full lota, 1 block tn rarllne. 15 Bilnute' ride, for only $1.2.11 a. 'faun caah. ; UBl NUI-MELBATtl co.,; . soa. MorneoB at. 1 S-ReM-nvWlerB cottage, cloa to steel bridge; Dai re 82.0110. eaar terms. 10 acres, all la fruit and berries, 8 mile Mat. . 20 cre In berrle. T, mile .east, good aandern koiase, large ban), cha rn-cai line. : If yon want a f seta ttr Houm and Iota call I and aee tie befor yoa buy. - EAST RII1B BEAL EHTATE CO.. v 404 Et Morrlaoa at, ' r " SPECIAL BARGAIN $8 FOR $1. ' Tract $2 front foot, 815 feet deep; ea "have M many front feet aa yoa waat free - I 50 fetap U la-rtilttvatlon. all Wvrl and; aigntiy, a aumuie se gooo iwwia e-awi, grade, near store, postofflc. chorch and tar atatfoa at Lents; $-ent fare to any part ef Portland. . Thla I 1-8 price; term If wanted. O. R. Addltoa. Lenta. -Oregoa. Take Mt. aeott Mr, s cent. NEW asoders a-room boose. Mrs corner - full basement, not oaito completed, for $7.V, on half caah. New modern 5-rooa cattasr. ticket fence, wood finer pla.ter. poraelaln tbtnb and. toilet, all for $1,000. May term. ' New modern 8-room . bottaw, fnll basement, - bath and toilet, ehade tree, picket fence, for $1,500, May trrtne, 8m the owner. Joe Nmr, ha the whit houae at Nubvlll addition, mm the M'i Scott r 'Haeaf;-- - -; $8,000 WORTH -FOR $4.1oa. " Once In s while, through drrumata sees, a property "7 aold far heUnc, value; Vnoh at . thl beantlrnl corner, wltb an S rnon modero palatial house, eaar walking dlalaoce; '; hou., coat 84.200 to build; Too can et It for 84.000 tad tba Rat tor nothing; $l,500-cah ' baadlea It. ' ' ' - F. Ft'CHS. 148vi First St.4 . NEARLY S era.1 BH rnlna from -center of city. II In cultivation; good boas., larre barn. cblrkaa-bonees. hat or .frnlt, good water, on finest road in Oregon.' I mil from eleetrlo . line: price "$2400: very eaay terms. If yon are frrm "Mlsaoarl" I wtll a bow yoa: If front ny other state, will Mil yoa If. yoa an It. !T 80. can Journal, ii,' i . i A BARGAIN 12-room hnaa. well built and plumbed; ground 00x1.15; command fin vie of city and harbor; cost more thsn $11,000; ca b had If taken now for $8,800; $2,800 rah. balance can run for 8 year at 8 per . rent. Dos't pay $15,000 for your swell soma whea thla can on had M cbaap. Pry, 208 B near 11 t, - - - NEW BrooaBboaM and two tot fronting en Mala at. at Lents, en Mount Scott earllne; . 8c fare ; 8 block from 10-room school build- ." Ing: water piped and small frnlts; a good bargain of $760, - . Wiley.' Allen A ; t.. . Lenta. Or. .. . v .. BART SIDB HOMES Th roe 7 -root and one 8-room hone on E. -Third and Multnomah sts-t-oew.- bMotlfnlly flsahed; tine location: -roavaslent to 8 earllne; eaay terms. Parleb -A aearhar, ewara. 2 IB MoUoomsh L, AN Ideal borne, cheap. 8550 rash, hslf block . from demt; 2 large Iota, T-ronm bonM. barn . , and outbuildings, frnlt trees and garden. : r Call ea or addreM the owner. . D. C. - Davl. Drain, FOR SALE TBI 100-foot lot on Kaat Seventeenth sd Couch: will Mil for $1,250 If mid la next few days: faces sat;-wll worth $1,400: wtll MR pert of lot If desired. AddrM K 42, ear JoarasL IDEAL snbnrbsn bom. 4 large lots, all kind of frnlt, roaaa and ahade, . larg barn and chicken-boa; thla place at bargain, own ' leaving city; caah of term. 205 Broad at., Montavllla.. . i SPECIAL 10 Iota near Weet in., 8 block a from car. $476; term. $10O down. $10 month; lin soil, or would make good chlrkrn-rauch. ' Inquire at 280 Eaat Washington St. . A MODERN T-ronm hrmM oa Thlrty-eecond , and Division, only 82.250: cas gtv very Mr terma; honae baa been built 1 mo tha. Ad dree R 58. cars Journal, i . NEW 8-room boos In flneat location, on East . Taylor at.; lot 50x100; porch and all modern convenience. Tvaoa KloelL du2 Commercial ' blk. Main- 2823. , . $2.700 WILL hay good mw bnalnee building. rente BOW a.l per inomu: a lamiaicai, nENKLK A BAKEll, ' . 217 Ablngton bldg. i A 8-STORY brick bunding. lOOxloo, on Eaat aide; will pay per Mm net am eou.uuu: price 820.000; ess give terma. Addreaa B 54, car Journal. . - - $8,000 WII4. bay a good corner Jot, lpM In, wait aldei two hiiildiuga. . ,. . ... HR.lnl.n aan.n, . " 217 Ablngton blilg. . ' V. ' " ' ' '- NEW modem 4 -room eottage. eaay psyment. Tsk Mount ncotl Mr, gel oia srasoTiiie, i go 8 block weat and aak for Smith. , Phone Colon 1683. - . , ..;.'!-. H- ' FOR SALE $2,750: new 8-room boon. Btrtctly modern, fine ancniwn. cor. inir.iein aiHa Main: $300 down, $30 pr month. Phone Dr., Larllna- - ' - - -' . - LOOK at thla: 5 acres, no bettor soil In Ore gon, 'IOC rare, nearly en uieer. .aaail linwsv, . only 100: very eaay term. T 58. Journal. r- FOR 8ALB at a bargsla. modsr 7 rm boas sa Eaat Taylor, cl-aw nil tsrnaa to Mil pareber. Apply P AS.. Mr JoonmL . k amai SAt-lt Moder nnrbaa cottage. to car line, an location, ground 100s 1 US, a . P. Tow as Its C.. 184 First at,. 8 ACRES. mile from 0. W. P. electric llnet n gravel ana ey to riri a; very aaay term. AddMsa C 51, Mr Jours 1. WAGNER A PBTTY. 802 Cemmerelal blk., hv i om of th bMt bay tn th cltr. Be them befer buy Ing and he aoavteeed. . . FOR- SAI.B OR LEASE 5 or 10 acraa, . . ',! frnlt trees, 20-mlnnt walk 1 earllne. I-' qnlr owner, 210. McKay kldg. A SNAP One lot 257B feet In heart ef bual aaa ecton ef Dufnr. Oregon. Addles John -lilchav-lnlti,- Oregon.- ' , ,. XT-.-. s : f V -' r f- i i J