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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1905)
tx.s cnzcoir'Aity jou:.;:..l. i ctlaijoT vnn::r2DAY evening, novemszr 1. isc5. -i 1 -. . f.'Tt ' " ' " - - : : As Predicted by The Journal Yesterday the Poultry Market Shows a Sudden Clump in Values Today -Receipts "Are Enormous. ATI LV. w. f 'e t syajy f f f f f f f f f f f tf f w wwawwwwsyayswaysysy wwaj ITOP AY'S MAR WETS To Ed 11 BREAK OCCURS ; III CillCKEIiS Very Heavy Receipts and "a Too- Sudden Advance in Former i Y Price Does Workv; WHEAT IS DOWN AND C -i . V 3, THEN RISES AGAIN Further . Advance ; Shown in Oats ' With Better Demand and "Sfnaller : Stocks Oriental Flour Trade Slow,, Fifncy totatoei ' Are "Higher. ' Profit Street," Nov.!. The prlnclpsl restores Vt the- Portlsnd wbolsssle marketa today ait; ' Chicken market break. . sre held steedy. " ""' . " llalibat Is quotad down.'' . ' Wheat la down and np again. " ' floor aisrkete- srs- qolet. . ' Oala insks further sdvsncs. . . ' First csrJerey ersnherrles. ; California steamer brings prodoes. . ... 8(111 another . car banana arrive. ' Touts market higher I laury. n ., . ' Onions ars firm but anchsngsd. T Yl" dusks T Market Breaks 1 ; " A Tcln4T)r nreritcted hv - Tha' Jotimal yeaterday, price lu the chicken ' market bar broken.- galea far cleanups-Bare 4eea made a low aa 10c a pound, but tbe general uartei today -in. Vk higher- than that amount.-- Ke N . eelpta an sgala enormon and suosluerebls suie plies baVS been carried for severs! ' day-, Today ths-arrlvsls on the atraet amounted te fully 10 coope and, aa there ara general! two deem-, enk-kena in sack coop, tbs total ' receipts (or one day akme amounted te 2,eud ctilrkens. On "seeouut -of the quick reCOTerj In . prices from tbe laat big slump la. Uie market .dealers became vsey dleaatiatlrd end buugtit -only la a hand to mouth manner. Heavier n . rlvsls com Dieted the work of tearing the war - r ket's raluea to piece. Turkeya are not com-J - ing In any great aumbera and tba market aeeus much mora liberal supplies, Price la the turkey aisrket ara aosr eery liberal and beyond the present rates the-market gets mi dangeron ' around and la llabls to abow a sudden break. Dressed turkeys' still' find tba beet sals.- ' ' Kggs.ars bel.l rery. firmly at 80c. -but ib f market la enable to more a bora that- Agar. ;, Receipts very small. ' , . . ' Wheat Is Pewa sat Tp. v On- sonant of the general . decline In (Tie ; wheat market throughout tbe world and the , especial weakness and savers slump In 8sn Francisco, local wheat prices dropped le during ". the ' afternoon, but sn toe threatening pews ... from . Knssler its -price sreut back to tbe '' former figures. .. .. ... Floor trade Is now rather quiet, oriental mak - rng coneklerabis -ceinplalBt oa account of tb blgb prices.,. ' ' ... " x.' '., -''V ', ' Oats XaVs Aaotbsr aUsaaes. i Tns eenaattotiet allrauce la tba itamarkt -.reported yeaterssy wss not much of a surprtss v to tba trad. -as stocks of ebolos quality are a" "u J!TiJl"1IluA0ldlT?tb!s waa another advance of 60c In the i pries anl the maU-4s quoted eery .firm at tba ass' figures. '- ". ... ,. ' Barley Is l-ewle rery firm, but ao eaaagss -are ahnws tn rulmg vahiea. ' r Mnifeeda firm with the California demand ."""abowlng M lneresast Prtce tbs same. -t ., First Oaa Jeiaey Oraabsrriss 4a. TbsUBleietsysJ 4TUUstn,ls ,ft strlr; ln- rbt Jocal market tsrni. m twlny 'nt- th product found a eery good demand at $11-a 1siwr.-' -This ai'aboot ttisj, sanw .flgnraas year ago. Market, however, la eery firm. ;. . Tna Callfornit Inter beooirut fceavler ablp " ?vment of produce to the etreet merchant, a vvfalr amount of new oranges earns la and sold at gj a box. a drop of 60s from first arrival. Htlll another car of - bananss cams la this morning. Tbe latest arrival waa asraod ahaps. J' a fair awed shipment of banana cam la frsta 'HoBolula M -gnsd snaps sad sold at sboat hs ' sanis agorsa aa tba Central Adisricaa prod Huct. ' '" -,- ' . fstat Harkst sTlgasr.fos; faaey. ;. Tba demand for- strictly fancy aotatoss eon , tlnues snd soma dealers bars rslseM then- bids -be per 100 pounds, making tba top Talus Ife. A few onion are being sold, but prices cnntlnus- unsatisfactory from a grower point of view- , Halibut Is Qastsa towsr. AmsMersbls Incresas Is shown ta the rscsfpts of halibut from the north and , prices are ' lower today. . ' - ,r ' ArrrraU of salmoa from tha Columbia ara . "now fair and so mors ablpmsfata ara noted from Hi Mnad . 1 - ; a melt are mors plsntlfal from aorta era waters, 'j but prices ara tba asms. . . Blda Biahtl Va' la Boas. s ' " A slight' adtance ta shown m tbs Mds on "'lions on sccounl of Jbs fear of soma shsrts tllit rrowers will Bold. A eonsiuerebls aumhnr of . -'bales ars again obsagtag hand around 10s fof Iclwlcs bat soms, sales of this srsde stars- -bops ars not wsnreo. - "; The following quotations are being paid eloor hrTonf street by the retail trade for ehotc ' qnaltty In round lota. Producers' prices ara as 1 specified! - ' ' , Orafa. Tloar M Tssd.V , WT1KAT New dub. T5cj cad Rnssiaa, TOcj , .LfcT-'Virwnoot rcned. $ :"- fM.nO; brewing. 2!l.5oe23 ). , . ' COBN-rWbole. 127.00: cracked. 2.00 per . 'ton. T ' -' - - ". . .stsv, fK4.B0U 35.00. - " ' '. " Fttlt'H New. tera Oregon patenra, t.H); StralsHt. e3.fi09.ft3; siport. 3-e0b3.4B: eel . Icy. ta tlS; graham, Hs. 13.60; rjs. 60s. $0.00; bale. $T5. MILLSTlTrS Brsn. $1.00 per too: mid dling. $25.00; abort, country. $Jo.O0s '. ally. $1B.); crop.. $IH.0O. ' t- ; HAT Producers' price Timothy, Willamette " sallcy. fsncy $1I.001. 00; erolnary. $1.00d $.00; eaatera Oregon, $H.0O15.O0, mlted. $8.ft0ea 00t clneer, $8 00 10.00 j grain. $8,000 $.00; cheat. $.00(f.BO. .- - Batten Eggs aaa Pen 1 try. i, BUTTER City 'sresmsry.' 804lUKe ooUlle . . BTl:U)f!r erdlasrv.: 87Ufil sttea. Ill ' it 17c. . ,v ' r ' " ROOD No.' 1 frsab Orejrnn. candied, SOc; exld terage and eetera to 27c rUKKne New Full err am. twin. UaUHe: . Young America. UtmOi Cheddar. 14J MMV-Jcrs obits.' $$ per dna. POLLTRV Fsncy bens, lOWIOUc per lb; rooaters, oM, Be per Ibt fryers, lonjioite per Ibt , broilers. lOsrlOc per lb; ducks.'MKlftc peril.: ' geese, te per lb; -turkeys. IN4rUe .per ..Hi; . . u I... Mn.h ee RA6.M on m a. f - Heps, Wool sad Hide. - l.oPB 108 Ore yon, choice. OI1tf prims. 7i He; poor grades. nftHHc: Wasblnglon, PVilOcf 104 crop, 6"e for choice. WOOU IBOft clip, valley. SOarsv t aiedlsat, iM,tt0Wci "ins. M4TZ7S1 sssrera Oregoa. .. 199122c. , '-MOHAIR Komlnsl, SnQSle. KHKKI'SKINH Mhtsrlnr. I503OT eschl abort wool, JWilteOe earbt medium wool. sack; long wool. Tor 1. 00 each. , -s) TAI,LO"7 Prims, per lb. IHOsci M. and trraa.. ketjue. - CHITTIM BARK 'A43e per lb :WEDIsESDAY PRICES IN- - THE WHEAT MARKET s . TtC. , Chirp go '....,.$ 8HB Pt. Louis'..... .16 , Mllsraukea .."gH ,.' Kanaaa City... 713 , MlnncapoHs ,. .gtl l.lvwrpool . .... 4sl4d Pulnth .$H 8 New Tork.... . .$ Ban Francisco. 1.11ft i May ' q f .8IHB s - iaVa; JOURNAL'S " DAILY TIPS TO SHIPPERS X Whila poultry, If properly s 4 dressed, finds a batter demand e 4 than live blrda, carelaaa dreaa- d Ina .cauaea a. loss In tha price, 4Bora arrivals of dressed' chickT s q -ens today ware ao badly acorched s s by boiling that they . could e 4 hardly be gold at alt' Dry picked - s poultry la what la wanted, but 4 poor-looklug f uf f . would v better e q be' kept at home. There la no s , demand for this class of goods. M1DEB Dry, No. t, 16 lbs snd op. MttO ITHe per lb; dry kip. No. 1, 1R lbs. I4e; dry calf. No. 1. under 6 lbs, lac; salted hides, terrs. sousd. TOO lb snd ever, inteiie: sows. RVfctlOHe: stsgs snd bulls, sound. t7c; kip, l to 80 lb. Be; calf, sound, under 15 lbs, lie. green, nnialt'd, le less; cull. I c per lb le: horvehtdce. salted, each. $t.25ftl.T6; dry, eacb. $1.00l.50; cult hides., afisjaoej gost , skins, common, -each,. 1016et , Aogors. sack. 35c f exults" sad VsgsUblss. -i. : POTATOKS Vest Oregon. 8&i90e sack) car Iota, C',y7s.; sack ; ordinary.' j7nc: car lota. OOftlS.-Sc: aeet. $1.00 ssck; $X152.S3 crate. ONLllNH w Oregon yellow panvers, $125 s-.J).' car lots. $1.00(11.05; garlic, 8k 10.) per lb. , ... . ... FREfln FltVlTS Applee, Oregon, $1.00Cjl.M: fancy.- fl.7!l; crabspplea. $1.50: oranges, new navel. M.fiO; lata Valencia. . $4.7ftft.2!t; he Bauss. ni lemons.- : tlce... $3.(10! 5.75 boi; fancy. rt 00 box; limes. Meslcan. $1.25 pee 100; plneapplea. $4.00 doa: grape. Yreon. $1.0U$ 1.60; Concord. tOi;i.V; pear, $1.251.&0 per box: Winter Ne:ila.'$L.2Tt per box; pomegranate, $1 .25 per box; tangerlneav-$l-T5. .- VRGETARI.E8 Taralps. as. $1.00 par sack: cermt. $1.0O x-per ssck; beets $l.on 1.25 per ssckt Ore eon radlabes. S5e per doa: cabbsKS, Orecoa. $l.0Ol.2R per ewti pveea peppers. Be lb; local tomatoes. 40c: California. Me; parsnips.' $1.00(8.1.25; string beans, SttlOc; caullOow.r. T5rl$1.0n dos: rhubarb. per In; horsersdleb. .toe rr lb; srtlcHohes. doe BOs per doat hothouse lettues. $1.25.T5 per box; 'green corn. 75c per iio: cucumbers. 75e per sack: celery, local. 50f75e per dos; ere plant. $1.50 per erste: pnmpklos. IVic; squash, lle: eranlerrls. Caps Cod. $9.50: leraeys. $11. OA ner bbl: Cons bay snd Tillamook. $8.50. DRIED FRC1TS Apples, evaporated. $(rne per lh apiirots. lie per lb! sacks. e per lb le: peaches, lOOlle per lb: prunes. 80 to 40, SVe; He drop oo Serb sixteenth smaller alee: flea. California black. 64t26e ner- lb; California while. Ac per lb; da tea, golden, . Be ik. . , n . , . w . Orsosrlss. Vnts, Kts. ' - RrOAR Bark basis Cobs, $.8Q; powdered, $5.5; frslt grsnulsted, $5.55; dry eraaulated. sS-MtCoof. A. $5.30: beet rrsnnlatsd. gn.SR; extra C. $5 05: goMea C $4 06; D yellow. $4.85; bble. 10c; H bble, 25e: bexea, BOs sdvsncs sn sack basis, lea too per cwt for eaaa. 1$ ders: loapte. I4l5c per lb. ' HANRT-r$ per ertte. .' , , COrrKF Parka ee brand. $15.Tn. HALT Coarse Hslf rroond. 100s. - par tea. table, dery. - BOs, -81 1.0ft; infla. 810.T5: Inv ported Liverpool. BOs. $lT oo: 100c $18 (10; 24s. $18.00: 'extrs flne. hhm. aa. As, 10s. $4 BnsT5 IU); bulk. 820 Jbs, $4.00rJ,00: sack. SALT Cosrse Helf around. 100s. per ton. ST. 00: 80s. par eon. $7.50: f.tveraonl. Inrnn rock. $Ift.5A per tont 60-tb rock. $7.00; ions. $8.TB. (Above prices spply to sales of leee than ear bits. Csr lots st special , prices subject to' dnctnetlnns.l -.r. , t ORAIN BAn Calcutta. He. " " ' . RICH Imnertsl Japan. Ko. 1. ' er- Bo. ' ft 4V5Vic: Nsw Or lean head. Tc: Alar. 4,s: Creole. RVc. - BBANS Smalt whit.' $3.75: ' large white. S 00: pink. 82 T5: bayou, $4-50: Llmas. $5.00: Mevtcen rev. . . nct peanars. jnmma, ate : per in; Iceima, TUs per lb: toaated.- Set rorosants. snsPAOr Br dos; walnnts, inellSUe ner lb: pin nts. 1o1$Hc per lb: hickory net. . 10c per ll: ehlmit. esatees. IB M8c per lb" rssll nuts. 14c -per Thi fllheets, I4e15e vr nv: fasravi pecans, huhhum imor. ineviTc per Tb. . ... alats, - Oea Oils, Ire. r1 ROPB Pure Manila. 14c: stsndard, HUei' sleel. 'lOSlct Hale brand slasl 4tc . COAL OILPeerl or Astrel Csa Ht e gsl; water white. Iron bbls. lite ear eel: vrooweff.-iar-vpi rf besiJTlglit. .ITe-degw esses, ??U( w. rat - ir - .OABrtUNWvw$-eVg. essea.; MHs-pes - gsl; Hm H,- w per ...gai.., . .BCNCIHB 3-n. oases. 35s per Ball trsa bble. IRVic per gat TUBPF.NTTNB la eases. Ce per (alt woodea bble. Pe per set WRITS LFAn Tnn lots. Ts per Tb; 8 00-lb lots. 8e per tb: lees lots. 814s per tb. : W1BSJ NAil.a Present bsse St f J TO. . MNRFltn OIL Pare rsw. In 8-bM. lots. 84et l-bhl lot, 55c:. re, Jrtc per anh rrnulne kettle boiled, esses. 2c per gait 8-hhl.lots. aeerl-bhl lot, BTe per- gel: ground cake -ear lots. $20.00 per ton : lcs than eer lots. $.10 no prr toa. ,. neat, risk and cWUioas. ' ' FRESH MBATB Front street Beef steers, 8te per Ibr block, THtTSc per lb, pse-era.- TG7We per lb: bulla, 45c per lb; cow, BHQoo per lb; real, extra. T Me per lb: ordl. nary. Os psr lb; poor. Be per lb; mutton, fancy, T07HC per lb. - HAMS. BAC0!.-trr. Portlsnd park Oocal) haaie. 10 to 14 the. ISHe per lb: 14 to 18 lbs. 18c per n: brsskfsst bacon, IBellOHo psr lb; picnic, 8c per lb: regolsr short clssrs. aa moked. lie per lb: smoked. 12c per lb; clear backs, anamoked. I0c per lb; eowokrd. II We per lb: Union butts. 10 ta 18 lbs. aa smoked, 8e per lb: smoked, be per lb: elesr bellies, uosmoked, lie per lb; smotsd. 12e psr lb; booIdcr. ne per id. LOCAL, l.AKU Ketiie iei, um, line per : Bs. llfce per lb 0 tb tins, 10f psr lb: ateam rendered. ius. ioc ner . in: ns. it)-e per lb: compound. 10s. 8ie." ' tr- CAWBU OAUat":' -vwiuoioia ri r. .D Tall. $l.n; 2-th nils. $2.T5; faney 1-lb data. $1.00; W-Tb Taney Bta;-$KI5 fa ear 1 IS evale,. A.7ai Alaska tall, pink. BSQDOc rad, $1.60; nominsJ 8s. tell. $2.00. 'IBM Rock cod. Te psr Tb; Bounders. Be psr lb; halibut. 6c per lb; crabs, $1.50 per dosi striped bees, ltUe per lb; cetflah. So per lb; aaimon. silveraldes. Be per lb; bluebscks, 8e pet Ibf b'rrlng. Be psr- Ibj soles. Be per lb; shrimps,, 10e per lb; perch. Be per lb; black cod. Te per lb; sliver smelt. Te psr lb; lobsters, 15c; fresb Blacker 1. as psr lb; erawasa. S6e per dos. 0Y8TGR8 Bboalwatsr- bay. per gal. . $2.29; per sack. J3.75. CLAWS Hard sell, par bog, $2.00; . raaot slaai. $2.00 psr box. - . ' ' irSTfi AT RISE . OF YESTERDAY ' '".'u-"i,: ; Hogs Coming Too Freely for th Tracfd'arid Prices Weak ' ...,.u,-... -f .U "-,r'.v, .- :,; - - i- '!- . 5., Tortlsnd -1'nloa' Stockyards,'' Nor. 1, Llvs stock receipts; ... t v ' ' .'.- L. .' ' Hof Cattle Bbees Today '.r..T.,.;.U.... ....... .540 03 , 147 Week. sco. 431 , 1H1 14 Prsvloos week 128 300 Mouth ago rioIWiijr.. Kecelpta of huge were very Tiber a I today and tbe market ciaitlnned the weskness ef rsa- tcnlay. Ns rhsngs in price sines the cat ef 86c yesterday. . Cattle quite dull . except for strictly prune earn or - tne awuntsina stssrs. 8 beep strung; Isinbs strong. Offk'lsl prices ft livestock: Hogs Beat seat era Oregon. $5.T5f48.0O; block era snd China fats, $5.35'; stockers sad feeders, $4-2.-u4.30. " " Cattle Best eaatera Oregon steers, $.1.25iR $.50; light snd medium steers, 2 00iJS: llxlit, cow. $2.2rti2,V); stockers ami feeders. $3.26 a $.50: bull. $1.50, t Sheep Wetlwrs. 4H44aie: mixed Sheen, 4) 4c; strsight ewes, 4'ifl4e; temhs, 5fifl'iC Calves JJood veaUJpO to 2t)0 psunda. SBftc; rough heavy, $aac. . SAtTU BOO! WsUX. :Jl - Cbicago. .KovT X Livestock receipt: 'T . Hog Cattle Bht.. Chicago ............... 2T.0OO $.0- Kamaa City. ............. IB.Oral 15,000 n.utio Omaha- ...'. vhj A..VW 18.IKS3 Hogs opened week with B.000 left over. Re- relpts a year ago were 2:1 no), prices: Mltel, 84.73ft5 : good. 85.24)tS.$B; rough, $4.4i 4.70: light. $4.T54i5.l. ' .- . Cattle Bleaily to 10s lower.- .." ' Bheep Blesdrr-y , . .. . - omK aors o coHiromraiiT. Late this afternoon T. J. Bmlth renorled that he -"had secured 8.000 bales of bops front Washington gissns oa renalgnmen. Of tns total there ws no dvsnee money paid sxcept on I small lot of XV) bales. Mr. Bmlth sss tne aurket weaaer. HEAVY LOSSES It. WHEAT PIT v,;v: ;V,,:' . .: ' ,t :- Profit-Taking Responsible" lor Decline Inthe Chicago MarketToday, EARLY QUOTATIONS ; A .WERE RATHER STRONG December and July Drop One Cent ; While the May la Off One. and a Quarter The -Loni: Interest Sells Corn.. . WEDNBSDAT'fJ WHIAT MAEKET. Closs . Closs Loss ' Close Wsd. Toss. I. Wed. Tssr Age H 9 -01 . $l-lii14 2 " .oiii H .01 .!, December... ..$ .mhB$ .tw May .8DVB : .80 July..,.....'..' " Chicago. Nor. 1. Logan aV'Brysa say: Tbe wheat market today was of a profit-taking character. Around tbe opening flgtuse there wss some good buying, which had Its sffsct ta holding tbe orlcea atcadr. It was helped te soms sstent by a good export demand snd tbe continued aemsna lor I lour, uur lu ru oy. however, the market showed soms signs of weak ness, which wss checked by the plr crowd buying a little wheat, but It waa noticeable that on most sll hard a Dots there seemed nlenty of whest for sale, snd soms wsa supposed ta bs :or ui jitfmm intsrssts. .. , ., w-. 'I'.Z. ' lengs- SU Cera. Corn and oats scted mucb hr sympathy with tbe action. of the wbssl market, wrsna waa reported a eallsr todsr snd etber longs also dumped some of their holdings. ' urncuu anotatlone by Uverbeca. Btarr ai uooge eomitsny: . , . .. , ... v Closs. $. JWH -88B ,'lLVfiA . Opea; . High. ' tow. iss. ....'.$ : .wo - . $ .80, My .li -Bis . July..,.. .88 .Sds, . - - CORN. . Old Use, .484 ,4 Msy .4U July .41- i . ' Al 0AT8. . Dee .801 .2i JI2 SIM .29A May..:.,. M . .81 4 .81 Vi ji3 114T 12.T0 Julyt.v... 91 MESS PORK. Jaa 12.40 12 52 11.40 12.70 1170 LARD. T.12 T.02 .M 8.K1 8.8T 8.85 May...... 12.70 If or. ... T.OS 60 8.85 Jaa, ... Uay..... SLV-KTBSr- SAAT raAKCIBOO ftaUCT MAaVKIt. Siri Prsndsoa. Koy; I': Official close, morn- Ing sees Ion; ' WHEAT. Open, High. Lew. "Closs. rkuaamaas) XlJUt II W t1JU - kl SOit My.......v, 14i 1.46 "' . 1.44V4" . December w... 1 -1.20- .I SO . 1.S0H . ' : v - rmotutr eurjr xaixxt. : Chlosgov Hot. lPtlmary receipts : ?-'.'. . .-. , Todsy Tsar Ago Buau. Hush. Wheat 1.4M.0O0 ' SAl.OnO v i i n . ,,,, , . . m., . . H,ouo saa,uuO rairomeaTST i,' - - '- - A-heat-,.. ..;.. . 829.000 - A4.0n8 Cora 184.000 118.000 ( lesrsness: . Wheat, nnsbsis; llonr. ts.000 parrels; eora, JSS.OUO bashsls; oats, 2i,- Brt- , ' - :--ie.,' . ? . CVICAOO ORAZX CAB ' tOTS. Cblesgo, Nor. 1. Or la ear lots: ' ' Cars Orsde 1st.' Whset .......120 26 if 140 Cora ,....los t 1$ 117 Oeta ...24T , 81 I8T - vWITS! LeTSQAt flUfi J.ssw-ssjBSJST, FT ajpsyait, - TTV-W7U8im , Ts lSd, d blghsr; March. 7e Id, .d higher; Msy, Ts id, ao comparison. .Corn January. 4e 64d lid higher; March, 48 4V4d, unchanged. COTTON IS EIGHTEEN TO TWENTY-ONE HIGHER New York. Nov. 1. Cot toa furores clossd' 18 to 21 points higher. Of nets! quotations ay orerascg, Starr Sk cooae company: , . trpen. man. law. i inse. January . . , .10MT ;ilXO 10M4 107841 ) Febroar Msrcb 10a 10S8 10T8 lOWSO ..luo9 ltnw um-j . liaotddw ...1101 10P2 110117,04 10P4 1108 1O08 11074708 April ,.. July November . . December ..... 10M 1110 1008 1112018 1055A5T ...... 104KnO8T 105S 1087(148 , '- Zdserpsol Oottoa Bigker. ' Liverpool. Nor. 1 Cotton fatarea steady, S to points higher. , ' JTIw" TOKX COITEZ XAIXXT. New York, Nor. 1. Coffee fatarea clossd ancbsngsd, . i i . . . OfBclsl oootsttons: - .: Bid. Ak. Rid. Ak. January .. .$8.80 $8 651 July ..,.,..$7.10 $7.15 February ,, e.eo v.7iiiugut ...... t. is t.zo March ...... 8.75 8.lll8eptembr .. T.25 f.80 April .... 8.80 e.poiortoher .... T.X5 T.40 ,..,8.80 T.otilDecember .. S.4B 8.50 .... T.00 T.OBI , , stay , June Torstga Coffss aUrkaU. - Hsmburg, Nor. 1. Coffee futures declined U to 14. Rio rscelDts 18.000 bars, market ateady, prices TB down; Kan toe 40,000 bags. market sceaoy, pness sv oowu. . ' ' "" ' Vsw Tsrk Cash "ceffss. New York, Non 1 Cash eoffes: No. T Rio, 8e;- Ne Ssntoa. Hc. ... .. , ... ,- ' - " tooah xiirrxe stocxs. ; Rib rrsnclsco. Nor, ftclal class, morning Rid. Montsna $2.50 Midway 1.40 MrNamara ...... .33 Relmont ....... 1-40 North Star .... ..48 Rescue i .08 ffcild Mountain.. .11 Jim fcutler .... M l.-r-Tonopah stocks, ef rsslon: ' Bid. . Kendall . .' S .84 ; Columbia Mt.,.. .15 Jumbo ,T8 ' lumho Kxtea.. . . " .18 T Black Butts .... -M ; rttllver Pick .... .08 Kloldea Anchor.. .81 Ray A O Brleo... .08 Nevada -12 Ohio Toaopab... .n . Red Top .88 Ton. Kxtsnslon. S.TS OoMftcld .50 gen.lMtorm ,. ..i .4 Pindatorst Is.. .02 Adams ........ .04 Mohawk ....... .14 Dills -08 . Bull rrng.... .Tl ntsmondaeld .22 Ism Star ...... .07 Home ....... Cash Roy ..... nVllpss ....... Nstlonsl Bank. Lien ver .... .08 , .15 .88 .14 .21 . coxsTOcx xnmiB stocks. ' Baa rrmH-laco, Ner. 1. OfBclat close, morn ing sees Ion l , '--.,. mil mi BtillW..J. .2 Belcher .2$ Con. t'sL-Va.... l.5 Ophlr ' S-BO CaledonU ..42 Maltese ..... 1.45 Con Mercnr- .e ,85 Scorploa ....... .14 iRsesge-ftti-.iv.l .45 : onm ......, ' I'nloa Con ..... .49 , Yellow Jacket.. .28 ' C chillier .4tt lisle Ai Norsresa. 1.25 Andes . 22 X 8.85 6.8T JaarrrnrTBO 8.52 8.50 8.8.V Msy...... 8.70 ... 8.75 i 8.70 V 8.TT CECAOO LOCAL STOCXS. Chicago, Koe 1. Local stocks! i . Bid.. I ' " i Bid. pilaeult ...,68 ICsrboa - M BoVboard 8, fswlft A Ce ......1W Csa 10luhwsy 48 Vi ' PORTLAND BANX STATtMlHT.' Clesrlngs V.-i ,TM JSS IT Bslsaces ... ,WTA$ ICATY STOCKS GET .GOOD BOOST '. - "" T i ' Sudden Activity Sendsu Price of Common -Three and TRree . y.":- Eighths Points Up. SMELTER STOCK UP ON ; GENERAL BULLISHNESS American Locomotive Makes a New High RecordGain of Two and ' Seven Eighths ; for TodayLosses Are Few: . (.;::'' ' - ; ::: ADVANCES. ' Anaconda liSCsbaab. pfd ..... H ma lr a mated ..... HlMctropollUa Atrhlsoa. pfd ...... HiKsty -. Tm. t sugar 4 do preferred 8 Smelter ........... S. Missouri PsclAe ... 1 Smelter - IN. V. Central. do preferred.... S I Pennsylvania C, A K. W.. HI Pacific Mail Canadian ......... lClPreaaed Steel Csr... Denver 44 (Beading Locomotive Bork laland ....... Louisvllls ., i de preferred..... Southern paelfle... HlSouthera By....... jennemes Coal ... 1 IbtssL pfd I'nloa Paelfle ...... X , . . Wsbssk Hi i088E. " ' ' . Csr roendry HiKrle Brooklyn . SlOreet Westers .... H Illinois Ceotrsl ... UIMsohstUa H Norfolk .-.-.-.'..-.-.-.'r-.HtOotarlo Wsstern.- - Peoples Oas felBepubUe tSeel. pfd. WlscoaslB Ceatral. . Wsll Street, New York. Nov. 1. Considering the news from Russia tha sassloa ef the Nsw York stock exchange today was not short of the aiarvslous. Bad news from Kurops with It consequent selling of Americans by Lon don felled to hurt the tons here In fact the bulliahaess of tbe market wss never mors pronounced. Ksty stocks were leaders today, this return to scflvlty being rewarded by s net gstn of 8a la tb common and 844 polar tn tha preferred. Smelter boomed throughout the session, a ties of S points act being shown St tbs closs ta tba cotnmoa snd 8 point In tb preferred. Locomotive mods a new blgb record lor recent trsnssetious snd gained ' points. - Tennessee Coal was -eery active with an advance of 144 points. Tbs losses were few snd for nominal smoants. . Offlelal Quota tlona by Cverbeck, Btsrr a; Cooks company: DESCRIPTION. Ansconda : Mining Co. . , Amal. Copper Co....... Atchison, com,........, do preferred."; Car eV Foundry, com.., 119 1214illl9 8X4, 88 88U M li 104 1108X4 II '11 "- 143 1," 1424S Am. Sugar, Am, Smelt., com.. do preferred...,.,..,. py Locomotive. do sreferved. ........ . Baltimore A Ohio, com.. oo prstcrrea Brooklyn Raold Transit. Canadian PacUkv com... Chi. A Alton, com,... . - -do. preferTed': r...'X Chi. sVGt; West., coal. 21 V4 fhL, Mil. at Bt, Paul.,, lnw im3 ChL A Northwest,!, eos-t. 2m.tril22 Cliesspeeks A Ohio'. . . . . . Colo, ruel A lrau, com. Cssk tVmth., rovs. ...... do 2d preferred....... D. A R. com... ... do preferred......... Erie, com . do 2d preferred....,., A 1st preferred:.,.... Illinois Central Iolsvllls A Nashville.. Metro. Street By....... Msnbsttsn Ky... Mexican "Central By.... Met. Recurttlee Mine.. St. P. A 8te. M. . Missouri PsclOc M., K. A T., coaij...... do preferred New York Central....... Northern Paelfle........ Norfolk A Westers, com. North American.'.....,.. N. Y., Out A West.... Pennsylvania Ry........ P. .. U A C. Co...... Pressed Rteel Csr, com. . do preferred.., Pad He Msll 8 team,. Co.. Reading, com do 2d prsforred....... do 1st preferred...... oo ?s 48 ... 4S 4 47t 81 178 1521, 118V 77 II? 104 811 V 182 1,1 OS 148 14 Dl' iom 40 V4 128 Vi w4 Bep. Iron A Steel, eom.f do ore r erred Rock Ialsnd. eoea..,,... do preferred Southern By., com...... do preferred. ......... Southern Pacific Bt. L. A S. P.. 2d Dfd. do nrst ore ferred. ..-.h it -- TT- 77 - 77 St. L. A B- W eon do preferred esse. AW Paulf Tsnnsssee Coal A I Toledo. St. U A W., C So 4 87 H do preferred. . . . ...... Union Pacific, com...... do nreferred. ......... V7. S. Rubber, coca...... do nreferred V. S. Steel Co eosa.,.. do nreferred , . . . Wisconsin Central, eon. do preferred Western I'nloa Tel.,.,. Wsbssh, com. ......... do nreferred Total sales for dsy. 07h.H0Oshsres. Call Money clossd 4V per cent. SAB TBABCTBOO LOCAL STOCKS, 8an Franclsoo. Nov. 1. rOfflclal closs,. mora- ln( sssslon: Bid. Aak. 48 Contra Costs Water. ........ 48 Horlng Valley Water.,,.... 40(4 18 84 T8 ' Mutual Electric H,r. Oaa A Electric Outat powder is? . ...T7 Hawaiian Commercial a a s '? 81', 1314 . 84 8.1 80 Vj si' Tfonokoe SngSr. ............. Mskawall Hugar. ............ Onomea Sugar.............. e k , 81 '4 .. 2i Paaunae Sugar............. Alaaka Parkers'.. .......... Oceanic Steamship Pacific Urates Telephone.., California Wme Pacific Obest Rorss CsUfornls fralt fanners' . . ......104(4 ee lott. B08T0B COPPIB STOCKS. Boston, Her. 1. Ofndal close: - - nid. I i- Bid. 1 S 88.80 Adventure Atlsntle . $ 8.80 North Butts 24.50 i Nevsds Con. . 8874 A Hones ..... Blogbsss .... Calumet - Copper Bangs, rentennlal ... Dsly West ... Kim ;. Oranby ...... Oreens Copper. Greene Gold.. Mohswk Michigan .... Maea Boysl ....... 44.20 Old Dominion. no. on . 111.00 81.78 Oseeols ..... i 8N8.00 IPsrrot , T4.2S IPboeslg .... 28.75 t Rita 81.80 (Qulncy ....... . lflB.OO 13. no mbsnnoa . ' A 2ft Tsmsrsck . 7 no . , 180.08 . a 18 1214 Trtnty ...... Sn.nn I'nlted 4.85 Victoria Bd.lal - Winona 14 MTHtwslvarlae ... ', $.25 1025 128.11 4S.TS jo.on iiisa M.BO I isW.TsA-leAa Sugar. ..i.: . raws sresny ana enensngsa: lamoou seei ensars quiet, November 8a llVyd. December 8a 8S41. , ' rroreaa tha WatoBwor. Vrom the Kanaaa City Journal. The Union Pacific has dropped James H. Hyde from Its Hat of director and is said , to be making other Improvements.-. v ' - ; . 4, - " An' Ohio woman was eourjed fop. II years and now Intenda to make her BiHtor leara that IS la an unlucky num ber. You're wrong; aha la not going; to marry' him. Sha has sued for breach of promise. ...'. V 1 Portknd'siGrcc!cst Grocery . : Special things tot special times for particular people. Novelties and dainties tor the table your small dealer doesn't keep. - .-..".',' Just arrived, shipment of Mrs. Jackson's Home Made Pood Products Mince ' Meat, Plum Pudding, Sandwich Fill ings. . . , : Si We have all the-dainties to supply the most elaborate menu. ;." '' Four deliveries daily to your home. -: ,-lr''. '.j F. Dresser & Co. Portland's Grestest Grocery Seventh and Washington Sts. East Fifteenth and Broadway Seaside Oregon V ; $1.00fo1b$1.00 Turkish Bath tba Blckt. sJl for X King's Baths Sereatk and Was. Instoa Stsv rinssst rand larfwrt kwAksl tBthasatw. . FINANCIAL. POKRAra TairST COKrAlTT OF OSIOOeT. ' lb Oldest Trast Company la Orrgoa. kiaouttCKS oviit i,,oou. K. nVI. tHMlnees findlcted. Savtase depesiU received. Time eertiBcstssr tsseed. Bros per cent; spscisi eernncave- i"n 800), Stf to 4 per cent oa shert cell. - . Psoos Mala 468. ICS Xnird st. ' , RENJ. I. roHKN... ...PrsslAsnt , . atmwr . . Vt-.Peealiteet n. a i , i , . ...... ..... . - B. LEE PAOET .Beeretsry J. O. GOLTgA..........-AsUUst Sscrstsry u viern VlVTASftt. WASrsT H0RTHWX8T COa. THIRD AMD OAK STS, TraaSaVTl a tjesevs vxvmaaina; ateawa. Available Is All Cltlss of the rsWeA BtaUS ' aad Jturope. llongtong aad Manila. . coLLEcnom asx oat tatoijlbis tt; President ...J. C. A18W0BTH Vlre-PreeMent . W. B. A TIB Vlc-Prssideat......-rr.r.. - LE veauinw. ......... ........... " . . . Asslstsot rhler A. M. WRIORT Asslatsat Caabler....... ....Tv. A. HOLT PXST sTATTOsTAt HbT or poaxLAiro, oixooir. Designated Depository sad riBsaeJal Ageat ef the UalteA Itstea. : - im Presideat ...A. .V JfTT-If Cshler .............J. W. KEWKIHH Asslstsat fsshier... W- J3. .LVORn SecnnS Asslstsst Chler ...... B. F. 8TIVIN8 LstUrs sf Credit Issued Available ls Borsae - snd the Bsstsra States. - - -an-tk -snd TaleeraDhls Trseafers sold on-New York. Bostoa. Chlesge, St. tsols. St. PanU omsns. aaa rrsncisco aasi ae nrinctpsl points In the Northwest. Slant snd time bills draws in sums te rait ne London, Perls. Berlin, rrsnlrfort-ln-the-Mstn. Hongkong. .'.YosYbaaas. Oopsohsgea. Cbristlsnls. StckbcShv SL Pstsrsbarg, alas. eow, enrich. Honnlnhv Oolleetlons Msas ea rsversnie isrwsa. LADD St TTLTOW. Btmil, (XsUsllakad ta 1188.) Trsnsaetg a Osasral Baaklng Bnalness. Collections feosde st sll points oa favorable terms, letters ef credit tsseed svstlsbls ta tnrotie and all polBta In rh United States. Slsbt. Exchange snd Telegrspble Trsnsfe sold oa New York. Washington. Chicago, St Louie. Denver. Omaha. Saa rtsaelsee aad liontsn snd Brttlh Cohtmbls, - axenang soia on uwvai, ajeiiiu. Frankfort. Bonskonx. XekohaJBS.. sisalls sad Honolalo. - . . . - . w TmCHAJTTS' WATTOTfAt BA1TK, rOHTXAJIO. C1IWT. J. TRAWIC WATSON........ ..PresldeBt Rr LwPrRHAll Ties-President R. w. Hoyt cssnisr CEOKOS W. BOTT... ..Aaslstsnt CsshW Traasseta a General Banking 'Bnstasss. Drafts snd Letters of Credit leaned Avsllsbie ts All Parts sf tbs WorlA, - Collections a Specialty. ' , SECUEITT SATrwrjS St TRTTST OObTPABT. S88 sfsrrlsoa St., ortlaad. Or. Transact a oensrsi swnsine b aliases. SATTSiaB DEPARTsfCsTT. iDterest Allowed on Tim snd Savings DspositS, Acts ss'Traatee for Eststes. Drafts and Letters of Credit Available la AM Parts ef the World. 0. r. APAMS.. Prestdsnt It. A. Liwil. ............ nrst vics-rresioent A. L, Mlt.l.S..... ..Beesed Ties-President R. Q. IUFIT1! Secretary GEO. F. RDR8ELL ....Asslstsat Sscrstsry M ORRIS BROS. . - -' . , . US rirst St., lruaae, or. Offsr Oltt-Edg lnvestaents la . M nsletnal aad 1 Railroad Boaos. writs se csu.- - JBS COmWRTAL COMPART. - nnsacisi agsass. t4S Stsrk st. Pbons sfala 19Tb, morTqage loans Oa Portlsad Seal Xstats at tewsrt Ratss. Titles Insnrsd. - Abstrasts rnrniahad. TITLE OVARARTEI A TRUST 00. , S48 Wshlngta St.. Per. Sassss. JACQUES I OF SAHARA ON VISIT TO COAST Lebaudy, th Suijar Kino;, and Pjturetqus Monarch, En " Y Route to Orient. Y'Y (Spscisi Dlspstdi te The Joernal.) Seattle, Waab.. Nov.- . Traveling; In. cog; under the name of Robert Lebaudy, "Jacques I, emperor of Bah ara," the ausar king of Parte, accompanied by two wives, also Incog, under, the names of Mrs. Montague and Mrs. Deveaux, Cap tain McCarthy and Mrs. Collem. a valet, will arrived In Beet tie over, tho Great Northern from St. Paul tomorrow night. Tho party is traveling la ratal style. ' '.' ' 1 '"" : ' .-'.-r K ' ; Dr. We Norton Davb. 5 ALL NERVOUS, BLOOD, SKIN AND i - PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN - Through our raat experience aa apeclallata we ara able to gnalto foU and early cure In theae troubles In tho majority of Ins tan ess where tbe orcrlnary practitioner falla to relieve. ' . . STOMACH, HEART. LIVER, KIDNEY, ' BUADDER. THROAT AND NERVE TROUBLES are very quickly relieved and a permanent cure made In all curable cases. We frankly tell you If your case la incurable, We will bave no persona money except for beneflta-received. C" .... . . - I Dr. W. Norton irriii ass notation of eminent physicians, experienced wiesrii es pert specialists, with abundant capital, established bt 111, for tba pur pose of treating; . AU rww, IQIBXOAX AJT9 SJTjrmOIOAl. BtstBAVnS 0 ' They will accept no case) for treatment except certain that they cad effect a cure, nor will they make any charge In case of Jur.,.,.t Dr. W. Norton Darls as Co. are undoubtedly tba greatest authorities oa - sinAtii or btm 1 -- In tho United Statas. They are tha founders of ths only system treat ment which will euro spermatorrhoea, Impotency and other forms Of ee. ual weaknesa. with any degree of eertalnty. This la a rftani Of homo . treatment which locally atlmulatas the prostate gland. A similar metoo Is now employed by nearly every specialist of note in America. - . na mmamom - " why "weak men" ars frequently not cured Is because the trouble la im plicated with "diseases of the prostate eland." or with "urethra obstruc tion." Our treatment cures whero othera fall. . .- . ' ''Osronra ansa. ; made of medicated "cocoa butter," -which dlssolvee readily at the tempera ture of the body. Thla easily paaaes tho smallest obstruction without pain. It heals tho Inflammation and removes the oongeetlotj and swell Ins;. The remedy reaches tho weakened "aemlnal duota," heala then and mmi 1 r-ln- Tn naai caaaa Internal medicine la reoulred also. The "crayon" Is only uaed liv complicated cases. Tho patient plaoee It . X without any trouDio at msnr oy nteana oi n imaoATO . ' Oae-r Av . which Is made of hard rubber and Is similar to syrlnra. Thus, without 4 any trouble whatever, the healing; nrocees foes on whllo r"."'V 4 This Is also the most successful method known of treating; "Fre- ouent and Fainrul urination or Men.- - Wo prescribe for. each Individual caae, using many different formulas In crayons. If you have uaed a similar treatment, do not bo dlecouragred before you have consulted us , .. - . . . . .. -- A personal Interview Is desirable, but It you cannot call, wriU us. rV&&la.iul: . -allWI ..Ja' rlet. ast confidence obaerved. Plain envelopes used In all oorreapondenoe. Ire i e atructlve ooox ror men sani ire, securely aiauau. - - 4 WW OVAmAUTTXa A sTtTBB EST RITXatT CARS .WM VWVMMTiXM OS . OBtamoa aro nm. OOVBTJX,TATIOsT - SA correspondence Is sacredly confidential. " " rJ " Y . ' Office hours S a. m. to 6 p. m. and T to 8. Sundays snd Holidays, IS au -m to. 11 m.A . ',..'' " V , :'.,.. Lrmme ff f 1 m J 111 XaV Offices In Van Noy Hotel, 11 Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Do You STPHILIS ts eulcklr buw. t atheesathods. Net sajaarsl VflTBOsmt Mat Is 'the Brat, sseoad Sf . hlnod. Means Bad bens ABU RRCTAI, VLCS.RS are vatnlsssly cored te stir cured without snrgery X er inuii saw mwrrj cm OBCRRBOXA ABS 6LXIT eulckly sad - aermsssatly cared " wltbeat etrietaW . erMHDUeatisis attenoant se following. ITR1CTURZD sfXV. A positive, permanent ears br ear ssfe. palalsse Btetnod. wtta- J eat toe BB1KS sr ss t CONSULTATION and EXAMINATION FREE Oftoe Xeoni I A. R. t I I SL Louis Medical and Cor. Second aad Yamhill Streets, Fortune, ur. OVERBECKST - Members Chicago aBAUsT. nOTZBZOaTS, OOTTOIT, BTOCXS AID MIS& v 101 Third Street, McKay BuUdlnc. Portland. Or. . .-. yrm o a STicn.T ooBaosnoaT svmnss, COBtlnuons Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd ' Tllton. banksra. and United Statea National Bank of Portland. .SatVsVaffM. I i MgAssiou. oun, sipmixxR, amiBOonji. TAmioooau, xvoesop MAXmOOS, BZXtmATXBasT. IOBMi ASTHMA and BMXM SZRBABBR. W4 want ovary man afflicted ; wiw tne .ku- t.. t. honest' Investigate our special system of treatment. We in vite in particular au wn t .i km ithnnt auacaaa. all Whoee cases have been abandoned by family phveiolans and so-called "ePBOIAAV a,eJsi.B -it ehiiu trnuhlea have been aarsravatad and made worae by the uee r inn, nn auutnae. ui nUAATMXRTTS and BO-called SVBCXr- I0S. We will ezplaln to you why such treatment has failed to cure you. and will demonstrate to your entire satis faction that wo can curs you safely, quickly and permanently. Our oounsel wtU ooet nothing, and we will do by you as wo would wish you to do by us if our eases wars reversed, write lor our homo treatment tf you cannot call. : The DR. LIEBIG STAFF e aaA T. WUeheaeaw Blouse, S4 aa& a ana Ida Btraska, Portlaad,. Os, e BstabUsao lere. occupying; two parlor ears. On arrival hero they will bo the Rueeta of the Washtnsrton, . where rooms have .been set apart for them. They will rams In until November t, when they as.ll for the orient on tbe Mtrtnewota, having engaged tho moat tuxarloua apartments aboard the boat. On the ream trip hie majesty will occupy tho parlor suite of seven room a, while each woman and Captain McCarthy will have two rooms each to themselves. . e 4k Davis & Co. I earth Blse. I Si A B W RBasv sasW VVB Third St, Comer Pins. Portland. Or. Want to De Cured?! OUR PATIENTS HAVE NO RELAPSES wORBXXB MXR. Bsvs yea TARICOCRLR, HTDROCTUIt ; trader ear met sod we ears wlthset saw gory. , TITAL SECxm, commonly called lost BMaaeod. Is a save slga v - . ef vital Aecr end weakness. Master tke week-' aew. LMe't let rale atssasty nun roar health. Costs te as at sees sad , he fslcsly 4 cored. t ead safsl ilyearsd with a tacmwgaassa aa- e third stsae ars nerlSsd aad Blade else 8 ta nmmntlr snd Bermsnsatly. Cars gsjarastssd. X isieiaus wiisj occvpaiuow, vw sviaauva? b siianieea oaaiarvBivaca - va uw. X Writs for Srmntem Blank aad Bsek tf Tsa Ceaaet OsU. P. X. sWays, IS te is aly. Surgical Dfcpenscry i IMMMMMMtlMMMIMw ARR - Board of Trade.' BOWimro), aropsaors m oo. (Established ltlt.) T ABO BTOCX SBO: Boom 4, Smit Ploov, a op coicsnmcB. C.OEBWO The Great Chlncsz Ccct:; rsrsnrty Isesssd st Stt Akksr ea, est sag laird. Has Moved; Te the tarte B4e elMtng at B. B. sr S ef ricst ead atarrusw First tsrset Br. 0. See We, the wteat Ohtness T--t, hi wsll knows asd fa moss uwaikaal tn R. kaeassi hla woadsrtnl sad BMrvsliew su-s hsee Seas heratnsd amsde tkesasMH s kvngth asd brssdtk sf this ssaetrv. be e - say aad all dlaeaeee with sowerfsl r. a nests, asrns, Serla. sarka ssf esetase t I see snttrsly Bnknewa to stedlesl Is t ssentrr. asd theeagb tbs see sf leees 8" s remedies bs (Bsrastees s Bars eeterra, a.-- s Issg foablss, rbssstlsmsei Mssaias, ..-. Nwr. ktdaey. female trsssiss ssd all arlvss !srsawsa eWfv seese wtrneet tbe a'4 sf tn ksifs. erlfhost sslng !'" Rsnereds of Saatlmclasj se fm st Bis e. , Call sad see hist rnsrges ssm-sss, COBIiriTATIOB IBM. rattoeni eat ef taw elir write f-e ' gad etrcnlsr. tselese tsss. ' 'e-. O. wss Ws ChuM afedleln C. 14 .M k.-. Bee. Harrises,, be. Fleees aaeelbs ! S-e-e. .IIP. Those sntferlne fro-a t,,... wni. i , ) i . of lu ado- j . I ' -.e I s wtarveloua re." r"jve" , bn o-. . onlf on r- ia'te I. rietors . . m 'i ' . 7. r . .