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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 1. 1SC5. PUD A Ml ROAD TO QUTARIO 'Company Incorporated to Build Railway From Emmett in Payetti . Valley. Weafc V. CITIZENS PROMISE TO ; , SECURE RIGHT-OF-WAY fasa Meeting at Ontario Attended "by ; Business Men Who Promise Ter- 7 minal Facilities Projected Lino's 1-, Link In Some Big Road. y - . s Iflpeetal Plsp.teh to: The Joarnal.r , Ontario, Or., Nov. 1. The Oregon Idaho-Railway company haa been In- corpora ted at Boise. Idaho. Nathan C Richards ot Sumpter, jDregon, riled the Incorporation papers with the secretary , f state-yyesterday. The object la to . build a line from Emmett, In the Payette ,-valley,t Ontario, Oregon, wltrPn r Is said will constitute a link In a line from ;' Ttutte, Montana, to some , point on the "Pacific coast In Oregon. , The Incorporation followed an n ., thualastlo raaas meeting here ' Monday ' evening, over which Mayor J. A. Lackey ' presided and' which was attended by nearly every business-man. af -which a ' proportion, backed by eastern capital 1, lata, vtt submitted to build, equip and operate a standard gauge steam railway between Ontario, Oregon, and Emmett, "Idaho, a distance of SO miles,: the name ' to be completed and In operation, wit h 4 In on year. ' ' , The ' demand mads ' on the business men of Ontario waa for a grant of 10 acres for termjpal grounds, passenger "and freight depots, machine shops, etc icand It miles of right of way between i, Ontario and New Plymouth, Idaho. By a nnaaimoua vote, the proposition "was accepted and the following com- 'Cmlttee t prominent business men ap " pointed with Instructions to secure. the ) required' of way at once: J. - A. Lackey. C E. Kenyon and J. R. Blackaty. Seymour H. Bell of Sumpter, 'who re 'oently Inatalled e, 15,000 electric light , plant In this city, has been busy for .some time. Interesting eastern capital In this enterprise and the new road will ' be financed by .one -of bis ' personal friends, Gratton Wheeler, a banker of , New York city. . . - i It la Intimated that the road, la one I -- of the connecting links In a transcon tinental line that la now building toward the' Pacific northwest. It la also si Id the road will have the cooperation of the Harrtmao Interests, and that ' as soon aa the road Is completed to Emmett i will be extended on to. Boise. A branch line will also be built Into the Pearl mlnlnr district. . A corps of engineers has been work Ing quietly the past- month and the route has seen located and the grade stakes ' set -between New Plymouth and this city. Ths -road will cross -Snake river one mile east of this city. " - The new railroad . company asks -no bonus or subscription of stock and Mr. Wheeler states ths. bonds will be pur chased- entirely by eastern capitalists. . you;;g millionaire learws v TO BUTCHER HOGS C A. Forstor Works Hit Way Through Packing Plant ta Understand Business. (Journal Special Wei lire.) - St Louis, Mo., Nov. 1. To.4arn the buainess In which, he Is to Invest money. August Forster. son of ths late mil lionaire brewer. C Forster, -Is work Ing In a packing plant. He works from .- a. m. tni p." m. In the cutting de partment, his chief duty consisting of slaughtering hogs. Ho gets lis a week. Forster expects ,to graduate from ths cutting department Into the. aausaga department In two oc three months. From there he will go Into the curing cellars and then Into tns shipping de partment, and later will advance to the office.; After that he-says he Is going to Invest his -money In a pork packlnti business of bis own. He saya that'ne doea not like to be "bunkoed. - Forster la Just II years of age. He haa Just come Into his money, which totals well over a million. Last spring bs finished education at the- University of Missouri He also attended the Uni versity of Illinois. Ha Is over six feet In height and weighs 160 pounds. He played guard on tho football teama of tha two colleges. - . ENGINEER SCALDED BY : BURSTING STEAM PIPE (RpeoUl Plapstea to The Journal.) The. Dalles. Nov. 1. A steam pi pa on the Oeorge W, Simmons burst yesterday while coming op the river, badly scald Ing the engineer. He bravely stuck to bis- post until tha boat was safe. Passengers on board were badly frightened, but no one waa injured. Th Simmons makes dally round trips from Cascade Locks to The Dallea. (D OT we m BY NOVEMBER llh Time Has Set Its Seal! naif-Price On Ml ' SUITS,' OVERCOATS, ' CRAVENETTES, : . TROUSERS, HATS AND FURNISHINGS THE MUCK CLOTHING CO. 109 Sixlh, St. Bet Stark tiWashingtoir -A- C. C. SHAFER, ADJUSTER. : ' , Only Three Days Left I But they will be days of sweet remembrance to the " fortunate buyers, as HALF PRICE on such a fine. large stock of the very besf apparel made is the most . sensational sacrifice that has ever occurred in this ' BUte SEE THE PRICES: ; ; ; , Su its. Overcoats and r-n Cravenettes" Leaving Astoria at 1:40 o'clock yes terday afternoon, the oriental liner Nlooroedla reached Portland, harbor at T:10 p. m., thus completing 'the 100 mile' run In T hours- and SO minutes. ssld to be the reuord for a freighter of her capacity. Heretofore it usually haa taken the Nlcomedla, as well as many tramps which' recently hay visited here, from 19 to 11 hours to -complete the passage. , i Coming across ' the Psclflo contrary winds were encountered during tha en tire vovsae and tile liner waa more than 17 days reaching, tna mourn or tne Co lumbia, river. 8ha left Yokohama 10 mlnutea after the - steamsnip Bioeria iud nut of tha harbor carrying Sec rstarv Tsft and Altos Roosevelt. Ot course tho Nlcomedla waa left far In the rear. -a '- On October" 10 a British - ship was sighted flying a. signal on which ap peared the letters "N..U J. B.' .She requested to he -reported "all -well." Thla was th only vessel spoken $u the trip.: While ths passage coming this way waa 'rather uneventful tha outward voyage was-marked by dirty weather, which threatened to play havoc with tha ateamer. A gale of. unusual severity is run Into between Yokohama, and Hongkong and heavy Seas 'swept oyer the . deck. - The steamer : waa toased about Ilka a cork on tha water, but menaced to null through without bus talnlng any great amount -cf damage. On her arrival at Hongkong aha went on tha drydock for her annual Inspec tion ' and classification and received minor repair work. The bottom of her hull was cleaned and paint e and that Is ssid to account in a great measure for the- quick trip she made up ths river from Astoria. While lying at the Chlness potf Second Engineer Hegken waa succeeded by P. Hfirlerr - PhV steamer Brought about 4.500 tons of freight, made up . of the following gooda: I4.t21 rolls of matting, s.tot cases of tea, "1,000 bundlea of leather, l.SSI packages or Chinese merchandise, a packages of Japanese merchandise. 7S1 cases of curios, 400 tubs of camphor. Z If slabs of tin, (0 bales of cocoanut oil. to bags of beans, SO baga of coffee. IS bags of peanuta, I cases of .silk, 4 pAckagea of samplea and tS bags - of mall.-:,- ----- ' zL--.-:- ' ,gn; -f'Amrif'fi rful2-50uilarajgta--a4. Cravenettes. - f7.SO for MUCK'S better $15.00 Suiti, Overcoat! and Cravenettes: ,- . ,f8.25 or' MUCK'S 17.S0 Suits, Overcoats and Crave- nettes. ' . . " .'. ' ' ' , flO.OO for MUCK'S $20.00 Suits, Overcoats and Crave- riettes. S11.2S for MUCK'S $22.50 Suits, Overcoats and Crave nettes. X. " ' 1 ' A' :,,v': ' f-,- - 'fl2.SO for MUCK'SSSuits, Overcoats and Crave- . nettes. ( - ' u " ' -N - l SUK.OO for MUCK'S finest $30.00 Suits, Overcoats and '.Cravenettes. " ' 1 '..: ..""", ' ' ' v , f for MUCK'S extraprdinary fine quality .; Suits,- . - Overcoats and Cravenettes. ; . ' ' .. ' Trousers 1.50,.r;.. .............. ...'.for MUCK'S $3.00 ones 92.00-.. I. ............... for MUCK'S $4.00 ones 2.50. ......for MUCK'S,$5.00 ones f 3.00.t..i;MV.....v;.-7in..for MUCK'S $6.00 one' 1:f3.T5...... :...for MUCK'S $7.50 ones f 5.00 ..... J .... .r. . . i ......... .for MUCK'S $10 ones , Gordon and Stetson Hats ....... ...'..for MUCK'S $2.50 Hats . ......;.....'... .for MUCK'S $3.00 Hats ;..s-..V.r.s. -.for MUCK'S $4.00 Gordon Hats The, MUCK Hats;; for fall is one of the most select -stocks ever shown. .. '. 91.2S.. f 2.o.: Underwear 504.... .for $1.00 quality '75f;...v .for 11.50 quality ; ,. fl.OO..r..T. ...for S2.00 quality : ' fl.SO.,. ,......, ..................for $3.00 quality -- f 2. OO... for $4.00 quality "rtxTrnz Shirts ; i. i i . . . . . .'. ............ . '. . for $1.0rf Shirts T541. ..........T.for $1.50 Shirts ' fl.OO...... ..for $2.00 Shirts - 91.60. ..'..for $3.00 Shirts 2.00. for $4.00 Shirts. THfe CLOSING" DATS OF THI9 SALE WILL MAKE AN EPOCH IN SACRIFICE SELLING SUCH AS WILL APPEAL TO ALL THINKING WEARERS OF GOOD CLOTHES. , ; . , '. r OPEN EVERY: EVENING J ReinBvaiVB RE CORD Nicomedja Travels From Astoria " to Portland in Seven Hours and a Half. WINDS DELAY-LINER ; IN CROSSING PACIFIC Left Yokomaha TenMinutas, After Siberia, Which Carried Taft Party, but Was Soon Distanced Brings -" Miscellaneous Freight, r French vessel to arrive this aeason with a - cargo direct . from - Kurope. Other French vessels in port are the. Vauban, Touralne and uriseau. v "ALONG THE WATERFRONT. ol PEASOUNOW.- Steamw.anianra rlag-a One Hundred Tons at Teaa from fcaxek. - While making a. landing at the Vic toria dolphins yesterday ...the British steamship Volga -brokers .number the piles standing In front of the struc ture. ' . Steamer Q. W. Walker made a special trip to Vancouver and return yesterday afternoon to relieve tne Lurune. After having been repaired at the Portland Shipyards the steamer' Albany returned to her dock today at tha foot of Main street and soon will resume service between here and points on the upper Columbia river. ., The work of loading the British ahlp Carradale will be completed thla after noon. 8he la supplied with a cargo of wheat, barley and flour, which will be taken to tha United Kingdom. Carrying a cargo of luo tons of gen eral merchandise and having a list of IS passengers, all she has a license for handling, - the steamer South BsV ar rived this morning from San Francisco. The freight Is" being discharged at the Oak street dock. On the return trip she win take out a cargo of lumber. - Steamship . Aragonla .- ahlfted this morning from thecal bunkers to Mont gomery dock No. 1, where she will com plete ber cargo for the orient thla afternoon An effort waa made to have the vessel clear yesterday so that the value of her freight could be added to the- October exports, but tho work of getting the "cargo on board waa de layed. She will clear this afternoon and leave down the river in the morning. . NWlth almost 140.000 bushels of wheat ths steamer Eureka sal Jed last night for the Bay City. - MARINE NOTES. Astoiis. Nov. 1. Sailed at 7 a. m., ateamer Wasp 4or San Francisco; aalled at S a, m ateamer Elmore, for Tilla mook. - - ... . : San Francisco, Nov. 1. Arrived at a. m., steam W. H. Krugar, from Port land... A 1.' , Astoria, Oct. . 31 Balled at 1:40 p. m.. schooner William Olsen, for San Fran cisco; arrived at 1:40 p. m.;' barken tine Portland, from flan Pedro; arrived -at 1:40 p. m. and left up at 4 p. m., steamer South Bay, from San. Francisco. - San Francisco, Oct, II. Sailed at s p. m., steamer Homer, for Portland. San Pedro. Oct. 31. Sailed, barkentlne John C. Meyer, for Columbia river. : . Astoria, Nov. 1. Condition of tha bat at a. mi, smooth; light east wind; weather clear, . i FULTON WILL WORK FOR COOS BAY IMPROVEMENT (special Pbptes to The Joorsal ) '' Astoria, Or.. Nov. 1. Senator-Ftrtton haa returned from hie visit to ths Coos buy sectionr-whersr he went to confer with residents of ' that section aa to needed rirer and harbor Improvements. He- statea that by tha construction of a south Jetty not to exceed a mils In length. 10 feer of water would be In sured over tha ' Coos-bay bar at low tide, and.( that a" small amount of ad ditional dredging , would make it one of tha f (neat harbora on tha coaat. At the mouth of the Coqullle there Is II feet of water at hlh tide and constant Improve ment Is a-olns on In the chaaneLSoo ator-Fulton will endeavor to secure an ' Pea. soup Is likely to become a. drug on the market, aa 100 tons of peas were among the freight brought from Eureka on tha ateamer Alliance, which arrived last night It la tho blggeat single shipment Of this line of goods aver .sent to Portland. -The conalgneea are Albers Bros, and the Portland Seed company. Big quantities of butter and cheese also arrived on tha 'ateamer.. Nearly all of tha freight waa made up of farm p in duce sent from the Humboldt county metropolis and- Coos bay. : Senator Cr- W. Fulton went down ts Coos bay on tha Alliance this trip and cams back on her after she -bad can. turned from California.- Ths senates J waa accompanied, by collector or cus toms Robb of Astoria, and it Is said that hla visit waa for the. purpose of acquainting himself with the nature of the contemplated harbor Improvements at Marshneld and Coqullle City. It Is said that ths senator f avora tha build Ing af a south Jetty at Coos bay bar, and tha -operation-of a suction dredge between ths bar and Marahtteld. Those who were with him on tha trip say that ha will make such a recommendation at the next session of congress. - There in mrmmA-r a north lettv at the Coos bay bar. but it Is claimed by ths shippers I I thwt a pint" etty atniptnra la needed I before the best -results-can do auaineo. it - tinrferanmaV thai ...Senator Fulton 1 Uilso- favoiB ths ylan-nf having ttiriifof posed dredge divide her time - wits Marshneld by working at certain inter valaon tbs Coqullle river. Forty passengers cams on tns Alli ance. Captain Keny says tne weamer waa fine all the way up tha coast except on Monday, when a little fog, hung off tha Oregon shore, for several houra In tha morning. , appropriation for tha construction of a dredge to be used at Coos bay and Co qullle ; river- and for - tha -construction Sf the proposed south Jetty at -Coos bay. - NEW PAYMASTER COMING TO VANCOUVER BARRACKS (Journal Special Servtee.) Washington. Nov. 1. Changes In ths ststlons and dutlea of United Statea army paymasters have been ordered made - aa followsr Major Thomaa C Goodman will be relieved of duty aa chief paymaster at Vancouver barracks and proceed to Seattle for duty, being succeeded, by. Major Webster Vinson, now stationed at Washington. IX C; af fective December II. The artillery dis trict of Puset aound will be placed In charge of Colonel Elbrldge R. Hills, who goes to Fort Worden wovemoer T, AN OIU BURNER NOW. Telegraph Bxpeoted to Develop Jfvea . Kara Bpeed Thaa Before. - Converfedtoto an ollbumer," ths steamer Telegraph will resume .service tomorrow morning - between - Portland snd Astoria, making dally round trips and stopping- at the - prfncipsl way porta. The . owners are expecting her to show sven greater speed than when coal waa used. At that time sha had ths -name of being tha fastest stern wheeler in the world.' She holds ths record of having made tha speediest trip up the ColumDia. river. - -i no steamer will he given a trial trip thla after noon. . Many of the loctl mariners will be on' board and they ara expecting het to make a great showing.- She will gs to tho mouth of the Willamette and re turn. - After aha gets out or the harbor limits her speed capabilities will be put tooths test - ; J - .. . MEETS HEAVY WEATHER.,. rraaeh Sark IVXennltte Suffers Injury ' So Cargo ia Sioras. Bv tha rolling- of the ship In a heavy sea. off tha South American coast ths cement brought from Antwerp by the French bark LItermitte, which reached Dart thla morning, waa somewhat dam aged. -. A large number of. the barrels were broken and the contents Scattered over the hold of the vessel. Captain Legrand reports that ha en countered a number of gales during ths passage. Off -the Lav lata river the blow ' wss particularly aevere and ths ship rolled heavily for several hours. While the rigging remained Intact and no losses from the deck were sustained, the freight waa badly jolted about The shipment consists of MOO barrels of cement and 400 tons of coke consigned to Balfour, Outhrle A Co. The same firm also haa the vessel chartered . for the outward trip to transport grain to th United Klnadom. - Thla fay the first visit of the L'Her mitu ta I Portland., and aha ia the only Color-Keepers Our paints .keep their colors. They're made to last long, withstand the raya of the sun, don't blister, crack or peel offrralp and anow don't bother them, and. anything and everything good that can be ssld of any paint can be asserted aa to the paints we handle, and It will be truly told. Prices In comparison , with quality smaller than most" . fishery ThorAtn & Co, : rmowT aits mokkibow mts. Teeth-NoPain Marvelous 1s what ail ths dentists say about the wonderful system of Alveolar Dentistry, originated and practiced ex clusively In Portland by Boston Dentists, tlH Morrison street. We Save teeth If only a good root remains. Ws restore old decayed' teeth . to ' Usefulness' snd beauty,. ' " ' We replace lost or absent teeth with out pistes. We extract teeth, without pain free of charge. - . . We treat and tighten loose teeth, and soft or bleeding gums ara made, sound snd healthy. ... . Wa guarantee Our plates to fit Wo give you tha best dentsl work for the lowest cost consistent with first claaa work.- Come and have free exami nation and consultation and learn for yourseif what wa can do for you. VrTIETH . IT WITHOUT Boston Painless Dentists BS1H Morrison -, Opp. Mela Fraak . and PoetofBoe. - - Moras gao a n. ti I p. a. ' Bun- iaisra a. a. t Itao p. m. The ""HIS is tHe caution applied to the publicannouncement of Oatoria that has ; : been manufacturea under the supervision of Ohas. H. Eetcher for over 30 years the genuine Oastoria. ,We"respectfully call the attention of fothers and" mothers when -purchasing Oastoria to see' that the wrapper bears his signature in ' black. When-the wrapper is removed the same signature appears on both sides of the bottle in red. Parents who have used Oastoria for their little ones in "the Sast years need no warning against counterfeits and imitations, but our present uty is to call the attention of tne younger generation to the great danger of intro ducing into: their families spurious jneoicines. 1; - It is to be regretted that there are people who are now engaged in the ' nefarious businesslof putting up and selling all sorts of substitutes, or wnat should , more properly be termed conterfeits. for medicinal preparations not only for -adults, but worse yet, for children's meaicines." . It therefore devolves on the mother to scrutinize closely what she gives her child. Adults can do that for themselves' but the child has to rely on the mother's watchfulness.. ; -hSilJ:'--'-.. vvvvvvVVvvvvvv K lllTl AVegc table Preparation for As similating tbeFooUndReeula Bng the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes DtgestiortCIieetful ness and Rest .Contains neither (kium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. tfOUIltSAKVZLflTCMU AxMmim . . . . eu.(i SJw- ... . trfft RonvHv for fVtMltna- tion. Sour Stomoch.Dioxrtioea, Worms Convulsions Jeverisa ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. " ' Tas Simla Sifnatura at 1 . TTEvV YORK. - T tXACT COSY OF wHAPrgn. r. i r tlx s -x 5 i r rV . The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been , n hm for over. 30 year, ha borne the signature of and has been made under his per Jj-f-u , sonal supervision since its Infancy. f"cUcA44 -Allow no one to deceive you In this, b All Counterfeit's, Imitations and Just-as-iroodM are but - Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Inlanti and Children Experience against Experiment. , What is CASTORIA . . Castoria is a harmless substitute .for Castor -Oil, Pare goric, 'Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Tfarcotlo .... substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms : and allays Feverishness. , It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieyes Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food, regulates the) Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and naturaf sleep. ' The. Children's Panacea-The 4 Mother's Friend.. GENUINE CASTO RA AUVAY3 Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have AlwaysBought T In Uoo For Over 30 Years: t 8(01 Me To Astoria and Ocean .... 'Beaches on I v Steamer nMrline' . ThcODay-Boat-Ddwn the- Columbia" Leaves daily from Taylor Street Dock at 7 A. M. Call up MAIN 613 Z ww SSO acres fine timber, near Portland 111.60 per acre tlSOO- Good S-room house, near car -'"line. Improved street, east aide. $9 50O -Mod e rn S-room colonial house, close In, east side. S4900- 100x100 and, modern colonial ? room house, on Union avenue. A fine home. s S7000 A fractional lot'onrVTaahlnrton . street. 7800 .10 flats, nay ins SO per cent; beat ' bur in the city. 10,800100x100 on 17th St: good In--. . come and worth $2,000 more than asking; prtre. U,SOO--2-story brick, on First street ISO tots on car line, onljr 30 minutes from center of city; water and graded streets; )S per month.- - . Soma fine warehouse property on west side.. - , Sahlstrom & Patterson ' 1S8H ronrth st, Oor. Xorrlsoa. . Far . modern dental wortt. World-re- nowned speelallsta. Lowest prices consistent with flrst-alass work. Oe to tbs NEW YORK; DENTJSTS ' rouara Atrp Monazsosr its. Open Say and nlcht, from I:1S s - - v .an til fa a. as. KTaKiArB. Airirsjlla.(. sUallsjkart rrat1st w it TT V A . MutiiiLut auii araiiil iiJ U Uf.a M4 Ms fjMtaJlM Wmt, ta4 wHUi sissrlsbst. Telia s4lipr Issaf ITasisiaa nWtitjSsMa m4I Isjsttske fllssBiae S of f r Irwla4 aw atasl Am. an mmmf f rrl4tsirw, T41tBlsUss saW Nsf fmw ldlaaa, to lfr, r rm - MaUL TasA)(et. al to all DnaSftna. 4 alr-s.ater 0sstM Cw HOMES FIRLAND M , M N UUOT TOVB X.OT XV FIRLAND Now, order a home built and pay for it in rent rate Installment In thla way you pay rent to your . aelf. . . FIRLAND lias best water, best car service, fare Sc. Locatsd 10 minutes from city, on the Mount Scott car line; streets are graded. ; LOTS $130AV ;. 'at powa, as a Moatk. Take Mount Scott car, First snd LAlfl.n street.. Ride out and see. . A sent alwaya on around , , QQO. W. BROWN SOS raUlaCBnUaiac. , j non 'MaU Sit. . ( , ROOT. A. TAYLOR Omoei rirlaad Snatloa. JOURNAL WANT ADS ' BRING QUICK RESULTS Wrttpp, Wthtna 7 V tots $90 to $400 Easy Terms Moore Investment Company 151 sum Street ' DE8IAMKB AJIO '- BDILPia. - 308 4th St., houses xmvt OH INStaLLMBNTB. ' OCT PaiCKS. ' EVELYN LOTS A 10a A SAT. SNA Pi3 ! SNAPS! oo ovr AMO s. ... - , v Take Mount Scott car at First and Alder streets, and a delightful ride of ' 21 mlnutea will land you In the midst ot these bargains. -, , Kve'ry convenience In RvalynT Best water, best car service, eta. i Come -out Sunday or weekday and be convinced. . . , . E. ALFORDSON , omoii arax-ni stAnox. V t . . . .'; .J. - rf- I -