LOW A; STARTLING: REVELATiOM; IM: THE PtllCES Op SHOES, CLOTHING; FURNISHINGS. ETC -We feel proud tO;.y that every purchaser went away from our store smiling; with satisfaction at the tremendous bargains they secured ; to prove that this ino exag , ; yf.in who have attended this sale. The bargains we are offering are the ,tajk of tie town, and will be for some time to come. Do not take our word, but come and see for yourselves., We are selling goods for less than half what you can buy them for from other stores. Come before it Is too late. It being nec essaiy to flize on our stock quickly to save our good name, we offer our Immense line of $ 1 08,000 WORTH OP CLOTHING, SHOES, MEN'S FURNISHINGS, Etc., at This is a' tremendous sacrifice, as we were considered very close buyers by the trade. You cannot appreciate what a great reduction this Is until you see the goods and prices;;;;. V'-. DON'T MISS THIS RARE OPPORTUNITY Of getting the biggest bargains; In Clothing; Furnishings, etctever offered to the people of Portland, as you may never be able to get a chance like this again. Below we quote a few prices to show you what tremendous sacrifices we are making. Just remember that all goods priced In this advertisement can be brought back any time during the sale. A FINE SUIT OF MEN'S CLOTHES, all to match r,... 92.08 v ; : This suit Is positively wprth $12.50 or your money, refunded at any time during the sale. , J,.: ; ;, . ; , ' MEN'S FINE SUITS AND OVERCOATS, in cheviots and Q Scotch plaids ,i . . . . . . ; , . ...... . f ........ . ........... . 4.98 ; Worth $15 or your money refunded at'any time' during the sale ,::if you are not satisfied.- V. -' - v '."v il ' MEN'S SPLENDID SUITS AND OVERCOATS, in velour finish , ' cassimeres, all sizes. ... 1. . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . ... . . . .? 5.83 Positively worth $18 or. your money back. SILK AND SATIN LINED DRESS SUITS AND OVERCOATS, ''.'in plain, checks and striped colorings. .............'......97.98 , . TheyJe positively worth $22. y'', . ' V ; " MEN'S EXTRA FINE DRESS SUITSAND OVERCOATS, in all the latest styles and shades, heavyi silk and satin lined, equal . tJ to the i finest $40' tailor-made to'order garments, for..'.. 12 f. u'j -vi "Don't fail to ask to. see these garments. ' . ' ; 'C ; ' "u ' p, v....-,. .:r-j, ;.. ,.',., ..rv;; : MEN'S FINEST WATER-PROOF OVERCOATS; maker's guar r antee ticket on every coat; worth $20 to $35. . . . . . . .f 9.98 " t. i? i Don't fail to see them. . .-.v .' ."i - i' : ' ' ' v' " ' ".' ' ,,'.'.'' - - ' :V ' . ' ' ' : " : . MEN'S' FINE DRESS PANTS .V....,..VV,;....,. ...... 98 Worth $3.50 or your money refunded. ,, ' ; ; ; MEN'S FINE TROUSERS FOR SUNDAY WEAR, in worsteds and fancy stripes, at................ $2.39 Positively worth $5, $6 and $7for money refunded. BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS! . . . ... ...... . . ... .$1.98 . - Worth $4.50. . . .;.;',' ,..'., .s . ' 30 YS' FINEST SUITS AND OVERCOATS, worth $5,' $6 and $7, for .92.49 ' , ' Thousands of Children's Suits' to choose from. 1,000 PAIRS BOYS' KNEE PANTS,,worth $l...Uv.....15 MEN'S BEST QUALITY RElWpORCED LAUNDERED SHiRTS,worth$i.. ........ 42 ' FINE DRESS SHIRTS,' worth $1.50... ... ...... ..... .29, 19 ! - MEN'S FINE SILK EMBROIDERED SUSPENDERS, ; ; ' worth 75c 8 GOOD HEAVY SOCKS, worth 25c...V...t......,..,........3 . 'OVER 8,000' NECKTIES, in all shades, worth from SOc to $i.l4 ; MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, worth 25c. .......3 j MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS, worth 35c. ... . . . '. ' , .... . . . ...15 MEN'S BLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS, worth $2.50...,.. . . '. ...78 ! MEN'S OVERALLS, come quick. . . ......... . . 39f BLACK AND TAN HOSE, worth 25c..,.. ........ 7 TOWELS, worth 15c . .. ...... ..r.T.... . . . . . . . ..... ....... ...4f . Odd Coats and Odd Vests at your own price; 3,000 other ar ticles too numerous, to mention. V'v. ; ' " - . ' ' . .' :.-' , -. - , : ' : ' .i .v. MEN'S FINE . UNDERWEAR AT LESS THAN HALF THE : COST OF PRODUCTION. - MEN'S VELOUR CALF, worth $2.50, at. ... . ... . .... ... . .81.23 MEN'S FINE VICI, KANGAROO AND BOX CALF, worth $4, at .................. ..................t ... ..92.49 MEN'S CORDOVAN AND KANGAROO WELTS. worth $4.50, ati. ......... .i.. i... ..92.61 MEN'S FINEST. WELTS,' in vid and willow calf, regular $5 ' "Shoes, at ............ . . . .......... . .... , . . . . , .... .. .93.39 MEN'S PATENT LEATHER, all sizes, regular $3.60. ... ..92.23 BOYS' AND YOUTHS KANGAROO CALF, worth $2.50, '''' ..i.... i...... v.. ....... .91.20 LITTLE GENTS NOBBY SHOE worth $2, at, ......... . l.Q8f ' These are all up-to-date goods. Do not confound this with so-called closing-out sales, etc. THIS IS A LEGITIMATE SALE. We must raise the mpney necessary to satisfy our creditors claims. Sale Positively Closes Saturday Night, Novefeber ';'; r-'i 'm v':'.'.,':-- ..'liV;: ..'..":'--..: .',,'-. ; '"'','.,-, ;' . - ' . : .: v ' ; '.-. - f . m i m h. bv- -m.BMi mm mmw m m -mm mm m mm mmr m m mmt i I 1 r . Ai r II i I I I I I I I I 11 II x I V r ll 1111 . II 111 n il. II M M k II n- n il II Do lot Be Misled, This Store is 1L 4, at 11P. M. Portland, Or., Two Doors from Yamhill Mail orders carefully filled. Railroad fare paid on all purchases $25.00 or over. IGillll A PERFECT v Father Mtasurs Which Thy Expect Will Patt. : '9T A LOOPHOLE IN : MEASURE AS PREPARED tt Ban on 8ld Room, Back Room, Upper Room, Alco Booth, Box or Other Apartment in Connection With Saloon or Barroom. . n bn MiMd with a udda daair mdiol reform. This wee ehown trde.y afternoon e,t tfee eaeeUne; of . w w eg ' Mfktfal lesTarU Bellre4. Jnfferlnc trtrt trolly from,, the rra " polaone of undleeated food. C O. ;2raon, of Lule, Mlaa.. took Dr. King a Life Wile, "with the reeult." he "that I wee cured." All etomaeh "4 bowel dleordere five way to their laxeUve properfiae. ltd et Bhld- Drug Co, 1(1 Third atreeti the liauor Iloenee committee, when en othar box ordinance wee Introduced. which, if peeeed, will bar boxee, bootha and etaJla or erery aaaonption rrom ea loone of the city end permit noth ing aaaant nlaln harrooma. i Councilman Bennett and Wllle ere fatherinv the meeaure. When the bos ordinance queatlon wee taken up for conalderetlon by the committee end the new ordinance wee eubmltted eeveral of the wlae membere looked - over their glaeeee with eetonlehment at the two councilman who dared propoee euch a . . I Ilnfl , "I'm afraid of that ordinance." quick ly remarked one meraoer wno nemo fore had accorded hie eupport to Coun cllmaa Bennett'e box ordlnencee. pome Approve Keaew. ' v The propoeed meeaure wee heartily aproved by other Councllmen Mee tere and Wallace, who had eupported u.a in hia andaavor to aecure e good bos ordlnence, were favorably Impreaaed and inquirea u a. aumcmn. number of votee had been pledfed to peee It Councilman Bennett replied that he bed. not Interviewed ny mem bere, bet wee of the oplnlonwthet he could mueter a eufflclenUy large vote to peee the ordinanoo. -' The propoeitlon wae poatponed enttl the next meetlna;.' becauaV Councilman Veuihn wae unable to be preeantV terday. Meenwhlle a copy of the pro poeed ordinance will be placed Ja the hande of the, eounollmen. r . "I have een working to aecure euch en ordinance for aome time," remerked Councllmen Bennett "J em not In favor i - i uiMni ajid - n.var heve been, but I agreed with other membere on -the ordlnanoee wnicn but. """' fore been introduced, ae they would eon " . . . ..K.. Mow tha time la rtoe or thie meaeure. I bellevo too major. ity of the membere will favor it Thet'e wny i nave introaucea iv - The chief aectlona of the ordinance ioiiow: . j a uMnn 4 v. Ar-wm mnmmA In Mil. lag eplrituoue, melt or fermented llq- uora or wine a in quanuuea n mn one quart. In any eajoon or barroom In rto be eold any liquor to be delivered or ueed in any aiae room, bbck room, upper room or other epertment In the eame of .M.in. hnilHInv ar ahall have or maintain any alcove, booth, box or other epertment In connection with aald ae- loon or Barroom. 'fl..4lnM , XT a Mrann .nnt In aelllng eplrituoue, melt or fermented liquore or winea in any niuunni in the city of Portland ahall maintain, or 11 allow an llnnnra to ha delivered or need In any alcove, booth, box, pri vate room or ocaer p.rimiii n wn nectlon therewith; .provided, thet noth ii.i. muiMiiiul Vi . 1 1 nrohlblt tha eervlng of liquore In a booth or alcove having one eioe entirely open upon m. main dining-room, without doore, cur- ... i th nkatnifttlnnl ta a View of the interior; and" provided, further, tnet It enau vm imwiui ii muuum v . & jiniii..MAiiii uima tha eame floor ee the main dining-room of euch ree taurent containing not ieaa man . aauare feet In which liquore may be eerved end ueed. "Section I. The provieione or -ecuoa I ehell alao apply to reataurante in -vi.k iaam are not aold: but nothing wt,ii 'I'"" w - t. hta nrdinanaa ahall cro vonMuuw - - - hiblt the eervlng of liquore to gut In a hotel having a vena 11cm" -" the eame. ' , . ..o .i i i, ahall be unlawful ' to have or maintain any private or eepa- rate entrance ror any prucu.r ol euetomere, or any word or alga upon any entrance elgnlfying that euch en trance ie for ladlee or famlllee, or foi any particular claaa .of pereone, or la a prlvete entrance to eucn oarroom, aa loon or reataurant or to any othet epertment need. In connection there with,- ' , .. , ; TESTING MACHINES TO SOON BE INSTALLED (Special Dtepatee e The Jewreal.) ' Vnlverelty of Oregon, Eugene Or., Oct tl.J. P. Knapp, the government expert who hee hed cherge of the gov. ernment teatlng machine et the L-ewle end Clerk exposition, arrived In Eugene yeaterday to take eherge of tne inetall Ins of the teatlng mechlnee which the unlveralty baa procured. Mr. Knapp will take complete charge of the plant now being built on the campua and will commence the flret work in few weeke. In thle building wM alee e the etone teatlng department The wood teatlng machines to be inetelled are of 0,ooe end tOO,9 pounde pree- eure reapectlveiy. SPEND. fJORE. OH OFFICERS THAN OTi THE CANAL Fajicy , Salaries for' Numerous Officials Absorb Isthmian ' Commission's Funds. ...',. Two kinds . of goods and trade; a. bargain's a bargain and money back. One makes friends and the. other loses 'em. ' ; . ,: ; benu-.i'' Ccst - at your - r--, ': ' ' . grocers. ; . ; 7ooraal Bueolel aVrl.t" Waefllngton, Oct Il-flufrtclent eauee for Taft'o trip to Panama ie found in the detailed etetement of the canal In apectore made publlo today, ehowlng that of the $4,000,009 epent up to June 10 leet I7ti,8 had gone Into eelerlee and wages, while only about flil.aii had been epent in excavation. . Of the total eatery amount one third, or fiOt.Ul, went to ofneera who had cherge of the digging. Ae a summary of expendlturee ebowe only 1114,000 la against the Item of eanel construction. A oomolata analysis in the detailed eooount of expendlturee enowe now lit tie wee epent In dredging, the actual work of "making dirt nr ana now much to eupport expenelve, and In eome eases melees, orflee-hoidere. Recent eelery reductlono in the com- Where Xapplneee U.Tonad. Soa't look far erne aanelaMe la tae waastoM at tae Terr rtca, warn prte4 pbj-. !! are ealltd fa ts ooetor mr lWnt. But aark It aad nd It to, la rke eaaifnrtabl heaas of the Btddla-rluaM sad sa-nill paor, wkare Qratn't Aafutt rioww la alw.M twd te karp tlM t.mHf bMlthf to nre all itonvt trnahlM, wk.tkn lodlCOTtloa. erwjala. cnnlpatloa, M ef etTt.. MllneS atta-ke ev torpid Utt. ITlaJ eatue Aasaai rwwi, ave. ae aniaa, t all eraialsta. t 4. , mission's officer e did not decreeee the total amount of aalarles paid, because or tne aaattioa. or aome new highly peld ofneere. i- RADICAL COLLEGE OF . PHILOMATH BURNS (BDeelsl Dlanatch ta The Jonntal.t - Corvellle, Oot 10. The Radical col' lege of Philomath burned to the ground in that town lete yesterday afternoon. The blase etarted from a defective flue and no eld could bo rendered ae there ere no weter accommodations in the city. The piano and chalra were saved, out tne Duiiding wea entirely consumed. The president ie Stanley Wetktne. II Ie not known whet effect the fire will heve on the town or whether the Insti tution win be rebuilt or not. It ie the largest fire the town, hee eeen for eight rears. KALISPELL BOY SHOT 17HILE VISITING A FRIEKD Youth Hovering Between Life and Death as Result of Mys ' ; . . terfous Shooting. : ; ; Piled for Probate. (apatial Dkmatce ta The Joeraal.) Corvallla. Or- Oct . II. The will of the late Charlee M. Smith, who died e few weeke aero, bae been filed at the Clarke" . of floe for probate. The aetata I eummoned. ho found Blmmona trlna- on fie valued at 110,000. end to each of thai the floor In a pool of blood. The other six Children lioo ie Bequeathed, the re-1 boy disclaimed any knowledge of the mainder of the eatete going uncondltlon-1 ahootlng. . Later he eald that red (Joarnal serial Berries.) " KallspelL Mont. Oct II. Ollle Sine. mona. e lad aced IS. lies In tha hoanltal here hovering between life end death. ae the result of a gunshot wound mys teriously received In the home of -a' friend, George Bryant, a lad of the eame age. The Bryant boy hae not yet been arreeted. but probably will be. The Slmmonetboy took dinner with the Bryent boy Saturday aftenooBr end the boye were left home elone by Mrs. Bryant who returned ehortly after the shoot Inc. When Officer Madaen wee ally to the widow. She la also named de executrix, to eerve. without bonds. whiskered man had shot hie companion. The glmmona boy only atated that he did not shoot hlmeelt Offlcere found two revolvers In tha houae. one of which wae empty and oi the mental near the wou--d boy. 1 t etherwea found In en e It bad recently-been e ac. College Boye Batorceln, . (Raaelal Dime tea to Tha JooraaL) Corvallla, Or., Oct II. The annual entertainment given their frtende by the ran thorn hall bora of tha Agricultural rnllan la achedulad to take rlce next I handle wee blrAy. The t v-Am nlaht Tha natura of tha affair I nolle la that the boya V la nn a. vnaria known, Tha events I hnld-UD end the Tr"t I alarava attrant a. laraa nart of the Cor- I ally a hit the Other. 1 veUla people. J In the back of your k ir"ry r I 't t 'ft