The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1905, Image 7

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: 1
.r. ..d, tu. day nvmni'o, ctc n ci, it i .
tovioxt'i AireTret
ii.raaaa) Or and ,...,"Tbe Saltan of Salu"
u'lVico. "'I1 kUnimaa"
Baker. ..alualcel Burlesque
Empire. .. . . ii "P Thorns"
rrlteT.... " Bankers P"""
flits' ", VUUTI'1
anoi t Vaadevllle
JjJrt VeuoerlUe
It took the fire committee of the city
executive board three hours- Uat nlybt
to let contracts (or 14,400 worth of sup
plies 'or the fire department. .. Moat of
the time was spent In a discussion of
(Ire boae. Tha contract finally waa -tat
to A. a. Lone; fo (.000 feet of Jtt-tpcU
wax-treated cotton hose, known as the
Keystone brand, at 90 cents a foot. This
hoae Is in use In considerable quantities
jo the departments and gives excellent
satisfaction. Lane Mulr were awarded
the contract for a new hose wagon for
850. The- wagon must be built ac
cording to plana and specifications mad.i
by Chief Campbell. New proposals will
be asked, for boilers for two fire engines
The annual meeting of the Men's
Methodist Social union of Portland will
be beld at the Grace Methodist Epis
copal church, comer of Twelfth and Tar
jor streets, tonight at TiSiHe'riock.. A
review and a . analysis of : the new
Methodist hymnal will be given by 3. K.
GilL . This son (book waa compile! re
cently Jointly by the Methodlat Episco
pal church and the Methodist Episcopal
Church South. A large ehorua choir
will aaaiat Mr. QUI.. All Methodist me
are invited. .;.'. , v -' sr. v
' Florence M. Hodaon has begun a suit
for divorce alleging that, Hamlet H.
Hodson treated bar- In "an unhusband
' like manner." ' She avera . that . Hodaon
forced her to work as a atenographer,
thus Injuring her health. 8he asks that
her maiden name of Florence H. Hutch
Ins fee restored. The couple were mar
ried at Anoka, Minnesota. July SO, IMS.
When tne postofQoe was remodeled
an entire new series of lockboxes was
put in.-which the old keys "will not fit.
postmaster John Mlnto has been on the
lookout .for the .old boxopeners aince
'last June, and now aays that after No
vember I he will not refund the 20
rents that the' old keys are worth to
their- holders at present. ; . .... ; ...
. A new schedule has gone Into effect on
the Morrison streetcar Una, 'two car
having been 'taken , .rT. . By this the
time of each car la shortened one min
ute. . The eight employes displaced by
the new arrangement have been retained
as in extra crew. . '.,.;. ', ;( '...,"
. Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Pace, ' mission
aries of the United Brethren church to
the orient, will speak at the ; First
.United Brethren church Thursday even
ing at I o'clock. Rev. W. E. Rossman
of The Dalles and J. A. tfenkle of Port
land win slngi AH are-Invited.
' ' A visit to the' Holy Land made 'easy.
The famous Tlssot palntinga reproduc
tion cost quarter million dollars, with
life, of Christ in tha original and trans
lations, Now selling at half publisher's
price. Easy pay men ta. . Write Tlssot,
47 North Fifteenth street ;.- - : ,'
At the Lewis and Clark fair the state
of Idatuxrrecelved nothing under silver
medala- ? ne majority of tte state's
awards were gold medals. .' Idaho had
less' than 100 entries, but received fit
jgflt medala.end eight sllvjsr jnedala,,
wPorUand '! Tamala Parlor,' 141 Pari
street, between. Alder and Morrison,' the
only place In town where enchiladas,
chlla con earns with frUolea. Mexican
style, alao the celebrated Frits tamales,
are made. Open from 1( so. Ut 11 p. m.
' Cairo,' one of the attractions on the
Trail, lea vea today for Los Angelas.
Gaston Akoun, owner and manager, goes
with the show. He has secured con
cessions at Venioe, an amusement re-
sort near Los Angeles. ,
The special Sunday , ratea on the
Oregon ' Water Power A Railway com
; pany to Oregon City, Greaham and all
points east thereof to and Including
Kstacada have been withdrawn,
v Watchea and diamonds 1 down and
: 10c per week. Goods delivered on first
' payment Xmaa ' is coming. - Metsgar
at Co., Jewelers, Opticians, ill Sixth..
- We clean and psess your clothes and
shine your shoes for $1.00 per month.
Unique Tailoring Co., I4T Waahlngtoa
' Main (14. - - -,-! .
The O. W. 'P. 8unday rates to 'Ore
gon City, Gresham; Boring, Eagle Creek
and Estacada have been discontinued.
Why pay ((.(( to 10 for eye glasses
when we guarantee a perfect (fit for tit
Metsger 4V Co 111 Sixth etreet
- ' Bible Spiritual society Halloween
party at the Alllky hall. Third and Mor
rison streets tonight. Free to all. -
Pf under the florist has removed to
new store, at 148 Sixth street, between
Alder and' Morrison. ;;p : '; ;T .
. Portland Waiters' club. Grand ball.
Merrill's hall Saturday night Prise
Walts. . ;.. ; .",' ; . ; , ; -"'
' Portland's ' beet dancing school. 0
Alder. Prof. Rlngler. Miss Buckenmeyer.
' Ladles' gymnasium class, the Rlnglw
Physical Culture school, fl' per month.
' Carved letter signs the kind you want
Foster 4k Klelser, Fifth and Everett
- Wanted Billiard table, complete. In
first class condition. 'Phono-Main SS,
' Try a meal without meat at the Vege
tarian cafe, 10S Sixth street "
,; Frits's tamales are the best - v ' 1
Preferred Seek Canned CrOoss,
' Alien Lewis' Beet Brand.
B Tim'c Vino
1ULU O A All
. Ifio in a great measure our
Justly earned reputation fot fine
Neckwear that hao caused tb.
rapid increase of our busmeta.
This aeason we have a moat
excellent stock of the choicest
Neckwear in all grades, from
fifty cents' up. .
-", ,
Himtt, Crtdlay O Co.
ZASiasAaxxas. - - .
S4S Wanhlngton Strmmt '
i' RAS SaVairS tVXATKS. '.
Toun vo:
J' L:Ml.w. ,il
o tm of a r. t. xumio bt
i m rxixx c T i rat$ on, ,
.' rut rf,aCa-a.Tfl KITIK. .
A roroxAB stzatTw avd
. t . .. AaeOBZ,
TaToantahi tllaMaf, trout fUatnc, S tm
Bin "r park, larva oaactDg paTtuim.
rtde wlta Hty - watrr aa etoetrte
. eaiaa. nupaoae direct u
PortUad. Taooaanda of urn ot fir latest
'eurnmo the yoeas elty of Eataeada.
aa rnixg ysov roKTXAn.
Ratea pt day a I.M
Rataa per ek . , U.0
BpnHal tick!, tociadlag rooad trip
tare and dinner ....B tTi
SWtal ttckvt. Incladlnc wead trip
tare, one - aisht'a lodaiag and three
SMala t-tee
xioxrr ornci nur axs alobs m.
I. B. MARTINEZ. Manager
Local Club to Maks Continuous
Effort to Incrsase Number of
. High Grade Machines. .
Portland Haa About Two Hundred
Automobiles.' Lot' Angelea Ten
Times aa Many Few High Grade
: Machines Owned Locally. , ,
'A continuous effort la to be made by
the Portland Automobile club to stir up
lntereat In autornqblllng, Improve the
roads about Portland and add to tha
number of high grade machine In com'
mission locally. Practically all the
automobllee that are seen pn Portland's
streets have come withjta the laat two
years. . v-r
-. Portland . now baa - about . 200 auto
mobiles, most of them light grade ma
cblnea. Only three or four are of the
powerful. four-cylinder type. Los
Angeles, with about the same popula
tion, haa' S.000 automobllee., it ta said,
and ' autolats point ' to the comparison
with an accompanying wag of the head
that ' aays plainer than words, "that'a
the difference between hot town and
a fogy aettlement"
- The atyle and number of automobiles
you aee will tell whether a town haa
tha real nabobs, willing to let loose of
their coin In exchange for a touch of
high life," aald an auto dealer. "While
Portland haa done pretty well, there Is
no comparison to be made between the
number and claaa of machines here and
at Loa Angeles or Seattle. The latter
town has not one mile of good road to
Portland's 10 miles, yet there were 10
high grade machlnea aold In Seattle thla
year, while Portland dealers did not sell
more than half a dosen of : the same
Quality.' . ' - '
. Automoblllng la. a, new game in PorW
land. Prior to two years ago .the auto
waa something of ' curiosity and the
man . who rode one waa regarded aa
closely related to . the orank , family,
There la not here the alt-powerful in
ducement of long - stretches of hard.
aandy hlghwaya that are found around
Los Angeles. Neither Is Portland a
one-amusement town, - hemmed In like
Seattle. The great variety of Interests
and recreations . here, including goir,
boating, the Columbia river excursions,
the seaalde resorts, house-boating, hunt
ing and flahlng In their various sea
sons, ao diversify the alms and plana of
amueement-seekera that only a limited
number take to automobillng.
About 100 automobiles have been sold
br Portland dealers thta year, including
new and second-hand machine. These
machines represent an investment of
something over 1100.000 y the pur
chasers. Next year, it Is said, . dealers
will try to rsise the standard of ma
chines sold and It ta expected that many
automobiles coating 14,000 and more
will be seen on the streets. . .
' Dr. Stephen S. Wise appeared before
the license committee of the city coun
cil yesterday afternoon and championed
the cause of street hawkers and com-
mlaaion men, who had petitioned the
council for a reduotlon of the license of
1(0 a quarter. Dr. Wise contended that
the license was prohibitive and thererore
unjust and that If the city did not wish
to permit hawkers to be on the streets
It should pass laws to bar them entirely.
R. Olltner alao appeared In favor of
the reduction, but Councilman Dan Kel
laher, who represented the Retail Gro
cers' association, argued that the licenae
should not be reduced as the hawkers
Interfered with the business of the legit
Imate grocers. " .
Councilman Rushlight remarked that
the hawkers secured the offal from .the
commission houses and peddled It upon
the streets for the publio to eat At $60
a quarter he said ths hawkers had to
pay 814 cents to the city a day and he
thought tnat-a- reasonaoie aum. va pay
for rent - ""v
"If theae men can't pay that they had
better keep off the streeta," lie aald.
"I am not in favor of reducing the li
cense a cent ". v.
The matter wta laid on the table for
further discussion. ,
A Beoora Tnsarpaased set tka VaeUU
Coast. . ...
, Something new in the way of hotel
recorda has been achieved by the Hotel
Oregon daring the short season since Its
opening. It Is no unusual thing for a
new hotel to take a year to secure stand
ing with the traveling publio. -.The Ho
tel Oregon haa. In less than half that
time, taken a place In the very front
ranks, and Is tpday the most populsr
caravansary In I the Pacific northwest
Its grill appointments are unaurpassed
and Ita service la aa near perfect as
vmnhnnv orchestra musloalt
each evening after :I0. Corner 8ey
enth and Stark atreeie.
i -i . "
Dancing School Prof. Eaton.
. ' 4 .nnlflf.
Beginners every " L ,T
Class Thursday evening. . Arlon hall.
i I
Lesson by term. e wn .
1041. ;
Milwaukie Country Club.
Eaatern and Seattle races. Take SelU
wood and Oregon City, eara at rirat and
A I rial . v
J t a m i J
wJ 14.. L.e!a.0
G1 .OCu Ul ES
. w . '
- -V-
Leads Second District and Has
Largest Vote Polled in Ha-
. waiian Trip Contest.
',v-.. ) , 1 '
Pasaea Misa Phillip in tha Firat Dis
trict, but the Straggle la Still yery
Cloaa How the Vote . Stands
- Throughout Qregon.
, The eecond district In the The Jour
nal's Hawaiian trip contest continues
to d tne Banner aisirtct , ror neavy
voting and It haa now won fresh honors.
for the leader of that district haa mora
votes to her credit than the leader of
the first dlatrlct which comprises Port
land, the rest of Multnomah county and
also Clackamas county. After another
wonderful Jump Mies Katie Nash of La
Grande Is. well In the lead-in -her dis
trict, for she baa S1.59S . votes to her
Miss Katie Naah.
credit Miss Bailie Madlgan. who again
leada the firat dlatrlot has 00.107 rotes
to her credit so ifcairbe seen that La
Grande, with Ita hustling ways, haa eor
raled for Ita leadera more votes than the
leader of the first district has secured.
Mias Naah and her many friends at La
Grande are. to be congratulated on-the
vlgoroua campaign they are making and
In theae congratulations Pendleton is en
titled to a share, for a strong tight is
being made In that city. While Miss
Naah haa a substantial lead In the sec
ond district Pendleton is coming to the
front in Its' support of Miss Agnes;
Fletcher, who now haa il.ioi votes. The
third place In the second district Is held
by Miss Molly rroebstet or la uranae.
wh haa 18,641 votes.
In the first district Miss Bailie Madi
an of the Olda. Wortman A King atore
la again the leader,, having Jumped Into
first place since Saturday. -'She now
haa 40.107 votes. Miss Minnie S. Phil
lips Is second with,: 6,545 votes, and
Miss Sadie Wlnternrantle retains thlr-1
place with 48,711 votes. Miss ' Lura
Baty la fourth with -41,181 votes; Miss
Oretchen Kurth, rirtn, witn is. to 7 votes,
and Miss 3uth Lee, sixth, with 1S.744
votes. '' ''-.
Miss Emille Croeaeh of The Dalles Is
the leader In the third dlatrlct and has
27.700 votes. Miss Luclle Crate of The
Dalles Is second with 24.070 votes, and
Miss Stella Richardson of Hood River,
third, with 14.411. The voting In this
district has been very heavy during the
past two-days.
In 1 the fourth district 'Miss Hattle
Barton of Baker City still leads with
24,420 votes. Miss Gertrude- Tlce is sec
ond with 20.10 votes, snd Miss Clara
Swain of Burns, third, with 14.710 vote
Miss Florence Heavren of Vancouver
leads the fifth district with 2I.77f votes.
Miss Amelia Williams of Kelso vu sec-
end with 17.200 votes, and Miss Kai
lna Gore, third, with 17.287 votes.
' The leader of the sixth district Is
Miss Madge Battee ofEugene. who has
21.281 votes. Miss Blanche "Brown fol
lows with 10.100 votes, and Mlsa Lucy
Morcum of Woodburn comes third with
44,186 votes. ;
In the seventh district Miss Bertha
Courtemancha of MrMlnnville leada with
21.724 votea,ad Mlsa, Hasel Kennedy
of Lafayette cornea' 'second with 14,212
votes. Miss Cora Spangle of Dayton
haa third place" with 12,274 votes.
Miss Edna Ptfraley is tbs leader of
tha eighth district having 20.207 votea
Miss Dale Harmon is second with. 27,101
votes, and Miss Louise T. Jones, third
with 12,742 votes. , . . -
Reception for Him at The Dalles
Tonight and Entertainment
"' at La Grande, :
I. L Boak, bead consul of the WooeVj
men of the World, who is touring tne
Pacific Jurisdlstion ; and Is making . a
trip through Oregon, left today for The
Dalles, where a reception in hla honor
will be held this evening. An enter
tainment alao will be given and a suit
able program haa been arranged. ;
. Tomorrow evening he will take part
a womajts raassi ,
VVashtafl at 6c
Per Pound
Saving her the painful labor of a
hard day a toll over the baek
breaking waabboard and wash
tub. . .
Csr Ptcsc Is lUla SSS
And if yon will call us up we will
tell you all about it
. saoovs ajto ootimsttA. -
a cm o;:z
Sales for October at Eilers Will Ex
ceed October, 04, by. Over 120,000.
Increased Factory Cost of Material
and Labor Will Make , Increased
Retail Prices Necessary Fair
Warning During This Exposition
Sale Is tha Tim to Select Your
Favorite ' Instrument at s Saving
of 30 to 60 Per Cent. Easy Pay
menta. - Pianos Set Aside for
Chriatmas Free of Charge.
The many flne pianos Grands, Up
rights, Pianolas, Pianola Planoa and
urcnestraiiee used in our glorious Ex
position in the Oreeon. California. Mu
aaohusetts, Washington, Illinois, New
York. Idaho, Maine, Oriental, T. W. C
A.. N. C R. Co.'a and other kuildlnea.
and In the homea and apartments of the
commissioners and their families, in
the success of whose social functions
they have contributed no amall ahare.
are now being closed out at Ellers. Piano
Please bear in mind that theae pianos
are In every reapect as good as new. All
are perfect. They have not been In a
booth or In an exhibit or on the Trail,
exposed to dampnees, drafts -and heat,
but were placed In the various stats
buildings and la apartments, carefully
protected and guarded, aa they would
do in tne parlors or our nneat nomas.
Many of them - were specially selected
by great artists, - musicians and con-
nolsseurs, and every one of them repre
sents In every reapect the very highest
grade and character of the very best in
American planomaklng.
The jsuers runo House positive
guarantee accompanies each Instrument
sold. "Money back" if the Instrument
ourchaaed la not found, after deliver v.
exaotly satisfactory or as represented.
Reductions PoaittVely Genuine.
Remember, we offer durins? thla aala
a bona fide reduction of from 30 to 00
per cent on the very lowest retail eaah
mices that these and other same grade
of high-grade Instruments regularly re
tail ror in this or any otner city.
Any instrument in this sale may be
purchased on time payments. Three
yeara allowed to complete the -purchase
at cash prices, plus simple Interest on
deferred payments.
' : Pianolas Greatly Reduced. '
All Metrosfrle Pianolas, which' are
never sold for less than 12 SO and (800
new, ana aiso ait regular rcanoias mat
have been used at the many successful
recitals, are to be disposed of at a dis
count of from 40 to 70 per cent from the
regular retail prices. Everything must
t-Baby Grands ; Also.
" Several very fine ' and costly Baby
Grande are contained In thla sale. The
flne Chlckering In the Massachusetts
building, the fine Chlckering In the Ore
gon building;, and the Grands and Ur
righta In the American Inn, etc. and
etc., are Included In tbia cut-price sale.
The first ooDortunity ever presented to
purchase the most costly types . of
Chtckerlngs, Webers, Kimballa - and
other high-class Grands, virtually new
and Strictly up to date, at reductiona
equal - In several cases to almost one
nail. -' '. i ' - .
".""''. All Must GO- -
In. used planoa. we Have a wonder-
fully large assortment lust now. Most
of these were received In part payment
for coatlv Grands and Exposition style
Uprights and Pianola Planoa. All of
these Instruments are in thoroughly
first-class condition, and backed by the
auarantee of Eilera Piano House. '
Largest walnut-cased, - latest style
Fischer,- file. a oeautirui uenr Broth
ers Cabinet Grand, nearly new. 1175
Style, now IJ10. Fanciest Voae made.
4O0 style, now i8, practically new.
Elegant lara-e-slsed mahogany Knabe.
usual mice 2500. now 2285. Beautiful
Omaha Exposition style mottled walnut
D7 Kimoaii, snows out mue use, is is.
Beautiful little Victor, $128. Wing A
Son, new, 0146. Hamilton, the old-time
favorite, like new, 2166; another for
1106. Very showy brand-new walnut
Htarr, izifc. . epienaia mnsriisn mottieo
walnut case Kimball, Colonial style;
equal to new, 264. Fine little $100
Emerson, lies. Largest sise wnitney,
like new. 1400 style, now 1235. Splen
did large walnut case Hard man, 3280.
Nearly new mahogany Klngabury. 8187.
Another Knabe. rosewood case. 3226.
Splendid mahogany-cased exhibition
style , Lester, case somewhat marred,
the 3575 style, for 3226. A great big
oak-cased L,udwig, isj. otner uprignts
In good shape of more or leaa musical
value at prices ranging from 8135 down
to 3(5. We want all of them out of the
way. . pay aa peat suns your conven
ience. ..,".'..-
Organs Also to Go.
lahtly used, excellent parlor and
chapel organa at less than half pries.
A splendid Kimball, 344; an Estey, 324.
A big New England parlor organ,. 318:
a solid oak-cased Pacific Queen, 376
style, now 336; a Schults, chapel styls,
366; an Eatey, practically new, 320; an
other Estey, 313: Sears-Roebuck, so
called 376 atyle, (22.60; and others too
numerous to mention, all on payments
Of 32. 33 or (4 per month.
Remember, there's no time - to lose.
The pianos are here, the reductions
fenuine. and there will be hundreds of
omes anxloua to secure one of them.
If you're coming, don't delay. Come,
Write or telephone at once. Eilers Piano
House, Retail Department, (61 Waah
liigton street Other stores at
Spokane, Seattle, Walla Walla, Wash.;
Cisco, .Stockton and Oakland. -Cel. ; Pen
dleton, The Dallea, Salem, Eugene,
Graftta Pass and Astoria, Or.
Miss Edith Kelly
Wmmmm4w tit fhitim rn will hi...
pupils at studio, 4(4 Morrison street
otce Prodwrtlea, Pipe Orran, Rarmoay and
vioalfioa. Slodlo of IsUCSEaiOX W. GOOD-
klCH, SMI BelatoBt atnet Fbone Eaat 208.
ftt an open meeting of Woodmen at Ba
ker City. He will go from that place
to La. Grande, where the committee In
charge has arranged a special program
for his entertainment November (. The
program follows: i,
Music orchestral selection, vocal, I
D. 8. quartet (Messrs. Ferrin. Davis,
Bramwsll and Monsonl; address, I, W.
Knowles; vocal solo, C S. Williams;
vocal solo, Mrs..- A. L, Richardson; ad'
dreaa. I. A. Boak, head consul W. O. W.;
vocal solo, C p. rernn; vocal soio, Mrs.
jr. 3. Carr; vocal selection, L. D. S.
quartet; music ercitestra. '
' He will reach Pendleton, November 4,
when the following program will be
observed at the evening entertainment:
March, "King Quality," Klrkmaa
Gulott'a orchestra; introductory ad
dress by John H. Lawrey, chairman ef
the committee or arrangements; nve
minute address, Hon. James H. Relay;
selection, by male, quartet; five-minute
address. Judge James A, Fse; vocal
solo. Miss Klnsella; recitation, Mrs. W.
H. -Leakney; gavotte, "In Rose! and";
flve-mtnute address. Dr. C. J. Smith;
concert watts,' ""Flowers of Italy"; flve
mtnute address, A. D. Stlllman; selec
tion, by male -quartet; flve-minute ad
dress, T. G. Halleyj overture, "Mother
Oooee"; address. Head Consul Boak;
march, "Louisiana," with singing re
frain; "America."
' XefetreS Stoes OanaeS (rseas,
Allen Lewis' Best Brand. , :.
. -
It psya to buy the best watoh that
you can afford. At our prlcea any
one can afford a pretty good one.
We have no watches at any prloe
that we can't warrant to keepigood
time. I .
w mimrkAmrA makaL and
our prloea are lower than the prices
asaea oy niuur uw" - , . ,
(tverrbody earn affore eae of- eat
" Call and Investigate.
' After looking, through every
special bargain offered st some
various stores, examine quality,
make, pattern and price, then
go to - vv.
Joiin Dellar
Either one of the two stores,
corner of. Firat and Yamhill
or corner of Third and Davis.
You will find all new goods
of Men's and Boys Suits, Over
coats, Hate, Panta, Shirts, Un
derwear, a general line of Shoes,
complete line of Trunks, Suit
Cases, Blankets snd Comforters.
We mark our goods in plain
figuresour price ia one end
beats them all, 20 per cent on
every dollar.
New Diamond
Now being ahown here snd
made comparisons with Dia
monds of equal quality you will
not be able to appreciate what
a saving we are offering. - Our
Diamonds were bought before
the rise in price. : "
Our graduate optician st your
lervice. ....... :'..
I ..1 ' 893 Morrison St
a. w. AIXrjr-OOODWTsT (froa teadoo. Xna.
Tanor rirat OonsTacatKnai enarea. Forr
laiwl Tenor Bad Toeal lastraeuar. Paoll
ef late 81dm Imtn, LoDdoa; Sifnori Maausl
ana Oaatare uarna, unnooa; m. raare.
Parts, atvdlo SB H. Slckteentfe at. Pheae
Firing Boa.
Marquam Grand Theatre
OeorfC Ade's Musical CoSMdy,
Excellent Cast Orlglaal Prodnetlea. '
I hmrm't a C hurry In It
rSICKS Se. SBe.BOe.T9e, (1.00, (Lie.
Marquam Grand Theatre
Tksrsday, Friday, Saturday Nights, NoTsatber
gpeeiai.prire afatlnee Saturday,'
rSICER MiMaee, Ktc, $nt, tne, TSe. (1.0&
nisnt. we, voe, vur, tot, i.u,,
Belasco Theatre
Pnarteenth and Wssbiostoa Stmts.
X. S. friM, eea. Vfr. X. X. laekett, BUs, Hgs,
ronn wnx
la Ball Calne'S Oreat Orana,
Svealags, (Be te TSe: MatlaMe Setarday. Bos-
- oay, . soe to ovc. '
Naat Week WRITS WHITTLX8BT ta Lsrd
Lttoa s Tse 11 ef isas."
Tse Sratf Sietkefe.
Saaksry, TaiU Oe. ,
Tot Tanas;.
, Tka Sreat Westla Mir eae Barter.
tie4 rarlstea SiaaAiassee.
atelsslna, 10 easts eveatsse,
Sandas SSS Solleays, - rsaei l SMts oa
lowsr Inae, SO esntai eslly siatlaeea, eenre
Sear, M essai. aws saata, sa esate.
Llbtsrty Theatre
MaaaesMa ef Xsallac A flees. . .
Mswe aa4 Mvutk Lee WkHe.
tVU. Ond.ll ui SafaaAm.
The BHeanJs. Clevw Wseev FaaiOy.
rerfnrawaCTe llr at t n, ftSO ane- p.
M. Thatre kaeesosisst aae SMat esnrlaBle
TandsTiiir soase ea faeiae Ooese, . ASitastea,
19 aa4 ( eeats. t'.
ri':'Vi- J, 'f,
Elds wEI Ixj recehred for thb bidsdlns. PUcs
etui be Men at ion Office ; ;
. .' i y.-, ,; .,,'...., . ..:( ..
PAINT HRE SALE still running
At 145 First SL Buy now and save money.
I have ' purchased all the High-Class Plumbing used in the
AMERICAN INN. at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, including
Enameled BATHTUBS, TOILETS, BASINS (all complete). Also
RACKS, STEAM PIPE and FITTINGS and a large quantity of
GOOD AS NEW. This ia a great opportunity for BUILDERS
and PLUMBERS. Will sell in quantities to suit
STREET HATS and DRESS HATS fresh from the hands
of our expert trimmers. Can't afford space for a flowery disserta
tion on millinery, but state briefly we have CORRECT MATE
in plain figures at what they aell for NOT marked so as to adver
tise "HALF PRICE" sales.
lOOO Factory-Trimmed - Street .; Hata (most of -
these marked down)....... Sl.OO to S4.00
50O Correctly Styled Practically Trimmed Dress
Hats ..93.0O to fT.OO
50 "Simply Elegant" Copies and Original French '
Patterns f 8.50 to S1S.OO
All Dress Hats,. except our last week's productions have been:
marked down. -..-
aifrff TrfFITt Oieeea Theatie Oe., tVsease.
t;,MI lULAIAL - See. L. Sake,. Mar.
' Pkooe Mala 1SAT. .
dmh. Af Uiuir, 1 awrlianaa.
Iirmil Beaeay, Wedaasjlay, SstmrAsy.
NOTB .Barnla MaUaee Weaaasasy, S.I m.
as., ase .te any at.
A BitUlloa ef Saaatrt
m WAaamerow socblett sisls.
A aesUaary tut Oraerfnl Alrls &-t"mm Oewas,
Siaraieajnefe , ,.u.nw, m un,
PBtCS Bmlaf. . toe. (Or. Tee. ' Snnday
aa Mararesy MstlMM, inc. see, see. Boe.
'iseTWeek, Taa Ttar IDlaa" CwaaasT.
'--.'-Tke Sreat STeweH. .
i,la J. O. Viae.
' Aclsiaa aa4 rm.
ea B. gayaer. kanaatesa,
Osearal a4aiael. 10 eaat: eraelacs.
Kss4an aa4 koUdays, tmmtni aaate aa
an caan, . eaiif 1 in, 1 , .
aws ssaia, sb aaaw.
eorji enjy these e; :1 r
snd evenlrr ia oe cf t :
Besides, the appearance they lend to s
man. the aatisiaction they give in sv-t
detail how far above the averate rea '
to-wear kind they aret And yet, qiu
considered, they are inespe naive.
Furtnermore, our credit system gives
you the privilege to select whatever you
may wish, pay s portion ,of amount
st time of purchase and the . balance at
. Thus you hardly feel the cost. '
"The Store Where Your Credit Is Good,"
's '
3d (D Salmon
TriAitro. TwelnilerrteB
LI11UII U I UCdll C Pfeese Kals 117
ktrrvrON W. aBAMAIV. kranarar.
AU This Weak. . ktatiaee astaiaay.
Oraawtlaattaa af Bertha kt. Clay'a INjawlar
(SS The taxtrrkeaprr's Cettae sad kama
nr para Ta uaraana at Eariaa I wmrt
v . Illoailnatae Tke Straavle oe Ufa ea
V Ike Cliff.
A fanlal Saaale n4aw,
ansa CD A A IILO ia tka Be'-.
PBIcaa kWaolaf. Lie, SSe, S.V. Or. k.M-
n , ia, jrw w.
if. OOTC' J I
i I aeb Oaa- 7
I C.2 C......a J
Adarisalea 10c; ' aorfJ i
i. ' i
I .
. ,1 .5
r r