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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1905)
v . Cracj. Is Corn-..:.- f 1- 1 trJt Trad la 'faxtyutly Csrr.:.:..j (.r r :tt T3 of HcxSotles. " . SIEillO i;: b ;i ciheo Ownarshio of Wastarn Camnanv ... i rv - Puzzles the Trade and Flcht is txDected. j PEACH SEASON HAS v t i CLOSED FOR YEAR Poultry Quoted Fair to Strong With Small Arrivals Today Soma Deal era Hold Supplies With Expects tion of Advance E((t Are Firm. Front Street. Oct. SO. The principal fnlam t the Portland wnomeale market today are: . Peach mm to closed. ... .Grape an aeluas higher. I Keea im were firm. . Poultry emoted fair to etmng. ' , Bra aaid aieata a trifle weak. .,.' V- , . Car sweet potato arrlree la. - Hopa acU at km- ealueo. ... . .., , Potatoes ara erronaj for fancy. ' '. y ; Oolnoe ara alet bt unchanged. , . Wheat la wrj firm at price. rmur Taieee m l please orient. -' Craeksr Oenumnlee ; to llgut. : ' Thar ara egata alga of a row r the crarkar 'Induatry. Whether th Sht wtU aae. tarlallaa during " the mt few daj ar the Mat week cannot ba foretold, hat wlereeta ara heromlng rerr. mixed m the Padfla uerthweet. Tba wDerahlp. of tba Western Bakhag coov paajr on tba eaet a Mo 'remalaa eery arach of a myetery to tba trade, bat It m generally, no. ltered that tba affaire of the. aorporattaa ara controlled br tba National Biscuit company, tba Ms eastern, concern, . Tba Inland Crackor company of Spokane la acala dabbling wljh tho affalra of tba coaat territory aa aeeounl of tba activity of tba Pacific Coaat Blacult company k tba Inland Empire. There la a rumor current that tba Kallonal compear baa aecored control f tba Inland and that It woald ba aand to back tba weetera corpora tion, tba Pacific Coaat Blacalt compear, all alone Ua Hue. Another new of tba natter la that tfca . Inland baa 'been taken la ay ttM Independent of tba . eaat. who are Bashing a slk-e of tba trada weat of tba Bock 7 luoun talne. Tba Independents bare been ratbar ac tive la too aaatern territory of lata, aa mlt neeaed by tba following from tba Dally Trada 8111 la ef Chicago: . "laaepeeaeni cracker ataaaraetarere to tba nambrr of 00 bare formed aa aaaoclattoa aaj now red wouae fuller -aa -the - aaeoelarlea pwr- weeing Man n aiwu ana wui reaaux la a lower coat of auppllee, aacb aa Hour, augar. lard and. eggs. Tba aaaaclatkm propose to mcreese He effort to enlarge Ita member ahlp. Purchaetng Ageat Fallar'a aeadquartera are Is New York. Lower prlcae for eager and fkmr make tba blacalt bualneea mack, more profitable than a year ago. and tba National company la aald to be making good moaey do aplta the activity of Ita competitor. It ta aaderataod the price paid by tba UMea-WIMa Interaat for , the A net la. Tonne Oa. phut of Boatoa. which will ba pat Into tba North American Bteenlt eompaay, waa a boat (2.10.000. Aaattn. Toaag A Co. are one of the oldeet aaj larjeet baking coacaraa la New England.' Hope tea at taw : tlgsraa. ' " There la nothing bat extreme weakneaa to the )iop market and bat few offers are betng made for anppllea area at 10 a poaad tor choice. M JkvM caa iardJya gleoa away at tb aaonry tor the reaaoa that new are aa rhean that tba hecwora do not care for them. Off -grade hope are aootoa aa low aa tBN i poena, no trane- Ponltry b aatod f air to'' aHrong'. The tone la poultry ai ruling rah ta etrooe; today. Receipta ara not neaey. bat eoahvdealera cornea over anit boary auppllea beranaa they wore aawllllng ta take preaaat aoot&ttona. Taa keya ara hardly caatlng at all and demand io malaa eery goad around IsejiBe for lira and correapondlnaily higher prteaa for tba dreeeed. Parka aad geeaa ara fair. 1 i- Dreeeed aaeata ara only fair aa aceaaat- nt tba lata liberal receipta. Ne change ta. ralaea today. , . TUl la Oaatot Tory atreng.' " Tho toaa of the wheat market to eery firm today, mlllera' wanta and tba demand tor anp pllea from tba eeutlncat combining to keep the prlca ap. -i There to a general eontplatat from tho orient oa accoant af tba recent ,draaca m export floor araea, noma anere rejectee mm tnera tnia morning were at 10a a nder tba preeent Uat. Orapea Ara Belling Kigher. - aqppiiaa af grapea ara eonalderahly decreaeed and tho price haa advanced. Blarka af food aoallty are aelllng at SI. 85, while Tokays ara ranaing aroand S1A1KJ1.50. Tba peach aeaaoa baa ended and today tberd waa not a alngle hoi of tba fruit along tba tract. Quotatloneara therefore omitted. A car of crated eweet potatoea eaaaa a from the aeath thla morning. Prices tho 00 me. Several cars of baaanaa are doe toniotmw morning. The ankm market to vary ajnlet, bat damaged goose ara being offered for toaa. - " rrattft Trada Tary amali ' ' rnrrT. trada along Front street wdt eery qnlet today aad moat of the store bare retired Into winter nnertera. Applea ara moat coaaplc- woaa and faary Iota bring high vamea. Orangea are rather eraree with prlcea high. New lentous ara not arming aattofactory, bat batter anppllea ara aeon expected. Tomatoee ara firm for faery wltb a wide range la octree. The , fallowing qaotatlona ara paid along Front street nr the retail trade for choice quality ta roaad lota. ' Producers' .prlcea ara aa apeclflrd: , a . . . , wrata. Flaw aad Feed. WHEAT New crab, Tltci red Roaalaa, TOc; Bineetein. lie: vauey. 7.1c. BARUCT Feed, $21.HO(ftM.00: rolled, CSS-SS CtZX.OO: brewing. SM.8082S.0d. ' C0BN Whole, fZT.00; eraokad. 2S.fa par ton. . ... . . i HTC SI 55 par ewt -' ' OATS Prodacera price Ne. 1 white. I2S.M aj2t 00; gray. . f23.00. ruiui new. raster oregaei aatenta. m.jd: atralghta. 3 MAS. w. export. 3-0tS.S vol. ley. 3 an; graham. Hs. 93.B0; rya,-i aoa.- ao.001 kelre. S3 T5. J . MILUSTrrrS Braa, 1S.A0 pre toot add dllnga, S25.0B; ahnrta, aoantry, SZ0.00I city. SlS.oo: crop,. 118.00. HAT ProdBeere" price Tlmorha. Willamette valley, fancy, Stl.OOQIS.00; ordllsry, T 00A .00: eaetera Oregon. SM.OnaJlB.OO; mixed. M B09.00; clover. $0 00J 10.00; grala. SS.60O .00l cheat. td.00eT8.S0. . . Better, Ini aad eaitr. BCTTER lltr creamery, 3oqaae: ontaUle fancy. HTVsmSOai erdlaary, 8inc) stera, 10 . EOOS-No.' I fresh Oreemi. candled. SOc; mq RTorege ids eastern, aih'io. 1 t'HKESK New Fell creaia, twin, IsQUHc; Yoong Amertea, l5fJ16Hct Cheddar. 1441 ltjtc ' OAMR Jackrabblta. Si aer doa. - . POtXTBV Fancy bene. Me per Ih. rnnatera, oM. BLjffWo per N; fry era. lie per Ih; brollera, lie, per lb; docks. wen.Vt per lb: geeee. Se per lot turkere. lac per lb; dreeeed. SOe nor lb: equal. I2.MI4M.00 per do. . Keaa. Waal had Hide. nur- ins-uregon, cnoica," luci prime, 1 JOURNAL'S OAILX - TIPS TO, SHIPPERS v '' . d , Demand for fancy potatoea la a even bat tar' than emu ran y anw e atrlcUy flret-claae atocka ara rav o e celvlng affera of 7 canta - at 4 e country polnta for car lota, with (dim offera at S cent. The caU o d eootlnuea from Ban Francisco d d and loa Angelea and llkewlaa d a Aiisona, put nothing but the beat ' e a potatoea ara nought. Ordinary e d potatoea! in rair aaraana ior iocbi ey trade. Proper aorWna; of fancy a) 4 atocka brings (ojden returns. . ' ' ' ' " ' A " aaV4r: poor ' grade. SAnUe: ' Waahtngtoa, SHttfOc; luo crop, oflTc for choice. WOOL 1S0S cUp. valley, aare. to aMdlaeu letJMcf Soa7cj -Jaantera egaa, WOHAIB Nominal. SOCSle, CHEEPSKINb ebearlng. DOtW earbl abort woaL tft140e oachi medium wool SOtlTeC eechj lona wool. TaceSliW each. TALLOW Prima, aar la, SmfJ4a; Ba. S aa greese. Xil4c tvuiTTiif dahh-: JHC3C per B HIDES Dry, No. I. IS lbs aad ap, lHO IIHa per lb; dry a!. Wo. U to'lsTba. 14c; dry eaif. No. 1, ander S lbs, lac: aalted hide, terra, eoend. SO lbs and aeer. to11c: aewe. SHtBHe: auga and boil, eoend. 6Tei kin, IS to SO lbs. Sc; calf, aoaod. ander IS lbs. lie; green, anaalted. I leaa; culls. 1c per lb eee horeebldro. aalted, each. fl.2fiei.TB; dry. each. II OOCtl.aOl colt bldca, ifieSocs goat aklna. commoa. each, 10tloe Angora, aaefc. SScO i rratta aa TagataUea. POTATOF.s Beat Oreroeu astiVOc aack: car lota. o70c aack: ordinary. 0(7.V: car Iota, S07.1Sc: sweet. 11. aack: SS-lowS-33 crate. ONIONS New Oregon yellow Danvere. l-23; ear Iota. Sl.00at.06; garlic. 810c par to. v HKIttf FHUITB Apple, orraoa, ai.oucji.w: fancy, I1.T5; crahapplee. fl.60: orange, now navel. SO.sO; lata Valeaclae, S4.THetlt.2.l; la nana, it ibi r: ate. ii.50erB.T6 next fancy. So. 00 boat llmee, Mexican. Sl-SS per 100; rlneapple. $44)6 dns; graea. Oregon. Sl.MMt .60; roneord. IStoaOc: pea id. 1!1-t0 per hoxt Winter KellU at n, tne: mvanallM. $1.2.1 per box; tangerlnea. Sl.TS. - Taraipa. new. fl.00 par aacc; carrots. . SI-OS par aack; berra,. Sl.OOQ I.SS nar oecki Oreeoit radlaha. Soc aar ens: eahoaga, Oregon, S1.S0CJ1.26 per cwt: greea aoaseuc; pepnera. 6c per Ih: local parsnip. 1.OO01.25 string bran a. ' 81 We caallSower. TBcffiSl.OS doa: rhabarb. nor H: borseradlafe. lOe per n arttehnkre. nl SOc per doa. I bothonaa lettnre. per box; greea corn. Toe par aack: cacamnera, T9 per aack: celery, local. 60( 75c per doa: age- naat, 61-00 per crate: pumpkins, mr, eqnaau. plant, 61.60 per crate: nni lUe: cranberrlva.- Cape Cod. S8.B0: Jerneya, iu.n jet phi: 1 00s hay and Tillamook. e-"- UKIEO FKC1TS Apple, arapo rated. tl rib: aprlcota, 11c per lb: aack. He per lee; peacbea. 101 11c per lb: pnrnea. SO to 40. 8tye; r drop oa each atxteenth amallee else; fix. California black. 81tc per Ih: California white, 6e per Ih: dataa. golden,. 0c per lb; tarda. SI-SB par IB-lb box. . " , . eismilse. If ata, . Eta. SrTOAB Sack basis Cm he. SS.80; nawdered, S8.66; fralt araanlated. SBvOS; dry grenolated. S5-66: Coaf. A. S6..VI: beet granulated. S-VSS: extra C. IBM; gold-a C. S4-M; D yellow. 64-SB; bbU. 10e; H bole. Be; bexea, 60a advance en aack basin, leee S6e per ewt fa cash. 16 daye; maple. 14Qlfie par lb. ... ... ., hONBT . per crate. . , - . t i , ! COFFER Package brands. I1B.TB. -' SALT Coarae Half gmaad. '100. per tea, table, dairy. 60s, 1 1.0ft: I no, S10.T6: 1m nnrted Liverpool. 60a. IT.S0) Inoa. S1S.B0I 124a. IIS.00: extra -la, bhto. In. a, toe. S4S0fB B0: balk. SSO lba, e4.WQ6.00i aacka. SOa. S4J8r)c. SALT Ceo res Half gmand. IMa. per lea. 17.00; 60s, per ton. ST. BO; Liverpool. In mo 'rock. $18.60 par ton: 60-lb reck. fT.00; lOoa. a.TB. . (Abova prlcea apply ta aalea of Wee tbaa ear lota. Car Ma at asocial Pfieee aabjaet to Sactnatlena.r . ' , . , 1 ORAIN BAOSctcnrta. tUe. ' .BICB Imperial Japan. No. 1. 6r: No. t. New Orleaaa bead. Tc; Alas, fe; large whHa, Linaaa, $8-00; .caeca. . S4M Per ; gal; lltftSUc Creole. KUe. BSANS Small white. S tj 88.00; pink. SS TB; baron. 64JI0 aar t iran Teas, nc. -: NTTS Peaaera. tambna. SHe per Ih: Tireinla, -7Ha per lb: rossted. BC eoraaanta. SSdtSOe per doa; walnnra, 1BIIBe per Ibt pin rata. Klx1t per lb; hickory aets. 10c per Ih: earetnnts. eaetera. IS 1 1c per lb It re all ante. 14c per lb: filbert. 141Ke nor lb; raarr peoaa. 16ieiaHei alnMad. 84tlTe par Jb. . Palnta. Oaal OBa. Eta. B0PB Tore Maalla. 14c; standard. ItUe; deal. 10;c; Male brand alaal, 4. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Case. Snt4.e per gal: water white, tro bhle, 1Be par gal: wooden, ise per gai; neaaugar, lio-eeg.. ZZHC per gai. OASOLINB S-drg Iron l-bla. 18c per 1 BENT.INB SS-deg. cases, SBe per a'tl; tnm bbla. 18He per gaL ' . TURPENTINE la casea, too par gal; areaden bhla. per gal. . WRITS LEAD-r-Ton lota. T4e pet lb; 600-Ih Iota. 8c per lb: leee lota. 8 lie per th. WIRH NAILS Preaeat ban at II.T0. - LINSBBTt OIL Pure raw. In S-bM lot. 64c; 1-bhl lot. BSe; caaea. SOc per gal; gennlne kettle boiled, caaea. 8S0 par gal; 6-bbI lotay-6c; l-bht lot. 6Te per gait groand .cake, ear lota. 830. QO par ton: Vea tbaa ear lota. SW.OO par tea. Meat. Fish and Prevlaiona. , FRESH MK ATS front street Beef ateera, IOe per lb; block. THe per lb; park, era. TOT Ha per lb; belle, ese per Ibt aowa. SMCSc per rb; veaL extra. The per lb: erdl nary, Sc par lb; poor, 6 per U; matton, fancy. HIT He per lb. HAMS, BACOIt. ETr. Portland pack floral) bama, 10 ta 14 lb. 13,c per lb: 14 to 16 lha, 18e net lb; breakfast bacon, 1616e par lb; picnic. 60 par in; regaiar eaorc Clears, an. lb: SBbehed. lb; Union batta. 10 to IS lba, ca per to: amoaea, ve per ID: clear smoked, 11a per lb; smoked. IS clear becks, ansmokad. 104e per Ih 114 nor I amnhed. 6e bellies, anemoked. lie per lb earned. II par lb: anoaiaera. ar per 10. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a.' 111e per lb; 6a, llee per lb; 68-tb tins, I0e par Ih; ateam randerad. 10a. l("4e per lb; Ba, 10, per lb: compound. 10a, e. 1 CANNED SALhlON-ColuioW rin. Lib telle, tlJo; 8-lb tells. S3.TS; fancy l ib gate. $1.60; ,-lb fancy Sata. $1.16: fancy l ib ovale. SS.TS: Alaska Ulls. plak. SSO&Oe, r(d, 1.60; . nominal Sa. tall. f2.00. FISH Rock eoa. re per m; oandera. 6 par lb; hallhnt. IH-ter lb: era be. 81.60 per doa; etnpvw nvi i.ti, r" 1 . 1 . w. aw io, aalmoa, allveraldee. Se per lb; blur beck ft. ec per lb; hrrrlog. Sc per lb; eolea. Sc pet lb; earl aire, 10c per lb; perch, 60 per lb; black cod, Te per lb; ellver smelt. Tc per lb; lobsters, loci' freak mackerel, 6c per Ih: artwnsn, SB per dot. OYSTERS Shearwater bay, par gal. 62. SB; par sack. SS.T6. f CLAMS llard-ehetl." per sex, M00; raaor :1a ms. $2.00 per box. COTTON IS FIFTEiN : i ; TO TWENTY-SIX HIGHER New York, Oct. SO. -Cotton fotnree closed IB to 3H pnlnte ap. , Official qaoiatlona by Overbeck, Starr Cook company: j . , . - . . vnen. men. ixiw. t mse. .,.1064 100 1046 lotwtiAT S10P01SGSED IIQD CULLS Wheat Market Opens Off in Chf cago and Considarabla Calling Pressure Comes as a Result. DECEMBER IS HIGHER - WHILE JULY LOSES Armour Standa Pat and Scared Ones Fall Back Into Line Earl Dealing . in Corn Is Lower but Price Makes '' Recorery. .. ' C- . 'l: ' . '-. MONDAT'S WHEAT MARKET. December May July Cloae ; Clone Oela ' C4oee Mon. Sat. ' Hon. Tear Age $ .A$ .sou a $ .onti si- Jla '1 .w 1.11 ,8T A M The Chicago. Oct. SO. Logan Bryea aayt wheat market eoeued off with forelga advice wheat waa damped oa atop onU .4. ion ........1078 ........lona !l"I.'"iio2 .,..,. 10KS ,.,..,.102A ...r...,1042 10T5xTT lOMfl IOM KM(el iiwt . 10T8 inoo,ftz KMfl HITS lMu 1 IIMTHtW 1101 1109 K3iJBt 100 IOM 1040n 12 imi in2A . 1(m;i 14 103T 10.18 10S4SJ5 MONDAY. PRiCES IN v ...THE WHEAT MARKET . e l Deo. , ' liar. Chlcn- -S06.A t .1A e Nawirork,,.. .67 HB ...... m. ixcue..i... ,m Milwaukee Mlnneapott ,v. Duluth Llvejpool. Winnipeg ,0V4A -SIS A .88 M4 ...... TalHd 7alM .TTH Ban Franctnca. 1.4JH. 1.4$H March. Janniry . , . I'elimarT . . March April ...... May June July ....... October ,,, November December tleereesl Cotton lower. LIvernoM. Oct. SO. Cetsoa fatnrva closed, S te polnta lower. ' a vrw tobjc corns xauzt. New York. Oct. 80. Coffee fnturea closed 20 pulnta lower. ., uinciai auocaTieaa: Bid. Aak.l .A Bid. Ask. 7smary ...$.M0 $0.ftlJnlyr .8T.I0 T.1B February S OB STolAiiatlet T16 .120 March .....S.T5 S.8n!rptenjlar ... T .38 T.itt) April ...... S.N6 SXIIIctoher -S.40 S.4B May .....,., T.tK'j November. .. S.40 6.46 June .... 100 T.Ofil December ; 6.4S 60 ;- ' 'ew Terk Cask Coffee, l '" New York.y Oct. SO. 4ak eoffenfT Ne, t Rio, ; No- 4 Santos. PHc 1 . , . . ) . - , 1 , CQMttQCS; star at a stocks. v- ' Sad rrsnrlaea. Oct 80 0(6clsl cloae, Inn area Ion 1 ' , BI.L Ttnlllna ' ;,..$ Beh-ber 2T Con. Cal.'Va.... 1 bo and ordera t, tba offering were light after the timid u Ber cold oat with ntlnneenoll at 111 Mr. hi 2Vc nremram for No. 1 northern wheat. ana we aemane tor floor Keeping ap. in(orma imn camii will have tatkm or not. Cera Saoaeara lea. The corn 1 market opened off la aympkthy with wheat, bue recovered on account of light ettar- ugs ana gooa miymg by export boaeee. Oata otiened off hi aympathy with wheat, bat the. bulla anna dleoovered that there waa no aellmg nreeeure anywhere except by a few weakened nalto. The market ateadled. recover lug all the lona. closing about Batnrday'a price. Prwvlalim were dull and neglected, prlcea cloning about Mia nam aa taturday, with bual neea almost entirely local. Official quotation by Overbeck, Starr Cook 1 ;' '-' v, WRiie. ' ' . Aa th Armour people eeem te atand light demand for fkmr keeping ap. Informa ilng from Rueala wouM Indicate they the abort crop juat tba so roe, revo- Dee. July...... OM Dec. Mar Jsly..,.. WHEAT. - Onek.i Hlata. $ ,wm I9 .not, JMSi .46 .SOU .314 ' 1 .2 ,.SH .8T ' CORN.- , .... . .48 ,4H . OATS. Dee. v.... ' -i .80 "4 - -.8014 May .32ft .88 " Jul JlVi .814 ' utsm FORK Oct.....: 15.40 ia.go .. nil Jsa...... 13.43 .. 13.4T 13.43 LARD. . Dec...... S.8T . S.P0 . Jaa...... . S.86 , ' t.m , May T.00 . 'Tv0 SHORT RIBS. Oct. T.S5 tM . Jan n.nt .K3 ' May 6.73 S.T2 - ' -e . 1 .' - Low. ' Cloae. $ . .SOA l . ,ldr .e8e .41 B , .SO'iA -.satf -81 B S.ST . T.W .M TO 18 W) 13.45 e.8T s.86 r 1M .T.tS 8.S3 ' S.7J. CHICAGO' CASK WHXAT. Chicago, Oct. No. S red...... r.o. a rea......,,. No. 3 hard No. S hard... No. 1 northern . . . , No. 9 northern., .. Ne. S spring...... SO. Cash wheat: , : BM. - Aak. ........$ .61 ' $ .2 ..4 .nH ni .' .88 .' .01 a ' ecM .He) St ,$2 STARTLING vests AT CLOSING Last Fifteen Minutes of Session in New York Shows Some Big Changes. TENNESSEE COAL IS THREE AND EIGHTH UP Smelter Common Leader of Today's ActJvitywOonld Issues Fail to Feel the Effects of .the General Ad vance. .' - ;,;.'"' ,r ' ' ADVANCBS. -' Amalgamated ..... HjMleeourl PadS Aicaisoa itortMi ' do nraferred 1 N. V. Central ... 8ugar ., 14 1 Penneylvenle 8uMltar .......... SIPaclSc Mall do preferred.... Vl'reeeed Steel ' Car. Baltimore -. CiRaedlna Colorado Foal .... ! Republic Steel .... MU real IleiHoaiaera By ..... lanadlaa 3 Son them FaclSe.... Locomotive lITenaeeeea Coal ... Brie H l'nlon Partoc.. boalavllle a? W. S. Steel Louisville ....ef( fll. S. MetropoUUn da nraferred. Car A Foundry . Breoklva Mexican Central DRCLINBS. . H0. . W.. ...... . . Illlnom Central.... H lOnUrlo Waatara. Raonbllc Mteel. nfd ft Bach I aland S. ., 3d pfd 1 do prefetr4.n Weeter. Cntoa ... Ud. S. Babbar Wall Street. New York. Oct. SO. Very atartllna? Indeed were tho r toxin 16 mlnntra ex tooay atom market, ta max perwa in advance In th fevorltea. nndar the leader' ahlp of Smeller, were enorenona. Saaelter had aa advance of polnta for the common. anaaien , uocomouve Bt. rum its iNew York Central 1, Beading 1 aad Ten aeeee Coal 814 oolnta. OfBdal onoutloaa by Overbeck, Starr A Cook company DESCRIPTION, a roaad., com.) SU M 1"! 1U1 ntHAXT OMAZX uomtxri. : .Chicago, Oct. 80. Primary receipt:' . Today Tear Age . Bueh. Bneh. Wheat . ...l.atw.ooe l.nza.ono Cora . 633.000 28 L, 000 Kblpmanta: v Wheat ens.orm 8OO.000 Corn 18.000 110.004 Clearaneea: Wheat. ZM.nflO buaheln: com. 3MO.O0O bnahela; oata, 374,000 hnsheai; flew. fa,wu aarraia. , .. .j . . . Sua raalon: SAW rRABOISCO aBAOT kLABKTt. Franclaco, Oct. 80-Offldsl 1" rfpioie' May, WHEAT. Open. High. " Cloae. $1.4814 1.48 i 1.33H 1-39H Low., r 8l.44 S1.4SV S1.48i ...... 1.48"? 1.481? 1.48V4 BABLKT. December..... 1.33)4 1.32 ' 1.33U Mar.. , 1-2S - 1.3&K I.3S U . ' AJCERlCAaT aAnr STTPFtT. ... Chkagc Oct. SO. Amerlcaa grain visible ans- Toaay- . 1 ear Age . increeas Bneh. Bneh. Bueh. Wheat ...38,8.18.006 34,4H8.O00 . 1,644,000 Corn . .... S. 458,000 ' 3.040.0OO ' 40T.0IXI Oata ..... 36,617,000 - 33.8U0.0u0 X 478,000 CHICAOO aBAUT 0AB LOTS. . Chics go, Oct. 80. Grata car lota: ' " Cars Orada Bet. Corn .'. C....806 . 84 2t5 Oata 411 68 '634 AMXeTTXVS eiArJT SKIlfXTn. Clilraga' Oct. ta Orsln ehtpmenta: Wheat Cora . Today . ue. ..13.1 IS. 000 .. 3,775,000 Week Ago vnen. 1XO10.O00 . l.SVO.OOO ; Tear Ago Bush. - 868,000 S.&ee.OOO XJTUP00L aXA KABKXT. IJverpnnl, Oct. 30. :loae: Wheat, December, T ld. Hi lower; March, Ta SHd. 4d lower. Corn December, 3 3d, Id lower; January, 4a 64d, ,Hd lower. . ,' ' , TOBOVAK IDimiO STOCKS. Saa Fnnrlseo, Oct. 80. Tonooak atocka, et- ftdal ctoaev mornlnr aeeeloo: ma. Montana ..$3.80 Midway ....... 1.36 , McNemara Belmont 1.86. Norlk Star .... - .46 Reecae .A..... '.06 floM Mnuntala.. .11 Jim Butler -'l Nevada .1:1 A Red Top 01 Ton. Exteneloa, S.00A Oold field .6T - Sandstorm , .48 Sendetorm Ex.. .A Adama ........ .04 Mohawk 18 Dixie .1 Kemlell .34 Columbia Mt. . .14 Jumbn ,:i.'.4ii Jnmhe Rxtea.., Block Butte. , Allvee llrk .... ileldea Anchor, Rev a O'Brien, Hlhlo Tonopah., n. Bull Frog,., IHamondSeld .1 Ixne Star .,..1 Home f'aeh Boy Kciinee i Netlonal Bank., Dfnver Atlanta ,, Snmner Hold Bar ..... I West End ..... '.w .$ .T8 . . .IS . .18' , .08 . .81 . .06 . .33 . . .31 . .33 . .rr , .08 . .16 . .38 . .14 . .31 . ' . .21A . .38 . .11A imblr Cslrdoala M.'tlcaa . Andre ... $.76 .43 1.4 2T Havaxo (.,,.,,. Pntnal I'nlon Coo .... Yellow Jacket. r.iebenner Hit $ ,60 1 .14 .61 , .30 . H.I. Kis-rross. 1.1.1 iHcorploa 11 1 t-,'lriilne. 4a... i. SAH FBABCISCO LOO At STOCKS. Sen Franc lace, Oct. 80. Official cloae, Bwrv big aeaaloB: .,- f , Diq. Jinn. Contra Coala Water.. 44 47 Spring Valley Water.t., 4oC 40 Mutual Electric invj 18 S. V. Oaa a Electric. Olant Powder Hawattaa temnetvlal.... llonokea Sncar. .,... Hntchlneoe Mugar Makawrll Sager..... Onomea Sugar. .......... Paatihaa Hnxar, Alaaka Pnrkere' ......... Oceeale Steamahlp Pacific Statee Teh-phone, relirnrnla Wine......,,.. Pacific Coaat Borax California Fralt Ca anere'. . . rM , TT T8 ...... 83 82U 1.1 13 Vi :::::: B. 15 8 3014 30 sH oo 41 S ......1H ' .... 84 1R3W "S eoTiBarjrT BOirsa. Kk Terk.. Oct. 30. Oorerement bonds: No. . regular...,. do rouuna. ;'.., No. 3 regular,.,.. do coupon .), Smalt tx n1. . , ... nn, rrmiar.u...... da cor'n... ...-. Xa. 4 S. R. .......... -da eotiDon. ... Mstrlcn of Celuarbl iMte. ...ina) ...l ,..lli ,..10S larrr ...loT ...IM3S ...1K3A Bid. 1"8 10S ," 1o.1l 1o4V .108 '. !4 l"4i IMlJ 1844 11 , iue Aak. IIW'4 18S KUIti 1I ioliii 136 ..... Anaconda Mining Co. Am. vopper (4 Atchlaoa. com., do preferred. Am. Car do neeferrs Am. Looomotlre . . . Am. Sugar, com.... Am.' Smelt., com., do preferred .... Baltimore a Ohio, com..lllll oo prererrea... i wi Brooklyn Bapld Tranaltl 744 Canadian Psclnc. com..,T0W t-ni. at Alton, coto... do preferred. ......... rhl. a Ot, WeeL, com.. ChU MIL a St. Paul.. CbL a North arret., com. Cheaaoeeke a Ohio Colo. Fuel 4 Iran, com. Colo, South., com....... do 3d preferred....... do let preferred...... Delaware a Hodaoa..,., D. a B. O.. eoa. ...... do preferred.-. ncs roea. ....... do 3d preferred....,., do let preferred...... Illlnole Central , Loulavllle a Naahvllle. Matropolltaa Street By.. aiet. necuritiea.,n... Maahattaa Ky. ...... Mexicea Central By. Ml.. St. P. a St. U Mleeourl Paelnr. M.. K. a T.. oom..... do preferred New York Central. Northera Paddc.... Norfolk a W cetera, com. ao nrererrea........ North Amerlcaa. . .1 ... N. X.. Oat. a Weat.. Peaneylvanla Ry . . . v. . p. a., u a c o..,. rreaaed nteet car, .nom. do preferred Pa cine Mall Staaav. Oa.. Beading, com..... - do 3d preferred, do let preferred Ben. Iron a Steel, com. oo prerei ita. Bock Island, com.. do neeferred. . ........ Southern By., com do Preferred Southern Pacific........ do preferred.. St. L. a S. F, 3d pfd St. L. a S. W., eom. .r. da pref anred j.. ...... Texaa a Pacific1. Tenneeeee Coal a Iron. .4 8814 1 awa rarirw, f 0. S. Robber, c kt preferred . , TJ. S, Steel Co., - d nraferred. . Wbeet a Lake Brie, com' do eecond preferred do f trot preferred. Wlaoonaln Central, do piofciTcd Wee tern Union Tel. Wabaah. com..,,... do preferred CaU money claaed ..1117 (11T p10Hllii 1 i .sjiz mthLi ttiZ 87 87 87? 674,1 .j. imu liuu imu irau 1 'as. m I I 101 101 100 lW'H I 08 Vt 7H 662 67 "S , 140Z 141 U 140 141 I 18314I16H4, 183 1381 L !1J14.I1Z2U!121V; 12' I II3I4TIIH4TII8 I ST I ST I ST I TS ( T414( T4l lTllomlTli I 21 330 316 3104 66 60S 64 6SV 44 444 4SV 441? 1714 3Tt 3T14 37 1 : . . 48 4.114 3 as . as neu. a. . 1333 1336141338 388 I ' 'ii'aHvis Si I so 14 1 si mn so2 1 ; , ITT 1TTH11TT mil . 1S0U 1&Ot4:i4TXA ISO 3 I " ' llll4lllilllTlll9 I TX"4 166 186 16814 16614 34 34 Silk e".'" 135 10314 108 1034 10214 ' 81 14 81 14 8114 811 ; 67 87. 67 6714 1604 16rti 11404 "X". 304 306'4l3O44!S04 I '. ' , I ""'el Tw n T?tt i i 1 pi 1 pi 1 . 6.114 64 I Mtf63il ; I! 144W 1444ll48'i mi ' lUm lt8 1044.110811 lOSli I la 484 484, dOVE I 10044 10044 1004 ISO j I 47 48, 4714 48 . 2814 3614 344 364 I P4 P4 pa pau so S014 ssi i4 T3H T3 72V, 721,1 3614 86 8814 85 V, AS 66 66 6B I 8614 80TA 86 OR, I 1114 110 U814 11014 I ns MBiZ aa u7 I b::fcg' (84 I S444I 84 I S44 I .?L??el... I isz lszk 1311, laavi 6314 8314 6114 81 14 113 113 116 , 11 874 87.44 ST 8714 ' 1044 104 104 1041. 1 .'.". .v.'.'. i 86 eoai- 304 I ,... 4Qll 4044 4014 4014 I i, 681.800 shares. I I hlGHR . . 1 . . , a. . .. ',, ' f -,' ,',',,,, . .. . i -'"V . Qivea by Lewis txsd Ceatsnoi: to Formerly th American Arithmometer Company Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A )Thc.H!GHESp prize, based on thefoUow onstrated restilts: ; Accuracy;' durability, speed, j ;J mechanical construction, simple operation reciuir . ing no mental labor Its adaptability to all liinds of business, its enviable record of satisfaction since the first machine has 'been .in 'usa;;';:': ( " The . BURROUGHS Adding Machine has, always received the highest: award wherever ; exhibited. ,A machine furnished for inspection and trial without cost or obligation. V . ; . '''.''.'"...v ; G. R. AndrCWS, nothwb8trh manaoxix t V'"i'::-, ;f-'-.v- - PORTLAND OFFICE :. - '; ; ; f- ':.,; J'ji '-.! MI-U Qaterbury Bids;, Corner Third and Whingtbn Streets r - Seattle Office: U Pacific Block ; ..j, Spokane Office t 409-410 Hohawk Bldj. .' ; ::"'V. i- ; ' - :' "" V.'1-" .': :' " i -'.f"' -'v.': ' '.':,-:.:-,m ' N'3 i- -. ,'" ,.-v ... .;'.,. .,',' : Tuesday Will be made a day of meet gen erous ; offerings. There are so many great bargains to offet our space will not permit mention ing all. so if you are not able to come to our store phone us and we will mention a few not nere listed. . ' is " " Can Easle Condenaacl MDk.: $1.00 ' On lion can Pur Mapl Syrup. J . SUGAR X:y': Dry Granulated 19 lba. for $ t. ' 'v. STAR ' CREAM RawuUr prloe) $60 doaen oa&a; our price) . ao pwr ry ... - Box Oood Cooklns Apples. Can Baker's ar Ohlrartelira Cocoa. ,v ,'v.ty. " .' Found Beat Shredd4 Cocoanut ' , ' : 25- :,, 'y-:: ; I pounds Oood Broken Rica. . ' . .'l-.SeV. :t--'.;.' ' I cans' aftncod CUaas. a . --aaaaaaaaaa as aaaaaaaaaesaee at tttttttt IS$$I$$$IMWSS ww.e-ew-y - WW it H(.i naiasaj S-8S8wtaaaaa.a-aam-- . i ' :" : ' t Vi-'"' '" asm mmm The Greet Chlr.2SwDctt:r I LOCATED tH ; " ; SINCE POKTLAXB He la cmlrsd great beeauaa h anraei an dlaeaaaea without reaortlns to the kalfe. CaU and nave s free euminatlon. He wul tell rou tho exact nature or rear oniiia tn treata aueeaaafullr erary form Of fa-. male complaint, all private and blood. die- He a a. eanver. DnrnlralB. tnmora. rhaumatlam and nil dieoraera or tna , atornaeh, llrer and kldneya. He baa bad great auccena In euHng eoa. sumption whan tho victim Is not too c.uoh run down by tho dlaanse, and will stop bamorrhasea In an Incredibly abort time. He brawa bta own madldnea from Chlneaa roots, herbs, buds, barks ' and Yeg.tabi tana, all of which are entirely hannleaa. and whoa medicinal property to Amerloan ooetora tie uaea in ma prmcuoej stw ay ena- Hundrods of taaUmonlals from sntof al pa- are unknown to Amerloni Orlantai ramadioa. uonta. v DR. WIINQ LEE IX BrOBTS VOVBTBt ITSIIT, Fellows West Park and Washington Sts. $1.00$1.00 Turtdsh osto corn stocks. . Boatoa,. Oct. 30: Offwfal emaet ill " Adrenlnr ...$ 860 Atlantic 35.60 Allouea ...... 43.8TM Dlngtaam . ... Sii.60 Calumet . : . . . 680.00 Copper Rang. T3.8& Rid. - Old Domlnlea..$ 30.60 , .raceuia Jll.utl i Fanrot ....... 36.T6 ' Pboenls 1.63U Qulnrr 103.00 Khannoa ...... T All Centennial ... 81.38 . (Tamarack 136.00 talr Weat ... 18.76, jTrlaltr 8.00 Kim 8.12l,;lBlted '3.1.00 nraahy ...... 8 00 Vlelorta , 636 . Mohawk SH.00 I Winona .' 10.00 allrtalgaa .... M.STMIWoleerlae w... 128.00 Maea 10.00 I'M A 44.X North Bntte.. 6T.00 ISoral Heeada Coa.. . , 6. 37 HI , . .,H... wAX.t sTs.xrr eossiz. New York. Oct. SO. The Wall Street loarnaf sere. Americana In London atrona. 44 ta "4 above parltr. Conaol ap V4t Bnaelan 4a up lv. r cent.' nitaation m Huaaia ami eery critical. I la causing leee alarm m fore lea amrketa. Ilold ex porta tomorrow conaldered probable. Houtnera rood It lone becoming normal ander io mxatloa of quarantine. TWeatjr-rire road 'or September show an aeerage tnereaa of 4.60 per rent, and for throe moatha 6.33 per cent. Waahtngioa eonaldera Amerlcaa Smelting now root role lead prodoctloa. t- CKICASO LOCAL STOCKS. . Chicago Oct. SO. Local St eras ' . Bid. 1 Blarnlt ....... Boxnoard . ... . tan .... Carbon . Bid. 06 IMamond Match. ..141 , Ian ....lfl4U 14 OnakT Oata .. .. it,nwirt ve. 63 ISabway , VXW TOBX CVSS. New York, Oct. SO.-rCarb closlast xiio. Caa l Greene Copper... 86 Greene Gold 4 North. Seeurltlce.lSS Bid. Tut. Marine ...... 18V Interhorougb 211 4uhway 46 "4 Tenn. Copper .... 83 POKTLAJTD iX STATntlxTT. rieernur Balancaa. .$948.48 n 100,10. 1J '. tisad rraad Wltisaaw lanaao. . (Special Dlapalrh to The Joaraal.) Toledo, Or.. Oet. 10. Korel Bkladal, a Polandar, who had been postmaster at Roots on tho StUts, has been committed to the -lnaane asylum st Salem. Hie Insanity sppoarekl auddenly. 11 waa witness In tho ' land fraud Ma at Portland duiisg th first IS days of this month.., ... . , ' ...' , , ., ; '-.. Bath tiwmiaMaassti King's Baths SHEEP VALUES SHOW RISE OF 25 CENTS Better Demand In Local Yards Hogs Only Fair Light Calves . Sail Cattle Dull. Portia ad Taloa Stockyard, Oct. 30. -U re stock receipt: ' j ,. . : , , Hogs Cattle Sheep Teday .. M Jt Weeg age. iJbu. '! . 198' .i. rrerkma Sl.. 181 68 400 Month age. ...i... ,.. ......... . roe ion of the eoeen aaaraet IB sliuuier and miliaa endae ar 38 hleker. Kecbma eeer ir im now offered for nog and the ton la not good area at that Sgnre. Cattle fall ta efcow any great i dears of etrangth aad It tehee exceptional faary a tor 4 s to aeU at SHe. Veal reive are firm for Ileal. Sat there are ae ar rive le of tbaa. Heary eereea ere Sail. - Official price for lleeatoesi Hog Best eeetera Oregon, S4.80; bmrken and China fata, S6J6O660; xocker aad Nod era. 84.80. Cattle Beat eastern otg sieera, ..wi; ll.hi end medium eteer. 63.S0413.SS: light rows. S3 Smt.60: atockar and feeder, $3.36 3.60: none, - . Sheep Wether. 4VtfJ4;e: mixed sheep. 4 ej 414c; atralgbt ewe, 4,ee; lamb. 44,01c. Calree Ueod real, 10 t SOS Made, Sestact reagh heaey. S3We. . , .' KASTiaa iioas STtiBT. Cblrago, Oct. 30. -Llrrstoc reeelam: .. . Hea. 'Cellle. Chlcag S8."0 SS.ono 48.ono Omaha 3 0.10 . one S3.0O0 ksoae City ,. 6,000 16.000 ' 10,000 Hoge Opedsd ateady with 4.5"0 left oeer. Reeeinta a rear age were 81 .000. Prleea: Mixed, t4.T68.S ae1. $6366.46 roe a. S4.464J 4. no: ligtit, Cart la atrong. Sheep Steadr. t L . . bov satss at weopamiB.., Wood bur. Or., Oct. SO. Jotasna aVe. kae Bold le tone a Pag SO bale of hep at He nee 'eamsjd. IMIlaamo Rrw a. hew dleoeeed ef SO bakm ad hop te William Srewa ef SatesB al Sc per panne. MS$$S.SS6SSSSSSSS$SS$$66$$ w Do You Want to BcCared? i OUtt PATIENT HAVE NO RBLAP5BS - W0BX1XO JOB. Bar you YABICOCTLB, ' rTYDBOClILCl - Coder ear asethod wa rare without anrgery. TITJX 8ICUVI, eemmanly called mat uahoad. 1 a euro alga , , . ef rltal decay and weakneaa. Maeter the weak' . nea aew. Oaa't let fa lee amdeety rala roar , health. Ceme 1 as at ear aad a eaiehly cured. - - i YPB1XIS la aalrkly and aafalrmred with a thorersttosxm (BV known te ether awtneda. Ne mineral peleoaa aaed. BOIfOBXB- VXB la the Srst, aaeaad ar third stage are nnriSed aad mad clean ta , hlood, tleeue aad aene promptly and permanently. Care guars seed. BXLZS AJT0 BSOTAtV VLCSBS are palaleaaly enred to atay eared without enreery m aUr(marw wtta occupation. Our paaiUra gna'aa- .. .tee In eeerr eaaa. aOBOBBBOia ABB SLZR uulrkly aad permanently cored wttboat stricter and . . compiioaiioue awaneans or xoimwnaf. . STS-1U1U SJP KEB. A pomtlre, permanent eur by ear aafa, palates seafood, wits. , " oat tie knife or the (ltghteet laearreealeace or loos ef time. eABjrtn YiTIAii mmA CVSBJSTIa PPFP Writ far Symptom Blank and 4 t,Ut.wlel AllWtt SUIIS 44 lin I 4VIB 8 144.6. Book If Tan tie an at I , Of tea Bear: a. V. . S t. L Sunday. IS to IS Only. I St locb tlcdlr BlsFenscry j - Cor. 5acon4 aad Yamhill Streets. PortlaBd, or. d " - TWtLVtMaUOi I PAXKACBUSTYIARJSOHI ONE WAS sAnsnED.- t-1 rrrifi 'pm;cEP2EArJ t'BRrUrSOVLE COMFAPTir, Q SYWACVS&NCWYORK fl ONE WAS 3ATI3riED (! OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO Member Chlcaso Board of Trad. mmnwrarrnwaL BO'lfOS. STtiflaa ABR) SsOWTtft 1 atl " 101 Third Street, McKay BuUdlns. 10 rt land. ur. Coatiauous Markets by Prlvste Wire. Quick Serrloo. REFERENCE SLdd 4 Til ton, baokars. snd United SUtoa National Bank ol yortlsnd, . -. f L:eS i vwftgt . O CPICEC. o CC7FEE,TEa DAin;j3Pw";Tjn, Cwhfs?y. niawwITUvtr Cte0ttfShtrrVt3C C-jCCnTDC2VTp ' DtnTBrxvo, soswors $t ox, . (Baubllabed 1$S$.) . WSBAT AST0 BTOOaC rrsxAm-an Oaf COafSi we'et. $f:t ; Ccr;r7 Exsy 151J wD Teres 7 -rtct TEETH far anadera a en tat work. World-re- aowned apecValleta. Lowaat prices eanatstamk alia trtt-alaaa 'J? tra ta ta NEW Ycn:c cnr;7i3Ts rer t a r - :i r 1. 1 1 1. .3 a. BOBTV ZVBATB TOV X0.S3J Tf BjBmwl " s" COA Li WcVell th products of all tho axis, Snd all yoti bar to do Is rtnf up i:rs.i 27a o T-'l ua wt ye Will Hlr, f t I 1 Suara,.w. 4 ore - e- C V; .1 it -ii'