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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1905)
nr,M DAILY itQURNAU lP0RTIANIVVnC::3AY C - ,,. Oil LANDS TltEDLE III VALUE, BUT 01'JIIEHS HOLD Cusiness In Country yBtween SijUkaand Wome increed f .Three Fold In Year.- GUSHER WELLS OF RICH ' -' OIL BURST THEIR CAPS '-.; , "A .ftW- :' Portland Men Now Safely Intrenched ?. fa Fitld w4 Wait Impatiently for Steamahlp Lin YThat '.They May ,V Benefit. l ,.--v A Portland "syndicate, headed by,J. F. Eshelman, Loul Q. . Clark. Gaorg H. Hill. Fred S. Stanley and other, thai lea than a year ago. Invested.-170,000 In oil and coal landa near Kayak. Alaaka, haa Juat refused proposition tor' tbalr -,al at advance figures that show val ue to hava increased tore told In tbt Kayak dlatrict arnee tha beginning of the preaent aaaaon; Men who era cloee to th Alaaka situation eay that th ratio ' fairly represents tha Advance and devel opment of general bulns Interaata In th country lying between ; Bltka and Noma. . ' .' " ' " "We ar not aur of th number of raahtr wells In this dlatrict at . tha preaant tint. Wa know of aevn and Tour of thm hava burst their cap and gushed for a time before they could be confined.", aaid Mr. Cahelman. "On of the wella ' under cap ' broke loo and spouted a 7-hioh atream of oil 100 feet , high: These, walla ar. the property of th ,Engliehf company- that haa been t.perattng aom year.1 They are not It eplltlag their work. -an lt-l dlrd t prevent a boom' until tlUea to landa , are secured. On the landa of the Cud-. Tahy company, adjoining .our- holding, a, wall la being drilled, and there I very Indlcatl6n that -strong; now of ell will be secured, " ;-- '- 't '-,' 'I Beaty tat Boom....':'. ."--.- ' "We do not ear how aoon the boom starts, tor now It will ftrid Portland nan antrenchad Ma the field. Had It Miui i year ago It would hava found Portland with, practically no tntereata In th Kayak dlatrict.' ,;.-. j- - V ! Mr. Ealielman eattmatea that there are 'now about 150 Portland buatnesa nea with actual holding in the Kayak oil and .coal field. The largest hold- logs are tho of the Alaska Coal Oil Land, syndicate. . of which, b. wa tha organiser and which I composed en tirely of Portland men.. They have no intention of selling their land, but will . la a ahort time Incorporate and begin Siring for oil and developing their coal pro-part lea. ' -' - rTh greateat need now la for a steam-hlp- lin between Portland and western Alaska porta, to enable Portland mr ohanta to get a shar of the buslneaa Tfiat . ' country la already offering., and wk&h will 'Inoreas ten-fold -within thr next; 1 ' fw year." said th joll ; man. "One of tha moat 'substantial 'Indications la' the f set that th United State government Is keeping a large corpa of expert 1 the field, esnlorlnr the resources and ' maklnar roDOtt on what, they find. Some v' of thir, report ar already Issued., and -vr extremely favorable. f ; , i ' oa at Jrin Quality. V 5 Trofaasor Randall' and others hav J renortd on coal and. otL' -' They find the oil equal to the finest Pennsylvania ' product, worth seven time aa ' much per barrel an the Texa or California oiL The anthracite coal Is. they aay. ' nuperlor to. IHx-ahonta and other high arrada coal of th Atlantic coast mate and tha navy, la ready to use it aa aoon ' a It la placed on tha ' market It la - common to find vetna 10 and 40 feet thick, and vein (0 feet thick hava been . found.- Ona remarkable, Uura la that the coal measure ii up in tna maun. . . tains.' only a few mile from th ooaat, nnd conveyed by gravity direct from tha veins to th docks, without hoisting. - This coal will be mined and ' deliver to th - transportation com panlea at Jaa coat thani kny other coat la tha world. .' . . -u-- (. A large population will result tmma- . d)aUly la the fields upon th opening " of mining operation. . A railroad 1 - being nroJected from tidewater at Kayak to the coal depoalt. about ,15 mile In. land. It la expected coal In commer cial quantities vwlU ba'readyto load on ahtpa at Kayak soma time neat aea- .. . . . ; $ found through th region from Cap Prlno of -Wales to Shismaneff inlet. Two stamps mills and a .ooncent rating Dlaiit are now being built. t)ne vain la 10 feet wide, and assay 111 to ItOO to th ton. Tha tin bearing area thua far discovered comprises 1,100 aqilare miles. Experts say over fI5.000.000 In tin val ues Is already la eight Practically all tin used i In th ' Vnlted . State now comes from the Btralta Settlement. Cornwsll.. England, and Mount Blrchoff, Taaamnla, The t'nitaa B tales uses one third of the world's produoand-naya I2S.B00.000 annually for it ' Develop ment .of thia ttnduaWy -In Alaska will mean great ehinga , commetcially for Portland and Tha sound cities, and divi sion of the 'buslneaa will depend upon the-activity tha varlou eitle display In securing. Alaska trad.. Ac thla time Portland la handicapped, being -without either araelter. oil refinery or tranapor tatlon line, while TAcoroa ha a amelter and both Seattle and . Taooma have numaroua ateamahlp line operating to Alaakan .porta. . . , , . ' ;' Copper Deposits Bonntlrnl ' Copper and gold mines are. rapidly being developed. It la said tha copper denoalta tributary to tha south coaat of Alaaka are sufficient to aupply th world, and are causing much uneasiness to holders of the stock of .the large cop per combine controlled by Helnse, Clark and ' th Rockefellers. ,s . The Dutton Mining Milling oom pany, an organisation formed in Port , land, haa Juat purchased a complete plant and a large outfit which are be Ins ahlDped to Alaska, via Seattle. The principal In th company afe California men. and will arrlv In nrtiand in f w day. n " route north. . A large part ot their machinery waa purrhaaed In Portland, and a portion of It in San Francisco. . Their groceries, provision. horse and hay were bought at Beattra. . A letter -received by a Portland merchant from a friend in Nome says that city la.entlrely, rebuilt and that a newcomer" couW hardly discover from appearance' that nearly the entire town had beerj destroyed recently ny sirev ' ' Talrbaaxa robeM strepolla. ' Fairbank. th ocean terminal of th Central Alaskan railroad, now under construction to the Tanana river, la said to be the " probable metropolla of '. tb south coast "of .Alaska. It U'the outlet for a raat. country rich ' in gold and copper. Tha "gold output t' Falrbanka last, year was to.000,000, exceeding the Nome yield that season., v - -This year there was a grat Increase. The. Noma, output I said' to be between If .000.000. and in the ran ana' dlatrict alone lT steam noints were at work all winter, and SOO.000 feet of lumber waa uxed for alutceboxes. aa against 100.000 feet the-pravious year, Eastern capital I being secured .rap Idly for development ot. the copper, gold. tin. oil, coal, platinum and marDie. . a country o rich-cannot, it la eald.- be kept back any longer, and the coming aeaaon is . expected to witness som great - changea In. Induatrlal and com mereial condition. . ' '. ; . , ..r- ; tl TALK UNDERUEAT1! THE WAVES ' Demonstrated Beyond AH Doubt f hat4ew Subrnarlne Signal '"8 System it Succest. S SIMPLEST WIRELESS " ; VESSEL COMMUNICATION : ' " - -' " ' ' ' i Consists of Two Tubes on Each Side of hip Connected witn iransmw tersBosts Can locate Each Other Without Interference, 'i; j . . YELLOW FEVER SCARES : PYTHIAN. GRAND LODGE -- OUmata Favorable, : The climate along th coaat of w eat er a Alaaka Wa favorabl to operation all the year. It la said practically all tli marble used in Pacific coast statea ultimately will com from Alaska. Port land, .have -Secured axteoaive noid Inea. of marbl near. Juneau. -. - Immense deposit of tin liav been f l - L4u-geSiwl25 I p J j iXs -. s C buyisthe MffW irulabW f J UUback.1 vf- If yen ' I Sesmst . VltltlM ,' ooyoall J J fh Shield piyow I S ef .Quabr ' te ' 'gatbilU, J J i o th .: 513 get . V' labef 3 tmu&oaA.f ' a(naranis light aad to fr- C A aftk past and vrpyia( J ) Bglil taTtho ' ; f5 sad " J iVwrU, repairt,,-. f V tsjitatiaais am WortbJasi : J ' - - vM4 extravagant - .' C y Sale by j - r s ) nil Dealers -y ( ' I.I I I ' (Joarnal Special .Kwv1ee;l . Vr s Ihdlankpolta, Ind Oct. SO. Th u prem'e lodge officer of the Knights ot Pythlaa met here today in consultation to conalder the, question whether - tha tlKtt biennial convention of (he supreme 1k1k ahall be held in -New- Orleans or somewhere ' else. ..The prevalence - of yellow fever In New .Orleana has caused considerable scar among tho member of the order all over the country and for some time the question ha bean agitated whether It would not be batter to change the place for, holding tne con vention to some other city than to take areat.and unnecessary risks by hoidln the convention In New Orleana. It la maintained that New Orleans cannot possibly guarantee that there will b no yellow- fever epidemic In that city next year, and aa auch an eventuality la da- lddly possible, it would be necessary to cnange ine cunvvnuun w wwb vmw cltv anvkrav. it . v - ; The cUtsens ot New urieans wm strongly oppose the plan of changing the place of 4he convention. . Forty thousand ftollara .haa already been subscribed ta the fund for the entertainment of th visitor and the people In charge of tha , entertainment i are . determined to make a hard fight In order to prevent a change In th program. . ' BIG TUNNEL TO DRAIN t r CRIPPLE CREEK REGION '" . ! (Jeorul SpesUI Berries.) .'- Denver. CoL. Oct. S0,Th serlou problem -of draining tha Crippl Creek mining dltrlct I to be eolved by the -construction of a 'big drainage tunnel. For som time the minea In tha Cripple Creek district hava been hampered by the large amount of water which flowed Into tho lower workings at the various minea. r Some of, the mines were com pelled to Install pumping - worka t nsble them to continue work In th lower parts of their works, with tha Increasing depth of the shafts the dif ficulties caused by th inflow or water became greater and the drainage auea tlon became mor erJous every, any. Finally 4 the owners of the principal mine Yleclded to employ an expert en kineer to report npon som plan for draining the district., which Is about three miles Wide and one half mile long. It Ilea weat of the', town -or Cripple Creek,"borderlng on the elty limits and taking In the towna or victor, Kincon, Independence) Globe HU1.-AKman- and Cameron.- ' ' -.-' - v- - .- T IX. W. Brunton. the engineer employed Ky tha. mine owners, reported In favor of-a unnel which would drain the dis trict (o a depth of over 3.000 feet and woald permit, the - marketing or enor mous, bodies, of low grade orea rrom great deptn. . ji -;-.- : -w FRENCH CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES CONVENES ' A i (Jeanal Soeelal aWrlee.t . Paris, Oct. . The chamber of dpu- tlea reassembled today for regular session In hla opening address Premier Rouvler ' stated tha't France had In principle accepted tha Invitation of Rus sia to take part In another peace con ferenb. which Is to b held at Th Hague. Th details hava not yet been arranged. Ha also Informed th cham ber of tha term of tha Franco-German agreement in regard to- Morocco. a Tstlrrs toppd. ''" (Special I) lp tea to T Jaursal.) Olympla,- Waah.,' Oct. I. Th su preme court haa dismissed th appeal in th case of tho state of Washington , on the relation or J. rr, otto agalnat j the' county commissioner of nohomlih - county. inn aHiniwi , viupn m pro ' posed annexation of certain lands near , Edmonds, Bnohomish countyi to King HOUSEHOLDER'S HITTING- f ' HELPS DO THE WORK Portland , Lojyg Six 1 Games Oat of Seven, to Seals In SeriagSuttesn GianU Were Left on Bases in Two Games Story , of tf at J, - ,4, (Joarnal Special Servlee.) - vr. v.,ir itfi an It has -been dem onstrated bow beyond all doubt that tna new submarine signaling system, rnnvn the Cunard steamship company installed nmniii on.thi Lucanls. Is a success it win he nut on all of the trana- tiamie stmmsblna 'within a ahort time. The trial of the new invention was m on tha lat eastward trip of tha Lu eanla. Tha big llnerame Into port Frl- !, nlaht and Captain V. ts. wait made a report io tha eMicers of the com HIm reoort also Included th ex perlmenU that were made ast tha ship cam into this naroor. y Tha aubmarlna system Is tlufonpiast of all wireless communication between Vessel at' aea; 1 It eonalsta of two tank two H-tnch tubea one on each aide of the bottom of the ahlp. Th tube ar connected with th transmitter. Ther send as well aa receive the algnals. From the tanks, one on th starboard lib anil the other on the port sia. there W wire running up to th bridge of tho officer on watch. H can put over hla head the eame kind of a re ceiver a the telephone girla ua In th eentral offlc. ' ..."''.- ' If one vessel Is approaching another and both hava the system wonting, aacn I. innate tha other without any at- mdspheiie Interference, aa so often lie in th us of in wireies iiesrin torn, j Belds. water la a better con ductor than air. 1 ' ' -' i At present th lightship at in p- nrnanh to our harbor la - mieo up with he ytm.' a ar also th one in Liverpool harbor. It waa on th lt trip to the other eld that the Lucanla had ber flrat tmanc to teat the bells In tha lights at the moutn or tna aterwy river. v . mt the first signal. " said Cap . Watt todav. "about 10 mllea from th light. It waa very faint on the port side. Then wa awung around about two nninta and aot a Deter result on ini starboard aid. That proved beyond a Mount that the system Is a auccess." .' .The the cantaln told-about the sys tem with the signals with the ;ightshlps here. . The Lucanla hss Just Installed a new set un forward of tha vessel and better results are expected on. me. nexi trip. i. - j-v - 1 V NAVY DEPARTMENT ASKS ENLARGED NAVY YARD HOD DROPS MBit TWO CONTESTS Two Ciftht Manage to Lost Mor Games to San Francisco ' " Through Poor Work. with th ball near tha South Portland Una. Btiver kicked off 'to Wagner . In l1 aecond half, who returned the pi' . ,1 oonalderabla dlatanc befor t 1 downed. ' Tha Bunker Hill aoon gained poaee salon of th ball and played in their opponent's territory for a short time.' Th half cloaed with tha ball In the southern team's poaaaaalon. - , Tb featuraa of tha game -wefe th Una bucking of Stlvr, Byrne. Smith and Wagner, Th line-up: Bunker HUi , 1 1 Bouth-PprtUnd. LJwUyn A .... ,'.C. ..'...'... . Bond Hay. Klumfp..R. O. JU......... Krn Dubois ... K. T. Linger. - .- - Freeman Schnell ;R. E. L. ....... Tinker Tycer .......... .U O, R., ..... .-a. Lee Klllduf f , . .U T. K. ; v cam Menlng ........ U E R..Nwll, Jacobs Oreen R. H. U. ....... Smith Byrn ......... .JU H. K.. ...... J. cio Btlvr ..'......... F. H. '. . 'TVagnr, Bar CoOvert (capt.).i...Q...i... Johngton Officials Linus Brown ana at- Brown. ' Ttan of halves zo . and , (SpeeUl Dlspateh t Tk JVmraal.) Ban Francisco, Oct. 10. Tha easiest bunch of ball players that ever per formed In thla elty ar tha Portland Otanta. --Why- they ar called giants la a mystery, aa they are giants In -nothing but tha loafing department. Tstr- dav th Seala took two game rrom Portland In aimpl fashion. W1U lama outpltchad Eaalck when It cam to men on ba and Portland nao l leit on th circuit in th first gam and biz in th socond. Portland's- dlsaard. House holder, waa Instrumental In both con test - In - sending- horn runs witn nis timely stick work. The beat account of tha double defeat . is seen in th scores: ; -.. '-. - - :.; 'J Sfomlaff Stmt, , f PORTLAND., , : . 4 -AB. R.RPO. AE. At, aa 4 0 0 1 0 McCredla, rf. ....,... Van Buren, It . 4 Mitchell, lb. Schlady, 3b. , McLean, c. . , McHale, cf. . Hweeney, 2b. Essie k, p. ... .v. . 4 1 1 VI ; V Totals , . .'...1.. 8 AN FRANCISCO. ' ' AB. R. H Spencer, cf. ......... Mohler, 2b. Hlldebrand, It ...... Nealon. lb. ......... Householder, rft . .... Irwin. Ib, .......... Oochnauer, aa. ...... Shea, c, .. 1 ; ........ . William, p ......... im ; 1 1 a . 1 1 is 1 1 PO. AE. 1 X S J. It It minutes. 1 j' WILLAMETTE ELEVEN IS t 'Drmwniwry m phrm Totala. . S S 17 17 1 SCORE BY INNINGS. Portland . . ......1 0 f S 0 S 01 Hits X i l;H 1 X-J San Francisco S 0 0-1 1 i Hlta . i 1 X 1 0 I .. '-, SUMMARY. . : Three-base hit Nealon. Two-baa hits Van Buren. Houeeholder, Shea, Sweeney. Socrince bit Van Buren. Flrat- be on errors San Francisco, 1. Bases on balls .Off Ksslck. 4; olf Wil liam, t. Left on bases Portland, 10; San Francisco, t. Struck out By Ks slck. 8; by William. X- Hit by pitcher Schlafly. Tim . of gam On - hour and mlnuUa. Vmplr McCarthy Aftaraooa Oam. . . PORTLAND. ' . ' AB. R..H. PO. A.B. Ilamut Sneelsl'Strvlee.i '' Waahlnaton. D. C Oct. 10. Th navy department, ha decided to ask for no additional drydock conatructlon ' at the New Tork ,navy. yard, it nas. oeen found after a thorough investigation that there Is no room ot the yard where a. dock could be placed, and 11 la oe lleved that the limit tof the yard in Its development as a repair and construc tion station haa bean reached. Tha dry- iinrk nrovislona. therefore, will b mad In nther directions.- -. y . Th off crs on duty at navy yaros hava In nearlv all cases this year rec ommended the construction of new1 dry dock, and at some places, such aa Bos ton., there has lust been compietea a dock. It Is likely that Secretary Bona parte will be aaked to urge congress 10 provld new oryooca i in mn-. sound tWsahington) naval atation, 11 the Pensacola (Florlds) navy yard, at the San Juan (Porto Rico) naval sta tion and the Boston navf yard. Ther la n dlanoaltlnn lust at roreaeni 10 00 much at San Juan. All th facilities 01 th government ere being-devoted 10 ve develpoment of . the station s.t Ouan ,.nai,n hut inter, of course. tuerO wilt be more particular attention paliitflh Porto Rtcan atation. which--Is Skece orlly considered of ' ! ; Impontanc tha aatnhllahment- at Guantanamo. F UHI rLAMto' wi 1 n - AUTOMOBILE ENGINES I - . tiaaraal Kneelel Servlea.1 . Manchester. N. Oct 10. The In- tamatinnnl Power company. has taken over ' the Amoakeag Fire ' Engine ' com pany of thla city and "will th plant foe tha manufacture of automobile fir engines. The International Power com pany has built two such engines, ona in use in Boston, -the 'other In Newsrk; Tho engines iiav proved so successful that the company Has decided to go ex tensively Into the manufacture ot this type of engines.' ' D. A. Burt, formerly manager of th La Franca Fir En gin romnanv haa been appointed manager of the automobll fire engine department of tha company, vr i .',-; -, KING ALFONSO STARTS - V ON VISIT JO GERMANY ;- O .'''; ' ,. ... ... , (Jonrul Special Servlee.) ' : Madrid. Oct. X0. King Alfonso, '.ac companied by Premler-Oeneral Monterey Rlos and a large auii. stariea oaej on th' long-arranged-for vlalt to Oer5 man ' Mnthine definite la Known oon- amine- the ohlect of the visit, but aa It niinara - bo - cIomIv- after the visit - of President Loubet to Spain, tha king's visit is believed to be more in the nature of a diplomatic mission than a mer friendly visit. Th king will remain n Berlin from November S to November IX, And an elaborate program for bla enter tainment haa been , prepared, including feattvitle at th court,; a military, re view and a hunt. ' - v -t . - -. mm RchinC, aWnwtt CrarUnc, Scaliflf, , frnMel Ata, ss. ...... Mecredi. rr. Van Buren. It Mitchell, 10. .. SchlaHy, 2b. , McHale, CI. , Sweeney, Xb. guess, c Garvin, p. ... r erry, ri. . . i ........ : 'J U 9 S Totals ......... . . .XX S t ! SAN FRANCISCO; AB. R. H. PO. A E. ITiMnhi. ft ......... 4 Mohler, 2b. .......... J Hlldebrand. 11. 1 Nealon. lb. 4 Householder, n. . Irwin, lb. ........... 4 Oochnauer, s.- ....... 4 Shea, o. ...i. 4 Hltt, p. Totala . . .1...V... .I3 7 IX H 10 SCORE BT INNINOS., onrtianH ..0 0 e 0 s 0 0 a o Hits.. 1 v v ; Ssn r'ranclsco ...tOOOOOO X T . Hlta ., -. 1 a " -it SUMMART.- - Tnre.baa hit Hlldebrand. Two- k... ha Van Ruren. Mohler. Nealon- Sacrific hits Householder, Hltt. Moh ler. First base on errors San Fran cisco, X. Bases on balls Off Uarvln, g; r uifi Iift on bases Portland. : San Francisco, . Struck out By Oar vln. : by Hltt. X. Hit by pitcher Gar vin. Mohler. Double ploy Oochnauer to Mohler to Nealon. Passed ball guess. Wild pitch Garvin. Tim Of e me One hour and ii minute. Um pire Devi. . . . .' , , y PACIFIC jCOAST LEAGUE. CLVSS. Lie Aegele .... Oaklaad ,. Has Frsscisao ... Sattle Portland TacoM,,.. ,,, Lost' ............... lot 9 4 10 1a 12 .40 ! 0 X .042 .4MB .u6 - f (Spectai Dhpatcb t Ts joavaal) WlUamett Vnlvrity. Salem, Or, Oct. 10. The WlUamett football team haa 1 had a week of hard , practtoa and Is getting off It plays In much faster and better sbap than it did In tha gam ith Pullman. . Hera oucamg against th second team haa been th order ot practice; and with another , wee ot constant work WlUamett will put forth tha best team that has evr represented her on the gridiron. -Vv O. B. Ixng. last year's 'right half. will be back at his old position next Saturday In the game-agalnat th Uni versity of Oregon. Ha' will play often- alva right half and flef enaiv no. will strhgtbn th team in do in post- tlnne.- . ., -. W f- 4 '' ! - a man In Albany has written several article giving Willamette third plac In quest of the northwest onampionanip, but Willamette people nave never loat a same until th last, down baa -, been played In the last halt , Willamette unl veralty has a strong team and th Unl versitv of Oregon and tha Oregon Agri cultural college bad better look well to their armor; . ' '..-v S, " ', SPORTING GOSSIP. The Portland baseball team yesterday once mor allowed mat me matter 01 winning game I not an Important thing to them. One week ago yesterday th Giants Dlsyed good balL juat to ahow large Portland auaiance wnat uwj could do. but yesterday, being away from home, they dropped two games witn eaaf to San Francisco. Out of seven game played with the Seal in th week cloarng yesterday the utania won oui a smgi contest. Today tha Giants ar next to last Dlaca. and If they got wnai may a aerve they would bft- in the cellar. 1.00J points below Oil the other teams. - Th baseball aeaaon of the big leagues of 101 will go down In' history ss on of th most profitable and sensational since th Inception of the game. Re markable olaya "were nameroua. Th extra-Inning games perfect physical condition ana powers 01 endur ance tnat are essential 10. at subcot.iui ball player, tha XO-innlng game of July belngjan example, wnen m two pre- mlerJi pitchers. Young or Boston ana Waddell of tha Athletics, battled for supremacy In the American league on One of th noiteet aay 01 int nw for over three houra.v Th vAmartcan league waa more largely patronised than the National sccordlng to the attendance fieurea The total attendance or t me American league for the aeaaon of 1S0S was X. 17. 414: National league, J, 747, 150. Of thla number 480.004 attended Sunday gamea in the American league ana . C7S In the National, making a grand total for both leagues of M2I.8X3. Th" aevr iar- that Astoria gav Multnomah on Saturday haa revived th old club spirit among th-vterana and It wouldnV surprise anybody If about half a dosen of them would turn out for th next! gam. ; Tn. ciuDmen i uaed up and, broken np on account of not being able to defeat Astoria, and th entlment Is that Multnomah must strengthen and not b defeated thla year. Willamette comes one weeg irom oaiur- da'y with a star aggregation. - r , . ? LITTLE GIRL GIVEN' TO HER GRANDPARENTS '" tRpeelal Otopateh te The Journal.) i ' Tineeman. Mont. Oct 0. Judge Stew art haa awarded the cuatody of X-year-old Ella Water to her grandparent at Knrth Yakima. Washington. Th par ents ot the little girl were ach en- te'nced a few daya ago to spend me nexi fiv years In th Deer Lodge peniten tiary for forgery. Tha grandparents wrot that they had taken care of Ella a-Mrina- the time her father was serv ing a two-years' term la the Waah Ington prison for forgery. . ... 1 V :. snow FaU la X)nvr. . f - (Jooraal Special SerrleeJ ' nver. Col... Oct. 10. Snow began falling here yesterday arternoon ana similar conditions are reported . iruw Wyoming and South Dakota. - - ' We have said that a raincoat is ? the-;! coat neeaea in Oregon, but if this cast wind causes you to differ from us, jort't forget 'that we ; have the largest and best stock of ; belted Chesterfields arid three-qiter-length overcoats in the city at popular prices . 1 att W W av - II I Ilea I M m aea. anfw eav , EDSj sTcJ OT Wni St. Btnen Stark m Oak vTpc2TiuiWDS nun clothi IT DIDN'T HURT T .iM .-A. BIT f'-; I : 1 irvJeT w. s. ?u"t5.?:: r' : j I I ert ef tb elty ajtuekly --ofcl ey delay; I - J j I Bverrthlag ts oej. Osea valag tai V W SesoaraT Mate SOhB, - V' W V WISE BROS., DentlsU . B. !7!wm! tke TaOlag. ees. Mnt JJjJ22i , KEW TUB COHPAHY p T-i - .-. - v ' '; Directors Elected and Corpora- 1 - tion Will Purchase a" .v K 4-;'- Steamer.1; V''-'t-. (Special Dlspetrtt t Tk Joaraat) -Tillamook. Or.. Oct SO. This -week th leading merchants and business msn Of Tillamook effected tha organisation of a company to he known aa .the 111 l.mook Tranaoortation ft Log company. The Incorporators ar P. 8. iWhltehou, president of the Tillamook Lumber com pany: C. B. Hadley. preeldent of the wiiann River Lumber company, and ft W. Wataon. editor of the. Herald. The canital awock la placed at tXi.000, all of which has been subscribed. ' ' At a meeting of th stockholders th fallowing director war elected: P. W. toim n. T. Edmunda and C B. Haa- lev. . .. - The . object of the company Is to pro cure better transportation net wren lam 00k bay porta and th Columbia river and- alao to If ecu r better tug service on tb bay. ' - " - ' :. Parties ar now In Portland for- th mirnoee of purchasing a steamer with ISA horaeDOwer engine, canabl of ac mmnoditinr 40 passenger and fully equipped for towing. The tug service at present is so unsatisfactory that ship ping la seriously Impaired.- Witn a tug owned by local capital all former difficulties will Do overcome. , - a - ' ' ' : Xrfmbet Sails to ICars111a. ' i - (loanal fhsarlal Bervlo.l - " Lisbon. Oct. 10. President Loubet Color-Keepers Our palnta - keep their colors. They're made to last long, withstand tha raya of the aun, don't- blister, crack or peel off; rain and enow don t bother .them, and anything and everything good that can be said of any paint can bo asserted ss to the palnta w handle, and It will be truly told. Prices In compsrlson with quality smaller than moot. fisher, Thoracn I Co , nOW AITS KQBBttOV ITS. . sailed for Marseilles lata . yesterday evening. At tha conclusion of hla vlatt and before sailing he entertained King Charlea. Queen Marie Amelia and. other member of the royal family at lunch eon 1 Loon on board th armored French cruiser , Gannett.'--' ,.., i ' Ttmtmm. Stock Oasmad Good. Allan oV Lewis' Beat Brand. , 75c I county. OMdlaiVWMpint ...... l-li. - mfMMmM Wa aiaaa. Baat ferula, itching. Bnpelea nKhiwrawltk weerrwatcUBg. Tbet I a qalek, posltlr f ts OKirillEALTH TR2ATr.mriT Onwlst ef narta Soap, siediejted. aatlae. tlei Skisiliealth lolsi.). te klU haaknt germ, heal tb kla a ad stn Itrtalsg, s4 Sklahealtla Tablet, to .ip' kamnr jferms. alLTl T?DKS OFMOTMKRSrei78lclnhealtl .Maianent with Harts Seep for Immediately relieving 4 tilrilr eerleg all ktodset !"? leg kODMt from lotsney te eld a rrlac tk ekla and balr, anotklng all IrrlUlkm I r' . . .i..t. - - - IMvait, SSa "J va wooDAjw; oxjoixa oo. . xrmrta ,, d WMblagtosi Mb , , V A lMtchaiW BatUa. , - (Jeamal Soeelal HervlcwV. Los Angelea, Oct X0. Th SI washes defeated - the Angels yesterday In an interesting content, the two Halls en gaging in pitchers' battle. ' The Score , t- R. H. B. Los Angeles ...00000000 0 , :. i Reattle . . ..... .00000010 01 I 1 Batteries W. Hall and Eager; C Hall and rrary. umpire rem no. Tig era jbrop "Two, ' (leoraal Soeelal aVrrles.) Oakland. Oct. 10 Th . Commutar downed Taooma twice - yesterday in cloaely played game. Keefe allowed but two hlta In tha XTtrnoon game, but his support wss so poor that th Oak landa won anally. Tits "scores: Morning game R. H. E. Taooma . ....,. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 f . I Oakland . ..... .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 1 I ! Batteries Brown and Hogan; Hogan and McMurray. - .. , Afternoon game - B, H. E. Taooma . .. .7. .,0 0 S 0 0 S 4 Oakland.. tOISOOOO X X 1 Batteries Keefe end Hogan; I berg and Byrnes. .Umpire Davis. BUNKER HILLS PLAY . .Til; WITH PORTLAND . e . i . . The Bunker Hills and team repr entlng South Portland participated In lively gam of-, football yesterday morning on tha la tier's ground, the cor being to 0. 4 ,1 " Th "Patriots" slightly outplayed th southerners, excepting In the latter part of th aecond half. A eoitly fum ble pioked up by Johnston,, who ran down th field, offered th nthulaat chknc to show their delight , Th gam opened by South Portland 4 kicking to Stiver and tim was called The DfiyiBoat Down the Columbia Leave dally from Taylor'' Street ' Dock at 7 A. M.. ' Call up MAIN 61 :r tMIM.HMMi..MIMtMvv M MMMv4vvvvvvvvvvvH CtlRE5 the Most STUBBORN COUGHS WOODARD, CLARKE St CO. AND S. O. JfcfrlpMORE A CO. -.,-ai--v r.' - - A V-v . 1.